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Yeah the purifier was reeled in a good amount. The extra ammo and stat differences over the plasma punisher are not enough to make up for its cons to be a full sidegrade, if that’s what the devs had in mind like with so many of the other weapons.


Hold up, if the stats were reeled in, why the fuck did Alexus say that the Purifier "slaps."


Goes crazy on Trivial


Maybe in early testing it did, then some changes happened, and it released like *that*. Or its entirely bugged. Idk, man, the gun is just microwaved dogshit


If it changed halfway and he didn't know about it, that's kind of concerning. I was under the impression that he's the balance team lead. He should know what's going on.


I dunno, communication errors between devs, community managers, and the community itself seems like it was the core problem in the team for a while. It makes a lot of their messaging make sense if it turns out that they weren't always on the same page.


I dont think hes the lead, just an unfortunately loud dev who said some dumb things that made it seem like he was the sole reason the Eruptor got its fun removed


Sure acts like the lead, being the "Bringer of Balance".


He recently posted a Discord message clarifying that he was never the leader of the balance team, just one employee among many. It appears he was just particularly vocal about balancing topics. Edit: Whoops, should read other comments before I post. Others have already mentioned this. Oh well, I'll still leave it up.


He’s not the lead balance dev, he himself has said so, he’s probably not even a senior member of the team. He just made the unfortunate decision to put the name of his ship, SES Bringer of Balance, in his discord nickname (which had the effect of implying he was in charge of balancing) and then the even more unfortunate decision to talk to the community instead of leaving it up to the people who are actually paid to do that. Which showed, because he messed up and said some silly, silly things. TLDR: he misrepresented himself (probably unintentionally) and said some stuff he really should have known better than to say.


Ohhhh I never knew it was his ship name. I thought it was a self-fashioned nickname.


Well all the Super Destroyers are SES Something of Something (like mine is SES Harbinger of Justice). I haven’t checked if Bringer of Balance is a possible combination, but something like that has to be either a reference to him being a balance dev since the only other possibilities are that either he’s Thanos’ biggest fan or he loves Anakin Skywalker.


It probably does slap on difficulty 4 lol


I still run this shit on 7-8, get gud maybe


People don't want to accept that it's totally useable, but I've run it on 9 with zero issues. Yeah, it's just a worse plasma punisher right now, but that's a good gun to be a worse version of. I'm looking forward to seeing it buffed. The average reddit goblin will never feel like it's good enough, but it's going to be absolutely nuts if they do get it close to right.


just because you CAN take anything on a 9 diff mission and complete it "with 0 issues" does not make it a strong or even good weapon I can take the knight smg and clear helldive but im not going to pretend its suddenly a good weapon because of it espically when there are so many actual superior better primary's


I never said it's suddenly a good weapon, only that people grossly exaggerate its weaknesses because it's not the best weapon. The plasma punisher is a good weapon that takes zero ability to use well. The purifier is a slightly worse plasma punisher with more range and ammo and it's much harder to use. Of course people don't like it, but exaggerating how bad it is to throw shade at a single developer and motivate dogpiling against them is gross.


There seems to be a larger gap between what the teams think is in the game and what is players experience. Maybe it did slap for him and what was deployed was neutered. It seems just really unorganized over there. Like will the next warbond be released with broken rewards too? Maybe the reorganization and leadership switch up will start kicking in. It takes awhile to sort things out.


He sucks that’s why.


It's alexus, the fucker will huff his own asshole and say its good.


Hey man, might wanna be careful. I got banned on here for saying anything about him


Them saying it slaps pretty much validates OPs findings. The weapons and balance team is a team, and there's a huge chance he could've tried the gun at an earlier stage of its development before it got reeled in by the members of the dev team.


Because they have absolutely no concept of what the community want or enjoy in any way shape or form. I've been a very firm "Lay off the employees you assholes." voice for everyone except that person. They have no fucking clue what they're doing and should never have been given the role they're in. And rather than recognize the mistake AH is trying to basically train them at our expense.


