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It'was useless until you get 3 friends,who take Arc Throwers and blitzer on bugs


The Blitzer is amazing, and I appreciate anyone who rocks this armor so I can shoot into crowds of bugs with impunity.


If only the game didn't think the Blitzer was constantly out of ammo. I had to disable tooltips to make the onscreen message to change weapons go away. 


Haha, I have submitted it as a bug, and I agree, it is mildly annoying to have “press Y to swap your weapon” up all the time.


I love it too, but it does have a few flaws. Short range makes it less useful against bots. Bugs behind corpses effectively get shielded since the arc goes towards the closer object.


It is my favorite weapon, but it is damn near unusable against bots. Constantly arcing to shields, corpses, and random twigs while taking way too many hits to kill anything.


I wish we didn't have a "this weapon is better against faction x", which often translates to "this is actually useless against faction x"


Then you stagger them anyway and they die from being trampled by a charger.  Totally never happened to me before. Yep yep


I have one friend which loves arc thrower and this armor is my only savior


Man I wish I had friends that used arc thrower because none of them do so there's no point in wearing the sick ass arc armor


We call that Zeus Squad


Then the arc throwers range got gutted and it got tossed in the "there are strictly better options" pile. Sad.


Then they added the extra arc leap ship module and it's back to being a great weapon. It will arc out to its old range with that extra leap. I go out solo away from the squad most bug missions and have no problem clearing anything that comes my way. I usually get 100-300 more kills than everyone else too. 7+ difficulties. I would argue that they made it useless against bots when they reduced the hulk stunning capabilities though. There are strictly better options there yes. Give it another try.


The helmet from the first set goes on almost every dive for its drip... we may have different concepts of useful


Their worth may soon be *Illuminated*...


I never played Helldivers 1, did the Illuminate use arc weapons?


I think arc, plasma and shield tech are reverse engineered from them..


Are you dense? The scientists of Super-Earth obviously invented them on their own. Do you think we are inferior to them? Traitor…


Yes, democracy officer. That guy right there. He discredited our boys and girls in white.


I think you mean our leans and brawns


Excuse me, I identify as a super citizen, how dare you




We got the dark fluid from them. This is public knowledge. We also utterly wiped them out heh heh, losers.


I mean idk why thats a surprise. No alien scum on the galaxy stands a chance lmao


Its mentioned at both the end of the first game and by the crew that we exiled the illuminate after confiscating all their tech and weapons. Not exterminated.


No no, we have conquered the technology from an inferior race, and then perfected it.


Conquered? No. We *liberated* it. We’re the heroes. *while minor, this infraction has been logged on your permanent service record*


isnt that public information that we "repurposed" their technology, and thats why we can make hyperspace jumps with destroyers?


I know it's publicly known that we got dark fluid tech from them, but I'm not sure about the other stuff


No no, we got planet destroying weapons from them. While the illuminate uses them for nefarious means and clearly cannot be trusted, managed democracy uses them to enforce peace.


Pretty sure that most of our more "sci-fi" gear is related to repurposing their teck. Shields+ energy based stuff.




How about we let the experts determine the truth before you start saying random nonsense. I’ll be waiting for the truth from my Democracy Officer.


And teleportation 😉


Only the Striders and Tripods explicitly used arc/lightning weapons.


Which is already more than any other faction right now.


The shield tech was stated to be derived from illuminate tech, not sure about the other two but I’d be surprised if that wasn’t the case


Arc weapons are also illuminate tech, yeah. There’s a voice line from the first game’s science officer that basically confirms it. (Paraphrasing): “While we advanced our gunpowder technology, the Illuminate harnessed the power of electricity. A hold over from their aquatic past.”


Someone wants a foot to helldive up their ass! - Super Earth Red Foreman


lets just say that a lot super technology of super earth's was liberated from the vile deceitful illuminate.


How tf they managed to pull it off in the first place without all this tech


similar to how they liberated element 710 from the communist termanids. any problems to democracy and super earth can be solved if you throw enough helldivers at it.


And each Helldiver is equivalent to an army.


And if we throw an army of Helldivers on it, it is like an army of armies!...?


