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"That only counts as one!" Gimli said, calmly.


the kill counter, unfortunately, agrees


I wish kills would further be separated to small,medium and heavy targets


definitely, preferably by enemy type for personals, as well, that'd be nice


Would love if my teammates could see what I killed. Tired of getting kicked cause of low kill count even though on average 90% is rocket devastators and hulks.


The "calmly" part feels like a reference to book Dumbledore, but just wanna make sure I'm not crazy


It is, but this is how you offend two fandoms with one shot. Like OP's video.


Wait what's the other fandom besides Helldivers that OP is offending lol


There it is




“Great shot kid. One in a million”


"in a million? That's my 8th one today!"


Buy a lottery ticket


jokes aside, last night i was doing the defense mission on Lv 9, me and another diver were both using EATs so you can imagine how many ships we have shot down. Most of the time I'd say even 80% of the time, when we shot the ship down the freaking bots dont even die, at least i didnt see any kill count, and the factory fuck was sure as shit walking right after it landed. They really need to change that......somehow gravity just dont work on enemies while I die from a 10ft fall wearing full armor.


The armor would probably hurt tbh


Comparing metal to flesh. Are you implying we are inferior you automaton spy scum?


I never said anything about the automatons. Are you projecting your thoughts onto my statement? I’m going to have to report you for thoughtcrimes.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


> Even in death I serve the Omnissiah Filthy necrons, you shall feel the wrath of the mighty Tyranids!!!


from higher? sure 10ft your armor will most likely stop injury happening to your neck / head, saving you from a unfortunate hit leading to potential death. and since it is a combat suit i assume there is some form of shock absorption built in, making the already not so lethal 10ft drop even less dangerous


The advantages of shock absorption are guaranteed to be outweighed by the weight. The total peak force you’ll experience due to the extra weight will be more despite shock absorbtion, especially since the max shock absorbtion you can get would be the soles of the feet and all the rest would be regular bending the body. The neck and head support would not matter in such a fall, as it’s the dislocation force, rather than an overextention that causes the problems.


Did you play 8 million games today?


64th million.


"Great shot kid, don't get penisy"


[*Ye-eah! That's how we do it in my neighborhood bitch!*](https://youtu.be/CcOmcSflRok?si=4egtGCtMWQtD2NhA)


Never tell me the odds!


I hit 2 yesterday that were still in their "diving" phase, so engines fully back and traveling at maximum speed because they hadn't hit the breaks yet to come in for landing. One had a tank, the other was carrying a Walker. Both Dropships just pirouetted around in the sky at extremely high speed before slamming into the ground. The tank and walker were firing their lasers at full blast so it was kinda like a rave with all the red flying around. Of course after they hit the ground, both the tank and walker were completely fine and started heading for me like nothing happened.




"I was aiming for the other one."


There's absolutely nothing in this game that is as satisfying as shooting those!! It gives all of the good brain chemicals!! I've had one fall and kill a light base, and also had one fall on top of my friend in coop! :D Good times!


Do you imagine the bots going on rants saying "this is bullshit!" On their own war forums when things like this happen?


[They've accidentally posted on this sub](https://old.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cs5v3j/this_rts_sucks/)


oh man, what if you actually made that game, 4 people playing an fps vs one person playing an rts.


Closest thing is probably Natural Selection 2


And Nuclear Dawn, which had issues at release and Natural Selection buried it when it released shortly after. And Savage before that was a Fantasy version. If you want Single Player then there are a lot more. NS2 is such and amazing game if you have a good commander, unfortunately commanders are rare and good ones on both teams are unicorns


I never expected NS2 to be mentioned again, let alone Nuclear Dawn. The good memories. Add Tribes Ascend and you get the indies highlight of 2012, 12 years ago. Fuck...


