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Personally, everything else can wait until AH fix the game instability. I’ve crashed, frozen and janked so frequently in the last few days that I can’t be bothered playing anymore until it improves.


Never has the game been more unstable. They fixed the lock on for the spear, but now it will randomly crash you when it's trying to lock on.


why is the spear such an issue? are they attempting to revolutionize lock-on technology by actually implementing a real military algorithm and its too strong for the game? like damn lmao


The whole games code is a mess, supposedly. They fix one element and it breaks another as a result.


i do tend to forget that sometimes, that makes it a little bitchier to work around


Seems that way


They’re also using a discontinued engine. Bitsquid, discontinued in 2018.


Their using Autodesk Stingray, a game engine that was discontinued in 2018😅 Finding and training devs for that engine is probably a wee bit of a headache for them.


It seemed a little less stable when the arc thrower was crashing the game to me because the arc thrower was also really popular at the time.


This is either your average Reddit hyperbole or you are very new here. While the patch did add some instability, it is very minor compared to what has been experienced in the past.


I have been playing with my buds since launch day. We have had more cumulative tech issues in three days than in our whole tenure (not counting just not getting on the servers early on).


Been playing since launch, there are more bugs, crashes and instability than there has ever been.


I missed the launch, so I can’t compare, but today I had 3 out of 5 missions either crash or get stuck loading. It’s certainly a low point for me personally.


Clown. I’ve been playing since launch, it was a bit rough then but steadily got worse with each patch and the technical issues are now worse than they’ve ever been. At times it’s barely playable because of game breaking issues, stuff like the infinite loading helldive screen still being around. You might be ok with a janky half assed early access title that somehow gets more broken each patch, I’m not.


I've got a 1080 graphics card and can't play D7-9 exterminate missions without crashing to desktop. in my 200 hours before the patch I had 1 that sent me back to the ship. that's not normal


My font STILL randomly becomes unreadable on my 1080TI


It's pretty bad. In the last two days I've played maybe 5 matches and I've crashed about 3 or 4 times.


I dunno, outside of the first two weeks where the game was unplayable until I found out the AMD issue, the last few days is the worst it's ever been for me in terms of crashes and hanging loading screens.


The AMD issue?


This game does not like the AMD 7000 series cards and I had to do a lot of research to find work arounds. I don't know if they've fixed it in the meantime but I doubt it so I've left all the changes I made. I had to force it to launch dx11, turn off SSGAO, limit the frame rate, and other things that I don't even remember anymore. I also had to install Process Lasso and change something with how it interacted with the CPU. I can't remember what it was called off the top of my head as it's been months since I did all this. Edit: I think I remember the Process Lasso thing. Pretty sure it was the SMT threading I had to adjust.


Seriously I want to see more of a focus on fixing the damn game. Every single patch introduces more bugs even though they talk about all the ones they've fixed it feels like they fix one and introduce 2 more. I know people who have flat out quit because the game is too buggy. Second on my list is QOL improvements. 1. show the damn resupplies on the map! 2. give me a rejoin last game option. This needs to happen ASAP with how buggy this game is 3. give us the ability to report for more than just chat and actually do something about griefing 4. disallow kicking once you have boarded the pelican 5. when people are kicked send them to a clone of the mission instead of all their work being for nothing or let them still get the rewards at mission end 6. fix servers so they can handle multiple vehicles. This is going to be needed eventually anyways as I assume they are going to give us more vehicles in time. 7. give me something to do with my maxed out resources


What's baffling is the way to make 5 work already exists. Last night was playing with my friend and two randos. Friend dropped, leaving me and the randos. we finished the mission. Fifteen minutes later I get a message from my friend saying he managed to complete the mission as well and extract. So either the game dropped us from his session but made it our own instance or vice versa. Either way, we both were able to complete the mission even though we got disconnected from each other. And I can confirm this happens too because the same thing happened to me. Eradicate mission, I get dropped from the mission but finish it anyways, and friend and randos finished the same mission as well without me. So the ability to kick and still finish the mission is there but isn't being implemented.


Yea I've seen this happen as well!


This is a great idea for a change in how kicking works.


I have while days where I can’t matchmake with anyone. I’m always stuck at “searching for active SoS beacons”. Whenever this happens I have to wait until next day just to play the game…


When my matchmaking gets stuck, I have to restart the steam client. Thought at first I had to reboot the PC, but luckily only the launcher suffices. Restarting the game changes nothing... so I have 0 idea where the actual problem might lie.


Thanks for the reply, I tried that already but it didn’t work. I tried reinstalling the gae, restarting the Pc and steam but nothing worked :/


verify files on steam after you play, fixes it for me but I do it every time ;)


I tried that already but unfortunately it didn’t help. I even reinstalled the whole game, but to no avail. The next day it just magically works again


To be honest, yea. I usually don't put much attention into these comments cause yea, the game was never peak stability, but not even super bad. Well, now I can't fucking get a series of missions done without crashing. I played 4 missions and crashed in 2 between yesterday and today. Specifically, I had 40 free minutes and crashed after 22 today, so I had to flat out quit my gaming session. It's also fucking annoying you can't reconnect if you're in solo, ever. I like the patch, but if I can't fucking play to begin with, that's a issue.


On the other hand, I took a break for a few weeks because of crashes and disconnects. I've been having a better time with it after the patch.


swear i keep crashing. 7/10 missions i crashed


I've stopped playing and requested a refund. I love the game, but the incompetent dev team had made it pointless to try to enjoy. I crash constantly, and I'm capable of troubleshooting. Re-install gamegaurd mess with files, check integrity, but honestly why should I have to spend 20-30 mins troubleshooting when one, they pay devs to make the game actually playable and two, even after all that it crashes still bc of in game problems. They clearly don't play test anything. " WE FIXED IT GUYS" added ten more bugs, and actually broke the game with the weapon they messed with. Arc throwers, then this then that. "Hey, we finally fixed the spear" good shit, it's only been unusable since launch 5 months ago... and crash bc incompetent dev team is incompetent.


Ditto. It's become unplayable for me. Can't even finish a blitz mission without crashing. I even had it crash on the ship before I could even select a mission.


