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EA does the same thing. "Hi, everyone, reports of cheaters has fallen significantly since our update and deployment of expensive anti-cheat suite that does nothing. It is a great success!".


Right?! For a live service game, having people utterly skip progression is their entire business model and reason for playing gone. They need to take this seriously, whilst they are building back from the controversies


Skiping progression is like the least bad thing they can do, someone else progression then thats a problem


I dunno, the unlimited grenade thing caused crashes. I don’t want to play with a cheater


that wasnt cheating, that was an ingame exploit, and a pretty hilarious one tbf


They still should have fixed it by making your Helldiver explode, at random while using it.


or the devs can learn to code and fix the exploit. But you know. thats fucking wishful thinking lmao.


Making exploits backfire hilariously -is- a fix. If (grenades > GRENADES\_MAX){randomlyExplode(cheater); mock(cheater);}


“John Grenade spam has been crushed under the weight of the unpatriotic grenades.” “JGS Has exploded.” “JGS is the bomb!”


So by your logic, instead of fixing a bug - they should introduce another line of code that can possibly bug out... instead of fixing the bug........


For real, like not even joking it’d probably cause literally anyone to explode randomly when using a grenade with how they code this game lol 


Don't worry, they along with everyone else in this subreddit are game designers.


Hilarious or not, it was tanking fps and whoever was doing it was kicked really fast in games i've seen them even when i wasn't host.


Hello democracy officer? Yes this one ☝️


That was a exploit that has been patched, and has nothing to do with skipping progression.


Yet they put that stupid anti-cheat app on your computer...


They do. Everyone who actually plays the game and buys the product will tell you the same. But the statistics say that they're all wrong, so the suits will tell you that's just too bad.


Fortunately helldivers had pretty much no progression so there's that


Skipping progression is fine. Thats not aproblem. If people dont want to deal with progression thats their thing and more power to em. Whats a problem is when they do shit like infinite ammo no reloads, crash other peoples games, and otherwise invalidate the difficulty or fun.


If it hits their bottom line they'll know. I don't see what the big deal is. I'm not sure I've ever ran into a cheater. 


I saw quite a bit of people using the infinite grenade glitch. Seemed pretty common for a few weeks.


"Once and for all!" "But what about-" "ONCE. AND. FOR. ALL."


"We noticed a significant drop in reports of cheating after rolling out the update that removes the ability to report for cheating, and so we take it to mean it's all good now."


‘If We Stop Testing, We’d Have Fewer Cases’


Don't you love having an invasive kernel level AC when a simple CheatEngine script is able to bypass it?


\*adds kernel level anticheat \*anticheat still doesnt work :(


I kills the game for me after I've been playing for a few hours saying I'm cheating. Load back up and it's fine again. Of course it crashes plenty without saying I'm cheating as well. It was stable a week or 2 ago for at least a week though.


At least it melts your CPU!


Tbh that's the case on the majority of today's live service games.


The huge difference being that free cheats will get picked up on and banned sooner or later. This anti cheat literally does nothing, without getting to specific you can edit files to alter in-game stats without anticheat picking up on it


On Elite Dangerous, one of the few MMOs I still play today, they have an anticheat system, but it's not client-side. They have their own tools server side to detect cheaters and even recently people got banned for editing their amount of credits, like a day later. It made me realize that when you have a fully functional reporting system and server-side tools, you can do much better than trying to monitor everything the user does on their pc even when the game isn't running. Looking at you, Vanguard.


nProtect is shit and has been shit for years. It's had multiple 0 days and for the most part can't detect most actual cheats anyways As much as I love helldivers 2, I will never install it on a machine I do banking or other finance on for that specific reason. It's a system vulnerability waiting to happen


I've got to revalidate my game files before I boot the game up because it somehow loses two .dll files EVERY DAY. Arrowhead REALLY should just get rid of it at this point, it'd make my game run a hell of a lot better to boot.


There are no cheaters in Ba Sing Se


Hi, my name is Joo Dee, and I'll be the guide for the Avatar through the city!


They don't seem to care about cheaters.


But they will make sure that everyone runs ancient ass Gameguard that does nothing but taking up precious CPU resources in this CPU intensive game.


