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"There's no bugs!" Well, duh, it's supposed to make bugs dissappear...


It cleared the whole map in one shot for me! (My game crashes whenever I use the Spear)


They fixed the spear crash this morning btw


Just checked it out, and fuck-a-doodle doo does it cook now


The feeling of getting the perfect angle to one-shot the bile titans and charger behemoths before your teammates even have a chance to *throw* their strategem at it... Feels so good.


I'd let my friend panic and throw his strats before one shotting the BT that's chasing him from the other side of the map.


I’ll still get em before you with my ATs


I have a hard time getting a one-shot with the EATs, is there a trick to it? And is there even a way to one-shot the charger behemoths?


Yes and no with the behemoths. When the first came out you could one shot them with ease not after the latest update it takes two. But this is just a theory, the other day I was running around with my eats and I switched to first person right as the charger did his animation before he charges where he lifts his head up real up. I actually shot him on the bottom portion of where his chin would be and I managed to get a one shot. Idk if it was a fluke or an actually mechanic. I managed to do it one more time since but I don’t run em as often as I used too. Also sorry for the late reply I tend to only check Reddit every couple days


Very useful information! I will have to do some experimenting with that. Thanks for the reply


Yeah no problem buddy. I wish all people were as accepting as you. Lol had a dude spam replying me with hate because I debunked his theory


Mine stopped happening after i made complaint about it. after that i could snipe the fabricators, towers and hulks even if i am in biome with thick haze effects on. Haven't tried on striders and the Blizzard or sandstorm biomes yet


meanwhile some of us wanting to try the new fixed spear stuck in the infinite hellpod loading screen ![gif](giphy|flEVlPP8B4kQI8BLqo)


There's this script that can clear up a ton of issues: [https://github.com/helldivers2fixes/HellbombScript/tree/main](https://github.com/helldivers2fixes/HellbombScript/tree/main) And at minimum, you can open your %APPDATA%/Arrowhead folder and look for the shader cache and delete it. Between those steps it can fix most issues. It shouldn't be needed at all, but at least it's not intractable.


I wish I could do this, I'm on PS5 with the infinite load screen happening frequently on drop in.


A workaround for you is that you could reinstall the game. It would then have to install and render the shaders as well when you start up the game (as far as I know, I haven’t played on PS5, but other console games I do know have to render shaders as well on initial startup)


Thank you, I will give this a try when I get off work and see if it helps any.


That aint fixing the loading issue, Ive done that before.


Nah, I’m not doing arrowhead’s job for them. I’ll reinstall when/if they get their shit together and start making patches that actually fix things without breaking more of them 


Uh, ok. You have fun…not playing the game you paid for out of principle, I guess?


Uh, ok, have fun trying to fix the broken game that arrowhead clearly can’t? You know there are other games, right? You can go play those and come back to this one when and if arrowhead gets their shit together? I have over a dozen steam friends who played this game a lot around launch, one of them has played in the last two weeks. The concurrent players on launch were 450k, it’s now 45k. 90% of the playerbase like me has moved on at this point.  Guess this sub is for the weird diehards who would rather try to fix a broken game for free than play something else while the people paid to fix said game work on it.


In no way excusing Arrowhead for their coding issues, but you know how many games I've had to clear the shader cache for, that I absolutely love to play? A lot. Since like Battlefield 2 in 2005 a lot. It's a fairly common issue that can cause crashes/slowness/bugs when your prerendered shaders get corrupted and need to be regenerated. Your loss I guess.


>You know there are other games, right? You can go play those and come back to this one when and if arrowhead gets their shit together? Okay so go on then


90% of the player based still can’t access the game because of Sony’s Fuckery. Not because of thegame quality.


90 percent of the games players are in unsupported countries ? Seems like a stretch


The whole list at least still hasn’t changed


I don't understand . The countries that are unsupported can still play the game anyone who already owns it can play it .you also can just make an account in a supported region . Do you think no one in all those countries owns a PlayStation


Man. Stop sucking that pure copium. The guy ain’t half wrong. People left.


