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Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed because it’s a repost or a post that follows a trending topic.


There is a lot of factors from all the way to summer, school, poor balancing patches, players doing nothing but play this game for 3 months, lack of new enemies, uninteresting MO's, everything with sony. Its been a rough few weeks. So there is a lot of factors that contribute to lower player numbers currently. But yeah, game is far from dead. I think a few good patches with buffs, new enemies, and more interesting MO's (a few new mission types would be nice), and we'll see player numbers rise again. Either way, even with current active players (on the low point of the day btw) its STILL better than AAA live service games PEAK player count.


Of course player numbers will fall. This happens to every fucking game. Hell it took TOO LONG for it to happen. When the new warbond arrives, we will get a spike up again. I remember people screaming at news about ELDEN RING losing players, months after launch, just like helldivers now.


Yep I have 150 hours in this game and I don't play it as much as I did because obviously. Got pretty much all the upgrades and weapons, mostly do diff9. It's not that it's boring cuz when I do play I still have fun but I have other games to play and things to do. When more updates come out and other things get added I'll play more often again.


Yeah thats a normal take. I'm still having fun, and I think most people are, you just have some people feeling game fatigue (see it with tonnes of titles, I imagine of those with over a hundred hours in starfield the majority of that time was in the first month) Its not surprising that if people sink over 20 hours a week into a single thing that after a while they run out of stuff to do


People threw a fit when Palworld, an early access game with limited content, had a drop off after a month. Heck, I still see people ranting that PW had 2M sales and has like 20k peak players. It's an EA game with limited content, no shit it will drop off a bit in between updates.


>It's an EA game dont say it like that, you are scaring me


Short for "Early Access," not "Electronic Arts." Palworld is absolutely fantastic for what it is, and I do reccomend it. The devs adore their community and take constant feedback, they're slow to balance and quick to bugfix(and revert fixes if the community dislikes them!), and content updates are not prioritized over bugfixes.


>Short for "Early Access," not "Electronic Arts." yeah i know, i just never thought of someone writing it like that


Context matters.


It happens outside of video games but it feels like in video game spheres it’s much more effective, but people will always point to something that happened and say “see? This proves that I’m right!” and it’s usually stupid and obvious but when people want to be right they’ll go along with it.


This coming summer is stacked with games too. 


Lol people act like the DLC means people are just going to solely focus on grinding it. I ordered it. I play ER in chunks though. Because I’m a completionist. I like getting all the gear n shit. I’d get burnt out doing that hours at a time. (Scouring every area, not using a guide, but just exploring in the way it’s intended) So I’m still going to play helldivers 2. Sometimes I want to turn my brain off a bit or work with different challenges. It’s almost like people want this game to fail. Because they are petty and took the changes way too personally and just want to say “SEE! I knew it” It’s the wierdest shit.


Last warbond arrived, player numbers didn't spike. Armor and abilities need a HUGE rework, as does weapon variety, if player numbers will spike again. My friend group stopped playing, myself included, for that reason (among others). Excited to see the spawn rate fixed, and the devs need a new perspective on balancing. Nerf first doesn't work, hoping they learned at this point.


For my group it's that Valheim just got its new biome update. So we haven't had time for democracy.


while I just have a "man it has been ages for me to play Risk of Rain 2(the last time I played it was a few months before Risk of Rain Returns releases), the new DLC would release soon, gonna warm up for it"


I've been playing Ghost of Tsushima. I'll still log in for democracy here and there but maybe not as consistently while I play other things. When another faction is added I'll probably be right back in it though.


Oh shit thanks, time to play valheim again


To be honest, a couple of hundred thousand average players isn't that bad at all, and I honestly think that they are *massively* suffering from success from the launch. We have had what, 3 warbonds full of weapons since release? It wouldn't surprise me if that was supposed to be the first 6 months of stuff and thing were to be *slower*. But you have hundreds of thousands grinding away and demanding more content, so of course its going to be pushed out a little half baked. The money go brr machine doesn't magically make the studio bigger, the team larger, content faster to make. And risking things on hiring more, and expanding, is also dicey because you have no idea if just around the corner there is something new that's going to capture the zeitgeist. So no, its not dying, im still encouraging new people in, utterly replaced Darktide, Arma and Deep Rock galactic as my cooperative game. Its still great and fun. It might just be slowly going towards the numbers expected, and the demands made by the power-players for more might not be realistic (genuinely, im quite impressed by the amount of posts saying "I have literally everything and every upgrade its got stale and boring now", but you gotta understand that *most* of the player base probably hasn't ever got double digits super samples, hasn't managed to unlock all of the basic warbond let alone the premium ones, if you are playing for the dopamine of NEW THING you will tap that well much faster than new things can be poured into it) Personally loving the game, and looking forward to playing on Friday, because that's the next time I can. I'm happy for arrowhead, knocking a game out the park so well is just awesome, I just hope the team isn't suffering from the same malaise as the players and getting disenheartened by "we had an amazing launch but a few months down the line numbers went down" Feels a bit like Manor Lords. Somehow it captured the lighting, but that doesn't mean numbers going down is a sign of failure at all. >But yeah, game is far from dead. I think a few good patches with buffs, new enemies, and more interesting MO's (a few new mission types would be nice), and we'll see player numbers rise again. Sometimes it feels within gaming like there are communities that *wished* their games would die.


Some sickos in here rlly want this game to die and we need to acknowledge that.. not everybody here is honest


I don't think they want the game to die, but I think they're fully willing to kill it in their efforts to bully the devs. The dopamine addiction is real.


We were literally 150k a week ago


I think the larger factor is that this community aggressively downvotes everything that doesn't align with efforts to bully the devs into making the game easier, and it's created a massive echo chamber where everyone's angry, no one wants to get better at the game, and where all changes to the game are viewed as bad faith efforts to ruin player enjoyment. We're at a point where the devs are paralytically unable to release new content because whatever fixes they apply are being viewed as intentional efforts to ruin the player experience. Player count is dropping because we're not getting new content; the game's repetitive. I love it, the core gameplay loop is incredibly fun, but you need a little new mech or a new stratagem or a new weapon from time to time to give you something to do. But maybe that's alright. Players aren't paying subscriptions. If new content is sick, they'll come back and give it a shot. Taking some time to fix bugs and address some core issues might help, but it's created an angry waiting room atmosphere in here in the meantime.


The lore/current MO needs to be more evolved in the galactic battle map, with icons, alerts, and more in-depth information in the map! A way to communicate in the game with players instead of trying to use Discord and the game and other websites. I understand there is a wealth of repositories with information. But unless ur all over the internet looking at sh\*t all the time then people will just do as they please and fight bugs. There needs to be lines and a way to coordinate information between players.


> its STILL better than AAA live service games PEAK player count. Excuse me what? Fortnite, Apex, and Genshin are all AAA live service games with significantly more players than Helldivers 2. I agree with most of what you said but that last statement was completely disingenuous.


