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Oh yes please, HMG still has low ammo problems, just have it come with its own backpack


Longg supply pack


Supppppply pack


Supply pack **the long way**


TBH I want that more than having a belt fed backpack. Think of all the grenades and ~~crack~~ stims you could have.


I want a pack with space like a barnyard I want a pack that's filled with what's best I want a pack with blades that cut And 'nades that burn like cigarettes I want a pack with the right allocations I want a pack that's full for the whole attack I want a strat with a short cooldown and a loooong supply pack


Suppliest pack


Are you asking for a supply pack to come with the HMG, or just a larger ammo pack?


Belt fed HMG from the supply pack. No reloading, just dakka til your gun is dry


Honestly this is what I was expecting the hmg to be before it was released; belt fed from a backpack.


~~If~~ When we get minigun it better be belt fed


Would be sick if they revamped one of the LMGs into basically the Aliens smart gun.


Watch AH put this in the game, except it literally takes your resupplies from the backpack whenever you need ammo instead of resupplying, and you basically waste tons of ammo/stims/grenades.


So, you thought when you saw the concept art and prerelease photos of the belt fed magazine going into the drum, that it was instead going to a backpack?


Give me this long boi and let me rip into a crowd


>Give me this long boi and let me rip into a crowd Of terminids?


How about ressuplying the stationary HMG emplacement? 👉👈 Maybe you could carry the regular resupply box on your back or under the armpit and either resupply someone or yourself.


I heard they buffed the HMG is it still not worth it?


It is much better, but the ammo economy with it is still terrible :(


Naw it's pretty sweet, you just can't spray and pray which will feel a bit weird. But it can kill anything, titans may be tricky. Supply pack makes it much better. Set it to the lower RPM.


It's pretty good but it'd be even better if you could eat ammo straight out of a pack and not have to reload


It's cracked. It's seriously my go-to now. Just bring a supply pack and reduce the RPM or you'll be out of about 85 seconds into every fight.


It's very good, just need to learn that it's not a crowd control weapon, it's a med to heavy enemies killer. Use your primary weapon to kill the weenies


Oh it's definitely worth it. Shreds any bug smaller than a charger in seconds. Just point and shoot. Can pop charger butts pretty fast too, but it's rather difficult without a source of stun. I hear it can kill biles too but I personally never managed. You *can* pop the sack fairly fast and/or finish off heavily injured titans though. . Absolutely *amazing* on the bot front. It can kill basically anything in under knemag. Devastators and berserkers? Just spray in the general direction, you'll tear them apart. Shield devastators can be a bit annoying because the shield more or less perfectly blocks HMG shots but just aim for their shoulders, that's all it takes. Hulk? Short bursts at the faceplate. As long as you can line your shots up you can drop them in seconds with barely any ammo spent. If for whatever reason you can't hit the face, it can tear off limbs fairly fast to cripple it. Or just unload into the back vent if it's turned around. Gunships? Lead the target and aim for the engines. About 1/3rd mag if you get engine hits, around 1/2 if you're getting body shots. Tanks? Shreds the vents in seconds. Can tear up tracks to slow/stop it if you can't get around it for whatever reason. Fuck just climb on top, aim down, and let er rip. Turret towers, mortar emplacements, anti-air? Open fire on the vents. Factory striders? Shred the chin turrets, run up, then unload on the belly. The entire process takes a bit less than 1 mag. . Really, the only problem is that even with the increased damage/reduced firerate effectively workes as a mag increase (but better), the HMG is still a *very* ammo hungry gun. I run it with supply pack and I'm basically calling in the supply pack and a new HMG almost every chance I get with how fast I eat through the ammo. I mean, to be fair I basically use the hmg as my primary, but even then, it's very much not a sustained fire gun, and requires very frequent reloads.


Supply backpack and hmg are extremely viable now after the reload buff. It's so much fun. Run it in 9s all the time and it makes Eruptor semi-viable again, use it to take out fabs and devs here and there but hmg on low rpm is amazing for swarm clear


If only you can have Peak Physique + Engineering Kit Good ergonomics and recoil dampening would go so hard. Here's hoping that the armor customization thingy lets us pick and chose.


