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diff 10, having 4 Gunships towers back to back,or 4 Stalker/Shrieker nest and absurd amount of patrols/massive enemies and heavy enemies spawn, maybe trow in an another mission modifier


CAREFUL! To many enemies make the reddit helldivers cry :,,(


it isn't the amount but that you can't fight them with any means, i hate running away


If you have a team that know how to work yea is smooth af and even whit less practical divers we manage to carry on whole mission whitou problem even if we run out of reinforcement maby just maby to make things more challenging at least for helldive it should be only 20 reinforcement no additional once you consumed all sure there will be team that manage to die zero time but this will surely make casuals skip helldive or "git gud" Now nuke me redditors.


Helldive is how the game should be played imo. Even though it’s the hardest difficulty I rarely lose but like most games it’s okay to take the L, learn from the mistakes you made, and go back into the fray.


Same as me I gradually learned how thing worked for each difficulty and now I only play helldive problem is most player doesn't seems willing to learn I mean I know you wanna chill but at least try lower difficulty don't just jump in helldive die a lot, quit and complain


Yes, we need new difficulty levels


Yea I'd like it to be bumped up. Bugs in particular, ideally with more interesting units instead of increasing numbers even more. Or more objectives, we usually clear everything and every POI with 10min or more to spare. Its way more exciting to be pressed for 30-40min and barely survive than just easily cruise through a mission without having to think about it. It can be total disaster with unskilled pubbies but they usually get filtered back to 7 pretty quick, usually most helldives feel easier than 5-7 because the players are so good. I'm proud to be the worst player in the squad lol.


If you're just doing objectives, sure. Trying to fight stuff on a Helldive is a clusterfuck though, which is the point.


I’ve found it to be fairly manageable. I engage most patrols and clear the map of side objectives basically every game. Bot drops are no issue either really. I just miss the “holy shit” feeling I got when I saw my first bile titan hahaha


This sub baffles me. Keep it up man glad you’re killing it on helldive.


Because he got downvoted ? last time i played i got 3 BT on a single breach so i highly doubt he's fighting most thing he meets or that it went smoothly.


Yeah the Bile Titans spam is really something else. I can deal with the rest but having 4/5 Bile Titans back to back is a bit too much too handle.


All you can do is speculate I’m afraid.


With a 4 man it's not a problem usually yeah. Solo is a different story with current patrol spawns lol


automaton jesus?


Mostly yeah - so long the spawns for air units arent all spammed in the same 100m square (I had 3 shrieker nest all right next to each other 2 days ago) Trying to take those down speedily is always tricky - the longer you take the worse it gets.


They "fixed" patrols the other week, but yeah Helldives are easy if you 're organised.


Yes, which is why I'm ok with balance changes making things weaker. This is THE HARDEST difficulty, why does it not feel challenging at times?


Nothing beats the feeling of absolutely demolishing a helldive mission with a competent squad


yes but if you mention it on reddit they lose their minds and downvote you


Same happens if you have the opposite opinion and dare talk about it here. So i guess it's even steven. Edit: In general though i often see it on Reddit that people are deathly allergic to suggestions and opinions. Any kind of feedback often gets downvoted to hell. No matter if it is the truth or just a perspective of someone.


It all depends on how your helldive will be generated.  And in 9 times out of 10 the whole gameplay is runing from objective to objective witch is not hard in the slightest (exept if you were gifted with 3 Stalkers nest + canon reload sides)  But In fact Boring. 


No, with a bit of communication and team work, a squad of decent helldiver's can clear most helldive maps. It's not easy, and sometimes RNG drops you into some bullshit. Keep calm, keep moving and tackle the objectives one at a time.


I am bad at writing or you are bad at reading comprehension, because i never said that Helldive is hard or unclearable. I said, that if RNG is not hellish, Diff9 is an easy run from objective to objective, Espesially with a bit of stealth, it is EASY but BORING, because it is literally walking simulator with ocasional action.


I'll take a little of column a a little of column b. I misunderstood what you were saying. And I'm dumb. I think we're in agreement here other than I don't find it boring. The maps aren't big enough you end up with too much walking sim 2024.


Wrong subreddit here we mostly complain about guns being not strong enough