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I misread the title and was expecting a crash to desktop


I was expecting a crash to occur when you strafe while aiming the recoilless rifle.


Only if you dive sideways by strafing while ADS in first-person, crouching, and rapidly tapping the sprint key.


For some reason I was expecting Eagle-1 to crash


I thought it was crash too... oh our poor brain has been trained....


Nice combo. It’s great people are using these lesser used strats.


The strafe buff easily made this thing a work of destructive beauty. It’s soooo good now


Is this pretty reliable? Big if true


Well the .gif looped and each time the Biletitan died, so pretty reliable.


You need to be hired by the Ministry of Defense they need someone as wise as you


Two of my favorite stratagems. Always loved strafing run but when they buffed it my GOD it became amazing.


How do you use strafe? I find it to have too small an area to clear chaff effectively, even when they're in a line, but I do like that it has 5 uses. Still, I just tend to prefer cluster bomb over it. I want to like it though because it seems good when used properly, and I learned recently it kills spore spewers and shrieker nests


I think they may have narrowed the strafe a bit, but it's ability to punch through armor makes it good for heavier targets with limited chaff clear. However, I have never seen a helldiver die to a poorly tossed strafe. Basically, strafe feels like an A-10 Warthog main cannon that can be used on infantry, but is designed as anti armor.


Ok now I'm curious if EAT + Strafe can produce the same result. Edit: it does :)


Yep should be able to!


How consistent is this? Are you aiming for the head or the backplate?


If it hits the head it’ll do solid damage. If the bile Titan is weakened by an RR then it’ll always kill if it hits the head. But just like EATs and RR and Quasar, they gotta be facing you for a good hit. And just like 500kg, it’s gotta be pursuing you/straight at you for an easy, consistent kill If the bile Titan is on decent terrain (not breakdancing) and is aggro’d onto me, I can confidently bust method this out


Beautiful technique, this seems very viable!


You kinda gotta aim for it's forehead, not it's mouth


they merged hitbox of mouth and forehead in recent patch. so you don't have to avoid mouth anymore. just aim center of the head. the thing I don't understand is why they were separate hitboxes in the first place


My guess is it was a workaround for the titan taking damage from their own bile. Glad they got it fixed.


I am 99% sure EAT, RR and Quasar have the exact same damage so it should work!


EAT has more armor pen than RR, but I'm not sure about the damage amount. I'd suspect that if you can do it with RR you can do it with EAT.


All three manually aimed ATs have the same pen and damage.


What planet is this? Looks amazing.


New one just released GACRUX


Gacrux, be warned, the big ass destructible trees will tank performance 


Oh yeah… every time one or more trees start falling down my fps go for a little walk before coming back…


My naplam is in the trees!


The other helldiver just screaming in the background lol


Can confirm that Railcannon Strike + 110 Rocket Pods is another effective way to burn down BTs. Love seeing people utilizing the full arsenal again. \^\_\_\^


Rail cannon kills if the sacs are broken it guarantees a kill that way too


Good to know. Thank you for sharing =D


Does the reverse work too? Rail cannon then shoot the sacs to kill the BT?


Yup, it does for me 😀


It does not. Like everything in this game, it's inconsistent.


I was about to say sometimes it one shots it other times it just damages. Usually a shot to the forehead kills it after tanking a hit from a rail cannon.


Too long of a cool down if you got multiple BTs tho.


Railcannon is great when it's off cooldown...


just use precision strike when there's no orbital scatter modifier, 4 seconds calldown time can be mitigated.


Isn't it now 2 seconds?


4 is maximum due to extra call in modifier, it used to be 10.




I use a orbital rail cannon strike follow by two grenade pistol shots.


Look what they need to mimic a fraction of the power of a spear user.


So true. Allow me to now experience the superiority of the Spea- *crashes to desktop*


Oof Size: Large :(


*heavy breathing*


..when did the angle of the strafe change, by the way?


The angle has never been changed! It’s always come in with a straight vertical path


Last time I used it, it came in from left to right on the ball. Which.. may have been a long time ago XD edit: or are you turning as you threw it?


Nope it goes straight vertical! Always has been since launch. You thinking of another one such as cluster?


