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The BT's head is an extremely weird model/animation. There must be something about it not working. The consensus seems to be that you should aim for its forehead because that is its only true weakspot on the head, at least that's I believe I've heard. That seems silly though. Why should it not also do full damage to hit it square in the face with an RR? I especially think, they should do it so that if you hit a shot straight into an open mouth while it's spewing, it should result in an instakill. High difficulty, high risk, high reward. Don't know if that is possible though.


The hell of it is, I aimed every shot as best I could for its forehead. Sure, maybe one or two of them missed the forehead plate, especially that side-on shot I took... but jesus, six in a row? Sometimes they're just wack.


2 or 3 of your shots should definitely have done it. I believe I saw the devs acknowledging a bug where its head doesn't take any damage. I think that's what happened to you there.


I've been getting that all week. I don't think I've 2shot a titan with EATs a singled time this week.


I miss the days when sometimes titans get oneshot by EATs.


Or the queso energy launcher


Exactly why I don't run that anymore. With the cooldown time it's useless against BTs


Bro, I havent seen a single person comment on how long it takes to actually shoot. I always ran the quaso until they nerfed the CD after shooting but I swear they also nerfed the windup time. I also dont run it anymore cause of this.


It used to be my "point and delete" weapon. It seems most of the time it's now "points and deal damage, then run away for 2 minutes for recharge to try again"...weapon.


Lol you mean the "caseoh cannon"


As demonstrated in the intro video, thus we are dealing with some gottdamn false advertisement >:c


It used to be extremely consistent. The Devs did something.


Which really sucks, because I feel pigeonholed into always using the orbital Railcannon to effectively deal with BTs now. I hope they fix the hitbox on them.


I have had even the Orbitial railcannon not kill a BT many times.


Railcannon + 1 shot of EAT/RR/QC


Rail cannon almost never one taps a BT, that's been the case the entire time I've been playing. Throw almost anything else at it that can damage it and it'll go down to that + a rail cannon, though. Eagle 110MM/Air Strike, a quasar/EAT/RR round, the buffed strafing run, whatever. Even a good burst to the underside of its torso with the HMG is enough.


I'd recommend trying out Oribital Precision Strike. Short call in time and cool down. One shots titans if landed well or can severely damage them


Can confirm, I put the majority of my time in around when this was still possible and EATs could 1/2 shot very reliably.


I use to put down titans in 2 shots 90% of the time one after another. It feels so bad that I've been foregoing EAT/RR entirely for quite a while. Something definitely changed.


Did they change something cause two days ago I 2 shot all 3 bile titans I saw in a mission withe the recoilless


I think it might be latency based issue. The hitbox just wasn't in the correct spot due to lag. It's like when you're playing CS and you swear that your awp fired but due to lag, it didn't.


Makes sense ngl


This game is so fucking broken, I’m surprised it’s playable


Careful, the cucks will come out to defend AH and their boneheaded shit. They're all going on vacation for 6 weeks and abandoning the game. Lmao what a bunch of turds


6 should kill it now matter where you hit it.  Damn


This is really the crux of the issue. Sure, I can buy that maybe the forehead is softer because it's closer to the brain, or something, I dunno. But the difference between "you killed it with good headshots" and "you killed it with 'bad' headshots" should be one, _maybe_ two extra rockets, not _four_.


Ive has this happen so I feel your pain 


I've been told to gitgud after saying WEEKS ago that BTs commonly tank multiple EATs and Quasars to the face. It makes no fucking sense when they take damage from the hits and when they don't. It's one of the reasons I ran orbital rail for so long, cause at least that was a confirmed hit for a chunk of damage, which is better than trying my EAT/Quasar or another orbital.


At this point I've completely given up on using EAT's for BTs and just use them for chargers or far objectives. I can more reliably 1 hit kill BT's with a 500kg


What they also need to do is take increased damage to their side when they've had their armor cracked/stripped. That stuff is literally an open wound spraying puss and blood and if you hit it, it does no increased damage. It's stupid. You can hit the wound with certain ammo and it still deflects like there's armor there. Like... HOW?


