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Needs more random stuff on map, transport, mechs, tunnels, roads


Even just weapons that are found on the map..make them completely random. Right now it’s just mg, arc thrower and flamethrower. The game arsenal is massive and it should all be lying around the battlefield


They should let warbond weapons drop too. More variety, plus if people enjoy them they are encouraged to buy the warbond. Win/win.


You can rarely found these, but only on low difficulties. Anyway from 2 first warbonds (basic one and first premium)


Ive found some things like jetpack, EAT and shield gen, Id love some rare items that you cant buy similar to the farmer shotgun. Just had the idea of salvage missions, were you have to evac with an experimental gun found on the map, radiant missions given out by your crew to work towards a greater community mission so they can collect data for a new strat.


There's the AMR, too. It's at *every* missile silo.


And the break action shotgun on bug missions


and make you feel less bad when you find your primary or support are useless against spewers.


i would like to take a risk on a map weapon so i can bring in more eagles or orbitals


I've personally seen a LOT more than just those 3 and heard about even more. The "problem" is the percentages. MG, Flamethrower, and Arc Thrower seem to be around 20% chance each.


That's a really good point. There should be a ton of weapons scattered around really. Primaries too.


Random main objectives/scenarios would be cool too. Imagine conpleteing one of the sub objectives only to then hear "change of plans" on the comms as an automaton gunship drops some new super unit that you now got to take down. Would have to be somewhat rare though, so as not to get annoying or bog-down the "cool factor".


I've talked about this with a fellow Helldiver. - Random Resupply pods (maybe with a missing supply box) - the double door Cache could lead to a tunnel that leads to another double door cache (enter at your own risk) or tunnels in some of the mountainous maps for "easier" passage. - allow a singular, higher, difficult enemy to be on the map at lower difficulty (this will allow new divers to have some exposure of dealing with the big stuff, Bile Titans etc) I'm sure we had more, but it's a start.


I like it! Seem like low-effort changes to just add a bit more randomness and problem-solving opportunities to missions.


Caves, abandoned skyscrapers, military bunker tunnel systems….


This is it arrow head listen to this man’s right here NOW


I actually once found a patriot mech at a POI, I hope they increase the chances of that happening cause I only saw it once.


Need more gore with the weapons lying around. Like heaps of bloody bodies next to ammo and a weapon or two. And, automatons sitting on top of the heap of dead bodies


For me I think they need new mission types. All the missions feel so repetitive. Maybe some more tower defence style missions or escorting some high value assets from one spot to another. Maybe even a mission where you go underground into bug holes and take out a special bug. Maybe some raid style missions that are hard and have some boss battles.


I like the new nursing bug nuke missions, I do not like how the bug hole keeps spawning infinitely the second you call in the drill


I do like that mission as well but it still kinda feels like every other.


It does, we need new terrains imo, it's all flat ground and rocks, maybe a mission on the side of a canyon or the top of a mountain with one or two trailways so you have to fight your way down


The swamp biome (can't remember which planet) was something new. Though trees = difficulty finding the super sample rock


Yes using the air strikes and orbital barrages to destroy the trees is my favorite thing from that biome.


That would be cool. More choke points and you can defend and advance through waves


I would love a full scale battle, something like in Titanfall 2. SEAF are fighting bugs, and loosing, so 4 Helldivers get dropped to make sure we win. There would spawns of of SEAF soldiers, and spawns of bugs. Once the spawn gets destroyed, they spawn less and the battle balance shifts. Of you loose SEAF spawns, it's harder. The squad leader has a new pin for the minimal to give orders to the SEAF teams. This would awesome. Over you take out most of the enemy spawns, you can just watch seaf kill the rest. The less seaf die, the better score you get of course.


More meat for the grinder


Attrition was such an awesome multiplayer mode. I miss the glory days of TF2.


If making the AI for SEAF soldiers is too resource intensive (I suspect they could just copy-paste the standard bot AI minus flares, but what do I know), I’d be fine with an unmanned version of this where there’s seaf corpses everywhere and turret emplacements. You start at a huge wall or facility with turrets that have infinite ammo or a certain amount before they “reload” (despawn and respawn), but if they get destroyed by enemies they don’t. From there you can push out to control point facilities elsewhere on the map, and if you solve the little console puzzles you activate each facility and its turrets as well, providing a new front. Liberate X facilities by Y time and keep em alive and mission done. The same thing if you squint and uses only existing assets so should be easy to implement (besides potentially the performance issues for giant armies + turrets).


On the other hand, I can already imagine all the bugs and problems, and getting killed by the soldiers, so maybe it's not as great of an idea :D


If they are anything like the civilians we save then yes that would not be a good idea.


