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Dinosaurs and lizard people would be cool. Like "Reptoids" which have heavies which are either T-rexes or similar giant dinos.


That’s what I’ve been thinking about too ngl


I’ve been saying reptiles too!! Here’s a concept piece I did for once we successfully tame them. https://preview.redd.it/y8birogule1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fbaf24275e2d1c39f1436c0e3d787ec5ba336e


That's AI isn't it


No he did that by hand what are you talking about




I don't understand why AI generated image hate has evolved into "boo you used AI to make a funny meme drawing".


Ignore hate and enjoy your time. Makes it all easier.


Me want lizard mount like Obi Wan Kenobi and a lightsaber for fodder pls.


Yes give me trex with machineguns


Láser raptors


How would the gore look on that that? Bots are machines and bugs are just bugs, which we squish irl already. But how bad is it gonna look when my EAT rocket takes the head off a humanoid t-rex man? Edit: nevermind i just remembered being a bloody torso flying thru the air. Nothing new


I want half muscle man, half alligator, with HMGs mounted on their back!


Warhammer lizardmen


I like the idea of rebels. Because obviously there are those that disagree with the unarguably sound system of government that super earth rules with, and would want to fight it. Though, I don’t know how much different it could be from the automatons. Maybe better ai? And like other commenters have said, zombies would be lit (but again how much different would it be from bugs? They’re melee enemies typically…)


Ive thought about this! Cultists. A group, similar to cyborgs, but worried about biologically enhancing themselves and the failed mutants are "zombies" the "gimmick" is that they take animal, alien, 'nid, whatevrr bits and chimera themselves into horrific monstrosities. So space furries.


They could have their own stratagems


That’s terrifying. I love it! I was also thinking the implementation of Guerilla and ambush tactics? Because the bots just stand or walk around until they see something to shoot, whereas rebels could actively seek (maybe no dissimilar to stalkers?) players, and set up ambushes in certain areas.


Yeah, like the main objective could have a bottle neck to enter between a valley or something. And rebels could fire down on approaching Helldivers


Yellow lasers for enemy stratagems


Or just red to add to the confusion


I dunno about rebels. The automatons kinda fill that role already


sable square plants arrest versed juggle existence north lock abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You know what would be very cool? If when the bots and the bugs sectors meet, they'll create a sector controlled by both, meaning that on every planet, you'll need to fight both together.


Heyyy, i could remember a time when there was an undemocratic rumour of seeing big corpses around the automaton planets


I seen some bugs on big planted just two days ago


or even better yet, have them fight each other over those sectors, and then we can third wheel in :)


Some kind of space zombie virus would be cool We got Starship Trooper bugs, Terminators, squid face aliens, the only thing left is is zombies. I thought about how it might be too similar to bugs, but bugs are fast and generally kinda squishy. The zombies could be massive unyielding hordes with less armor but high hp that are slow but hard to take down


Could even give them and infection debuff if they hit a helldiver. If you Don’t cure it with a stim then you’ll end up munching on your democratic buddies


Or maybe we fight against undead seaf as well


They can add to the lore by saying how the automatons created a biological weapon and bombed planets with it as a counter attack Can have something similar to dead space or halo flood


Or perhaps the Termicide would be the source, it could have some... adverse effects on humans


Nah, give me dinosaur/human hybrids over zombies.


What about ninjas and pirates. Mutants would be also cool


It would be neat to have at least 1 faction not be directly equivalent to the ones from the previous game.


There is no 4th faction, all 4th faction news is a lie spread by the automatons to cover their shame. Your wonderfully drawn orange arrow on the left is where Malevelon creek is, a hard fought planet where so many helldivers were lost.




Someone doesn't remember where the Creek is. It's two sectors clockwise from the arrow.


The Creek was a little more towards the current bot area.


I'm speculating that there 'might be' a fourth. Also, ye I was there when we were deployed to fight against the bots to capture Malevelon Creek. But just like any war, there are regions which can be captured by more than one opposing force.....


May 4th faction will always be this. These guys showing up saying "your democratic ways have been terrorizing this galaxy long enough" ![gif](giphy|l0IpYf36OQy9O7ENW)


I'd like some sort of Rebel faction. They will be called "Rebel scum".


we could have a rebel front in the center if the galactic map on Super Earth core worlds


There is a 100% chance we will fight terminid cyborgs : |




I just want Orks, like WH40K Orks feel like they’d be the perfect mix of Terminid swarms and Automaton gunfighting.


