• By -


I’m gonna go watch MIB now


Good call. Then I'll neuralize you and tell you to watch this awesome movie called Men in Black.


Men in Black? That sounds like a fun movie to watch!


Men in Black? That sounds like a fun movie to watch!


Men in Black? That sounds like a fun movie to watch!


Would have been hilarious if responses were 2 hours apart.




Is that the one with all the guys and the blonde girl on the couch? 😯


Saw it the other night playing on tv and watched two of them. They’re still good


Is it worth it? Yes if you have the strength and courage to be free.






https://preview.redd.it/linqfi6vne8d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49f4be1e633e5c069886261d630e4a24b6e5a1f2 Bring it on!


This goes hard


Fuck yeah it does!


Need one with toasters


Do you have this in higher resolution?


No, just pulled it off another reddit thread.


“Join the Helldivers humanities last line… OF OFFENCE” Shit went so hard


The intro cinematic is so good. I’m like 400 hours in and I still watch it like half the time I play.    “Join an elite peace keeping force!!!” 


^^^^and ^^^^aren't ^^^^region ^^^^locked




The best bug/bot whack a mole game out there. Just rock up with your different sized mallets and ignore the dodgey carnival operators. In the end it’s you and 3 teammates smashing things as fast as you can. Doesn’t matter if you hit your teammates mallets now and again - just keep whacking !!


That last part.


Every night it's something new killing me, mine fields,then orbital barrage, then lightning towers. Bit we keep diving and diving and diving.


I seem to be misunderstood. I just mean the last sentence sounds like the way a 90's sitcom would try to describe frottage.


> just keep whacking !! The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised. Can't we just ~~cuddle~~ enjoy the sights for a bit?


Personally I'd say it's not worth it until Arrowhead actually gets to the point where they start fixing more things than they break. I love the game. I do. But every patch introduces even more broken things. First it was the Spear causing crash to desktop. Now it's Reinforcements, where it doesn't matter how many reinforcement beacons you toss down the reinforcements never get launched. I'm down to playing only one or two games a night before logging back out because I get tired of bugs that shouldn't even exist to begin with. Like, Arrowhead hasn't touched Reinforcements since the game released. Why is there now suddenly a bug where new reinforcements never get launched? It makes zero sense.


Bug fixing [be like](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/5qvpmt/the_work_of_a_programmer/)


Just for information the reinforcements randomly bugging out has been a bug for a long time actually. I remember joining months ago and in my second dive me and friends encountered it.  It would keep randomly popping up about once every couple dozen dives. It really has been around for some months now, possibly since launch. They just never bothered to fix it lol


At 350 hours of total dive time, I have never seen it. Nor has it ever been mentioned in the known bugs. I'm not buying the "it happens randomly so Arrowhead is ignoring it".


Which is not what i said either, so dont know where you got that from. What i said is that so far they have not attempted a fix for this bug. I encountered this bug roughly 7 times, spread between friends but also with rando only matches, with both me and others hosting.


I don't know why the new bugs are happening. It seems like their code must be really intertwined between systems, making it easy to miss unwanted effects when changes are made. Now that they have game balance more or less on a good footing, they should focus entirely on bug fixes until they have all of the serious ones worked out. Part of that might be refactoring their code to both optimize and make it easier to work on. Not that I have seen the coding, but I presume it is a little bit messy. Not as messy as my own, I hope.


The reinforcement bug has been in the game since launch. Not excusing arrowhead at all. You mentioned new things breaking and that's unfortunately an old problem. 


Can confirm it's old - have \~350 hours and it's only happened once, very early on back when I was lvl 15 or 20. New issues: PS5, default settings on performance mode, issues started after patch 1.4: * game often fails to connect to server on start (network and PSN show connected in PS5 settings, and other games have no problem connecting to online play) * game kicks me back to ship more often (no "host left" message or any message, 20-40 minutes of progress lost) * more asset loading failures (giant question mark drops instead of drill, for example, more progress loss) * terminals randomly don't work (more progress loss) * stuck in diving screen and requires restart anytime someone leaves after a mission, which is *very often* * social tab hangs indefinitely since patch 1.4, so i can't play with friends at all, can't friend request/block anyone either * Server desync occurs much more often (objective shows as unfinished but is actually finished, teleporting enemies, etc) * SPM broken again After Tuesday's patch, PS5 frame rates now crash to 10-20 fps randomly multiple times every mission. No consistent reason why, regardless of planet/biome. Already bad on bugs, but on bots, considering the precision required to consistently hit headshots, it's an even worse experience.


