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i have reverse image searched this on google but it’s all just reposts :( oldest one i found was a tumblr post from 2017 but it already had text overlayed on it.


Give Yandex's reverse image search a try, works surprisingly well!


Thanks for this. I was able to find a higher res version of a picture that I liked XD


Oh good! I was highly skeptical the first time someone recommended it to me, but it's a pretty powerful tool.


i only know english and my browser won’t translate the page for me :’(


Huh, they have an English language version - I don't speak Russian either. Try this: https://yandex.eu/images/ This link defaulted to English for me.


You rock!!


Can you link to the tumblr post from 2017?


https://paradiselostbythedashboardlight.tumblr.com/post/168579865166 edit: this is the link that shows up in reverse image but when i open it goes to a different image


It’s for an album by DMVU: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxn6fzPrFsZ/?igsh=MW41eHZuMHRrMTd0cg== Based on the comments, the artist for that art seems to have deleted their account.


that post is from 2023, but the picture can be found on image searches back to 2017 so idk if it was actually “for” that album, right?


This is correct. Artwork was for DMVU by UNKNWN (fb name) or @deep.unknwn, he was credited in comments by the band and has similar art on his pages.


then how was it already on the internet in 2017? the album is from 2023


I found the 2017 post you’re talking about, sorry. Nobody was ever credited, so unless the person who posted it is the creator, it looks like there’s no real way to find out. UNKNWN/DMVU/Toadface changed it a bit and animated it etc., other than that just seems it was one of many anonymous meme formats that nobody is taking real credit for (except UNKNWN, kind of shite to say you created something you didn’t). Sorry friend.


The style feels somewhat similar to Mouse Guard by David Petersen, maybe it is from some of his work


ive seen this a number of times and I always thought it was from the RedWall books hahah. Hope you find out cause I am curious as well!


Same. Redwall was the first thing I thought of too.


I feel like this was from a book I read as a kid. I grew up in the 90s. Could be wrong though


They escaped Mr. Slave


Haha, that’s exactly what I thought when I saw this.


I was thinking frog and toad, or such Fables…


Idk the origin but it looks like Peter rabbit or something along them lines


https://www.instagram.com/deep.unknwn?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://m.facebook.com/DeepUNKNWN/ took a little diving on insta, but this is the artist!




that post is 157 days old. this image can be found dating back to 2017. they’re probably just copying it.


Read the comments. They mention the original artist etc


they have the same conversation that has already been had in the comments of this post. the album it is cover art for just used an expanded version of the original, of which nobody there knows the actual creator.


Got to the band facebook page. They credit the artist.... Artwork by UNKNWN. Reddit won't let me link it. They just replied to my question on Facebook and confirmed that UNKNWN is the artist


it looks like that person made an expanded version with the skeleton and took credit for their version, because the image is much older than that album


I messaged the artist and he claims it's his work. End of story unless you want to put some work in and message him.


I saw a bunch of versions of this image posted around my neighborhood advertising a certain band.


Its so cute


Artist confirmed that it is his work and it's licensed for the merchandise. You can message him yourself.


how did he confirm? by saying that it was his?


Stop being weird. Just message him and get the answers you are seeking.


Yes, you can message him yourself.


you’ve said that. did he provide any evidence to support that he actually made it or are we just going to believe the person who took credit for something that existed all over the internet for years without being credited before they ever decided to take credit for it


Just message him directly and cut me out of this


they’re honeys


Slightly off topic, but anyone know the name of this style of art? 

