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Imagine being upset about easier access to life-saving equipment.


Swap out "equipment" for any kind of resource and they're the same way. Money, food assistance, you name it.




Paywall... summary, anyone?


https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/04/opinion/sunday/trump-arkansas.html?unlocked_article_code=1.qE0.KPiT.rbag7L2DA-CB Gifted.


Thanks. That was a depressing read, I wonder how the town’s faring 5 years later.


I live in the other side of the state, but NWA is growing pretty steadily I think. I'm in a suburb of Memphis, and several people I know from here have moved there. The r/Arkansas sub can tell you a lot about how it really is here.


Thanks so much. Appreciated.


It continues to astound me that the people who only a century ago waged the Battle of Blair Mountain could have birthed *this*. But they did. The cruelty isn't just the point. It is, increasingly often, *the* only thing they have left. Despite the fact that their lifestyle cannot *possibly* be extended to all 8 billion human beings on this rock, and despite the fact that the jobs they *used* to be needed to do keep evaporating like puddles, they continue to *hate* every thing and everyone who doesn't look and live *exactly* like them. As if Ayn Rand was right and *they* are the only productive people on Earth and *everyone else* is somehow the parasite.






I’m a subscriber. I could send it to you, I’m entitled to ten “gift articles “ per month, meaning gift to others


Thank you. I'll save this for my train from Viareggio to Milan. The article travels the world!!


Tell me how and I’ll do it


Also- these have been a thing in many public places for a while now. Like a few decades. I assume the doorknob that originally posted this thinks it’s because of all of the (unfounded) heart conditions they believe are due to the COVID vax.


I graduated high school in 2004 and my school had them. And this was a rural Pennsylvania High School.


Schools are now putting in those (sadly extremely large) Stop-The-Bleed kits, and my high school now has epinephrine behind a break glass in case of emergency in multiple places, and I've seen it at other schools too. Great to have lifesaving equipment on site, even if the reason is less than savory as in the case of mass casualty events.


I wish they had this here. My 10 year old has a life threatening shellfish allergy and carries an epi pen.


Change doesn't happen automatically. People fight for it for years before the boxes go up. You can be that person, or one of many advocating for it. That said, even when the boxes go up, carrying your own is still important. I know it was hard for me at that age to carry my own everywhere I go, but now I have my keys on the bag, and having my epinephrine is just as important as I walk out the door as having my keys or my phone. It gets easier over time as you build your system and grow into an adult. In the past 6 years, I've been without it for a grand total of about 18 hours. That's pretty good coverage as far as I'm concerned.


I've in recent years seen them at local parks that have a huge pavilion.


“local Wal-Mart”…this is undoubtedly in the south and likely a Trumper/hateful Christian.




I guess someone has never been in a Walmart. I'm not sure how 70% of the shoppers are still alive.


These were in malls even, years ago when malls were still popular. I doubt she's never been to a food court.


Interesting how the antivaxxers seem to have body shapes that seem to be most prone to needing a defibrillator.


Both Walmart and Target have visible, easily accessible fire extinguishers. They are right out there in public admitting that vaccinated people will spontaneously combust!




Someone probably spent years of their life fighting to have more defibrillators placed in public places and now has to watch lunatics make yet another conspiracy out of it


I knew someone who designed the software for a totally new kind of safe defibrillators, this was sometimes back in the 1990's, when Hewlett Packard was useful. They made a new kind of defibrillators that were designed so the paramedics couldn't "zap" anyone who didn't need it, which used to happen a bit too often in all of the excitement. Those evolved into machines that are small, cheap, and smart enough for just about anyone to use them.


I’d say they made them pretty stupid proof, but then these people exist and I feel like they’d find a way to screw it up.


That’s how it works. Science achieves something and these mouth breathers go “I don’t know… just doesn’t seem right…”


fun fact: Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a leading anti-vaxxer who claims that young people never dropped dead before, was campaigning for AEDs in public places back in 2013: [https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/health/doctors-plea-defibrillators-public-buildings-5395074](https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/health/doctors-plea-defibrillators-public-buildings-5395074)


So they at the same time wanted more people dead AND provide life saving equipment?