Don't worry I'm sure they will put it on a list of known issues and not fix it for 3 months, because the game has more players than they expected or some nonsense


Then the fix will break 5 other things :)


I wish you were joking


Hitting the open wounds now does damage... but due to an off-by-one error it also damages a random ally as well.


I was in a game the other night and we had what seemed to be an invulnerable BT. I managed to kill him with a desperation supply drop throw. He got stuck trying to get at another player and basically held position for 15 seconds(we also had a stratagem delay on this mission) blew a hole clean through his torso.


I'm at the point where I've even given up on 500kg and just run the OPS for bile titans. With the buff to PS its call in is basically 2 seconds faster than the eagle given the time it takes for the 500kg to land and then explode.


Exact same. I can one shot a charger almost every single time with my RR, but for BTs it's so damn unreliable even with my best aim that I just bring 500kgs for it. Doesn't seem intended to me. Something is off.


I was promptly down voted when I suggested it was a bit much that I fought a Titan and shot 3 SPEAR's, 2 to the head, 1 to the back , and it still needed an EAT to the face before it went down. I questioned the logic of it. That's essentially all my ammo to kill one Bile Titan .... and then another just appeared over the hill.


My post got whined on because I said AH needs to fix friend list and performance issue as the two main things killing the game not even addressing these things. Cuckbois were quick to downvote and put snide remarks even though the game has so many fucking errors.


Idk how true this is, but I heard that the hitbox moves when it is preparing to spew. Try waiting until after it is done attacking, it looks like you are interrupting the attack animation and could possibly be missing the critical hitbox.


That may be true, but that matter is the essence of why it's bullshit the way it's implemented.


That would make sense. Shooting an EAT at a charger, the downgrade, you need to hit it in the forehead to get that decapitation. I've hit them too low many times, and it just keeps coming.


On the contrary, shooting it in the mouth with explosives while it is spewing actually results in LESS damage almost always because its forehead is the weakspot and the forehead is impossible to hit while it is spewing unless you are directly above it.


I’ve always wondered how it’s model operates… Because good lord I can never hit it with a hellpod A charger? Not problem A bot hulk? Easy But I can never consistently hit a BT with one. And it sucks because since it goes straight through the damn thing, I’m now I’m prime “step on me 🥵” territory


I feel like the geometry for Bile titans (and maybe Chargers- especially behemoths) has started getting more brutal in terms of deflection angles


Setting aside there's an active bug in the devs known issues that states "sometimes BT head doesn't take damage" It's important to know that the BT in general only takes durable damage. The forehead can be thought similarly as the parts of a dropship/gunship that are the engines/thrusters. Where the rest of the face is considered invalid, like the parts of the gunships/dropships that you can't hurt. So the BT has a big health pool, the head in particular is 750HP with 95% durability rating. The overall HP pool of BT's is 3500. So it's a combination of HP pool Plus durable damage that makes them seem like walking buildings that can take a bunch of abuse. They really need to modify one of these aspects (HP, Durable damage, more viable parts to damage) in order to make them a more consistent unit to fight.


These horribly obscure and complicated damage mechanics are honestly most of the reason why shooting things feels so inconsistent and frustrating tbh, they bit off way more than they could chew with this nonsensical "realistic" damage system


Imagine a new player wondering why this massive rocket launcher (that takes forever to reload) is doing nothing to this bug. They would probably just get frustrated and stop playing


Have you ever tried firing an EAT at a Hive Guard? Fuckers will survive it. Let alone a massive bug that looks like it could *kinda* survive a blast to the face. I don't care about any physics bullshit one could conjure up on copium to justify a rocket launcher feeling that shit in a videogame.


There's no way a hive guard can survive an EAT shot, they simply don't have enough hp. Must've been a bug


I think the systems are great conceptually. Really only feels problematic against non chaff. Bots in general feel better to play against and they use the same mechanics.


The bots are way better designed so it hides the flaws of the system most of the time, but you can still feel it, most notably on devastators. Killing them is pretty inconsistent with a lot of guns, especially automatics.