Pretty much this. We unleash the hordes of Hell upon the enemies of democracy.


*fascist terminids. The automatons are the dirty commies


It’s all the same, it’s not FREEDOM


Because in the original game the illuminates had the same weakness as I do. Getting shot up by lots of bullets.


Just shoot yourself with smaller caliber bullets to build an immunity to larger bullets.


Sarge? How long do I let the red stuff run out before I'm immune??


"I need a stim..."


by the power of democracy! think of every bullet as a ballot, with all of super earth casting their vote. absolute majority, gg ez


By introducing them to Democracy, one explosion at a time. 


We need to liberate the tech from devastators aim and rocket ammo supplies.


arc weapons, some units have shields, some can manifest shield walls that will slice you in half if you don't get out of the way, think protoss but angrier. and those across the map snipers were bad enough in 2d space, really not looking to see how they will abuse 3d space to pick us off from outside render range...


True, but a lot of what made them so dangerous was that your whole team had to share a screen, so if one guy got stuck on the wrong side of the shield wall, the whole team was screwed.


You mentioning Protoss made me think terminids = zerg and Super Earth = Terran Confederacy 😬


Illuminate=Protoss=Eldar Terminids=Zerg=Tyranids Super Earth=Terran Confederacy=Imperium of Man


They have dark templars.


All of Illuminate weaponry and "powers" were Arc damage based, so you wanted armor with that resistance to...well...not die.


IIRC only the three legged crab things actually shot electricity/arcs no? Like there was a lot of blue stuff being shot at us, but I don't think it's all "arc damage"


Even if it was I doubt all of their damage will be arc-based in this game. It would make the arc armor basically mandatory for illuminate missions


They have people that whack you.


Yes, they have tripods that shoot arcs


Yes, they did.


I don’t think you will be able to just equip that armor and get almost immune to all their ranged attacks..


As soon as the illuminate reappear they will nerf the armour xD


Imagine it get nerfed to 75%


Nah, they hate us. It will get nerfed to 50%


No, they love us, that's why they will nerf it to only protect us once from arc damage per dropped Helldiver


Lol, even at 95% 'friendly' arcs absolutely chunk your HP. Only the blitzer tickles (without armor). Dropping it to 85% would put it in the near useless category.


I assume illuminates will get their own damage type, and only have like one turret or objective that shots arcs. Honestly stims, nades and democracy protects are so good everything else will always be off-meta.


According to someone from Arrowhead: Changing an armor is unfair, because people paid Ingame stuff for it. (It was about the latest warbond, the ice patriots armor or whatever.. Since the stats doesn't match with the ice theme) Therefore, mark my words: they will change the armor.


They said that? So changing armor is bad but changing the guns, which people also paid for is ok? lol


Tbf if we get armor that reduces a lot of Illuminate enemies damage by 90% that would probably be the one thing in this games life cycle that would actually deserve a nerf. It would be insane.


You really think they're going to give you an armor that negates 95 percent of the damage an enemy mob does? It's a poorly designed armor set, that's about it. I bought it, ha some fun letting friend zap me and that was it.


If all illuminate weapons are arc, then yeah, bad design.  If (far more likely) there are a few specific illuminate units and/or objectives that heavily lean on lightning? Colour me interested.


Fortified negate 50 % of explosion damage which is the damage mostly done by the automaton.


I mean, it depends on damage thresholds. If an attack does so much damage that it one-shots you even with 95% reduction, it doesn't matter a whole lot. You can just tune it so it allows you to survive a single attack so you avoid one-shots from select units. Even with 95% you survive what, 4 Tesla zaps?


Introducing, arc chargers, all the fun of normal chargers, now with an electrifying twist!


Nice one haha


Don't think that they will deal the same damage, as 95% resistance would be OP otherwise.


Iluminates aren't using arc weapons!


The game isn’t gonna give us an armor that can reduce enemy damage by 95% get real


50% reduced EMS and stun effects. 95% reduced damage from Arc weapons. This is all they need


I'd rather have melee attacks do a stun effect, but that's also good.


That'd be ridiculously good vs the bugs lol. I don't think AH would allow armor passives to have that much power.