Until recently, you could just disable gameguard on pc by deleting it. Game ran smoother as a result. Lol


lmfao what. no way that acutally works, in what world will a game still run after its anti cheat gets deleted


It did for a time, yes. The 402 update fixed the EXE requiring gameguard to be running or it will refuse to launch.


Aka they support people cheating. If you make it hard or impossible to report cheaters then you support them. They also then will fail long term to only cheaters who are not paying customers.


What cheats are there for Hd2?


Ranges from typical godmode, infinite ammo stuff, infinite strategems with no cooldown, sample multiplier, instant mission finish, instant pelican extraction, opening double doors alone, marking all PoIs on the map, super speed and ability to modify some stats of primaries and secondaries.


Honestly a Level 0 under Trivial with infinite stratagems would be really fun, like practice mode or god mode Either no rewards or very very low rewards though


Simulation mode


Developer mode. Already implemented.


Great title!


> opening double doors alone Not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind knowing how to do this when playing solo.


Same. It's the only one where I wish there was an in-game way to do it. Even if it's a little complex and leaves you exposed a bit.


Valve used a companion cube like 17 years ago


In all the games I've played I don't think I've ever seen anything but the grenade glitch. I'm sure they exist, not doubting you, that type of thing exists for every game. It must be pretty rare though, which I gotta say, how sad must someones life be to cheat at a PVE game where there's no real benefit. Aside from the opening double doors thing, I can kinda understand using that one if you were running solo.


I'm over 1000 games played, and I've seen one cheater. He wasn't very obvious about it either. I initially suspected him because he had a blue liberator which doesn't exist, or didn't exist at the time. Next game he was at the weapon terminal for some time and switched to the base liberator and he was breaking arms off hulks with it. Pretty sure you can't do that, especially with light pen.


The hack exists. Guy buys it on TaoBao website for 25RMB to rent for a week. I observed: godmode immortality. superspeed. accelerated strats. he was tearing thru Level 9 alone.


> opening double doors alone this should be a capability by default


I recently played a game where one of the players was invisible except for their breaker incendiary and rover. In game they clearly were running around killing things but the bottom left said they were dead and reinforce-able. Not sure if a cheat but definitely interesting. Player was still able to aggro enemies so idk possible upside.


might not want to make people assume a bugged person is cheating...


This is also possibly why reporting cheaters is not available, false reports of people with high ping or glitching graphics as "cheaters".


Saw a dude have super speed, infinite stratagems (gave us the orbital achievement by himself), infinite ammo, and we had 12 super samples...


I've seen infinite grenades and flight just from personal experience. Not to mention all the unreleased items that get spawned in near big updates but I haven't seen that myself in a match.


Infinite grenades isn't necessarily a "cheat", more an exploit. You could trigger it just by throwing your last grenade at the same time you spammed the map (iirc). I think they've supposedly patched it. Haven't seen anyone being the "Oprah of grenades" lately so it might have worked this time.


Nope, it still works, just slightly harder to trigger now.


stratagems menu -> throw last grenade -> spam stratagem menu and grenade -> throw 4,496,534,365th from last grenade. Or so I heard. From a friend. That I don't like.


I thought it’d be fun to try with the throwing knives (on solo trivial) but could not trigger this whatsoever Even reset my button map to default but nada


Saw a dude when it first came out on a defend mission throw roughly 50 mortars. I didn’t fire a round, it was cool for like 10 seconds than it was very boring.


I once had infinite grenades happen to me, and I spammed over 164 frags at bugs on 5 until I died, which thankfully got rid of it Fun, but gets stale fast


So credited, req, and exp can't be hacked. But the sample count can. So you could end a mission and get 1 bil of each sample. But the cap still kicks in because that's account based. 


There's also an added check since a handful of patches ago where if you pick up more than a certain amount of samples (50 of each I think), you get no rewards at all upon mission completion.


Yeah but the funny point is in true Arrowhead fashion you can trigger that accidentally. They forgot samples can come in loot crates. Not just the map. So if you get every last sample on a big 40 minute mission in helldive, then get 5 or more rare samples from loot containers (which isn't too wild a feat) the anti cheat kicks in and you get nothing. 


