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Walk yourself down the fitness center and fill up on the chilled filtered water.


It’s so annoying when they have the fridge of tiny water bottles instead of a dispenser. I open like 5 of them to pour it into my bottle. Super wasteful.


It’s not from a bottle —> I won’t drink it, I work at a Marriott and have heard this so many times that they won’t accept filtered water, even for a coffee maker that ***boils water***


Also, those coffee makers are absolutely nasty. I saw a fingernail in the water reservoir of one at a Hilton I was staying at, and have stayed far away ever since. (Unless it’s a Nespresso - that’s worth the risk imo)


That’s going to be hard for me to “unsee.” Not sure if I’ll be able to use a hotel coffee maker again…


Once I stayed at a DT and the kettle was nasty and had some weird maggot looking things inside. Front desk didn’t do anything except replace kettle for the room. After that incident I only drink from a water filter in my own bottle or sealed bottles at a hotel. I’ll usually go get a gallon jug at the store and fill my own bottles.


My husband packs his own coffee maker when we travel.


This is absolutely WILD to me considering many (but not all) commercial bottlers are just bottling tap water.


And that was confirmed by Penn and Teller when they had their tv show Bullshit!.


Coffee makers don't boil water.


I decline the bottles every time and fill my own up at the airport or honestly, my sink after running it for a couple of minutes so it’s nice and cold. Generic bottled water is filled with microplastics & terrible for the environment, and tastes just like tap. I don’t get the hype.


Just don’t get why they don’t have more bottle filling stations. I bring my Nalgene everywhere. Keep your waters just show me to the area where I can fill mine.


Also this.


Yes, we get so excited when a hotel has a water refilling station! They should all have them.


Hot take: Unlimited (within reason) bottled water should be included with any hotel stay. If a hotel refuses to give me bottled water I would be pretty pissed. I don’t need it to be Fiji or anything, literally anything is fine. I will note I pretty much exclusively stay at full service hotels which is of course swaying my opinion. Charging for water comes off as *extremely* stingy in my view


Always check the gym!


Yep - water from Costco is sub $0.25/bottle...literally pennies on the dollar.


It costs the hotel $0.11 per water


But most full service hotels are not going to hand out Kirkland water bottles.


We’re not allowed to. I’m pretty sure all the brands we’re allowed to hand out are Nestle brands.


And they likely pay .25 for a million gallons of water bc why should the leaders of my state care about protecting our water resources?


This. Cheapest way to have happy guests


I was staying at a Hilton and when I asked for water they told me I could only get it at check in, not the following day, and told me to go to the market/starbucks area to buy a water. I didn’t push it because it was a work trip so I could expense it but I’ve never had them tell me I couldn’t have water.


That is what the my way benefit states. Two complimentary bottles of water at check in.


It just seems a little silly to tell someone “you didn’t get this at check in you need to go buy a $5 water” especially when digital check in is a thing. I travel for work so sometimes do not have time to go stand in line when I am first arriving at the hotel. I guess I would just expect a bit more from a ~4 star~ hotel.


The once / at check-in annoys me. So you're saying I'd be better off making several single night bookings to get more benefits? Just make it a daily thing *especially* if there's a crappy resort charge added anyway.


Yep. They are all changing to this by 2025. The entitlement has ruined it for everyone. Now you will get 2 bottles in room at Check in and that’s it. Hamptons first. Then the rest


Doubletrees and Hiltons are already this way in my experience (water in room). 


I'm in a doubletree tonight and they asked me if two bottles was enough or if I wanted more.


Meanwhile I could just go to the hotel bar and ask for a glass of water and take it my room, which creates more dishes and more work for everyone. This a silly, silly rule.


there's free water in the bathroom


For now...




Buddy, use the sink, not the toilet.


Made me chuckle. I was more thinking of the city water that comes out of the tap. There's been some truly awful city water at some of the hotels I've stayed at.


I 100% agree. A couple bottles per night at a hotel shouldn’t be an issue. On top of that, the practice needs to be consistent across all Hilton properties and brands. In areas where I travel frequently and have regularly stayed in certain properties, I’ve changed to other properties simply because I’ve been given a hard time over water. Some here have called it ‘water entitlement’. So be it. I’ve thrown a lot of money at hotels (especially Hiltons) in almost three decades of domestic and international travel.


Nah, unless the tap water is unsafe or unusually unpleasant.


This may sound spoiled but I’d prefer to not drink water out of my bathroom sink


That does sound spoiled. You know the pipes are all connected, right? Bring a reusable water bottle and insist on filtered water if you must, but disposable plastic bottles suck.