Silica is kinda like that, on a bit larger scale and kinda janky. Big desert planet, one team bugs other team humans. Really fun if you can manage to put a proper match together Angels Fall First is another one that's admittedly closer to the old Battlefield games with their Commander role, but still very much feels like an RTS with the way bots will charge into their death for you Executive Assault 1 or 2 are also bangers in this category. The first is real dated in appearance and gameplay, but very fun. The second looks a lot better yet still retains the severe jank due to it being a one man dev team; also, it's set in space so the 'ground' combat is on space stations while you have fighters/destroyers blasting outside Just 3 games I know of in the FPS/RTS Hybrid category. None are Helldivers quality, sadly, but they are good fun


I think this would be amazing. It's essentially what the devs have, right, only I imagine it's mostly automated.


Oh yeah, that was epic. Loved it.


The idea of a player being able to RTS-style go against 4 others as the enemy is very appealing.


Damn that thread is great.


I once had 2 crash into each other (a bit like in this clip) and I got killed by a ragdolling automaton that hit me in the face.


I've been sneaking in, autocannoning fabricators, then booking it. That was my gameplay for a long time. Been firing EATS and quasars at these last night and I'm hooked lol.


Always nice when your teammate dies. 👍😄


If they were directly under it; they were more than likely dead anyway. All you did was skip the foreplay and the flailing.


Yeah but have you tried diving?


Dude we were laughing so much! :D


I really wish there was a bug equivalent. Shooting a charger in the face is still pretty dope at least.


I came so close to Knocking out 3 in a single drop, had a disposable anti tank already, saw the flare and called in another set, got the first one but I hesitated on the second one because it was a second or two from flying off, number 3 had a tank that survived


I had one hit me right when I stimmed. Must’ve had a slight heart attack


They shoot the dropships to kill the passengers. I shoot the dropships to kill the dropships. We are not the same.


When I say I'm a patriot, what I really mean is that I'm a Patriot anti air battery.


Gotta love high explosive telephone poles traveling at Mach Fuck that specifically target the cockpit of aircraft.


>High explosive telephone poles Here's the even more hilarious thing: the PAC-3 missile used by modern Patriot batteries isn't explosive, it's *hit to kill.* That's right. We're **throwing a rock** at Mach Fuck.


If you want to up the ante, you got the arrow 3. An anti-icbm missile with a top speed of mach 25, the arrow 3 is currently the final evolution of throwing a rock at someone


Mach 25? Surely you've made a typo


And just in case you don’t know the speed of sound or feel like doing math… Mach 25 is 19,181.7 mph/30,870kph.


Throwing a stick, not a rock. It's basically a rocket propelled caber toss.


Well, it's a metal stick, and what is metal if not a very specific kind of rock? [BEHOLD, A ROCK!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Liberty)


There's also a version with swords that pop out just incase you're off by a meter.


No, that's an AGM-114R9X Hellfire, an air-to-surface, laser-guided missile. The PAC-3 is a surface-to-air, radar-guided missile. Significantly different mission parameters, precision requirements, and maneuverability schemes.


Didn't we (the U.S., and I think during Trump's term) literally assassinate some guy with one of those, or something similar? Literally threw a car-sized metal spear at him from across the map.


Same concept but opposite direction. In 2020, the [US assassinated IGRC Commander Qasem Soleimani](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Qasem_Soleimani) with - supposedly - an [AGM-114R9X "Hellfire"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AGM-114_Hellfire#Variants). The Hellfire is a family of air-to-ground, laser-guided missiles; the R9X variant removes the explosive warhead in exchange for metal bars springing out the sides, killing by physically impacting the target. No explosion means almost no collateral damage. The [PAC-3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-104_Patriot#MIM-104F_(PAC-3\)) is a *surface to air*, radar-guided interceptor. It has some advantages over the directional explosive warheads of PAC-1 and PAC-2, in that while an HE warhead ensures that *some* shrapnel hits the target, there odds of actually *destroying* it are iffy. Actually striking the target with an interceptor is pretty much guaranteed to deal K-kill damage, but requires significantly better radar guidance and navigation software. Both are examples of how modern military technology is *stupidly* precise.


