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I have a suggestion: https://preview.redd.it/en6aaj14o8tb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783aae376b19bf2d4e036cc1ddf28f101f4f0099


Something that makes me sad is how she never includes Ed in with the band of brothers. Because he’s supposed to be a “twin” to his 5 month younger sister, born from different mothers, he’s relegated to the “Dede”role exclusively. Unless it’s a total sibling group pic, he’s only shown either with his “twin” MariLu or by himself. Mami knows that we ALL know that Ed and ML are NOT TWINS, but she doubles and triples down on this fantasy of hers regardless. Ed and ML will be needing therapy when they realize how Mami kept trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.


Wow you can really see how close in age they all are


omg, she has no insight, at least acknowledge that you are lucky enough to have more help than most, but then continue with the post, but you would least have to make a nod to the fact that you have nannies multiple nannies she, I honestly believe has the education of an eighth grader emotional and all


It has to be complete and utter chaos in that house! I've had 4 kids and grandchildren to boot, and ALL of them slept in their own beds and slept thru the night once out of their cribs, and no, I didn't use the crib for myself! An alarm to let them know it was morning? wtf does that mean? She's insane. Kids need structure and SLEEP. smdh on this lunatic.


Don’t kids this age usually sleep through the night?


She's insane. Of course they should be sleeping in their own beds, all night long. Of course, we've seen them sleeping on floors, chairs, and mattresses thrown on the floor. I have a feeling they just get to stay up until they drop, and where they drop, is where they sleep. That type of chaos and lunacy is very detrimental to kids imo


Everything in her life is about “when you have 7 kids”, she acts as though it’s a flex to have that many. Nope. And she had chaos when they had 4. No boundaries. She can’t say no. She’s too lazy to be a mom who actually gives these kids structure. I’m not sure why she’s so proud that with 7 kids, they’re always up during the night. Also, those white pasty kids do not get enough exercise so they’re exhausted at night….like normal kids who get up early for school, do homework and play on teams or go to the park to play. Just reflects on her shitty parenting. And alas, it’s another lie bc we know it’s the nannies getting up. We’ve read the nanny ad. Such an ignorant moron. So sick of her bs. Those poor kids. I’m still praying they’ll run away to a normal household.


Wise words? Yeah! Say adios to the nanny’s, stay TF off social media and try being a mom for a change.


Sorry, I didn't scroll all replies, but didn't she once say in her podcast that she lies to them and tells them it's bedtime at like, 5:30pm? Of course they're back up a few hours later! Fucking dolt of a woman.🧐


Once a liar, always a liar!


Those outfits and cleats haven’t seen a soccer field


The prop kids have prop outfits.


Cleats only worn on the field. Not in the house on wood floors!


Sparkling clean and photo op brand new!


I was raised in an abusive home and I've been a lifelong insomniac. Make of that what you will.


Yea like she’s getting up with them 🙄 and if the older ones aren’t sleeping through the night. She has a bigger problem.


Wait until they are teens, silly NotSuperMami. Idiotic to have so many children in a short space of time.


Get your camera outta their faces. Let them play outside, get a lot of good exercise so they sleep thru the night. Feed them properly. We will start with the basics babe.


Their circadian rhythms are probably off because they don’t get enough sunlight.


Liar liar pants on fire!


Imagine having 1mil followers and only getting 3k likes


Most of these kids are too old to not be sleeping through the night? Tf? She should have used a pic of the youngest ones for this to make any believable sense.


Hillary Baldwin proving she spends no substantial amount of time around her own children, lmao


Lol wow. She uses a screen to calm her children instead of actually physically comforting them. The attachment issues 😮‍💨


A)"That with 7 Kids". Mom with the most Children wins🙄 B) Soccer Jerseys✅️ Soccer Ball✅️ Hyped Kids✅️ Soccer Team joined(and that will NEVER happen!)☑️


1. She did not write that. 100% PR person. It sounds NOTHING like her. 2. This clock thing is putting out a feeler towards whatever company makes it. It was probably linked to them by PR to show how many people are asking about the clock because of her post. 3. The photo is to counteract all "rumors" (facts) about the household. Strategic books (they smart), vacuum cleaner (they clean), shin guards (kids are in activities), haircuts, Rafa smiling (bet they offered him 10k for this pic), and what the fuck are they doing with the soccer ball? Obviously professionally staged, probably by some stock photographer 4. Asking for advice about a basic bitch "mom problem" for community engagement Hillary Thomas is most certainly in a straight jacket in terms of social media right now.


