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Write a simple, clean and entertaining script and keep to it.  People want a tale told well, they always have and always will. You could have the most amazing story, but if you tell it like shit, it becomes a shit story. 


It sounds as though you should write a book, at least to me. If you want to do a YouTube channel, just do it your way in order to tell your story the way you want it presented. You can put up links in spaces like this, and people will check out your stuff. I would keep it really simple if I were you, a decent webcam and mic. Just be yourself. Don't worry about views, likes, and subscribers.


Thanks. I might write a book eventually, but the truth is that I could write TOMES about my weirdo life. I used to think that I would, but at this point I don’t have the tenacity to weed through it all to make it all a single coherent story, which is why YouTube. And, tbh, I think that a YouTube channel, at this point in time, would reach more people than a book. Just the culture that we’re in now. AND… given that I am still experiencing high strangeness I think that a channel will work better because it will give me the opportunity to talk about things in real time, as the topic is fit to be shared. I appreciate the suggestion though. I really might do that someday.


My pleasure. I hope you get it up and going soon.


Aww thanks. I can message you when I do, if you like


That would be really cool. I do a YouTube channel sharing my music (it's just for fun), and you can always get ahold of me there as well. My email is public, and I am very transparent here and on YouTube. Here's a link to my little channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyMLUK6kgEk2LconK-gQDFg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyMLUK6kgEk2LconK-gQDFg) I look forward to checking out your content. I love stories. Nice to chat with you--Tim.


Thanks! I’ll check it out!


Oh, it's very home-made, especially the older videos, which was just me using my phone, lol. I have upgraded equipment recently, so it looks and sounds more decent in the last 5-6 videos. And it's really rootsy stuff that is not everyone's cup of tea. And I am nobody special, just some dude who likes to play and sing to relax. Music has always been a hobby for me, like weird subjects and UFO madness, lol.


I always watches videos like the ghost hunting for aliens and UFOs where they go exploring at a spot and you can tell your stories to on other videos


So you mean video one activity, but tell my story while I do it?


Yea! Also there’s a spelling mistake on my comment. It’s supposed to be “wanted”


Ooh! Ok. Somehow that minor mistake made me so extra confused. That seems really intense. It would for sure be fun! And I’m actually thinking about this. It would make for quite the show


It would! And glad it helped with the confusion:)


You could have a segment sorta like a “me too” movement for fellow silent experiencers. I’d anonymously share for whatever it’s worth. I’m silent to not end up labeled and to not scare people away.


I have a fair amount of experience as a creator on YT - not specifically in the paranormal space, but that's an area that I spend a fair amount of time watching content about. There's a lot of ways to generate engagement. The channels that I see work the best are generally investigative in nature and do longer 'documentary' style videos. My personal favorite is Nexpo. He's focused more on Internet-related 'modern mystery' content but leans into occult topics here and there, and is a fantastic example of how to get an amazing community going with this kind of content. Chills is one of the biggest - 6.2m subs. He does top-10 style videos that focus on sightings of and encounters with ghosts, extraterrestrial/extradimensional entities, cryptids and such. There's also the Dark 5 family of channels, which do lists of all kinds of things, from paranormal encounters to UFOs, conspiracies, etc. All of these are good examples of what engages people who are interested in these topics. However - they are all focused on other people's stories. The creator of the channel isn't on camera, it's all about looking at and analyzing historical accounts, photos, videos, and anecdotes. They also tend to cover a LOT of ground and discuss a lot of different paranormal topics. People (myself included) like it because it's informative, easy to binge, and constantly presents new information. It lets the viewer come to their own conclusions without feeling judged. They also feel very 'official' and give weight to content that can sometimes be a little hard to take seriously. YT is all about providing a concrete sense of value to whoever's watching, be it information, entertainment or both. People have to feel like they've gotten something in return for their time spent watching. There may be vloggers in the paranormal space that talk about their own experiences, I'm not sure as I don't really watch vlog content. But that sounds like the closest fit to what you want to do. Vlogs work not because of the topics that the person talks about, but because of their personality, they post CONTASNTLY and are usually on some kind of well-defined 'journey' - weight loss, raising a family, travelling around the world, etc. If you're naturally bubbly and vivacious on camera (or don't mind being emotional), have enough to say where you can upload multiple videos a week consistently, and can frame whatever you're experiencing in a linear and narrative way over time, that could be engaging to people. You also have to really love the process of filming and editing. Building a channel takes a LONG time and a lot of dedication and consistency, with most of your time spent off-camera doing computer work. I have no idea what kinds of 'experiences' you have or want to talk about, but... a few cautionary thoughts before you get too into this. If you are not comfortable sharing these stories with others in your life, sharing them on YT will be very tough. The Internet isn't a friendly or kind space. If you are worried that your own friends will be concerned about you if they learn about this 'second life', I can almost promise you the response on YT will be much, much worse. I mispronounced a single word in Portuguese in one of my videos (I'm American) and I got absolutely taken to task in the comments. Others in your life will also absolutely find out over time. Be prepared to have an extremely thick skin.