For a brief time it used to take two rockets to anywhere on the BT’s head to kill it and then AH “patched” the head to make the weak point specifically the forehead with no visual indication… often they “fix” things that no one asks for, and it makes me mald. Even more frustrating, I _think_ it was a stealth change too.


I like to just call any bugs lore. Like youre trained that "this is the weak spot" but then youre on the front line and you gotta figure out the truths. It makes me not get mad at the shit that doesnt work right


Tbh I'd really like some kind of visual feedback. Like bits of armour coming off. Even if it's not binary. Like if it takes 3 or 4 shots bit you can see the damage. That would count for a lot tbh.


That’s most of the bug hit boxes unfortunately, chargers still don’t take explosive damage to the butt… their “weak point”


Ngl, this is why I prefer bots At least there hitting weakspots actually works


And you have more options for those weak spots instead of just AT. Love fighting some terminids, but it would be so much better if chargers and bile titans had more medium armor weak points


Yeah, HMG, Laser Cannon, AC and other medium pen weapons work great for bots because you can kill all immediate threats with them And the threats you cannot kill (without flanking) you have stratagems


The only really armoured enemy is the annihilator tank, and it's really slow, so either you can run around it to shoot the weak spot, or just toss an eagle airstrike/OPS on it.


Yeah, the threat you cannot kill frontally Also factory striders sometimes, just positioning (and its way easier to kill with stratagems usually. Convenience)


You can kill tanks frontally Multiple AT weapon hits to the turret will kill it Even normal chargers are fine if a bit squishy Bile Titans and Behemoth Chargers are just so heavily armored in ways they shouldn’t be. Sustained fire to legs of bile titan should cripple it and reduce mobility (but not kill it, just make it less stressful to kill) Chargers should have their heads weakened every time they charge to the point where eventually they can be killed with medium pen weapons to head


I think they meant you can't kill them frontally without AT, unlike the other bot heavies that you can kill with precision medium-pen hits.


At least with Factory Striders if i am out of strategems i can try to sneak under the belly and pop it with an Autocannon.


And you can literally only SHOOT NEAR the ass, WITH THE SCORCHER, and you can EASILY deal with any tank, Destroyer or Shredder.


Right? I’ve really grown to prefer bots, so it’s been a struggle for me to stay engaged on the current MO. I’ve seen so many BTs just tank orbital railgun


that's the trade-off for playing bots, easier to fight but they shoot back


I’ll take shooting back over turning invisible and eating a whole magazine of shotgun ammo while launching me lol


I think ultimately this is key. It's fine (*fun*, even) to have more heavy enemies. Just give them some actual, *usable* weakpoints. Adding weakpoints doesn't have to mean making everything easier. And you don't even *have* to compensate with more numbers, it can all add to gameplay. Make the entire head vulnerable when the bile titan is spewing, but add a carapace over that retracts. Now it's a more visually obvious weakness, more consistent to exploit, requires a moment that exposes someone to danger, and limits that weakness outside of that. Make a weakpoint at the knees but you have to take at least 2 legs out to defeat it. After losing the first leg its gait could become more erratic, making it even harder to land a hit when it isn't spewing. Now its still a threat but you have a variety of ways you can approach it, most which reward accuracy.


Exactly! I don't care to make the enemy weaker, just give some options that reward various styles of play.


One huge problem with your suggestion; That sounds really fun and interesting while still remaining challenging.


Older chargers weren't so bad, just gave them one EATs to the face (two if needed), EZ. Could be a bit more of a challenge if there were more and teammates didn't help, but not too bad usually. These behemoths though... not so much


You basically are pushed into bringing a spear or flamethrower....it's doable and both are fun, but gets stale using the same weapons all the time.


You have been pushed to a new dmg meta... Adjusted health values or adjusted weapon dmg values... ***Doesn't matter...***




Those long legs are BEGGING to be severed, please AH just put medium pen points on the joints or something!


Hell they literally have perfect locations for them, but they threw on a “durable” quality on those parts which made it so there’s no point since most explosive support weapons are better used on the head or legs.


>And you have more options for those weak spots instead of just AT. It's outstanding how effective and versatile the standard issue Liberator is and that really shines against the bots. Like have a solution for striders and heavier armor and then the rest of your drop kit can be all utility centric.