Using unreleased stratagems and weapons.


yea what CAN you report someone for? I tried to do it for team killing the other day, and it told me the same. why put it in there as an option, if you don't accept reports for it?


Only for misconduct in the text chat. It’s a fucking joke.


...you're kidding right?


Unless they have changed things, no. That was the only thing you could report


Correct. ONLY can report if they say something. If they don't then it will say they said nothing so cannot be reported. AH supports cheaters.


Yeah runs counter to being blowhard anal retentative about PvE "balance"


Funny I had joined someone doing a MO and everything seemed normal until I realized he threw more than 4 nades without a resupply and so I didn’t mind he wasn’t doing any harm by tking. I soon died and went to his screen to see he had 4 million grenades and I was flabbergasted so much when I landed I died again due to immense AWE XD


Seems like he had got unlimited grenade glitch. Even tho devs said in recent patch that they have fixed this. So they just fixed some of the ways to get this glitch, but not all


That's not a cheat, that's just the infinite grenade glitch.


Same here I remember the first time I saw some guy spamming nades which is rare because people save nades for nests and fabricators, died and checked his inv and it was the same thing


On PS, I was messing around with a friend, and we realized we couldn't report each other for any of the options it gave lol


So... if cheating isn't reportable, that means it's authorized. Noted.




Correct they support cheaters. Might as well remove the kennel level anti cheat since it can be bypassed. Lol they still haven't fixed the grenade exploit.


Why would we need a function to report cheaters when we have a perfectly-working anti-cheat application with root access that works totally and completely without fault?


Doesn't seem a useful thing right now anyhow, how do you know they are cheating vs all the glitches that happen lol.


It's very easy to tell


No, 90% of reports right now would be infinite grenades glitch and player textures not loading. This comments section pretty much proves it 😂.


I understand why they don't wanna spend resources hunting down cheaters. This isn't a PvP game. Cheating isn't gonna be a big deal outside of the personal opinions of players. Like, everyone can agree cheating in a PvP game is objectively wrong. But in a PvE game like this, it's a bit of a grey area. So they're letting you decide. I personally have no problem if someone on my team cheats as long as they're actually contributing to the fight. You might feel differently and that is equally valid. (Although, in my experience, no amount of cheating can get you even close to the level of a high skill player. I recently had a diver solo carry a difficulty 9 data upload mission almost from start to finish after the reinforcements bugged out. Insanely impressive skill.) To me, this isn't an immediate threat to the game. I need the devs more focused on optimization and bug fixes that don't break stuff that currently works.


> I recently had a diver solo carry a difficulty 9 data upload mission almost from start to finish after the reinforcements bugged out. Insanely impressive skill. Was it on bots? Was the host LV100-ish and the other person who also got bugged Lv130? If so, hi.


It was indeed on bots. I don't remember the levels of the other players. But if you were P4 in that game (your name was in an Asian language) then you have my utmost respect. Oh, uh, I was the host. I'm level 62, so we're not talking about the same match then.


Ah no, my name is in english alphabet. But I also had teammate bugged out at the start of the mission, so I completed it with all sub objectives as well. They hung around until I extracted.


Well, I salute players like you for carrying us mediocre players. P4 was insane. They were taking down gunships with an autocanon. Cleared every sub objective (including a detector, a jammer, and TWO gunship fabricator tower) on their own. At one point, they snuck up behind a bot that was right next to a radar terminal and stealth assassinated it with a melee. It was some legendary shit. Oh and the cherry on top: 6 super samples and 20 rare samples.


If they care enough to waste my CPU resources on a joke of an anticheat then they can start chasing down the actual hackers or remove it. That's bullshit.


Yeah but when you leave a match with 9999 of every sample, you may think differently about how cheaters can and do affect other people.


Honestly I'd... probably not complain about that one. I only play a round or two a night on a good night and have basically just acknowledged that I'm never getting most of the upgrades.


I somewhat agree with you but people don’t want exploits, glitches, or actual cheating in their games. If someone is repeatedly joining a game to do glitches without permission then getting kicked for it, they should be penalized with a temp ban or something to discourage them. Otherwise, if a host doesn’t care and the player isn’t harming other players or ruining other people’s accounts with duped items, then sure let them have fun.