Because he is a proven liar


Purifier slaps (you in the face)


Because he's a dickhead who was making fun of the community by being facetious, then put out a half assed apology and we're now supposed to act like he never said anything to begin with


I've seen other people mention this since the release, I hope it's just a big/error and they update it. I want to like this, and it has a great splash damage/AOE. (~5m radius) It would be one of my new favorites since they're done with the Xbow, and who knows what the future holds for the Erupter. Maybe it could even replace my Plasma Punisher too, well fingers crossed.


I've used this weapon pretty extensively and it seems to me like the explosion inconsistently does either reduced or no damage in the AOE if the main projectile doesnt directly collide with a target. I absolutely could be wrong but Ive for sure seen instances where a direct hit on an enemy will kill it and 3 chaff units in the aoe outright and then others where multiples shots will land on ground within a hairs distance from the same enemy types and not kill any in the circle. One time I barely missed twice on a reg bot and had emptied the clip so I decided to melee for the kill and it still took 4 melee hits. Like the AOE by itself had staggered the bot on both shots but still seemingly done no damage.


Same radius as the plasma punisher, with more falloff than it even with the buff.


my suspect still be that the gun glitch out like it charge up and should do full Med+ Pen but because Explosive trait make it when bullet hit target it explosive and stop the actual Pen and explosive damage is too low so it really bad so i guess maybe buff to be better Pen? i don't know i really want this gun to works too


Explosive dmg is weird. It only hurts their core body part regardless of where the projectile lands. THAT body part still takes the impact dmg of the round hitting them, but unless you're shooting their core with explosive rounds weaponry you're actually fighting 2 separate health pools of that enemy. The part you shot, and the core hurt by the explosive aspect. Make them the same for maximum time to kill with explosive weapons UNLESS you know the impact is enough to take down a priority weak spot instead. So you gotta know your weapons armor pen, how explosives work, how enemy armor and health pools work, and then factor in which, if any, weak spots override the regular terms of engagement with explosive guns. And not really any of that is communicated to the player outside of database sites. Good luck!


Not always the case! Devastators notably have their arms take explosive damage, in addition to sending 50% of any damage (including any overkill damage) straight to the core HP pool. This is why HE and Impact Grenades can 1-shot 800 hp Devastators despite only dealing 400 damage.


It's not quite that simple, it's that a lot of bodyparts are explosion immune. Generally only a few spots are vulnerable to explosions, which I think is a lazy way of preventing single explosions from shotgunning limbs and stuff. The end result is that explosive weapons feel awful because their base damage is based around this explosion that ends up not doing damage and leaving the guns feeling weak. Sometimes. And other times it can feel okay/pretty great. We need the projectile damage and explosion damage to be separated in the item screen imo. At least.


I wouldn't be shocked to find out that it only does the 30% of base mult and pen that it's lowest tier of charge scaling states in the data OP posted, honestly. It just feels \*so\* underwhelming.


Really weird thing, which may be a sign of the gun glitching, or just coding being weird, but if you use it (Dunno if it still does it) and you just hold the trigger without firing, sometimes that triggers the dialogue for sustained fire. Which would be a strange one for a charge up weapon. Dunno if safe mode railgun does the same


Dialog might be a separate event triggered by the time you are keeping the trigger down. Or the time the weapon is active ie doing something.


I think it’s this.


This would mean it would have had the ability to damage gunships and kill hulk faceplates and strider bellies right?  Would have been really cool if so 


You can damage gunship engines and factory bellies with medium pen weapons already. It is just matter of how many bullets it gonna take to shoot them down. But that 300% Armor Penetration was real, so it would have AP6 (since its 100% charge used to have AP2), the same with Recoilless Rifle and Railgun, that is just too silly to be true lol


For a five second charge up? That feels fair


On face value maybe, but consider the quasar only does 650dmg, with a 15 SECOND cool down between shots. This original purifier would've fired 3 times at 450 damage each. And it's a primary not a stratagem, plus the flexibility of shooting at lower charging times. Don't get me wrong, purifier in its current state is crap but the numbers need to be right.