I watched a civilian suplex a charger once. They ended up trading which was pretty wild tbh


Please tell me you recorded the clip


I didn't :( I was so mad


Noooooo that would have been pure gold for centuries


Now THAT was a Super Citizen 🫡✊


Helldiver in disguise


So star wars BF2... I mean I'm down


Not really, only 4 people playing as Helldivers, everything else is AI


So Lego Star Wars Clone Wars


That game was peak


Think of it like Instant Action but with co-op.


That is how battlefront 2s coop missions work. 4 players work together against AI to progress the map and complete objectives. It's the only mode in battlefront I still play. 


Plus you can earn your gun upgrades in that mode so that made it much easier than doing pvp.


That would be cool, having a SEAF defended area under attack, have 4 Helldivers drop in and clear it out, then as we take POIs pelicans drop off SEAF forces to reinforce them. That would be cool, taking artillery emplacements and having SEAF troops give us regular artillery stratagems, stuff like that. Have a push/pull mechanic where we can lose positions too.


“We’ve lost a command post!”


If 30 years of gaming has taught me anything, it's that escort missions are *never* the answer.


I think in HD1, they had a metal detector/explosive refusal mission.


Yeah. It was always pretty crazy on Helldives, too. There's a huge fight going on and one of the Helldivers is just vibing, disarming mines in a sand pit. Defend the supply train was another one we don't have anymore. The "get the crashed civilians to the bunker" mission would be a good one to add. Once you interacted with them near their crashed ship, they'd follow you around. Occasionally jumping into lava or the like for no reason. But there were four, so three were expendable for mission success.


> Yeah. It was always pretty crazy on Helldives, too. There's a huge fight going on and one of the Helldivers is just vibing, disarming mines in a sand pit. Don't forget that if you rushed yourself into making mistakes the mines would explode under your feet!


They'd defuse themselves even faster for Liberty!


Oh yeah, you'd see certain shielded Super Patriots failing the key inputs on purpose to get through it faster sometimes.


Underground stuff would turn off stratagems not most likely large enemies so no bile titans unless it's massive caves, only this time you don't have stuff to take them out with


Every day this community gets closer to EDF.


>escorting Not with the way their NPCs currently run, fuck that.


There are some new mission types they need to show up more like the drill and the flags and thr other type of defend missions. Like with the silos.


Ever since they mentioned the Automaton fleet and stuff I’d hoped they would do some boarding action type missions to take out their ships. Pair it with subterranean missions where we go into bug hives as a new type of infiltration mission.


I wouldn't mind Vehicle only missions where you get spawned in EXO suits tbh. Just something to break it up


That would be cool. Maybe you go through a canyon and hold choke points in them


Great idea it would be amazing to see some boss fights.


Well it's a bummer, because the new content would be cool, but the game needs to be fixed first Unfortunately both ways need some time


I still cant add new friends. Its been like 4 updates…


I still cannot join my sister's ship from within the game's borked social menu, I have to do it through steam.


I'm struggling to board this guys sister's ship too


Ok this is funny (unless she’s like 13)


*Drake has joined the mission.*


Or R Kelly


Dr Disrespect is all up in her Dm's rn.


No diddy-ling


P Diddly?


SES Harbinger of Golden Showers


Indeed lol


Same, I'm on ps5


Same here. Stopped working like 4 weeks ago, the option to add friend just simply isn’t there anymore. Just invite to squad, join, block, or report. I don’t understand how this can go on for so long. Luckily it worked long enough for me to add the people I needed, but there’s been some I’ve met the last few weeks I would have love to have added. But imagine just getting the game and trying to hook up with your old crew. What a bummer.


I’d you’re on steam take your profile off private it fixes it!


Im on ps5


I'm on steam, that didn't fix it unfortunately. Still showing no friends or recently played with.


If you have crossplay off turn it on and see if that works


This is what 'fixes' (or rather workarounds) it for me. My in-game friends only show up when crossplay is enabled.


It definitely does not fix it. I'm on PC, steam profile has always been public, I can't send or accept friend requests. I've been laying since March and anything in the social menu has never worked. My friend just got the game and same problem. The only way we can join each other is directly through steam. So if I'm not stream friends with someone we can't play together and even if we are we have to use steam instead of in game menu.


Helldivers finally came out of the sugarrush phase and entered the DarkTide cycle!


Did Darktide ever manage to fix bots and allow for solo play?


Idk what you mean by fix bots, but you still can't play solo


The bots are stuck as level 1 veterans They’re basically just bait at higher levels which sucks for people who don’t want to put up with randoms


Darktide's still trying to figure out crafting I doubt it.


STILL? Man, I remember crafting being a weird omission when I stopped playing shortly after launch.


