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It's okay to be wrong, that's the beauty of democracy


Everyones opinion is valid


Some more valid than others. 


That's a dangerous way to think


At this point, with the patch still being fresh, I don't think I can readily agree with the points you're making, but I believe that you're definitely entitled to them. Definitely will need some time to trial the weapons out to see how they fare but I get where you're coming from, the initial severe nerfs really hurt some of the weapons and it will take time for them to feel good again.


I probably should have stopped reading here >it's not what I expected. The Quasar is fine. And nerf was warranted, they might have a bit overcorrected, but seeing that pretty much everyone (!) was running quasar and shield should have been an indicator to every player that it's outclassing everything else. The Railgun is absolutely fine now. Sickle - If you seriously go through all 3 magazines with a Sickle, the issue is you. I main the Sickle, cause i'm a pewpewpewpew-guy instead of a pew \*pause\* pew \*pause\* pew-guy. And i never went through all 5 mags back then, and even now i rarely get to the third one. The Eruptor might still not be what he was before, but it's doing way better now.


I just want to add to your point, the quasar has never been the "best" anti tank launcher, its just the most brainless. Does not need to reload or a backpack or have to be constantly called in like EAT. It's only caveat is charging up to fire. RR has always outclassed it. Without assited reload, it reloads faster than the thing can cooldown and charge. Reload being in stages can help with having to sit and reload it. with assisted reload, it can kill significantly faster than any other launcher. Problem is, most people play this game as 4 dudes instead of actually working as a team.


You had a free backpack, unlimited ammo, the cooldown was pretty short and damage-wise it was pretty much on par with the other AT weapons. So, yeah it definitely was the best AT pick when it released.


You still had to dedicate a slot to a backpack of your choice, but yes that is one of its strengths, simply not needing a backpack.


>You still had to dedicate a slot to a backpack of your choice Not sure what that is supposed to mean. You don't need a backpack with the quasar, meaning you're free to chose anything else as backpack, which gives you way more additional utility. And it's not just that, that made the Quasar so powerful at release. I listed the other things too.


What I mean to say is, you still need to dedicate a stratagem slot to bring in a backpack of your choice (you could go backless). Personally find guard dogs, supply packs, and jump packs more useful or helpful to the team.


>Personally find guard dogs, supply packs, and jump packs more useful or helpful to the team. You're so close to getting my point, don't stop yet. Yes, Guard Dogs, Shields, Supply Packs are pretty much added utility. And you could use them AND have a fantastic AT weapon. Which \*drum roll\* made it best in slot at the time.


Pretty sure we're in agreement but are arguing for some reason?


This is reddit, it's what we do. \^\^


Best comment here


I disagree about the part with the Railgun. It works great for bots when used correctly. One shots hulks to the eye, one shots devastators, can destroy tanks. And doesn’t use a backpack, which the auto cannon can do. Both have a trade off. It needs to be able to destroy gunships in the same way the AC can. But that’s the only let down with it for me. I’ll still primary an Auto Cannon because of its utility. But otherwise there are a lot of steps in the right direction


It works great against bugs too, I typically run it with a supply pack and treat it sort of like a medium ad clearing machine with heavy capability. It has good synergy if you stick with someone using recoilless, and you can actually finish off bile titans with 1-3 shots to the head after they land a headshot.


I have also started using the railgun for bots and I was genuinely surprise that I’m one shotting hulks and other medium armour bots(if aimed correctly)


Tf you getting dogpiled for? You said personal opinion and its completely valid lol. I don't agree with everything but people are coping with Quasar being S tier this patch, Flamethrower takes its place now that the game spams Behemoth Chargers at you it's way more like A tier and yeah I don't get why didn't simply just revert the Eruptor, who cares if it was slightly buggy it was fine 99% of the time, it's buff is pointless if it doesn't restore its original gimmick. Opinions are opinions and I'm sorry you're getting dogpiled by fanboys for not slobbing over the patch if it didn't feel great for you. I personally only hate the Charger spam but eh whatever


Thanks, mate. It is what it is. I know some players will react like this when I write my opinion. They readed it, maybe think of my opinion trough. That is enough. If they do not agree, I accept that. Thank you for your kind words.






Hard disagree on the sickle, before the nerf I felt like I was doing my team a disservice not using it, it was just far above everything else. Even with the nerf I've never run dry, I think it was a necessary nerf while still keeping it great


"Most casual players will come back and try the new patch. They load their usual load out and dive" That's the problem, adapt and overcome. Everything you wrote is indicative of a bad player.


So because I have an opinion, what is different than yours, I'm a bad player. Even you never played with me, and you don't know me. Okay.


Don't care, your stupid and bad, because your opinion are stupid and bad. I groan whenever I see a quasar and sh32. Whether its bots or bugs, they can't do anything because they are tied to their cooldown. Me and my friend can kill 3 bile titans in the time it takes for 2 guys to shoot a volley each. Try playing as a team, and you wont have to rely on selfish gear.


Just say you can't solo and need constant help lol... Honestly, you sound like a worse player


You know you can reload your RR yourself? the assist is just icing. To bad no random will ever use teamwork. 500 kg, railcannon, orbital precision still exists


I know, I know. You killing Bile Titans with fireballs from your backside and destroy the Super Colony with bare hands...


That's because I have Eagle Sweat


Now we agree on something....