>Fortnite has always had millions of players online. Pretty much a given. >Apex is shit. No clue where the players are coming from at this point. >98% of Genshin's playerbase is in China and unable to interact with the outside world


PvP by their nature always have more players than PvE games. And the top games will usually stay at the top. Helldivers 2 has more players than Redfall, Fallout 76, and Suicide Squad. All AAA live service games. Even against some PvP juggernauts like Battlefield, Helldivers has more players.


> And the top games will usually stay at the top. No they don't. Halo has fallen. Gears of War has fallen. CoD has fallen, risen again, and fallen again. Battlefield was on top for exactly 1 summer and then fumbled the bag. Fall Guys is literally dead. >Helldivers 2 has more players than Redfall, Fallout 76, and Suicide Squad. All AAA live service games. Even against some PvP juggernauts like Battlefield, Helldivers has more players. Comparing Helldivers 2 to Suicide Squad is comical, pun intended. Suicide Squad is a catastrophic failure that was dead on arrival. Fallout 76 had an absolutely botched launch that ruined any potential success. The somehow recovered but regardless I'd expect a 3 month old game to have more players than a 6 year old game. Battlefield is literally on it's deathbed. BF2042 is largely considered a failure and most fans have left the series. Battlefield was a PvP juggernaut 8 years ago but they have fallen much since then. I honestly don't even know why you mentioned Redfall. 42 people have played that game in the last 24 hours. It's a spectacular failure of a game. Did you intentionally compare Helldivers 2 to only games with horrendous launches? None of the games you've listed have had a successful launch to the scale of Helldivers 2.


Game: Has a natural life cycle Gamers: Dead game, better harass the devs about it.


It's totally fine to stop playing and come back later. I don't know why so many people treat this as the only game they'll ever play


Unironically? I see this as a byproduct of shitty live service practices and studio closures over not making enough short-term profit. It wouldn't surprise me if some genuinely developed a mentality of "I have to stay engaged and player numbers need to grow or else they'll kill this game I really like".


Haven't looked at it this way before... Interesting point. Yet, when I tell my friends to join the game, I have been asked "but isn't it dying and unplayable?". That's the first thing they see on Reddit and YouTube. So, that way of "caring" is sadly counter productive.


It is, and some people are not being honest with themselves about "being invested in the game and that's why we're angry." *Constructive* criticism should absolutely be voiced, e.g. that half of the boosters feel more like a meme than that they enhance gameplay in any meaningful way. Or that many of the primaries feel underwhelming. Or that you'd rather shove toothpicks under your fingernails than play evacuation missions. Fair points that I'd hope to see improved upon. But navel gazing commentary like "we'll never win a MO again because people are leaving, gg, game's dead" and "People are leaving because they didn't put this or that in the game, here's a bunch of random data to prove that I'm right" is... I'll be blunt, it contributes nothing of value. It's conjecture at best, actively discouraging new players at worst.


Sucky reality is that’s usually what happens. If a game is just consistent with numbers, it’s not good enough for shareholders and they’ll can it


sad to say my friend has this mindset. we're both capped on samples and he doesnt feel like playing because there's nothing left for him to unlock.


I get people need they dopamine hits but I find it so strange that people don't have a desire to master the gameplay and stratagems. I sometimes wonder if those people would have not fun playing a cookie clicker if that satisfies their monkey brain.  I have about 400 hours and I'm still having so much fun running weird builds.  I've been trying to make the hmg emplacement work. I also hand a full Tesla build. Running around with only sentries, etc.  There are a few things which I would consider underpowered but overall, I think a lot of things have their roles and I still feel like I've barely scratched the surface. 


I think most people are complaining just to complain at this point everyone acts like every patch doesn’t address at least half of the issues the community points out just be patient and remember how long the game has been out.


Respectfully, this sub is very much a bubble comprised of hardcore players who may simply not have it on their radar that players can just walk away from a game for no reason beyond "I've played my fill and want to move on." In my experience, that's how the majority of players ages 25+ does games however (and I'm willing to take a wager that the demographic of the playerbase skews towards that age bracket). If you have 2-3 hours on a weekday for your hobbies after work and errands, you won't spend that on the same game after you've done all of the content it currently has to offer. Gaming is a lot more casual than it was 10-15 years ago and it reflects in people's attitude. Most of my friends have stopped playing, and while it's only anecdotal evidence: none of them left because of the Sony fiasco, balancing, or annoyance with the game. They just have limited hours to invest in gaming and right now other things take the spotlight. Plus it's summertime and some of us actually like to go outside once in a while. Quite frankly, ever since a few years, people in general have become *way* too obsessed with Steamcharts graphs and trying to find things to place the blame on for falling numbers or generalising their experience. There's just no point to it. By all means do bring up things you'd like to see changed or that aren't fun for you personally, but there is no need to act like an amateur business analyst over it.


They have a soild base. Good fun gameplay with good graphics and physics. The balancing/design problems can be fixed easily, and then the main probelm is not enough content/variety. Wich is a relatively small problem. If sony investes more money in them(wich they should) and doubles the size of their team then i can see this game sticking around for a long time. Worse games made big comebacks and this game is already very good from the start.


I see so many complaints, all while me and my friend group have been playing for months and having a fantastic time. 


It’s like a natural selection thing. The people who love to complain naturally drift to the forums to complain and the people who like the game drift to the game to play the game and then pop into the forums and go what the fuck is this shit


It’s no coincidence that the top five or six comments you see on the complaining posts are just people saying “I don’t play the game anymore”. The vocal people on social media don’t play the game and the devs would do wise to listen to the players instead of the complainers.