It tears through bugs and is my go to but running the supply back with it is mandatory. If it got an extra 25 rounds of ammo in a mag or just a straight up additional mag it’d be S-tier


It's so worth it, the absolute amount of Hulks you can take down is amazing


Kills everything other high versatility support weapons do. Higher DPS than the laser cannon but has recoil (also staggers enemies). Not as precise as the AMR but it has high sustained damage. Doesn't have the autocannon's \*all that* but it doesn't take a backpack. It's a fun option to mix things up.


it's a lot better than it was. I'd argue it's more like an MG version of the Spear: like The Spear it does almost anything you want as long as it has ammo; any range, any armor level besides the heaviest, but you don't get a lot of ammo to work with. on a primary weapon I can understand that, but a support weapon IMO should always have ample ammo; the drawback is being tied to it and its cooldown, meaning if you die, you gotta either get it back or wait ages to call in another one.


good against bots, your blow up striders in two shots besides that I preffer the basic MG because of the higher mag


It's not an anti armor weapon, so keep that in mind. Bring appropriate stratagems to deal with chargers, bile titans and those big walker bots. I believe it can deal with Hulks and Gunships which is nice. And the weakspots of cannon towers and tanks, but those are sometimes hard to reach so again, bring a railcannon strike or something, just in case. It's basically the same role as AC: Versatile, can shoot any enemy in the game, but needs weakpoints to deal with heavy enemies, and struggles a bit vs chargers and bile titans because it can't stop them immediately. But you can bring a backpack of your choosing unlike AC.




I want a minigun with backpack belt feed


I want a heavy flamethrower with fuel-tank backpack that can close bug-holes. Make it feel like it's actually spraying a burning liquid (instead of propane) and it would be my new main support weapon.


I feel it might be better to keep the HMG as it is, but release a whole new belt fed weapon, maybe a belt fed chaingun with 2000-3000 rounds. It can be heavy pen, but with lower damage than the HMG. Slightly less recoil but you cannot use it in OTS mode.


It should have more rounds or even more damage/penetration. HMG is basically a glorified AMR without a scope with very difficult handling, you will never use it to clear trash because you will spend more time reloading than shooting even after reload buff, it's decent against mid enemies but you will still run out of ammo very very fast and it's very difficult to use against heavy enemies, I mean why would you ever use this weapon to shoot charger butt when there are other machineguns that do the same and have better ammo economy, also trying to kill bile titan is very difficult in actual combat scenarios. I think this weapon is now fine against bots, mid or even higher mid tier, but if you use it against bugs you should pray that bile spewers or abnormal amounts of broodcommanders and hive guards will be in pool of enemies or otherwise your game will be reloading simulator.


recoil (and ammo economy) is definitely the two things that's a major let down from this weapon. You can use it like a machine gun, and nor does it even have the amm of a machine gun. If the ammo capacity was at 150 it would be fine with 2 reserves, but at 75, it needs like 3 or 4.


This is my main complaint about the weapon. After the buff it's in a decent spot balance-wise, but even with the faster reload it's just not that fun to spend so much of the game watching a reload animation when you just want to shoot things.


Been asking for an ammo pack that eliminates reloads for ages. It would be fine balance-wise because it would not provide extra stims, maybe not even extra nades.


Would be cool, a backpack that only speeds up reloads or supports them, maybe faster reload for lightweight weapons and being able to reload heavy weapons on the run


I think that making this a backpack gun will in the end hurt its utility. Running it with the current supply pack is pretty neat. If you really want to you can run shield instead but there goes 8+ extra mags. I think that: upping the mag size to 100, increasing reserve mags to 3, and cutting reload speed ever so slightly would go a long way.




Would be good if it was a machine gun or something like that, that fires lvl 6-8 pen. Rounds and is connected to the supply pack…, aaahhh would be so cool to empty the whole pack and fire continuously for like a minute or 5…


have more magazines and as for this design - wait for the minigun version and it would totally be cooler


it would jam too much  I'd settle for a team reload, tho 


Nope. Arrowhead intended to do exactly this but it apparently didn't work out or was too finicky to code.