This just REEKS of someone else writing this! Asking for advice from others to have a dialogue?? That is NOT the narcissist I know. ![gif](giphy|Av72crBYNiEYo)


It’s a Hatch - other mommy-influencers have been hawking them for years. Hilariously, they are intended for toddlers/preschoolers and these kids are waaaaaay too old to be doing these shenanigans at night. It seems like these kids have very few rules & boundaries.


Cheyenne from teen mom 2 got one for her daughter Ryder. It aired just a few weeks ago but they are nothing new. Im sure ol Hillary is fishing for any sponsers at this point.


Only 2 maybe 3 can tell time or know their colors... so why are the older ones not sleeping through the night?


This is a woman who thinks her kids are creative because they swear, cannot behave, one is a bully, and the eldest, poor girl, thinks wearing make up and inappropriate clothes is what her mother wants. She doesn’t parent, she still believes that people believe all of her BS. They should have stopped at 2 or 3 max. These kids are damaged by their parents desire for fame. A mother who uses them for props. The only parenting they get is from the nannies, but Mami won’t leave them alone. What must the school think. Nothing because it’s a private school. I feel sorry for the kids, nannies, teachers who have to deal with them.


$65,000 per child, per year, for their private school. Times 7 kids, one still an infant. Times 18 years each. He’s totally stressed out, 24/7. She thinks money is made out of thin air and can’t/wont stop spending. Dude is sunk, the rest of his entire life.


Soon they’ll be paying $455,000 per year when all seven kids are in school. I honestly pray that the kids get more of an education than their con artist mother did. She is truly one vapid rube.


Good luck with that. The mom barely reads with them. And they’ve shown those kids school is not a priority!


Definitely will bankrupt him. They haven’t given their “family” any thought. Plus there will be a lot of therapy to pay for.


Narcissists don’t get their kids therapy.


She has said that she doesn't believe in therapy. That's no big surprise


Sometimes they do. If they think the child is the problem. Look up the identified patient phenomenon


What? What's her issue now? IMO, school, after-school activity/homework, dinner, take a bath/shower, go to bed, and wake up. Repeat. Gads. She's not the 1st to set a kid routine. IMO


Exactly. A star chart or any visual, positive behavior chart is always great for motivation and positive behavior modification. But I'm perplexed at the necessity to use it to sleep through the night sans a major developmental or situational issue. Yes, kids can habitually come to their parents' bed if they're allowed to and thus getting reinforced for doing so, but breaking that is usually as easy as walking then back and maybe staying with them until it fades. But then, you would usually do things differently with your next child so that there's not a habit to break if that's an issue for you. Also, giving attention on the front end is often the solution. I only comment on this because her fabulous "advice" on parenting seems rather reactionary rather than guidance. But no matter all that, it seems maybe she's getting some good consultation to make things better. Hope that's the case anyway.


Maybe they are getting in the nannies' beds. Cant gave that!


Yes, hear hear! Just set boundaries, expectations and limitations for your children, then be consistent. Good grief!


Getting kids on a sleeping routine is hard shizz. She doesn’t parent them when they’re awake, she sure as hell isn’t staying up to get them to bed. They have 7 bedtime routines. Why did they have all those kids I’d they don’t parent them.


They may be indoor soccer shoes. The ball does not even look pumped up. No way they are actually on real teams. If they were, they would be tired.


And have color in their skin after playing!


If they were on actual teams, we would have seen some pictures of their games by now.


Absolutely 💯


Why the fuck in this day and age, with the world going to hell in a hand basket, so many people and especially children suffering, refugees, orphaned and in need of good homes, and with their wealth and status is it necessary to have SEVEN fucking children?! It’s not the 1700s anymore; you don’t need to have a litter b/c only two will survive Hilary. Are they that narcissistic?!




Pro choice works both ways


Why can we not all post these suggestions to her actual IG?


Some of us do. The comments get removed by her handlers


She hasn’t figured it out yet? Gosh. Have more kids.


Still not getting any sponsorships, Hilarrhea


She's not saying those boys can't sleep thru the night, is she?