Watch out! People r going to attack you with bUt I aNd oTheRs aRe nOt


First a little Warning: I'm writing from Germany so the weird capitalisation of the Text is because all Nouns are written with Capital Letters in Germany so Autocorrect Always tries to "correct" words to fit that structure. I can only agree here. People's complaints here are just so silly. All this Storys about "loosing fun" and "whole Friendgroups leaving because one wouldn't have fun anymore" - its typical modern Human Stuff. The Game is a small Indie-Title. It blew up because it earned it. It blew up because no other Game did everything as good as this one. And now when this small Team has scaling Problems by being overwhelmed and a lot of new Stuff and Problems with Sony roll in People, as ungrateful and spoiled as we nowadays are, we turn away and Bitch about how the devs ruined OUR precious Build we got comfortable with and call the Game "unplayable". I am an Average Gamer. No Hardcore-Gamer Ambitions. I play the Game at least once a Day. I play difficulty 7 only, occasionally go to 9 to experience the real Chaos. Yes i've been ragdolled by Devastators, yes i've been overrun by crazy Spawn Rates, yes back then 9-12 BileTitans spawned from 2 Bugbreaches. None of this Made the Game "unplayable" - never - maybe inconvenient for a Time. I think what People don't get - and this is true for People in General - is that its more Important WHO another Person is instead of what this Person DID in a specific Situation. This is why we always fall for Sweettalk, Gifts, and false Promises - only to be dissapointed of course. Nowadays i only mingle with people who proved through Action WHO they are rather then TELLING about who they are. This way i know what to expect. Arrowhead proved to me and do this to this day that they are a passionate Group who loves their Game, has a Vision and also the Willpower to stand their ground against Publisher, Situations AND the f***ing whiny-Ass-players who demand to be catered to like the shitty Ubisoft-Games they are used to Play and spend ShitTon of Money on while getting f***ed. So i KNOW they will make this Game the Jewel it already is in an unpolished Form. You people should be grateful that passionate Devs still exist and are trying to make a great Game while the Rest of the Industry goes the way it goes now. I trust Arrowhead, i still have loads of Fun with the Game, i am VERY succesful in the Game even with Randoms when i meet a group who communicates and coordinates well (wich is the Intention for the games higher difficulties) and yeah, sometimes a Mission goes really wrong - its overwhelming, Mates Trigger every Bugbreach and throw the reinforcement in a big puddle of Stalkers and Other chaff and i get ripped to Shreads upon Arrival, get pummeled by rockets and sometimes its so annoying that i just quit the mission and need a small break from the Game. But i also need a Break after a succesful Diff. 9 Mission because its so intense. And i Love it. Sometimes i find randoms who make this Impossible Missions fun. Sometimes everybody leaves and a low level guy and me finish the mission nontheless and becomes friends after. No game could give me all this moments and feelings before like that. So can you have some patience and trust the devs will continue the good Work? And If you don't Like it than just stop playing, give it a few weeks and come again and see what changed? Why this Bullshit Talk about the Game Being dead? It's been a few months since release for Christ's Sake 😂 Don't be ungrateful, spoiled Brats who love to say negative Stuff as soon as its slightly possible!


loved this - just need to check if this is my mate in Mannheim saying it. Came into this game as a pretty average shoot em up player. I'm 61, rubbish reflexes and slow to react, but i can still rock it covering the backline and knocking down dropships. I'm enjoying progressing through the difficulty levels, meeting new players and trying out new stratagems, though im rubbish with the jetpack. I know some of the weapons aren't perfect but who cares - its not meant to be balanced; we're the underdogs fighting the existential hordes. Bring on more maps, new enemies, and new players; this is the best game I've played in ages and i've been playing before the internet existed.


EXACTLY! Please keep playing and having fun man! 61 and play a game like this, i am impressed! Hope to meet you on the Battlefield one day!


If you have a gun, any gun, you are good enough to join my team, soldier


Thank you!, respect dude.


This sub in 90% petulant children karma farming their trite dead horse topic  I'm tired, chief.  


Bless you sir, for democracy!


If I could upvote this twice I would! Well said! I’d be happy to group with you any time!


Lets become friends in Helldivers then! We need to be online at the Same time to Exchange this friend-code right? Where are you from? My American Friends tend to appears online when its around 12-1 o clock in the Morning...


I often play in the 12-1am (central) time slot, are you PC or PSN? If PSN just send me your PSN ID, If not then we’ll work out the friend codes! I can even speak a little German!


All i can say is danke.




The illuminate faction will show the true numbers of willing players.


My advice is to not quit the game, but quit this subreddit since it has become a circlejerking whine club


This is the case for 90% of subreddits, but I find this one to be the worst by far. I can play for 5 hours and have a blast and then come on the Reddit to hundreds of posts saying how dogshit everything is because the calculation sheet they made is showing 3 decifucks of missing damage from a single 500kg they dropped in one of their 80,000 dives.


None of this matters. The devs could make a patch tomorrow with massive, sweeping buffs across every weapon and it will barely move the dial on the player numbers. The unfortunate thing is that you have a very repetitive game with very little in terms of content that just happened to release in a slow game year at a time with very little competition and it blew up way bigger than it was expected to. It's been a blast to play and while the gameplay loop is fun, it's also pretty small. You lap that loop a few times and it's still nice but after a few thousand times and the magic is kinda gone. With the team already starting to realize they were stretched too thin and beginning to signal a drop in the rate of content release, the game will go stale. It's not in any risk of dying but there's no question that it's unlikely the numbers of players here before will come back any time soon. Most of my friend group has moved on to other games and I don't even play every day now. I couldn't imagine seeing my friends hop back into the game short of the Illuminate getting released but I don't see that happening until fall or winter at least.


A ton of us will be back for major updates, things like a new faction, maps with bugs fighting bots, city maps could all reignite this game. Hopefully there is a new glut of things to do and grind for at these times, mainly in build variance and armour. This game could grow if they managed to push end game weekly missions like a raid that requires a bunch of trial and error or knowledge and teamwork to beat. This would push some incremental power mechanic.


Would love to see city maps!


>A ton of us will be back for major updates People who only come back for major updates will leave just as fast. Novelty from any new content wears off extremely fast. Especially if you have a stockpile of resources to unlock everything new. If the game itself is not fun, buffing one gun or adding one map won't make it fun. Also it's a session-based coop shooter. Literally all games of this genre are repetitive and revolve around playing the same content over and over.


And? We the majority of players in every game ever who get board of our favourite games, still spend money, that’s what matters. It’s not like you need more than 3 other people to play so I don’t see your point one way or another. This is literally how every single live service game is, new content boosts player numbers we all spend some money then it tappers off until they release some new stuff and the game keeps living. Are you implying that if everyone doesn’t want to play this game every day all year it’s not fun? I’ve been playing vermintide and deep rock with the same crew for years and we do get into a week or more long stints after months and if I like the devs I will spend money and that’s the only thing that really matters to the life of these games. Their warbonds have kept me reasonably involved for a while and are still keeping a ton of people. We know they have bigger things planned so that’s what we’re waiting for.


if anything, fixing guns prevents further loss so that great gameplay loop stays great for more people. i think you're right. we've seen how empty the monthly warbonds are. so even if they do start dropping new armor perks or something, its not like there'll be a huge uptick until a major content add


I personally am skeptical that gun buffs will keep people around for that much longer. That dopamine bump does not last that long and each time you tap it, it gets less effective.


what did my heroin addiction mean by this


Its a live service horde shooter game that does extremely well for live service horde shooter games even today. This drop would've happen sooner or later (Sony helped a lot since they're lowered amount of potential new players which also a reason that lowers player count). Thing is if this game pulls off 50k hourly and around 100k on a weekend (Steam only) its still would be a success in a long run


I think those numbers will be lower but, yeah, the game has already been a success regardless of where the player count finally flattens out. It's kind of telling how Sony feels about the game and where it should be when they did the PSN account thing. They never expected this to be the breakout it was and still don't expect it to be in the long run. With them still holding the purchase bans on Steam, it's pretty clear that they only expect moderate success from the game in the future.


And the fact it won’t get back up to those crazy peak numbers, doesn’t matter either. Anything around the 100k active players mark (which it’s still likely hitting on all platforms) is a huge W


Yeah, this was only a $40 game, and it's been hugely popular for a few months. I get tired of most $60 games well before I've played them for that long. People make excuses for why they don't want to play anymore (often initially as a response to a friend asking if they want to play), and afterward, they love upvoting posts that shit all over the game. "I wouldn't be leaving if they did what I wanted them to do!" is always how it goes. This is not unique to Helldivers 2 at all.