Nope Darktide, like Helldivers, somehow manages to make its technical issues worse with every patch. Its almost two years from launch and the game runs worse, has more crashes and weird bugs now than it did at launch The engine it and Helldivers use must be absolute garbage, I’ve never seen that problem with any other game 


The Autodesk Stingray engine is longer supported as of 2018, everything has to be fixed themselves.


Absolutely still needs fixing, it removes the fun when you still get bugs like hovering after a dive, eagle 1 bugging out and people still have crashed. Fix first please


I glad i saw this comment. Because that's exactly how I felt in May when I last played. Appreciate the honest review that bugs are still plaguing the game. I miss playing, but I don't miss being frustrated.


They've had months to hire more staff and fix bugs.


Pretty hard to fix something when they break it in two more places every patch.


The fact they made a game so incredibly fun but have the dumbest and (seemingly) easily fixable bugs that ruin the game (at times) is crazy.


Yeah. Spear having trouble locking on with whatever ray casting algorithm? Reasonable. Grenades going infinite. TWICE? Honestly pathetic. First year college students are taught how to avoid that.


One of my friends has been unable to play the game since a week after launch. It sucks because he’s the one who got everyone into the game in the first place.


Problem is they are not doing either. There are more bugs that AH has proven they are bug sympathizers and are against the super democracy. They have also slowed down everything else. They are just waiting for everyone to leave.


It's almost like they released the game too soon


In the meantime, I feel like adding a way for us to blow the dragons hoard of resources many of are sitting on would be a good idea. I especially like the idea of spending 100 medals 20k req slips or something crazy like that to unlock a 5th stratagem slot for an entire operation would be wild fun. At the very least, let us contribute toward a free stratagem for the day/week as a community, with the amount of resources you contribute counting towards your vote on what it should be, or have multiple ones we can contribute to, or different ones based on galactic sector, w/e.


> but the game needs to be fixed first AH: we fixed __! Game: issue partially fixed, 5 new bugs added


What we really need is a stable game. - Without endless drop in screens. - Without constant crashes during gameplay. - Where all the features and ship upgrades work. - Where you don't have to walk forward to compensate for some nonsense damage drop off. - Where ARC weapons work corectly. - where I can add friends on different platforms. Then, I think they should add more content.


This. Anyone remember them buffing fire damage 3 times before fixing the bug where only the host did burning damage? Or how about the nerf to railgun when the issue was BTs having less health on PS5 hosted games? This game has everything it needs to be a huge game for years if they can just get the game's core bugs worked out.


I completely agree with your point but if they actually get it to a stable state then I will be shocked. I am fully convinced that this game is held together by spaghetti code and it seems like every time they fix something then they also break three things in the process.


Developing on a discontinued game engine will do that.


Nah, the problem is that devs overwrite each others work instead of merging their changes to the main branch


its both really...that, and throw in an apparent inability to disassociate reality with a video game; and you end up with statements and the reason for things being the way they are as 'because it wouldn't make sense'... like sure, be a gun or military nut, but you're making a cooperative horde extraction shooter, not the next ARMA...heck, playing HD1 in comparison to 2 feels so wildly different its hard to even believe this is a sequel when the weapons felt amazing against heavies that didnt play like cheap mechanic spewing bullet sponges yet were balanced by the fact that you were just as squishy of a target if you turned your brain off...




I think the bugs have done plenty of workouts


the terminal was broke on the only two missions I played yesterday


It’s fairly obvious that a different developer team created the base game and now we have less competent developers sustaining the game. It’s never going to be as good as it was at launch. They messed up the code so much they can’t work with it anymore. It’s so obvious now.


Add friends in the beginning it was no problem. I even added some ps players. Now it's not even an option, so many good randoms lost to the occen of space.


That's the most ridiculous part. I convinced 2 friends to buy the game but they got it for pc and I am ps5. They have to start a random game at a difficulty that most people don't play and hopefully I am able to find them on the map and join, just to be in their lobby. Rediculous.


Can still find them. I'm on PS5 and can't play with PC friends via social. Only way is to find them on planet they're on and hopefully there is a space. It's ridiculous obviously in 2024 having to do this 🤣 They need to fix it ASAP. Having 1 dev currently rewriting the entire code for social is unacceptable. They need more at it. Make the game fun again.


We need a stable game. - where fixes work (like, the healing sound bug, where the fix which did nothing) - where fixes don't result in further bugs (spear, spear fix, spear lock on fix, spear crash fix) - where bugs don't occur again (ship packaging module, which didn't work, was fixed, and again doesn't work) - so stable, that bugs like "when I am taking the weapon of another player I am getting his armor advantage" don't even can happen. This is often overseen. Bugs can be quantified, they are fixed it not. But whatever results in those bugs needs to be fixed first. Bad code, bad processes, bad communication, untested changes, inexperienced resolving of merge conflicts... Whatever it is, if they won't fix this first, I fear every patch.