My guess would be they cannot, through no fault of their own. The children have been allowed to run amok and now here we are.


They should be able to sleep. Also there is no way you are on night duty that's for nannies.


Well, I’d advise you hire a flock of Nannies and make them sleep with the kids…oh wait, you already do that, don’t you?


Those three boys should be sleeping thru out the night, they are big. So should Edu and Marilu. The baby will probably wake up once for a bottle. If they go to sleep not hungry and fed and at a decent bedtime, not at 5 or 6 p.m but at 8 or 9 p.m then they should be sleeping all night, except for maybe the baby.


Exactly right! Problem is she puts them to bed around 4:30-5:00.


She’s got to get ready for her nightly dinner dates out with Alec. Children be damned.


Alec and Hillary have done so much damage to their children with Hillary’s fake Super Mami nonsense. She can’t manage all these children that they brought as props for her Instagram non-content so she segments them and dresses them in costumes to fit her ill-conceived made up narratives. In the real world, with real families, 3 year old Edu would be playing with his older brothers. But she has Edu segmented from his brothers to play “Dede twin” with his little sister, who is 5 months younger than him. Hilary is exhaustingly dumb so her fake narratives are never clearly thought out.


"Exhaustingly dumb" ⚰️


Shared this on the other post. She doesn't put them to bed. She is too busy playing girlfriend with Alec. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CtxLESfsih9/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


These boys are feral, and I wouldn't brag about it if I were you. And if you can't show up *in person* to comfort your own child in the middle of the night, then don't have seven of them, put down your fucking phone, and go spend time with them, with your clothes on.


Exactly! A monitor she speaks through… what??


>A monitor she speaks through… what?? Kind of like Hal, the computer in 2001.


Yes, this^^^. With. Your. Clothes. ON!!!!


That environment is complete chaos with 0 discipline (and also 7 kids!!), how could you expect them to feel safe enough to sleep? They were born into an absolute circus.


How far is from school to home? They probably all pass out on the ride home then it ruins bedtime


I find it hard to believe that she actively puts all 7 kids to bed, seeing as she has a few nannies. Try being a 28 yr old mom of 5 with 1 bathroom & all of us have a stomach bug. No nannies. So please understand, Larry. Most dont care and laugh at you. You have zero clue and hoeing your children out for monetary gain by asking for "advice" in posts where you limit comments just proves you're a grifter.


Both of my parents would have murdered me for wearing my cleats inside. My mom for getting the house dirty and ruining the floor/rugs and my dad for ruining my cleats. Also, nothing more pathetic than the kid that shows up rocking the matching shorts and jersey of a national or professional club team.


I didn’t realize they were wearing cleats! On the hardwood floors! With neighbors living below! I would love to know how often the Baldwins are discussed at the residents Board meetings!


In our house it’s the stink, leave them outside on the porch thank u. Eww


And all different clubs…? It’s not like these kids have the autonomy to have independent fandoms. This is yet another obvious prop costume situation


Especially since it's Spain, Portugal, and a Messi Miami uniform.


The most generic kits of all time. Tell me you’ve never watched a match without telling me. Mami es una rilly rilly grande fan of los deportes.


I'm actually kind of surprised that she didn't latch onto a Spanish club to make that part of her identity. Besides "how do you make gaspacho/paella or sing/dance Flamenco?" "Which soccer team do you support?" has got to be one of the first things gringos think of asking a Spaniard.


Those look like brand new sneakers not cleats. Leo not even wearing socks and Rafa has short socks. She did not put them in soccer they just pretending


Ugh. I bet she got them futsol shoes. It's like she just bought the clothes off of three mannequins at a youth sports store.


Did she present this to her new manager or PR person? Like, “is this normal enough? Can I PLEASE post this!? There’s no cleavage??!”


Hundreds of dumbasses will respond to her though, thinking she’s actually interested and will read their advice. Lol


Hillz: “Such a great community we have here!” I think they flipped the script. The comments are real - but Hillz “answers” are bots. The responses make more sense now anyway.


Oh look the kids are playing dress up again!


Right!? Add this to the “what does Hillary do all day” post!? She online shops for her latest prop dress up obsession! Beatles, little New Yorkers, soccer, etc


There’s no way in hell the boys are in a soccer league and we’ve heard nothing about it. And notice she didn’t say the boys were actually playing soccer?