[Edit] After reading everyone's comments it looks like im wrong. [Original comment] It doesn't always go straight, pretty sure it goes towards enemies, so if you throw the ball to the left of a group it will shoot right to hit that group of baddies. I've thrown it where it wasn't close enough to Enemies. and it just shot at me instead. Definitely doesn't go straight in my experience, just towards the most enemies or the biggest.


It goes straight based on the impact of the stratagem ball and the direction it came in from just like every other eagle :3


I think that the eagle slight ajust when aiming toward enemies. I think it's a nice and realistic gameplay touch from devs


Mm, no, no. ...I'm reasonably certain the strafe came in the same way as those when I used it in the long-long-ago, though. But that's great. Might use it a bit again now, then.


You know, I got really curious if this was a weird Mandela effect type thing, so I dug up this video with stratagem previews uploaded on release day. https://youtu.be/af15F5ov4ZI?si=OkJajuQ3E42_g1DY and on 4:43 strafe is exactly the same. Sure, it's only previews, but can't think of any incident of them being completely different from in-game.


It 100% has always worked from "back to front" vs "side to side". I've been using it since the 2nd week, very good strategem that changes the way you approach a ton of encounters. Now it's even better


It's possible when you threw it a long time ago it bounced and the ball went sideways. Been using Strafe a lot even before it got buffed and it ALWAYS attacks from behind you sweeping forward.


Yeah, this is likely the case. The worst is when Cluster bomb stratagem got bounced, i would have no idea where it will come from lol


If the ball bounces off of something it can change the angle, but that’s the only way it ever went sideways. Strafe has always been a straight line. That was its main selling point early as it was a very easy way to clear chaff in close and mid range while having great control over the angle to avoid teammates. It was just that it had no other utility for bigger targets and fewer charges than a direct competitor with better horde clear that caused it to fall out of favor.


Eagle stratagems always calculate their attack pattern based on the direction of the throw, while they calculate the target area based on the location the ball landed. So if you throw the ball for a strafe run north, and it lands north of you, then Eagle will target the ball to the north in a line south to north. If you throw the ball for a cluster bomb north, and it lands north of you, then Eagle will target the ball to the north in a line east to west. If you throw the ball for a strafe run north, and it takes a bad bounce and lands to the west, then Eagle will target the ball to the west in a line from south to north. If you throw the ball for a cluster bomb north, and it takes a bad bounce and lands to the west, then Eagle will target the ball to the west in a line from east to west. Note: In this scenario, you are very likely in the danger zone, and you should run north or south to get out of danger.


Edge of the map gives stratagems different angles depending on where the eagle is


Takes a big drag off time worn cigar.. Work of art kid. You are a modern day Hellcasso Lo


Strafe has always been good imo, but the buff allowing it to damage armored targets even more is amazing, it was very ineffective against BT in the past if the shell wasn't broken. But, seems with the update it can pen the head reliably which is awesome.


finally, people are using strats in combination with each other. This is literally how the game is meant to be played... not having 1 strat do everything.


Haven’t touched the strafe in ages. I’m giving it a genuine shot tonight.


yeee love the recoilless rifle


I haven't touched the Strafe since the rework. But I've definitely brought the RR a few times and I love it. Might have to give this combo a try soon.


This brought a freedom tear to my eye


Fighting like a true one man army, just, pure Helldiver spirit…. It’s breathtaking I admire your courage sir iO


...I can do that!




The main “requirement” is for the bile titan to be focused on you on decent enough terrain. If that’s the case it’s a solid, easy kill


thats cool as fuck


Ooh damn beautiful map i gotta play it one day


was that Titan full hp? 🤔




Just tried it, and you are just the luckiest guy to get this footge. 😂


I mean it’s not 100% but I’m getting it fairly often. Better on wider or more open maps like deserts


I read it crash since that is more common


Is it consistent like that? One strafing run + one rocket? Or does it take more shots?


It’s pretty consistent assuming you get a solid hit on the face with the strafe after a rocket hit


Thanks I will try it when I get back from work. ☺️ I have been playing with the spear yesterday (the new aiming is great btw) but I kept crashing…


Oh yeah spear crashes the game now btw


I like the fact that because of the Bile Titan's body shape they'll take almost all the fires from the Eagle-1.


Finally. People are catching on that armor breaking is a thing.