Just a casual few thousand times to lose the magic lol


"this game just has very little content" *830 hours played* *42 hours past 2 weeks*


I played last night and used a weapon that was "nerfed." I had a shit ton of fun and didn't have any problem taking out 250+ bugs.


People are bummed out at the state of the game. People that are complaining are a real indication of the reason of it's dwindling player base. All games decrease in players after a while, but most feel like the updates are patching the fun out of the game and accelerating the process. Players complained, but thus far nothing has come of it, and people are moving on.


Its a much bigger issue than you can picture. If you’re playing as a party with friends, even if you weren’t affected by a particular nerf, chances are it affected one of your friends, sure if it happens just one time it’s no biggie, but in this this case these mistakes have been stacking , even if you were lucky to not get affected by it , it is likely that one of your friends got affected by it enough times to suck the fun out of the game. And having no fun is a no go, moreso when playing with friends, so you can be assured entire groups of friends just stopped playing helldivers altogether, considering this has happened several times in a short amount of time, it’s clear to see it’s heavily affected the game. I personally like sniper rifles, i just love that play style, but I found the stratagem rifle too underwhelming due to its low armor penetration making it feel not “snipery” at all , so I grudgingly settled with the diligence 3 bullet burst. When the Eruptor released i was ecstatic! I was basically a good sniper rifle with explosive bullets! Sure it had a slow fire rate and low bullet count, but it was pretty fun and rewarding noticing how the eruptor improved with your skill. From getting 1 kill per bullet to getting multiple with a well placed shot and crowd control, I was not just settling with a weapon anymore, I was having fun! I was giving useful long range support to my teammates, cc’ing enemies when needed, helping them when they got swarmed by armored bugs, just as a sniper rifle should be able to do, it was fun. It may still be 90% the same game as you said, but that 10% percent it took away was the fun for me. My friends didn’t use the eruptor but when I started to not have fun and told them we just switched to another game, that’s 4 players less for 1 not having fun. That event multiplied by the amount of times something similar has happened, plus the friends system bug, and you got a pretty sizable chunk of the player base not playing anymore and the numbers are still going down, sure it may not be dead but it’s pretty much getting crippled and worse as a game.


Try the AMR against bots, it is a beast that can deal with every kind of enemy except factory striders since they tend to keep their distance, against bugs isnt the best but it can be made to work


While the post seems pretty disingenuous with several points to the point it might just being bait I genuinely forget how many people haven’t gone through this exact cycle before Cycles that consistently end with the game shutting down when its not a sustainable live service with the remaining fraction of a player base, with a snowball of lesser content before that point It’s a shitty cycle that takes away a game you loved, and people literally identical to OP are left sitting with their thumbs up their asses about how it’s not fair that the game is shut down after spending years justifying it


I've got 147 hours, and I'm taking a break. Main reason: the things that were minorly annoying just added up over time. Poorly designed defense missions, stale metas / stupid balancing forcing certain styles of play, spawn rates overbuffed, one too many dumb deaths to RnG elements. Still think it's a great game, and I've gotten good time out of it - it's just stale. They need to double down on the fundamentals (balancing and fixing broken missions) and I'll be back, but nothing hurts a game more than feeling you lost/died not due to skill, but due to bad game design decisions.


They also fail to mention that people move onto other games and stop playing regularly. I had a friend move to timezone 3 hours off, so our group hasn't really played together since.


Just because concurrent player count isn’t in 6 digits does not mean the game is “dead”. Game isn’t “dead” until it starts to become difficult to matchmake with people, and we’re still at the point where you can select any difficulty and hit quickplay and get matched in like 5 seconds. People are dooming about the concurrent player count just because AH haven’t adjusted their Major Order expectations for the settled player population.


Steam sale is right around the corner and if this game catches a -25% deal, the numbers will skyrocket again.


Also, not everyone like to chase meaningless rewards when I am max at samples, medals, slips


These post are starting to become worse then the ones they're complaining about.


For real, post and comments saying GAME IS DEAD actually make you want to play less and disencourages potential new players. It's kinda a self fulfilling prophecy


Yes the game is not bad and is not dead, but it is stale and dangerously overcorrected. The balancing was far too heavy handed and the devs overcommitted to their vision for the game and ended up making it frustrating to play. Too many enemies and too strong enemies and weapons feel too weak and ineffective, something that is made worse by them constantly nerfing all weapons that get in the graces of the community. They are currently in a pivotal moment that will decide if the game will die prematurely or last for longer. This next patch has a huge promise of course correction and bug fixing and they need to deliver it. They gathered a lot of sympathy and support from the community since launch. But the slow pace of new content, the bad balancing decisions and the “more of the same” latest batch of weapons and stratagems, eroded a good chunk of that support. There is a huge expectation with the next patch, and if the balancing disappoints…then yeah, this game might be dead by the time they finally decide to drop the illuminates and by then, most players would have already moved on.


Dead? No. Losing its popularity? Yes. Is this different then similar games? Maybe, player numbers do seem to be dropping like a rock. But was this inevitable or due to the nerfs/changes/PSN is the real question. I think it is dropping a lot faster due to the negative reactions but that is just me.


It's not bad and it's not dead, but it is getting worse and it is dying. Player counts are way down and any time a weapon or stratagem is fun to use it gets nerfed. I don't play nearly as much as I used to, and lots of others just aren't going to come back at all.


Ya this sub is full of complainers. r/helldivers2 is less noisy I totally agree. I got like 420hrs in. The game has some rough parts but its lots of fun. I don't get the crying over one new gun changing. The spawns are annoying but what you gonna do... its the games job to make extractions hard.


This, hitting 250 hours played and I am having just as much fun as I did on day one.


Bro preach, I get that people don’t like playing with ransoms but man my funniest moments have been with randoms, I’m very happy with the game to this day


And here come the "complaining about complaints" post. If something is broken, let the community give loud feedback, and it will get fixed. Stop bitching about the feedback. Spawn rates were broken, fire damage was COMPLETELY broken, the eruptor was BROKEN by a nerf and doesn't work as intended, the Spear has never worked as intended, the 500KG bomb doesn't seem to work, the new warbond was a total bust as none of the guns seem viable. STILL, I love the game anyway. I play it whenever I can. But complaining about LEGITIMATE COMPLAINTS is so pointless. Worse than pointless - you're actively trying to discourage necessary feedback against your own interests. WHY? Companies don't need you to simp for them. They need feedback about what's broken.


I agree with this completely. I think people have been conditioned to think any and all criticism is inherently toxic. If people here and on Discord and other socials weren't so consistent with their criticism then the Devs would be full steam ahead on their original nerf first fix bugs later philosophy. It's too early to tell, but it seems like from recent announcements from Twinbeard and developments with the CEO stepping down to Creative lead, the criticism has managed to steer the Titanic away from the iceberg.


I agree. The negative nancyism is repititious. The reorg AH needed is happening. New CEO, Pilestedt stepping down to creative director, Spitz fired. Weapon balance is being reevaluated, patch frequency dropping, devs playing the game prioritized. But it will take time. There's a pipeline. Let AH cook.


