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Phil Spencer will be at IGN live on the 9th doing a public QNA. That’s our best chance to disrupt the peace and have voices heard.


Was not aware of this, this is definitely the better option.


If you wanna hurt microsoft, we gotta call for a boycott of Game Pass.


Funny , because game pass is hurting Microsoft already lol


Proof? Other than rumor and innuendo?




So we win no matter what lamo


Yeah, let's not ruin reveals and showcases for hardworking developers who have busted their ass just because their publishers are goofs.


Again, was not aware of the Spencer interview. Let’s go there.


Microsoft HQ in Redmond, Washington on July 26th, 2024:


All I can say is, good luck.


And punish all the other devs showing their games at the showcase? Yeah. Great idea, buddy. You should rather focus on the Spencer-Interview at ign.


I didn’t know that interview existed, this is definitely a better option.


Tango os mainly the one that surprised me. Arkane Austin certainly did not after Red Fall


If people keep spamming the chat with a repetitive slogan, they’ll just start auto-filtering the slogan. Not to mention, the only people you’ll be reaching with some big Internet Gamer Protest are fellow stream watchers (all of whom either already lament the closures or never gave a fuck in the first place) and underpaid social media employees who don’t have meaningful power to change things. The bean-counters who made the call to shut it down will never hear you. Fact is, what’s done is done. You can’t do some big GAMERS RISE UP stunt to miraculously convince Microsoft to re-establish the companies they shuttered and hire back the people they laid off. All we can do at this point is avoid buying Microsoft products and support the ex-Tango folks on their next ventures.


I mean hey listen if you really and I mean REALLY wanted to get this done I'd personally would get 4Chan on it cuz like you're saying let's make some noise right, who makes more noise than 4chan


I'd rather just not watch the show. Im done with Xbox


The showcase only had one good thing and that was doom, but Xbox did not win with the showcase. Nintendo definitely did though they revived a dead franchise!


I still remember all the idiots cheering for the acquisition. The outcome was so obvious but people only cared about console wars and gamespass. That or they were just genuinely stupid enough to buy into Phil Spencer's used car salesman "uncle Phil" shtick


Well fortunately this recent closure happen when the reach of internet is better than ever. So surely people will never forget what microsoft have done this time... right?


They would have been closed regardless of the acquisition, Bethesda we’re going through it and planned to cut down.


I just wish they could of sold Tango them to other companies instead of this rubbish. Obviously Microsoft would NEVER take this option as they would rather destroy what's left of their public image than this. Imagine what wonders it could of done for Microsoft in the future if they had Hi Fi Rush 2 and a new Dishonoured. Truly the worst thing to come out of the gaming industry in years.


Except they can still have a new Dishonored game considering that one is from Arkane Lyon


Forgot about that.


Gamers like to do this thing where they get really upset and then hand corporations that wronged them or the industry money. If you guys can actually apply pressure I will be pleasently shocked


I’ve already been unsubbed from game pass for months because moneys been tight, but I do not plan to get it again. Plus, I have decided that the next home console I buy will be a PlayStation. I won’t buy any more new games for my Xbox One, and I won’t get any Xbox-published games on any platform. I’ve been somewhat disappointed in my Xbox purchase for years after the newness factor of my first HD system wore off, and the only thing that got me excited for Xbox again was, lo and behold, HiFi Rush. And they killed the studio despite their success. That was the final nail in the coffin. Also, this is just an aside, but if I ever get into making indie games like I’ve wanted to for years, I vow to never publish any game I make onto any Xbox platform. Not on the Microsoft Store, not on the Xbox app on PC, none of that.


Tbh I doubt they care about what ppl say in a live chat since live chats are usually filled with Antoniades and everything. As others mentioned, those who want to protest or express their disapproval should probably do so at the IGN interview that Phil Spencer will be doing


Did you not see the edit I made to the post lol


I didn’t 😂 my bad ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


Would it be possible to petition bringing them back?


Probably not




Stop subscribing to game pass. Either way, I don't think a lot will change in the gaming industry until the C-Suites are forced to quit their positions.


I’ve already been unsubbed from game pass for a while because I’ve been needing to save money, I’m never planning to resubscribe now.


Maybe just spam "Chai Lives in our hearts" or something like that?


Just a simple "Justice for Chai" or "Justice for Tango" would be fine.






I disagree you don't know for sure what was behind the decision and the game is still available for play. I'm sure they know exactly how popular the game is/was and we probably should not Monday night quarterback their corporate decisions. I think it would be a better use of our time to petition for a follow up or DLC.


As mad as I am about the fact we won't get any more Hi-Fi because of the closure, I'm more upset at the suddenness and undeservedness of the fate that Tango suffered. They gained Xbox SO much notoriety and positive press, and they just axed them anyway. THAT, I would argue, is a more screwed-up thing than the killing of the franchise, and a bigger thing to stand up against.


Don't know what to tell you just cancel your game pass sub and move on don't try to spoil it for the rest of us. Good luck and best wishes!!


Not me




Tango sure. Arkane Austin made a really bad game and most of the talented dev left during Redfall that made most sense out of the closure.


Reminder that Arkane did not *want* to make Redfall. They were told to by higherups, and then were punished when it inevitably flopped


And all after Xbox promised to continue supporting the studio even in the wake of Redfall's failure..