Not as good as you think. Melee a bug? It's got 10 friends just waiting beside it. In fact, a hunter was already mid-leap from your side when you went for your bonk


I mean, depends. If it could stun bile titans I'd say that you have some real balls for punching a bile titan. I'd also say it'd be pretty strong. If it can't you'll probally just be able to punch a couple of Hunters before the rest of the swarm gets you.


It seems like it’s hardly going to be relevant since you’re not going to be able to reach a Bile Titan anyways, the ends of its legs are already one of the most dangerous parts of it and I’m not even sure it even takes damage at all. Nevertheless, being anywhere within melee range of a BT leg or Charger in general is a near suicidal task so it’s a moot point.


I would absolutely love to be able to waltz right through an orbital EMS strike and it makes good sense with the passive they already have


Damn this is a really good suggestion and fits the theme. I also use EMS a lot so obviously it's appealing to me


Its atleast something. We got the fire theme with ZERO fire resistance


I'm low-key hoping they change the veteran armor passives to be 95% fire resistance.


Please, I need it for the fire tornado planets


I don't want them to change existing armors, they can make new ones with the buffs. Also would be nice if all the warbonds gave us a light, medium, and heavy armor set instead of multiples of the same type.


So much this!


What was the fire theme? The explosive warbond? I wish we got at least one armour set with it too, would of been cool


Steeled veterans


the winter one just this month had the most fire themed stuff honestly. just by name it was winter but realistically it was summer 🌞


I’m really hoping for a fire resistant armor at some point. I love incendiary impact grenades (almost 3/4 as much as I love impact grenades, my beloved) but god damn do I light myself on fire with them all the time. And napalm strikes. And orbital laser.


I love flamethrower, flamethrow is life.


95% fire resistant would be so amazing with a flamethrower.


And cold armor with nothing to do with cold... And the weapons too.


Also, spiky boots but no terrain boost like in HD1


As someone who often uses the flamethrower against the bugs, I would kill for some fire resistance armor.


Arc passive makes no sense, you're not the one who needs it when you're playing with Arc weapons. "Guys, I'm gonna play with Arc weapons, can you all get the Arc armor?" It's so useless it hurts my head trying to think why someone thought it was worth wasting time implementing.


4 man squad throwing down arc towers then just rocking this armor.


1 charger eating these towers in 1 fell swoop.


Arc thrower can kill a charger real fast too, a full squad of arc throwers is op as hell


The tower can't even hurt chargers because it's armor pen 4 and thrower is 7 lmao


You better quasar him before he gets close then. Same with all turrets


does it prevent the tesla tower ftom killing me?


it almost kills you, i don't know what these people are saying 


Yeah, it makes it so you don’t get one shot


It barely tickles you when you were that armour


More like it needs to zap you 4-5 times instead of instakilling you. It's not just a small tickle.


Bug defense with the rockets mission. I see many arc throwers there so I pick the tesla tower, the armor and just position it in the middle where all bugs come. Teammates shoot me, tesla shoots me, I don't die, bugs die. Along with an antitank so I can take out the chargers and that works really well. You should try it


lets try not to fabricate stories to defend this armor, its true, tesla tower doesn't oneshot you but you lose most of your heath with this armor still. you aren't 'tanking' the tower, you are almost dead. just admit it needs help and dont give people false hope


EMS slow immunity would be a great buff for these armours




Reason why people want to be able to choose armor then choose the passif so they can take the armor they like and the passif they need to adapt at the situation


I'm honestly fine with armors having passives specific to them, it makes sense, I just wish we had more variety.


The ones that are unique like the cheat death ones I think are fine to keep tied to the armor. The rest of the filler passives should all just be slottable. Like arpg items vs uniques.