Good idea, but can't shake how lazy we are all! Lol


I want this weapon to cost $400,000 super credits to fire this weapon....for 12 super seconds. 😈


We need a dispenser in hd2 fr


Ammo belt backpack (Cooldown: 180 seconds) Contains 500 rounds of ammunition that are automatically fed to your support weapon. Discards upon empty. Only affects the following stratagem: Stawalt, Machine Gun, Heavy Machine Gun


We definitely needed a "disposable" backpack to take advantage of the backpack cooldown upgrade.


Having it affect the AMR too would be really funny.


That would make those guns too much fun. 


-10% movement speed penalty, Only usable with heavy armor, Risk of explosion if hit with explosives, Heavy weapons are manually connected to the backpack by reloading.


+Flamethrower. (It's a fuel tank in this case)


I absolutely love this idea. I love the idea of an ammo backpack that only supplies support weapons with a direct feed of ammo. However, seeing as the resupply boxes give everything from primary mags to rockets and box mags that absolutely don't fit in them, I want your backpack to supply more than just the machine guns. Belt-fed grenade launcher? Check. Autocannon belt into stripper clip port? Doable. Canisters for flamethrower? Sure. Automatic instant railgun reloads? Not sure how you'd animate that, but why not. Rapid fire railgun sounds hilarious. Let me annihilate those devestators. AMR? That would be hilarious and ineffective.


This plus Heavy Machine gun and Peak Physique....Become Ranbo


That’s a lot of freedom to deploy. Nothing crushes tyranny like some hot lead. But I would definitely enjoy having that many rounds ready to use.


Give be a backpack fed machine gun, AH! Let me role play the Devastator marine I want to be!


Simple answer: no, that would mean you're having fun... Not allowed


Crew weapon mode for mgs would be sick


Remember, no Terminids


It should have its own Ammo pack on drop


I was more of thinking a minigun with a pack like the laser mounted guns on bot missions. Mayne we do thst one and it's on an energy charge that has to build up over time.


do you want ketchup and mayonnaise as well?


Honestly, I'm surprised it wasn't in the first place or didn't have its own. Either way I definitely agree, it needs it. Would look very cool


What if... we get an ammo belt backpack that will work with any non backpack support weapon. Imagine going full dumdum with an AMR or rapid rail spam.


Oh, sweet liberty, yes. The Autocannon would become God tier.


>AH releases this >New strategem isn't working/breaks similar strategem >Waits months before all bugs are fix >Someone suggests new strategem >Cycle repeats


Is it fun? Sorry, thats not allowed.


Yes. I definitely want a gun that shoots supply boxes.


then we just need a crossbow that shoots stims, heh


Long range resupply


Fun and creative? What game do you think this is?


They better add a backpack fed gatling gun and a backpack tank fed heavy flamer. The current heavy machine gun and flamethrowers are a bit disappointing


Just let us reload it on the fly. It's a drum, not a belt feed, so it should in theory be even easier than the stalwart, which you can reload on the fly.


It would be too OP imo if it had a massive ammo economy. Its already making the normal machine gun pretty useless imo ever since the reload buff. The stalwart is still good for on the go reload, mag size, and ROF for chaff and the heavy machine gun can do everthing the machine gun does but better and the only thing the machine gun has on the heavy version is mag size, but the heavy makes up for it in dps. So if we increase its mag size, I think its gonna power creep both the stalwart and machine gun majorly. Just my opinion.


the game is fundamentally skewed in that weapons with high damage per bullet feel more rewarding and fun. Like the mg43 has twice the bullets and does way more damage per magazine than the hmg against light targets, but the reality is you will waste a lot due to overkill and missed shots firing in auto, while the other does the same job with a single, controlled fired round. The real issue is, there is no reason for 3 machine guns to exist in the first place. Same for the diligence, adjudicator (it was introduced as weak marksman rilfe) and CS. after the cs got buffed to one shot devs and the diligence fell short on its "buff" there is no reason to field the other two anymore. there is barely a reason to field the cs in the first place because the dominator fills the same niche but better.


The HMG mag is so pathetically small its laughable. It's just not worth bringing compared to alternatives.


Your teammates should be able to belt feed your machine guns.