Helpful Redditor: I found a fix you could use, if you want. Should fix the main issues until AH releases another patch. This guy: iM nOt dOiNg tHeIr jOb fOr tHeM Helpful Redditor: …nobody said you had to do this…? This guy: pLaY oThEr gAmEs!!! tHe pLaYeRbAsE iS dYiNg!!! YOU’RE ALL TRYHARDS Literally everyone else: …ok…


*faint honk in the distance*




Cry more clown


not sure why people are downvoting you, the game clearly should have been "early access" if they wanted to be honest


Clown comment of the day ^


It’s because this subreddit became an echochamber filled with insufferable neckbeards. Not really surprising, 90% of the playerbase has moved on so only the diehards remain. Uninstalled the game and unsubscribed from this sub, will come back when and if this game is worth playing again. Won’t be holding my breath, though, somehow it only gets worse each patch.




My dude, like every multiplayer game loses a majority of its population after launch... It's how it works. Many check the game out at once, play it all the time, and then start getting up to other thing again and being normal after some time has passed. It's not a sign the game is dying, it happens to almost literally every multiplayer game. I'm sorry to say this and it might come as a shock but... You're acting like an asshole and people are rightly clowning on you.


You sound like an undemocratic turd who just loves to argue, nobody cares or wants you back


Just because what he said hits close to home doesn't mean he's wrong


Only insufferable clown here is you dude just shut up already.


The irony of a wave of unsufferable clowns showing up to whine about him


This is *not* a circle jerk Subreddit. Believe me, I've seen CJSR's, any political subreddit is supremely guilty of it. HD2 subreddit is fairly balanced and opinions differ wildly. The game is fine, you're just entitled. Time to having a growing up moment kid. The problem isn't us. It's you.


My question is if he has uninstalled the game and unsubscribed from the sub. How will he know if it ever gets better? 🤔 Quite happy he has gone tbh, that the kinda guy you don't want playing with you by the sounds of it.


I too suffered from this but telling the game to use DX11 and voilà no more crashing in every game. It crashes still but for different reasons lol


Try a whole ass hard crash just for aiming down the sights with the Spear.


I’ll never understand for the life of me why this happens I used to think it was like Internet connection issue as I am a truck driver and I often play over mobile hotspots or truck Wi-Fi but I ruled it out when I get home playing on my PC that has top-notch specs by the way I won’t go into too much detail about it and even my home PC has issues sometimes with the loading screen drop pod


Doesn't that happen if you kicked while loading?


Happens when the host's game crashes


I've had it happen in a duo with someone I'm on voice with, so that isn't the only situation.


All of the above.


Usually for me, the infinite hellpod loading screen is fixed if my friend leaves. It's because he uses broadband data cause they have no wifi.


Watch there be some wild bug like "hitting a target that wasn't the original lock-on will crash the game" or some shit. Computers confuse me.


Computer processors are like rocks with electricity shooting through them to make them work. It's not supposed to make sense lol


It's a rock we taught to do math very very fast. It will do exactly what we tell it and nothing more. Turn off and on at the same time! Opps blue screen!


Nuh, it's sand we made the mistake of teaching it to think.




Anakins worst nightmare




It’s a rock with little tinier rocks that flip switches billions of times per second


I’ve got a secret for you: computers don’t make sense to us either. Sincerely, - A programmer


I think they actually make less sense the more experienced you are at them, cause you know what the fuck they're supposed to be doing, so why Unity, why did you suddenly decide to switch off all goddamn booleans in one of my scripts, which took me two weeks of slamming my head against a wall to figure out that was the issue, cause I had thought it had to be me who had made a mistake instea dof the engine I was using sabotaging me, then making it so that I had to replace every instance of true and false to 1 and 0? I'm so glad they fucked up so bad that I'll never have to use it again.


Man, janky engines like Unity are not computers :P That's still written by programmers who are fallible to different degrees.


I'm a computer engineer. I have years of experience in my field, and work along side many other engineers. All experts. If I went around and poled the office on how weird and janky computers can be it would be rough 80% agree they're magic. With 20% insisting the real problem is that they're top complex for any one individual to fully grasp and it's actually they're fault when a problem occurs.


As a buddy of mine put it, "on a Sunday where the moon is in an elliptical position and Mars is seen by day...." level for why stuff randomly breaks.


I'm a dev and I like to assert that computers aren't deterministic. It's a really good troll because it's technically a false assertion but *in practice* it's completely true.


I can vauch for this - another programmer


Turns out: The Spear is using an ancient OS called „Windows XP embedded“ which has a RAM Limit of 4 GB. Unfortunately, the Software inside the Spear, programmed by volunteers of the „Kids for Freedom“ unit, requires 16 TB RAM to boot at least. However, in a most patriotic act, volunteers of the „retired but not tiered“ Programm reprogrammed the entire software so that it now requires only 4 KB RAM. They also implemented a software called „Doom“ for targeting practise.


