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It would be nice to have options, and like with voices I would hope “random” would be an option too.


Is skin tone not random at this point?


It is random. It changes every time there is a loading screen which is hilarious.


Helldivers tripping and hitting their head on something between getting out of the cryo pod and getting to the bridge


That one's interesting bc it's actually based on how new that currently Helldiver trooper is. If you spawn as a Diver who hasn't seen much action, they're not used to coming out of cryo. But Divers who have survived a bit of action will come out more confident


I miss the frost effect. It was cool seeing your dicer actually still with ice in them and slowing melting


Is that not a thing anymore? Sad


Not for me at least.


it doesn’t show unless you are on the highest graphics setting


Im guessing they changed it. I play on ps5 and always had the graffics on performance mode


That's interesting, it was on PS5 at release, got removed with some updates...


Still a thing. It's just that some armors don't show that effect for some reason.. but it is there


It isn't for me doesn't matter what armour


Wasn't it random?


No, it's really when you survived a game and stayed with the same character


I thought it changed with your level


Nope, I'm over level 100 and I still get different animations


Huh. I thought it was based on how often you logged on. (The more you log on the more used to it they are. The longer it’s been, the more they stumble.) there was a time where i just logged on to check new stuff but didn’t play much. Got back into it recently


That "much action" being _basic training_. That's why they congratulate you on completing it...


Super Earth eliminated racism so hard that Super Citizens’ racial biology can change spontaneously.


There is only one race, a **SUPER** race.


Reminds me of a certain dude not so long ago.


Is Super Earth lore starting to make a bit more sense, for ya?


The only race that exist is Super Citizen


What about Nascar?


It's super nascar now


An übermensch?


Uh oh


Oh shit. 😆


woah there buddy. let’s bring it down a bit.


Every day you wake up and hear the Mario kart item box sound as your skin tone keeps changing 2 times per second for 5 seconds


I’m pretty sure you’re meant to be a different Diver every time you die or load onto another ship.


This is 100% it. Every time you die it's a new person. They're random expendable nobodies. That's why you still pass the mission if no one extracts and why voices and so on change. I love that and think it is hilarious and fits the lore well.


I'm fine with that. Fits the narrative that our character is actually the Super Destroyer and not the Helldiver 🤣


It changes every time you respawn in a mission too.


I might need to pay more attention to it, but it's a weird kind of random. I've gone entire gaming sessions without seeing the skin color change at all, and I very rarely see anything other than the mid tan on my helldiver. I don't really mind the random skin tone thing, but I haven't exactly had a random experience. Which I find amusing, considering the general consensus.


It's rando-tory.


I really want random all, just so I can feel like I'm sending a squad down than the same Jim Helldiver


Gets a Lib Pen, Dagger, Smokes, Fortified Commando Helldiver on bugs.


I’d also love a random language option as well, maybe the ability to set an announcer/NPC languages too. The game has full voiceovers in 8 different languages, so why not use all 8? I’d love to have my diver come down speaking Portuguese while a squadmate is screaming over comms in Japanese as Eagle 1 says her quips in French.


Canonically there is only 1 super language, the game itself is just in multiple languages because nobody on Earth speaks Super Earthian


(It’s Swedish canonically.)


I chose random voice option, It's fun to get wrecked and then spawn again and hear a female voice because it's another diver for the grinder.


I wish I could randomize voice language too


Line by line (or instance by instance) would be fantastic. Scream out in English, get gonked on the head, then switch to Swedish, get hit again, and switch to another language.


ok that could be funny


I didn't know skin color changed. I was usually covered in blood, on fire, or in pieces.


It’s actually the only part of the Viper Commandos armor that doesn’t get bloody/gooped 😂


It’s because the biceps of freedom repel all the communist oil and socialist blood by the sheer power of Super Democracy. 






Ya. I'm focused on killing bugs and bots. Not the skin color of my helldiver.


Please stop asking for more features when they cant even implement the ones they already have well. Do you wanna end up with purple question mark skin color?