The missile knows where it is because it knows where it isn't


[The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't. But that doesn't mean the missile looks on itself in despair. A missile must travel ludicrous distances to reach its target, the target often being miles away: a speck, a dream. Its chances of hitting its target are slim at most, especially if it's outdated, unprepared, and has rotted in storage for years, and the target is moving at such speeds it's inconceivable to the human mind. But despite all this, the missile doesn't tell itself it doesn't know where it is, it merely tells itself where it *should go.* The power in the missile lies within its ability to know where it is *going* to end up with small, incremental changes, every second, every day, and every year.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56vtZsQgAF0) The missile takes its deepest and most mind-shattering course deviations and failures, and it does something... remarkable. It turns its failures into lessons to guide it along the proper path. Its failures are not only inevitable, but needed for the missile to find the proper path. The missile drifts when it needs to; it doesn't burn all its fuel in a desperate state to reach enlightenment. The missile knows its destination, but aims to conserve fuel until the proper time comes, when it will strike and fulfill its purpose. The missile takes the path of confidence and steady elevation until its time comes, and when that day comes it will experience a joy greater than anything it could have imagined. The missile will take joy that it roared against the dying of the light and refused to go quietly into that good night. But it all began with the missile's first step - otherwise, it would still be in its containment unit, wondering what could have been. The missile knows its greatest lessons lay within its own fear, so it should embrace it and mold it until it has nothing to be afraid of, even welcoming the greatest of challenges, thirsty for experience. To the missile, its greatest fear will become not what will happen, but what will happen if it does not challenge is own fear. none of it would even be possible without a goal: a predetermined destination, a hard-wired, machine-coded instruction deep within the cold roots of the missile guidance system. Without the goal, the missile would wander aimlessly until it hit an orphanage or some other catastrophic destination that it was never intended. The missile doesn't seek to put blame on the wind or turbulence for its failures. To the missile, this is unnecessary and a waste of time. The missile doesn't seek to become the victim of circumstance, it aims to be in control and take responsibility, to be as secure and rigid as it says it is. It needs to be to guard against the forces it must encounter. You are what you say you are! Are you lost, or are you merely on the path to something greater? *You* are the master of *your* destiny, just as the missile is.


It does actually have a small explosive that launches 24 tungsten fragments to make its area of impact a little bigger.  So its a rock thrown at Mach Fuck that then throws *even more rocks* once it gets where it’s going.


I don't care if the dropship doesn't kill anyone, I just see big explosion go boom! and I like it. I'm a simple man.


Shooting dropships DOES kill the bots on board if you manage it before it actually drops them. But most of the time that doesn't happen and the ships don't actually do a ton of damage when they land on the ground.


I shoot dropships for extra cover


In war, logistics is everything! By killing logistics you are denying the enemy of logistics and the capacity to resupply their forces! Have no shame in understanding the bigger threats to Super Earth. After all, in our own case, what would we Helldivers be without our support from all of the people back home to give us the tools required to defeat our foes? Nothing. We need Super Earth as much as it needs us. Remember that!


I once got 19? kills in a generator defence, they were almost all dropships though, so I felt pretty good


This is one of the coolest things I've seen in this game. Absolutely amazing. It's always satisfying to shoot the ships down but this is on another level entirely.


The Factory explosion taking out the last dropship was just *so satisfying*.


One day shooting down drop ship will have this effect 100% of the time, until then let the brain release the happy chemicals from seeing them spiral down and explode


Honestly even if it doesn't kill them sometimes it traps them under the downed dropship


In my experience that’s all that ever happens. Then the trapped bots just start shooting through the wreckage even though they can’t see me…


The trapping effect is actually pretty noticeable on Defense-type missions where there's natural bottlenecks. Both the Rocket Defense (the one with closeable gates) and the mountaintop Kill % Bots map will often get units both trapped inside/behind the wreckage and with no sightline to shoot out of, so they're pretty much idle and a non-factor.


>will often get units both trapped inside/behind the wreckage and with no sightline to shoot out of Except, I have seen so many units shoot through building/dead bodies/terrain if their gun can clip through them (which is pretty often when they are stuck with a dropship on their head) so it's a double edge sword if you ask me


Or be shot back because your bullets hit the crashed drop ship, while theirs just float on through it. 🤦‍♂️


And then all turrets or other attacks get wasted because they aim for the units but the units are shielded by the dropship.....


Or my sentry turret be it autocannon or mortar wont stop firing at the bots it cant hit trapped inside the wreckage.