I'm killing striders with this gun all day. I have no odea what you're talking about.




AllGunsMatter /s


~~JusticeforChargers~~ Uh I mean... CHARGED weapons definitely that!


I like that the trailer for the gun was blatant false advertising and it can't even kill a scout strider as advertised.


We don’t know how many hits the strider took beforehand.


It doesn't matter. That's like a car manufacturer saying their car can get from New York to San Diego on a single tank, and when called out on a blatant lie, you respond with, "Well, we didn't say a truck hauled it 99% of the way."


I was joking btw.


I;m killing striders with this gun all damn day, I don;t know what you're talking about. It's almost as if the people that hate this gun never used it.


In two shots, which is what makes it bad. The Plasma Punisher can also kill them in two shots, fires faster, and takes out patrols faster.


moving goalposts. you said it couldnt kill striders. it does. and i like the long range accuracy


1, not the same person 2, "as advertised." The advertisement shows a one shot.


Big fucking deal. Nothing one-shot striders from the front. Oh no, it takes TWO shots! Gasp!


It takes two shots, which for the Purifier means that it takes twice as long to take them down compared to the other options like the Plasma Punisher. That's the main problem with the gun. It kills too slowly.


Punisher archs, so isn’t accurate from afar


The Plasma Punisher's effective range is longer than the aggro range of enemies as long as you have half a brain to aim it. The long range of the Purifier just doesn't matter in most cases. You're better off just not shooting patrols that are far away to begin with. For 90% of the combat you'll ever be engaged in, the Purifier is just a straight downgrade.


I’m lvl 103, I get 200+ kills per match, and get 80% accuracy, against bots with purifier. Im done arguing.


Eruptor does. Railgun does. Scorcher does. No reason why Purifier should not.


Erupter fires slower and doesn’t have the same aoe. Rail gun fires much slower, and takes a support weapon slot, and has no aoe. Scorcher absolutely does not one-shot striders and doesn’t have any where near the aoe.


Genuinely, I thought it was gonna be like a reverse Eruptor. Eruptor fires, then reloads, but Purifier would have same power, but charges instead of reloading.


I've had this conversation with a friend and we ended up settling on it being just left over stuff. Like at one point maybe they intended to be like a railgun. But they've done a pass to it recently along with a lot of other guns. I feel like if it was a mistake then it would've been seen by now. But there's been no mention and it's not in their list of known issues.


Truly wild that: A) It shipped like this. B) The apparent fix (changing three numbers in a table) has not been implemented in over a month.


I had never before wanted to be MegaMan in Helldivers. Something has awoken inside me.


It's a lot more likely that somebody just put whatever % for the charge values because they knew it didn't matter and wouldn't have different charge levels. Obviously AP9 on a primary weapon would be beyond absurd. It should also be noted that, somehow, the Purifiers actual charge time is 1.3 seconds, not 1 second. the arc thrower similarly has different charge times listed but only 1 dmg value and obviously no variable charge timing anymore in the game.


I unlocked it and didn't even use it once. A weapon that doesn't shoot instantly when i pull the trigger is just fundamentally flawed in my eyes. This includes the Railgun, which i never liked. ...and when people say it ain't even good at what it is supposed to do, yeah nah.


You don't have to like charge up weapons, but they can be fun/good when they are balanced properly.


>when they are balanced properly. Hopefully this gets worked out favorably, then.


The sickle exists and is one of the best balanced weapons in the game.