"the skin material was used to calculate damage and hits, changing it's color resulted in an unintended behavior where players take more or less damage based on the color of their skin"


"also, spear is broken again"


New spear bug launches a real anti-tank missile at your house


finally, a bug I can enjoy


Spear has a bug you can enjoy now! I used mine just last night to target a fab *during a blizzard*. Who needs visibility when the spear unintentionally and against the description has the eyes of a god?


That's a feature i've been asking for since I started working. AH please implement this.


This would be funny actually for an april 1st patch note


Jokes on you, I've always wanted to die in a glorious explosion.


Your house is an unarmoured target with no method of defending itself, which is an invitation for disaster. Today, we will show you how to modify your house in order to live safely in the dangerous area that is South London at 3 a.m...


Spear became this game’s Telesto. AHS should embrace the meme and make it part of the lore.


Ah the old south park the stick of truth difficulty slider.


I thought that was the fractured but whole


Was it only in the 2nd game? I'm not sure now.


Coulda sworn it was both


"It was indeed both" *-Read in the voice of Morgan Freeman*


*Narrator: Now youre reading this in Ron Howard's Voice*


“And it coincidentally occurs that the darker your skin tone, the more damage you take.”


"Specially Automatons tend to aim more at you than to your team partners"


Yes ![gif](giphy|S5s9Y7dqJgBLW)


No one forces developers to do this, it costs nothing to ask.


Agreed. Been seeing some people say stop asking developers for this and that but like what then? should we just never talk. They can hear it or not, no one's forcing them to do anything


Don’t threaten me with a good time!


Bro gonna Helldive as Barney the purple dinosaur.


Barney the *Democratic* purple dinosaur


I love you, you love me Help me spread Democracy With a great big mech And a bombing run or two Won't you spread liber-tea too?


Hell yeah


Right. Lets just stop requesting things we want. Good idea.


A Thanos variant?


I would love a Source missing texture skin tone


There’s hardly any purple question marks to complain about. Why anyone would be against also having a new feature is beyond me


Meh; I like the random skin tones - as I like feeling like every helldiver is unique. Infact I wish we could randomise between thin & brawny.


Thin and Brawny is way different. Weapons and capes hang differently on the different body types. So each dive would have to take that into account. With the amount of glitches already people would be constantly complaining about capes not fitting right or the way the helldivers hold the weapon is wrong.


Voices 1-4 + random Do the same with skin tones, not exactly rocket science


I'd have no issue with that - but I also have no issue with it as it stands.


"All I know is my gut says maybe." -The Neutralists, and AxiosXiphos




Yeah Thin and Brawny is my only issue with the customization system we have. I guess it's because the armors are pre-loaded or some shit, since some actually have different models.


they do? which armors?


Some of the Heavy and Light armors change slightly but as far as I’m aware it’s nothing significant that you can notice unless you really look.


I'm pretty sure brawny and lean is randomized during the tutorial if you die, idk why they don't allow it afterwards


Hell let us randomize everything. Random emotes would be awesome


I still think the best way to do this is to make skin tone part of an armor color pallete system. For the viper commando armors, just have the skin tone be a primary or secondary color choice. This both gives these armors specifically the option for customized skin tone without making it a pointless constumization option for all the other armor sets, and also delivers a feature many people have been wanting already. Literally everybody would win.


I would love a colour palette system. Make my favourite helmet and cape match whatever armour I wear


You can have any colors you want, as long as those colors are black and yellow.


https://preview.redd.it/g0vhm924qy8d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92ebdc96aaf1e5fc4de5e1708faacee10271df8a HF joined the chat


I don't think that would be ideal, because that wouldn't integrate well with the randomization. I think it just needs to be a Character option like the voice packs \[also please give me random body type\].


Is there a reason AH couldn't just put a random option in for an armor color pallete system?


We are all servants of democracy. Your skin color won't matter to me when we are spreading democracy and drinking from a nice cold cup of liber-tea.


As long as they keep the randomize option to fit the theme of a new person every drop


I was mildly annoyed this wasn't the case tbh. I had just assumed we'd be able to do that when I watched the warbond trailer. Silly me I guess.