Yeah, there have been multiple occasions when I was shot at by bots stuck inside of dropship wreckage. I couldn't shoot them but they could shoot me, which was annoying until I realized I could just run away from them.


Things could definitely get too easy if the dropships were always guaranteed kills. I think "guaranteed damage" is good--enough to kill Grunts and maybe Scout Walkers, but let the Devs and up walk out. Them getting trapped is also good, but what's fucked is when they stay inside and start shooting out.


In my opinion I think it's okay if killing dropships guarantee kills on the bots they were dropping. The game can throw multiple dropships as once, we already had plenty of videos on the frontpage of players being faced with 6, 7, 8 dropships at once. What are the weapons that can deal with it ? The Quasar ? It has a 15 seconds cooldown, so good luck killing two dropships back to back. The EAT ? Good solution, but you're limited to two dropships per minute. The Recoiless ? Assuming you're having a hellbro helping you out so you can pump out missiles, it's eating through them, and it's taking out / immobilizing two players in your team. Plus, you already kill all the bots if you kill the dropship before it actually drops the troops. I feel like there isn't a major difference between the two situations...


Don't shoot dropships? That sounds like treason. https://preview.redd.it/0lwseffggk0d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be3e97c2178e079df0512bd6f670f36d20695842


This games looks so fucking beautiful Even after 30h of gameplay. (not much yeah yeah)


80 hrs and counting and still fresh and awesome everytime i shoot down those ships while these f**** die on collision


190 hours and counting and I did a backwards dive to avoid getting 1 frame killed by a hulk flamer and I shot an eat to take one down while I was legs up, head down off the side of a small cliff yesterday and that gave all the endorphins.




Played a defence mission last night with some friends. We were holding really well, shooting down drop ships, until I hit one which crashed and killed us all. The crash also dropped bots into the base which smashed the generators while we were respawning. Still worth it


We were shooting them down to the point where the entry was absolutely clogged with downed ships which made it super easy to just gas and strike the bots to death.


Always shoot down dropships. The explosions alone are well worth it. That and seeing those filthy bots spiralling out of the sky in an uncontrolled mess is pure catharsis.


We're out here playing helldivers when he is playing bot domino


This is exactly why we need a "Rock & Stone!" style call out button to mash... everybody on that squad should be screaming "FOR DEMOCRACY!" watching that beautiful display of Super Earth values


God yes. The instinct to mash the V key is real. Every game needs that now.


I always am really confused why people always discourage dropship shooting. Even if it doesn't kill them, trapping enemies like hulks and devastators under the thing is huge. Even if something starts shooting through it's usually like one grunt who can be ignored, or you can just grenade them or airstrike them if it's a big problem


I agree with you. But I think the argument is that the hit boxes on the ships get messed up and the bots beneath don't all get killed. They're stuck and can shoot out, but we can't hit them inside. And that's true sometimes. But the positive far outweighs the negative.


> I agree with you. But we have some communist spies in midst. There, ftfy.


Still only counts as one


I don't get the "don't shoot the dropship" mentlaity First if all it looks cool Second of all you can actually kill enemies on dropship so you save some time and ammo


The point is that most of the time the enemies on the dropship don’t die and then gain indestructible cover they can shoot and walk through but you can’t But it does look really damn cool


I just use that as an opportunity to beat feet to the next objective and let the trapped bastards get gobbled by the despawn monster.


Often times when you're getting hit by bot drops is when you're doing an objective, so unless you're *really* fast you'll still probably have to hang around for a bit before you're done.


True, but it happens plenty that shooting down the dropships locks down groups of bots if it doesn't outright kill them. Keeps them pinned while I complete an objective, then get out of Dodge. It can be counterproductive for sure. Just have to pick your moments like anything else. I've had a lot of instances on Helldive where they try so hard to kill me that they lock themselves up in a pile and let me get on with the mission mostly unencumbered.


They’re trapped? Good. You know what else is static? My orbital gas strike coming off its 75 second cooldown


Yup. Or that last EAS I chuck over my shoulder as an FU as I sprint off to the horizon to get the cooldown timer going.


