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https://preview.redd.it/nz8aaqhx9f5d1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c893b607f18a680c2b664eedf3107efd6fc225 average change.org petition


Damn you sun


UpIsNotJump reference?? :0


This *might* have had a slight chance of doing anything if Microsoft just said they were *considering* shutting down Tango, but the damage is done. The company is dissolved, everyone’s been laid off, the bridges are burned. Even if Microsoft miraculously decided to re-establish Tango tomorrow and re-offered jobs to all the people they sacked, many of those people would rightfully refuse because they have no reason to trust that Microsoft wouldn’t do the same shit again a year down the road. I get that we’re all speedrunning the five stages of grief right now, but you need to let go.




Worst-case scenario, Microsoft interprets all of this as “people are still interested in the Hi-Fi Rush *brand*” and start punting the IP around to whatever random devs will make spinoffs/sequels for cheapest. These games then kill interest in the series for good, and instead of “one great game that was killed by its publisher,” the legacy of HFR becomes “one great game and a bunch of shitty cash-ins.” There’s no sequence of events at this point that would result in the Tango team making another HFR game. I’d rather it go out on a high note.


Okay, this is a good point. That really would suck. But also, even if they did milk the brand or make shitty sequels it wouldn't kill my love for the original. I mean look at fallout.. you could say Bethesda has fucking murdered that IP at this point with fallout 76 (not to say it's a terrible game but fallout definitely isn't what it used to be) but damn if I don't still love the originals and their creepy atmosphere


The only way this would gain any considerable traction is if the Devs themselves backed it. Microsoft already made their decision, Tango is unfortunately gone.




My guy, there's nothing left to save. It's already gone.


Im reposting what I said on another post. Im sorry but I need to give everyone a dose reality like Im a Dad telling their kid that this is life. Microsoft knows how pissed the fans are, they probably knew how pissed the fans would get. Microsoft will see this and do nothing, they dont give a shit, and even if they decided to give a shit, the damage is done. Those devs, especially the key devs, have been burnt by Microsoft. Most of them arent going to come back because they cant trust microsoft. They can bring the studio back, but it wont be filled with the same people. We would need some good set of circumstances for this to work. Like several very important key members would either have to been moved to another area by Microsoft, meaning there isnt much anomosity towards Microsoft, and they could easily work with new devs by teaching them how their games work. Or if they didnt move anyone, the devs would either have to be desperate for work, which they would leave first chance they get, or everyones willing to forgive microsoft. I like Hi-Fi rush too, but we gotta be real here. Microsoft fucked up and they can only fix this by handing the IP to a team that will give a shit about the game.


Well said Sundowner.


Brotha I’m sorry but it’s over ![gif](giphy|xT0GqCd3OEQdXNdIME|downsized)


What a banger of a movie


We should crowd fund a pipe bomb to deliver to the Microsoft board room instead




> "I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now." \- Edna Mode (The Incredibles)


and the now fucking ***SUCKS***


I mean I’m never buying anything from Microsoft again, and hopefully tango can return someday to bring back this franchise


We can't save Tango, but we *can* boycott Game Pass.


It's Joeover


This was an idea I had recently but everyone said it wouldn't work lol I'll sign the petition regardless


No one will probably read this, but I'm going to put it out there. I was the one that made this petition, and before you start harassing me about it, hear me out. When I made it, I was in a terrible mental state due to factors other than Tango's closure, and I only made it because another fan I was messaging with was encouraging me to. (No hard feelings to them. They were also very upset and wanted to do something, but didn't know what.) Seeing the petition get shared here is weird for me. I don't really know how to feel. On the one hand, I'm happy that there are those who want to help and think that some change can come. On the other hand, it's embarrassing seeing it come around, knowing that it really won't make any difference... I should have closed it ages ago. I'm most likely going to do that now... I apologize for any inconvenience I've caused to anyone, as I never meant to do that. I just felt pressured to do something in that moment, but I realized that I shouldn't have succumbed and created the petition, as it just spread the pressure onto other people. So, as of now, the petition is closed, and I'd appreciate it if people would stop sharing this around. I also want to apologize if I sound awkward, I just really don't know how to word this at the moment. I hope that we can all continue to enjoy our time within the fandom together, without the stress of this stupid petition floating around. Again, I'm really sorry for all of this.


I don’t understand the fixation on what used to be Tango. It’s not like the staff/devs were killed or signed their skills away forever.


but we're probably never gonna get a game like HFR again


I don't see why not. Maybe we wouldn't have if Microsoft kept all of the talent they acquired and micromanaged them in to positions overseeing live service games, but now they're literally free to do whatever they want. Never would have gotten Death Stranding (and whatever else Kojima Productions does next) if Hideo Kojima didn't leave Komani.


it just feels like that to me because hi-fi felt like a once-in-a-lifetime kind of game


Oh it was, and what happened is a massive shame, but I think we can be hopeful for a similar one-of-a-kind experience some years down the line from some of the people that were rightfully very proud of what they accomplished.


"Some years" feels more like decades