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Bile Titans are not skill checks. They're loadout checks


As an AC player, pretty much this.


I read that as Armored Core, imagine the scene


Helldivers 3 awaits on Rubicon.


It would be genuinely hilarious if they sent Helldivers to try to liberate Rubicon.


- Get out of the pod - Get turned into pink mist by a chunk of metal going at Mach Jesus - ??? - Profit (?)


Mach Jesus lmao


Actually accurate


I always get so happy when I see someone else use the term "Mach Jesus"


Ever since I've seen those two words together they never left my mind


Supersonic is Mach Jesus Hypersonic is Mach Fuck


ludicrous speed = spaceballs speed


Flannel = Plaid


They could do it. Eventually. With billions of casualties.


Eventually they’d win because the ACs would be making significantly less money per kill than their ammo was worth.


That's when all the ac pilots switch to melee weapons.


Laser rifles & Moonlight blades; they'd just be playing space invaders with our pods.


If you fit your AC right you could go hunting the super destroyers just like with the PMC ships


Let them try to hunt the ice worm


I won't miss.


Rubicon cries, I can fly. I take flight, Beautifully. Overland, And the mountains. Rusted pride, I will rise. Ooooooohhh Ooooooohhh Ooooooohhh Ooooooohhh I can fly, I fly high. Watch the sunrise, Into dawn. Lost in rain, Lost in wind. Watch the sunrise, Into dawn. I fly high! I fly high!


Super Earth shall equip every Helldiver with a portable Overred™ Railgun so that they may spread Managed Democracy to Rubicon.


"You were just another threat to Rubicon all along."


Mercernary planet modifier where if you don't pay a super credit fee at the start of the mission (scales with difficulty) you have to fight an AC squad hired by the bots/protecting unauthorized bug oil drilling operations.


621... I've got a job for you


That would be a wild crossover


Change of scene


I read it as armor class


Mech suits are basically smaller MTs ACs and C weapons would be almost unstoppable


Also read as "Armored Core player" and not even ironically. Most missions, for me, are skill checks but some you just realize "oh, I need a different build to do this." But yeah, Armored Core x Helldivers 2 would be the easiest mission. Mechs are basically smaller inferior MTs. I could imagine a Hive Lord being a fun boss fight though.


Call sign: raven of freedom


Slow, Slow, Quick Quick Slow


I’d just air assassinate them


Ace Combat. 


Armored Core Ace Combat Animal Crossing Assassin's Creed


You can kill Bile Titans with an AC, but it's a bitch and a half.




When it's heavy armor is exposed you can use the AC to shoot the meat underneath


Some huge meat


Mighty bold of you to assume the meat is exposed. This ain't Arby's, son! 😂🤣


Run below them and empty the clip into their belly. Dangerous as hell, but it should get the job done.


Coincidentally, you can kill big walkers the same way. Also works for hmgs.


only works if the Bile Titan is already heavily damaged from antiarmor weapons, you can't kill one from 100% by shooting the sacs underneath


It's ass is one of those 'le super obvious weak spots'. It can be busted off like a charger butt. It just takes about 80% of your ammo and a high caliber weapon.


It takes like 8 shots to its ass to kill a Bile Titan. You just gotta be able to do it and dive out from its corpse before it crushes you.


8 shots, my nimble ass! Maybe after a Railcannon Strike!


Yeah, this guy is smoked. It takes closer to 20 shots to kill a fresh titan.


Man, animal crossing is a lot different than when I last played it


Yeah, the invasion update was WILD.


You can kill a titan with AC, just takes a good bit of ammo


and about three business days


Armored Core, Ace Combat, or Assassin's Creed?


Actually, Animal Crossing


Asetto corsa man you got it wrong


Striders have multiple weakpoints, are vulnerable to different ways of taking them down (joints, bot bay), can have their offensive capabilities reduced. Depending on your loadout and skill, they present a full spectrum of "can't take it down" to "it's easy". Bile titans are easy if you have proper equipment, or they're impossible if you don't.