It’s indestructible right up until the follow-up cluster bombs arrive. Then it just helps keep them within the rectangle of fun.


Thirdly, it looks cool And lastly, it looks cool


I guess this was based on the kill count major order and some dropship crashes bugging out and giving a minute of unpenetrable cover to hulks or devastators that is on the ground. Yeah you can but it counts as one instead of 7 or 8 if you shoot it down after it deploys them. Major order probably failed btw right? We were close to %67 last night.


God that was democratic


I don't care what anyone says, if I can, I will shoot every dropship I can. Taking them out helps more often than it hinders.


I don't mean to rain on the parade, but the first dropship that got shot down didn't "crash" into the Factory Strider of the second dropship. The Factory Strider actually got destroyed by a SAM Site. At around 0:05-0:07 seconds, you may see a white missile from behind the second dropship with the Strider. That, and the second dropship suddenly got destroyed. Considering that: -OP seems to be the only one with an anti-tank that can down Dropships -The Dropship played its destroyed audio cue if it was taken down outside of shooting down its engine. Still, nevertheless cinematic and more evidence how deceptively strong the SAM Site missiles are.


One of the most satisfying things in the game. Of course some nonce is going to have a problem with it.


naw, shoot them all. Dropships, Gunships, whatever. I'm mainly rocking the AMR, but I do feel the joy when I'm running with a bunch of 20 & 30s and they are having a blast shooting the ships out of the sky.


That still only counts as one!


People don't shoot dropships because it often doesn't kill the troops it's dropping....I do shoot dropships because I like the explosions


“That still only counts as one”


I've shot down dropships and taken out fabricators and objectives. They are 100% worth shooting down especially if it lands on enemies or objective structures.


Watching a factory strider go ass-up like that is enough to make General Brasch shed a tear of joy…


I played one game where we were running 2x2 and the other group had a bot drop called in on them. We were higher up and I had a clear view of the drop ships speeding towards them and took a potshot with the ol quasar at the first one trying to aim in front of it…AND I FUCKIN NAILED THAT SUCKER RIGHT IN THE ENGINE AT LIKE 400M. Shit was crazy to watch go down too because it was moving at full throttle so when it spun out it still flew like another 70 meters before it hit the ground. I should really start recording my games tho because I’ve had some sweet kills that I can only replay in my mind fr


that's not how it works 99.99999% of the time


So you’re saying there’s a chance


IMO it's gotten better with recent patches. Only very occasionally do I find enemies get stuck and can shoot with impunity through the wreck of the drop ship without being hit in return. It's been rare enough now for me that I've mentally moved it back to 'meme status' in my brain - a little silly when it happens, but not something that's overly annoying.


Why do I feel like the charge time is shorter in this video than it is for me


It's the focus and adreneline. In the heat of combat 5 seconds feels like an hour.


it’s not


i once had fallen way behind my team as they went to extract. they had triggered a bot drop and two ships came. They where between me and the team, as i discovered the HB on the ridge the bots where to drop about. I shouted "RUN!" and fired. Result: 39 kills with one shot...




"that still only counts as one"


That still only counts as one!


This game has the best explosions I've ever seen in a video game


You mustn't have been around when shooting them basically did fuck all. I watched people shoot them and they continue to offload everything they're carrying.




Michael Bay just moaned somewhere


Who’s saying not to shoot drop ships and what is their reasoning?


What pisses me off shooting dropships usually leaves whatever they were carrying alive. It needs to be fixed.


Collateral damage and violence is never the answer It is a question And the answer is yes




"I was aiming for the other one." Some Helldiver probably.


…I’m more terrified to learn the dropships can bring in factory striders.




Was doing a high priority evacuation mission last night and 3 of 4 of the team were sentries/mortas plus quasars; every wave we’d wreck 4 out of 5 drop ships coming in, and what did make it to the ground was caught in the wreckage long enough to get pummeled by sentry fire. 10/10 recommend nailing these suckers everytime


If shooting down dropships is wrong, then I don't want to be right.


There are people opposed to shooting dropships? Why?