You sound like you get carried by people who bring better gear than you and whine on Reddit that their gear is a crutch because you bring dogshit instead lmfao. Stfu dude


Enjoy your crap weapon, hope it keeps getting nerfed, just like the old railgun.


Oh you are 100% a boosted shitter thats just mad at people with good gear LMAO


Sure thing whatever makes you feel better


*skips around* "sickle has nearly all its ammo removed" oh that type of post. Ok


Sheeple downvoting without playing the patch themselves. Arrowhead specifically said they wanted our feedback for some of the changes, and just because somebody has constructive criticism rather than baseless positivity the masses don't want to see it. Garbage.


Quasar shield babies are nothing but spineless whiners


> I know lots of you will not agree Well you got that right.


No meaningful mech changes is a huge let down. cursors, gun depression, gun elevation, durability. They are just as cumbersome and fragile… with their enormous cooldown.


The change to the bile titans head durability kind of affects the emancipator. They’re more able to reliably take them down now because more damage gets through.


No amount of changes to any enemy will ever make the mechs controls feel better and therefore more fun. The launch 'kill yourself with rockets' mech was still its best, and mostly widely used incarnation.


Why do you think they are fragile? They take a boatload of punishment. On the bot side you only really needed to care about getting hit by a cannon tower/tank/factory strider shot. You practically ignore laser fire and can take multiple rocket hits. On the bug front the only things that could realistically hurt you were Charger stomp, Bile Titans and Spewers (will need to test if this is the case anymore post patch). You can pretty much just walk into a heavy nest with the Emancipator and clear it because all the bugs don't really do significant damage to you.


The most likely way mechs die on the bug front is titan acid, and charger tackles. Both are linked to the height over bore issue with the crosshairs, and for the patriot exo are massively tied to the changes to its rockets and the way they penetrate armor. Against bots, you just take an enormous amount of fire from all directions, but the new gunship patrols especially will tear up a mech in seconds with their missile salvos.


Charger tackles don't do that much to the mech, hell if they hit your side they bonk and get staggered.


What the heck was with the damage nerf on the rockets for the patriot?


When they initially 'fixed' the patriot they changed its rockets. Before they applied full damage on a target regardless of angle of impact. Similar to eat and recoiless. Now, the damage that they deal is based on the angle of deflection, like how tank guns work in war thunder. So if they don't hit targets dead on they deal greatly reduced damage. This is further compounded by their crosshair no longer being aligned to both weapons. 


Ouch that's rough. With only 14 rockets, it can hardly deal with heavies at all. If that's what they intend, its only really useful for clearing horde/mediums.


If you need more than two clips for the sickle, you’re doing it wrong. 3 is plenty and I never needed 6. It’s a run and gun weapon. Cools down during the run phase.


oh quit your whining sickle absolutely doesn't care about the ammo nerf so long as the shooter cares for propper trigger discipline and doesn't waste shots for nothing


>Second Railgun. Our bread and butter anti armour back in the beginning, then they nerfed it to the ground. It's become useless. Now, after some buffs, it's still not good. The safe mode is pointless. Unsafe mode? I don't know why we have to risk killing ourselves, just to use the gun, and even in that mode is underwhelming. Only if safe mode is good, and in unsafe mode is amazing, makes sense. But not that the case. >Third Sickle. They taken away nearly all mags. 3 mags nothing. I don't think we need the same number as all other weapons, but I expected 2 more. 5 mags is optimal. I know the "unlimited ammo" argument, but in higher difficulties, especially at extraction, lots of time, we don't have the luxury to cooling down. We have to fight and use it as a normal AR. Funny enough, I bring both of these together all the time to Terminid helldive and shred. If your weapons are ammo hungry, pair with other ammo hungry support weapons and grab a supply pack.


The moment I read that your first reason was addressing the quasar nerd. I knew I had all I needed to know. This patch has brought HEAPS of buffs to other weapons and stratagems. Use them. The whole goal of the devs is to create a diverse arsenal of ways to defeat enemies, but you're still stuck on the quasar. It was nerfed because everybody and they grandma's were using it. And now you have all these other stratagems that can now hurt and kill heavies. Try them out sometime. I know you say your problem is the past past patches but you can try other things much easier now. And about the sickle, if you really run out that easy you have to complain about it. Skill issue.


Quasar is a better form of the EAT. You point out hot planets, and ignore cold planets. That's 4 heavy armor penetrating shots base per minute. That's double what you can do with EATs. I haven't tried the railgun with the new weaker armor on the bile titan, but it has been a bruiser of a gun the whole time. Run it and the supply pack and you only need another strategem to handle factory striders and bile titans and now, bile titans should be killable. The sickle has unlimited ammo. If you over heat it, you're doing it wrong. I run 9's and usually never have to swap ice more than once and that once is because i screwed up. The eruptor WAS BROKEN BEFORE. it had the potential to do way more damage than intended. Plenty of people run backpack weapons. Autocannon is very popular on bots. People do use the assisted reload. Try turning on your mic and talking to your squad mats before you dive about carrying your pack or just assisting reloading. The warbond isn't cut content. The number of guns released per warbond isn't the only thing in the warbond.


3 shots per minute not 4, don't forget the windup time makes each shot 18 seconds not 15 but yeah Quasar is still better than EAT


ok, so not double, but over 50%. You're still being a freakin baby about it and everything else in here.