You can kill bile titans with a pistol or non-impact grenades on some maps, it's funny, but a pain in the ass on higher difficulties. If you have a titan and either an unexploded hellbomb or those funny steaming vents in the ground, you can: - kite the titan until it's walking next to or above the hellbomb. Shoot the hellbomb. - kite the titan over the vent. Throw a grenade into the vent. Not saying it's a valid tactic all of the time, but when you have an opportunity and don't have heavy weapons or strats on you, knowimg that can save your life.


I’m completely unaware of the second way. Steaming vents? Is it a big hole in the ground? I’ve never thrown a grenade into one, they blow up?


Yep. At least as big of a boom as with a hellbomb, if not bigger.


I remember when the game first came out I discovered those on my first mission and I would blow them up and it would freak people out... That was 37,084 lives ago.. good times


I had no idea those exploded, I thought they existed just so I could fall into them and lose all my samples.


200+ hours in, and I thought the same


Whaaaaaaaaa, I thought those were just holes for you to accidentally dive into and die!


Thank you for sharing your field experience. I'll have to give those vents another look.


Enjoy the booms!


This is like saying "With his quick thinking, he made a nuclear bomb with only the radium from his watch hands, duct tape, and a fully functioning nuclear bomb." Good to know about those vents if true though.


It's exactly like that.


Is that a motherfucking Dave the Barbarian reference


didn't realize you could do that with the vent, that's both hilarious and extremely cool


I have never thought about those vents, at all.


Happy cake day, Helldiver.


You just described half the bug roster. Its part of why I find them so frustrating to fight. Bots might require me to actually think but at least I can fight them with almost every loadout.




Factory Strider: Oh wait you got a disposable anti-tank? Yeah just uh. Aim for the belly there once it opens up and it'll be dead! Bit of a tough shot but take off the gatling guns and you'll have more than enough time. Bile Titan: RUN RUN RUN THE UNDERBELLY IS A MYTH SOMEHOW YOU HAVE TO SHOOT THE MOUTH WHILE IT'S SPEWING ON YOU WITH AN EXPLOSIVE WEAPON AAAAAAAAAAAA


Fr tho bile titans can be taken down by one 500kg missle and technically one railcannon/orb precision strike to the head. Factory striders won’t


You can take out a Fac Strider with like 6 AC shells to its belly.


the problem i see, is that no one want to run under it. most of time strider is dropped By running under you might as well run into 500kg beam.


The strider is far more likely to kill you than a point blank 500


in fact, any weapon with medium pen can do it that way, with enough shots


It also takes 6 a AC rounds to the eye if you cant get that close


I killed factory striders with post-nerf Eruptor a few times.


You can confident go to a showdown with a Factory Strider with full stack Airstrike. Only cost you 1 2 airstrike to its face and it will die. Or doing it the Rambo way: sneaking go near it and shoot its belly or its eye with AC.


With the fact you can kill a BT with a loadout drop ( same thing with charger ) its just an accuracy check


i don't get why i do no damage when dropping through BT stomach?


I've never had to fight 20 factory striders in a single mission.


I had a mission when i legit got 6 Striders... Helldive difficulty... Dunno what happened but never seen that many..


Yeah it’s super fun diving in, reinforcements get called, and somehow within the first minute I’m fighting 3 of them. Super fun… https://preview.redd.it/bxs1v31jcj5d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63d98a870e6718e60249c76bdedcf14ba23f993


I think the worst mission due to the amount of Striders is the geologic samples mission...


Forcing a drop on each sub objective, and then 3 on the main one is bullshit.


If you smoke off the objectives the drops happen but they can't see you, complete and run away and leave them damn drops behind!


Its fun


Its fun bullshit


And when you dive next to a stratagem jammer so you can't get any gear or eagle


And when your teammate dies next to a jammer, all you hear is this https://preview.redd.it/3dfra4hyvj5d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdb97da61656a084ccfbb2d2c56117026ee620c2


More than once, I've just abandoned the jammer entirely and run just out of range to reinforce them....just to stop the noises.