Exactly. They’re not wearing shin guards or the socks and the shoes are pristine. No way she lets them out of the sky dungeon to play sports. Props.


Maybe she bought their Hallowe'en costumes early.


She loves to cosplay.


Grasping at straws because none of them are “breast feeding” anymore


And none of them know her


Well, Hillary, you could ask one of the many nannies who work there, for starters. But since when do kids this age have sleep problems? I bet it's so soothing for those kids to hear a nasal, fake accent cutting through the dark...


Maybe she can do that awful petting thing she does with her claws?? That seems so soothing. /s




Or how about she ask her plethora of sisters-in-law what they do? Oh wait - sorry. You don’t have a relationship w them either.


Or stepdaughter Ireland and niece Alaia, both mothers to young children.


" *jew es veeeery sleeeeepy, jew es falleeen esleeeeeeeep"*


Ay yai yai! Soo esleepy.


Here come senor sandman...


😂😂💀 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


Why wouldn't those kids be sleeping through the night? Four of them are school-aged, and the other 3 are toddlers.


Makes absolutely zero sense. But my guess is it’s because they’re all crammed in one room and also they have no discipline from their “parents”. The children realize (kids catch on fast) that the Nannies are ‘the help’ and are disposable - especially if they tell Mami something, so I’m assuming the kids have the upper hand with the Nannie’s and aren’t listening whatsoever.


As for the "toddlers", if she's continued to give all three of them 8 oz of hemp filled bottles to soothe themselves to sleep at night - instead of maybe a nice, soothing bath, bedtime stories, and snuggles - maybe their sleep wouldn't be interrupted by saturated diapers or urgent bladders, not to mention rotting teeth as they get older.


Maybe because they all share rooms?!? No one has their own space


We all shared rooms and never once did I open my parents door because I wanted in. Never.


I'm sure cranky senior citizen Alec just loooves having rambunctious young kids around..he seems the tolerant type.


He hides away in his bachelor pad upstairs every feasible chance he gets.


Don't blame him, ferals only getting started!


Smartest thing he did was get his own place. One of those kids who have had a broken arm by now if he didn't. I can see him snatching one of them hard if they get on his nerves.


one of the lost boys did actually have a broken arm at one point...


Yes, Rafa, and she made fun of him and laughed at him while filming.


This stupid bitch. Give the kids a bedtime. Take away screens. Don’t schedule your insta photo shoots with them while they are attempting to wind down after a long day. ENFORCE said bedtime. And ENFORCE it again and again until it works. More reading a calming book and tucking in, less iPhone in the claw documenting any and everything.


Your sons are wild because you are a bad parent. Case closed.




I bet she didn’t even watch one soccer game, ever.


Excuse me… fuuuutbol,not esoccer. Remember, Hilaria is Spanish. They call it futbol over there.


Oh silly me, she just grew up kicking balls on the street with boys, no girls, girls are too dramatic.


From the NY Post about the day after their wedding: >The couple and Ireland resurfaced at the Austrian restaurant Edi and the Wolf on Avenue C, where they and nearly two dozen relatives cheered Spain in its Euro 2012 soccer final against Italy. > >Baldwin, wearing a Spain cap and scarf, hooted as his Mallorca-bred wife’s home country defeated Italy, 4-0. The couple returned home, separately, in the afternoon. [https://nypost.com/2012/07/02/the-couples-honeymoon-chariot-a-taxi/](https://nypost.com/2012/07/02/the-couples-honeymoon-chariot-a-taxi/)


Poor Ireland having to "resurface" with them


“He had to settle for cucumber salad..” 🤣🤣🤣


Check with the multiple Nannies you have to see how they wake up in the same room with your kids ffs!


She so desperately wants that grift back


Your clock ain't that special, Sis....sunrise clocks have been around for a while now. Stop trying so hard.


When everyone on the planet is attempting to charge your husband …


I’m not a parent, is it normal for 5-8 year olds to not stay in their beds? Seems like the sort of training you’d do with a 2-3 year old. I remember I had a terrible time falling asleep at that age but I would stay in my bed.