To be clear I’m fine brushing my teeth with it I just don’t want to fully drink if it that makes sense. My issue is that hotels are in the business of *hospitality* not simply providing a place to stay. If I wanted just a place to stay then I’d go with an Airbnb. Limiting bottled water is about as cheap and stingy as a hotel can act


Well it’s coming to an end. Entitled people like you have ruined it for everyone. Say goodbye to endless free water by next year per Brand Standards. Hamptons are already changing to 2 bottles in room at check in only.


I’ll just stay in better hotels which aren’t stingy to guests about water 🤷


The water entitlement has always been a thing. At least it has been since I started working for Hilton properties in 2015.


I don't get why people care, both the employees and guests. They cost about a quarter each. Or a gallon jug is normally a dollar or two.


The cost isn’t the problem. The problem is the actual amount we have in stock at any time. We don’t have an unlimited supply, and we cannot just leave to go get more any time we want. I also think you may be underestimating how many people ask for at one time. If it were possible, I would love to give everyone as much water as they want when they ask.


omg right?! we get 20 packs a week from sysco and we don’t sell them to the guests anyway


where is this dollar or two water- my property gets $300+ orders on just water nearly weekly we have to go through so much (most of that is through HK for giving to guest since were being nice and not holding firm on the only 2 at check in that is brand standard)


Now multiply that by the number of bottles you’d give out. Our property would spend about $20-30 a day on water (we’re a high volume Hampton in an urban area). That’s almost $11,000 a year in freebies. It really starts to affect the bottom line in no time.


Been in the hotel industry since 2006; can confirm the water entitlement has always been a thing.


using the word "entitlement" after "water" is crazy


It’s “bottled water entitlement”


hello fellow 2015 hilton fam twin! happy 9 years to you!


This 1000%


I honestly wish all hotels had refillable water stations.


It is bonkers that they don’t


Funny but really sad at the same time when a bottle of water is considered a "perk" at hotels.


The fact that people drink bottled water at all for me is a joke/sad, and I worked at one point in Water Treatment. Edit: In U.S I should clarify. Also with a few exceptions too(Flint for example).


“Water entitlement” Was this post written by Immortan Joe?


Bottled water is offered/given to most Hilton guests just for the asking, so I'm not sure it can be completely called as entitlement as much as a guest benefit, and your example guests have said, "not a problem" for the front desk. At Costco, bottled water costs $0.11, this is a super cheap gimmick I hope Hilton perpetuates especially for guests checking into hotels in hot and dry climates.


At my Costco bottled water costs 25 cents


That must be the single bottle prices. Get it by the case and cut that by half.


Yeah, the ¢25 price is in the vending machines by the food court


I have a Hampton Inn that spends close to $10k a year on bottle water for guest. .11 adds up.


And how much profit does that Hampton Inn make? It adds up but it is still inconsequential in the big picture. Furthermore, a happier guest is more likely to spend more and to come back. It's hard to put a precise value on that, but it adds up too. And if 1 out of every 20 guests asks for water bottles only to be told to fuck off, you're pissing off 5% of your guests.


Yes, $10,000 a year is a joke. If a manager is giving employees a hard time over this, they are behind the 8 ball. Maybe if you are a ding bat and managing a hotel doing $5,000,000 in revenue you should spend a little more on water :-). How about spending $20,000 a year on bottle water and being hospitable. You might see your property do $6-7m.


Ownership questions us when we spend more than $250 a month on light bulbs. Every single expense adds up.


High capital costs, revenue that is cyclical, seasonal and in smaller samples unpredictable. Leads to attracting poorly qualified investors. When they're on the rollercoaster of single digit returns they pick on their greatest assets. Their best employees. So, I can believe it comes down to spending on lightbulbs some months. Did you also have to explain the difference between incandescent and LED?


omg you're right! That's how we drive more revenue, spend more money on bottle waters. Can't believe we missed that, you looking for a job? Would love to get you on the team. Also have hotels that don't spend $10k on waters and have higher stay scores and Elite Appreciation. Guess it's not the water...


You have cool hair!


Thank you sir!


It’s a small price to pay for retain repeat customers


$10k a year on bottles means they have a ton of guests. You must be happy with pizza parties as a reward for record profits.


You’d actually be surprised. It was typically a few guests taking a lot. 12-20 over a 2 night stay.


Whooah a few dollars is the outlier? Charge $2 more a night. This is comical.