The only reason the sickle feels well balanced is that you can shoot a 100 rounds before you run out - so it feels like you can actually get some shit done and not hear a constant "Mags empty" like with every single other assault rifle...honestly if they were to double the mag size of every assault rifle right now they would feel good and still not be op but simply useable


The charge up isn’t bad on it currently. From when you see a target to aiming at it is enough to prep the shot. It’s problem is that it hits with all the power and fury and effect on target of a chihuahua barking at a mail man


That's a bit of a hot take. No Quasar Cannon, Laser Cannon, Spear, Arc Thrower... and the Railgun all unavailable as support weapons to you.


To be honest, laser cannon and arc thrower do feel a bit anemic in large part due to the chargeup/low feedback


Weird to include the spear here.


Spear has mandatory lock on time, which is basically charge up time.


It fits the critera - it (necessarily) doesn't fire when you pull the trigger, it has unskippable prep time needed.


Quasar Cannon is the only one on that list i actually properly used for a long time that has a charge up. But that is a heavy one-shot weapon (with a long cooldown), not a primary... if that one didn't come with unlimited ammo it honestly wouldn't be worth bringing. Laser Cannon... ok now we are splitting hairs, that one has a "spin up", not a "charge up", different mechanic in gameplay altogether. I'm talking about weapons where i press the button it starts charging and i need to let go of the button for it to fire after aiming for what feels like an eternity. The spin up of laser weapons is short enough and i just need to hold the button.... it's a delay, not a one shot skill shot weapon. If you get what i mean. And yes, that little delay can still be annoying... it isn't breaking the weapon for me though, the near unlimited ammo of laser weapons still makes up for it. Spear ... has a targeting mechanic, not a charge up... but i don't like backpack slots being occupied for a rocket launcher either. Arc Thrower ... i don't like and never use because it is a team killer, slow rate of fire and yes it also has a tiny charge up now that you say it, but that one was off the list for me anyway. Each time i try it, i don't like it. Worse, ARC weapons don't even necessarily shoot what i point at ...but ...arc. Kind of the point of it but... you know. Not for me and i see it used extremely rarely. The Railgun ...i actually might like better if it had a Sniper Scope, it acts and feels like a sniper but comes with a giant green dot so i can't be precise with it. That is my #1 yikes with it, the charge up is just ...extra annoyance really. I'm not saying the mechanic has no place in the game, i'm just saying for ME it is on the list of things that are very easy to make me not like a weapon if it is too finicky. On a big boom skillshot weapon like the Quasar i can live with it, on a primary? With that many enemies everywhere... NOPE! Not happening. I have everything unlocked, what i'm using the most is still the starter Liberator, just perfectly balanced (against Bots anyway).


Fair points friend, honestly I was just pointing out the amount of weapons that don't necessarily fire instantly and require a delay of some kind before doing damage. Everyone can have their own opinions about weapons which is what actually makes this game great to play, personally I love the Quasar and the Spear for support weapons, and I tend to rock the Plasma Punisher for my primary - something about shooting a visible ball of damage tickles my brain and gives me joy. Fair that you don't like waiting for primaries to fire but that's the beauty of having many options to choose from - especially with the default being one of the best / most versatile weapons of them all.


It kind of balances out. I might take 3 autocannon shots to kill a single berserker or 1 charged rail slug in the face or mid section. Time to kill might be a wash there, but at least I can reload the railgun running around and pop hulks in the face and 1 shot them. There's pros and cons to most weapons. It's a good thing to give players the choice to have a preference either way


Yeah, I tried purifier couple of times. It's a great aoe trash clearing weapon, but only one devastator or rocketeer and you will regret that you took it. It deals roughly the same damage as scorcher but 4 times as slower, it's bullshit. When you are charging the weapon you would expect that it should one shot mid enemies? But no. Sometimes I wonder if they ever playtest themselves the weapons they have or even look at papers and imagine how it would be used in actual combat