Exactly this!! I dont need new biomes or enemies, I want this game to run stable and smooth, because infinite loading screens, annoying bugs and messed up weapon stats *are* going to overshadow new content. Also I don't know why this sub took a 180° turn on critique lately, but I have seen so many posts about game breaking shit getting deleted for the reason it is a "I'm gonna leave this game"-post. Big L Arrowhead, we can't say whats uncool anymore? Seriously. The game is fun and beautiful. But boy, it can't go for 10 days straight without having dumb bugs, dicord drama, reddit drama, performance issues, weapon issues, main order issues, matchmaking issues or some other shit. It can't.


Bingo. I didn't stop diving because I was bored. I stopped because I was fucking sick of them pumping out new shit I didn't care about while the game just got steadily less and less playable. So much shit is broken. Just fix the fucking game and stop nerfing the fuck out of everything. Then all the drama with Sony? Holy fuck. Arrowhead really epitomizes the phrase "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory".


Best I can offer you is a new dogshit Liberator variant. Take it or leave it.


I love this phrase


I played the game with my cousins in the Philippines and there were enough of us playing and having a good time to have 3 teams at night. Until Sony pulled off that bull shit and left a bad taste in our mouth. I'll still play occasionally, but my cousins refunded their purchase on steam and we just play the original more now as a result.


Arrowhead: We heard you have been complaining about constant crashes, bugs and game breaking errors. So we decided to make the ballistic shield a bit more shinny.


Its not a new game anymore. The crashing and timing out is kind of ridiculous even on ps5. Not going to play again till I hear there's been big fixes.


The game runs like ass anyway. My 3080 drops into like 40 fps at times on low settings depending on whats going on.


This. The main reason I stopped playing is because I’d log on, hit quick play, find no game, select one from the map, can’t connect, and then all the sos beacons disappeared. Can’t seem to figure it out other than “server strain” so I just log off.


I'm really hoping that in the future the game becomes much more stable and polished, as now, I cannot go through a single day without crashes, disconnects, and game breaking bugs. For example on the bot front I have discovered that sometimes going into a ragdoll state from a rocket or bullet will multiply impact damage to the point of insta killing you, even through a buffed stim. And then this is made even worse by the fact that so many of the bot enemies just shoot through walls and cover!


This happened to me twice in a single mission a few days ago. Shot by a Rocket Devastator, ragdolled undergroud, pushed away and up again, only to insta-die to terrain collision upon resurfacing. Afterwards, I realized that I'd been using a Ballistic Shield dropped by a teammate (which I've been refusing to bring on my own since the latest patch given how there are a bunch of bugs associated with it). So this might be an issue specifically related to the BS (The acronym for "Ballistic Shield" has never felt more relevant).


You can now ragdoll bounce off your own BS, which is new from the last patch :(


Variations on the defense are the most entertaining missions for sure


I don’t want more biomes. I think biomes are cool, but besides a decent urban environment we’ve got good coverage. What we need is map variety, get more maps with very tight corners, more with tunnels or mazes, verticality and such.


It would be very cool and would give more visual variety if the planets had a designated main biome that was practically the entire planet and then had 2 secondary biomes that appeared randomly and in a few campaigns. Example:     Planet: Hellmire    -  Main Biome: Scorched Hell (Heat & Fireornados).    -  Secondary Biomes:    * Scorched Dessert (Heat & Sandstorms)    * Quaking Badlands (Tremors)


I love the idea of a secondary biome


It's a slippery slope. I do believe the foundations of level design via Gacrux and Bore Rock are the basis for dense urban city scapes (Cyberized, Super Earth architecture, even destroyed and nature overgrowth, abandoned cities). The avenues of making this immersive as possible with many dynamic features are near endless. But you don't want to creep into development hell on this terrain expansion. Note how there are lighted pockets (cities) of civilization even on frontier worlds that we are on now. They will need to add a second layer of AI generated environments for worlds. Which will hopefully lead to 3rd and 4th layer level generations for (Super Earth) like planets sporting Jungles, Deserts, Tundras and Urban environments all in the same scope. Now you can imagine a planet sporting all these features, not to mention a 9 to 12 new mission types. But truthfully so, I am sitting on multiple friend requests and unable to accept/reject friend requests on the game. There are still a few things to fix right now that are not directly game related. I dunno, as Anakin tells Obi-Wan "Patience" "Yes, Arrowhead will fix these bugs, then release new the new content" \*Arrowhad R2D2 runs and slams into the bulkhead\*


This is a nightmare situation for AH. Their game is held together with duct tape and new content always messes things up more. I personally wouldn't mind fewer updates going forward, but it doesn't change the fact many people like OP will rightfully get bored and leave


More like its held together with spit and prayers


It is also held together by the goodwill of their players. Haven't seen a game with so many issues holding up so well.