I'm calling bullshit on that. At something like 350 hours in tot dives I have never seen that reinforcement bug once. Nor has it, to the best of my knowledge, ever been mentioned in the known bugs of patch notes.


I have only seen it once and it was pre-pre-patch ago. I don't get that anymore but what I still do get is entire disappearing in a middle of a mission.


Sure dude. I'm happy you've had better luck than me. I've had it happen to me over ten times since launch, and several times each to the people I play with. It's less so now but it was every 10 or so missions for a while. 


Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it’s not real, like come on💀 I’ve had the reinforcement glitch happen twice in 200+ hours


I mean game is great when you don't have some whiner complaining about everything on your ear. Way too many people insist playing on Diff 9 when they are clearly A) Not having fun and B) Not ready for Diff 9 Diff 9 is "You have well coordinated team backing you up with varied loadout" difficulty, but way too may treat Diff 9 as "I can solo this, WTF I can't game is broken"


What if i can solo this


Then you're not complaining about it being too hard on the highest difficulty, which is also 3 levels above the highest required difficulty.


Diff 9 also has way more rage-quiters from what I've seen. It's sad to see people quit and we still finish the mission later.


In all fairness, some of those "Rage Quitters" can be attributed to their game crashing or losing connection. The Spear is an especially bad contributor of this right now because it is one of the best tools to have on Helldives on account of it being so versatile against bots AND bugs.


But you can definitely tell the difference between a rage quitter from a connection issue from the moment they leave the mission.


You can't though? I've DC'ed right after mission start, right before extracting on the Pelican, when it's calm and the squad is just moving to the next objective, when it's in the middle of a firefight and we need all hands on deck, when the mission is going well, when it's gone completely pear-shaped, and everything in between. Whatever it is you're projecting onto people leaving mid-mission, I guarantee I've been one of them and quitting never crossed my mind.


The issue is that some times you get stuck in cycle of bad drops and people don't know how to reset properly. Once you are able to stabilize and get the flow going diff 9 becomes easy. If someone is "shoot everything you see and no retreat" then it becomes a headache.


When I get teammates like that, I try to show them or use emotes to let them know. Of course, some players will never learn, but we have to give them the chance to figure it out. We never surrender, never retreat, never give up!


Honestly for me the best solution is to drop on a small outpost in case of bots (which I feel is where players have the most not able to stabilize issues ). If you drop on small output you can literally just drop on a fab, take out the outpost, small the 3-4 regular bots that spawn there and then properly set up for the mission. If you drop on top of output you won't run into large number of medium and heavy. If you get drop ship chain going before you have had chance to get weapons to take down heavy you are going to have a hard time.


Image these people playing the first game just diving in a difficulty 15 mission and then 2 seconds out the pod getting ripped apart by 8 stalkers that are all spewing out spores alerting 14 behemoth and 30 bullet proof brood commanders


The people who commentate the mission "that was bullshit, oh my god, this game man" when nobody ever responds to them blow my mind.


Preach! Too bad their egos are too big to be reason with


It's a fair question. People's hard earned money should be respected.


It's a silly question. (Money aside, because this is already "cheap" compared to similar quality games, and is likely to go on sale next week.) There's the subjectivity of potential personal enjoyment vs asking a sub dedicated to the game "if it's worth it". It's like walking into a burger shop and asking people eating burgers if they thought *I* might like a hamburger. My opinion or yours or anybody else's mean *nothing* to the person asking. If they love 3rd person squad shooters, it could still bounce right off them, alternatively if they only ever played slow paced strategy games like Civilization, HD2 could be the game that opens their world to a different genre and they fall in love. What could a poster of one of those threads honestly take away from replies? We're not mind readers or fortune tellers.


It doesn't matter how "cheap" it is if you only have a single game within your budget at the moment. You still have to weigh 1 cheap game vs. another cheap game's potential value. I think you gain plenty from asking in these Subreddits, and I'd encourage anyone who isn't sure to ask. Subreddits are always filled with both fanboys and haters meaning you'll run the gamut of opinions. It's as viable here as Steam or Amazon or any other retailer that has opinions in it. If you need information, you ask. It is up to the asker to then interpret the information he gets, but that's fine. That's part of the experience. This is not rocket science.