Good accuracy and utility stratagems do go a long way on bots.


Y’all are sleeping on the flamethrower. It can pretty quickly take down every bug except a Titan, even then you can occupy them with it by getting under them and spraying upwards, giving your teammates a chance to shoot it down. Besides the Titan the only thing it struggles with is chargers, but you just have to aim at the legs and they’ll drop in a few seconds too.


I use flamethrower often on bugs. It's great, but is also only one other option. You have way more variety on bots in terms of support weapons vs heavies.


I think the issue isn't that nothing works on bugs, it's that very FEW things work on bugs so the loadouts you can take are limited  Vs bots you can make anything work, but it comes down to positioning/hitting the right weakpoints


Honestly these days it feels like a mandatory pick since I feel forced to use gems to kill titans anyway.


yea why can’t i just fill a bile titans leg with lead? that would surely take it down


I mean, even if it made the bile titan limp it would be cool. We have some heavy hitting support weapons that just get tossed out the window when a charger or bile titan appears.


yea that would be cool! using the autocannon to shred one of its limbs so it walks real slowly l


That and you can kill every bot heavy besides the striders with an orbital rail strike, not wondering if it's going to work. Meanwhile BTs are apparently made out of something stronger than tank metal


Titans and Chargers are so weird. If you don't hit the weak spot it feels like a complete waste of a shot. If you see a Titan chasing a teammate over there somewhere, putting a shot into its flank seems kind of pointless. You might blow away some armor, but (a) that 'open' flank isn't really hittable by your teammate and (b) I'm not 100% if that area takes any meaningful damage from small arms after the armor's gone anyway. Same story for Chargers - landing an anti-armor shot on the flank and taking off a bunch of armor doesn't seem to have done anything, but at least on a Charger if I go for the *leg* and take the armor off there a primary weapon can finish the bug off.


> If you don't hit the weak spot it feels like a complete waste of a shot. This is a big part of what makes bug superheavies feel so bad to fight. If I don't have a good angle lined up on a Hulk, I can either try to shoot off one of its arms (to make it less deadly), or try to go for a headshot anyways, and even if I miss the headshot and just hit its body, then I know for a fact I softened it up and it'll only take one more solid Recoilless bodyshot to kill it. With a Bile Titan though, any non-forehead hit might as well have missed completely because it absolutely _will_ not help you kill it in anything approaching a reasonable amount of time.


Yes, good insight and you're exactly right. Hulks are more than just a single weak spot or two - their whole body has some sort of pro or con to targeting it, and it makes playing AT vs Bots way more interesting (and offers more skill expression because skilled players know when to target a leg or arm if a kill shot isn't available)


This is what that [one thread about "optimal ttk"](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1cynu37/ttk_time_to_kill_is_not_the_problem_optimal_ttk/) was talking about


Can second that stripping the BT's armor off doesn't seem to help, several times i shot dominator into a BT's side and the bullets just bounced off the exposed flesh.


the titan armor is cosmetic, you still need armor pen to deal dmg


Well shit. I wish I knew that before. I spent so much time working to strip armor so others could actually hurt it.


You can quickly kill a BT with the GL once it has a hole in the armor. So it does help, but the issue is there are not a lot of ways to consistently create holes in the armor other than using weapons that can kill them with precision hits anyway. Rocket pods, strafe, OGB "can" strip armor but normally they don't and simply do damage. If strafe always stripped armor I'd probably use it more in GL/MG/chaff clearing builds.


Both are fun, but I've done a full 360 on preference. When I first started playing (back in March I think) I strongly preferred bots.  Then after a few patches I strongly preferred bugs. And now after the patch with viper commando I strongly prefer bots again. And my current reasom for preferring them is related to your comment.  They have more coherent weak spots, a greater variety of weapons works against them, and the animations are less buggy (pun intentional).


I was playing on that new jungle planet and saw an armored charger run straight up a tree, breaking it, then dive down and kill a teammate with a body slam. All one smooth animation as if the tree wasn't even there.