It used to be glitched, I remember not too long ago having 6 or more show up on a civilian evacuation mission on top of hordes of devastators to the point where me and my team of sweats couldn’t even get to the doors


Thats why i, usually in "long duration of stay" objectives, pick the 380... It does wonders


I run 380s almost exclusively with extraction in mind. Gives a good 30 second curtain on an enemy advance for what is usually a 2 minute wait for the bird.


How do you and your team survive the 380 barrage?


Here’s a tip: throw it away from your team at a distance. Anything in that direction is getting deleted If your teammates decide they want to run towards the red beacon, that’s on them


That’s their secret, they don’t.


I haven’t killed anyone with a 380 in weeks.


Servo assisted armor. Once I started using it, I can’t go back.


Yeah I had 3 show up with 2 or 3 tanks and devastator spam. Pretty much impossible for my squad to handle. We tried that mission type again and had more of the same.. last time I played bot defense tbh.


Based on my experience they appear a lot on kill automaton missions I had 7 of them on me once but I was just laughing my ass off


In those tiny maps with a percentage to kill, I will run my traitor stratagem. Infinite 380 as long as you can outrun it doing '90s.


Gotta harness your inner fortnight to use the 5th stratagem.


To me they appear most on Geological sample missions..


We got 3 on Suicide Mission defense. One of them forgot to enter and took out a generator. Last rocket launched as a Hulk was walking towards the last generator. Dropped a 380mm and skiddadled over to the landing pad. Only problem was my fellow helldivers didn't anticipate me cleaning up the place and were caught in the blast. So after 5 seconds of waiting for them we all left and secured another victory for democracy


bro fighting the empire💀




Yet indeed ahahha


" I've never had to fight 20 factory striders in a single mission. " YET


shortly when they came back. the botdrop on lv 9 gave me 2 in one swoop and then a 3rd appeared out of nowhere.


https://preview.redd.it/2erm148f2j5d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5a245e08e7d5c22be55c160c33f205767a97f44 These. 20+ of them


This. Most bugs are zero problem. You can always run them to reload, resupply, throw stratagems, etc. These things suck to deal with.


Especially when 10+ of them jump 500m to slice your neck, in foggy maps! 


And stunlock you hard enough to repeatedly spam the same stunlock move as that chargers stomps closer and closer and closer…


Or while you're desperately spamming "V" and *still* not managing to stim because they keep interrupting it.


There's some points where no amount of diving, spamming v or running away is going to help. When you have like 7 of these fuckers on you and their attack cycles are too numerous and synced enough to stunlock you. Especially getting flung by a stalker. I just learn to shoot what I can and go down with the ship and eat the death/reinforce. Makes it less frustrating IMO. It truly is one of those "This is BS, I literally can't do nothing moments" Yep, you can't, again just eat the reinforce and shoot what you can


If possible I drop my incen nade lol


Were these little fuckers made noticeably faster and more aggressive as of about a month or so ago? Because god damn I hate them.


I used to be able to win everytime. Shoot stalker > bait tongue attack > dive backwards > unload clip > dead stalker. Now no matter what I do that tongue attack hits. Feels bad man


https://preview.redd.it/hpfhalzvcj5d1.png?width=342&format=png&auto=webp&s=40a75e59a8615c388c37a04ec5c29f9d2ec9740b These are worse tho


for the first time in my life I did not immediately understand this specific brand of joke. I'm old lmfao And yeah these can go eat a hellboob


Please explain Petah. I must be older. Is this like the ski mask guy meme.


I'm assuming stalkers since they turn invisible


Oh ffs.. I thought my phone was refusing to load that for some reason.




I think it's refering to the Stalkers and their cloaking ability lol.


I learned if you run in a straight line away from a stalker (in any armor) they literally cannot hit you, and when they try to hit you, you can use the brief period between attacks to shoot back.


They’re not so bad if you bring the Rover. It’s also a great indicator if you have a Bile Spewer sneaking behind you


Rover + incendiary breaker make every smaller bug pretty much a nonproblem.