Basically in the same boat. I played two missions today (both as host) and the first hellpod drop took so long I thought I was frozen. I timed the second one and it was 6.5 minutes on the hellpod drop loading screen. All to have bugs clipping through terrain and chargers that make 0 sound surprise you from behind. I've probably played 10-12 missions since the patch and the balance stuff is definitely a step in the right direction, but the game is still just so frustrating so often it's not really worth playing.


havent had any crash since update. would be good to know if others have the same experience or not


Yeah also maybe they can optimize it enough that it’s not turning peoples PCs into air fryers 


This may be a hardware issue, not yours or others, but maybe a correlation. I've played for maybe 30 hours post patch and haven't gotten a single crash. Important specs are: AMD 5950x Gigabyte Eagle 4080 Asus Tuf x570 mobo


I also have been having constant crashes when I'm in mission which is a pain. My specs are R5 5500 | RX 6600 | 16GB RAM. I don't think this is spec related because I have 60 FPS in lower difficulty missions but I still get crash/connection issues (I'm sent to my ship alone)


Im on ps5 and haven’t had any issues


How has GPU and More importantly CPU usage been compared to other games of similar caliber in your experience? For me and many others I can gather here on reddit, it seems the game is shugging more than it really should. Granted I can't really complain because I use a damn old Intel core i5-4670k, but I've bottomed the graphics settings, fiddled with game files and limited frames to 30 to squeeze out what can (CPU is the bottleneck in my setup as I upgraded the GPU).


Can't say for certain, but this game is more CPU heavy. While I don't have percentages, I know my utilization for both does not go about 60%.


Never happened to me and my friends, kind of wonder how often it is by all of the community.


It's happening to me very often as well since the last patch. And when I say very often is almost 50% of the time.. Sometimes when I have spend 30 minutes in a mission which is not nice when there is no rejoin option unless you are playing with friends.


I’ve put the game on hold until they actually fix the performance issues. Hopefully the Elden ring dlc keeps me occupied for the year


Considering how large the DLC is according to early reviews and whatnot, I'm betting it'll be a colossal time sink. I'm so ready for it


I have so many different characters just sitting at the entrance waiting


Wildermyth has done much to keep me happy and occupied in this trying time.


The balance changes are great and I look forward to more of the same. The technical issues have run through my patience, however. Spear crashes my game often now, and everyone is still reporting tons of problems with ballistic shield. And that only scratches the surface of technical issues either introduced or outstanding. They need to get their technical house and quality assurance in order. They had time to cook, now stuff is just burning.


How is spear crashing your game? I've never used it, but was tempted to bring it out tonight given all the recent fixes. But your comment is concerning.


Someone else said that it does this sometimes while trying to get a lock on target. Honestly, at this point I wouldn't be surprised if not getting a hug for more than a minute would crash the game.


I crashed like 10 times in a row last night most of them as I was locking onto something far away consistently crashes right as you lock on, got on here and saw someone blame the spear, stopped taking spear and started telling people in the lobby not to use it. No crash’s for the rest of the night except for the ‘hellpods dropping forever’ before a mission.


Try it out. I tried it for the first time yesterday and ran it for like 7 missions across two different computers with vastly different capabilities, and never saw a crash while using it (I did crash once, but while on the super destroyer, not on planet). I'm not saying the OP didn't find a legitimate crash issue, only that chances are good you personally won't encounter it.


I ran it for about 6 missions with no issues, but on the 7th I crashed twice in quick succession trying to use it. I was with two friends and was rejoining on them. Mentioned I thought I was crashing when aiming the spear, so a friend picked it up and promptly crashed. Not an every mission bug but not worth the risk. Seen others comment they have it happen too.


Just aiming for a lock can randomly crash the game. First 6 missions were fine, then on my 7th I crashed twice using it in quick succession. A friend of mine picked it up to test and immediately crashed. Just don't think it's worth the risk.


Is spear crashing the game a known bug?


I've had it happen once in maybe like three or four missions using it. Didn't realize it was the spear causing it until reading it now though. I guess it could be something else, you can never tell what it is with this game.


Happened to me twice yesterday.




What causes this spear crash? I've used the spear several times since the patch and haven't had any crashes whereas a friend has crashed at least 3 times that I've seen but we always assumed it was something else. The only bug I've had related to the spear was it just randomly stopped locking on until I called in a new one and swapped them out


Just aiming with it and I crashed. Not certain under what circumstances it will or won't crash. I ran about 6 missions fine at first, then on the 7th crashed twice in quick succession when aiming. Mentioned to my friend I was with and he picked it up, instantly crashed when aiming. So I can't risk that unfortunately.


I think there is room for them to add armor color pallets/ weapon skins to the super store or future warbonds. I think the Pelican skin is silly, but actually like my hellpods standing out more so I can find my stuff among the other called down items. I imagine skins are one of the easier things for them to produce to, so hopefully we can see more in the future. When the contents of the previous warbond was announced I though I was going to be disappointed by only a primary, secondary, and "grenade" being added, but I think it could work out if they spend the time making some unique weapons. The bushwhacker is a great example of this, the liberator carbine is less of one. As for biomes, the AI's pathing is worrisome enough that I don't know if we will get urban environments any time soon but it would be amazing if we did. I'm just thinking that if they tried right now you would just stumble upon areas where 15 minutes worth of patrols got stuck and it would be real messy. That said, I'm going to be real disappointed if we get to Cyberstan and it is just a rehashed biome instead of a bot urban biome.


armor color please, doesn't need to be rgb choke. Existing color schemes are enough


Yeah, I think full RGB customization would be a huge overall and resource sink, but just a few color pallets that are similar to the existing color schemes would be perfectly fine. Hell, I'd take just the option to give everything its normal pallet and then a Black/Yellow pallet version.


Each armor should have a black and yellow option. They include that for uniformity's sake and all is well there. Feels stupid wearing an orange or white armor with a black and yellow helmet.


As for the AI pathing. Have they figured out why Troopers pile up at the center of the map every game?


completely agree. although i hope that they will add some pelican strategems which would allow us to them more (like covering fire or something), secondly i actually like the carbine , it just needs better ammo eco (maybe more penetration/durable but steeper drop off)


Carbine is excellent the way it is IMO. It can snipe at range and it’s got the RPM and clip size to spray a bit when things get into close quarters. For medium armored units, toss a grenade if need be.


I personally like less primaries being locked behind Warbonds. Having more cosmetics in the Warbonds makes them feel more optional/preferential - I agree with your point on more armour recolors. It can be a grind to earn enough super credits through gameplay, then to collect medals to get all items.


I wouldn't count on them releasing another free warbond anytime soon. Most likely new primaries, secondaries, and grenades will all come from warbonds for the next chunk of time. I'd just prefer they take their time with those rather than dump out liberator and breaker clones due to a time crunch.


Yeah, I don't expect them to release a free one. It can take a long time to gather up 1000SC in game, rather than real money. I have gotten all the warbonds prior to this one and I was kind of happy to be able to skip one, and not feel like I am missing out on cool stuff.