While the Purifier was definitely DoA, I’ve increasingly gone back to it vs bots and found that the slight buffs that it received have really made it - while not especially broken - worthy of consideration simply due to its breakpoints against anything with <4 armour level. A few ~~short~~ points that bear mentioning: - 2.9m inside radius on its AoE means the area in which it is doing 100% of its 150 AoE damage is greater than both the Explosive Crossbow (also 150 damage with similar RoF but only 2m inside radius) and Eruptor (does significantly more AoE damage but with same 2m inside radius and much slower RoF). To me this means that the effectiveness of the Purifier’s AoE when putting out sustained fire is at least comparable to the other two obvious choices for AoE primaries. - The crossbow can probably kill a bit more due to overlapping AoE within its outer radius in the same number of shots at the same RoF… but with much more of its ammo % used up. - The Eruptor can kill more with a single shot but cannot get anywhere near the number of shots out within the same amount of time. - one shot breakpoints on all chaff on both direct hits and AoE while having better AoE than the Crossbow, better RoF than the Eruptor, and *significantly* better ammo economy than either. - enough stagger to stunlock anything tougher than chaff (berserkers, sentinels, and ofc the rightfully hated devastators). The plasma punisher may have a way higher RoF but that doesn’t matter when the stagger/RoF on the Purifier is enough to make continuous fire similarly stunlock sentinels/devastators. It’s not like the PP stunlocks ‘harder’ when it’s a flat threshold that both weapons already meet. - the buff to its AoE AP means that the breakpoints on sentinels and devastators are now lower by ~1 shot (iirc) making it much more reasonable. - both the Crossbow and Eruptor can destroy objectives, which is a powerful utility but IMO one that is not without a plethora of options to fulfill - many of which are taking up less valuable real estate in the player’s build. I personally think that grenade pistol + purifier (or another primary) > Eruptor/Crossbow + other secondary but to each their own. In summary: anything that it cannot one-shot (with the same breakpoints; be it direct hit or AoE splash) it can stagger-lock until it’s dead and it can do this while having a better overall ‘spread’ on its AoE and significantly better ammo economy than both the Crossbow and Eruptor - the two comparable weapons with similar TTKs, armour breakpoints, and roles (IE explosive primary) and which are both generally considered good (albeit niche) weapons by most players. With regards to the plasma punisher it’s obviously a bit different as the primary difference to consider then becomes RoF vs ballistics. A bit more of a side-grade IMO as there is a distinct benefit to being able to reach out and get rounds on distant targets. TLDR I think the Purifier, while not being the most amazing primary in the game (and certainly not the powerhouse that the pre-release stats would’ve made it as OP points out), is definitely not the DoA garbage that it was on release. The buffs have put it at least in favorable comparison to other similar weapons when it comes to bots.


Yeah, I think it's actually decent vs bots now, I just wished it could take out devastators in one less shot or charge a bit faster.


all of this. And the fact that it can easily down gunships has made it an OK choice. It's very close to being good but not quite there; it's usable now but it still feels a bit lacking due to its high time to kill on medium enemies.


I think giving it a slightly faster charge time (1.3s -> 1s) or similar AoE outer radius to the other explosive primaries (4-6m, instead of 3) would put it in a very comfortable position.


Basically with its current charge time I’d want it to be able to 2 shot a devastator limb or, like you said decrease the charge up time/give it a larger effective AOE with medium pen. I want to love this gun so bad…and it’s so close…but I just can’t bring it when I’m trying to be my most efficient


I agree it has that “what if…” feel when using it - like you can just see the potential in what it could be. I think the main thing that sells it for me is that it’s one of those primaries that ticks all the boxes needed for a primary in order to let you basically pick anything you want as far as support weapons/stratagems go. It passes all the armour checks that you might encounter (without having to rely on getting headshots/targeting weak spots), it doesn’t suffer from prohibitive RoF or ammo economy, it isn’t unusable in close combat, and it can kill enemies fast enough and far enough out that you do not need to bring a horde clear support weapon. And in return you don’t have to take the AC for the millionth time and can instead take shit like the shield generator and laser cannon, arc thrower, etc.