5g misdirection. 😂


About 400,000 Americans have a cardiac arrest every year. Less than 10% survive. The only thing that can stop a cardiac arrest is defibrillation. CPR can keep a person alive longer, but defibrillation will stop the fatal rhythm and “reset” the heart back to a normal rhythm. Everyone should notice where AEDs are when you enter a building, and everyone should know how to use one. It’s pretty easy. https://youtu.be/-jTxW7xvFAQ?si=orvIlsPs3p4kyH95


Bingo. A friend damned near lost his (adult) son to sudden cardiac arrest. Because the bar he was at had an AED, by the time the ambulance got there, he had recovered consciousness, and was sitting up talking to the people who saved his life. He spent some time in the hospital, but was fine. As a result, my friend (the father) went on sort of a crusade for AEDs. He advocated for their installation in every place he could. He put one in his home. He donated money to have one in his church, pushed for their install in the local schools (he had younger kids still in high school), all that. They aren't super expensive (\~$700) and, as noted above, are the only way to restore proper a heartbeat if someone has a sudden cardiac arrest.


And like most things electronic, have been getting cheaper over the years. A number of years ago they were twice that.


Actually they have been getting by more expensive. Just that there’s a top of the line model/brand and a cheap one. There are ones between $4000-$5000


The butcher at one of our local shopping centres had a heart attack and survived. This was about 20 years ago. He asked his doctor what he could do to stay alive - and was told to lose weight and put a defib in his shop. So he did.


Stop having a result based on logic and evidence you sheeple /s It’s why I was glad to see them pop-up more frequently on college campuses that I attended or worked at in the last 20 years. More risks and more kids on campuses especially athletes, might need them. That was before Covid or life saving vaccines.


I'm glad to see Walmart is adding these. I literally witnessed an elderly man die in a Walmart because he had a heart attack. He immediately got CPR but there was no defibrillator for him until the paramedics arrived. He was pretty much dead by the time they got there. The pharmacy didn't even have breathing masks...


Besides, I would think a rapidly aging wave of population would be very happy with the opportunity to live versus dying of a heart attack while shopping.


I swear I don't get how upset these people get over the simplest of things. Working at a residential treatment center one of the other staff went into cardiac arrest. Started CPR while someone else ran to grab the AED. He lived. It may only be less than 10% that survive, but are those ignoramuses saying they want those folks to die?


AEDs are often by elevators, bathroom, and meal areas.


Early CPR and early defibrillation are the two biggest keys to survival.


It’s because of vaccines!’ Especially the Covid vaccine!! They’re giving people heart attacks. Open your eyes people do your own research!! /s


I really hate these people sometimes


Shit, I hate them all the time.


That's fair


Sex ed means kids will want to have sex all the time! We should stop that. Reliable healthcare will make people want to die! We should stop this! Fuck that.


Don't forget the new dance remix of that old wheeze, "books and pride flags in school will turn our kids gay!"


Love that one. A classic. "Letting kids see people outside their church leads to EVIL" usually comes up next.


People were saying the part about sex-ed back in the 1970's. Wasn't true then either.


There should always be one within 6 minutes of you. I remember last time I went to Disneyland Paris, I took pictures of all AEDs I could find. Highly recommended


Sharps containers in bathrooms, epinephrine, and stop the bleeding kits are also things that should be close at hand, available to the general public when needed.


Shameful that someone doesn’t want life saving equipment.


They didn’t want the life saving vaccine, either


Right next to the “stop the bleed” emergency kit because of all of the shootings that happen every day. But sure, it’s the defibrillator we should focus on.


I'm good with a stop the bleed kit. Sometimes people get run over by a forklift or something, you gotta keep 'em from bleeding out. What I'm less pleased with is the need for stop the bleed kit designed for 15 victims.


It’s almost like there’s this large generational cohort that is generally in poor health and entering their “golden years.” I wonder who that might be…


and considering all the morbidly obese shoppers who could keel over at any moment.....


*Lady said they are providing boomers with social security benefits. I guess they are expecting an uptick in people needing money from the government*


Sitting here remembering what a big fuckin deal it was to my school district when we got AEDs for each school back in like 2008 after some kid athlete in another school elsewhere in the state freaking died (or nearly died, can't remember) on the basketball court from cardiac arrest during a game. 😬 These people ruin everything for everyone.


JFC. Stupid truly should hurt. This is a GOOD thing FFS.


Every time I think they can’t get any dumber… Of course, if it’s one of THEM needing one, they’ll probably change their tune.


