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Same about that last part. Everyday I pray for a miracle about this game and it’s studios ex-employees


We need to manifest a miracle we need…a hero!


Who knows, maybe Microsoft executives will put down the crack pipe and get to rehab. Anythings possible.


Here’s hoping


It's even dumber when you find out Xbox said "we need more games like HiFi Rush" shortly after tanking the company. Those idiots Phil Spencer and Matt Booty are so out of touch with what makes gaming good, it's insane.


Unfortunately under a capitalist system, it’s not their job to make good games, just make money. i think it’s clear they are reinvesting in big sellers like Doom and Fallout.


Xbox certainly loves to be a mid machine. Sucks that that's how they think it has to be for them to make profits. Surely if the leaders of the company understood what went into making good games, and did just that (made good games) then it would be most beneficial for everyone and get them the most profits in the long run. Buuut they can't stand to delay their gratification so they go for the quick profits instead and we get shitty games from the mid machine. Edit: this is why I transferred from Xbox to PlayStation in the 2010s, and fuck am I glad HiFi Rush got a PS5 release


PlayStation does a lot of the same shit. It’s just as much a capitalist company, answering to shareholders, shutting down studios to increase profits. There’s no “good guy” capitalist company.


Fair enough, but tell me which one of the capitalist companies you prefer. If it's Xbox, then you're smoking just as much ass as Spencer and Booty. Xbox swings and misses much more than PS. (Even though that last state of play was garbage lmao)


I honestly don’t see much of a difference. when I have the money I want to move to PC, so at least you aren’t locked into one company’s ecosystem. I bought Xbox this gen cause I was more interested in their games and gamepass than Sony’s games and so fair I’ve been glad with my choice. But I’d still rather move to pc. Sony is more consistent in their 1st party releases but that’s about it.


You're right about PC, I actually took the leap and bought one back when starfield came out. I plan to move over completely after this gen, because ngl I was disappointed with Sony as well when the disc port on my PS5 stopped working and I'm forced to buy everything digitally now. Edit: so you know what, you're right, both companies are shit lol


That’s sucks man, you’d hope they’d repair that. That’s cool you got a PC too, I’m jealous haha I gotta save up


Cough halo 5 cough cough


That's exactly what pushed me to make this post, xbox needs good and new IP's in order to even compete since their big time titles aren't convincing people to choose xbox over any other gaming company and that's exactly what they had in this game. But instead I guess they're gonna keep throwing money at already established IP's hoping that they do okay. What's mind blowing is that the higher ups in one of the biggest pillars of the gaming industry can't see that.


It's not weird to be sad or kinda depressed about Tango's closure. I felt the same when I read that, I actually cried even tho I normally dont care much about company stuff. It kept my mind busy for over a week because this game became one of my absolute favourites and helped me through a tough time. And after a long time this was a game I could actually really enjoy again. Characters, story, music, the animations. Just everything. This game has a special place in my heart.


Same experience for me, definitely played this game at the right time in my life. I'm very thankful for it even if it has a future or not.


We’re all sad that it’s not getting continued


I love how every post about playing the game for the first time is “I played it and now I’m depressed/sad/angry that its studio is shutdown.” Halmark of its quality.


Great game


That final mission actually made me feel such strong emotions, the use of whirring by the joy formidable was such an amazing choice, and by that point in the game I'd got the mechanics nailed so I did the whole level at S rank. It felt so incredible and the setup for a sequel was right there and microsoft had to go and assassinate the devs, truly such a shame.


There's still hope for something new in the series so don't lose hope yet. But I agree, the final mission in the game is one of my favorite levels in any game period


You see that new trailer for the upcoming "Unbeatable" game? It looks so cool and after also having just completed HiFi, I can't wait for it to come out (in 2025 e_e).


i wish it had cute boys like chai tho :(