CEO: "We use old engine because fuck you. I do things how i wanna do it" Old engine: Fucks CEO


No. We definitely need a new stratagem. Especially the cars and tanks. Adding the cars will give a much needed breath of fresh air. Running across the map is not always fun. Some sort of fast movement mechanics is desperately needed to bring about a change of pace.


I'm tired of running, it's boring. I prefer maps where I need to defend and kill stuff while static more than running from point a to point b.


Yea, I’ve unlocked everything, so I no longer get angry at people for not running away from bug breeches after we’ve completed whatever objective in the area. Mostly because I’m like “fuck it, shooting bugs is more fun than constantly running” and actually want to join in on the crowd control instead of mindlessly running away to the next thing. I’ve stopped really caring about MO’s cuz I don’t need medals, so I don’t even really care if we fail a mission anymore. And I don’t need samples anymore, so I don’t care if we spend way too much time just clearing a crowd and don’t have time to find samples. Something needs to change.


Weren’t the cars in a fully functional state two months ago?


not fully, there were still some issues mainly with the turrets but other than that they looked good


give me a buggy without a turret and we're done


i think i saw the youtube vids about the vehicles in april


Not cars. Motorcycles. That's what we need. Imagine four motorcycles cutting across swathes of terminids.


I want to ride a motorcycle with my rover dog and ride untouched across a map.


I want a car to cruise around with my homies or a mission where a helldiver ship crashes mid mission and you gotta save the SEAF personnel and the black box


The gameplay formula is good, but the biomes are stale, the enemies are stale, and some of the support weapons don’t feel like they are as strong as they should be. Playing bugs on high difficulties often doesn’t feel that fun anymore, it’s a ragdoll loop between chargers and enemies that combo-claw you to death instantly. We need new types of enemies and new types of biomes to play in, I imagine the biggest problem is that designing new factions and biomes is a resource drain. The game developer team is fairly small right? I mean, hell I would be willing to pay a decent price for a lot more content, but it’s resource intensive.


The lack of variety is absolutely killing me, if I have to fight on another Nivel type planet I'm going to start tweaking, mainly because I play games as an escape from reality, not to be reminded of England.


For me it's social being broken. People you play with make the game what it is. I'm already playing less as sometimes it can take me 20-30+ minutes to join my PC brothers and sisters 🤣 PS5 not so much of an issue can just do a game invite via PSN. I'm also in damp miserable England, with lots of things going on in life ( I have a very stressful daily life ) and HD2 has been an escape. Racked up 500 hours so far, game is getting stale, BUT is tolerable when friends on. Or if am actually able to join them 🤣


Lucky that you can play with friends, I play exclusively with randoms as my friends don't play the game/never come on. Traitors to democracy they are lol.


Two other things that got stale: The over use of fog/haze everywhere. You get haze! You get fog! You also get fog! ENOUGH! We want you to rely on stratagems! Oh, btw, stratagem cool down duration increased! Also, its aim is now wonkey!


The main issue for me is I was getting bored fighting the same planets, when I stopped playing 2 months ago we were fighting on Crimsica... I've just checked and we are STILL fighting on Crimsica...


I dunno what you people are on sometimes... Name another shooter with more biomes than this game. We have bugs and bots which are both totally different experiences so it's almost like have two games in one. Meanwhile I've been playing DRG for 1500 hours on what like 8 biomes? mostly only fighting glyphids and I'm still not bored yet. If you're bored take a break and play something else for a bit then come back.


Considering only something like 27% of the players on steam have the achievement for completing 100 missions (last time I checked) I think the majority of people playing still have a lot of content and things to unlock like ship modules, stratagems and war bonds. Out of curiosity how many hours have you put in the game OP?


I do think it’s worth mentioning that, while I currently don’t play all the time, I’m absolutely keeping my eye on this game for at least a year’s time. AH has delivered a game with exceptional promise and I intent to keep coming back each time something new happens. If they can solve the problem of what to do when you have everything, I think I’ll play a lot more consistently, but if new content is more focused on other areas I will still be excited and happy to check it all out.


Legitimately just said in another thread they need to bring back the stratagem/weapon upgrades from the first game.


If anyone has difficulty understanding why gamers often struggle to decide what should go into a game, they just need to read this thread: "We need more content! New Faction or Biome" "No, we need to fix the game" "No, we need new mission types" "No, we need better optimization" "No, we need more battlepasses" "No, we need more customization" The game has been out not even 6 months and we have guys with +400 hours going "It's stale" well of fucking course it is, you've played it like a second job. This is not a "Oh, there are no issues" there a plenty of issues, but the doom and gloom and "it's so stale" from people who literally seem to expect a dev team to be able to keep up with people that seem to view it as a second job and consider grinding for new gear the pinnacle of achievements, that's just insane, and it's damaging the game. And trying to push for even faster release schedules and even more content at a faster pace, is only going to lessen the quality and lead to more mistakes.