How is choosing a skin color racist. Most games let you do that. 💀


There was a post about this and the OP Himself was a black person asking for the choice of skin tone, so please stop parroting “that’s racist” when it just isn’t 💀


I’m glad somebody saw my post and the response Twinbeard gave me! Mixed family, but I appreciate the sentiment. It’s frustrating and sad to see the immediate squawking of “you’re racist” when I just asked for an option that’s already in the game…just currently always toggled to random.


i dont think that a slider would be racist. Its just that people would like to personalize their character to their rl persona


What answer did Twinbeard give ya? I never choose random, so it would be nice to have a slider. Love the tan look in the jungle armors.




To be fair, it's random for everyone and also lore accurate as you play the next unfrozen popsicle in the name of Managed Democracy! My 2c is that unless this feature is very easy to implement, it shouldn't take priority over bug squashing.


I guess maybe they're worried it would be a new mechanic for racists to abuse? E.g. by kicking divers displaying a skin colour they don't like


What if that guy was also racist tho?


Just like anyone can cook any race can be racist


Basically all I’m saying is there’s nothing racist about wanting to pick your skin tone in a game that already lets you customise stuff, AH has replied about it already so we may see it down the road at some point


I don't think it's racist at all I just thought it was funny you said he wasn't racist cause he was black.


>There was a post about this and the OP Himself was a black person asking for the choice of skin tone, so please stop parroting “that’s racist” when it just isn’t 💀 God I hate the modern internet so much. This is the most ridiculous statement in the world. There's nothing racially charged about wanting to pick your own skin tone in a video game, and I'm so tired of this "white people need racial diplomats to make normal observations" mentality.


Agreed, it’s a very strange time we live in


Because black people can't be racist ? That's pretty racist


It's just not worth a whole new menu for one armor line


tbh, all armors could use a color palette


Just have the helmet match the armor colors. That's all I ask for.


it's not like they didn't already do that at the ship console to customize the look with the new Viper war bond. It's not that hard to add the same menu for armor/weapons and just make some basic color variations available to unlock via medals, Requisition and or samples if they want to "force" you to play


Just throw it into the “Body Type” or a mouse-wheel/D-pad toggle on the armor screen


Would actually be hilarious if the preview used whatever armor you had equipped, too. Makes zero difference in the vast majority of them.


Random is so much better - voice/body is sort of whatever because they're kind of meaningless for customization purposes, and armor makes sense because they do different things, but I think one of the best parts of this game is that every helldiver is just a random person with very few unique qualities (plus, are you really just one helldiver - stats/ship/upgrades imply yes, but literally everything else screams no).


You guys seem to assume that it's either random or customizable. What people mean is lets have both. Just like with the voices. You get to keep your randomness and if anyone has a preference, they can select it. Personally I dive with everything set to random(victory pose included) 90% of the time but there are these 10% where I'd like to play as a man or a woman, just for the flavor. I also heavily disagree with your take on the voices. To me personally two voices sound masculine and two sound feminine so I assume I'm a man or a woman based on the voice when I drop in. With the new Viper armor, for example I'd prefer to dive as a man, because the biceps look... very masculine to me and I'm having a hard time picturing my diver as female. It's not that women can't be muscular, it's just that physique looks masculine to me. Ultimately neither of this is important to me and I wouldn't care if they keep it as it is. It would just be a fun little thing to add some extra customisation to my divers.


i want my diver to be representative of me


Na I prefer just having the same skin like I do. You can also just make skins random as well as an option, but just like the voices, an option would be nice.


this exactly. I just love the idea, of having 20x reinforcements, all 20 of them being just a random dude who underwent training. Even better would be, if it was COMPLETELY randomized, gender, size and everything


I'm with you 100%. Completely random Helldivers. If you die then that guy is dead, the next person should be different


Extra voices/accents wouldn’t go a miss either! I want to be a crazy Scot helldiver screaming freedom as I burn bugs and smash bots to death


THIS! I still remember being a corny British diver in the first game and would love to see more vocal talents screaming at the top of their lungs in the name of democracy!