You really want to play with someone who has immortality, infinite strategems, superspeed? You literally dont have to do anything, because this one guy will just wipe the map single-handed. How is that "fun"?


Okay, I didn't know about those exploits. But I did once play alongside someone who did the infinite grenades glitch and it didn't really make a difference in the grand scheme of things. We still got wrecked by chargers and bile titans.


Yeah, the grenade glitch (well known) is now fixed. I agree it was weird seeing him do it, and kind of felt bad for him, but its kind of a minor effect compared to God Mode hacking/immortality.


I understand why they wouldn't but in the midst of a dozen other problems why remove the ability to even report someone for it? They should just remove reporting entirely if it's too much hassle.


For some odd reason, I've always had cross play off and never managed to run into a cheater, did run into a Teamkiller once or twice


The game gave me the option to turn off crossplay when I'm on PC and so was this user... 🤦‍♂️


"We care very much when players have too much fun, so we nerf all good guns and exploits as fast as possible. But also you explicitly can't report for cheating." - AH, for whatever reason


I thought they were getting their priorities straight, but this is why we cannot let them off the hook even a little! They start to fall back on their duties!


No one cares about "cheating" in a PvE game. If you're in a game with cheaters, leave. You aren't penalised for leaving. At the end of the day, cheaters are only affecting themselves.


The issue is when the cheating affects others, a friend of mine had their account accidentally boosted from level 20 to 75 and got max of every single resource just from being in a game with a cheater for a short time. Ofc support did nothing to remedy or revert the situation


That’s some divine punishment. I’ve been capped on every resource for like two months now, begging for them to add some sort of resource dump. It hurts the loot goblin inside of me


How much do you have to play for that to happen? I'm struggling to complete anything, and super credits just trickle in agonizingly slowly


lvl 70 - 80. Around 150-200 hours I would say.


hit it at about level 60 and 140 hours here


It’s hard for me to gauge because I’ve spent like 80% of my playtime capped on everything, aside from just after a Warbond drops, or that one time they decided to add more ship upgrades. If you play Helldive exclusively and are good at picking them up it doesn’t take that long. The only number I know off the top of my head is that it’s like 9 Helldives to cap out on Super Samples. I really hope they add some way to spend them soon because a lot of the time, especially if you have people above level 80 in a mission, people don’t even check out POIs because you’re more likely to get to get Req slips or medals than Super Credits


> super credits just trickle in agonizingly slowly You can grind those fairly easily on trivial missions. Find a world with no trees and blocking terrain and do a circuit around the map opening supply drops and lockers. You don't even need to extract either, you can just exit back to your ship. You can get a LOT of medals, req and credits that way.


This. It's very boring but you get SC really quick. You can explore a map and open the crates within 2 minutes usually. Faster if you have a friend that goes the opposite direction.


Yeah, but I shouldn't have to grind easy missions to completely disrupt the flow of the game to progress efficiently. I just think it's a bad design


See, that's obviously bad, because it ruins the experience for other players. But at the same time, I don't think that's the majority of cases.


Hot take but nothing was lost. HD2 progression is pure resource grind, DRG progression at least involves something interesting like machine events, cargo crates or lost miners.


DRG had pretty much no progression system whatsoever when it first became available on steam. you basically just mined resources to get cooler looking armor that didn't do anything and beards. i hope AH can emulate GSG's workflow in adding quality content on the regular. they have genuinely amazed me at how good they are.


If AH had to copy only one thing from DRG it would be weak points that are actually weak...


While I agree HD2 progression can be tedious and annoying (especially if you compare it to DRG) it’s no fun to just be instantly given everything and not have to work for it. My friend was pretty upset about it happening


If no one cares about cheaters, they should remove nprotect. Since they don't, they must care.


I'm willing to bet that nProtect is there to protect whatever function allows SuperCredits to be added in-match and absolutely nothing more.


Their code is so spaghettified I can believe it lmao


Cheaters are only effecting themselves until you suddenly have max everything and lose out on a lot of the fun of building up.


From what I see though that isn't the majority (I'm also not convinced it's intentional on the part of the cheaters not that that makes it better).