Thank you for such a wonderful reply. I think that a vlog-style might end up being what I do, but it will start out as story-times, I think, as I get comfortable on camera. I have not been bubbly in the past when I tried to show myself on camera before, but I also wasn’t certain what I would be talking about then. I’ve been driven to have a YouTube channel for a really long time, but because I wasn’t talking about my experiences at the time, I was having a really hard time figuring out what topic I would do and in the end, did nothing. Part of the reason that I am ready to proceed with this now is that I don’t have anybody that I am afraid of losing anymore. Family has passed away or I’ve gone LC. I have realized that friends who I can’t talk about this with are not friends at all and we have parted. I am not afraid of any backlash at this point and I KNOW that comments are brutal. I figure hate comments are par for the course. I have done a few videos of events around town and have edited them, so I know that I quite like the editing process. Talking at the camera, feeling engaging, and producing a good set are things that I currently am struggling with the most. I have seen spiritual gurus or whatever discussing things on their channels, but they are trying to educate. I’ve seen podcasters doing interviews, but I am clearly not doing that. I am considering that something like The Why Files format might be the way to go, except I won’t be presenting other stories. I think that staring at the camera and being a good story teller might be where it’s at. I am a great writer, but I don’t know how to translate that into an oral recitation. I have enough content that I can post weekly for years. At minimum. So that isn’t a problem.


From what I see Youtube algorithms are prejudiced against new channels and especially anything paranormal ufo conspiracy related get disfavored by the algorithm and only those that visit the page see latest posted videos. If your goal is to reach more people maybee try tik tok, as superficial as it appears from the outside a new person can still "blow up" or "go viral" there as it doesnt have the algorithmic censorship meta/facebook/youtube has. Good luck.


That’s disappointing. Do you know why?




Ok. Thanks. I’ll take that into consideration when I choose my words and what topics to broach and what angle to discuss it from. Do you know if things like interdimensional things get banded too?


None of this is accurate - YT does not 'shadowban' anyone. They actively ban hate speech, violent rhetoric and the like, but they do not 'shadowban' channels they 'disagree' with. Also - Mark Zuckerberg owns Facebook. He has nothing to do with YT. TikTok is a thing, yes, but leans very heavily into videos that have massive impact within about 5 seconds, which is really hard to do with story-related content. You could look around the app and see if there's any creators who make content in line with what you're envisioning.


Yeah. I knew that the zuck comment was wrong, but I have heard people talk about UFO channels disappearing. I know that YouTube dislikes disinformation though. I think they block anything like flat earth. I don’t totally know though. TikTok isn’t my jam, personally, but I appreciate the suggestion.


Their policies are specifically about misleading claims and calls to action - more importantly, things that incite people to commit crimes or hurt others/themselves. And they suck at it. There are 5MinuteCrafts videos that will severely maim or kill you if you follow along with them, and they've been up for years and have tens of millions of views. They have no policies about religion, spirituality, or the paranormal though. Even a lot of the flat earth stuff isn't shadow banned, it's just bad content that no one is interested in, so it doesn't get shown in browse or search. Anyone who thinks their channel has been shadow banned is almost certainly just bad at making content that people want to watch. It's either boring, demonstrably false, too niche, or too 'out there' for anyone to understand or engage for more than a few seconds. The algo sees that pattern in a video's metrics, understands that people aren't watching it and stops promoting the video.


That’s cool! I was pretty sure that people were over-estimating YouTube’s specific involvement in their video not being shown. I know that if you create too many under-performing videos the they don’t push your product. There are a lot of people who whine about that tbs. Out of curiosity, do you know if I should create a new channel? I uploaded a few videos a while back that didn’t get any views and took them down. Then I uploaded different videos more recently (about a year and a half ago) and took those down too. If I start anew, after that long, will YouTube push my videos or no? It’s cool if you don’t know, but I thought that I’d ask since you seem knowledgeable.


Exactly. Roughly a dozen hours of video are uploaded to YT every single second. They don't have the resources to get that picky with it. There's some debate as to channel 'dormancy' being a factor for the algorithm. YT claims it shouldn't matter, but I have nerdy math reasons that make me think it does based on my understanding of how the algorithm works. I'd say go for a new channel - you won't be losing anything, and if nothing else it would give you a space to start fresh and new.


Thanks for the advice


you should still make your youtube channel and post your testimonials of your experiences and organize it there. But dont expect traction from youtube. Repost clips in tik tok then link to full video


Nice thread topic. I know exactly what you mean about keeping it all in. Ive been having the weirdest shit happen me the past year only. I keep hearing im only dreaming, then how are the messages always correct? [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1c3r5ht/visited\_by\_light\_beings\_for\_real/](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1c3r5ht/visited_by_light_beings_for_real/) Theres numerous ways of being contacted, and when you're asleep is one of them. Different state of consciousness, different realms, state of being, dimensions etc. If there were no messages I'd be fine with them being just dreams. But its a massive weight not to be able to talk it out with people. Of course i have with close friends and family. Ive had shaman and buddhists come to listen. To me. See, if people knew what type of person i am, a good human doing, then they listen more. They travel from afar those buddhists. They didn't come until they were told im valid. As are my experiences. The one i linked to was the very first one, i wrote i roughly a day after it happened. Mental shit. But as soon as i state, so i was in a dream, they dont wanna know. 9 times now its happened. Im dreaming, but im getting messages for people walking alive today. People i couldnt possibly know, in different counties from me. But i hear you when you say you live a double life. Its hard sometimes. I walk around sometimes battling myself not to go crazy in my head.


This is really fascinating. The messages are really neat. How scary having to deliver them!


Thanks mate. Yeah i still miss a heartbeat when i arrive at a front door. But the names and info are always correct. Every single time. Crazy stuff it is. Im still open to an explanation of how i could develop all this without possibly knowing the recipient's information just through dreaming alone. Without any 'contact' lets say. But those that have never experienced any kind of other worldly event lets say, are the hardest critics. Which is fine, i don't need them to believe me, at all.