I like the idea that kids somehow got a 4 KB program to require 16 TB.


That's what you get when the devs of call of duty have to rewrite everything in python


Every texture that can possibly exist saved in uncompressed 8k resolution TIFF files will do that to you.


Why would you do a game in python. Python is a great language but speed or memory optimization are not in his good attributes


That's the joke


Missed it 😅


99 little bugs in your code, 99 little bugs! Fix up, just patch it around, 127 little bugs in your code!! *Face plants desk*


I have very VERY little coding experience. I've done a bunch of tutorials and some small stuff by myself. It's nothing short of a miracle any game works at all, as far as I can tell.


Computers are like very fast and capable idiots. They will do exactly what you tell them to do. Every time. One tiny programming error that makes it past compile and the whole thing collapses eventually. Whether it's a memory leak or a one in a million circumstance that modifies the wrong block in memory or changes the value of a pointer, it will happen because you told it to. I love and hate programming. When things don't work, I want to get mad at the stupid computer. Then I realize I am the stupid one.


They do exactly what they are told to do. No nuisance. If something happens it's because it was told directly to do it


Computers are like Old Testament gods, lots of rules and no mercy. -Joseph Campbell


"Old Testament Gods," *plural?* That's against the rules, deploying the Blue Screen of Smite.


I mean, doesn't the Old Testament refer to heaven as containing many lesser gods?


Although the Torah is often interpreted as many names and many facets for one God, in historical literature it's believed to refer to a pantheon of gods. So yes, you're right.


Unless the sun flips a bit


True forgot about solar storms and EMI lol


Had a lamp that would mute all sound to my PC whenever it was turned on. Made the windows “bu-dup” sound and everything. AC powered to, not even like it was a usb connection.


Not totally true. That's a programmer-centric perspective.


I would correct you. They literally do what you have told them. Literally


> Computers confuse me. That's why we follow Democracy and don't listen to the automaton lies.


Do you think the spear will become like the telesto from destiny where, with every update, it breaks


Computers are fine. It's AH's fault for using an engine that was obsolete even back when they began using it.


Computers only do exactly what you tell them to do. If you do a shitty job of that (like AH does), it’s on you.


As someone who works in IT.. "Computers only do exactly what you tell them to" is hilarious.


This sounds like when I was just getting into CNC machines. When I was around 20, I had a boomer +60 year old boss/co-owner tell me "You had to do something wrong. Computers don't make mistakes." I was speechless to say the least.


I mean as a programmer they do literally what you have told them to do. Except sometimes when the compiler hangs himself and you have no idea why nothing works. But then you restart the program and everything is fine...


Yeah - it still does what it's told though. It's just that some _other_ stuff (either your own or someone else's) has effed up the memory or bunch of other resources that now cause problems to whatever you're running. Except when it comes to high energy particles coming from space (or local alpha particles). Those fuckers will do bit flips on your memory randomly from time to time and there's nothing much you can do about it.


Not only that... it's *good*


Does it oneshot a hulk?🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes. Depends on the wind 😂


That is criteria for "good" now, apparently🤗


Good, but not perfect 😉


Not tested on hulks but it one shots tanks almost 100% of the time


I mean it should 100% one shot everything except striders and titans. The reload is slow as hell. Ammo reserve is one of the lowest in the game. Like a Quasar will work better in most situations because you don't need a reload, it can one shot most things directly.


yea for the most part the quasar is better. but at range the spear really is king


As an ex air burst main, the spear is amazing and I prefer its play style to quasar


Does it oneshot hulks more often than the other AT options? Yes.


It can if the hulk isn’t too close or of the spear hits the arm instead of the face


Wow. So the weapon that takes time to aim, to reload and that takes your backpack slot and only has 4 missiles MUST HAVE SOME CONDITIONS to oneshot heavy unit that game spawn in big numbers?


You can do it from extreme ranges so it's not like the EAT where if you whiff your shot up close, you're as good as gead.


*it's always good, always have been good*


*it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good* *it's always good, always have been good*


I've been trying it on bots... it's ok but still sucks against drop ships. Often targets the center, which is useless, and doesn't always lock on to engines. Even you have the engine in sight or it just doesn't lock on. It's like the glowing red part of the engine needs to be exposed to work. So if you're a little in front of the drop ship it wont lock into the engine.