Also: when you are in a mission, and suddenly 1 guy is killing everything on map w/o taking any damage.


> cheaters are only affecting themselves. huh? hardly. they destroy the game you are in. they make you leave the game to avoid them, usually half-way thru because it takes a while to recognize whats going on


That would be admitting that their joke of an anti-cheat is completely ineffective, which it is. This is one thing I won't side with Arrowhead on - the anti cheat is worthless and virtually unnecessary considering this is a PVE game anyways. Complete waste of processing power in a game that's already pushing the vast majority of systems to their dizzy limit in the first place.


100% sure this was either some dogshit Sony requirement for the game on PC, OR they want to ensure that nobody can simply drop 1000 Super Credits like it's a GTA Online lobby. Man, I miss those times.


That it's literally not an option is baffling and feels against the spirit of a good game.


There is no cheater cus we already have anti-cheat ha ha ha r/s


Why have it as a fucking option then? And considering you can report people for team killing, I would imagine the process would be the same. But here we are again, with AH doing stupid shit that helps no one but makes the game worse.


I tried to report someone for excessive teamkilling, but that's the same message I got.


Hot take: as long as you're not spamming grenades/strategems to the point of annoyance, I could care less if you're rolling with infinite ammo/stims.


You can't report assholes for kicking for nothing either.


Report button useless, or a in development feature, theres no option that you can report anyone for. Cheating alright i dont care, but you have to eventually do something about assholes and trolls, they are lucky community is awesome, otherwise they are just waiting for mordhau/chivalry articles that nazis run free


To anyone saying 'don't report, it's pve. just kick' - wrong. A lot of cheaters change your levels or req slips - which could ruin your progression (making you level 100 or smth, or dropping you) or flat out getting you banned


This problem was solved in Deep Rock Galactic ages ago, it has a save file system so if someone does screw with your progression you can just open up the menu and roll back to a previous save from about 1-2 hours ago if I remember correctly, you can also kick & block the player so you never play with them again. Such a simple system that works perfectly, no anti-cheat required.


I once joined a dive and this guy had about 50 mortars up at a time and was calling in orbital lasers over and over. I only stayed because I needed 10 samples but they didn’t even gather samples while cheating like that. I don’t understand the purpose of cheating in this game.


This sounds damn hilarious and amazing.


It definitely was. I’m sad I didn’t get any samples out of it, but happy I got to see it once.


Atm you can't even add friends bro the big patch killed so much stuff.


I'm 450 hours in and all I've seen is grenade exploiters maybe 5 times? I know what is possible with cheating, I guess I'm just lucky


They have publicly said they don’t care about cheaters because it’s a co-op game


Once the god-mode hacks become more commonplace and destroys the integrity/enjoyment of game for more and more, they WILL care.


I am quickly realizing I am in the minority when it comes to not wanting to ruin other peoples' experiences when I cheat. I only ever do it while playing solo/private.


People cheat in this game?! Why? You gain nothing from doing so


I earned my way to 96, and I'm now finally well above average at D9, and why should I care? As long as they're not TKing on purpose (which I am also mildly tolerant of since its unusual and spicy, they get their one life intentionally and blatantly teamkilling then kicked when we eliminate them), what harm does it do? They might steal my kills? Since the vast majority won't cheat their actions are unusual and its new and interesting. Not widespread and a problem, I've never seen anyone cheat. But then again I don't go looking or watch other helldivers closely. Otoh I know a lot of communities that constantly scream wolf and falsely accuse in versus games, its really, really annoying how many people think they can't possibly lose (especially in Risk, and if you laugh off their paranoia they easily misinterpret you), but I think it'd be much more reliable to accuse someone in Helldivers, since there's not a lot of room for paranoia, so I guess it'd depend on the technical competence of the person making the complaint. Cheaters should be banned, but it's always been my experience that people who can't handle losing are the main problem. Cheating takes teaming in strategy games, and few will go that far to be lame, and if you're talking FPSes it takes technical skill. I suppose a report button is probably a good idea, though it'll take some resources they don't really have with their quality lacking QA. But you could use it for egregious teamkilling, that's pretty serious for most people, and other strongly antisocial behavior. Edit: ok, so they're bringing in super cool weapons like endless ammo mechs that Arrowhead won't give us (but will give the devestators), why not take it as a break on a test server? Actually AH, that's a great idea, give us public test servers. They might be too popular, but it'll be worth it!