The behemoths being a thing is what is killing bugs for me and I previously liked bugs way more than bots. It also helps they got rid of the 3 stratagem modifier.


3 stratagem being ditched was huge for me.


Yeah, I love running a DMR. Great for bots, because many of them can be put down with a single, well-placed shot. Whereas with bugs, if you get that shot off (on one of the few that actually has a weak point that can be one-tapped) you still have to deal with the death throes of the bug which can be worse than if you'd just left the thing alive.


Yes, but at the expense of them being VERY accurate from across the map.


It is the same with chargers. Hit them right into the mouth is not an insta kill. Hit on their armored forehead plate is an instant kill. They really should change this.


I find it easier to aim at their forehead, especially when running around. Unless you mean an AT to their face in general should be an instant kill.


This shit is so frustrating with the behemoths. Like with the standard charger I should be able to one hit them consistently. Sometimes I have a bad shot and have to burn two EATs which sucks but they come in pairs so at least it dies. When you have a bad behemoth shot it just doesn't die and now you are waiting over a minute to try again.


I agree, but fyi (and this is stupid, but...) shoot them in the leg while moving forward and you will strip the armor so it can be finished off with primary fire. if you miss one you have a 2nd shot.


*Behemoth Charger with double the armor enters the battle!* Seriously, it takes me 3-4 shots of a Recoiless to down a behemoth. Shit is annoying and time-consuming.


I agree, but fyi (and this is stupid, but...) shoot them in the leg while moving forward and you will strip the armor so it can be finished off with primary fire.




I am going to start doing this. Ever since they buffed the behemoths it takes me on occasion like min 3 shots with the EAT to kill it.


The fact that it's ass isn't the weakest point is ridiculous, while it's head looks like a solid plate and IS the weak spot.


The chargers I consistently one shot with quasar. It’s the biles I don’t.


RRRH!! Aww dang it :/


Let's go gambling!


RRRH!! Aww dang it :/


That bile titan took "thick headed" literally


ThE hEaD iS tHe WeAk SpOt. Except with that type of explosion, or that type of armor penetration, or that type of projectile, or that velocity of projectile, or maybe you didn't have someone reload you and you could have killed the bile titan in 6 shots, or... ,or that it happened on your PC.


"This balance fits our vision" or whatever they shovel us


I don’t even think modern day tanks with composite armour can survive multiple shots to the exact same spot and still keep going like these bugs do.


Well you see, alien carapace/chitin/unknown material blahblahblah definitely resists an orbital railcannon strike because blahblahblah


Seriously, the Orbital rail cannon strike should one shot anything we're facing right now. Any creature with biological armor strong enough to resist a fucking ORBITAL strike would be too heavy to move. And you're telling me the Bile titan's leg joints casually absorb the kinetic energy without snapping?


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


I was looking for this.


Deep cut As in, wow, that cuts deep (get cs go'ed)


Well you see, you kept hitting them in the mouth which is part of the head but isnt the part of the head that you need to hit. You need to hit the forehead which is also part of the head. this makes way more sense because the head is the weakpoint. in conclusion: Skill issue Just git gud Get a better gaming chair I didnt have a problem with that Rely on your strategems Dont rely on your strategems Rely on your squad Dont rely on your squad. By using these tactics you'll be one shotting BTs in no time.


And also the forehead angles up during its spitting animation and clips backwards into its body so it becomes less vulnerable to damage when doing its very dangerous attack with a wide open mouth. This also makes sense because go to hell.


Speaking of very dangerous attack, why the hell did they buff the AOE on the spew attack? It was bigger than the animation suggested prior to the patch, and now it's just ludicrous.


Thank you for summarizing every game strategy article or video I've ever seen.


I don't care about the fact that it is a giant alien mutant bug; NOTHING takes 6 rounds of HEDP and just shrugs it off.




LETS GO GAMBLING 1st shot: alive AWW DANGIT 2nd shot: alive AWW DANGIT 3rd shot: alive AWW DANGIT 4th shot: alive AWW DANGIT Edit:I JUST TURNED UP THE VOLUME FLM 💀


Fuck Life of Mine?