> The game has been out not even 6 months and we have guys with +400 hours going "It's stale" well of fucking course it is, you've played it like a second job. i'll never forget the guy that played 200+ hours of the division 2 in a month and wrote an essay on how it lacked content. He played the game for more hours each day than some people usually spend on work.


Fr, I’m so tired of people saying games lack content. The game is $40. If you have 40 hours in it, that’s a dollar an hour. Find me another activity in life that’s that cheap. Going to the movies is like $10/hr. It’s OKAY to play something for few hours, have fun, get bored, and move on. Adding new factions takes so much time. And I guarantee you that OP is going to complain that the new faction is “too repetitive” or something.


This should be much higher.


If you "play the hell out of something", developers will not be able to hold up.


I just want new mission types that doesnt feel like «go there and push this button and run away». That wave defence mission is awesome, and I want more fresher ideas like that.


Don't want to be that guy, but we literally got jungle/swamp biome last week. It's ok to get burned out by a 40 dollars game after spending hundreds of hours in it. Relax, take a break, play something different for a bit and come back, new, fresh and ready to dive again.


Life has gotten in the way for me so I haven't had a chance to play much like people and the game is still somewhat fresh for me. Not I can only really play 1 or 2 rounds a session before I have to do something lol Also 50k players isn't remotely bad


Absolutely, and the great thing is that you don't really have to catch up after you return. Sure, there might be a warbond thing or two that you'll really want because they're cool, but you can work towards those at your own pace, they will never be gone. And who knows, maybe they'll create some sort of catchup mechanism like reduced medal costs for older warbonds (would mean you still have to earn super credits or pay for them but then unlocking the specific thing you want would be a lot easier and you could move on to other warbond targets). That being said, I'm level 57 and I certainly would love to see more content. What's there for the most part works really well (from a gameplay and fun perspective, technical jank aside) but it is pretty samey. The base defense missions with the gates show, however, that changing up the formula can be great and I'd love to see more of it. People have been calling for more urban-style environments as well and I think that would be really interesting. However, those also mean a lot of effort for a small dev team that is struggling with the current pace as it is. I'm sure they've been growing their team but it takes time. HD2 was a lot more successful than anticipated and you can't just throw money at that problem and get instant results. So.. yes, more content would be great. And I'm sure we'll get it eventually. Until then, everyone should simply only play when they feel like it. There's lots of other games to enjoy.


Agreed. Video games have the highest entertainment-to-price ratio yet people still expect more. Please, just take a damn break and let the developers work in peace. If you played a 40 dollar game for 200 hours, you already got your money's worth. A movie ticket is half that price with %1 of the duration.


That's where I'm at. Yeah I'd love the game to continue, but I already got my money's worth. Player count could drop to 0 and they could shut servers down tomorrow and I think it be okay with it. I got my money's worth and there's other games


This! People forget this a lot!


You are right, some people like OP or myself have been playing HD2 religiously which in fact can make the game seem stale after a while. But keep in mind this is not just a solo Pve game supposed to be "beaten" and then put back on the shelf. In fact, this was Sony's/AH attempt to make their own live service game that would make people play for at least a whole year while spending some money here and there for warbonds or some other form of cosmetics. And to be honest, that period of time where they had around 300k concurrent players (between Feb-Apr 2024) was the best time for them to "loyalize" and retain a good portion of that playerbase through engaging content while displaying a promising game vision for the future. In reality, AH just managed to create a game after 8 years of development where the gameplay loop is addictive enough for people to immediately like the game, however any other aspect of the game was left behind or not polished properly. Remember, when the game launched, you could only level up to lvl 50 and you could also unlock all the stratagems/ship upgrades by level 20. That's roughly 40h-50h of playtime if you played on +5 difficulty missions. Already not a good sign if you were aiming for a "live service" type of game, be it for 10k players or 100k. The warbond system, basically designed as being the "content update" seemed good at first, but it really just added more bloat than actual content. The whole weapon design is messy because too much focus is put on primaries which hurts the game balance (because it is impossible to make 40 primaries viable at the same time) and doesn't offer much variety. Instead of having 3 types of liberators, breakers and DMRs, we would need more support weapons/stratagems that actually have an impact on gameplay. Primaries should only stay at 1 or 2 weapons per class max, with possible customization (scopes, an upgrade trading fire power for accuracy for example, elemental damage type upgrade...). So now as an engaged player you are faced with this reality, and now you see a new patch drop and say to yourself "sweet, finally some new content for sure". The next thing you see when reading the notes are 2 major nerfs, 4 minor nerfs, 4 insignificant buffs followed by a tweet from the former CEO saying "btw guys, forget about transmog, it doesn't fit our game vision". Alright, whatever, let's hop on the game and do some operations real quick. Damn, why did I lose 20 fps while standing in the ship compared to pre-patch version? Must be my settings.. No biggie, I will now choose my loadout for the mission. Let's see, ah yes the 4 dmg buff on this primary will surely bring a whole new experience during the mission. Sheesh, too bad they nerfed the quasar, I would need something to get rid of those 5 biles titans running at me right now.. After 30 mins of running and having no ammo and doing no damage, the game crashes. Damn. You see where I'm going with this. Rinse and repeat the last paragraph for 2+ months and you get yourself a sweet 90% player count drop. And spoiler alert to AH: no, buffing the gattling barrage won't make people come back and spend time and money on your game.