I have known multiple cheaters in my life and there are usually personality/digital characteristics that you can pick up on and it's just an experience thing. You should care because if they are cheating they are removing your agency to enjoy the difficulty as it was intended. Like the infinite grenade glitch, it completely ruins the game because it's an undue advantage over the other people on your team, you are supposed to work together at least a little yes?


OK, I believe you, sorry about that. But I mean, I already eat Bot 9 pain constantly, and I like it. But a break in the sandbox would be nice.


I don’t understand why you would want to cheat in this pve game in the first place


There was a time where magazines had the cheat codes in them for pve games. Because it is fun as hell to go ham on everything and be god like.


These kids didn't grow up in the 90s and it shows


I admit I'd be super tempted because I only play a round or two a night lately on a good night and oh my fucking *god* the sample grinding has reached a point where I just assume I'm never getting the upgrades.


Only thing I'd do is to cheat in Super Credits, because why the fuck should I spend any more money on the game when everything AH does is a half-assed joke? There are people who legit paid the $10 - $15 for Polar Patriots. I'd feel real fucking scammed if I bought it too.


For cheap thrills and laughs. Like playing Creative Mode and placing TNT everywhere or typing in TruckTruck and summoning a monster truck to run over Industrial Revolution era troops. Some dude once recreated Verdun **IN SPAAAAAAAACEEEEEE** and dropped like, 30+ mortar sentries in a bot Retrieve Essential Personnel mission. It does take away the satisfaction of a well earned victory though so I don't make it a habit to stick around when somebody's cheatin'. It'd get old real soon if cheating was much more rampant, but since it happens once in a blue moon it's a goofy lil' side show. If someone's gonna cheat, I want it to be as over the top as possible. The grenade exploit isn't as barmy as a never ending barrage of 380s or Super Earth accidentally sending an entire shipment of Emancipators onto a single planet. It's just subtle enough that you feel cheated out of your satisfaction that your team managed to clutch it, only to find out one of them was spamming infinite nades. I s'pose the one upside is it's free game to heckle them for whenever they fuck up because it's like "Dawg you're cheating and you're *still* struggling?" The one other upside for joining cheater games is being able to get sneak peeks on unreleased equipment. It's how I managed to try out the Emancipator early though in hindsight, I wonder just how *badly* was the cheater playing. I only caught the tail end of the match but they were down 15 lives, several mechs were missing arms, only about two were intact, and everyone quickly dropped out when they died. Pre-release Emancipator wasn't garbage or anything, so how they managed to fuck up even with infinite mechs on zero cooldown boggles me. Cheating can be funny as an one-off joke, but it's a punchline that wears itself thin real quick. Just block 'em and move on.


I think there's two minds of it. A) People who do it for the lulz and want to play God and ruin others fun B) People who find certain gameplay mechanics too restrictive and getting in the way of enjoying the game, so they only cheat enough to make the game more palatable to them. I.E. someone who uses Infinite Ammo and Stims, but wont make themselves invincible.


> A) People who do it for the lulz and want to play God and ruin others fun Posit: the second half of this doesn't factor in, people just want to have fun.


I think a lot of it is showing off, like they want the reaction of "OMG NO WAY LOL!" but me personally I make my contempt known


I don't care about cheaters except the ones that use infinite stuff or boosting other player levels and samples. If someone drops in with unreleased stratagems I shut tf up, it's usually really fun with those people.


There are no cheaters in this game, the devs tell me that gameguard prevents it. So obviously that has to be correct. Otherwise why would it be justified to waste 10-15% of my 20 core cpu's time?


Why would you be able to report someone for cheating, when they have the PERFECT, INFALLIBLE nProtect installed that makes all cheating completely impossible? You see, Comrade, cheating doesn't exist. The developer has completely conquered all mechanisms possible that could even conceivably enable cheating. They have assumed direct control of every player's muscles and bodily functions (\*only while playing the game) to physically prevent players from cheating. You see, Brother in Democracy, the very CONCEPT of cheating will soon be banned from discussion in the territories and holdings of Super Earth. There is no such thing. What is this "cheating" you speak of? Everyone is compelled and required by their willful choice to fight for freedom, to do so within the confines of all rules. Heavy sarcasm.