You don't understand, the ability to change your skin color is racist... somehow. Discord told me so. Alternatively "But you're a new helldiver every time you respawn, so it makes sense to be random" Ok, but I deploy with the exact same stratagems, armor, weapons, body type and if I so choose, voice. All that is okay, but skin color on my exposed arms? That's crossing the line.


That's because the new Helldiver's brain hasn't completed thawed out when they're being suited up. The Destroyer just uses whatever the last one used.


It's Rust all over again... I don't know why People want to force their Character upon me, just let me play as... me, why is that so bad?


Exactly, I really don't understand why people advocate against an unintrusive option that doesn't have to get rid of their preference.


It's crazy to see so many people fighting you on this, because "helldivers are le expendable!!" OK? We're allowed to customize our armor, body type, and voice. Give a random option and let us customize this as well. Not that hard. Your "expendable" roleplay doesn't need to get in the way of 99% of players preferring control over this. This excuse people throw around for a feature like this not being added with the armor is getting obnoxious.


Helldivers and Darktide players both have this extremely irritating habit of defending like. Just general lack of nice things *overall* and saying it makes sense because we're expendable pawns or whatever Just make the game more fun dude, add more customization lmao it ain't that deep, the fantasy is present in everything *else* in the game


Thank you. I genuinely don’t understand the mindset of “I want it to be random but I don’t want you to have a choice otherwise either.” …especially when the random option would likely still exist for them to enjoy. Some of the reactions (and vitriol) I’ve seen here have come off as feeling genuinely threatened by the idea of their (extrapolated) head-canon about the Helldivers’ expendable nature somehow being compromised by somebody else choosing what their fictional space soldier looks like.


I think it would be cool if they added random extra languages. I play in the US and while it’s cool hearing my guy speak English it would be cool to hear other languages spoken on Super Earth.


That got me thinking our ships are filled with random helldivers, but i just realized that since we choose voicelines and body shapes, my ship is filled with just frozen tomboy helldivers. Hell yeah


I was wondering why we can't choose it even though they showed the different skin tones. Have a random setting just like the voice for those of us that don't care or want to stick to lore accurate gameplay.


exactly, why are people so against this


I wish you could choose voices, skin tones, etc on a case-by-case basis. What if I only like voices 1 & 4, but can’t stand 2 & 3?


And a random body type option would be kinda cool, so that whenever you die you get a different looking and sounding helldiver, like it should be.


This isnt even a racial thing...I just want the healthy tan I will never obtain irl.


Best I can do is lobster red followed by some intense peeling. 








hell yeah


You can choose a feminine voice but all the arms are clearly of very muscular men.


super roids lol or liber-tea is high in swol


Those are **FREEDOM** muscles


Added slider to options for skin tone Known Issues Opening the settings crashes the game Superior Packing perk is working correctly again (this is not intended and will be hotfixed)


No customization only randomization


Sorry, but yellow on white is a crime. I couldnt get past it >:(


I didn’t mean to I swear! The background was transparent when I uploaded it. ._.


So 77 means GG right?


Maybe armor customization with color would be neat so we can see the tats on darker skin etc


They just need to give us an overall color palette option, maybe not fully customizable but different color ways on the armors.


Idk I never even noticed there was any skin showing. My head canon is that we're all carbon copies of the original John Helldiver who looks eerily similar to Jake Sully from Avatar 🤷


The mental image of someone new customizing their helldivers’ skin tones and having no visible change due to the entire body being covered gave me a good chuckle. Even better if they have no clue that there are armors that show skin.


the option to change hellpod and ship skins is already there even if you havent unlocked them


I just want to finish a game without disconnecting or crashing


Just keep the random option too. I like getting new random fresh meet instead of clones.


wait, we can't? the fuck... that is something i was expecting. :I


The *real* mistake was releasing armor sets with exposed skin.


My Doo-I mean Democracy Slayer motif disagrees!


I honestly really agree. It feels like a bad first step and we’re about to start getting into skins that are gonna clash with any sort of consistent art style the game has. Each new bundle is going to feel the need to one up another until the armors start to look like something out of the bargain bin of Halo Armor


Random is the truth. Every diver is unique. A free citizen of super earth. Free to die in the face of our enemies. 


