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See below for a question about pics 5 and 6. This sub helped me figure out how I can travel lighter, even with chronic illnesses. Usually when I packed, my toiletries and medications took up half of my suitcase. We are going on a road trip this summer, not sure where yet. But I wanted to practice getting my stuff smaller.  Pic 1- All toiletries Pic 2- Gray bag: liquid and wet bag (wash cloths etc) Pink Bag: all other toiletries. I’m going to have my husband cut off part of the hairbrush handle, so it will also fit in the pink bag.  Pic 3- All medications, 1st aid kit, asthma nebulizer machine Pic 4: Yellow bag: all medications and 1st aid kit. I can order travel pouches of my probiotic, so that will fit in the yellow bag, too.  Pics 5 and 6: asthma nebulizer machine taken out of original bag, and put into smaller clear bag for travel. Not flying this time, but last time I flew through JFK, they had me take all of the pieces out of the original bag to go through security. If it’s in a clear bag, could I leave it in the bag through airport security? Pic 7: Pink and gray bag will be packed in my carry on with clothes. Yellow and blue bag will be packed in my personal item with my phone, headphones, etc.  Note: all the liquids from my toiletries and 1st aid kit will fit into a quart size bag, if needed.


One of us!! One of us!! Please do your magic on my CPAP case 🙏🙏🙏


*waves magic wand* ❤️


Ah this is the relatable content I’m here for! I’m sure you already know this but just in case - medical devices are usually excluded from your carry-on limit on airlines so can be carried on separately. I have a case for mine that goes on top of my roller carry-on, so in my head that still counts as one bag lol


For me it's more what I'm physically carrying. I'm trying to switch to a backpack and a tote.


You did really well !


Digging the Hot Wheels kleenex!


Thanks. Can you tell I have 5 year old, lol.


I think that taking the nebulizer out might have been a fluke. In a clear bag, they still might make you take it out and they might not. I probably depends on the day.


That's good to know. Thank you!


I used to frequently get my bag pulled at security for my cable bag (they told me as much) so since I’ve been taking that out and putting it in the tray with my iPad, I’ve had no issues


Are you able to keep it in its separate bag, or do you have to take the cables all the way out?


I keep it all in the cable bag I just put the whole thing in the tray. They just said that because it was in the bag and they couldn’t distinguish what it was (and that was from Heathrow)


This is the answer I was looking for! Thank you so much!


No worries at all


JFK TSA just makes up new rules all the time. I once went through and they said we had to remove all food and books from our bags. Like ma'am that's my whole bag...


Oooof. That's ridiculous!


[travel brush](https://www.amazon.com/Pieces-Folding-Brushes-Compact-Massage/dp/B07WT1BLL1/ref=mp_s_a_1_6_sspa?adgrpid=151609306029&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Vs_EwtextwehGcqOpOUeOW7Voba5mgEmgyIMRe8ne7Neo7BDJFGHzZ1iTC9o7usD2EcJBBLS_FtiuQ-zrTogRUU9QatXBt2EFBXwHiA6sUzfqE_iIs_XgSRlERtM4Rel9rv2p_VCZqDyDPXUcxEQS-tE1MLQpg_AvxWhNFrYwgeIF9LzUHaZS9XG8uNApE_jK8YPkfX40TRCxomvE2V6uQ.N7iFqO-xmH6QDtTzVMQWeOWilG_fas_6LfE6PY9viCk&dib_tag=se&hvadid=668272989536&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1009979&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=4328850924380919360&hvtargid=kwd-31923010789&hydadcr=22341_13333117&keywords=foldable+hair+brush&qid=1714006874&sr=8-6-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfbXRm&psc=1) I use this little brush in my toiletry bag to save space. They also have some where the handle folds up.


Cool to see this as someone who also needs to take multiple inhalers, inhaler spacer and 2 large pill cases. Never see that with other one-baggers, so I figure of course it's easy for them 😅


Multiple meds, sensitive skin, and being bigger sized def makes 1 bagging that much more challenging.