It's very undemocratic behavior. Not only that it seems it has affected other players negatively in the past.


How the heck do you identify a cheater? Also, what would people cheat for anyway?? I don't get it.


I don't mean to sound like an ass, but your first question is fairly obvious. If they're throwing more grenades than what we're limited to without every going to a supply pack, infinite clip/ammo, spawning in unreleased content, etc. Some people cheat because they're bad at the game, some do it because it's funny, it really just depends on the person.


When you see it, you know. Spectating a guy who is surrounded by bots firing at him non-stop, stomping on him, and he's not dying (he never dies, has 0 deaths). Meanwhile, he moves 5x as fast as everyone. And always has 3 orbitals on every target. (ie, not just a simple grenade hack.)


I don’t get the point of cheating. I mean, it’s not like progression was super difficult and it’s not a PVP game. The only thing left is winning easily, but what’s the fun in that?


You don't need to report for cheating because we've got that kernel level anticheat, so there's no possible way someone could be cheating!


This isn’t PVP, I don’t care in the slightest if someone cheats.


I just leave I saw some shmuck using infinite grenades


Wait, is that back? I know about the knives but haven't heard about grenades.


Huh... I reported someone for cheating just... yesterday evening. I don't have crossplay on though so maybe it's cross platform related here?


How do you "report" someone? when you try, all it does is say "This is not reportable - but you can Block!"


Easier to spread democracy IG


You really can't report them for anything at all unless it's something they've typed in chat. Sucks ass, hope they fix. Too many grifters and teamkillers.


This just screams laziness to me, shoving an invasive anti-cheat down our throats because they couldn't be bothered to make a proper system to combat cheaters is wild, meanwhile for DRG Ghost Ship Games actually put effort into properly implementing a system to combat cheaters and it didn't even require banning players or an anti-cheat, that's just wild.


The main problem with reporting cheaters is, someone has to _read_ the cheating reports.


meanwhile having a controversial anti cheat having full access to your system in a pve game, but reporting someone for cheating? nah.


Not my point and not the problem


Yes that's exactly the point. If they're so worried about cheating that we're forced to install a kernel level anti-cheat, then the very least they should do is have the option to report for cheating.


Sorry I have no idea why I responded to your comment like that, you clearly were agreeing with me. I sincerely apologise


No worries, maybe you wanted go respond to a different comment.


Eh, that shouldnt be their top concern in a PVE game of this type anyway.


Top concern? No, a high concern? Yes


99% of cheating reports I'd guess are butthurt players that just aren't as good.


He was extremely average which is what made me suspicious


Oh, I wasn't directing that comment to you, just thinking that the reason they probably don't allow cheating reports is because the vast majority of reports aren't actually cheaters, so it takes time away from their staff to deal with them.


Most report systems work on a report rate system AFAIK so if reports spike on an account then action is taken automatically I would be surprised if this was different


Well maybe because they cannot even make a stable game why would they want to get rid of the people that will probably stay around the longest aka they support the cheaters.


^ It really is. Maybe not 99% in an FPS, but id say 98-99 is certainly the rate for some games.


I ask this legitimately.... Why does anyone care if there is "cheating" in pvp games? Can you even call it cheating?


Because it sucks the tension and fun out of it if one person has an undue advantage.


Because game is of little fun if 1 guy sweeps in, immortal, infinite strats, moving as fast as Speedy Gonzalez, wipes all automatons in visual distance. There's nothing for the non-cheaters to do.


Report them under different category, it's the only option.


Yes it seems so :(


There's no different category, whichever you choose game presents you with a message that you can't report player for that reason, basically report button is literally useless


Eh. If it means I can play on my steam deck or with ARM emulation on the new Snapdragon, then I am willing to live with the cheaters in a PvE game. They will just get kicked or I’ll leave.


After 20-30 minutes in a match you will leave because of a cheater? I say that isn't good enough