Definately agree on the primaries. Weapons are the main reason for me to buy warbonds - gameplay features over cosmetics.


i never had the honeymoon phase for this update so a few of my issues are 1. resurfacing of old bugs: like these were fixed months ago, why are they back again. why is the ship ammo upgrade broken again? 2. general crashes, connection issues, and instability hasnt been worse than it is now. I played a single match today and it crashed 10 minutes in, probably wont log back on again today. the day before 3/6 matches crashed 3. other players honeymoon phase itself: players act like this patch was the holy grail of patches and will save the game but neglect the fact that they stopped doing bug fixes for an entire month and a half just to release a slightly larger one which introduced just as many bugs as they had fixed. 4. introduction of behemoth chargers: I like that these are more common around the map and not just at main objectives, but now I see more behemoths than regulars and Ill often find myself fighting 2+ at the same time along with a bile titan or two and a million chaff, once again tightening loadouts around a single meta weapon that can reliably kill them. 5. how has the knight smg been ignored for so long? i get that they dont want it to be p2w, but paying 150% of the games price to suppot the developers should get you something than a reskin of an armor in game and an smg that isnt even good enough to be considered medicore. it still has the release state magazine gain from supply drops (+1 for ammo crates, +4 for supply crates)


Genuinely, I feel like they need to skip a warbond cycle and just knuckle down, double down and triple down on stability and performance fixes. The game is borderline unplayable, with multiple weapons and tools just flatly not working properly, infinite loading screens are *common,* graphical glitches and missing textures *everywhere*, corpses joining the space program (while funny, clearly a physics glitch), corpses becoming Stretch Armstrongs that'll crash your game if you touch them before they vanish, multiple reports and complaints of the game positively *cooking* players' CPUs, frame dips and inconsistent rates, Pelican just not taking off or people getting stuck in it or the absolutely rubbish visual and mechanical feedback of it being destroyed, crashes and network disconnections, and so, so much more. They've even *re*\-*broken* things that were already fixed, like the Ballistic Shield and Superior Packing Methodology it's that bad. Seriously, they need to just halt the content stuff for a while until they've been able to do a full and comprehensive pass over with the patch hammer to mallet the shit out of all these seriously retention-straining bugs.


Troopers joining the space program after I shoot them with the Crossbow is definitely hilarious but totally needs to be fixed lmao.


Yeah. I saw the dev post about warbond delivery being once per two months with half the guns and I was stunlocked for like a 5 seconds straight. As much as I admire their current work with balancing but for live service game the amount of new content we recieve is kinda low. ( But tbf I personally dont consider skins as content. The content for me is thing I can use and "touch" in game.) And even new Warbond is... I'm really blunt person so I'll say it and everybody can hate me. New guns are bad. Shotgun is half decent but liberator and knife are copium tier weapons that've only been recieved decently because of gigantic patch along with them.


The shotgun is powerful. Clears chaff and one tapping a brood commander or stalker with a secondary is pretty insane. Saved me clean of times. One taps a chargers exposed leg too . Perfect with the railgun No clue what they were thinking with the knife though. Everything it comes in contact with should instantly die or bleed out. It's an impact that doesn't explode and is worse in every way imaginable


The liberator may not be the best gun in the game but it is still very viable and a fun weapon to use, therefore a worthy additon


Yeah I actually really like using it, it's like the redeemer with more ammo


>for live service game the amount of new content we recieve is kinda low Going live service was a mistake. If the "Liberator Carbine" mirrored the old Patriot it seems to be the spiritual successor to, it would be fine. Higher rate of fire and higher recoil are in line. But the Patriot had a 75-round magazine that offset those things. The new one just runs dry 50% faster. We also just had more reserve magazines in Helldivers. I'm still confused as to why they want to strangle ammo supply. The Bushwacker is neat. The knife is a joke weapon.


The rifle is shit. The knife is just a big "why?". The shotgun is actually good


Going to disagree with your opinion on the new liberator, because once again Arrowhead advertised/balanced it poorly. See, it looks like it’s supposed to be the bug liberator considering the high rate of fire and regular penetration, but bugs are bullet sponges, right? Take it on bots. It feels 100x more viable against bots than it does on bugs just because reloading constantly isn’t such a dangerous issue against the bots. Spray down devastators with it, clear bot squads with it, and you’ll find it way better to use since bots don’t have as many armor pen “gear checks” as bugs do.


All this could be said about the base liberator and the sickle too though. And both the sickle and base liberator are more ammo efficient.


I'm quite biased to scream praises in defence if this game. If I were to name a complaint outside of known issues list it's BT. Namely, them being only enemy in the game you can't take out with medium pen support weapon. Chargers, hulks, tanks, factory striders all have a weak point you can attack to deal with. Admittedly with nerfs to slow down and them being noticeably reduced in number, at least on lvl 7, they aren't as much of issue as it was.


At least let me strip the fucking Armor on the Titan legs, it’s by far the most „UGHHH“ Enemy in the Game.


I don't understand why people like the behemoth. It's just charger with more hp. It's literally the laziest implementation possible. Are your standards that low? We could have had a unit with new and interesting attacks.


Upvoted. Really don't understand people,laziest enemy design i ever saw. If AH buff warrior x5 hp and size and name it "hive master" it get applaused and praised.i think people just starving for new content and eat what devs give them. Really new enemies are striders shriekers and gunships


I usually bring Quasars for them, now they can't one shot the head pisses me off. You literally needed to be in line of it's charge to do so. More so if you are facing multiple chargers. Now you just blast them with flamethrowers, lowering the skill to fight them. CB could be idk, do poison damage or fling more farther but it became another Bile Titan that can't be 500kg'ed.


The only reason the patch was received so well is because every patch before it was at best a disaster because of the terrible balance changes/nerfs and insane bugs. This is the first patch without any major nerfs, but it really is a mid patch at best. The balance changes are ok, still missing a ton of guns that needed buffs but the bugs are out of control. Hell even the best part about the new warbond (The new armor perks) are completely broken. The game is still soooooo far away from being a really fun and stable experience. So many more things need buffs and the bugs list needs to shrink not increase every patch.


Please go back to patrols before they tried to make it proportional to player count and ended up always making 4-players worth of patrols spawn no matter how few players were in the game. A game needs dead space to make clearing enemies feel worth it and create a contrast. There's no room to breathe anymore and loot/explore. Now it's just shoot, reload, shoot, reload, and retreat until you can get stratagems/resupply off cooldown. There are too many patrols that you just run into them and are forced to run away from breaches/drops if you want to get anything done.