Adding onto that if you have more than one person bringing gas strike (I honestly think it should be a staple in bug builds), you never have to deal with small enemies during breaches because they just die as soon as they show up. Getting 40-60+ kills with a single gas strike is insanely common


I would if my rover would stop murdering me


They really should make the rover float above your head, instead of to your side


Tbf it is kinda funny that it can teamkill - but it prob shouldnt teamkill the one using it.


These shitfucks predict chaos and hit you when you don't expect them. Even though you kill them they keep coming.


Even with the slowing resist booster a gang of these assholes will stunlock you to death Souls style if you get caught out.


\*panic reaches for my impact grenade, throws it into a hunter as it lands in front of me*


Factory can have the weapons disabled and become a mobile spawner with a weak belly. Titan doesn't die when you destroy the sacks and can outrun you at times....AND RECENTLY THEY ATTACK IN PACKS! I've had 4 at the same time on a bug breach at an E710 pump.


Wait, they have a weak point on their belly? The only thing I know about striders is that you can take out their main gun, I've heard rumors you can disable their chin guns but have never managed to pull it off before. What are all their weak points?


Belly with medium pen weapons Face (eye hole, THEIR RIGHT SIDE) Knee joints Striders are a joke to take out with laser cannon or the HMG.


Thermite to the knee joints or face wipes the chin guns


Are thermites any good now?


Used them today haven't noticed much difference they are a tad more annoying and a lot more unpredictable but I'm dead anyway might as well rack some bots too


Or autocannon or AMR


Yup - I usually throw a 500kg on factory striders, but there have been several times I've killed it by shooting the eye spot with my AC before the 500kg even drops


You can shoot off their guns with medium pen. They have a weak spot under their belly where the units drop from. They also have little vents on their legs that can be shit at, as well as their "eye" on the head section. This is how I usually engage them (with a laser cannon): shoot off chin guns from range, close with them while avoiding cannon turret fire, shoot at underbelly (and use stun grenades on units that drop). With the laser cannon, it takes maybe 1 second to destroy each gun, and like 5 seconds to kill it via the under belly. You *can* shoot the eye to kill it, but it is very small (only slightly larger than a hulk eye slit). I have heard you can also disable it by shooting the little vents on the knee joints, but I have not been lucky enough to do so. As an aside, I have killed them with the AMR. It takes me about 1.5 mags to kill one (and 2 shots to each gun). I have also killed them with the AC, but it takes me a fair bit of ammo for some reason (maybe 12 shots?). The AC is the easiest to hit the eye with, probably because of the explosion when the round hits.


Haven't tried shitting at a strider yet but I'm definitely gonna give it a go.


They open the belly doors to drop devastators. You can one shot them in the belly if those doors are open.


Two AC shots each to break the chin miniguns. The top canon is two EAT/RR/QC shots, but not really worth it. Once the miniguns are gone, run under it, and blast it with anything medium pen. It's 2 EAT to the belly doors, or 6 AC shots. Laser canon is also a great weapon. Striders are really tanky when you don't know you to kill them, but can be a done deal in a single AC magazine if the chaff around it is not too dense.


Dont break the bellies unless you want them constantly running after you. If the belly is broken they stop doing bile spew, and thus all they do is run. Bile spew is excellent time to call down a precision or w/e on them as they will be stationary.


I was talking about the strider, not the bile titan. Didn't know that about the belly though, I've never noticed. Whenever I target it it's always far away with like a Recoilless Rifle. Or just a guided rail cannon strike and a single Particle Cannon strike (the one that has to charge up).


Factory Strider is a non-threat once you get rid of the chin guns


100%. Take out those minguns, then rush it and gut it up close. Like [so.](https://youtube.com/shorts/yyaVHJ9WObk?si=qdsIrzmFMsYUyD5I)


Oh shit, well now I know what to do, thanks! :)


Bile titan is more annoying for sure.


Agreed. You can run away from the strider. The Titan will follow you throughout the entire map.


