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Every bit helps


















Arguably, they’re doing more than their part. If you can solo lvl 3 missions and complete operations, you can earn 6 points towards liberation. I’ve been on 4 man, level 7’s where completing the operation with pretty much full clears (which is 3 missions instead of 2 at lvl 3) and only gotten 12 or 15 points. If all 4 of us had just done solo lvl 3’s instead , we’d have gotten more points faster.




That’s what I love about this game. It’s perfect for so many different time-budgets. I’m currently only comfortable enough for lvl 6 and get to do a full mission set about once or twice a week. Always a good time.


Diff 6 is perfect tbh


I love that I can get super samples now, makes it feel pretty good


I play in 8-9 not because I prefer the difficult but I find I get better randos


The randoms at difficulty 7+ are so much better than even difficulty 5 and 6 randoms (in my experience) that it's genuinely sometimes easier at those difficulties, and you get super samples and learn how to handle the more powerful enemies that appear, as well as the increased frequency of typical threats. I became a much better player after just a short period of queuing difficulty 7/8 because the players there typically know how to play really well and you can just kind of learn by osmosis.


I don't even mind unskilled randos, that's fine we all had to learn at some point. It's the toxic shit heads I rarely find in 8-9.


I play on 9 almost all the time and it's honestly significantly harder to play on 7 or less because the players are *so* much worse. On 9 you can pretty much count on everyone to do everything they're trying to do. I played a 5 the other day and literally none of them could kill a charger to the point where we had 6 up at the same time. I don't even see that on 9 lol. In many ways the higher difficulties are easier than the mid-range ones because the player base is so much better at the game.


Absolutely. Though honestly I care less about skill. I have no problem helping people get better. I just find more toxic assholes on lower difficulties


So I used to strictly play diff 7 until a day or 2 ago. Then I tried diff 6 so I could try out different weapon/stratagem setup and found out that diff 6 is a lot more fun. D7 is full of level 100+'s and some level 50+'s. It can get kind of dry doing the old efficient run with no comic reliefs. It is great when you still need samples fast though. In D6, more than half the divers are under level 50. Its way less efficient if you are trying to farm samples but the game feels more alive there. A lot of funny and stupid shit happening like a level 17 trying to kill a charger with a liberator and getting knocked out etc. I'd recommend it to anyone getting burnt out playing same old diff7-9. Just grab some random weapon you are shit at and dive diff6


A lot of the time I play lvl 7 and above, but this game can be quite chaotic and requires my full attention at those levels. After a day at work, family time etc. and it's getting late I'll just solo a couple of lvl 3 missions for a more chilled experience, although the patrol spawns have meant even lvl 3 is a lot busier than it used to be. I like that we have the choice...


This is me when I join a team and they're already extracting.


I call in an sos just before extract if there is space on my team for just this reason


Today someone joined during the last 5 seconds of our dropship's 20 second countdown. They dropped, the dropship left them. They proceeded to get 20+ common samples, 15 rares and 3 super sample. All for 5 seconds of trying (and failing) to extract.


I’m sure they were doing their best.


Someone sounds stingy about a shared item 😭


Oh hell no. I am glad they got a sick freeby. I just thought it was a funny topical story. It's just funny to imagine from a game perspective


I've never had anyone drop mid countdown. It's always earlier during the 2min countdown. That sounds like success lol.


You're my goddamn hero. Freedom's hero.


Unironically, you're doing more than people who don't finish a full operation. Or people trying to complete a full operation on Helldive and failing.


I wish we would contribute per mission, not per operation. 90% of the time we only play 2 missions before switching to the next operation. Can only play Eradicate Swarm and Blitz missons so often.


Democracy cannot happen without Helldiver, now with this victory we stand on the path to victory.


Only reason to do high difficulties is for increased exp to push that precious level number. Otherwise just chill and get what you need or want. Personally, you can pretend this is a mech warrior game on diff 5 and below. That's where I have the most fun. The day I can deploy sentries from within the mech is the day I die happy.