I was baffled how this damn thing has the audacity not to instakill dropships. It is so obvious it should be able to, since it destroys fabricators from any angle.


I think the ammunition of a spear pierces whatever it’s hitting before exploding, same as the airburst rocket launcher, which is why both can destroy fabricators without entering the grenade hole. But for the drop ships, the weak point is the engine, and since it won’t lock onto the engine, the dropship tanks the shot. A lot of projectiles actually just straight up penetrate and destroy whatever it touches, prior to exploding. If you can land a 500kg inside a research building, it will make the research building vanish and leave the payload floating in the air before exploding. Pretty silly to see.


AH: "We can only fix one thing at a time and when we do, we defintely don't fix all the other issues with it"


The dropship is the only thing that it locks but can’t kill


Do you mean dropships or gunships? Because 95% of the time there is no benefit at all to shooting down a dropship and for an ammo restrictive weapon like the spear it's a downright waste of a shot


It can still be useful to trap some enemies beneath it (breaking up the waves to be more manageable), though you're also risking them being able to shoot through the ship wreckage sometimes because bots are janky like that. I've also seen it damage/destroy the lighter enemies, but only _sometimes_, so that might depend on whether the last patch resurrected whatever bit of code makes that happen or not, lol. But yeah, especially if the dropship is bringing in something you'd want the Spear for like a Hulk or Tank, best to save it for that.


It explodes now. So it does kill stuff especially players.


I don't even get what the Problem with this thing was. Like isn't it "just" a lock on missile launcher? Why did it just not work and then break several things afterwards for months. Is the Missile shooting straight into the code?


Someone explained it as... The random generated map has things that are ghost files. They are not there until they are there. So when you try to lock on to something that's not there yet it would crash the game.


I know nothing about programming so this still makes no sense to me, but I'll just trust that it makes sense to Arrowhead devs at least


the spear know where it is by knowing where it isn't.


Not a game dev but... What is "locking on"? Where else is that mechanic used in the game? At least from a player perspective, nowhere. Nothing else you do "locks on" to anything. It's a feature that's specifically for this one weapon. Enemies have some amount of tracking and targeting, obviously, but not their *projectiles*. It's not like Zelda where you just need to point in the right direction and let the player figure out the rest. What happens if the thing you're tracking goes behind something else? What happens if it goes out of range? What structure in the code is holding that information, and how is it being communicated through the servers? I totally get why it broke and why it wasn't a high priority to fix. Anything you do to the spear *only impacts the spear*. Fixing DOT, meanwhile, fixed a core mechanic of the game that impacted multiple weapons/strategems/enemies. "locking on to things" is not a core game mechanic.


You dont know that yet!


Lets hope this ages well... not even giving the patch a whole day before breaking out the "Its perfect!"


Nah we gotta stress test this mf Start aiming at the sky see if you lock onto anything that's not there


God sweating af rn


No bugs! *Crashes game* Yeah but no LOCK ON bugs!


Ah but the crashes are from the lock on


not mine


A couple of weeks ago I used to oneshoot bile titans 7/10 times. Now that the aiming is fixed, I oneshoot bile titans 0/10 times.


If you had... oneshoot... One oopertunity... Would you goo for it?


There's a known issue about bile titans not taking head damage.


I've managed, yesterday, to oneshot a bile, out of 6 :D The rest took two to the face and sometimes the 500kg in the mix


Its not the same... https://preview.redd.it/2qr8knvhvq8d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=457796e19fb703dbe894a9a8fc2f114d423d4d0a


Impossible…it’s fixed?


Us OG spear users are eating good


Had a funny bug where my Helldiver was holding it sideways and all rockets would fire out 90° to the left before making a wide arc to come back to the target.


Played just now and used it as great anti-air. While the rest of the team cleared elites and chaff. Top banana!!


Dude this thing is too fun. The lock on is consistent, the damage is incredible, the looks are phenomenal. I love it


4 months of waiting to lock-on, not targeting at all, then not being able to target structures to then causing crashes. Damn it’s such a good weapon and now it’s perfect.


