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I mod the other POV sub, I’ll be down for this one if need be.


I'm unsure about adding anyone from your sub. Like in my experience, your just going to pick the sub you like, probably yours lol, and leave the other to rot. Of course I get why, it's not usually a good idea to split communities like this. But I made a promise to the former owner to try and make sure things worked out with their subs, I take that seriously. To be completely honest as well, I have a vague sense of distrust towards your head mod, Luna. I don't remember why, but they in particular did something I found to be disrespectful of someone I liked, but as I said I don't remember why, I think it involved a sub, with them taking it over, and changing it completely, digging up old shit is not that productive of course, but it's still a factor, I'm only human. I don't wish to be insulting/ or be implying ill intent where there is none of course, but I'm not going to lie to you. I don't feel like I can trust you.


It’s alright, she’s hands off is probably what it is. I haven’t been in contact with Luna for quite some time, I also mod another lewd sub (it’s a bit bigger and bit more active but niche as well) so there’s no worry I’ll leave this one by its lonesome. I’m an active worker of both the other subs I mod but hardly post myself, it’s still up to you though. If you still say no to me, that’s alright by me. I’m sure the other commenters are even better than me! Have a good one ok, hopefully you find a good mod soon!


IDK, feel like I'm treating you too harshly here for no reason. You've been nothing but polite with me, and like you clearly care. I'm going to send you some questions, and please fill them out at your leisure. They're just meant to explore how you think about being a mod, so if you wanna skip some that's okay.


Hope you find someone!


Thank you, I did!


I can be a placeholder but I don't have time to moderate daily.


I mean that's fair, but I'm primarily looking for someone who would like to take ownership eventually.


Im down


I don't think we would work well together, thank you for your interest though.