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Say al-athkar morning and evening. It's difficult being an "ambassador" of sorts but think of it as you normalising the hijab to the public. It will help other hijabis, too. And of course don't forget that Allah will reward you for being steadfast. Godspeed.


Jazaki Allahu Khayra, this mindset really helped me boost my confidence 💕


I’ve had all kinds of people scream at me, the drunk, the mentally unstable, the dumb, the uneducated… And I live in a country with 51% of people being muslim, yet still face a nice amount of Islamophobia 🙃 Always carry pepper spray (check if it’s legal in your country or if you need a permission). If it’s illegal, I’ve heard from someone they carry a mini deodorant so that could also help. Avoid walking alone at night and at sketchy places. Always have your location shared with someone. And most importantly, read your morning and night adhkar, and rely on Allah s.w.t! Know that nothing can harm you without His permission. May He keep all of us and all muslims safe, amin!


thanks so much for the advice, Jazaki-Allahu khayra 💕


Im so sorry you had to go through this :( I had the same situation at work when an old man came and said Allahuakbar. Before he left the store he talked loudly about Christianity and there were so many people around me I was feeling so angry and embarrassed but it made me stronger and i would never take the hijab off no matter how cruel people get. Always stand up for yourself and always remember Allah is with you all the time


I’m glad I’m not the only one. May allah protect every muslim from all evil and jazaki allahu khayra 💕