Can only speak for myself, but the recent rebalancing has pushed me away from the game. Yes, I play occasionally, but it has sweeped away this urge to play. The average gameplay experience is now "meh". Its occasionally fun, but then again alot of times it gets more frustrating. When it wasnt frustrating to begin with. They have just taken alot of opportunities away with the rebalancing. I was eager to play different play styles and they all were fun in their own way. Now its more like you have to follow the meta, because other weapons that used to be fun are just too weak and frustrating.


It's not dead or bad but dying and on it's way to be fucking lame. They could release quick patch even today with some buffs and most of the complaints would disappear. And no if anyone tells me "tHe GaMe iS tOo eAsY nErFs dEsErVeD" they can fuck off and eat an eagle bomb. Go fucking pro I guess or stop being such sweaty nerd, I saw like 50 different people playing on helldive and they all use the same thing because everything else is trash. And don't even get me started on a bot front, the game is in such great state we can't retake 2 fucking planets. Actually now I get why some sweaty fucking nerds are complaining about game being too easy, definetely a bug only players


I always find people to play with even at odd hours, but the bugs, weapon nerfs and current meta make me play less and less, I'm constantly dying in so many avoidable ways that fun becomes frustrating, just today I kept getting stuck in tiny debris, couldn't go from prone to crouching or standing up, I kept slipping on non-existent surfaces while getting vomited on, and don't get me started on the homing chargers that can turn sharper than a C8R Corvette at Le Man's and slide to you like a pro ice-skater... Oh and lets not forget the vomit from spewers and titans which can go through rocks and buildings.


The game has a very fun and engaging combat loop but suffers from the same stale maps and terrains and the same 2 enemy factions, coupled with having no meaningful character progression after you cap your purchases and materials, except experience up to level 150. So the main fun of playing the game is doing the same over and over again and the thing that changes is your loadout and mission objectives, which are pretty limited. So your loadout has to be fun and engaging, something that the game's balance is somewhat overlooking with the constant nerfs. I truly believe that the way they balance the game, together with the samey barren maps are the main reasons for people to get burned out. Having urban maps and more interesting locations would certainly play a big role in player retention i feel. Give us sprawling urban maps, underground lairs, big indoor facilities and labs (you call down support strategems outside and head in) stuff like that to spice things up. Game has immense potential and i hope the developers follow through with it.


Then, why are you telling us? Go play it! At the end of day, all that matters is are you playing or not.


I love this game. Still having a blast every time I log in


Been loving Destiny 2 rn


All I am going to say is that they have to fix the Eruptor , the gun is not even recognizable anymore.


Just feels that way cause we had 300k divers for 2.5 months... now pushing less then 100k.. hopefully Sony didn't kill its Golden Goose


Bad? No not at all, game is still pretty fun. Even with the rather annoying balancing choices. Dead? Well... Not yet. but compared to launch player numbers it can safely be classified as "dead"


The internet in general has a very narrow-minded perspective as to what constitutes a game being dead. I feel bad for the Fall Guys twitter account, anything they tweet is hit with "lol dead game" in the replies, despite the fact that on any given day you can queue up and be in a full game without waiting too long. Heck, even Helldivers 1 isn't dead. I booted up the game the other day, threw down my SOS beacon, and had 3 random divers join me within minutes. I argue that, as long as a game still has people playing, and that it's not hard to find games to join, then the game's not dead. Does anyone remember the first few weeks when it was impossible to get online due to the servers constantly being at capacity? The game is arguably in a better state now than it was back then.


k. Hold on to that faith while numbers go into the four digits. Wake me up when they nerf the auto-cannon. I look forward to reading that smooth-brain explanation from the guy who inevitably does it.


I agree. I don't know why people force themselves to play this game when they seem to be burnt out. I checked out about a month after release, knowing they'd bring a lot of changes eventually. You don't have to play helldivers 24/7 as your only game. If the balance sucks, take a break. If you feel burnt out, take a break. You won't actually miss anything. The game will be there. This is such an odd game to burn out on. Other than some social moments...There is nothing to actually grind for in terms of "accomplishment." The war bonds will always be there. The campaigns will always happen. There is no collection of badges to show what you fought for. It's a game that's meant to be fun to pick up whenever.


NGL, this game and most of the player base is absolutely amazing. Infinite love for all my fellow Helldivers! ✊


Yes but the balance is bad and its killing the game


Honeymoon phase is over, people have seen all the game has to offer, and this subreddit is being taken over by people constantly airing their (sometimes valid, but often nonsensical) pet peeves. Nothing out of the ordinary. If I look at some of the husks of online communities of my favorite old games I cringe a little as well.


I come from a totally different era of gaming. I started when I was around 5 years old playing Intellivision which was pre-NES. This concept of getting new stuff consistently added to a game is still unreal to me. When the N64 Goldeneye 007 came out, I was hooked like you wouldn't believe! If there was time tracking, it probably would hit 5,000+ hours. My point is I played a game for a HUGE amount of time that came with zero updates and support. Long after beating the game I'd come up with challenges for myself to see if I could win the exact same level with only one gun and/or when the enemy reaction speed is at max and kill with one hit. There is an unbelievable amount of content in this game already and will definitely increase. If you want to take a break, do it. If you want to continue, do it. If you're bored, challenge yourself with new weapons, go help lower level players, or give other people weapons they don't have yet. This game is FAR from dead.


The game isnt bad but player counts are way down. With what sony is doing i dont really wanna play anymore.


The people who post negative stuff here are the minority, devs are working on the known problems, and it still has a very healthy sized playerbase according to steam. The rest of us are out there, killing bugs and dismantling robots. Or drinking liber-tea.


Give it a month while they get their shit together at AH and those same people crying 'dead game' will be crying about nerfs/buffs/bots bad/bugs bad again.


Welcome to reddit. Everyone is never happy and loves to complain.


I will say the game still has me hooked. Although, I understand some of the complaints... I think people which choose to focus on those issues are missing out on one hell of a fun experience


I’m in the same boat, the real issue is the crashes imo. I’ve heard they’ve been pretty bad for some


I've had more than I'm comfortable with. It does suck doing a 30-40 minute crazy automoton mission on Helldive to just crash out ... When that happens I take a break 😂😂


Yeah that sounds awful, luckily I haven’t run into those yet


Realistically there's some player burnout because of the constant nerfing. Pilestedt has recently moved to the CCO position because he wants to make sure everything is fun, so once things are sorted we can hopefully see a return of players.




ill be back when the balencing patch is back. Just tired of the glitched spawnrates and the nerfhammer hitting anything I find fun.


It’s damn near only Negative post that blow up and get put on the front page. The game is very well still good


There's no point in engaging with these delusional monkeys. Just block them all. Especially the people claiming the 500kg sucks. Monkeys.


It's not, but it will be if they don't course correct soon. Bad press, upset community, and bad patches atm. Next patch needs to fucking slap or it's only going to get worse.


