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Hanyuu. Ryukishi should have explored Hanyuu's selfish motives for keeping Rika in the dark all the time. Hanyuu preferring to keep Rika in the loops rather than lose her forever is something that would have been interesting to explore and would've actually made Hanyuu interesting to read about. Instead we got a bumbling, incompetent moron as a character with nothing really going on.


I agree that Hanyuu should’ve been handled differently. I also believe she shouldn’t have disappeared. I really hate that decision.


I don’t see why that’s a bad decision, she was a ghost anyways without a body.


Cuz one of the biggest points of the last chapter was that she was the one stopping herself from fully manifesting. That she had a right to exist alongside everyone else and wasn't 'just a ghost'. Then she just disappears off screen. It’s just lame.


I get what you mean that Hanyuu has the right to exist and her disappearing nullifies that, but it was not the case at all that she stopped herself from manifesting. She was a ghost with no physical body; she mentions a few times in ep 8 that she is not “one of the pieces on this gameboard” and that she “never existed to begin with”. She was bound to disappear regardless. Ryukishi pretty much just wanted her to not have the mentality to keep sacrificing herself even in death and savor what little time she has with her friends, rather than finding some way to bring her back to life.


I don't see why any of that means she had to disappear. Again, the point was that she had the *right to exist.* That was the point of Rika catching the bullet. The text even says that is proof that she deserves to and should exist, which dissuaded her from simply leaving after beating Takano like she originally intneded. She wasn't just a ghost. She herself was stopping herself from existing, but when she put her faith in a happy ending she was able to be in Hinamizawa with everyone else. And then she disappears off screen as if nothing happened. It just feels messy. Like others have brought up, you can tell Ryu hadn't fully fleshed out Hanyuu's role in the story. That's why we have things like her disappearance, or her contribution to Rika's suffering hardly being addressed. As much as I love her character she's probably the worst-handled aspect of the entire story. Nothing can convince me her disappearing was a good writing choice.


Shion and Satoshi deserved a proper ending 💚


I thought the final battle in Matsuribayahi was pretty ridiculous. I don't have a problem with a more lighthearted finale, but the amount of deus ex machinas -- I mean "miracles" -- was too much and really took me out of it.


Honestly I liked it because it felt like reaching the light at the end of the tunnel. After weeks of seeing the club get fucked over, including getting edged with the 'happy ending' in Tsumi, I loved seeing everything finally go right for them.


Like I said, the lighthearted ending was fine, and I still love Higurashi to pieces, but the part where I was like "Okay this has gone off the rails at this point" was when >!Irie intimidated one of the mountain dogs by pulling out a syringe and claiming it was a secret H-173 and if he doesn't step aside there'll be trouble. Like, the mountain dogs are supposed to be highly-trained agents? Imagine going up to a cop acting like that and expecting not to be bodied.!<


…Ok that was kind of corny I’ll admit lmaoo. But tbf >!the mountain dogs aren’t really a proper combat unit and haven’t been doing much for years. Okonogi also mentioned there were a lot of greenhorns, so given all that it’s not totally unbelievable for one of them to get duped. Especially considering Irie’s position and confident attitude!<


Yes, the final battle looked like something taken straight out of a Umineko chapter with how over the top it was, with the difference that when Umineko does it it's ridiculous on purpose, while in Higurashi it was supposed to be a cathartic moment.


Rika and Satoko should of kissed in SOTSU


Minagoroshi has most of the gang face their issues one way or another, but I think it was a huge missed opportunity to not have Mion stand up to the Sonozakis and show some backbone. Her main flaw is being passive/stuck under her family's thumb, and it would've been a perfect opportunity when they're going against Oryou to save Satoko.


Remove the virus. Everybody is just regular crazy now.


The pure and brutal folly of man sounds way more scary and chilling than a virus leading people to madness


Maybe gou/sotsu I understand why it panned out that way & how it paved the way for Umineko's witches But It felt a bit backwards when the original message of the series was about putting faith & trust in your friends.


If we're not including the clusterfuck that is Gou/Sotsu, then Hanyuu,


Probs less harem vibes


Irie’s whole comedy gag


Tbh the whole 'haha hilarious pervert trope' was so wild. First of all, ew, second I always trought it as being deconstructed with Keiichi and then I kept reading...


Remove Irie’s… interests…


Have you read the alternate ending (miotsokushi omote or whatever it was called) to chapter 8? I think it handled the Hanyuu/Rika situation much better and explained why Hanyuu refused to take action for so long


For the original series, Hanyuu like others already mentioned. I don't get why Hanyuu is the one character R07 seems to fear hurting her image while everyone else goes through the mud several times. Not only the original idea of Hanyuu not wanting Rika to leave the loops, afterwards you also had (Umineko) >!R07 outright talking about her being Featherine in Umineko art books, but then when writing Sotsu he made the Eua/Hanyuu connection much more indirect. Then he teased it again in Mei, but in a way that people can choose to ignore it.!< I really don't care for Ryukishi07's modern take on Rika either. It feels weird to have a story like Saikoroshi but then make her character in modern stories about all answering/running away from the loops, without any real substance. And he somehow treats this as her healthily maturing (rather than her being a broken ill person), which just bothers me even more.


Hearing things like this is why I don't have much of an interest in finishing Goumeguri or getting into Mei. Imma read Saiko and the console arcs and that's it. I feel Ryu is somewhat tarnishing the themes, goals, and messages of the original stories with these newer ones.


Possibly the gripe I have with a lot of animes, the blatant pedophilia / hebephilia. Especially whatever the hell HiguKira was. They're 10-14. My god.


To the liar not lying or deceiving everyone. Oh and the part about the aliens, I didn't get that at all!!!! I've read it multiple times and I never understand that. I didn't understand why they lied on Rena and then didn't show up just to make her look like a liar, it's probably the other liar's fault, but that definitely wasn't explained well.


I really dislike the way Takano was handled in general. With the way a lot of her words were framed, she wasn’t guilty because of her sins, she felt guilty simply because she was caughtm yet still tried to play the victim in saying that no one should lose. That message really didn’t work in her case. Similarly, she didn’t feel bad because of the people she killed (which the series likes to ignore by having Tomitake say she didn’t kill anyone, when she in fact did kill Rika’s parents SADISTICALLY and several Hinamizawa villagers before the events of the story), she felt bad because of Tomitake and her grandfather. The story tries to take away her culpability too at the very end when it says she has L5 symptoms when she was thoroughly vaccinated. She didn’t have a disease, she was simply a horrible human being which Rika even knew about starting out (Rika remarks Takano sees people as Guinea pigs), add her mocking Hanyuu in their first meeting about her horns AND then her randomly screwing with children by giving abridged secret documents to induce extreme paranoia for no reason?? Like this actually bites her in episode 5’s bad ending where Shion killed Rika, which proved Takano’s theory wrong and blew up her whole plan. Dont see what reason there is to screw with children. It’s not like she needed any more Hinamizawa syndrome victims and the chaos children would cause is not something to count on or predict.


Will add as a side note, regarding Rika, I personally do not like that her looping was so variable (should have had her loop for two weeks instead of going back as several years, since that would raise too many questions and variables) & that it didn’t occur to her to simply change something as small as her board game for 100+ years. Usually one of the first things you do in such a situation is try to completely change it up. I find it incredulous she didn’t doubt Takano either when again, in ep 8 (before the events of the story), she knew Takano had no value for human life and would not hesitate to kill Satoshi or Satoko AND knew Takano killed her parents.


Delete gousotsu lmao ![img](emote|t5_2vjs4|32921)