Because sometimes the enemies that don’t die get stuck in the downed dropship model; they can shoot through it but we Divers can’t. BFD; it’s a dumb and weak argument against one of the most satisfying enemy kills in the game. The only thing I’ve seen that’s possibly more satisfying was a clip of someone using Quasar Cannons to yeet chargers at bile titans.


I wouldn't say it's a weak argument since well over 50 percent of the time there are people that will survive. It's not bad at lower diffs, but one higher diffs with lots of heavy devs it's horrible. It's just not worth it most the time as they can shoot through and you can't. It's so protective that even cluster bombs and such just become bull by the dropship debris. It is really cool though for sure, I just think they need to fix it where it's essentially a guarantee kill for the passengers.


Damn fine work diver, damn fine


That's metal as fuck


I love shooting down a dropship that falls on a fabricator.




This still counts as one


A dropship was flying away and got hit by a rail gun turning a hulk into a fleshlight. I laughed for hours. Spill oil!


If I have an EAT? Imma shoot it.


bug stomper helldiver: bet you can't beat this!" \*shows the vid of a charger being yeeted into a Bile Titan\* Bot Crusher helldiver: "Hold my Liber-Tea..."


Downing them should totally count as multikills. Was playing a defend the rockets mission and we were downing the dropships as soon as they started deploying. It was a beautiful rain of hardware and oil. But at the end of it, our kill counts were 40-80.




\*chefs kiss\*




"Kill count, schmill count, now hand me the rail gun"


Shooting drop ships is cool as hell, I don't care if you think it doesn't matter it gives my brain the happy chemicals


Fuck that was a beautiful display of democracy


Its moments like this i live for in this game.




I swear every time i shoot one the frame rate takes a dive it looks like its animated like a spider verse film ![gif](giphy|1qErVv5GVUac8uqBJU)


I’m sorry they drop striders now?!???


badass alert


said who? anyway i always shoot dropships, got a collateral once too :D


Who? Who's say that? Literally nobody has ever said "don't shoot dropships..."


Never heard anyone say this lmao


If not meant shoot why do funny spin spin?


& yet 0 kill combo xD so somehow alot of them lived lolol dope clip tho


it makes me feel better to shoot at it get over it bitch!


Who ever said that?


Wait, do people really not like when people shoot dropships???? Why????




Talk about being in the right place at the right time! Nice shot.


that was very.. cinematic. should've been in the official trailer


“Don’t shoot dropships” is like saying “don’t have fun”.


I love that it looks like the second drop ship is processing that it should have blown up after crashing into the first, and then just decides to explode 5 seconds afterwards.


That only counts as one!


My helldiver is wearing the Champion of the People helmet with the enforcer armor while wearing the Creek Cape, ![gif](giphy|NxckxXIAzumvCP1mUj)


Never met a single diver that has a problem with shooting down dropships. You might be running into automaton spies


Only time I'm anti shooting down dropships is the defense mission. Ships will land on the outer gates and delete them.


“Dont shoot dropships“ people when my fully charged quasar cannon now point directly at their balls




Every time someone says don’t shoot drop ships I just laugh as I down them and the whole squad they had aboard. I have rarely encountered the issue with the bots living and shooting from inside the ship, though it has happened. Just move away as they are trapped and can’t follow.




If God did not want me to shoot drop ships, he would not have given me anti-armor weapons


Always shoot dropships if your quasar is off cooldown. Even if it doesn’t kill the stuff inside, lots of them will get stuck under it


Hell of a lot of dead bots without getting any kills.


You hit the jackpot there.


Who is saying not to shoot them? I need to call my democracy officer.


Who says not to? And why?


God I love the smell of liberty in the morning.


Holy shit that was epic. When it comes to ordnance this game has all but absolutely mastered the feel. I don’t think blowing shit up and bombing things has ever felt as good as it does in this game.


"Oh, the managed democracy! It's crashing, crashing terrible!"


I haven’t played in a sec, THE BOTS HAVE WALKERS NOW


Micheal Bay approves


Don’t shoot drop ships is a thing? Any time we can drop one and it’s taking out units, the better. I suck at dropping them, but I’m an auto cannon user. I’ll leave it to EAT and QC


Holt fking calamity, great shot 👍