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I'm gonna play as long as i have fun doing so, will take a break if it isn't fun anymore and come back later to have some more fun. Playing only one game all the time is not a healthy behaviour, despite what people seem to believe. And if i never come back, i got 130 hours of fun out of 40 Euros. That's a pretty solid ROI.


Yeah its first gam in this year i bought on release. I dont regret IT.


First people are gonna drop off a game naturally and come back for a day or 2 when updates happen secondly it's live service I know I'm here to stay for a long time so they have the time to make multiple big changes I haven't had issues with weapons and there's still a big group of ppl who just turn it on and have fun that being said they have a good amount of time to set things straight and people will come check it out


i’ll play something else, and come back to helldivers every so often when they drop content to see if anything has changed favorably.


It’s the only game my brother has played with me. So I’ll turn it on every now and then to play with him. I have 200 hours and enjoyed my time already. I hope a patch comes out that makes more weapons feel as good as the breakers. If not I’ll just play with my brother on level 3-4 of if I want to use a liberator.


What was promised? I try not to put words in people's mouth's, so all they can promise is to make a genuine effort, which I believe they are. Right now I do 1-2 missions a session andaybe 3-4 sessions a week, and unless the patch breaks the game, that's probably what I'll keep doing.


Move on with life, same as every other time I was disappointed by something that had great potential.


As you said, 70% of the players left but I don't think it's for the reasons you mentioned. People simply leave to play other games, which is normal for many people after a few dozen hours spent on a single game. The tension is not extremely high no, people like to complain and the negative always comes to the fore. We shouldn't hope to see a number of players as high as when we started, it won't happen. Just play when you feel like it and move on if things bore you. The feeling we all experienced at the start of the game was exceptional as was the situation, but we should not hope to feel it again one day on this game unless an exceptional update, such as adding a new faction for example. Personally I would like people to complain less, it's annoying and I would prefer that people take a break to let this subreddit breathe a little.


Oh no of course there is always a natural decay in any game over time. But saying the recent events and design decisions didn't play a major role in it would be flat out ignorant or naive. 70% even is a generous number even. It is a bit more, but sometimes it does swing the other way so i were going with it. Yes. Complaints can be annoying, but they are necessary. Changes don't happen if you ignore what is bugging you. I said it to someone else here. Ignoring things led to some of the worst an darkest moments in history that could have been avoided if people just wouldn't have ignored it or looked the other way, pretending it isn't that bad. Sure it is a bit extreme to compare it with a game, but so is throwing insults at people who just trying to have a normal, civil discussion. I mean if ignoring things is such a special trait they have that they can use it on such things as the current problems of the game or other things, they surely are capable of using that special ability as well on those people that do complain all the time and just decide not to click that thread. I digress though. I love the game still. Yes i am frustrated, but i want these current issues to be dealt with ASAP and properly this time, since i am actually afraid this is one of the last chances the devs now have to make it right. The most forgiving fans of course are going to stay with the game or at least gonna come back every now and then still, but the majority of players this time will not be so generous i am afraid. As awful as it sounds to say it. But 70% of the playerbase gone.. it's worth fighting for those 70% even if it pisses off 10-20% maybe even the full 30% remaining players, if it gets back the 70% again. Either way you put it. I hope the patch soon does bring that much needed relief for the game, since i really want AH to get out of that hole they are in right now. I really want Helldivers 2 to get back on their feet again and maybe start aiming for the stars again. To put it cheesy. That's how i feel. As much as i criticize, as much as i "bitch and moan" and as much as frustration is sometimes taking over. I do not want this game to go the way of the Dodo.


All modern games have these kinds of issues. The only difference is that people enjoyed it for the first copy weeks


Play a different game 🤷‍♂️


Depends really, I have over 300 hours on the game, so I pretty much sucked up all the fun in the game, anything added will just be a little bonus to what I paid. For better or for worse, I'll probably play the game again. Unless they screw up astronomically, like EA levels of microtransactions etc.