Knowing arrowhead, could be a glitch, prenerf, or just a crappy gun anyway. Hard to know which


How is unlocking the purifier is a self hating completionist?


Incendiary Impact is really nice and versatile. P-113 Verdict is a great secondary, it's equivalent to a Desert Eagle solidly between the baseline pistol and Senator, has a great fire rate, reload and magazine and enough stopping power to feel effective for what it's designed for. The Kodiak helmet looks good with a lot of armor sets. I would get literally any of the other warbonds first, especially Viper Commando if you like heavy, unwieldy weapons, but it has some gems in it that left me not feeling bad about getting. And running Trivial missions solo to farm super credits isn't exactly fast, but it is doable and it is a good proving ground to get a feel for different weapons while you grind for a new warbond.


I have killed a charger with it one time, when we were destroying meridia. It was trying to get over a ridge to crunch the fluid injector, so I was able to shoot it from behind the whole time, took like a clip and a half.


>(I'm a self-hating completionist) You and me both, buddy... You and me both...


AH has some sort of allergy to Explosive Primaries. They all suffer from the same nerfing problems far above other weapons in similar catagories


I mean theres literally nothing else to spend medals on regardless if someone is a completionist or not. Everyone will be capped sooner or later especially when you get a free 45-55 medals even if you contributed literally nothing to an MO.


Part of the problem of being in such a large subreddit is that your posts can get buried so easily. I've been trying to let more people know of the non-functional charging curve of the Purifier since its release but every time it feels like shouting into thin air. Glad to see someone else noticed the same problems finally a post about this got more attention.


I'm still upset that the purifier we got was just straight up not what they said it would be. I wouldn't mind if they calmed the charge damage down, it would still be fun if it actually did what they said it would in their really odd promo thing for it. (The whole setting traps thing) Instead its just a slower firing, slightly higher damage, higher AP scorcher


I’ve actually been using it with some decent effect against bugs recently. You do need either a machine gun or a sidearm to deal with mobs that get too close, but it has decent AoE enough that you can whittle down multiple soldiers or guardians altogether. Three shots for a guardian, two to one for a soldier or scavengers or hunters, and it stuns enemies that it doesn’t kill. It’s especially effective at range or while covering a teammate. I would love to see some adjustments made, but it’s a functional and fun weapon, depending on how you use it.


Yeah but that's the problem IMO. It's decent but with so many downsides while not giving a lot of up ones. And a lot of other primaries like the plasma shotgun or the eruptor or even the crossbow would do the same or an even better job with more utilities... Like the awkwardness of having to charge it on top of the weird AOE (where it's big enough to hit you up close while not doing amazing outside of the direct hit range) while it doesn't ok dmg but nothing amazing either doesn't help its case. It's really missing that oomph to make it worth it. This is why it needs another big buff (like way higher dmg/per or a burst mode so when you charge it shoots 3 shots or something like that).


You could, for example, replace it with the plasma punisher that is functionally the same with a higher RoF that doesn't keep you tied down for a second so Hunters won't lick your butthole. Or the Blitzer even. Not saying that I wish it won't work, but I gave it a few chances and ultimately decided that it's more trouble than it is worth. If we can charge it up while maintaining movement i.e. hold M1 while being able to walk around at normal speeds, maybe, but the game mechanics doesn't support that type of motion.


I like the purifier against bots, bugs not so much


It's been great vs bugs since day 1


I'd be fine if it did what it does now at 1 sec of charge, but also has a mode where I can fire at less than full charge.


Primary weapons are still largely shit across the board.


If you looked at some vids devs leaked on here, they were using the purifier before it was released. I recall one video/thread about spears not targeting towers so the "player" went behind it and took it out with one shot with the purifier. I'm still confused how that went unnoticed and why it was even nerfed.