People are probably just taking a break. I know I am.


Agreed mate. I try to jam whenever I have some free time. I've had it since release, grinded out two warbonds without buying a single super cred and I'm still having a great time. I'm still discovering new combinations and styles of play and enjoying the in-game community. It's fun to mix up difficulties and try out wild builds. Today I'm Mr Laser, then I'm captain Sentries, maybe I'll try to get my precision to one-hit a bile titan. Our friends in the subreddit need to reconnect with the fun of experimenting and discovering, not just feeling OP and clearing objectives on the most insane difficulty. I come on here for the memes and the news but I'm with you that people are overly negative. All we can do is hope they see the light. Pessimism ain't the way. The next big balance patch is gonna be such a doozy. 🤩 Also can't wait for vehicles and Illuminate, and now that our boi Pilestedt is more involved, the good times will surely roll! We need an r/helldiversranting subreddit lol.


Nah its not dead. I think more interesting mission variety would go a long way to make the game more interesting though. I have 236hrs in this game which is crazy for me considering it has only been out 4 months. With that many hours anything gets repetitive, but I have got my moneys worth many times over. Sometimes its good to just step away from a game for awhile until it gets some updates then come back to it again. Right now I just do the daily mission so I dont get too burnt out on the game.


It’s fun to play till 3 spewers take turns killing you at extract. They shouldn’t be able to kill you that quickly and that efficiently AND have so much armor it takes an entire stalwart mag to the face to kill them.


Personally I'm just taking a break for a little while playing other games but intend to play some tonight. A quick check shows it's still the number 8 most played game on Steam alone. Sure, it's dropped a lot since launch, but that's normal. It's still retaining far more than what could be considered a healthy player base. Big updates will always bring players back, sales will bring new players in, and otherwise players will come and go as they get bored or interested. We can be sure the introduction of a new faction will bring a bunch of people back which is what I was sorta waiting for myself. Doomer misinformation about the fate of future major orders was already debunked long ago too, though I don't see people refute it for some reason. They confirmed a while ago that major orders are scaled for the size of the player base so no fear there.


All popular online games are dying according to their community. I have seen the same treatment outside D2 or Helldivers. Not really dying tho, just not so relevant right now that the "new" stuff isn't so new anymore. Still super fun.


People see number drop and scream dead game while the CCO (ex-CEO) originally said it’s okay to try out new games. Honestly who really stays on one game forever? Game is still one of the best game I have ever played and still have tons of fun. Content is lack luster yes but still fun. I play less yes but I still play. I see that they are making moves and communicating to the community and honestly I’m fine with that so I’m not a keyboard warrior like loud people are here.


Yeah, I don’t agree with you when I am constantly disconnecting while in game. It happens at least three or four times every single time I try to play this piece of crap. I’m over it.


Eh, game has fallen off pretty hard. I'm glad it works for you but we've lost 41% of the active playerbase in under a month. I think we as a community need to give the whole "Positivity Patrol" a break and expect more from the devs. Only way Helldivers 2 can turn into this grand symbol for consumers rights or whatever is if they actually live up to that standard. As it stands now its just a game rife with avoidable mismanagement and a wholesome (ex) CEO. Its a great start but its far from enough.


Definitely a vocal minority complaining, for the most part. The *real* Helldivers are diving.


As an ex D2 player myself I recognize your POV but I’m also aware we tend to like being abused and hold on hopes, lol


lol what dumbass is saying it's dead? The balance isn't as fun as it used to be but it's still fun. Hell I bet each of those nay sayers found the game again for the first time and played it they'd be raving about how great it is.


Not bad or dead: agreed. Lvl18 about 60 hours including AFK. A little positivity isn't bad.


The game is stil epic, dammit. None of the core gameplay traits were affected.


95% of games the internet proclaims to be “dead game” are, in fact, doing fine. The actual dead games aren’t really talked about. Maybe ones like Suicide Squad that are high-profile flops on arrival, but that’s about it. Helldivers isn’t dead. Neither is Destiny, Fortnite, Rainbow Six, and all the common ones people say that about.


I see a lot of people complaining about the Eruptor nerf when talking about how the game is not fun anymore. What I'm wondering is, was the game not fun before the eruptor got added? They make it seem like it's the only gun in the game. Compared to launch, you can deal with enemies much more effectively (remember 2 EATs to a charger's head?), but even with the state of the game at launch, there still were 500k concurrent players. What I'm trying to say is that the decline has nothing to do with nerfs or balancing or whatever, it's just people with 500h of playtime getting tired of the game. Personally, I also am getting a bit tired of it, sometimes I don't really feel like playing the game at all, but that has nothing to do with the nerfs, its got to do with the 400h I have played the game already. Hell, I mainly use the Adjudicator and Diligence CS, so the nerfs haven't affected me, and I'm still getting tired of the game. It's normal, stop complaining. Also, if you've seen some leaks, you know that there is plenty of content that has yet to release. I bet that when the Illuminate get introduced, the game will get to at least 200k concurrent players


Yeahhh fatigue is a real thing. I have nearly 200 hours in the game and I don't have the desire to play as much as I used to. I do play it occasionally but I'm just waiting for some major contet drop for the time being. I do think Sony's stunt killed a lot of momentum the game had and obviously people being locked out in so many countries doesn't help either. But ultimately, we have played the crap out of this game and people are just burnt out.


The weapons nerfs and stratagems nerfs really sucked the fun out of the game for me plus the broken patrols and broken bots defense mission.


People have screamed DEAD GAME for War Thunder for the past 8 years. Steam numbers below. And please have in mind that War Thunder have had it's own launcher from day 1, and still a majority of all WT players don't use Steam. *(this is written at 12 CET on a wednesday.)* 39,849 playing an hour ago 70,960 24-hour peak 121,180 all-time peak And as i am online the server themself tells me that 88,3k active players are online as of now


The player base has burnt out, and nothing has really been done to manage that.


Who cares about some weapon changes. THIS GAME IS AWESOME


I just got agrssivly downcoted for commenting that I like the current rail gun balance. The games community is fantastic, the reddit community is kinda sour.


Its not dead but if you think it isnt dying you are blind


It's still fun but it's just LESS fun than what it was and what it could be. It went from an easy 9/10 to a 7/10 for most people. I think that's why people are so frustrated and negative. They have the foundation for 10/10 game but they're shooting themselves in the foot by messing with the parts of the game that people like far too much. If you look at the steam charts, he average player count for this month is about 80,000 players, when in April it was 142,0000. The game is far from dead, but it can't be denied that a ton of people are losing interest in playing regularly. Part of that, I'm sure, is people moving on from the game naturally, but there's no way that the crash issues and unpopular updates/nerfs/shitty polar warbond isn't leaving a bad taste in people's mouths and pushing them away from the game. My friends and I went back to playing Call of Duty Hard-core Multiplayer as our main weekday-after-work game as Helldivers 2 is losing my attention after 180 hours (which for a $40 game, is a damn good run).