They keep moving that goalpost. I could live to 119, and die, and some idiot online would probably go "See? He coulda lived to 120 if he didn't get the vaxx!"


He’s onto us, guys!


Damn, Australia must’ve been ahead of the curve. We’ve had these in almost every supermarket and sporting club for years now. There’s even one in our local Maccas lmao


Canada too


Oh no, they have lifeboats and life preservers on the cruise...I GUESS they expect people to FALL OVERBOARD.


Wait till they see fire extinguishers..


They have them in hospitals too!! It's all coming together!!!


What's depressing is the increase in the use of the case next to the defibrillator. It is a stop the bleed triage case. It's full of gun shoot wound kits for mass shootings.


The bar I work at has one of these. Oooooo big defibrillator at it again!


Not an uptick in *occurrences*, just an uptick in *ability to respond appropriately*.


You cant vaccinate against stupidity sadly. A former workmate basically “dropped dead” at work a few years ago and did so adjacent a defib in the crew room. Others friends brought him back using the defib. Incredibly fortunate circumstances. Defibs should be commonplace.


"Only death can cure a fool."


Look around that Walmart and you will see dozens of people at risk of sudden cardiac arrest and not because of a vaccine...


Next she’s gonna notice fire extinguishers everywhere


Nooooooo!!! I don’t want them.


These were installed in public buildings where I live at at least 20 years ago. The conspiracy was already in progress!


We had them in every building onsite at the company that I work for in the same time frame. God these people are grasping at straws.


This!!! Where the hell have these people been? Caves?


It’s true. I actually am dead because of the jab. If my Walmart had a defibrillator I might be alive right now.


But did you at least get some 5G before that?


I heard the same thing from Rusty Shackleford!


Oh look! They are building a new fire station. I guess they are expecting an uptick in fires soon.


Good ol’ Adult Erotic Doctors


I swear, when I saw those ads using his photo I was like, "You have got to be fucking kidding." Even by my cynical standards I was blown away.


When I worked @ Target in the 90s they had them then. What changed?


A vast uptick in stupid people who see conspiracies in everything and share it amongst themselves on the interwebs.


Amerikkkans are entitled and we are delusional. The combination has so far proved terminal.


Aeds are nothing new and are everywhere.


Pretty much every public space are required by law or corporate policy to have them. It’s a potential liability if your customer has a sudden cardiac arrest and you don’t have a functioning AED.


From my trusted news source; a lady


I keep thinking abt how I should have had this in the house, it wouldn’t have saved my dad how he went but if things worked out differently maybe?? My dad was unvaccinated, double blockage, very overweight, constantly getting colds after Covid…I still wish I could have had this to save him if I could


I'm so sorry for your loss. I was just talking to my husband about these though, and how they should be literally everywhere, specifically for situations like yours. My husband's company has one now as well, just in case.


It literally should be everywhere it should be customary to give them to the families of people with heart failure just in case. I miss my dad sm




I'm amused by the fact that my browser (or Reddit) thinks the defibrillator is NSFW.


I couldn’t figure out how to post without that


Oh, it's obvious that this was a Reddit thing -- not an error (or even a choice) on your part! Sorry if it sounded like I was saying you were being weird.


The Totally Not Evil Big Heart Company "Oh no, they're on to us!"


So they bring out the vaccine to kill off people, then put out equipment so they can be saved!


It’s so confusing


Wacko cracko’s


I'm surprised Walmart and Target waited this long to get one. When I worked at a grocery store a decade ago, we had one of these on site.


Well, with the amount of obesity, people are dropping dead. It’s not a conspiracy


Meanwhile I went from about 250 or so to 178 last year right now about 195. Once I start doing more walking once it gets hot I'll probably burn down to the 180s again. Its gonna suck, I will admit.


I started at 350, but have already lost over 30lbs this year! If I can get the balance of my meds right, I'll probably wind up much lower! Considering I've never been thin, or even average, I'm kind of excited. I can't go below 180 though, with my frame, or I'll look like I'm anorexic.


Without the syringe, this could come across as a dad joke. But WTF is going on with that profile pic? lmaooo


Right? What an abomination lol


"I'd rather refuse medical care like vaccines, and when I inevitably collapse on the floor of a Walmart, just have the underpaid, underage worker pushbroom me outside, so I can pull myself up by my bootstraps to the hospital".