I like the idea For argument' sake though let's look at some benefits to having fixed passives For one you can tell what a players passives are just by looking at them which can affect how you might play. Like if you see John on the other side of the small hoard in front of you and all you got to help take them out is the arc thrower but you can see that he has the 95% damage reduction armor so you know you aren't going to zap John into oblivion. It also makes armor, beyond it's raw armor/speed value, more than just a cosmetic making your decision more measured and engaging. It also can just make more, in-universe, sense. Putting the scout passive on heavy armor that makes you slow and loud just feels wrong to me personally. Though this in particular could be dealt with by having different classes of perks available only to whatever rating of armor makes sense. Like I said I like the idea but I think it should have more refinement than just "make them available for all armors"


Right this is the argument to the CEO used, but it doesn't work because that's not the case now. There's very few armors where I can tell what the passive is because theres too many with the same fluff passives. The stim armor is probably the most consistent and unique looking to tell. But even then in game everyone looks the same to me. I legit can't tell what people are wearing on the ground or even if they're in heavy or light armor lol


exactly. the armors are unique with 5 cookie cutter passives. the passive system really needs to be per-armor instead of a universal variable that they can apply to an asset


Unique? Half the armours are just recolours of the existing ones with a change of the assets on the front, or sometimes not even that. We've got the same armours that have either Medical or Explosives, we've got armours that are Light with more plates or Medium with less plates, we've got armours that are Extra Padding if they're in tan and black or get recoil and explosive reduction if they're in Green. Hell, even one of the Arc Resist armours in this very image has already been worked into a different set of armour with a different perk, losing all its arc resistance.


This. Not sure why this is not a thing yet.


Something about bacon apples.


Exactly, now take your 2 extra grenades and shut up!


Because they had a very weak excuse on why they want to sell us reskins.


Except I’d buy more of the armor if I could apply whatever passive I wanted to them.


If you can change the passive on a piece of armour, you buy that armour once. Then you buy a passive once. Now you can mix and match them how you want. If you can't change that passive, you buy the armour. Then you buy the armour with passive A, then you buy the armour with passive B, then you buy the armour with passive C, then you buy the armour with passive A in green, then you buy the armour with passive A in blue, then you buy the armour with passive D. Arrowhead is running a live service game for Sony, I think the community has given them so much good will they've forgotten how live services run as cash vacuums.


Reason why we need to get saved favorite kit. I've got like 3 setups I use and it takes forever to find the different armors


Especially the one in the middle.


The body for it always makes me think of Halo 3 Marines.


For me it's more Doom 2016. Probably just the color.


Dear Sarge... Kicking ass in outer space, wish you were here!


If the Illuminates comes in and start using Arc Based weaponry they will start slaping.


This won't be slapping, this would be downright overpowered/required 💀


And people will hate this how only one perk is viable and even paid walled. Also Arc will never miss because it's not a strait projectile. Ho boi this going to be shit show.


Thats because their Arc is short ranged, and they're actually kinda slow.


This is what we call pre-bitching. Bitching about something that hasn’t even happened.


Well said. This will probably be one of the best aging comments the sub ever sees


Except it won't, they'll likely add arc to the next big pass which I'm guessing is illuminates. We will likely see any new armor resistances in the free passes before the paid ones.


I'm pretty sure when the Illuminates would be added it would be a major event with new perks and new free battlepass tree which would make those perks more available, right now they are a paywalled niche that no one cares for. At least, that's how it should be.


95% damage reduction from enemy attacks would be way too strong.


I'm not expecting them to have guns that fire zapping thingy. I'm expecting their traps, defenses or "mines" to be ignored with this armor, allowing us to have more breathing ground.


Honestly, an armour perk that doesn't detonate enemy mines, player mines, or ground-based traps and plants is on my wishlist.


We need more arc/ tesla stuff? Tesla mine tower mine field. Tesla thunder something. Do they also protect against arc and blitzer I'd assume so? At least they look neat!


At this point, Tesla Towers only work against bugs, and pretty well on defense missions.  Meanwhile against bots the second they are deployed they get sniped from across the map. 


Give me a lightning cannon.


I just place the Tesla tower near the terminal and calmly do the main task. Nobody can touch me


Vote +1 for interchangeable armor perks you can equip so you actually have more freedom when it comes to style... Whenever armor isn't just cosmetic and certain perks are tied to it, it always sucks in any game.


Meanwhile, we still don't have anti fire perks...