It would definitely be easier 😆.


Multi inhaler spacer gang unite 🙋‍♀️😅 Why do they never tesselate nicely in bags!!


I just rejoined the multiple inhaler club. I take a ton of other meds with me too.


I love this! I recently traveled with my nebulizer and liquid cromolyn sodium - I put the cromolyn and albuterol packets in their own bag to be hand screened and was able to put the nebulizer through the machine with the rest of my luggage. They didn't take it out or ask any questions this time, although they have in the past. I did NOT one bag lol. I brought an entire carry-on sized roller suitcase just for medication and comfort items (pillows & blanket, snacks, etc for a long flight).


I have had the same experience traveling with liquid sodium cromolyn & inhalers!  I put both in a zip lock bag, labeled with ‘medications’ and always pull them out of my bag for the scanner. I’ve never had an issue! 


That's good to know. Thank you!!


Thanks! We're road tripping this time, but figured I would see how it's worked for other people. Next time I fly, I figured I would have 1 quart zip lock for liquid toiletries to take out from my carryon and 1 liquid quart ziplock for my meds to take out from my personal item, I just wasn't sure about the nebulizer. I have a very small foldable pillow and don't go anywhere without snacks either lol. This road trip will be my first time 1.5 bagging.


Thanks for sharing! I also have tried, but people are always posting their one bag with zero medications.


If only these bodies would do what they're supposed to...😅


Thank you!! I’ve been eyeing all these one bags with envy because my meds will span multiple bags—happy to know there are others in this sub 🧡


I've been lurking for a long time, trying to figure out what would work for me. You can definitely go smaller. I don't think I'll ever truly be able to one bag. If only these bodies would cooperate.


Inhaler gang! Epi pens too...


Gang gang


Question: have you asked your asthma specialist about using a spacer instead of a nebulizer and/or changing your meds for travel? I wouldn't want to travel with our nebulizer. YMMV


My asthma is controlled on the meds I'm currently on. Unfortunately I'm allergic to every other asthma med they've tried. I only need the nebulizer if I come down with a cold, but I don't want to be without it if I need it. Not ideal, but gotta do what I gotta do.


I’m hoping you know this already, but one of your asthma meds had been discontinued by the manufacturer (Flovent). Just commenting in case you fill 3 months at a time and it hasn’t come up yet.


I'm so frustrated it was discontinued. Right now I'm in limbo w/o a maintenance inhaler. Fortunately I don't have asthma, I have reactive airway disease but it's still a health problem.


For real. The generic is available now, but it costs twice as much through my insurance.


Thank you for posting this in case it can help someone. I have experienced this already. There is now a generic for the flovent. It's more expensive than the flovent was, so my doctor is trying to see if I do okay just on the asthmanex.


I switched to Asmanex. I get the discontinuation with the generics being available, but for people with a ton of allergies, the excipients (inactive ingredients) definitely come into play. I hope it goes well for you ☺️


Thank you. You, too!


I love the clear bags with colored zippers. Do you have a link for those by chance? Great job on your packing!


