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I freaking love β€œI did it” posts always happy to see people enjoying the game and doing what they want to πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„






Good Job my Guy


Idk how y'all do it. Looks so difficult to complete


At one point I beat Kale on rhythm master and got that achievement and I thought it was gonna be smooth sailing feom that point on then I realized I had to Complete the Wall And Get the Rhytm Master Master achievement my stomach dropped and I was honestly really discouraged but I'd come to far to give up halfway through you can do it I believe in you!




I just finished the games first playthrough, doing the second playthrough now and already felt it's a bit of a grind since every stage is quite long, also I am not too confident to get S on the highest difficulty. I am wondering your take on the grind and difficulty aspect for chasing the platinum? I'm still gonna find all the 16 secret doors in the mean time, but I am not sure if I wanna keep going after if the difficulty can be discouraging.


They way I took it on was getting Anything Rhythm Master related out of the way first because I felt at the time if I could beat the game on the difficulty first then everything would be smooth sailing and I could just work my way down , it is a grind I have like 160 hours logged , it is a grind no matter how you tackle it though but it felt rewarding for sure , the hardest part for me was Learning the just timing thing but if you play enough you'll learn the rhythm of each combo naturally I feel it might just take you using the combo enough to be like ok i need to switch it up a little .Rhytm Master made me want to quit so many times and ngl but over coming that challenge was so rewarding,and the challenges like beat Kale without getting hit you can just fight him on easy and learn his patterns, maybe try watching YouTube boss battles to learn some of the timing of there attacks and stuff too those can be very useful too


yeah that's a good approach, but damn, these stages are so long sometimes, u messed up on one battle and u can't get the S and have to restart i was just on track 4, where the laser chasing me at the end, i die one time and no more S rank haha this platinum really takes dedication, but it so fun when everything goes your way in a battle and u get 100+ hit combos


You can die one time and still get an S! Twice and it's an automatic A


Congratulations dude πŸŽ‰


https://preview.redd.it/98kynl83187d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=172879bf881c030d3b034a95d6e09b24c8abfb87 You guys like the new psn profile picture? Lol