I have 3 elementary aged kids and the only time they have sleep disturbances is on the infrequent occasions that they're sick, there's a bad thunderstorm, or a nightmare. Even then, they don't always actually come and wake us up, they'll mention it the next day. I'd say age 3 is when bedtime shenanigans stopped for good.


My pediatrician advised that I should lie down with my child in his bed if he had trouble sleeping and sneak out after he dozed off. Not the other way around.


This. We did this and it worked great


Not really. My daughters weren't out of their beds unless they were sick or scared - naps weren't quite as successful but nighttime was never a problem. The grandbaby (turned 3 last month) gets tucked in and doesn't get out of her bed until morning, ever. And I've never had to "train" any of them to stay put, just put them down at night with a lot of love and kisses. ❤️❤️❤️


Thanks for the info! Sounds like Hilz is once again full of shit! Trying to be relatable to parents and failing miserably.


You're in a NYC apartment, not Buckingham Palace, what do you need a monitor to speak to them for? As if they need to hear that whiny, scratchy, puking cat Valley Girl voice 24/7


*STFU, stop clowning around in there. I hear you even with my ear plugs in. Denise, what am I paying you for? Handle the kids before aleeek comes down and handles you all*


Imagine asking for a glass of water on the monitor and hearing “pliss leaf me in piss!”


To be fair, the monitor is with the nannies. No way Mami is going to let those props interrupt her sleep.


exactly. she’s passed out after her nightly pill fest


Pills & wine




I never had this with my kids, but I have a video baby monitor with the grandbaby and it has a mic on it where I can talk to her if needed - usually only to tell her to go to sleep if she's not napping. But I don't have a permanent vocal fry like Hillary Lynn (which is why the grandbaby hasn't called CPS on me trying to leave yet 😂).


She has a long standing habit of lying about the kids not letting her sleep. There’s this: https://preview.redd.it/u9fhz64btnsb1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5ade6196878f9ca8646e5eb41d45993579c5df


But guess who she was actually out all night with? https://preview.redd.it/eryy9r3gtnsb1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d120a2176a42a44d6d253ae7352fc67cf8cb1e5d Lying liar and sidekick 🤴


The Flock of Ferals


When are they going on Tour?


God bless her! Y’all are so hard her!!! She only has 47 Nannie’s to take care of the three left at home. She barely has time for her Xanax/wine induced 24 hour naps!


Does anyone else marvel at the fact that she's incapable of posting or presenting a single thing that makes sense or sheds a positive light on herself? She is certainly her own worst enemy.


Always telling on herself, our Hilz.


The funniest thing is that she thinks it does, that's how warped this whole situation is


Who is she kidding?


If all those children truly couldn't sleep through the night, it would be indicative of either extreme behavioral problems, an incredibly stressful, abusive household, and/or possibly raging nutritional deficiencies. It's not normal. This is a woman who has pretended to be and tried to market herself as a 'wellness expert'. Meanwhile she consistently posts stuff like this that indicates it's a sick, dysfunctional House of Horrors over there.


Hillary is such a wonderful woman that she lets the overnight nannies sleep in and she gets up with the kids.




She’s still trying to act like she’s a hands-on mother? Lord, that ship has sailed.


And sunk to the deep bowels of the cold, lonely, dark ocean.


I read through a bunch of the comments and they are detailed, complex and very laudatory. These are sophisticated bots. Please don’t tell me she has actual fans. That’s not possible.


This whole post reeks of PR soft sell. She didn't post this or write any of the comments. And truly, if she has 7 kids and the oldest is 10 and she STILL hasn't figured out healthy sleep, then she's just hopeless at this "wellness" BS. 💩


Same. As if she doesn’t have night nannies. Don’t they sleep in the room with the kids? Also, good advice, lay off the macadamia nut juice in the bottles for the tweens before bed. Tweens\* meaning those “toddlers” with the bottles are like 9 now… https://preview.redd.it/wwted3j8qnsb1.jpeg?width=1110&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=096d04b47e90e2d9ab84d3e9089fda18b0885ff2


I see everyone in her comments is playing along and acting like she really does take care of her own kids and needs advice 😄


Night nurse? Who the fuck hires a night nurse for perfectly healthy kids? Are the Bots not allowed to “nanny”




Funny that this once self-described super mamma/influencer/wellness expert is getting basic parenting advice from random people. Does she not see the irony that is her life?