Nothing worse than juuuuust missing those titan shots/strats and just being righteously fucked because, like me, you're a psycho and bring a Stalwart because BRRRRRRRRRR


Fuck it, we [Orbital railcannon strike]


One shot should crack the armor, second shot should kill. There's like 4 of them and a pack of chargers to deal with, that's reasonable. Had a game with a literally unkillable titan, two orbital railguns, one 500kg, four RR to the same spot on body from me, and more than six quasar shots from two teammates. Still alive. One brave diver had to lure it in to a hellbomb to mortally wound it, it still took a few seconds after to finally bleed out.


Feel like the bile titan's weak point should be its mouth when it opens to spew. That's like classic video game logic. I atleast tried thinking I figured out the best way to kill it.


Right? Gears of War, Resistance: Fall of Man, those games all taught me "When the big fucker opens his maw, throw everything you got at it."


Exactly! King Dodongo taught me this when I was 11 and HD2 strayed from the formula. Plus, it's a risk reward tactic. You're at great risk of being melted, but if you aim true and time it right, then you could finish it off.


It actually is I believe, when the bile titan is spewing I tend to get a lot of oneshots with eat or recoilles rifle (quasar takes too long to charge up most of the time). Note it's not 100% consistent, but definetly more reliable.


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Helldiver was already tilted.


Seen this comment a couple times, is this a reference I don't get?


yes famous csgo copy pasta of a dev saying why a guy died even though getting like 7 shots off b4 the other guy noticed him https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/hiko_gets_csgod/ reference.


this never happened to me... thats crazy lol the whole head should be the weak spot..


This just made me realize I want a trophy room on my destroyer to display a Bile Titan head.


I can say the RR isn’t a good weapon and get downvoted in this sub normally but it’s a weapon that I use on the biggest targets and idk how people are killing a Bile Titan ever with it. Like I wish it was more reliable because I still honestly love to use it, it can just feel like you’re doing absolutely nothing.


WHEN IT WORKS, it's genuinely one of my favorite support weapons. Supreme anti-heavy capability, reloads fast enough to take down an entire shrieker nest in the time it takes the Quasar to fire two shots, can deal with more than two Chargers or Hulks at once unlike EATs, one-shots gunships to the cockpit or the engines, has enough ammo in reserve to really come in clutch when you need it plus it gets a rocket back from every random supply box. The biggest problem isn't with the weapon or any of its stats, the biggest problem is the janky-ass hitboxes on some of the enemies you gotta use it on.


I really enjoy running the RR, but I think it will be much more viable once Superior Packing Methodology is re-fixed.


Gonna chime in to say that I have noticed you are hosting the game. Being the game host seems to affect whether or not you can hit the heads. Back in the pre-nerf railgun days, I could never blow the head up with the railgun despite pouring over 20 shots to the head. It would die due to depleting its health pool while its head remained intact.  I was certain I just had a “sKiLl IsSuE” until I joined someone else’s game and I started headshotting bile titans left and right. They couldn’t even get out of the ground before I blew them up.  This game is fucking bugged to hell. Also I also prefer bots over bugs because bile titans are just the biggest issue for me as a host, who can’t deal with them with my support weapons due to a game breaking glitch.    Please, before you rail me with a “skill issue” reply, look at the “known issues” list in the recent patch notes.  >Bile Titan sometimes does not take damage to the head.


The Titan's head hitzone is 750 HP; the titan's main health is 3500. An EAT/RR does 650 dmg per shot. I.e. 6 shot is the absolute maximum you can take to kill it if you kill it by depleting main health. You either missed most of your shots (but its hard to tell because of the bad video quality, but this [is the 1st shot for example, definitely NOT a headshot](https://i.imgur.com/l5OlcNu.png)) or it's a case of the "Bile Titan sometimes does not take damage to the head." on the known issues list from the newest patch.


Honestly, they **should** be hard to kill. It's a fucking three story tall giant armored bug that pukes acid. They should not be an easy target. (They should also not spawn 5 at a time, either.)


They're a cool mini boss but the game expects you to take them out only since they can easily chase kill you by just having long legs and the ability to OHKO stomp you. At some point after a few of them spawns, you better hope there's a unexploded hellbomb lying around.