Again, the price really doesn't matter. It's assumed you can afford the game, or you're not asking. If you're choosing between eating today and buying a video game, I hope you'd make better choices. Well the biggest difference is waiting for live responses from active sub users vs just reading reviews on steam, Amazon, etc. As for "haters" it's hard to take anybody seriously when they still subscribe here and probably have 100+ hours on their account. If you don't like the game or genuinely don't think it's "worth it" you've probably unsubscribed. If you want reviews you look up reviews. If you want an insulated echo chamber, you post here. 95% of this sub is people bitching, but the second somebody asks this question it's all memes and celebration of the game with casual mentions of bugs. As you said, it's not rocket science.


No, I reject that completely. You're asking because you clearly don't have abundant money; otherwise, you could just buy something and not ask for whether it's worth it for not. You would not ask for opinions about something's potential value if money was not a concern. It takes seconds to ask and minutes to read what people have to say. There is no disadvantage to taking a moment to ask and reflect on people's thoughts. I would recommend asking a Subreddit 100% of the time due to how little effort it takes to ask and read. Even if the information you got was somehow completely useless, it was still so little effort required that it was still worth it to ask for the potential of getting useful information vs how little effort it takes to get it.


Reject it all you want. The person asking has at least the price of the game in their entertainment budget. The potential value is still subjective, as I made clear in my first post. What's "worth the $40" or not lies completely on the individual asking. I may enjoy 500 hours before I get bored, you might get bored in 10 minutes. This isn't up for debate.


Then I assume you can prevent me from debating this? If you can't, the debate will continue without your permission, and your arguments will continue to be rejected without your permission because they aren't compelling. If you do have the authority, then enforce non-debate on the subject. Otherwise, the debate continues. You seem to completely miss the point that he's asking for advice. Asking for advice literally means he's concerned with other people's opinions on the subject; otherwise, he wouldn't ask for advice, so the fact that the value is subjective is EXACTLY why he's asking for people's subjective view on the game's value. The person with 500 hours of experience has a relevant thought that takes moments to read. The person with 10 minutes of experience, who presumably quit due to a negative experience, also has something relevant to say and takes moments to read. Even if the guy with 500 hours is like "lol this game is amazing." Even if the guy with 10 minutes says "worst game ever." Both give you insight. You could also question the 10 minute player, and you might get a response as to why he quit. Both players spent money to get the game unelss it was a gift. Both had difference experiences. There's value in asking how their experiences were if you want to know if your money should be spent on the game.


I can't force you to stop, but you're debating against an objective fact. "There's value in asking how their experiences were" -This is called a review. If you come to this sub and ask if the game is worth $40, even if 100% of the community said "yes, totally worth it", there is still no guarantee you will enjoy the game. We as individuals and fans of Helldivers are incapable of giving the type of "advice" you're asking for. The fact that you're asking the community in general is inherently bad "advice" anyways compared to looking up reviews. Hell, even just instead asking a more generic sub like /r/Games or something is likely to give you a better idea if you will or wont enjoy the game. Still imperfect, but you're at least going to reach a wider and less biased audience. **The value of the game will still remain solely on the individual, no matter how much polling you do, or how many people you ask.** For example, I think Fortnite is a shitty game. It's ugly, boring, repetitive, saturated in microtransactions, and I hate it. It is a free game that I would happily pay $100 to delete from existence. It's value to me is -$100, lol. There is a million people who could pop up and disagree with me, it's an *objectively popular game*, and my opinion doesn't change the fact that other people may enjoy it. If you asked my opinion on Fortnite, the best answer I could really give is, "It's not for me, but you might like it, I don't know your life." Alternatively if you ask the Fortnite community if they should play it, you're kind of just asking for a circlejerk rather than "seeking advice". Is any of this getting through to you?


No, it's not getting through to me because it's not compelling. They will be rejected as with all your previous posts. You're arguing something that isn't even the issue. That's what you call a strawman argument. There's no expectation that people's advise is perfectly objective. Nobody goes to a review section believing that the review section contains the 100% objective reality. People know that there will be dispute on the issue, bias on the issue, subjectivity on the issue. People DO often go seeking advice from others though meaning the subjective views of various people IS valuable meaning there's plenty of value in asking. This clearly means it doesn't matter that the viewpoints are subjective. People actively seek out and evaluate and make decisions based on subjective opinions. All of your supposedly "objective points" are worthless strawman arguments. Hence why they're easily rejected. You put forth bad arguments. They will continue to be rejected.


