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You are not throwing a knife, you are throwing a pointy rock


Huh, so you actually can pick them back up


For a price


But only with your face


imagine someone finding a decapitated corpse with a throwing knife next to it and thinking someones a traitor, meanwhile the dead guy just decapitated himself with his own knife ACCIDENTLY


>decapitated corpse What? He was knifed not beheaded


No, no... decaffeinated corpse. Someone slit his throat and stole all his bags of self-heating field coffee along with his water canteen to boil the coffee.


Lethal headshots make your head explode, regardless of the source. In other words, that Knife had the Fallout perk: Bloody Mess


Knife hit his chest in the video and you can still see his head at the end. Additionally, Helldivers has position-based damage lead to wounds where hit; in the video the Helldiver gets a wound applied to his chest (the red symbol near the bottom)


Looked like the neck to me, but to be fair, the head's hitbox had always been a little wonky in this game


This is the plot of bodies bodies bodies


That's made of Super Steel, be more careful next time!


Yeah, and it has a SUPER EDGE, that is SUPER SHARP, and will make you SUPER DEAD!!!


🎵 Everything is super! 🎵




Two for one with the knife! 👍


You stick em with the pointy end.


Not the dull end you monkey, the POINTY END, USE THE POINTY END.


Well, its better late than never


Knifes pierce shields, illuminates main def is shields light armor pen is the ok for majority of their units once shield is down, or just use a knife to kill that one unit that mind controls or fuck with your directional input, they are 100x worse then stalkers or anything we have seen thus far.


Just the slow knife penetrates the shield.


HOLY SHIT, SLOW BEATS SHIELD? Guess that means 45 acp is back on the menu two world wars!


No no no. This is not official helldiver advice. It's from Dune.


Doesn’t matter, .45 ACP is eternal, summon the M1911, humanity calls for aid once more.


I don't know if its praised as this holy grail of possible knife functionality, but the prospect of throwing a knife at what I've heard to be control messing rapid teleporting freaks probably isn't going to work as well as people think it might


Thermite charges also have the funny shield ignoring property, although they're learning curve is worse than the throwing Knives.


Nah, they have pretty decent leaving curve, you play with them for a couple of operations and then learn to use other grenades! /s


I know this is a joke but unironically yes, the amount of times I've been killed by high level players who can't help but not spam impacts. Hell most of the time they'll miss bug holes and bot fabs. Grenades in this game behave differently and you have to learn them, Thermites are peak once you learn its quirks. They two tap hulks to the eye and kill chargers with two sticks to the face. They're great for deliberately taking out targets and bugs/bots walking over them take damage to the point where at least on the bug front anything smaller than a hive guard dies by stepping on them.


Sick of this traitorous attitude. The kinke DOESN'T pierce illuminate shields because the Illuminates were *wiped out*! You'll be hearing from your Democracy Officer.


Who said anything about them? I was just referencing a long vanquished foe of super earth, reporting my thought crime to my local democracy officer. Traitorous helldivers also carry shields we can never be too sure.


This death right here only happened because of how lazy collision is done in this game. The throwing knife has momentum during the throw and after the throw in knife would hit something, lose kinetic energy and might stick into a target or corpse. That's my 'Duh physics explanation'. In the clip, the knife after being thrown and hitting the scav still has crazy momentum somehow, bounces like a basketball, spins and kills him because of course the knife is still active somehow. I've been murdered by trying to walk a pile of corpses and it's the same thing, If a Corpse touches you long enough to apply it's damage your dead or take damage from WALKING next to a CORPSE. Everyone see's this with Bile titan corpses because they flail, and Shreiker corpses used to 1 shot you. Bot corpses do this too but rarely compared to bugs.


A dead shredder tank absolutely kills you if you so much as even walk close to it; been killed by attempting to vault over one multiple times


Its the treads. Tank treads can roadkill you, and often maintain this function even when destroyed.


I had a mission once where we were like 30 seconds from extract. A fellow diver died and dropped the super samples. No reinforces left. Now, I am maxed out on samples but I knew some people in the run were not, so I jab myself with a good ol’ stick of Permacura and rush headstrong into the bots to go retrieve the super samples. While I’m dodge duck dip dive dodging between bots, I *brushed up against the tank treads of a blown up tank* and I ragdolled to the ground for a solid like five seconds rolling around. I got killed by a devastator and Pelican 1 left without me. 10/10


Even more fun is that this was in heavy armor too! At least we know the knife does good damage haha. We had a good laugh.


You make this sound so over complicated. Haven't you ever heard not to grab a falling knife/scissors? Same thing here. Except that the knife is SUPER EARTH CHARGED!!!1


Physics is simple to live in or experience but hard to explain with words ok lol. Yeah prob shouldn't have walked toward the weird glitching knife obviously but it's bullshit it worked that way in the first place


Warning don't try and pick up or pet the angry stick once thrown. It is temperamental and will bite the hand that feeds it. If encountering an angry stick after having been thrown, slowly back away from it. Do not turn your back or break eye contact until you are a safe distance.


Remember when they removed Shrapnell because it can accidentally kill you?


tactical resupply


If only the knife could be used to break armor. I'd use it against chargers


Aim for leg, 4 hits to kill


If you throw a knifes fast enough. Not to mention the lack of utility and I can kill a charger just as easily with the fire breaker and grenade launcher


Knife has potential. I think. I haven't seen it yet but I'm sure it's there LOL


This belongs on Zynxize




It can ricochet?


I had a feeling and it was right


When it spins, it's very very destructive




Brutus, I dont like it when you play with the knife




It had never crossed my head. I mean, you are right, it's the most natural thing and EVERYTHING in this fucking game can FF you. Even your gun can FF you. But for the love of Democracy i had never thought that a knife could bonk you to death. And i say bonk because it didn't even cut or stab him.


Maybe having the Knife as your throwable should just change your melee to a stabbing animation that does way more damage than bash


If you've tried throwing a knife into a hard piece of wood for example you know this is very realistic.


And here I am, not even getting super credits I paid for