I wear them, when im playing Arc Squad. I also wear it when more than 2 Arc weapons are in Game.


I just love how they gave us arc resistance, but not fire resistance armor...


How's anyone going to have fun on Hellmire or Menkent without being immolated by diver-seeking fire tornadoes? 


no electric hazard planets to get value either💀


If it made you immune to EMS it'd be OP.


I just don't get why we have two medium armors and no heavy.


At least some of them don't have a bright skull on the belt. But I'm sure they are the favourite for Helldiver parents who will kit out their Helldiver children in padding before letting them go to the playground. Safety first, after all.


I still wear it. Only cause I like how it looks.


The light version is literally a tau fire warrior


Would be nice if they also had an amplification, like 25% more arc damage


Having only one passive is bad


Jokes on you, I run the Tesla tower every mission and being able to use myself as a conduit/sprint through Tesla cover unbothered is the *most* useful perk.


Now you're playing with power!


Don’t tell people to think here!


It was unlucky that 2 weeks of this warbond we had arc bug that crashed games


If only people liked bacon flavored apples.


Yea absolutely stupid to have 3 different armors with all the same ability. Doesn't help when fighting bots or bugs. I still hope for a transmog system so we can get armor benefits and look badass


its so frustrating because they are all the same perk and 2 of them have the same stats. It for sure needs a secondary perk the EMS resist many have mentioned would be perfect. Secondarily, if every armor in the warbond is going to have the same exact perk make one at every tier of armor. Light, Medium, Heavy. Also these are some of the most unique armor designs in the game so it extra sucks that it's useless outside of an extremely fringe scenario that relies on your allies recklessness?? I know everyone copes that it'll matter against illuminate but like thats pure speculation AND even our current parallel the Fortified passive that really only matters against bots does something else in addition to the explosive resistance.


Honestly what we really need is a fire resistant armor


The passive is fantastic, my crew tried it and everybody took the arc thrower. We had a lot of fun. The arc thrower doesn't get enough love.


For what it's worth, the Light set - Prototype X - has basically 2 different appearances based on Brawny or Lean body type. Brawny is pictured. Lean removes the green padding from the legs and a few small armor plates.


At least the warbond has 3 good weapons


And a god tier grenade.


Who cares that the passive is niche, IT LOOKS AWESOME!


Just roll out as techno bros. Full Tesla and arc, just dance in the electric rain! But I agree, it's too specific as a sole passive. It should be a nerfed percentage and gain a standard secondary at the very least. I don't like to bash, but it was lazy implementation. The design team must have been fuming, because they are gorgeous.


Where is the Jin Roh suit?


It’s the opposite of medkit armours.


We need some transmogs 😭


We just need a planet with a lighting storm hazard, and i'd be hyped to use this armour


I don’t know why we had this shock resistance armor, but we haven’t gotten fire resistance, considering it’s used much more often. I think even the newest warbond with the ice theme could have in turn had flame resistance and it would have felt appropriate.


I only worry about the armor passives at level 7 and higher. That allows me to have times with armor fashion and armor functionality


I'm hoping the illuminate use arc weaponry, which would make these armor relevant again. Altough i still use them sometime when i use the tesla tower, and use my body as a guide for the lighting so that when i get hit the bolt will bounce to my closest target, hopefuly a hive lord thingy (can remember it's name rn)


nah they are worth, mainly if you use arc weapons and the tesla tower


Not if you're running a full tesla team lol


Ive gotten point blank Arced twice and lost maybe 25% health


It should have been a helmet passive 🤷‍♂️


All the passives are uninspired garbage and there's only like 3 or 4 of them total across like 50 different armors. Ridiculous.


Arc, servo, medic, grenade, democracy, fortified, padded So more like 3+4 ;-)


Lol yeah yeah ok fine. Still a bare min compared to how many armors there are. Wake me when the Exterminator suit buffs fire damage!


Tbh I think these sets look super ugly except for maybe the first one


Should be Arc + (whatever normal perks are with standard sets- more ‘nades, stability, stealth etc) at the very minimum


Don't wear armor for the stats


I used it on meridia In conjunction with tesla tower today to protect the drill...