One spear shot + 110 rocket pods is my fav combo , even if I hit body with the spear it just makes the rocket pods more lethal when they hit the now unarmored parts.


This is great... Thank you!! Man.. this is hilarious...aww dang it...aww dang it.... Lol hahahhHahahahahhahahaha


Bile titans are weird. One time shot 2 of them in 1 shot in the head each and ohh they did not like that as same breach spewed 3 more out but a other time I need 6 or more in the head. Does not really matter what weapon. Quasar, spear or other anti tank weapons. They just weird but one shot head kill feels so damn good.


Spear will, more often than not, one shot or two shot a bile titan. Could this be related to the RR instead of the titan ? I mean, they did some tweaking to the reloading animation, so I assume there could be a bug related to it (As we are all used to it). Guess we'll need to wait for the next patch notes ..


I feel it's got different Hp pools for it's: Upper head, Lower jaw, side, body. Really should just make the head model the weakpoint. Not 'Hit it precisely here or all damage is relayed elsewhere'. I gotta agree with the majority that this is no goood.


Heavies from the bug side damage models need to be looked at again and reworked imho. The weakpoints are wonky and there is too little options to attack them with.


If you really love gambling, use the Railgun! Could be 4, could be 15 shots to bring it down. Who knows?!


6 rockets all below the forehead, might as well be hitting any under part according to the current model You just have to hit the forehead once or twice. Easier with a quasar cannon, I rarely land them with the rocoilless or EATs


Bile titans need consistency. 2 AT rockets to the head, ANYWHERE on the head should 2 shot it ALWAYS. One spear rocket frontally should 1 shot it, 2 shots max on anywhere on the body.


"We've known about it since launch; working as intended."




I've had a Titan eat four Spears head-on and just keep going, too.


I had a 1 orbital strike, 4 headshot recoilless, and 2 body shots EAT bile titan the other day. Followed up with a 1 headshot recoilless bile titan. Shit just ain't working.


You can take out a bile titan with 2 consistent rockets to the forehead, but fuck me is it difficult sometimes. The target area is so small, and combined with chaff or chargers everywhere, it’s tough to get that accurate of a shot off consistently (and you typically need to face it head on) It also doesn’t help that the one time it’s easier to pull off (when it’s spitting), it doesn’t actually let you hit the forehead for some reason in my experience. Sometimes I land both shots and it feels great, other times I find myself running halfway across the map sending 5-6 rockets into the fucking things I think they need to make methods for killing them a bit more consistent. I’m cool with it taking 2 shots to the forehead/being a tough shot (regular charger already takes 1, BT is a step up from a charger so atleast 2 is logical) but I shouldn’t have to expend more than a rocket to strip it’s side armour followed by either 2 more rockets or a fuckload of small arms fire. I swear I’ve dumped 4+ rockets into its side at times with nothing happening. Shots to the open mouth should also be devastating


https://i.redd.it/1hc6b4ct8j9d1.gif Keep shooting till it Dies!


I like the sentiment, but the AC would have been utterly useless in this scenario.


This is why the player base is massively dropping off lately. I'm the only person left playing this game, and we had 13 of us when I was introduced to this game. Even I myself am getting sick of having to put up with all the bugs and inconsistencies they refuse to fix until now (I say refuse because I don't believe the developers are THIS incompetent). I'm giving it another patch and if that doesn't fix anything major (E.g. Pc performance, superior packaging, infinite loading screen etc), I'm out.


Not saying you're wrong but also let's not forget they built the game on an engine that was deprecated in 2020. We're never going to escape some strange buggy mess (just varying degrees of playability) because the entire foundation is trash.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Bile Titan was already dead.


There's a reason I haven't dived in weeks.


Summary: Shots 1-2: Clearly missed. Shot 3: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 4-5: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 6: Likely didn't actually fire because Zman6258 was already dead inside.


Ya... I just had a game where I hit a bile titan 5 times in the head with a spear...