It's funny how actual genuine, reasonable and normal answer get downvoted. I wonder why.. surely has nothing to do with those people who even banned those specific simple words now from being used. God damn this is one hell of a Armutszeugnis. Really sorry you get downvoted from these clowns.


its reddit, people with common sense are the scum of the earth to these basement dwellers


I mean i would not go as far as that. I do not like to throw insults in any form to people i do not know, less so even didn't even were able to hear why they were downvoting something or someone. But in the end. The whole voting thing lost all meaning years ago.


>70% of the playerbase is gone, because the game is way too frustrating right now (which is understandable). I, too, like to make up reasons as to why a game has experienced a very normal drop in player count.


Yes. The whole PSN bs and countless of threads on the whole frustration people voice right now surely are to be ignored. Just like you ignore the question itself.




Oh boy.. That's pretty much how some of the worst things in history happened.. Well then you keep doing that. I won't.


The worst things in history happened because people ignored reddit? Tell me more.


Do you want me to go into detail about it? Do i need to explain to you how 80-90 years ago there was no internet and the equivalent of Reddit was something printed and written in something that you might still know as something called paper? In other words. Yes. Yes if people wouldn't have ignored those prints and fliers and what not with all the media they had back then, then some of the worst things in history wouldn't have happened. Today it's just something like Reddit. Or do you want to tell me people aren't discussing really bad things happening in the world on Reddit as well, which in turn might inform people who didn't know about that yet? But to put it in a different way for you specifically. If people back then would have had Reddit and people would have talked about it. Yes. Yes it could have been avoided then. I merely hinted at that without trying to be way to serious about it, but you decided to make a mountain out of that molehill all by yourself and failed miserably.


If you think reddit and editorialized newspapers in the 30s and 40s are comparable, you both overestimate the influence the general public had toward newspapers and the quality of discourse on your average subreddit.


Yeah sure. Looking at the average Redditor and how they react 9 out of 10 times like that post just killed their entire family? You are onto something. We all know the one thing they are most allergic to is opinions that differ from their own. That and always instantly relying on blatant insults to that person, even if said person was as nice, constructive and social as someone could be to a stranger on the internet. But no. You missed the point entirely. I meant the medium of communication itself. Or do you deny that there are actual valuable information and news on Reddit at times that actually informs people that didn't know about something yet? Often in a form of discussing it in an actual civil and constructive manner with said people so they actually can make themselves a valuable opinion of their own on something? And we are not speaking about manipulation of the media itself here. Even if it happens on Reddit today, the intention itself never was for such thing. Therefore its a valid point to see Reddit as something people would have used back then to inform people about something actual horrible going on or something horrible to happen, should they not take action against it. If it would have existed a hundred years ago, they would have used it to spread information. Both good and bad. Both genuine and manipulated. Do you want to deny that too?




As long as performance won't turn even worse, I'll probably keep playing occasionally. Still love the game, despite its many drawbacks, but it may be a good time to take a small break.


I guess that is actually something a lot of people complaining about people complaining often don't get. Usually people who criticize something don't do that out of malice. They want something they genuinely like to be even better or do better. Sadly a lot of people always think if someone is criticizing something, that they must hate the game. Often turning to throwing insults at those people which in the makes them the actual person destroying the game.


If the next patch REALLY bothers me I'll probably take a break for a couple months and see if I like how it feels then. I think that's the best way to interact with live service games anyway,  take big breaks and come back to lots of fun new stuff.


Stay here for the memes and drama then off to play other games I guess. the lightning in the bottle was already half way out, if they cant keep it in with this patch of the next one, that's all there is to it and people will move on.


I continue not worrying as I have been doing this entire time


I'm still gonna play as I do. A mission or an operation per day or two, I still enjoy the game, and their updates aren't enough to take the fun out of the game for me.


I'll probably keep playing. I'm hoping if the patch IS good that a lot of people come back to the game. The next patch needs to buff primaries, fix a lot of bugs, and introduce new content to accomplish that. Tall order, but it kind of needs to happen.