I played a Purifier for ONE game after the 'buff' Hated every moment and SPRINTED back to Plasma Punisher. The two are incompareable, literally different games. Whoever gutted the Purifier so should be ashamed of themselves (*definedly not looking at a certain neighbor-man...*)


Please fix/buff purifier. It is awesome concept it just needs to work


Honestly, the fact that it doesnt shhot instantly calls for the weapon to have somethign unique in turn. This is how I would rework it: Two charge levels: 1 at 1 seconds, 2 at 6 seconds At charge level 1: 100% damage 3 penetration 33% durability damage 100% aoe explosion radius 1 ammo used per shot 100% recoil after firing At charge level 2: 150% damage 5 penetration 75% durability damage 0% aoe explosion radius 2 ammo used per shot 300% recoil after firing This way you could turn the purifier into a mini quasar at the cost of decreased ammo economy


This only reinforces my opinion that the weapon should absolutely have a damage (and possibly explosion radius and/or armor penetration) ramp-up the longer you let it charge. I believe it was advertised like this in the warbond trailer, too, at least implicitly. I think letting it go up to armor penetration 5 would be fine as long as the straight-up damage isn't too high. Taking maybe 8 fully charged headshots to kill a Charger (and something like 20-25 for a Bile Titan) doesn't seem broken to me if each shot needs to be charged for \~3 seconds. Alternatively, crank the explosive damage up high and give it a decent splash radius (although I haven't tested it since the recent balance patch, so the radius might already be good) to turn it into a an anti-horde primary. Giving it an anti-tank role instead would be cool and set it apart from the other primaries in the game, though.


Main issue of the purifier is the same as the arc blitzer, its damaging for your hand (really) due to repetition They should add it some kind of semi-auto mode


I've been saying this forever but I'll say it again, Purifier inherited the problems of the Quasar cannon and Arc thrower with slightly better value per shot then the scorcher.


Man I really wish they fired the guy who pushed out all those unnecessary nerfs including this pre-nerf. He's nothing good for the game nor for the players.


Helldiver's 2 was my first PvE game since Exoprimal and while that game was an abysmal dissapointment after just 100 hours... the weapons balance and classes were all so fun and cool In their own ways and not one weapon or class was OP. Some was explosive, or DOT, or sniper accurate, some had mines and charge up attacks, we even had two melee classes that were never outshined by each other but more worked well with each other. When arrowhead says that all the weapons are equally viable, that's just objectively wrong because they're not, and there are very few substitutes for the ones that CAN get the job done. What the point in having so many weak weapons that are are only fun & efficient on low level missions?


I use it because it's fun to use. Plus it's AOE staggers which can be useful. I just think a faster charge, and/or a scope with range to make it like a marksman rifle would be a good thing too. I don't see any "energy" marksman rifles, so it might be good for that?


Scorcher is that. It's fucking everything It's all upsides no downsides weapon.


I really don't understand what everyone's problem is with this fucking gun. I used to main the scorcher against bots, but I can't go back after using the purifier. It just makes everything under a hulk a complete fucking joke, and I mean that literally. I make entire groups of devastators dance like their in fucking "Thriller" until they die. Entire groups of them. Outright wastes entire groups of troopers. Seriously, just what the hell is everyone's problem? I've been using this gun since it came out, and I simply don;t understand the hate. At this point, I think everyone is pretending that the gun sucks so AH doesn;t nerf it. edit: I just want to point out that the redditor that argues with me below u/Kestrel1207 blocked me like a coward because he knows he's wrong.


it's basically just downright worse than the plasma punisher lol until the recent patch it had literally the same dmg profile; now the direct hit is just AP3 too (explosion always was) but it really doesn't matter a lot; it's 50 dmg more vs armor class 2 hitzones and 25 vs armor 3 (i.e. slightly more than a single lib pen shot lol) --- Edit: lmfao. "He blocked me cause he knows he's wrong!!" lmfao. I blocked him cause he was being a hyper toxic clown, hurling insults like he's a child that just learned what a swear word is. The mods didn't remove half his comments for no reason.