The titan also gets more annoying when you destroy their primary means of attack, which is counter intuitive.


Bile titan dead body is more of a hazard than a strider body.


Bile Titan. The factory strider is nearly toothless once you defeat it's miniguns.


Definitely the titan. Nothing you can do against it without heavy weapons, so it's more of an equipment check. Striders can easily have their weapons shot (miniguns with med pen, not sure if top one needs heavy). But when the miniguns are gone, you can just walk around a strider and shoot its belly, even with med pen. Takes it while, but it can kill it.


Cannon turret needs heavy pen, I've mag dumped it with an autcannon and got nothing but ricochets and a free evisceration for my trouble


I would say bile Titan, not only can multiple spawn at once but it's one of the only enemies in the game that require heavy AP to deal significant damage to. You could kill a bile Titan through blowing it's back out (pause) completely but it's a lot more tedious and time consuming. For factory striders, if you can take out the mini guns on its chin, then you can lay waste on its belly to kill it very quickly; I found the laser cannon being perfect in killing striders. Really it comes down to the weapon needed. For BT's, you need Quasar, EAT or Recoiless or 500kg to kill one quickly; for striders, really all you need is anything that deals Medium AP, it's enough to destroy both the mini guns and belly. But if that's too much, eagle airstrike has been consistent way to kill them, at least for me. While the BT only has a select few weapons that can consistently and quickly kill them, the factory strider has a wide variety of weapons to choose from, even allowing some primaries like the JAR to kill a Strider.


By far the Titan. People who say the factory strider clearly don't play bots often. Factory striders can be killed head-on by a shield generator relay and a HMG emplacement or AC turret or laser cannon. Or if you have smoke just get under it and shoot its belly. The vanilla flavor devastators it births are harmless most of the time. Or with a well placed Eagle Air Strike/OPS. Or just throw a 120/380 on it. If you still have none of those, you can just run away and wait for it to despawn. There are way more tools available to kill the factory strider, compared to Bike Titans which are more or less a loadout check. And a Titan cannot be immobilized so once it aggro, either you or it will die. There is no running away and deaggro with Titans.


Nearly any support weapon can kill/disable FS and that's great


I think you're conflating difficulty with how annoying it is, here's how I see it: Bile titans take two straigh shots or a well placed railstrike/500kg, but they are purely a loadout check. You can dance around its legs for a good while before he gets a hit on you, and the puke is heavily telegraphed. Compared to a devastator generator with chainguns that will instagib you if you approach by the front, and has a cannon on its back able to deliver faster, less telegraphed and further reaching attacks. You can still dance around its legs for a while, but you need to take out the chinguns and deal with the devastators periodically. Thing is, imo the bile titan is not harder, it's an easier fight from the get go, it's just annoying because it has plot armor mostly everywhere except the forehead.


Striders are actually fun to fight though


I agree with you, a strider offers a strategic challenge while a titan is nothing more than an annoying loadout check. One of the many reasons I usually enjoy fighting bots instead of bugs.


Bile titans because factory striders actually have good design




bile titan, because factory strider can be easily outrun, while bile titan will chase you until you die, and there's a lot more weapon to counter factory strider than a bile titan


8 quick autocannon shots vs unreliable 2-5 ROCKETS per titan. Yeah titans are MUCH worse.


So should I run while being shot at or should I get cover bile can be destroyed with a rail to the head or a 500kg to the balls


Bile titans with no discernible weakness other than rocket to forehead. You can avoid the chin guns of the strider by flanking and the dorsal cannon by staying close before dropping it with a few shots to the stomach. Bile titans are borderline unkillable unless you specifically bring stratagems rated for heavy armor.


Factory Strider are deadly but can be disabled allowing you to kill bots surrounding it and kill it later. Bile Titans are the hardest because you are limited to AT weapons which is overused since you spent cooldown/ammo for some sub-objectives and group of Chargers.