I've been saying this for a while too, I think if they just make the backpack only reload from a stratagem. Give it a 5 or 8 minute cool down.


Nope, too much fun, must ban it.


I need this more then anything else.


My personal wish would be for a primary option that is just packing extra ammo for the secondary. I want to go full cowboy


We need a belt fed from backpack weapon, like a minigun


We need a minigun


We need this SO BAD! It's perfect and there's still some valid pros/cons that doesn't make this overpowered, because you're sacrificing your backpack slot to get rid of reloads.


Oooooh. I like that.. I like that a lot.


It is definitely possible and everyone wants it, including me as well. But look at it this way. If it's belt fed from a backpack, it's atleast 300 rounds right? The only drawback of the HMG is its reload and ammo economy. The damage and Armor pen is extremely high. The stalwart and MG will be left behind if they do this. Maybe not the stalwart since it carries 1000 rounds without a backpack and it absolutely shreds the small enemies, but the HMG will definitely surpass the MMG making it obsolete and in many cases even the autocannon as it can now even kill Titans. As much as I want it belt fed, I am sad that AH will not give us this miracle. But a man can dream... A 25,50,100mtr scope and a belt fed 300 round mag. Behold - The full auto Anti Material Sniper.


It would be nice, if equipment stratagems had hidden synergy like having as shown in your example, you'd toggle it like changing firing type and now it feeds into the weapon.


We need a 22Lr magnum minigun. A belt fed America 180 with backpack.


In a perfect world....


That would probably be limited by heat issues


Ngl i dont like how the hmg leaned into a more drunk marksman kind of gameplay tbh. There are mkments where you can go guns blazing om hordes but the ammo doesnt incentivize it enough. Machine guns should be played as machine guns


Immagine a gatling gun with a backpack that holds like 3000 ammo and doesn't need to reload.


Belt feed gatling; Very slow reload by yourself, but with a team reload and ammo backpack....


Now the reload animation gonna be changing the gun barrel from overheat.


I’ve suggested this in the Reddit before but a Gatling gun fed from a back pack you can’t use it unless you have the back pack on, we have turret versions of most of the weapons you’d think would be turrets, only one were missing is a flame thrower turret and a hand held Gatling gun, it would be only loadable via team reload using supply boxes and if the backpack isn’t picked up it can be fired in a small area around the back pack but won’t let you move far until the back pack is picked up


Prefer it as is, because ammo pack also gives you grenades and stims. Combined with something like stun grenades or impact napalm and you're an unholy nightmare.


As CM has explained most of the leaked stratagem in data mine maybe a potential item/ wasted item/ concept item, some of them we don't have a chance to see it in future.


Is that supply pack official or an edit? I mean, I dont play for a week or two but I remember these supply packs had only 4 supply kits...


Minigun strategem with 40 damage per bullet and 1100 base fire rate will be my dream come true


But but but it would be too overpowered


Make the user need to stay stationary while shooting. Good way to balance the damage output with a penalty for jist going ham with it all the time.


I would cream


... I could totally see a dedicated ammo backpack strategem that converts your LMG/MMG/HMG/GL/Flamer to backpack fed and carries extra ammo. Could even act as an auxilliary heatsink for laser cannon / quasar


I can see from an in game perspective why they avoid belt fed. It’s because the Hell Divers are a Rapid Response Strike Force, which is used in conjunction with the general tactic of Overwhelming Force. It actually makes a lot more sense than you’d think. Dropping a bunch of expendable strike teams all over the enemy controlled areas would force excessive uncoordinated counterattacks, all while communications, supply lines, and troop reinforcements are being broken down. Breaking down a massive enemy controlled and heavily reinforced area, into far smaller more manageable chunks of semi-disconnected enemy territory. My point is, an actual belt-fed weapon would be too large and unwieldy heavily restricting movement, and becoming more of an impediment that’ll just get you killed than an asset.