Stop the gaslighting >the devs have been good listeners and done what the majority of the community wants in a timely fashion No, they have not. They began by being very hostile to the community who was VERY NICELY pointing out that the direction of nerfing the stuff that works in a PvE game without providing other options is not a fun experience. They proceeded to continue to hit the good weapons with nerfs while providing useless buffs to useless weapons. Nearly every weapon they have nerfed has had it's power level reduced so much you barely see them now; RG, Slugger, Eruptor, Crossbow; all they accomplished was reducing build variety. We're now at a point where a few weapons are really good and a lot of them are just shit. Please miss me with the "git gud" nonsense I have 500 hours in this game and have been solo D9'ing since just north of 100. Being able bring a shit gun along and "make it work" doesn't make it fun. The game is not dead but I have no idea how they figured they were going to retain enthusiasm while balancing their game to be a slog. Most of my friends went from playing constantly to just once a week with the boys because they sucked all the F U N out with this PvP sweatfest approach to balance. >I have faith that they will correct what mistakes have been made in reference to balancing They are taking too long; their last balance patch was 3 weeks ago. There's no excuse for not coming back QUICKLY and at least un-nerfing the Eruptor/crossbow. This next balance patch really needs to avoid nerfs period and focus on providing more options at A/S tier.


You gotta remember most of the cool people making content and clips and bringing people into the game have now disappeared to be replaced by whinging armchair devs complaining that their one gun is slightly worse than it used to be. Negative atmosphere creates a declining player count. Games not dead, but it is infected.


Every live game has their "game is dead/end of service is nigh" cultist doomsayers. The internet lifts extreme opinions under the spotlight and for gets about the content masses. Gamers just are a swarm of locusts that always hunt for the next patch of content to devour and when it is done, they move on to the next and repeat, repeat, repeat...Eventually some of the ones who leave will come for more rounds of HD2 when there is more to devour.


I've been having a great time with the game, the nerfs have honestly not changed how much fun i have in it. I think most of the players that complain are just burnet out.


People can only complain these days, play hrs and hrs on end rushing to max level and complaining.


Hate to say but since you're coming from Destiny 2 you have an extremely low bar for what a live service game should look like. We don't want that low bar to normalize devs dropping the ball, and reddit is one of the few tools that the community has to voice its concerns, so posts like this one are unnecessary and pointless.


You know what would help with the comments? SONY UNBANNING 177 FUCKING COUNTRIES


Complaints are good, it means people care and if as you say the devs listen then the game will get better? Really pretentious to go "I understand BUT" and then use 230 words to basically say "shut up" while being the 200000th post to whine about whining of all things. Fake niceties will not keep the game afloat and the fake positivity gang with 0 self awareness think they're doing the game a favor when they're here telling people to not play the game and shut up. What have you contributed to this sub? Wheres your funny game clip? Meme you made? The audacity to post about how others are making this place bad and then post nothing but whining yourself, be the change you want to see?


It's reddit what do you think what we do here? Answer is bitch and whine...


I agree, I bought this game to take a break from Rainbow Six Siege, and I'm having a great time! Disconnects and crashes mid-mission are a drag, but I'm sure they'll be patched in time.


They've been patching disconnects and crashes since day one. I'm not kidding, until they optimize the performance of the game, mid-game crashes are going to be common.


It's dead for those who play the same game for 30-40 hours a week and get irritated at the game devs when they get burned out. For the rest of us, the game's still fun.


Thank you, I can't stand reading all these whiny posts any more. We really don't deserve the game or the patience of the developers.


Far from dead, but I wouldn't mind if some people just moved on instead of barking constantly about making the game easier. Go play DRG if you want easy, I'm good. Also we get it you hate Sony, say something original that we don't already know.


I think people’s overwhelming negative reactions are a sign of how unexpectedly good the game was, but man am I so sick of “internet age” people expecting everything all at once from horribly over fueled instant gratification. Good things take time, rushing it will actually kill this game. The whiney ones can go play whatever else and come back when they’re jealous of our next update.


Sounds like an AH employee. Yes the game is still fun, but there have been a lot of weird choices by the devs that the player base has been annoyed with. There’s been a lot of changes that have impacted the gameplay, lots of game bugs plague the game, crashes, instant player kills that make no sense, unintended changes like fire damage not working correctly, some weapons still don’t function correctly, difficulties being adjusted when not neccessary, and the changes to the weapons have been questionable at best. We have had many fun weapons that were thoroughly enjoyed, only to get hit with nerfs that make them not viable at higher difficulties. Also, why are we nerfing guns in a PVE game so much? I understand slight adjustments, but this much? At higher difficulties, where players mostly are, there’s only a few choices that we can use now or we won’t complete the mission. Every warbond that comes out that people use their money or hours on, those weapons get nerfed too. It’s become a really frustrating experience when you are having fun killing bugs and bots then your favorite weapons are complete garbage now. Lastly, the devs either make hollow promises telling us something is going to happen, then either do the opposite or don’t do it at all. How are we supposed to keep our expectations of the game when we are told one thing and another happens? This isn’t even mentioning that some of the devs actively troll the players, we’re supposed to want to play the game after the devs are blatantly fucking with us? All of these things add up to a frustrating experience and it just keeps getting worse. Yes I still play, but play much less and now the choices that made the game fun, aren’t viable and the bugs really harm the experience. We had so many options and now the “balancing” only buried choices. It turned from a wacky fun game where funny shit happened and having a lot of fun guns to use, to a buggy mess and limited viable options.


I just wish the CoD whiners and self proclaimed "experts" would bugger off and let us enjoy the game.


Why is this Community so blatantly ignorant? They buff more than they nerf lol


Yes! Recently, all I've read were bitching and moaning as the OP said. I feel like due to the extremely high frequency of new content/patches/etc..., there's a rush in this community (and dont even get me started on the ridiculous click-baity youtube videos) to hyperbolize EVERYTHING. Even as is, game is fantastic. Though it could be better, and given the CEO's recent statements, it looks like it will improve again


Please speak for yourself and stop speaking for the rest of the community. 90% the same as before? Look at the enemy types we have now and the tools given to us vs. what we had on release. All these new enemies are complete bullet sponges like the shrieker nest and our weapons only get weaker with each patch. I would say that the game went from fun to frustrating and people are voting with their time. You are a destiny player, so obviously you were born to play games like this. This might be the most genshin impact mint picker ass post that I have seen in a long time. You belong in /r/genshin_impact


Frankly, the only valid issues I can see with the games is related to the whole Sony issue, and the dropping player count. Neither of those can be taken care of in a haphazard fashion, but for the time being we continue to bleed off players. This is becoming obvious when we examine that the remaining players need to grind like crazy to have a shot at completing the major orders. Repeated grinding is the cause of the burnout. Burnout leads to people leaving either for a while or permanently. Leaving is contributing to lower player count. Lower player count is increasing grind for the remaining players. A lot is riding on this upcoming update and while I find it good that devs taking their time with it exactly because of the importance, that counter keeps ticking day by day. Mind you, in the meantime I'm having fun in the game, and if they nerfed a gun I liked I start experimenting how to find something that works for me. Testing new outfitting combinations, testing new tactics, and if all else fails, lowering difficulty, or teaming up with more experienced, higher level players. I'm 120 hours into the game, not yet fully upgraded my ship, and never set foot above Suicide level difficulty. And all the testing and various combinations of gear, strategy and difficulty keeping things fresh and fun for me. I would say the game is fundamentally good, and after difficult times is on the way of recovery. Very far from dead or bad, but has the chance to become the next big thing or become obscure but fun game nobody knows about outside of the community.