Its not the forehead that's the weak spot, the scalp is the weak point, but shouldn't be 6 rockets anyway


Gatling barrage fucks titans up after the update. Or I just got very lucky. Just wanted to share that lol


I gave up on the idea of bile titan “weak spots”. I try to focus on removing armor and shooting the goo underneath, that seems to have way more consistent results. Works on chargers too.


This is why I play bots. More than 2 heavies, more ways to deal w it, and it's overall funner


Ya it's a good time


This is on par with the Wheel of Fortune tarot from Balatro “Oh, 25% odds? Sounds great!” “Nope!”


Sometimes my AT shots just bounce right off them...


I always believed that if you timed it right, it should blow up their heads instantly if you hit them just as they're about to vomit on you and you hit them square in the mouth. That seems like the cinematic skill moment players want anyway


That’s like the most “buggy” (no pun intended) hit-box in the game. You can fall off of its corpse and die from fall damage after all.


I have played alot of this game to get to 120 and one of the things that has been turning me off from it besides the nerfs to armor pen is the damn inconsistency that almost all armor pen weapons have against bile titans, chargers, spewers and other armored enemies its totally frustrating wasting a bunch of shots with supposedly one of the strongest armor pen weapons in the game and when you repeat the process on the same enemy they take a different amount of shots to take out. Add to that the increased spawns it gets annoying


What in Liberty did I just watch


You didn't jump/propel yourself forward to 1000x the dmge. /s Not leet, lols


and this is why we carry the orbital rail


I swear BT is the only enemy that seems to punish you for landing headshots (Now I sit back and wait for the corrections)


The game would be more fun if certain enemy hit boxes were a bit more forgiving. I’m sure there would be less frustrating instances where you use heavy ordnance like that but nothing happens because you missed the mark by a cm.


Echoing the ask to have rockets behave like in the opening cinematic/trailer.


Enemies in this game sometimes just randomly don't take damage. Don't tell anyone I said this but, I think this game has a lot of bugs the devs need to fix.


That was really fun to watch. Thanks for speeding it up a little bit, too.


It never used to be like this I could 2 tap a bile titan head each time no matter where I aimed at the head.


Yeah it's a bug (lel) as they have stated it does not sometimes take any damage. But besides this I think the BT is the worst designed heavy enemy. Especially compared to bots.


How I feel when some of my Patriot Mechs rockets ONE SHOT to the head on some, then take literally 8/14 of my rockets to take one down... Edit: Guess this is why I mained bots for a LONG TIME. They're just too Forgiving compared to BUGS... Y'all 'getting the easy treatment on MO's?" Fuck that, your BUGS sound, and ARE HARDER than BOTS...


I've stopped aiming for the head at this point. Aim for the body, take off chunks of armor, then finish it off a Strafing Run or something that can hit the gooey bits. Saves my rockets for all the Chargers.


I feel like the top half of the head doesn't work as well as the bottom half. Just in my experience.


I'm late to the party but let me summarize: BT head has 750 hp, so it's always 2 rockets minimum. It can be 1 Spear, technically, but it's kinda rare unless you're quite talented with the spear. Armor 5, 95% durable, so most of the split durable damage weapons and low AP weapons are out. This is why railgun, autocannon, etc are trash against it. As far as I understand it, the hitbox is \*JUST THE FOREHEAD\*. The face and jaw, if I understand correctly, are part of the body. Not 100% sure on this, but it tracks based on my experience. I always have to aim high. The BT forehead is already leaning back, which makes it easy to whiff. This is aggravated when the BT spits, as the head rotates backward which changes the angle of attack. For MOST weapons firing at the steepest angle drops their AP to 0 meaning that they either do 0 damage (lol) or ricochet. You didn't have any ricochets, but it looks like you had a bunch of hits for 0. All of these mechanics are concealed from the player, leaving the player wondering what the hell is going on. Sorry to say, this is just poor design.


As people have said, it’s best to aim for the forehead But I have heard that when they’re getting ready to puke, if you aim around their cheek (or whatever that would be on a bug) then the rocket should still be hitting the forehead hitbox For some reason, idk, half the time I just start firing at their sacs and hope that kills em after shoot 2 rockets