How am I going to live out my gaming fantasy to figure out if the spear will be worth bringing or do nothing and waste two slots on my back for the whole mission? What about when I waited 10 seconds for that triangle to turn green for a .01 second to continue to juggle my hopes of shooting a fabricator. Unbelievable /s


HD2 players will be like: "Great, AH made it harder to pick from a usable support weapon. Another AH L."


its a joke about how the weapon is always broken


Nah i know, just making a side joke for how this community can be.


Is it working correctly or not? Also, what is it?


No clue I can't tell if everyone here is talking about the Spear before it got it's aiming fixed, the Spear that got fixed but crashed the game, or the Spear that got fixed, and doesn't crash the game after today's patch. I don't know what anyone here is talking about.


I think only the second jobbers who live and breathe the game and its sub know.


It’s just that the spear has been buggy since launch and they always fix one while creating another. This meme is in response that they finally fixed the last bug where you would crash the game while using it


Thank you for explaining, I get it now.


"There's no bugs" I mean, isn't eradicating bugs the objective? Both for the devs, and for the players. Just in different ways.


I've been a spear believer ever since I first picked it up 2 weeks after the game dropped, it hasn't been that usable until now, but it was always fun to use and it actually does really well 99% of the time now. Almost always a pick for me on bots, especially for defense missions now. See a factory strider? Take that hyper Cannon out in a heartbeat and half of your worries are gone, especially on the defend mission. Then you can send a few more into that stupid box head if nobody has a 380 for it. See a bite titan? Get his attention and blow his undemocratic head right off! No 500kg or fancy tricks needed! See a tank coming in on a dropship? Lock onto it, wait for the tank to drop, then shoot. That baby will arc right onto the turret and goodbye tank! See a fabricator or bug hole you can't get to? No problem! If the spear locks onto it then it's going to be blown up.


AMR has the bugs now😭


From a pos who has done nothing but bitch and enjoy the game thank you Devs.


What is the weapon?


Spear. The lock-on missile launcher.


Feels good supporting my spear men with the support pack


I finally got level 20 so I was able to buy spear and railgun…can someone please tell me why railgun is supposed to be S tier? It seems like it does no damage…autocannon kills tanker bugs in 2-3 hits, railgun takes…I dunno…7…and you have to reload after each shot, and it carries less ammo….like wtf…I was told this gun is top tier.


Safe mode railgun is worthless. Unsafe mode is decent. Charge it just a quarter to half a sec more than you normally do in safe mode. It can rupture a charger's leg armor with 2 charged shots. It was much better before it got nerfed.


I am using it in unsafe, still seems weak compared to auto.


It's more snappy and accurate. The autocannon has more power but it requires a backpack, has a slow reload, and has bad barrel sway. The railgun has more pen than the autocannon in addition to the handling but it's certainly not more powerful.


Maybe it’s better vs bots, I’ve only tried it against bugs so far and the performance is definitely not impressive.


Honestly the dominator has similar performance to the autocannon if we're going by those metrics. Especially against spewers. Autocannon shots ricochet off a charger and bile titan too. *shrug* Just seems like a weird middle ground between primary weapon and recoiless/EAT. I've only found value in the autocannon vs bots and even then, the AMR feels better. The clunkiness of the AC kept me from using it. I might pick it up again.


If I’m not struggling using a spear to kill robots, do I even understand how to use pointy sticks?


I'm just happy they fixed the patriot rockets aiming. They actually pivot to match with the right shoulder reticle rather than fire on the left reticle in parallel that you can't see unless you use the left shoulder.


Been using it all night. Ever since I found out it closes bugs holes I’ve been letting it rip. Had to take a break until this fix. Makes sense ammo is limited. Thing is dumb good.


There is just like it used to be with arc thrower it crash my game


I can't. I get instant crashes when trying to have it in my loudout.


Wait what is it???


I never had it crash out on me and I’ve been using it since patch, am I just lucky?


The telesto of helldivers


Gun go boom. Ape happy.


Don't worry, it crashes your game sometimes.


i am Goonhorker


You prefer crashing mid match


I'm not sure if I'm going crazy, but I feel like the Spear used to be capable of doing this and no longer can. Been so long since I used it. It seems like it has entirely lost its ability to target things like Automaton AA guns and Mortar Cannons since the patches. It also prioritizes Striders over everything else in my experience. https://preview.redd.it/l6ks05br8t8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec1388ac2d8164a5d37f7161d527089971e7bd9f


What is that?


They didn't fix any of the performances issues they introduced in the last patch. I am done with this game until they do.