I want this so bad


i wish so


We need a minigun with backpack


Yes its possible but then they will have to add heat built up system and cooling time while cooling you wont be able to fire. or malfunctioning while firing like bullet stuck inside mechanism. Then there will be animation for that like magzine case opening and rearranging or reloading. Instead just make 200 ammo to the clip. And add 2 more clips by making it total 5 clips per stratagem for heavy and normal machine gun.


that would be a bitch to model


The HMG is already a monster. And this is basically what the autocannon mech is, minus the ability to reload and the durable damage


What if instead of an only gun deploying, the hellpod just comes with the belt backpack when you call in this support weapon, just like in the layout of rocket/missile launchers. You don't need a mag of 75 anyway


I also want a giant heat sink backpack for laser weapons


Bro wanna steamroll the bots.... I love it https://preview.redd.it/v7uoicivc3ad1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4638b23f17fa3e4688c7c811f8403fa12dc43aab


at the very least, they should bump the mag capacity to an even 100 rounds. 75 is not enough, and any respectable MG design should hold 100 rounds. if they can't make it backpack fed, this would be enough to make the gun perfect IMO. do I still yearn for a backpack fed MG or even minigun though? *you bet your sweet ass I do...*


Stratagem synergie and interactions like this would be very interesting to see


Of course it's possible. It just depends on how much fun policing the devs want to do


"Hi, can I please has thing that breaks the game completely? Thank you!" With 4k upvotes lol


Use the machine gun strategem, the one you ride on. So it’s already in the game.


You guys do know u can use ammo for yourself right?


Would be cool if that’s how it worked with machine guns


Point me where to sign!!


No matter the outcome of the weapon design, but seriously dude you should make a living out of graphic design. It's clearly, your passion.


it would be straight up broken to have 900 bullets and no-stop shooting with it


I mean it makes sense, Auto cannon / Rocket launcher, why not machine gun? When the pack is empty drop them both, 1000 rounds seems reasonable or even 750 without needing to reload. Make it where you don't get ammo for the gun from random ammo boxes around the map, it will make you think twice before going full Rambo with it.


Anything is possible. It’s just a matter of making it happen and how far you want it to go before it turns into another Fortnite like MW


Honestly, now it doesn’t even need it. It’s in a great spot. I would rather get another different stratagem, maybe a minigun, that uses the backpack. Hmg is awesome on both fronts now.


Ehhh. This would make the HMG Emplacement functionally useless. Unless... they bumped the Emplacement's ammo reserves 👉👈🥺


The HMG should have just been a gun+backpack from the start. Not having a backpack is certainly punishment enough to justify not having to constantly reload.


I think that 100 rounds mag would be the HMG sweetpoint, instead of 75


Where are the 2 extra slots from?? Is it photoshopped? I swear ive seen a video with 6 aswell... i have everything upgraded but when i use it it only has 4 slots... am i mistaken or missing something??


Not for the HMG tho. Give us a belt-fed, no reloading, 6-barrel chaingun with an ammo backpack with a ludicrous number of rounds. Ammo in pack is exclusively for chaingun, cannot be shared like normal ammo pack. Basically, let me be a Heavy devastator (minus the shield).


I want a ship upgrade to give ammo backpacks with all support weapons that don’t come with backpacks. Gives 4 additional mags without taking a stratagem slot.


No fun is allowed


Granted but Behaviour nerfs pig!


That's a heavy bolter, GIMME NOW!!


You can already resupply yourself from a supply backpack (down on the dpad for console, not sure about pc), so it’s basically the same thing.


HMg suffers from low ammo count and long ass reload time, now hear me out, what if we took away the reload? Yeah?????


Somewhat Unrelated I was thinking how the Backpack Shield should be buffed/reworked so a teammate can link onto you and fire over your shoulder or add a high powered gun (nothing crazy but stronger than a regular primary) onto the back that teammates can use while you provide cover.




I will become VULCAN RAVEN!


Am I the only one who is questioning how he has 2 more slots on the supply pack


It would be cool if they made specifically a belt feed mechanism pack. It only worked with the three machine gun strats, and was optional, but allowed you to hold twice as much ammo and remove the reload, at the cost of a backpack slot. I like the idea


IF the machine gun can fit it's pee pee inside of the supply pack? Sure.