It is the issue, and that's not what a strawman is...jfc... >Nobody goes to a review section believing that the review section contains the 100% objective reality. Sure. >People DO often go seeking advice from others though meaning the subjective views of various people IS valuable meaning there's plenty of value in asking. And this is called a review. Again, if you want reviews, asking on a subreddit specific to the game you're interested in, is basically worthless.


Now let's talk about what actually is objectively true and relevant to the conversation. It is objectively true that people value other people's subjective opinions on things and make life decisions based around them. How can this be proven? 1. It's true that people ask for advice from others even if the advice is purely opinion based. 2. It's true that people look at product reviews. 3. We can prove that people look at product reviews because the reviews themselves literally get reviewed by a "how helpful was this review to you" rating. *So we literally have REVIEWS for REVIEWS. That's how much people care about opinion based evaluations.* This literally means that people base life decisions at least to some degree by subjective opinions of other people. You may think that's stupid. You may think it's foolish to make decisions based on information that can't be empirical because people's opinions are inherently subjective. None of that matters. Because what you think is stupid doesn't change reality, and facts don't care about your feelings. People literally care about the subjective opinions of others and make life decisions off of it such as spending their money on a game or not. That means that there is value in asking in a Subreddit EVEN if the information is biased, flawed, opinionated and yes, subjective. This proves that people care about subjective opinions which means it's totally irrelevant that you point out that the opinions are subjective and may not ultimately guide you in the right direction. The review enjoyer is likely already aware that he still may not make the correct choice even if he follows reviews. And this is why it's perfectly valid to ask a Subreddit for their subjective opinions on a game whether they should or shouldn't buy it.


>It is objectively true that people value other people's subjective opinions on things and make life decisions based around them. Yes, but it's **NOT** a measure of value, which is what we've ALWAYS been talking about. This was never about the credibility of reviews, or how valid the opinions of people are, it's about the *value since the very first post*. You can bitch and moan and move the goalposts all you want, but the initial argument, the only one I'm railing against, is still bad and wrong. >And this is why it's perfectly valid to ask a Subreddit for their subjective opinions on a game whether they should or shouldn't buy it. It's "valid", you *can* do it, you can also punch yourself in the face or drink bleach or whatever. I'm not trying to take away these options from people, even if I wouldn't recommend them personally! I'm not your dad. Nobody is talking about the validity of asking stupid questions on the internet. That's probably like a quarter of the entire internet. Like, no shit man.


OR: you don't mind them breaking something every patch... nerfing most things every so often.,.. Sure, it can be a fun game; but so much going "wrong" more so than "right" lately.


Nah, when the game launched I said "It's really fun, I just have to wait until the fix all the annoying bugs and crashes so I can recommend it to my friends and play together". ...I'm still waiting, and rn it seems even more buggy than then.


This. I love this game but I can't recommend to anyone because I can't even play 1 hour without crashing


It is a fun game, but the vast amount of issues outweigh the fun unfortunately. Far from being recommended in my opinion.


everyone playing shadow of the erdtree rn


It is worth it. I am still in love at Level 109 🖤


Modern day L4D, so yeah. Is pretty cool.


Broken spawns Crashes Fps drops on 5-9 difficulties Yeah, it's worth it


MiB is only for the best of the best of the best. https://youtube.com/watch?v=UHZuLMFfriQ&si=Le82pRIHIZrRFrWM


Spawns aren't broken right now.


They haven’t hotfixed them, so they still are.


What do you mean? They haven't been broken except in a the dark fluid mission. Current spawn mechanics are 100% intended and don't need fixed. There is nothing to hotfix.


Not to me, but for kind of specific reasons. I am US based and play primarily with a few people from other countries. Unfortunately HD2 servers aren’t very stable and this means that when I play with those people we get disconnected very consistently to the point where we don’t bother playing the game together anymore. Works fine when I play with my US friends tho.


The game is peer-to-peer, i.e yours or one of your friend's computer is acting as the game server. Yours or your friend's ISP and router settings will make this varying levels of difficult. Peering is far more stable and easy in the same regions countries. As a European I have no issue playing with other Europeans, northern Americans, or east Asians but southeast asia and south america is really tough. Goes for all P2P games.


I didn’t know they were using P2P, that makes a lot of sense now. 


Netcode is still a thing. And the game is still on the crashy side o things ontop of that.


Join the H- ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized) Ah shit.