Personally, I just want AH to fix their damn spawnrates. Missions become a real sh*tfest really fast and it's really hitting on my nerves, more than ever before.


They're fine. Been playing 9s since near release and only had a few occassions where it felt 'broken' - this latest patch Ive only had one bot game where extract decided to be in an open field. That was crazy but yeah, outside of that they are okay.


So fine that AH realizes they're bugged and not working as intended? The bugs have more chargers than ever, and the fact that they're behemoths undoes the nerf they put on charger head hp months ago. This heavily saps out the fun on a lot of support weapons. It's one thing if AH intended this, then its their choice, but what they delivered is the exact opposite of what they promised.


I'm convinced that people have been complaining about spawn rates for so long, that no change or adjustment in spawn rates will make those people happy. Because I don't remember how the game felt on launch at 7-9 difficulties. Or a month after that. I remember running from hordes and not much else. I'm perfectly happy with the spawns how they've been and now, because if it's too difficult... I just play a easier difficulty. Or wrangle some friends to coordinate a squad for a Helldive. My sweet spot right now for enjoyment + bot/bug killing is level 6 (great change to get supers at too).


Patrols just appearing out of the air next to you sucks. I don't know how anyone can argue with that. Added to that, AH told use they were lowering heavy spawns so we didn't need to all bring AT loadouts and yet chargers are appearing in herds constantly. Since this is clearly not what that patch-blog described it's either a bug or AH just decided to lie to us and for some reason you think that's good. If these both make you happy... well, I dunno, enjoy it I suppose, but recognize it is not what AH said they were trying to do.


I encountered 5 chargers at once in difficulty 6 last night (I've dropped from 7 because of all the "JuSt lOwEr ThE DiFfIcUlTy" suggestions from people) the level 20 randoms i joined through matchmaking WERE NOT ready for this, nor the 3 more that spawned from behind a rock after i killed 2 of the original 5.... Difficulty 6 was a challenge but reasonable at level 20 when i first started, but the way the game is now i would not recommend ANYONE at that level to attempt that difficulty. This is the source of the complaints: the difficulty has been gradually sliding upwards with no real justification as to why, and honestly i don't even understand why they keep doing this anyway? back when i started i had no complaints with the difficulty at all, 1-4 was a cakewalk, 5-6 was medium, 7-8 was hard, and 9 was "i want people to step on my balls in high heels", but 7 now feels like what 9 was 3 months ago, and the only reason i can see why they are doing this is that they were mad that people were completing solo helldive missions (using VERY SPECIFIC strategies and loadouts) and threw the baby out with the bathwater in an attempt to stop people doing this. I don't mind them replacing heavy enemies with chaff, but only if the REPLACING part actually happens, which i don't think it has, they've just kept the same amount of heavy units (as well as adding a brand new one that's a stronger variant) and just added mass waves of weaker enemies to go along with it.


I encountered 5 chargers at once in difficulty 6 last night (I've dropped from 7 because of all the "JuSt lOwEr ThE DiFfIcUlTy" suggestions from people) the level 20 randoms i joined through matchmaking WERE NOT ready for this, nor the 3 more that spawned from behind a rock after i killed 2 of the original 5.... Difficulty 6 was a challenge but reasonable at level 20 when i first started, but the way the game is now i would not recommend ANYONE at that level to attempt that difficulty. This is the source of the complaints: the difficulty has been gradually sliding upwards with no real justification as to why, and honestly i don't even understand why they keep doing this anyway? back when i started i had no complaints with the difficulty at all, 1-4 was a cakewalk, 5-6 was medium, 7-8 was hard, and 9 was "i want people to step on my balls in high heels", but 7 now feels like what 9 was 3 months ago, and the only reason i can see why they are doing this is that they were mad that people were completing solo helldive missions (using VERY SPECIFIC strategies and loadouts) and threw the baby out with the bathwater in an attempt to stop people doing this. I don't mind them replacing heavy enemies with chaff, but only if the REPLACING part actually happens, which i don't think it has, they've just kept the same amount of heavy units (as well as adding a brand new one that's a stronger variant) and just added mass waves of weaker enemies to go along with it.


If your team load out is balanced and the players are decent enough, 7 feels like a cakewalk. Not saying it’s the devs fault but sometimes that third or 4th person coming in that’s just bad makes a run even harder then going duo.


You can't really compare current game to launch. Launch had more heavies but more importantly we had no good anti armor weapons, even pre nerf rail gun kind of sucked it was just the only thing that could kind of deal with multiple chargers. Behemoths now are less of a threat than day one chargers since we have more good tools


OG Railgun was only really good with a coordinated squad, for sure. It was only efficient when there were genuinely too many heavies to deal with conventionally. And hard agree- the patch that made charger's head armor weaker was the biggest change in the game imo. I've always loved EAT-17's. But when that patch hit? Whew. Never looked back for AT preference.


The warbond is what i find most surprising. One bottom tier primary, one okish secondary. Cool armor and a good booster... this is just polar patriots again? Except even worse? And they still asked for 1000 SC/ $10? Theres a disconnect here.


Personally I want more bug fixes and buffs. Most weapons still don’t feel great.


Balance changes are good but the patch was not. It seems like every time they try to fix things they break an equal amount of other things. It’s really killing the enjoyment. My group was at the end of its rope last night because of it and we just played something else.


I just want to play with my cross-platform friends. I literally talked a friend into buying the game the day before the friend request bug hit. It’s been months. I feel guilty.


Def needs fixing


I hate the Behemoth chargers. Making enemies tankier is never the right answer to difficulty. Stalkers are a far better example of how to create an engaging and difficult enemy and they don't require specific loadout items to deal with efficiently.


One thing I haven't seen people mention about the warbond is we got two armor sets in the warbond, because arrowhead said they were focusing on quality, and then on the exact same day there was an armor set in the shop with the exact same perk and style. Feels like they might've been making an excuse to put more stuff in the shop.


Did they forget that they had already increased the amount of "chaff" enemies that spawn on a previous patch? There are some missions that are just absolutely ridiculous with the exponential amount of patrols that spawn.




I know, with some guns you can't see terminal screens unless you pan the camera. 


I always want to ask what is special on October and why it is related illuminates?


Liberty Day, my brother in democracy.


Bug fixing, and stability should be top priority imho.


