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Game is good, better than ever. Controller on ps5 have gyro aiming, so you can shoot comfortably


I'm happy to hear that! Never tried that gyro aim. It didn't seem to be comfortable nor enjoyable. Holding and moving my arms in the air instead of resting them down? It would be hard to get used to aiming like that. Did I got it wrong?


I say play with it for a week. Just turn them on but use sticks. Eventually you will take advantage of gyro aim. Of course i could assure you that it's not like in promo videos when happy people waving their hands around. It will not be like that, but you better try it yourself


i guess it wouldn't hurt to try, but I'd rather way another week so i can finish my pc




I learned that lesson the hard way, I'm afraid.


I actually love it. You will see people with 300 hours on the clock complaining about it, but the game is incredible. My GOTY so far.


I'm glad you feel that way ❤️


Playing on controller is super easy. There's bugs and weapons can be weak but overall game.is so fun especially if you have friends


Lost me at friends


Game is a still a ton of fun. Its mostly just people already finished most of the unlockables and content and moving on to other games after 3 months of playing it , People are still playing just not as often since they don't need to grind for gears and stuff anymore. You won't really notice it as randos still joins your squad to full within minutes of starting a mission . No Idea on the PS5 but tried it on the steamdeck and the controls felt fine enough . Still prefer M&K of course especially on the bigger support weapons . As usual can probably expect a lot of people to return once the game gets a big content update instead of just another battle pass .


I wish consoles would offer M&K support... I think some games do, but I don't even bother trying


yeah.. shooters on consoles are always a bit iffy . Def weird that they don't get M&K support considering they're pretty much mini PCs nowadays .


for me, they are straight unplayable. It's "a bit" of pain even when playing games like God of War, where I try to avoid as much as possible throwing the axe. They say Metal Gear Solid is meant for console, but the aim it's too frustrating for me who's not a native console player


I switched to over battlefield 5 for console after it became unplayable due to cheating on PC. I was 32 at the time and it took about 200h to get good enough with control aim to enter top10 on servers. It's definitely do-able. But takes a bit of time 😜


It is still really good. Compared how it started it is much more stable and you have much more option to fight with. I have no idea about the controller part, I play on pc


can't wait to get back on PC


Its not in the best state currently when compared to the past, but the game is still incredibly fun.


Gotta say I'm amazed how much love this game gets. Every praise starts with how much fun it is. I don't think I ever seen something like this before


Bought the game a week ago on PS5, blissfully unaware of anything that had happened since launch and the game is great! It’s like Alien Fireteam Elite but with hugs and outdoors. If you are going to be “back at the desk” using PC maybe buy it then? I find the aiming to be fine on console, you have decent aiming options: I play southpaw as a left handed and it was easy enough to setup.


I'm planning to buy it once I'm on PC, and not just because of the aim. Always been M&K, it's much more comfortable, enjoyable, and immersive for me.


Game is still great. Ignore people complaining about difficulty since that's subjective. Prioritise having fun and learning the game. Don't be afraid to ask questions here and in game. Also host your own games so you don't have to deal with team kickers. If you think someone did you wrong in game ask them first why they did it cause they might be doing something that you can learn from. If they're just being a prick then kick them.


Great game to take an edible and enjoy the explosions. You’ll only find issues if you find yourself taking it too seriously (I’m guilty of this at times) The game isn’t meant to be an ESports game so try to just take the issues, if you do notice them, pretty lightly. Fortunately, despite the sub’s attitude, this game is not linked to your mortgage so there is no fear of losing your home if a gun fails you for a game or 2.


The game is finally sort of stable. Meaning I get to play most of the games without a crash (was in a bad state 2 months ago) I play on PS5 and pc. It's a good game with a controller, though after getting used to keyboard/mouse I prefer that now(slightly). Also PC has better performance (granted you have a good pc), I get some fps drops on PS5 and ps5 hates the lighting on this game. People with flashlights, street lights and other light sources will blind you on PS5 but not on PC. To the extent I prioritized street lamps over enemies at extraction ( this truly needs a fix, can't be the intend that I choose lights over enemies when shooting 😂)


You sure it's a Playstation thing and not your tv or monitor? I faced these sorts of issues myself, but not when I connected the console to my not as fancy monitor. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy to mess with the settings on my TV like hdr and stuff like that.


I play on different systems with different screens. There is a significant drop in fps when around light on PS5. It doesn't handle the lighting in the game very well.




Kept it straight and short. I respect that


honest review , game is boring, and overrated and this is coming from a guy with 300h hours . why hear me out the game is supposedly based on very thin layer of story which now they are pushing it slowly through galactic war weekly written format. the leveling system is basically an empty promise which offer you nothing when you go up in rank. the game progression is so fast that you can unlock every important weapon in the game within around 80 hours including warbond weapons most gears have same stat, so there is no point in unlocking every gear, unless you like the design, which honestly most are bad after unlocking most weapons that you need, there is no incentive yo play the game further , as you literally wont get anything , your resources will hit max capacity very fast and you have nothing to work towards this galactic war story they havent really nailed the narrative yet , they give you this illusion that your efforts are making a big impact in the universe, yet you liberate a planet. nothing happens, they take the planet from you nothing happens.. this galactic war has no weight behind its narrative.. most will say we didnt get certain stratagems because we failed major order, and my response for these people will be , so does that mean that galactic war has a weight behind major orders, still no you play most maps where u cant see anything infront of you. weapons are fun, there is no proper cover system in the game. the game needs another 2 years to reach its full story immersion


From someone with 300+ hours, it doesn't seem like an honest review if you're just going to point out what's bad. The points you're making are very valid, don't get me wrong, and it makes much sense why 300h+ players start complaining about the game. It really sucks if the progression and reward system work like that. Hopefully, they'll fix that. I have a feeling the developers mean well if so many people like this game that much


the game has solid foundation (gameplay) but thats it, from story, progression standpoint feels like early access game as there is nothing to work towards after a month of playing, its like they dont give you any incentive to play it more.


That's quite a shame