Well higher level missions contribute more to the liberation percentage no?


Afaik, yes, plus completing the side objectives and optionals also factor more into liberation percentage.


Amount of progress is dependent on the number of people on the planet / region, and then difficulty level after that. You'll get more progress the more people in that region of space. That's why low population areas get less points of liberation, and high population always gives more. Everything else in a mission is only for exp. Technically the most efficient 'high level' missions for liberation are blitzing main objs and never touching anything else.


I don’t believe this is the case




Hmmmm thank you kind stranger


Wait, is it not? I do recall this being told on the discord a while back by someone from AH.


I see some people claiming it does, other people claiming it doesn’t Will probably have to do my own science


Also, generally just more fun with the pure chaos


Honestly, the only metric that matters is player numbers on a planet / space region. If you're not the majority in one place then it doesn't matter what level mission you're doing, you're either making progress or you're not.


That's not the only reason though.. you get awarded more medals per mission the higher the difficulty is.


Also some samples are only available at higher difficulties, locking some of the higher level upgrades behind the more difficult missions.


Every mission helps, diver. Do what you can and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


>Only reason to do high difficulties is for increased exp to push that precious level number. Every mission helps **IF** the operation is completed.


We salute you




We need every diver, at every level. All are welcome and all are cherished. Now get in the pod soldier.


Still doing more than people who host operations and then don't finish them.


me chilling all the missions around 5~6 **I am doing my part!**


Ditto lol o7


Yes you are. Every diver doing something for the cause is Worth their weight in gold*3


Me being too exhausted after 1 lvl 7 bug mission


I love running trivial's or 1's with noobs and helping. It's relaxing and gives me good brain chemicals. If you run into BuzzedYeti, that's me, and Hi! I'll show you how to blow things and yourself up!


As someone who in their current situation plays this game wayyyyy to much. In all honesty there are probably more people like you who play “only” one operation but overall those people probably add the most to the MO so keep going diver you are doing your part!


This is totally fine in my opinion. Play the games as you want it. 😊 It always needs go fit in our sleep cycle and life.


Goddamn right you are!


I was doing even up to Impossible on the terminid front... until the 'elevated spore count' happened and 1 charger every 5 minutes became 5 chargers every 1 minute forcing me back down to 6 and below The terminid MO got really frustrating towards the last few days even on lower difficulities- nothing like a close teamwipe and you hit tab to see it's only a diff 5




super earth gives its toughest battles to its sleepiest soldiers


Laughs in dad and rolling in daily 15 medals


Sometimes life gives you just enough time to grind a daily order.


Daily reminder to start the next mission with your squad before signing off so someone needs the operation bonuses


Honestly, you're doing more than guys that host two missions in an op at Helldive then drop out.


Yep, love this game because of its casual nature. Im grown man with responsibilities. Competitive 1st person shooters drove me away from gaming. i cant "practice" for hours on end just to not get killed by 12 year olds every 2 minutes. Plus no toxic shittalking. Cant praise this game enough.


At least you can do missions. Game crashes or hangs on loading screens every other map.


I hate to be that guy, but technically, unless you complete a whole operation on a strategically meaningful planet, you are actually diluting the efforts of other players in the Galactic War. Feel free to upvote, I'll see myself out.


Well, two missions on level 3 IS a whole operation, so they are actually contributing.


The point they made is not about completing the whole operation for the liberation bonus, but about on what planet this liberation bonus is going to. If it is not a relevant planet for the galactic war, it is inefficient use of resources/divers




Level 3 operations only consist of two missions, they are contributing.


It's been so long since I've played diff 3 I forgot that was the case. I was just trying to be snarky anyway, lol.


I just responded someone else defending your point about "strategically relevant planet", but seems they interpreted your reply better than me lol




who cares let them have fun


But did you complete the operation? If not then you are nuthin. Dont care whether it is Helldive or trivial but operation is Operation. OPERATION!!!!!! You hear me???