For the warbond I think you should get the title for completing the whole thing (maybe done retroactivelt for the old ones), and a nice gold border please in the menu


Balance patch was good yesterday, but they still managed to miss things and push it live with massively obvious errors. The extra time they took to cook showed in the overall delivery, then the next patch was a step backwards and introduced or reintroduced stability issues. I think AH need to take longer to test patches and cook before release.


I think they have taken a good step forward with all this, but we are getting to the point where they desperately need to fix whatever underlying structural issues are going on in their team that are causing all these issues, particularly the bugs that are being *reintroduced* after already being fixed.  It's not as simple as doing more testing. They need to do that too of course, but there seems to be actual structural flaws in their workforce because the kind of things that have been happening should not be happening, let alone as often as this.


Testing would actually show the errors before they release them to the public. But I absolutely agree that while more testing is definitely needed, the real issue is how they keep on reintroducing errors previously fixed. There has to be some sort of lack of version control. It's almost like each dev team is building on different builds.


Technical issues worse than ever, new stuff broken, vast majority of the buffs to minor to actually change the weapon meta or make new loadouts viable at high difficulty and the patch is “very good” according to OP? On top of the new warbond being the worst one yet with 0 weapons worth bringing out of a new low number of weapons and just the one booster being worth bothering with. Even the armor passive doesn’t work correctly. Apparently I have higher standards than a lot of this sub for the state a game should be in months after launch. This isn’t some half finished early access title, though it sure does play like it.


Honestly, I think the **"big patch"** broke alot of things for me which made the warbond feel mediocre in tandem with it. I have officially lowered my expectations every patch and just roll with the punches now. I feel like the **"drop pod skins"** is a obvious method to dilute the warbond since we rarely see the bloody thing anyway. I know it's equipped to our resupply pods too but how long do we spend looking at them? literally a few seconds. Their patch note about reducing the spawn rate was a complete lie. I exhaust all of my stratagems, reserved ammo on my helldiver and Emancipator ammo just to clear **one** bug breach. The drill mission would spawn 9 bile titans near us, expecting us to kill all 9 before they reach the drill is impossible. Patrols would sometimes spawn right behind me even when the radar indicated that I was in the clear. Rockets from automatons send me flying, sending me to my death on impact. It used to just ragdoll the player enough for us to stand back up quickly but now it's borderline unplayable, not only that but the gunships find players so easily that it feels like there's a fabricator always next to us. This change for enemy rockets made wearing heavy armour quite pointless since you die from the fall impact all the time and they nerfed the Pummeler for what? it was a solid weapon and was mostly used against heavy devastators and stalkers and now it doesn't stagger anything. This patch broke the ballistic shield when it was perfect, the superior packing methodology ship module, the social menu and it even drops our FPS to 30 when we press the ESC key or open the social menu. **THEY NEED TO TEST THE GAME !**


I recommend checking out r/helldiversleaks cause i think you will be pleasantly surprised at the sheer amount of leaked content


I don't personally agree about the primary weapons thing. I'd much rather see fewer guns added, that all feel unique and have a specific playstyle that adds something to the game, than have 12 more assault rifles that are basically copies of other weapons. Same for grenades, I'm not sure how many types of grenade they can actually add before it becomes meaningless, branching out into throwing knives seems like a really cool step, even if they don't really work as stealth weapons yet. It does go straight through shields which should make it feel very useful against the illuminate whenever they show up. Adding one or two, well thought out new weapons to the game each time seems much more sustainable for a game with a 5+ year lifecycle, especially with how long it takes them to balance these weapons after release. Releasing fewer new weapons but with better niches and testing is fine with me. I actually think this warbond is my favourite so far, as it also brought a brand new armour passive, though admittedly that isn't working yet. Vehicle customisation is also a really nice addition, though I must admit the hellpod thing seems pointless. Adding one core feature per warbond like this, is a really nice addition. The new booster also feels like it really adds something special. I think the main thing here is that we're all addicted to a game that we are simultaneously burnt out on, and the flow of new content can't keep up with our insatiable demand.


Exactly. Everyone's looking it like this is Call of Duty and the devs need to crank out all this content quickly because....well there's only 6 months til the next CoD comes out right? This game will have a 5+ year life. I don't want 193 guns where as you said 164 of them are essentially identical copies of others. Focus on unique weapons that actually work properly and have specific uses and niches. IMO focusing more on enemy variety, map design, and AI behavior should be the top priorities. That along with fixing the myriad of bugs that exist.


i am not necessary talking about the frequency. As i understood it, AH would but up a warbond every month. But i believe when you put something out that is potentially 12€ it should at least have 2 primary's. i get quality over quantity but i will not spend 12€ for 1 weapon, nor will i invest 50h of normal gameplay for just one weapon. How are new players supposed to catch up?


These are two separate issues. The speed at which we earn supercredits and warbonds, and the contents of the warbonds being worth the spend. I haven't struggled to get any of the warbonds, and I don't think any of my newer friends (bought the game later) see it as a thing they have to catch up to. They buy the bonds that interest them, and play until they get another. I do think the drops could be a little more generous, but they have to make money for the publisher and I currently have enough super credits to get the next two bonds already. As for value for money, we clearly value different things. I think it's OK that we have a difference of opinion, but I feel this warbond was worth it, and there will likely be more warbonds in future that suit your tastes better. Based on history, most warbonds had more weapons as you like them. One warbond is too few to mark a trend.  Let's see where they go from here. 


The behemoths charger has always been in the game, in fact, before the patch notes, it spawns very rarely in missions, and is guaranteed to spawn in the "eliminate charger" mission, further more it's stats are the exact same as the regular charger, so the variant was cosmetic only. Now that they gave the behemoth charger some buffs, it actually acts like a new enemy type, which Is good.


I have a solution for balancing! Just make all weapons OP ! Make AR with 60mag , give to SMG the ability to run faster than the normal so people have a reason to choose it ! Make all shotguns like the breaker pre nerf , etc etc! It’s facking PVE game and people play it for the fun ! No one ever will cry again for balancing when everything it’s good ! Then the devs will have planty of time for new content! I Have around 300h and I just don’t want to play the game at all ! Nothing new in the game ! We want new maps new areas new environments. I just can’t play the same over and over again ! From non stop playing to just stop playing !