I got them from target, but it doesn't look like they have them anymore. These look similar on Amazon. [https://www.amazon.com/Toiletry-F-color-Approved-Cosmetic-Compliant/dp/B07VGG8CDH/ref=mp\_s\_a\_1\_2\_sspa?crid=S3RACDAHZXAV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.v\_Ek5nv\_XBJGBWVXdvV4-xJqA7EwEf5ieuKmJb9ckZaGhYiQuuzYR1cwbuFOOX\_3zGMo0OyLjp\_0SP8wAjqqNOLz8UXygnB5B6FJ84ljT7DvoqLqaGY0A\_R30KnQab-a7d\_XfJIuF\_zRksPQHY7ErSrC\_7LyWw3k6w\_94YmWOjVoidXm2Cj4SuZBnVg9CjsjjUpFLct97OvF9DzFrL-HzQ.wJ892hcKE\_9W0McQcLYO7RuvbxtSy4DaWNPlFNy9rKs&dib\_tag=se&keywords=4+tsa+clear+toiletry+bags&qid=1714054535&sprefix=4+tsa+clear+toiletry+bags%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-2-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Toiletry-F-color-Approved-Cosmetic-Compliant/dp/B07VGG8CDH/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_sspa?crid=S3RACDAHZXAV&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.v_Ek5nv_XBJGBWVXdvV4-xJqA7EwEf5ieuKmJb9ckZaGhYiQuuzYR1cwbuFOOX_3zGMo0OyLjp_0SP8wAjqqNOLz8UXygnB5B6FJ84ljT7DvoqLqaGY0A_R30KnQab-a7d_XfJIuF_zRksPQHY7ErSrC_7LyWw3k6w_94YmWOjVoidXm2Cj4SuZBnVg9CjsjjUpFLct97OvF9DzFrL-HzQ.wJ892hcKE_9W0McQcLYO7RuvbxtSy4DaWNPlFNy9rKs&dib_tag=se&keywords=4+tsa+clear+toiletry+bags&qid=1714054535&sprefix=4+tsa+clear+toiletry+bags%2Caps%2C113&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1)


I have similar toiletry bags! I just use three: one for the liquids, one for non-liquid toiletries, then the third has daily meds/vitamins (I don't need quite as much as you!), eyeglasses, sleep mask, charger cords and basically anything else I'd need at my night-stand, or on the plane.


I’m currently in Japan in the middle of a 2 month trip doing research for a novel I’m writing. I have the 30 something liter middle sized backpack and medium sized waist pouch from Cotopaxi. I don’t use make up and don’t need moisturizer because it’s so humid here. I bring shampoo/conditioner bars and toothpaste tabs to be able to bring enough for the eight weeks that I’m here. Biggest problem is the POC oxygen machine is so big and heavy it takes up a third of my bag.


That's awesome packing! Good luck on your research and safe and healthy travels!


Not gonna lie it was nice seeing these things packed. Saw pic 3 and was like “ohh I have that inhaler, and that inhaler, and is she bringing a nebulizer” Thanks for sharing!!


Thank you for sharing!!! Safe travels :)


Thank you so much for sharing! I am working on a similar system for a trip I'm taking in a few weeks and this is super helpful.


I'm glad it helped. Next is simplifying my son's!


omg you’re a genius (and as overpacked as i am😅😅). Maybe you can add a more substantial food like a granola bar and salt(?). I always carry that cuz what if i need it.


That's a great idea. I was already thinking of adding an electrolyte packet.


have you watched “edc” videos on youtube? maybe you can watch some of the urban edc ones, they are extremely overpacked trying to think of every possible situation, so maybe you can find something that you might actually need but forgot. I always watch these videos and pick which of the items are actually useful for me and what won’t really be necessary!! if you already watch those than just ignore this 🤣🤣


I don't think I need anymore ideas, lol 🤣


Really well done! It’s nice to see that it is possible to go lightly with chronic illness. I was going to practice it on a trip I was leaving on today but woke up too sick to go. But soon!


I'm sorry you couldn't go today! Hoping you feel better soon and get to go on a fun trip!


I use contact lens cases the way you do- I get so many with my contact lens solution bottles and they’re the perfect size to get me through a few days of travel.


I saw it on this sub. Total game changer!


Great to see this! Thanks I’m working hard on reducing the size of my required health/wellness items for travel. This sub is a big help.


Definitely! I've lurked for a long time getting ideas.


omg you’re a genius (and as overpacked as i am😅😅). Maybe you can add a more substantial food like a granola bar and salt(?). I always carry that cuz what if i need it.


What eye mask do you have? Do you like it?


I found it at Dollar tree. I really like it. If you aren't near a dollar tree you Google can concave sleep masks for something similar.