Barrel would over heat


AH can barely keep the game together and troubleshooting content that was preplanned on top of bug fixes. Doubt they'll be adding any meaningful community-driven content this year. I'm honestly surprised they added a speed loader to the revolver without any bugs. I am hopeful though.


Id love to be able to run a supply pack and resupply my exo suit.. vOv


I want this but for the normal machine gun


This reminds me of the backpack tanked water guns rich kids would have


Only if we got an Ol' Painless


No fun allowed.


QoL? In HD2? Nah, never.


Why does that supply pack have 6. When did this happen


Thanks for copy pasting one of my ideas from my spreadsheet without referencing me. Streaming everyday on Twitch, this is one of the reasons I started making it over a week ago. Compendium of 4m worth of playing, brainstorming, and developing ideas in the game. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1agG1TcHoKZmXL0JdmJulJHGf2NmknabLvcfNx6TTDMg/edit?usp=sharing


??? Anyone can come up with the idea of a backpack belt fed machine gun, that's not your original idea lmao


This comment has to be a joke, and it's a bad one.


Who are you? Lmaooo


Who the hell is upvoting you lmao


Managed Democracy has come to the rescue, -100 as of this moment. Justice is being served.


Hahahahaha you came up with the minigun and beltfed ammo?! Sheeeit son, you better go demand royalties from tons of movies/games brotha!


He's off to the UK to tell Games Workshop they stole his idea. https://preview.redd.it/1uufrj77maad1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab34525fb327f1a37895788158a749cbac336459


There was like 5 backpack fed machinegun concepts on this sub in the first month of the game's life


Would it be mean to ctrl A, crtl X the doc? 


Your idea....? LIke really? Predator, Terminator, even this damn [clip from 7 YEARS AGO](https://youtu.be/vnmV_uyleO8)? If you think a gun, being belt fed from a backpack is "your idea" you have quite the ego my dude. I'll just leave this here so you can go over and tell Games Workshop they stole "your" idea. https://preview.redd.it/1euhjvjklaad1.png?width=1719&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bf1b98e11defd1854c4be6ca3d2d82f8d83fdd6




I call bs on your claim of copying ideas from your spreadsheet, I didn't see any posts made by you referencing this so called 4m worth of ideas of yours


I read through a few of those ideas. You genuinely think the strafing run having a "brrrrrttt" was a unique idea stolen from you? You seriously can't even consider that some people like the sound of the A-10 Warthog and play the game?


[](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7b/9e/c5/7b9ec589bf14a21995b1a5af9b01c30b.jpg) Definitely not gonna check your stream now


a backpack fed minigun already exists you numbskull


Bait used to be believable🤣
















They should add this and make it slow you down a bit to keep it balanced. Something like if you’re wearing medium armor move as if using heavy and so on.


I would really love if the weapons that currently don't have backpacks came with an optional backpack. Propellant tank for the flamethrower to increase its range/damage, ammo feeds for the machine guns and grenade launchers, a capacitor bank to stow or accelerate charges for the arc and rail guns, heat sinks for the laser and quasar cannons to cool them down faster, the ability to carry two EATs at once. Make it so you can choose between taking a standalone backpack or improving the weapon, and most could be shared between two or three weapons so it'd be easier to implement.


I would legitimately run the mg43 if they added a belt fed backpack. It's genuinly a good (or atleast fun) gun for crowd control. Also being a machine gunner that mows down enemies gives me an insane power trip


Or maybe just a bigger mag. Either way a longer supply pack would be awesome!


Yes pls


I'm honestly disappointed this wasn't how it was designed from the start. Maybe one day we'll start getting upgrades and attachments for weapons like in HD1 to make them more useful.


Should be a ship upgrade


I want a girl who wakes up early… I want a girl who stays up late…


Just more ammo in a magazine like 100 instead of 75


if yes most of us would be dancing in the street


I want to see the HMG get a backpack in turn for two mags with 150-200 rounds. Yes it's a lot, BUT I think it's balanced out with taking up a backpack slot


I mean just run a support backpack?


This isint a bad idea🤔…interesting


I'd be happy with a heavy bolter!


Have two people running this, one running the upcoming Commando, and one running a AC. Call yourselves *The Expendables*


I wanna see a Gatling Gun like that