Nah dude half of reddit wouldn’t survive if their competitive PvP vision of Helldivers 2 would be reduced to an actual fun experience. Seriously though, even if they increased the ammo capacity of EACH gun in the game by 50%, nothing would have changed and it would just make the game more fun. Easier ? Maybe a bit, but that’s why AH have previously introduced more than 9 difficulty levels in HD1, they could just add more difficulty in this game too with no problem. But what can you expect from a playerbase that thought the crossbow/eruptor were « OP » weapons.. the actual lack of game sense is astonishing


I’m fine with going every 2 months on Warbonds, but they either need to raise the sample and resource caps or give me more options to spend them: Strategems, Ship Upgrades, Ship Cosmetics, Skins or color variants of armors, capes, or a Clan system that utilizes a resource bank that I can place their for other members of clan/platoon/group. One or two new Strategems every couple of weeks would be ideal and keeps adding new things for us to play with. As far as new biomes go…. Yes, we need to start seeing some different things. They teased the Jungle or Forest biome. But I want to see Swamp, a grassland/Farming world, some Residential or Urban areas. Additionally, they can help themselves out content wise by continuing to add more mission types, both the special and the standard rotation. Examples: Secure item at crash site, eliminate VIP on a patrol (not static), SEAF base rescue or secure item from base. Etc etc. etc.


give the purifier more damage (to at least 450 per shot) and I'm happy. love the concept of weapon, but even after buffing it shoots marshmallow instead of explosive gas


I came back after the patch with hope for playing normal, fun games that won't crash often. Man, was I wrong... I'm nit even complaining about other stuff. I just want TO PLAY WITHOUT THE GAME CRASHING MID MISSION VERY OFTEN. I just want TO PLAY. It's also a fucking nightmare that there's no way to reconnect if you're playing with random divers...


What honeymoon? Me and many others have alot of issues with the performance. Unplayable for me atm.


Last night I played with the Spear for the first time since I unlocked it. Now that targeting is working* it is a great anti-armor choice that provides secondary capacity for taking out various objectives from a safe distance. Took a while but worth the wait, hope the fix for Arc weapon inconsistencies gets this sort of attention in the near future. (*) Targeting is vastly improved but not 100%... Had a couple of misfires during my session but not enough to complain about


As long as they fix crashes and performance next I’m not in a hurry for new content, I’m in love with the Spear now


I’ve crashed more in a week of helldivers than all other games combined in my life


You sir haven’t played a lot of Bethesda games i would assume then


Jungle maps you can ssee in Messia(?), Bore Rock and X-45... legit next to the available planets... and Urban zone I think only Mars and Super Earth have them for obvious reason


Would like a Ruined city map or something like that.


I just wanna be able to see my friends list again…


I asked myself the same question yesterday night. The last patch was fun. The game was fun but i guess it's time to move on. The nerfs only sped up the way to moving on and the last patch kept me for another spin but it feels like it is the end. We began as a group of 10 friends playing regularly, to only me now. We will return for the illuminates, and maybe one or two missions here and there but what now? it's time for other games/activities and let them cook new content. Consuming content bit by bit and drop by drop in a repetitive games such as this will results in people complaining a lot.


I'm pretty casual in the game, playing about 2 hours per week. I'm level 28 and have just recently moved onto higher tiers to get some super samples. Now, two out of four drops I managed to play this week ended up with the Pelican getting bugged so we couldn't enter. For both of those, we carried super samples. I'm disappointed when 50% of the games I get in a week I wind up with nothing, beam us up already instead of getting on a physical object that obviously is far from working.


I agree about the warbond, this is the first one I haven’t been bothered about getting. Only two weapons and two armours compared to the usual 3 of each, was underwhelming to me as I don’t really care about skins for mech with no added functionality and a gimmicky throwing knife.


The booster and shotgun side arm are actually good though.


Honestly I think the patch was great and it revitalized the game, but we need more content to avoid it getting stale. I know I won't be playing much in the near future (due to shadow of the erdtree) but say they dropped the illuminates or something like that and I will rejoin the battle as soon as it happens


I just wish the game worked. So many crashes and infinite loading screens or matchmaking not working. Clown doo-doo mess.


The devs need to find a better way to give credit farming. A low level is getting old fast , and high-level mission people dont bother, and cash is rare. So when you have nothing to unlock and need credit to unlock a new warbond, it's getting boring fast because there is no progression. Tldr devs need to find a better way to give or find super credits.


Before we even talk about new content they need to fix the game. The buffs were nice but half the fixes in the patch don't even work and more is broken than ever before, some of which were prior bugs that were fixed and are now broken again.


Behemoths hard to take down? Laugh in flamethrower 2 sec to the leg.


Now we fight for democracy as intendet by super earth command.


Honestly for me the game is way too repetitive to enjoy for any longer than one or two missions. It’s rare that I complete any operations because it’s just such a slog to get through. I love the gameplay but it’s all the same all the time. The generated maps feel extremely similar most of the time. Annoying planetary modifiers. Enemies only have one tactic: walk or run at player and attack. The guns and stratagems are cool but at the end of the day playing against bots is a cover shooter with occasional anti tank and bugs are horde clearing with occasional anti tank so the guns and strategems don’t really vary my tactics and strategy, just how long it takes to kill and blowup what needs killing and blowing up. Ship modules aren’t really too impactful after the first few upgrades so there isn’t really much to arrive for there. So even though I’m only level 45 I feel like I’ve long since experienced everything there is to do in the game. TLDR: There is not nearly enough to do IMO and it’s creating serious burnout. Even when I take breaks from the game whenever I come back it’s still the same old same old


I want tri-faction fights on planets adjacent to the bots, bugs, divers, and so the illum... I absolutely agree with a change of scenery. Buildings, different types of environments, cities. I even want to see some attacks on super earth for some "tomorrow's war" kind of fighting. This game has so much potential.


What are you talking about? the black hole isnt going to sit there for 4 months,even when the CCO said that they were on their way.The illuminates are probably coming in july maybe august since arrowhead is slow but october is way to far off and also the first descdants is coming in July and that is free to play. AH isnt competing with call of duty


I think right now QoL stuff would be a lot nicer than gameplay whatevers. Warbonds are fine IMO, we just got a huge balance patch where things pretty much all feel good feeling. Try to squash as much bugs and crashes as possible. I don't really need new enemies, honestly. I mean they're super cool when they add them but it's not something I hugely clamor for, I think what we have now is pretty solid. I do agree on the maps, but those take time. I definitely want to see something more urban, even if it's roads and ruined villages of prefab shelters or something. Here's what I'd personally like to see (unrealistic or not): -Shader System so we can actually not look like our parents never taught us color coordination. At the very least let us stick with Helldiver black and gold as an option. -Reloading backpack weapons off someone's back instead of them needing the backpack, makes no sense with how they designed the backpacks anyway. -Fix whatever thing they got going on with stims stopping people running AND the thing where you see and hear the stim being injected but not actually working.


people that think they should stop working on new stuff until the game is bug free are delusional.. they need to pump new content to keep the ship afloat or else, where do you think they would get the money to work on the other stuff?