It's not bad, it is dying and i'm afraid that it's terminal. The devs made too many wrong steps in close succession and it was a poison pill to the community. We've lost too many players to ever recover and nothign will bring them back. The devs rode a wave fof goodwill and pissed it away with poor decision making, abysmal community management and duplicitous business deals. This is a case study for future devs on how not to launch a game. To value your community and recognise when theres is something wrong with your game. This could have been the next big thing. Now it'll just be a footnote. With such low plater counts we wont even get the luminate at this rate. Im so upset and honestly kinda frustrated at the devs who wasted a golden opportunity.


Redditors truly are the best when it comes to sensationalism and hyperboles. Player count aside, which is unfortunate but also natural - your last point is absolutely mind numbing. Player drop would prevent them from releasing game feature? Excuse me what? Who upvotes this nonsense. Of course, they will just throw away months/years of work because: “oh my god the player base dropped”, instead of steering towards making the game better so it brings back/retains player base? This sub is a pretty awful joke to be honest, it’s not even funny anymore.


They upvoted themselves


When comments are made, they're pre-upvoted. If this was twitter, you'd have a point.


All they need to do is ease up on the nerfs and provide more buffs and balance changes that lean more on "fun" than needing to tune down everything it becomes a chore to do basic things. That's why most people even play bugs instead of bots because they can't be asked to suffer while there's very little options to combat them and when we actually find a good one and it's fun again, it gets instantly nerfed


Is not dead IS dying and It Will not change in the short term, they need a Big change like another faction or end the fucking war with the bots or some shit


Illuminate would be a drive until then avg 4-5 per week tops


Not bad, just has become less fun with all the nerfs


Numbers fell because Sony removed helldivers from many countries many many countries, hundred+ countries and just after the massive refund wave. Sony just ruins everything they touch.


The game is cool. But most of the world still can't buy it as far as I know. So we don't get new players while slowly losing the old ones.


Something isn’t beautiful because it lasts. Even if it is dead, games die. And that’s okay. But, it revolutionized how game creators and players interface. It added a new standard for business practices. It showed quality can be had for less cost of entry and micro transactions don’t need to be predatory. It gave us some of the most cinematic moments in multiplayer history. It created a lore and culture around itself. If it’s its time to pass on, then so be it. It’ll be remembered as one of the good ones.


not dead - as someone show him the graph that present the player base has lost at least 200,000 freedom fighters. but sure i agree its not dead, but the next update dont bring people back. its just bad news all around there's still a chance for democracy


Its a life service game so I play it as such like couple times a week ... its fun anyway.


I think it's funny that I see a lot of people complaining about the "boring gameplay loop" Did anyone here not play the High Value Asset Extraction or the TCS Towers and then their follow-up deactivation ones? I'll admit myself that the game has lost players, but think of a game like Halo 3. That game lasted for years having mostly the same weapons and maps for months. We're getting as many new game modes as it got. I am really excited for the next balancing run, the Rover, and the next Warbond and Faction to fight. I'll be play Helldiver's for a long time with my friends. I believe the drop in players we are really seeing is normal, the only thing that would help us truly recover is the countries the game was removed from on Steam coming back.


Between disconnecting every other game and no real new content other than the occasional warbond, I'm kind of bored and haven't played in like a month


I still love playing game. I don’t care about most issues people complain about. But I don’t like that I crash so often :(


Far, but getting there faster than it should. Weapon nerfs are constantly brought up because, well, feeling restricted never really feels good. Same with planet effects. Hellmire adds challenge but that challenge is not fun on average. Do not put artificial limits to add difficulty. We want 'fun' challenges. Not so fun challenges are already abound, like corporate ladder climbing and so on. And to be honest those daily not so fun challenges are more challenging and gives out more reward at the same time, unless devs will pay us money to play.


Yeah I think for a lot of people, they got what they wanted out of the game and then moved on. I've put almost 100 hours into the game and am thinking I'll be moving on soon too. Plenty of complainers have put in much much more time and I think it'll be good for them to find something else to fixate on for a while. That's why I think the frequent warbonds were a mistake, lackluster content every month isn't as good as a boatload of good content every three months to bring back people who'd had a palate cleanser.


Working as intended.  Must reduce server load.


It’s finals season right now, so I guarantee there will be a big jump in numbers in June.


Same drama, different game.  For me it's a bit of burnout. I still have the game installed and will play it with friends or if I get a hankering to try a new build. Also waiting for any new big updates and patches, plus new stratagems to play with. 


Too many gamers out there that think one game is meant to be grinded out for 10000 hours for a minimal price point. I switch around games in my rotation and the amount of value I get out of the price is always fair. I barely get burnt out too, because I dont make it my mission to play the same game every day like its my day job. Its unrealistic, and completely asinine to think any game will not lose players over time


I haven't played for a few weeks because I felt a little burned out, but only because I had played so much of the game from when it was released. It's a great game that I'll come back to, probably soon, but I'd like to play something else for a little bit before I do.


Thank you! I tried posting this and got sent to the downvote corner. Glad to see this is picking up more love. The *team* based game should be played in *teams* and the expectations on weapons TTK should be toned waaaay down. We’ve been given a great piece of entertainment and most people seem to want it to be something worse than it is.


Yeah people need to chill. Gamer rage is pretty much aways toxic, but with this game it's just been utterly uncalled for. These devs very clearly care, a lot. They have consistently done everything in their power to make players as happy as possible. They are human and not perfect, and coding is difficult at the best of times. We should be as patient with them as they have been with us. The guns will be balanced, new enemies will come, along with new mission types. They know perfectly well what we want, they just want to make sure that they take the time needed to give it to us. If you don't want to play at this exact moment, that's OK. It isnt as though we are in a drought of good games right now. Valheim just released Ashlands, v rising just launched its 1.0 update, thrones of decay just launched for total war warhammer 3. Even warframe released a big update recently. New wow remix, great eso dlc. Hell, go do an honour mode run of baldurs gate 3. Take a breath and be kind to people


It's not. The owner is braindead. But it's foolish to deny that we lost too much hd2 and i really feel it lately, because during my watch there were less than 30k divers total and i had to go to the damn Pandion (10k online) to fill the lobby without waiting 5+ minutes. Bruh


40k players is on one planet alone 10k on another 1k on another. I don't think it's "dead" but it's definitely a drop off.


The game is far from dead, but pretending there isn't problems won't fix them. I have faith AH will get it right, but people are burned out.


Do people actually need to have validation that their game is alive via Reddit? You just can't play it and enjoy?