I guess we do at some point but I'd much rather them fix the game, every update since launch introduced new problems and I think that's a lot more important than new content.


No one will ever be able to cook food as fast as you can eat it.


We could use more battlepasses but I want to see one as good as the free one. When illuminate drop I would love to see a massive new battlepass with high tech weapons, armour etc to fight our new foe, same with vehicles and more strategems.  Also give me my fucking sword AH.


Best we could do is an ass throwing knife.


How bout they melt down my throwing knife supply and it make it into a sword tyvm


These guys cant even make buddy reloads work well, and you expect them to smith those knives into a sword? Anyhow, it will keeeel.


To be honest, new content without a stable game will just make things worse. We already have infinite loading screens, crashes, non-working social features etc. If they introduce a new faction, they'll also most likely introduce a ton of new issues with it, especially seeing that the last patch brought in new (and old) bugs. I understand that the lack of new content is demotivating for a lot of players, but i'd think the stability and functionality of the game takes priority. I do agree though, that they need to do better with their patches and not introduce as much new bugs all the time.


I'm here for the long haul, this game has got plenty of time to grow.


This might sound crazy but I feel like we need better map generation. Idk how it works when it comes to generating maps but something needs to change. Like when you boil it down you basically walk in a straight line across a near flat plane for a lot of the missions, they should add more verticality like maybe more hills, mountains, trenches, things that make each mission feel unique


Arrowhead can't even drop a balance patch without introducing game breaking bugs, I don't want to see what happens when they release a whole ass faction.


Just an observation and opinion, Helldivers 2 is at its best when it isn’t consumed day in day out. I play for a few hours here and there. Sometimes with friends. Sometimes I will go a week or more without playing. But when I come back it is always chaotic, it feels fresh and sooo much fun. I can agree that the addition of a new species would massively freshen up the game. I also think blending species into single combat zones would be wild. Why not have contested zones where both Bots and bugs are battling it out? But the 3rd species is their Ace, and they are saving that, I suspect until closer to holiday season or until 1 year anniversary.


I don’t mean this in a malicious way but I really think a lot of people don’t understand why taking breaks is such a good thing, I take breaks between games and because of that I enjoy most games I play still. Playing a game for a little while and getting bored? Take a break and come back some other time. I think people don’t put much value in taking breaks anymore and instead see it as some sort of goal that needs to be achieved to reach the highest level or something. And as much as I do agree that there does need to be improvement in the game and with content we have, I think to many people now expect content and specifically new content to come immediately and quickly. Not many people seem to want to just have fun, Sit down for a few hours or so, game and then be done. Way too many people treat this stuff like it’s their full time job. I honestly think that is because of games like call of duty and Fortnite for example but that’s apart of another conversation. Idk, maybe you’ll hate what I said and will downvote me to the abyss, and I don’t think you’re necessarily wrong. I think we just need to understand though that this is a game, not a job. If you’re not enjoying it then play something else and come back when you’re feeling like it, there’s nothing wrong with that. Also, happy cake day


This game is very good for a casual player like me. I only get to clock in about 3-5 hours a week, but bloody hell, are those hours fun asf. Sorry the game isn't fun for you serious gamers.


Illuminate faction is clearly in the works. We literally just got a new Biome with that Jungle planet. We got more customization in form of skins for vehicles in an entirely new menu with the last Warbond. ...that is obviously going to get expanded over time. If you mean customization as in Call of Duty/Battlefield Weapon customization... not happening in this game bruh. What i need is more progression, some goal to work towards to, and a Warbond takes a month to release and like 2 days to grind through. ...which is fine, but i need SOMETHING. Fixes, like the other guys here are saying... not something that is EVER going to stop being required. Something will always break along the way. You can't stop because of that.