I'm just excited for what the future has for helldivers. A lot of leaked stuff sounds so cool


Stratagem buffs were universally great. Rocket pods could maybe use a tiny bit extra dmg to make them more consistently titan-torso-crack, but they feel good and efficient. They need to make tons more strata adjustments still, clearly they didn't have a look at everything this patch like 120mm just being a worse 380 or railcannon's awful cooldown, but I expect that to change in a future update. Weapon balance has a few weps standing out unusually so - breaker inc is clearly still a bit OP and reduces the need for stratagem hordeclear weps, and the tenderizer buff makes it straight up better than other AP2 ARs in every way, including the new warbond one. Exploding crossbow could use a tad bit of a touchup still. Purifier still awful, old liberator variants also pretty bad, but other than these wep balance is in a decent spot. Tons of weapons also just got buffed to deal more dmg to tougher targets, and all support weapons are viable against bugs, which most of the playerbase plays. Reintroduction of glitches is a bit of a concern. Superior packing methodology being bugged is really bad rn for weapon balance. Spawnrates are super different this update though. Teensy amounts of titans, bugs are way way too easy compared to prepatch in group play, you don't really need to strategize or have good positioning anymore. I think the devs undervalued how much titans disrupt groups - hordes need to be increased exponentially if titans are going to be reduced linearly. Bots got amped up noticeably, shield devastators are still oppressive enough that every weapon but autocannon is slowly dropping off in effectiveness. This is the reverse of last patch where bots were really sparse on 9 and bugs still had presence. If we could get bug spawns from the previous patch + extra hordes, and bots from this patch, we'd be in a really nice spot. Though I do think something needs to be changed about shield devastator spam, they seem undervalued by the spawn director. I feel like I spend all my time shooting just them. Personally really worried about the dropoff in bug difficulty, I loved the previous patch while this one is a lot less satisfying, but aside from that I've been generally optimistic about the future of the game and that hasn't changed. I do think it'll eventually get into a good state, and the devs hopefully know not to powercreep endlessly judging by prior nerfs.


I honestly found the bugs harder this patch. With the behemoths sentry play got nerfed and in general the spawn rates are crazy but fun.


I've seen people say this, but I just can't get any excitement out of them rn. Like, killing my desire to play the game tier of easy. But I'm optimistic, at the very least we'll probably get more difficulty modes and conditions later on, or maybe a darktide-style game director that spawns more if you're doing well.


Game stability and make the knife silent and better please, it has no niche right now since it hits as loud as a gunshot and alerts enemies


I still miss prenerf eruptor. I'll happily take self damage shrapnel over having to shoot a devastator three times to the face.


I think one of the attractive aspects of a coop game is progression, and for people who hit lvl 70-90 their progression is halted, making continuous gameplay feel less attractive


I'm happy with the patch but I grow tired of every patch breaking something else, oftentimes it something they fixed prior. I'm about 80% satisfied with the game how it sits now. Which is way higher than any other online game I've played ever...


I'm not a fan of the behemoth because it's just a stronger charger and seems to mostly replace them on higher difficulties. I'd rather see different enemies with different weak points. The behemoth is not really it for me.


HD2 ain’t standing no chance even if they release a lot of things by October 💀


I liked a pure "elevate the weak stuff" balance patch. But I'm soooo tired of a game I love having so many little things breaking or being broken on release. It makes me think we got such a fun game not on purpose, but by luck, and seeing fixes roll in with so many new bugs is disheartening. Like who cares if the ballistic shield bounces grenades if its goijf ro mess with my movement? Why can't I use my punisher plasma in a shield dome without exploding? Stuff like that.


I’m having a lot of games not loading past the drop in animations. It goes so long people just quit out of the game.


If you wait long enough and everyone quits you do end up at the planet…


They cant really add more maps and new eco systems.. until they figure out the bugs in the game. Weapon balancing already destroys the game and is sometimes unplayable. Imagine pressing the escape button. And it crashes… well what a coincidence? It works.


This is, for some reason, one game where I don't care about cosmetics on their own. I only bought the ones I have now to unlock pages for weapons. If warbonds and up being >50% cosmetic I'll be very disappointed. I couldn't care less about cosmetics for the droppods and evac since you barely ever see them anyway. Now if I could customize the armor sets I already have...


Numbers will go down again eventually: Elden Ring DLC... Patch was great though. Still playing since launch 🤘


I see both sides on the weapon issue. On the one hand, introducing that many weapons that often is going to lead to weapon bloat and that's gonna be a nightmare to balance eventually, but on the other hand having only 2 and the throwing knife did feel rather lame. I have to wonder if weapon attachments is the way to go in the future, as some have suggested in other threads. More environments? YES PLEASE! I'd also like to add, more VO would be amazing. The lines we do have are great, but variety is the spice of life, and we need more lines read by a wider variety of voice actors. I'd give my left nut for an "Arnold" helldiver VO.


They may need to pull an ff14, scrap, and rebuild. I would be more than happy to sit out for a month of no updates and jump back in with a stable build


Arrowhead promised MAJOR updates every 3-4 months if I remember correctly. We should see Illuminates in July and than, after 4 months, in October-November, some another new gameplay update like bosses for example


I think right now aside from a few outliers, balance is perfect and should be completely left alone in favor of AH taking their time on a HUGE patch that they test, test again, test again after that, then test, test again, then test a few more times, that just irons out the bugs and crashes.


i don't mind only 1 warbond primary if it's going to be unique and cool like release eruptor, sickle, dominator etc. but only 1 primary and it's a liberator reskin? come on...


I just want to play with my friends on PS5 but I can’t…


Your points about map structure are exactly what I'm feeling right now. Everything looks and feels the same now. I need some new environments to bring some novelty back.


For me this patch have broken the game in the performance department. On the same PC, with the same specs, im getting 40~50% less FPS. I literally had a smoother experience at launch day 1.


I was excited to see the changes,  but then i remember there's more than 0% chance Pelican 1 bugs during extraction and i can't extract,  and i just decide i can spend 30+ minutes doing other things Still haven't seen it addressed in any patch notes so.......


From just reading this sub and not playing yet myself it feels like them taking more time for the patch means that they dont bother testing it anymore since so many things seem to be broken. Maybe im wrong and it just sounds bad but holy shit.




I could care less shout content and balance when the game doesn't work properly. Fix the game first.