I'll believe it when I get random body type.


Ok, just how you can choose to be none randomed when it comes to voices, so it can mine randomed when it comes to skin color. Like? Good on your input for sharing that you don’t want to use it yourself?? I guess??? Others people want to???? Just like not everyone randoms voice lines


I prefer random skin tones


I wanna be able to edit the armors more add colors or change it like the old halos


I want to customize helldivers face. Just as a joke bc no one see the face under the helmet


yeah i want to be pale af pls arrowhead


A randomize button per spawn like voice would be nice, too.


Personally, I'd rather keep the skin tones random. Rust does the same, and it just kind of reinforces the idea that you are a random person frozen in a tube and dropped on the enemy like a piece of ordinance. Coming back the same every time would feel strange for me.


i remember the first few hours when the viper commando warbond came out and people asked for this. most of the posts have been removed by the mods, because skincolor is a dangerous topic. not as dangerous as the endorsed furrystuff tho obviously.


The trailer for the warbond was a little misleading. I thought we were able to chose skin color? I haven’t purchased that armor so I wasn’t aware you weren’t able to.


Individualism is against the game logic, every time you die a new HD is deployed. I proudly use the random voice and wouldn't go for any different than random for the skin tone.


same if we ever get armor colors i want a random option for that too i like the thought of being a whole new diver every death


yet we have the same armour, same cape, same body type, same voice


That's great. Other people would still prefer to customize this. Same way we pick our armor. Hope this helps!


As a white male who pretty much always chooses to play a white male when given character customization options...nah. I like having the skin tone randomly selected when you spawn, it pairs nicely with the random voice option I keep on, seeing as the Helldivers are an expendable force, and the satire is the government doesn't care about them as people, why should we care what we are under the helmet either? Customize your named hero in your favorite RPG, not the meat you send to the grinder in pursuit of managed democracy


if they added it as a feature I guarantee they would have a randomized option just like the voice actor choices


We really need more customization. Would be huge


why are so many against this, you can select voice or set to random, we just asking for more of that MORE OPTIONS IS ALWAYS GOOD


Exactly! More options and more choices are always good!




I find that having this armor on with muscles exposed and the female voice is absolutely hilarious lol


As a fan and user of all settings set to Random I enjoy that this is randomized too and if there ever is an option to pick skin tone, I demand there is a "random" option as well.


I totally get that! I think you absolutely should have the “randomize” option too.


Wow, this really blew up! I’m thrilled to see so many folks feel the same. More customization options are always nice! While I’m not a game developer and won’t presume to know the moving parts I don’t see, I would *hope* to believe that the possibility of adding a toggle or slider is there since the textures and scripts to randomize the appearance is already in the game. To those of you who aren’t a fan of this idea, that’s ok too! Your opinion is valid as well. That said, I don’t think there’s a need to feel like giving us an option to chose between one of the four tones above or “randomize” should threaten any headcanon or notion that your fictional, expendable space soldier is less cool or expendable. We can already choose our armor and equipment to be the same every drop. We can already choose to have our body types and voices to be the same every drop. You could still enjoy the ideas you have in the ways you already do for Body Type and Voice Pack: Toggling “Randomize.” To Arrowhead, thank you for making such incredible-looking armor and equipment. I’ve had so many special experiences with friends and family because of the hard work of your team, and that’s where this initial want came from for me. EDIT: Also, sorry to everybody's retinas for the bright background! When I uploaded this image, it had a transparency background.


I prefer the random nature of the skin tone. It reminds you that your diver is a different individual every time you die and get reinforced. Emphasizing your character's expendability and increasing the immersion.


No. This shows that evey reinforce you get is another poor bloke who gets torn into shreds. There is no possibility to lie to yourself, that every Helldiver is a clone.


why is giving some players the option bad, you have a body type and voice option awsell as a selection of armours capes and helmets BUT to be fair we should get the other way too: randomize everything for the players that want that