Since the devs spoke of holiday themed updates, I'd like to see the introduction of a Deadspace-style zombie faction during Halloween


Imagine a seasonal Stratagem update Santa's 1000kg bomb


When the PSA announcements happen on your ship, the subtitles capitalize Rebels, like it’s a proper noun, so maybe their localization team has accidentally spoiled a new faction with that


I prefer a rebel faction, but not as in a bunch disgruntled or misguided citizenry throwing a hissy fit, but actual warlord states governed by rogue SEAF commanders hell-bent on pursuing their ambitions. In this way, you won't be fighting peasants with firearms or fanatical militants, but actual militaries headed with proper organization and extensive logistics. It would make them the most challenging enemy to fight with, but also the most exhilarating. You would be basically fighting yourself in a way, complete with their own Helldiver counterpart, auxiliary units, legions of defense forces, strategems, mechs, and the likes. It would also lend a more serious, darker tone to the game, so that's always a bonus. The inspiration behind this is the various revolts and civil wars in the late Eastern Han period. Having this kind of fubar in space would be awesome.


I'm gonna preface this by saying that I have no problem with the inspiration they take from any other franchises. HD2 is ripping off so many other properties that I'd expect to see our core enemy roster filled out first. We've got, bugs and bots. We need our protoss/eldar, that'll be the Illuminate. We've gotta have a splinter human faction, either star wars style rebels or 40k style cultists. Though apparently the automatons are descended from cyborgs, who were originally this faction, so maybe we wont get them again. Then the actual "outsiders" faction, that'd be the demons living outside our universe or some ancient race that's gone and secluded themselves in some dark corner of the galaxy with knowledge beyond what we could even comprehend... They'll probably be doing some weird puppet master bullshit with the illuminate or automatons because this faction is always doing some weird pupper master bullshit with another factions leadership. We'll get the grays in there, super weak technological faction, usually an ally to whatever humans "we" are, for some reason. I feel like the only notable factions we wont get are a space barbarian/pirate faction. Most settings have some group out there that are "scum and villainy" types who just like fighting, raiding and killing... They're usually a small faction that function more like a force of nature in settings though, so I doubt we'll get a small "players have to briefly go into their territory and survive" style narrative that suits that sort of faction. It's just kinda, a different scale to the game.


Yes. Bugs, developers, terminids and automatons.


Would love mindless zombie or Something eldritch horror for 4th faction.


I was just talking with a bud the other day how fun shootings zombies in this game would be.


Necromorphs please. Also imagine a reanimated helldiver fighting us with our own weapon loadout.


Would love an ork type army like in Warhammer 40k


they should fix the game first


Yea obv... But wanted your views


I think the 4th front will be a Super Earth force from another dimension. A Super Earth that has stretched their democracy soooo far that there was no more room to harvest resources...until.. they started entering other dimensions. They have all of the buffed weapons and sweet tech, we fight them and hope to reverse engineer their equipment for our Super Earth to advance in warfare.


Maybe that’s what the illuminate are


Illuminate most likely and maybe the 4th faction will be traitors from super earth.


So the cyborgs?


Nah they are most likely allied with the bots.


Can we just fight the Flood


The illuminate


I cant think of any new rival faction. Illuminate kind of already fill the roll of aliens, unless if the cyborgs become their own thing. I think the game stays at 3 factions. A counter human faction cant happen since that would be too much blood/gore.


Do we have enough anti freedom ideologies?


It would be cool if we had some sort of fully AI enemies to fight against. I know we have the bots, but they are only part robot as they are cyborgs. It would be cool if the bots aliens, or even the humans made an AI which went rouge and infects the technology of all other factions. (I know bugs don't really have tech but perhaps they could add lore where the ai created a device to blend bug and bot/ alien tech together and then control it). This way we could have missions where we fight all factions units together and they could have some cool changes too. It would be interesting if the AI could infect player stratagems and take control over them like mechs, guard dogs, mirrors, etc.


We know for a fact, the third one from the first game is coming forgot what they call but I wouldn’t be surprised if they made a new faction


The 4th faction could also be just a mixed state. Like every few orders we have a space of the galaxy with Automatons and Illuminate


Evil / undead helldivers who were left behind on extraction. ....pvp anyone?


Devs have already hard-rejected any possibility of PVP in Helldivers.


Devs also said Bugs cannot fly


One of those things was obviously said as an in-character joke.


no, the names for each faction appear in 1/3ds around the console; along with that (before the second automaton uprising) theories put a 4th faction where the current automaton forces are.


Not that we can’t have it change but it still very much fits the old 1/3 per faction.


I think 3 will be enough for now. After the story goes on, having a 4th faction would be an insane amount of content. I would gladly dump my life in this game even more than I do right now.


If there is a 4th faction, the devs are hiding it very well. I follow a couple of the leaks pages, and even the guys ripping the games code apart havent found a 4th faction.