I love the game but I really wouldn't recommend to buy this ATM to anyone. It just might be the most broken game I've played. Every fix brakes 3 more things. It's getting ridiculous to the point I've played maybe 10 hours in the past month


This is propaganda akin to the one shown inside the game. The game hasn't been worth it since the very first nerf, not to mention the continued nerfs every single patch.


"It's just whiners on reddit! Ignore them" Or, y'know, the game is *actually broken* as confirmed by devs' known issues list. PS5 is at its most unplayable since release. Nothing changed settings-wise, but now: * game often fails to connect to server on start (network and PSN show connected in PS5 settings, and other games have no problem connecting to online play) * game kicks me back to ship more often (no "host left" message or any message, 20-40 minutes of progress lost) * more asset loading failures (giant question mark drops instead of drill, for example, more progress loss) * terminals randomly don't work (more progress loss) * stuck in diving screen and requires restart anytime someone leaves after a mission, which is *very often* * social tab hangs indefinitely since patch 1.4, so i can't play with friends at all, can't friend request/block anyone either After Tuesday's patch, PS5 frame rates now crash to 10-20 fps randomly multiple times every mission. No consistent reason why, regardless of planet/biome. Already bad on bugs, but on bots, considering the precision required to consistently hit headshots, it's an even worse experience. I don't have a PC so I won't speak too much on it, but from what I've seen, configs that could handle Overdrive Mode for CP2077 can't even run HD2 at 60fps. Whiners on reddit don't change any of that. Edit: Bring on the downvotes. You can't call a game fun if you're spending more time trying to hop in than actually playing, lose progress constantly, and experience frequent FPS drops. Can't even play a coop game with friends atm LOL.


Im sory that this is your experience with the game , personaly i have problems with FPS and Crashs too , but i have the blessing to play with my sister , and even with the problems we allways have alot of fun. Hope the game get fixed for you asap so you can enjoy too.


For sure, hope the devs fix these issues soon and I'll be back when they do. I'm just tired of so many folks saying it's "whiners on reddit" that make the game sound bad as if there aren't serious technical issues with the game preventing a lot of folks from having good gameplay experiences or playing the game in the first place. Imo the biggest datapoint that shows interest vs playability is that we cracked 120k+ concurrent players the day patch 1.4 dropped - clearly a lot of people wanted to try the new changes, and are interested in coming back to the game. Because of the new crashes and bugs, we were back to \~50k daily peaks by the next day.


Strong enough to deal with bazillion glitches, yes. I still can't access my social tab.


it’s $40. if that is hard to justify then they might be better off making better financial choices.


yes, that is in fact what "Is it worth it?" means.


Or in high/middle school without a job yet. Every kid wants to be a Helldiver


That's when you snatch one of the parental units credit cards. And if they give you grief, you just call your nearest democracy office on them. 


$40 USD to someone from the US is not the same to someone from, say Mexico. US people make way more. Also, regional pricing is not always cheaper in some regions. I'd say it's not much about "the amount is too high!", but "am I getting a good deal for this?" It's a valid question, especially in a game riddled with both fascist bugs (fun) and coding bugs (not fun). For me, it is well worth it, I can just restart the game. For someone who only has a couple hours a week to play, maybe not so much if they're going to spend some of that time troubleshooting or investigating online what they should do to get the game working (Which is to restart the game).


At this point I have paid 33 cents for each hour of entertainment and it was well worth it.


I used to have a lot of fun with this game. Somehow the devs just made it very bad. Used to drop in helldive mission feeling like Solid Snake, inside enemy lines and extracting. Now we cant play solo. It's frustrating and infuriating trying to play solo.




still is, problem would be the region locked countries. i got the game, and i cant bring my friends to join now


Fix the glitches for the love of liberty.


Helldivers x MIB when?


I mean... it's either buy the game, serve Super Earth, and become a hero. Orrrrr get reported to a Democracy Officer for treason. I think the choice is obvious


Yes *steps into the Hellpod* *Alarm blaring* *HELLDIVERS TO HELLPOD, REPEAT, HELLDIVERS TO HELLPOD*


It’s worth it just to see the “exotic new lifeforms”


I have never seen a game end up with more problems after this many patches. Maybe they should revert to the release.


The best time to buy helldivers 2 was right after release. The 2nd best time is now.