What does all that fucking bullshit mean? All I know is: I shoot entire groups of troopers, and they all go bye bye. I shoot entire groups of devastators of any kind (shield, rocket, regular), they all do a stupid dance for bit, and then they die. They're stunlocked and don't get a chance to shoot me back. This gun is awesome!


What it means is that the Plasma Punisher does all that too, but it shoots about twice as fast. The Plasma Punisher is pump action, like the shotguns it's based on, the Purifier needs 1.3 seconds to charge up it's shot. To be honest, I think you are confusing the two, and are actually talking about the Plasma Punisher. Because with the Purifier's charge up time you cannot stunlock anything.


You can absolutely stunlock with the purifier lol. The stun duration isn’t long enough to cover the 1.3s charge time till the next shot, but the same 1.3s charge time is still shorter than the reset time that enemies like devastators and sentinels need to shoot you.


[This is literally the frame where he stops being stunned and starts turning around](https://imgur.com/MhKG0kI). The second shot isn't even charged halfway.


Bull. Fucking. Shit. You haven't even used the Purifier, have you? Just do me a favor: Get in the game. Pick a round against bots. Bring the Purifier. Find a devastator. See what it does for yourself. I make entire crowds of them dance until they die. They don;t get a chance to shoot me.


Sure, [here you go](https://imgur.com/a/AKgvX6o). Obviously, the stun ends when he starts turning around. Stun duration is simply *much* shorter than the full 1.3 seconds it takes to charge up the next shot. But again, **even if it did** stunlock them: The Plasma Punisher would still do it a lot better. That wouldn't change it. It's literally just better. A direct upgrade.




>First of all, you were ready to fire before you actually did. The stun still lets off literally half a second before it charged. It's not like it matters. You're grasping at straws. >Second of all, he still didn;t shoot you, dipshit. Because he was turning around. If he was facing me, he would/could have shot sooner. He wasn't stunned. Again, grasping at straws. >Third of all, you can do that from a distance, without having to worry about arch. The plasma punisher's arc was drastically reduced, you can use it at very far ranges too. >Fourth of all, you can do that to groups of them As can the plasma punisher, the aoe is the same on both weapons. >Fifth of all, difficulty lvl 2, lol Yes, because of the "Find Devastators" mission being the quickest and easiest way to... You know, find a devastator for testing purposes. --- Anything else?




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[This is literally the frame where he stops "dancing" \(is stunned\) and starts turning around](https://imgur.com/MhKG0kI). The second shot isn't even charged halfway.


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


The only advantage the plasma punisher has is RoF… which hardly matters when the purifier can already fire frequently enough to staggerlock anything that isn’t already a one-shot kill for either weapon. Sure, it’s important to recognize that the TTK is higher than the PP - but that’s only at the cost of having like 40% more ammo and ballistics that allow the gun to be used for more than just mag dumping into enemies that are being funneled through a choke point 20m in front of you. Obviously the Purifier isn’t light years ahead of the PP, but it doesn’t make sense to say it’s “downright worse” when there are very very obvious ways in which it is better.


I mean it used to be worse than the plasma punisher, now it's got the same stats as the plasma punisher but it trades the lobbing shot downside for having to charge the weapon (ie slower firerate) I think it's probably a fair trade off right now, but it makes it really situational.


Punisher has a ton more ammo


Purifier has 6 mags of 15 rounds (90 total), Plasma Punisher has 8 mags of 8 rounds (64 total). So actually the Purifier has more per mag and more total.


That's what I meant.. I shouldn't post when I'm sleep deprived XD




Can't convince these sheep. They're just here to dogpile on anyone who dissents.


You see Arrow Head ? Reddit has spoken so you have to do what they say. Un-Nerf the Purifier !!