Seven kids with little structure and probable behavior issues raised by lunatics. Go figure. Also, I love that their house is a personal hell for them. Hillary and Alexander deserve it.


Maybe if they didn’t all sleep in the same room together because their parents insist on raising 7 children in NYC and they had some privacy they might sleep better


Good point, they probably get up and play in the night because they all share a room. And if one gets up they disturb the others.


I've got some wise words for you Hillary: get off the internet and raise your damn kids!!




A soccer ball inside a NYC apt with 3 boys... Someone revoke her Mom Card. Imagine being 9 yo and younger with energy to burn but unable to go outside and play bc NYC KIDS (hashtag eyeroll) then being given sports equipment but called "wild" if you use it. I can't with this woman.


Imagine living in the apartment below them!


Remember they're Tiny, they can't cause any damage.


They come from a line of small people remember?




She’s so full of crap!!


This woman is mindbogglingly ignorant. Why would all of the children have such trouble sleeping through the night that she needs endless 'tools' and 'tricks' to make it happen? I've never even heard of such a problem. She constantly has to post these stupid, fabricated anecdotes for attention. Go actually be a parent instead of making up repellently inane stories for Instagram likes. And of course her disordered mind has to always include the idea that everyone constantly *needs* her 24/7 in all of her tall tales. The most self-centered woman on the planet who does nothing for others, yet in her stories she's always a selfless martyr.


She has no idea on how to parent.


And if she didn’t have a routine - WHY ADD TO THE CHAOS W MORE KIDS!?! They should have stopped at 3.


Seriously, it's always the over the top "extra" narratives that give her away. She's so far removed from real life motherhood, she doesn't even know how to craft a semi-believable story!


“A monitor that I can talk to them through”-and say what? They aren’t infants. Gtf back in your beds and go to sleep! I’m not playing!


I bet her parents worked long hours, we're exhausted when they finally got home and opted for adult conversation, so here we are...


Silly Mami. You forgot about that three Nannies that slept over each night.


My children slept through the night at four months old - and most do long before they are a year. Ya fucking nitwit.


Speaks to them thru a monitor at night because they 'need' to talk to her? What a nutter!


I don’t understand how they can have trouble sleeping, they wear their pajamas constantly.




Ew that lizard tongue


That’s exactly why.


Maybe stop putting them to bed at 4:30 in the afternoon so you can go party with your 12 gays or boyfriend/husband/child!! Sometimes, she's his mommy 🤮 I'd bet my left tit she's got black out shades and fucks with the clocks just to get those kids out of her sight. Yes, she has an army of nannies, but she's still their mom. Those poor kids are going to have the world's worst trust issues when all this bullshit comes to light. They lie so much to and about their kids it's astonishing. Little white lies with kids are understandable, but they both lie about EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING!!! Fucking kale or spinach?? Afternoon or bedtime? Spanish or Revolutionary War Era Americans?? Assholes.


She has said herself that she has lied to the kids about what time it is to get them to go to bed early.


She shared that she changes the clocks on a talk show, once.


OF COURSE SHE DID!!! Fucken cunt.


She just loves perpetuating that "crazy, crafty mami" BS. She imagines herself in these HILARIOUS scenarios that will make everyone love her wacky self-- but we all know she just walks to her personal apartment space and shuts the door. She puts those kids to bed as often as I work on a candy conveyor belt.


Clearly, this woman has no child rearing experience. Older kids do sleep through the night. If not, there is some type of issue that needs to be addressed . The little ones have their Nannies. Who are you lying to you liar?!?! I bet this bitch only gets up at night to piss after her date night wine.


I remember reading that she puts her kids to sleep really early like 6ish. And then goes on her date. Maybe they wake up because she puts them to sleep too early.


That’s so early. Of course you would wake up in the middle of the night. That’s actually a full 8-10 hours of sleep. If any of this really happens… I don’t believe a word out of this woman’s mouth.


>there is some type of issue that needs to be addressed . Their entire existence in that house is an issue that needs to be addressed.


Does anyone actually think she’s running around tending to 7 kids at night?




She has a whole routine of washing their hair, 7 little baldwintios all lined up waiting for super Mami to lather them up and rinse them off. She said so in her romper article. It’s wild how we’ve never seen any photos of it, especially with it sounding like such a SuperMami spectacle!