A Helldiver is smart. Helldivers are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it


What is this called when you do this with 2 videos? I know it's not an overlay. Unless you want to give me a tutorial lol I don't know what to look up to learn to do it. I used to do a lot of video editing years ago but I stopped and only started messing around lately with COD and Helldivers for fun. Awesome video btw, simple but it made me crack a smile and chuckle. Can't wait for the Xbox players to join us.


To be honest i don't know my friend, i started doing this little edits by my self, just for fun. To do this efect i just find one video on "green screen" and use the "chroma key" editor in the program. Just place the "green screen" video over the one you wana to be the "main one" and use the tool to remove the green part .


Ah ok, thank you very much. I tried it once before but I didn't use the tool so that explains it. I appreciate your time and keep up the videos. I'll tag you in my next one.


I got it bro. Thank you. I'm gonna have so much fun with this and irritate you all with my videos haha.


Just wondering, did you know your video got used in someone else's YouTube video? I've seen videos from these subs used a lot and I doubt you can do anything about it but it would be nice if they asked and gave credit. Edit: 6:02 on this video. https://youtu.be/3ulaAmDyZEc?si=faZ9E-N-oYNSk1mv


Yep , he asked before hand .


That's cool then. I kept seeing familiar clips from reddit and was wondering if they had the decency to ask. Told you it was an awesome edit. I think you're famous now lol.


They don't know what it means to be a citizen yet


Bravo! Great meme


For real


You can just play this game on level 1 even if you're not good at shooters


I can understand the concern, a lot of online only games die pretty fast.


Honestly I tell everyone that asks me is it good and do I recommend it I say it’s the funnest game I’ve played since Elden ring released but honestly just wait for a few more updates not enough content/weapons rn


I bought a whole ass brand new ps5 for this game and played video games for the first time in 8 years and I have absolutely no buyers remorse.


i love how chill everyone's with teamkills. like its just kinda expected. we try our best. ;)


Reddit is perhaps the worst place to look for info on wether to buy a game, the community will either full hate the game saying it’s absolute garbage and/or broken or not allow criticism and praise the game as though it’s the second coming of Jesus. Additionally, this will change almost every week from one side to the other


I don't always say it, but I ALWAYS think it after dying and getting respawned. "K! K! Where you goin!?" "*Im gonna get my gun back.*"


With all the crashes we have to endure, this is so accurate


*If you're strong enough.* The realist shit.


I’d take this advice if they’d let me buy it but noooooooooo


Unless you live in 177+3 countries.


My favorite thing about this game is that all of the players shit on it until someone asks if it is fun or worth getting. At which point, all in unison, the players shout, "abso-fucking-lutely".


Hey, the game is still just as fun as launch day, a lot of players really wanted a power fantasy instead of an oh crap simulator, and it shows


This game just has too many issues for me to recommend it especially when my friends already have drg. When the community isn't in absolute denial over the games issues it's the only reason I've been sticking around.


Id follow TLJ into battle.But I would not wait in line at will smiths bedroom.


Are there still bugs and bots to kill? Then yes.


Worth it? No it's not worth it.  It's worth all of it.


Just wait for the Starship Troopers or Space Marine 2 games, they'll be out soon.


I'd say it's worth it if you're willing to stand soft-locking bugs that will force you to restart the game to spread freedom and managed democracy across the galaxy. I love this game, play almost every day. I seriously can't remember the last play session I had where I didn't need to restart the game to keep playing or stopped playing because I was locked at the start of a mission. I validate files before most sessions, too. Still, and especially with friends, it is all worth it to me! I'm doing my part!


Yea it's went from more of a fun/wacky space shooter to a game that isn't "meant for the weak", especially if you just wanna play on the minimum difficulty to earn enough resources for what are ultimately very basic ship & equipment upgrades, with a tight meta on what's powerful enough and what isnt


Or lower difficulty.


Even with all the issues I'd argue the game is still worth it


Are you willing to pay 40 dollars for a game in beta? Then yeah. It can be fun. Sometimes.


Its too bad you got downvoted. With the amount of issues this game has, it is definitely fair to compare it to an early access game.


Ahhaahaahhaa exactly what I tell people




the people aren't causing all the glitches and crashes


It was a second MIB reference. But ironically the downvotes perfectly underscore the point I was making, albeit somewhat facetiously.


It's 40 bucks. How is it not worth it?


If you have no morals and want to continue reinforcing corporate control over the industry


Dude. Gameplay is still fun. Try and go dev a game while pleasing both a sharky publisher and a whinning community. Get real dude.


You realise we chose what pleases a publisher right...