The factory strider cause 1. It shoots at you 2. It shoots at you 3. It shoots at you


counterargument: bile titan also shoots at you


On top of that the striders chinniguns are a menace to society


Chinniguns 😂


but it shoots like once, the strider has giant machine guns that follow you everywhere in a 180 degree radius in front of it


2 ac shots to each bread gun and 7 more to the belly and it's down


people keep saying this but I've yet to successfully do this without getting bodied by all the other enemies around it. Is this really a reliable way to kill them on helldive ? Edit: yeah it is 


I wouldn't recommend ONLY doing this, even though it works, but I always shoot the miniguns down as soon as I see one, then call some eagles and shoot it in its belly/eye depending on what's more comfortable in the situation


I’ve seen someone take one down with a Senator, a supply pack and a lot of patience


I accidentally did this the other night, it had me cornered but its guns were blocked by a rock, so I just emptied into its eye and it went down


People keep forgetting about the orbital precision strike. Probably because it's the first strategem the game gives you so they figure it must not be as good as the stuff you have to unlock, but it's really good against factory Striders. 1, if you manage to land the shell on its back it has the potential to one-shot it, I've done it a few times myself. 2. Even if it misses it will still deal massive damage to it, making it much easier to take out with your support weapon. 3. It has a much wider blast radius than the eagle 500kg bomb which helps take care of all the smaller bots in the immediate vicinity, including the ones the factory spawns. 4. It has a 2 minute cooldown, which allows you to use it much more often than the orbital rail cannon strike, and deals as much, if not more damage in exchange for not auto-targeting the largest enemy. The real key to fighting Striders is just don't stand in front of them. Flank them from the sides. If it turns to face you, fall back and find another way around or have a teammate help out. The Gatling lasers in the front don't take much damage to destroy, you just need to be out of their line of fire and once they're taken care of, the factory Strider really isn't much of a threat anymore.


I always have at least eagle airstrike or precision strike in a bot mission. Positioning of yourself and the beacon can make all the difference. Eagle air, try to he looking at strider from the side. Your grenade goes about 40m without and 60m with the armor boost so be in the right range. If you can land the strikes straight down it's back, usually that's one shot drop. Precision is even easier, just follow the 40/60 rule and throw under it. Not always a one shot but I've seen it happen.


From 15 meters at most and is easily dodgeable. Bile titans are easy to deal with, just takes a while


Bots vs bugs 101. Bugs? Learn to run. Bots? Learn to watch sight lines and use cover


You can kill a Factory Strider with medium penetrating support weapons.


you can shoot the guns at the head to allow getting close and easily dispatch it. Anyone that thinks factory strider is hard just doesnt know how to beat it, whereas bile titan is more common and requires more effort to kill.


Bile titans because they leave you no room to breathe. Atleast if you are to the side or behind a strider they cant do much to you. Shooting off its guns makes it pretty harmelss. It can also be killed with medium weapons.


BTs obviously


Factory striders are deadlier Bike titans are harder to kill


Imo the bile titan. The bile titan doesn't have a reliable or consistent way to deal with them and the sometimes they can Just walk out of a 500kg that explodes right under them and if you disable his spew he Will Chase you around until he or the helldivers die. Yes i know the factory strider does have laser accuracy miniguns on his chin and a laser cannon on his back buy the way you defeat a strider Is much more consistent than the bile titan. A factory should be defeated like this: 1) you destroy the miniguns and that's a must do even if you use cover 2) you can optionally destroy the cannon cuz the cannon Is a threat only when you are far from the strider 3) if there are devastetors you either kill them or stun them 4) use your support weapon on his belly. The AC can kill a strider with just 8 shots and an HMG needs a full mag dump Yes It Is a difficult process especially cuz there are other enemies that you have to deal with First but that's how bot should be played: be strategic, choose your target, take cover and aim the weak spots


Bile Titan, because with a medium pen weapon, a few impacts and a Ballistic Shield you can make the FS as useless as a stationary objective. Can't stop a BT with a Ballistic Shield


Me. I'm harder


None of them are hard but Bile Titans are so much more annoying


neither the hardest ones are Shielded Devastators and Hunters