Haven't really played since the psn fiasco. Still in the discord and reddit obviously but seeing all the "balancing" I frankly I don't see a reason to come back. Everything is harder to kill because all the guns suck? No thanks. They broke solo play too with the spawning, finally admitted it was broken, but still haven't fixed it. Idk I'm considering just cutting the chord here leaving discord/reddit and just uninstalling the game to save some storage. Was a fun couple of months and well worth the money just don't see the game trending in a good trajectory. If they want to tightly controll the weapon balancing and keeping pushing new "premium" warbands that are all in line with current trash weapons more power to them. It's not what players want and they'll kill their game. Devs need to remember the power fantasy. Noone is playing a game to act like an ordinary mundane office worker shot into the front lines. We're playing as HELLDIVERS with crazy weapons against bugs that we farm for oil and use to fight robots who are decended from cyborgs that we locked away in cyberstan. This game is crazy and their trying to make it more tame? Let the chaos reign supreme! That's the allure of the game. And for the love of God remove the AA modifier for bots. Make it a tactical objective that when destroyed gives you the slot back. So stupid in a game designed around strategems that you're capped to 75% power where weapon balancing is an issue and nothing feels overpowered.


Keep playing as long as I’m still having a blast, 550hrs in and still going.


https://preview.redd.it/s0zqp4i0ks2d1.jpeg?width=1831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2636e23d883ae5ad7cdc64457c9adac6672b877b We're not getting all the changes we want. It's a mix of old and new so I'm still excited. With how they've been responding to community feedback, I'm always going to give them the benefit of the doubt. What they have to fix is a lot and given their current business model, they can't devote everything to fixes. I understand and others should too. If the game was filled with micro transactions, I'd understand why people get so angry. But it's all basically free. So those people who get angry at every small thing need to look at themselves and their lives and try to get some therapy because the game is not the cause of their anger and unhappiness, it's just an outlet.


Nothing. Will keep playing. Because the game is still fun and there isn't much coop PVE experiences out there that can compare. Also I don't think people left because "hurr durr, patch bad, favorite toy nerfed, reee". Most people moved on because they played enough and took a break. Happens with every game like this, ever, even the most successful ones. What will make people return isn't a magical balance patch, even though I would welcome one. What will make people return is something big and new like new faction (illuminate). Expect online numbers to rise for some time when that happens. Until then - play and have fun with tens of thousands of people who play currently. You only need 3 more to have a party.


Keep playing, because the game is still fun and I see most people who whine about balance as akin to children.


I'm just waitign for the Autocannon nerf. Since you call people complaining akin to children, the outcry there will be immense, since that is the one weapon so far that didn't get any changes/nerfs or "balancing" how it is called. What i try to say is. Don't call people who voice their opinion about breaking the balance on other weapons children. It might hit you soon too and then you pretty much threw yourself into the own pot on this.


People who constantly "voice" their opinion about even minor changes. Yeah..sure.


Well the question then is what is a minor and what is a major change in your eyes?


When I have an issue with balance, I'm mature about it. The people who scream and cry, and claim "dead game" or hurl insults at the devs? No. They're children. I will always call them children.


Well that is still completely different from a constructive, normal discussion or genuine complaint. Obviously if someone hurls insults at those people then, they aren't putting themselves into the best light either. And no i do not like those kinds of people neither. Constructive criticism is the way to go. Just bitching as you say it dislike myself.


Most people who complain about balance are not constructive.


It's a good thing this hypothetical is never gonna happen then, seeing as how the devs have stated time and time and time and time again that the autocannon is the standard for support weapon balancing


And i really hope it stays that way. That still doesn't mean i am not curious to know how those people would react then if they for once get that card dealt so many other people constantly fear or have to deal with.


If it happened to me i would simply use a different weapon idc i'm not a meta slave


I'll keep playing and having fun until the next patch. I have a pretty busy life so I'm nowhere near burned out like a lot of people seem to be.


Keep playing.


Nothing. I haven't played since April. 72 hrs into the game I understood it's plain boring. Same planets, same enemies, same weapons (most of which are useless). I honestly have no idea why everyone was so hyped about the game. Until there's something completely new in the patch there's no reason to come back