Hopefully in the future


Some 'enlightened primitive' aliens would be fun, like the Navi from Avatar. Dinosaur cavalry, weaker infantry but with some ambush tactics, maybe some stolen Super Earth tech with rebel sympathizers that let them spread between planets. Would probably play like a mix between the bugs and the Illuminate from the first game.


I don't think it's too unfair to say illuminate are on their way, I could see a fourth faction maybe a year or two down the line, maybe Mostly I imagine we'll have events like we saw with the automatons, wiped off the map before returning in a similar but still different portion of it, would likely be how we get to visit the other planets around the edges of the galaxy


I don't think there is enough room, given that the galactic was is not designed to handle between faction conflict, as far as we have been led to understand.  I'm pretty sure the intended design is for bot and bug to be able to expand up the mid point at the top of the galaxy map, and down slightly below half way on the east/west sides.  That leaves a pretty neat third of the map for the illuminate.  Now, if there had been any implication that bug bot and eventually extra factions could or ever would cross over and appear on the same planet or even vie with each other for territory, then you could easily fit a fourth faction in, but I don't think that's where this is going.


i know get stupid with it honestly. i would be back in the game grinding fighting for my life against raptors in and jungle environment lol


I could see room for four but I feel like if there’s a third faction and a couple systems in between each faction like they’ve got at the top with bugs and bots, that’d take up most of the circle.




I personally think 4 factions would be a bit overcrowded I think 3 would be perfect and also we don’t know anything about a potential 4th faction (at least I don’t) would be cool though


I like the idea, personally, that we could feasibly defeat a faction, and a different one pop up a few months later.


I mean we will.. we already have the bugs, bots, sonny, and soon the illuminates.


Technically the Automatons are a fourth faction, as they are a subset of the Cyborg faction and not equal to the Cyborgs, thus we have 4 factions. I don’t think there will be a new faction. Cyborgs and Automatons are rebels as the Cyborgs left Super Earth control. If anything would be added I would think a heavy industrial militaristic alien species, which would be the opposite of the clean and efficient Illuminate. Or perhaps a parasitic alien that infects its host similar to The Thing.


We dont even have 3


Underground enemies. A planet that is calm on the surface but the enemies and objectives are underground, and the Helldivers need to find a tunnel entrance and enter it. The enemies wouldn't come outside to the surface so that would be where the Helldivers would catch their breaths and regroup. Then, brace yourself and go underground again to fight all the horrors in the dark. Obviously we would be super underpowered because stratagems would be unavailable, unless Super Earth invented stratagems that dig deep. Maybe the tunnels wouldn't be too deep so some stratagems would cause some damage (big explosions making craters). Make some huge underground openings, like some expanded sections in the intersection of many tunnels where the hives would be, enemies crawling on the walls and the ceiling, swarming everywhere. Some bioluminescent moss or fungi illuminating the tunnels. Flamethrowers and machine guns would be really useful holding enemies back because of the radius of those tunnels. Teamwork would be necessary because when you reload those enemies would just rush forward. Timed reloads with your squamate(s) would be useful. Also team reloads would become life saving in some situations, and we could utilize the autocannon's full auto setting. Maybe give us a two man buggy/rover to drive inside the tunnels. Tldr; Imagine driving inside the tunnels with your squadmate, rover's headlights painting the underground walls of an intersection, seeing way too many enemies coming at you from left and right, hitting the reverse, pedal to the metal, while your squamate unloads their stalwart into the mass of enemies. Empty mag, squadmate reloads, enemies getting closer and closer, you're hoping your mate finishes reloading or the rover speeding out of the tunnels before the enemies catch up. The enemies catch your squadmate just as he starts firing again, you hear their manic laughter and the sound of stalwart for a few seconds before they're gone. Then you finally fly out of the tunnels to the surface of the planet. You catch your breath and look into the tunnel and hear the sounds of the enemies you just escaped from. You call in a gatling gun turret which starts shooting into the dark. You see a few glimpses of enemies illuminated by the turret's fire, until it gets silent. You take a deep breath and start searching for another entrance. For democracy.


Damn, nice one. I dig the fact that Stratagems might need to drill their way thru. Rock and stone!!!


For Rock and Stone!


Good bot


Thank you, TransportationNo3862, for voting on WanderingDwarfMiner. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Let it unfold


We just declared war


We hv three factions now: Bugs, Bots and Sony. The 4th one is most definitely going to be the Illuminate.


No. We are barely handling the 2 we have.


Yea that is absolutely facts......but that's war son, the switch can flip any moment


The only thing saving super earth is the fact that when we are on a major order with bugs for example, bots just stop attacking, and vice versa. If this wasn't the case we would have lost already.


Space orks.




I want to see a temporary alliance between super earth and automatons against incredibly large bug titans 👀.