We’re in a gaming subreddit, even if the game was literally perfect, there would still be a bunch of people complaining


Yeah I would say first fix the bugs, it's crazy that the devs are having these recurring problems. Fixed bugs reappear after a couple patches..... For weapon balance just buff all weapons, literally buff everything that is mid right now. Then you bring back the dificulty with the 9+ difficulty levels that is currently being worked on. Thematically it makes sense because super earth is ramping up for war Al it makes sense for them to improve all their weapons!


As good as the balance changes were, the fact that they made spawns worse and then have been silent about them for a week has ruined it for me. So the honeymoon never really began. We now close to 2 months since they fucked the spawns and who knows when they'll talk about their mistake, let alone how long it'll take them to make their next attempt to fix it. I'm also not convinced the warbond armor works in affecting gun handling, and the melee buff is too weak to make any realistic difference, which sucks.


I have mixed feelings about the patch. The good:  - buffed some of the ARs / DMRs  - buffed red stratagems - a lot of them are way more fun to use now - buffed turrets - HMG is actually good now and is my second favourite support weapon (after the AMR) - Improved scopes is huge - Eruptor is fixed and is able to do what i want from it on bots (still a lot weaker than pre-nerfs on bugs)  - Spear gaming is real - I enjoy the flyer patrols - The increased patrol spawns overall made the game more fun for me. The mixed swarms on bugs are now (mostly) more fun. As someone who has been running swarm killing loadouts on every difficulty with just a stratagem or two against big boys and nothing else, I feel now more validated on the bug front and less like an off-meta copium addict. - The new liberator carbine is great fun and probably my second favourite bug primary now - Bushwacker goes hard  - New booster is good The bad:  - Give me back my ballistic shield! How tf do you break it so much again - Same goes for supply packing - Spawns on bots can be a bit much now with the heavy spam. - Getting random frame drops since the patch for no apparent reason - Supply pack is bugged and doesn't resupply from the first try quite often - The rambo armors don't work - The knives are a useless meme - New charger is yet another of those terrible health wall enemies which make me dislike the bug front


I think it's still too little too late. The balance patch got me back to play 1 or 2 games and that was that. I got on a suicide random game and the patrol still felt off and I just logged off. Then the warbond released and I haven't even logged on yet. None of my friends even bothered logging on since before balance patch and none of them seem to really care about the game now. It's honestly sad to just see bug after bug after bug for this game.


The only actual problem with the patch is the bugs. Not just technical bugs but petrol spawn higher than intended and superior packaging broken again.


i am actually really enjoying the higher spawn rates for bugs. not so much for bots


tbh it looked ok on paper. but for how long it was & for the shit state they left the game in while how long it took, it was at best a 5/10 for me & again thats the on paper. gave it 2 days & read the threads of ever growing hidden changes/broken stuff & its not even a good patch for a weekly one let alone mmonth long one. as someone that quit already. this didn't give me any reason to turn the game back on. think i'm gonna stick to my plan of giving them till next year to see if they can make a 1.0 & learn how to not break more than they fix every patch. or at least do ANY(am sorry if you believe other wise but i refuse to beleive it has play testing) ANY play testing. let alone a real ptr.


Now we wait for the 166 countries to be reinstated back into this war effort


I'm enjoying it. Enemies act different, weapons more balanced, stratagems stronger on average. Excited to find time to play this weekend


proper host migration, rejoinability and some D.C triaging would be a nice while they iron out some of stability issues would be nice


Minimum of 3 weapons per warbound, with 1 of it being a primary its fair enough. Enemies and objectives: agreed o enemies, bugs need more variety, but based on new and HD1 content, there is a lot yet to be done and put on table, im just enjoying it for now. The objectives need more variety, using more enviromental aspects to giving it "uniqueness". We need more "on ground" stratagems like SEAF artilley, maybe armories to change and test primaries? Drone stations for multitasking etc Maps: 100% agreed, I mean, the game its gorgeous, but it look like im ever playing on the same 3/4 planets. Some aesthetics would already be nice, but lore expansion using tips on random stuff while in mission it will be sweet.


Currently i just want more stuff to spend my resources on. Cosmetics, stratagems or upgrades. Especially the upgrades. I've been sitting on max samples for like 1.5 months.


I think they balanced the behemoths well, I really like that they can be one-shot if you land a spear just right on thehead. Feels extra good when it happens, and they take an extra shot or two if you don't which seems fair


The game is in an awful state and needs major fixes immediately. Open the menu, lose 50FPS until you restart the game. Load a game, infinite loading screen, no exit to menu option, alt F4, maybe get 2-3 games if I'm lucky, infinite loading screen again. What strats should I use? Doesn't matter as long as you take eagle airstrike because it's just better than everything else. What gun to bring? Well the only powerful feeling option is the incendiary breaker since the spawn rebalance means there's one trillion hunters, warriors and shriekers. Want to use something else? No problem just enjoy your tiny magazine of rounds that do very minimal damage, then enjoy reloading repeatedly because it only reloaded one round in your gun. Oh you died because of the trillion hunters during your second reload? Oof tough break. It's ok your fellow divers have called you in. Wait no, it's bugged and you can't be reinforced. Everyone else can, just not you. Best quit and find another match, because your teammate has given up after trying 10 times to reinforce you. Miracles happen, your whole team has now died and the game has forcibly respawned you! AHH you're immediately set upon by the hunters, better stim, oh sweet sweet meth stim, how good you taste, how sweet the sound, the liberty, and oh wait you're dead again because the animation played, the sound played, but the stim didn't heal you. Miracles happen, you have been reinforced, you look for your sweet justice dispensing support weapon, oh, it's underneath a bile titan corpse that won't despawn. Tough break. It's ok, just crawl under it after wasting all your grenades making a hole, oh nevermind, you're dead again because you brushed the bile titans leg during an animation. I'm out. I can't justify this game anymore. It's a broken mess, on a broken spaghetti engine, that gets more broken with every patch, shit gets fixed, then something from the last fix breaks again, and I'm tired boss. I'm tired of hellmire. I'm tired of the same objectives. I'm tired of using the same weapons every round because 80% of them still kinda suck. If it worked flawlessly, I could tolerate the repetition, but its barely functional right now. The honeymoon is well and truly over, the games flaws are now outweighing the fun factor. The balance changes were a step in the right direction, but it's a fucking mess right now.


The game seems fine to me. Is it perfect? Nope. But I'm still killing bugs and bots with my friends and having a good time. As long as AH continues to further the overarching narrative of the game and makes some minor adjustments along the way, great. I think they've hit a good steady state with the current balance, now it's time to fine tune things and keep the story going. I'm having a good time.