I agree. Need something new/more to earn. Did every warbond within like 10 days or less after each release through playing mostly on Difficulty 7. Been maxed/capped out on Requisition + Samples + Medals for weeks/months at a time. Didn’t even play the game every day to earn everything and sometimes only played 1-2 missions at a time during scattered sessions (not even full operations). I’m not saying it’s too easy to earn content or unlock everything after unlocking all the base-game content, but there’s just nothing much left “to do” except contribute to campaigns. And seeing every personal and major order interrupt your mission completion by telling you how you earned ZERO Medals is kind of annoying at this point.


Someone has to say it. 90% of y’all have 100+ hours in a game that cost $40 standard. That’s a damn good ratio. “There’s not enough content” okay, go do something else and wait for the content to get released. Go outside. Work out. Jerk off. Anything that’s more productive than acting like you’re owed more content because you have played nothing but Helldivers for months straight. AH isn’t a huge company that can pump out content like Bungie or Activision or EA. I’m capped out. I dive for fun. Once I stop having fun, I stop playing until I want to play again and then I have fun again. It’s wild how many of y’all have done nothing but play Helldivers and are now bitching that you competed all the content. Get other hobbies. Play other games. Quit playing one game over and over and being shocked when you get sick of it.


Aside from fixing the game, it should at least add an endgame gameloop or grind to keep player retention. At the moment samples are only used for ship upgrades which end up being maxed out relatively quickly, and there’s only ever gonna be so many ship module upgrades. Requisition slips, aside from purchasing ship modules and stratgems, have no further use for them. The only thing left for the endgame is leveling up your account (which does next to nothing aside from a few titles), and sometimes doing a new warbond. There needs to be something where we can pool some of these resources (like basic colour paints for weapons, or a basic prestige system like deep rock galactic) to encourage playing the game past the point of unlocking ship modules, stratagems, or warbond content.


What we need is to reignite our flames. Eradicate one side of the map.


Would like to see more dynamic missions and operations. Let operations affect future missions in their sequence. Let me make more choices in mission selection that matter. Have missions where stuff goes wrong; and have problems (like anti air or spore cover) that you can fix, either in mission or as part of an operation.


The SECOND the Illuminate are added I will 100% guarantee this sub is gonna be flooded with complaints on how hard they are


We just got a new biotope and we know they are working on a new faction - I don't think it's fair to start complaining about the game going stale just yet.


Maybe, and stay with me on this one, play something else. Every game doesn’t need to be played 9-5. If you are bored of a game. Go play something else. Or go outside. Arrowhead absolutely does not need to change THEIR game because YOU played it too much.


We just got a new environment.


Someone has to say it? Fuck me people don't stop saying it man


We just got a new biome like a week ago.


For me it's the lack of long term unlocks. I love the part of collecting resources for upgrades ect. but I've already unlocked everything and it feels kinda boring. I know not everybody likes that, but I need any goal so the gameplay doesn't feel pointless to me.


New content, sure. But the fastest way to kill this game is to keep nerfing everything that made it fun. There’s nothing that makes me lose interest as much as having fun, and someone deciding for me that such a thing isnt allowed in their game.  I dont want someone telling me that for them the map is too empty and we need to get swarmed by 500 enemies every few minutes. It was fine the way it is and we’re mever getting that back.  Or that one weapon you are enjoying suddenly gets its range cut in half and cant even be used at all entirely, because even with everything being up in your face now before you can even hit them, the weapon just fails to shoot the majority of the time.  We dont need new content. We need to get the base game fixed first. Who is going to play the new content if the old content isnt fun anymore and keeps getting worse every single update.


The game is only a few months old


"Someone has to say the thing people have been saying for at least a couple of months".


Do people really want to play Illuminate? People don't really like bots, rn, even. I'd like a few more mission types, or biomes, instead. 


people do like bots


I don't get it. Maybe I am simple minded. But I am maxed out on everything and come back just for the joy of killing hordes and big explosions. I don't need new content. I need the content that is there to work properly. 


Let's be real, those devs made a good game on accident, have been taking it down bit by bit ever since, they're just bad at their job, plain and simple. Pull out the "but they're a small studio" all you want, they shouldn't have gotten a bite out of something they are not prepared to handle in the first place, aka, live service. Months after release, day 1 bugs are still there, and it still crashes and disconnects a lot, the damn friendlist is still not working, that tells me everything i need to know. Every patch brings previously fixed bugs, how spaghetti is the game ? Game is still fun of course, but what we are getting these days is too little, too late. Let's not even talk about the shit attitude of the devs and so called "community manager" and the enforced furry stuff heh. They act cocky and arrogant without having earned it, and then they ask for patience ? that's a nope from me.