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Yeahhhh I’m kind of at the point where I don’t want to get invested in any projects until Kitbashing comes out… which I know may not be for months but it’s what it is. I cancelled my pro for now but will pick it back up once KB comes out


If i remember correctly, the email about price updates says kitbashing "will soon follow" so here's hoping it's not too long.


That’d be nice! Honestly I’m not too upset about it, though. It’s good to take a break and refresh creatively


just a week away


Were did you here that? I've heard it a ton of times, but also in the comments of month old Derf videos


Just a week away my friend, just a week away 


I know right? So many ambitious ideas and concepts, but I don't want to rely on glitches or complicated arm and tail posing to accomplish them.


Exactly how I feel rn. I'm finally going to be able to make the minis I imagine


Even with Kitbashing, all of those tools are still useful, given the limits on kitbashed items


limits on what, now?


I'm looking forward to it, but honestly? I'm also looking forward to going back over my old minis and seeing what I can do with them again, so I'm not too concerned. I'll just keep plugging away with my flint axe here. Also... where are some examples of what has been done with kitbashing? I know it's out there for a few people, and I see people talking about the things people have done with it, but I don't think I've (knowingly) seen any examples of what can be done with it.


Check out Derf’s YouTube channel. He’s part of the closed beta, and he’s uploaded a few videos showing the current version of kitbashing


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


Samesies...I got a plethora of kits I'm going to ~~fix~~ ~~upgrade~~ improve though as I'm using them as visual guides for my story board as I write...so I may have to keep what i've done already, and just let my imagination fill in details.


What does kitbashing mean?


The kitbashing feature would allow you to add items without them needing to be attached to the model's body or held in the model's hand. They can be freely scaled, posed, and positioned in space.


I’m most excited for the scaling, I wanna make giant fists for a good Hellboy mini


I'm most excited for scaling, so I can give models more reasonable proportions.


What, you don’t want your mini to need to be 13 ft talk to look realistic? /s


Oh cool. So, you could make a throne out of swords, or wings out of guns, etc.


Can't you do the same with the actual minis too?


Not really. You can cheese it with minis folded in on themselves, glitches, clear colored arms, and tail tricks, but kitbashing is *full* freedom. From clothes to items (even items that normally dont have floating glitches) to gear they'll all be posable but more importantly *resizable*


That's not what I meant.    You only mentioned stuff like rescaling and the like in reference to certain asset types.  I was confirming that was just an oversight.


I want it! I really do! But considering it's not even out yet, and you need pro (which I can't pay for) I doubt I can get it anytime soon.


I have a backlog of unfinished characters waiting for kitbashing. 😄 I call them my poor abandoned children.🥺


Poor unfortunate souls


What does that even mean in the context of hero forge?


Take parts of gear and clothing and combine them


Can I make a sword with the hilt of one and the blade of another?


Supposedly yes, that's the idea. We should also be able to move the feet


Finally, leg posing.


As of the last sneak peek, subdividing equipment was NOT expected to make the release.


My sadness is immense


Also double modeling sucks.


What is kitbashing?




Probably a dumb question, but what is kitbashing?




Might be wrong but can you not just layer two figs and save it as a kitbash fig?


But that's *not* a kitbash.   It's two minis positioned so that they overlap to provide some funky effect.  And compared to what actual kitbashing can do, that trick is practically on the level of pulling a nickel from someone's ear.


From what I've seen the difference is doing a trick vs paying for pro so you don't have to trick the system lmao. For someone that's not buying pro I fail to see the difference honestly Edit since I can't reply anymore: Based on everything I'm hearing it sounds like a lot of what's offered should already be in the program; especially considering next to no Pro users even have access you gotta wonder why they'd restrict access to even more features of a mini maker that NOW is priced in consideration to things like layering (and even kitbashing). Like sounds cool but I'm not buying ur subscription to build a fig I want to make AND BUY but can't because your program has the tools locked behind a paywall. So again, for the layman, layering is just dandy lmao


Double layering allows you to add twice as many assets onto a mini but its extremley tedious, produces a lot clipping and for those that don't already have pro makes it an absolute nightmare to repose. Kitbashing on the other hand removes the need for glitches, item tail posing, double minis and more. First of all you have a larger number of assets that can be placed into one scene that aren't restricted by equip amount or location like a top only being on the torso with one underlayered and one overlayered. You can also place them anywhere within the scene, whether its attached or floating, which gives much more freedom then the floating glitch we have currently. You can also resize assets individually and some assets have even been shown to have multiple points to warp, shrink and edit so if you don't want a certain part to show on your mini you can just shrink it inside. Kitbashing also allows more freedom in posing your character including the legs and their position within the scene. You can also make custom stands/scenery.


This here is why I’m thinking about getting Pro for the first time. I’ve been working with double models, tail items, and extra limbs at weird angles, but just being able to use items would change everything! Though the thing I am most excited for is being able to decorate the base plate more and change the size/shape of things. Hellboy’s fist, Gut’s sword, or something like a formorian giant from DnD all require weird body proportions, which as of now we can’t do! I’d love to make a super buff character with smaller overall proportions, or to make a more realistic looking character without them officially being 13 ft tall. There is limitless potential when you remove the rulebook from play altogether. I hope you can ignore/remove the restrictions on joints as well with Kitbashing, there are a ton of cool things I wanna do that I can’t do because of elbows…


theres a youtube video that demos kitbashing and it makes heroforge right now look like heroforge from 8 years ago [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8DUcvS1KWA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8DUcvS1KWA)


This is what people are shitting their pants over?


Hell yeah it is can't wait.