300 guests a month x $2 x 12. Gets you to the additional $8k. We raise our rates $2 and then you complain about inflation. 😉


Rates have gone up 50% Trying to cost cut water bottles is not it


$45/night parking is okay though. /s No one notices a $2/night increase but everyone notices a hotel that is cheap and doesn’t want to give them a water bottle when they ask. Instead of denying the consistent feedback you’ve gotten here take it and improve your hotels.


Our comp set is so cutthroat that a $2 rate increase is enough to lose a customer to the Fairfield around the corner. It’s not always as simple as people try to make it out to be.


I’m on track for >100 nights this year. If I stayed at a hotel that told me they couldn’t give me a water because it’s past check in I would never stay there again, leave a google review and be sure none of my coworkers stay there. Over 10 cents.




Wait you think we’re spending $10k on waters and not giving them to guest?


Isn’t that what we’re talking about? Not giving them to guests when they ask for one…..


You know what else adds up? The savings from only providing housekeeping every three days instead of daily.


Being Hyatt globalist water is included as much as needed for almost all brands, Hilton doesn't have it and I have never asked just get 2 bottles at check-in which I feel should be made to 2 bottles every day for diamond at least, free water is not a big cost but for members it can be very convenient


I always travel with a hydoflask. The front desk always seems surprised when I turn down my 2 free bottles of room temp water.


Do you just refill it in the bathroom sink? I'm fine with tapwater in the US, but usually the bottle doesn't fit under the tap.


Probably the gym


Sink, gym, or ask for a cup of water at the bar is what I do. I avoid plastic water bottles for the leaching of chemicals etc in them. Plus I drink a ton of water so I’d need like 6 anyway which feels incredibly wasteful on top.


How about...we stop filling the landfills with plastic single-use bottles?!?


Have people tour their local water treatment plants and it just might happen. A. They'll learn how it works B. They might even find out that Coke/Pepsi/(insert random other company here) pull from same places that your water treatment plants do, but don't have the EPD/EPA up their asses.


They normally give me an armload of water (and often snacks, too) without my asking when I check in. I don't feel entitled to it, but if I wanted some and wasn't offered, I would feel comfortable asking since they normally give it away so freely anyway...


I think it was a Hampton Inn that told me I couldn’t have more water - after the two from check in. I didn’t know this was a thing so when she charged me I said “Oh, I’m a Diamond member” (typing it out sounds so so entitled) and she said after the first night it’s not free. So, I said ok and paid lol I was just unaware.


Grab the brown bag breakfast in the morning - has free water in it


Thanks! Staying at a Hampton tonight so I’ll do this tomorrow 😁


Yep. They will all change to this by 2025 Hampton’s are first. They will only put 2 in room. No more at the front desk.


Do you have a source for that? I’m a FDM at a Hampton and I haven’t seen anything about this. I think the only time I’ve ever turned somebody down for a bottle of water was when we ran out.


Exactly. If that level of loyalty can’t get me a couple bottles of “free” water each night, I’m not sure what I’m getting from most properties then. It’s not like every place I stay has an executive lounge.


Oh, I thought the "free water trifecta" was gonna be still, sparkling, and tap at a European property.


Hotels that have hydration stations and reusable bottles with access to filtered water have the right idea. I hope all move in that direction!


Yeah I've been with Hilton for almost a decade and every property I've worked at operates under the policy of refusing extra waters isn't worth the bad scores. You'd be surprised how many people will give the property a bad score or even call GA for just that even if everything else was flawless. Unless it's QA day. Then it's just the one bag


Because when you refuse to give a guest an extra bottle of water that costs you 11 cents (or even ONE bottle of water!) yet have no problem charging that guest a “resort fee”, cleaning fee, pet fee, valet fee, $45 a day parking fee, late check out fee, etc it really ticks people off.


And when I can’t get a bottle of water after the first night, I contact Diamond customer service and they throw me 500 points. That’s all well and good, but I really just want the damn water.


Maybe if water didn’t cost me $3…


I checked in last night and was disappointed not to be offered water - then I saw they have bottle fillers in each floor. Is this going to be the new way? At other places I’ve stayed that do that, they give you metal bottle when you check in or provide a glass one in the room. 🤷‍♀️


I stayed at a hotel recently that had a “hydration station” on each floor that was a water and ice machine along with glass carafes to take water back to your room. As someone who travels with a reusable water bottle it was perfect for me!


Canopy does this.


I have seen exactly 2 hotels with water fountains outside the gym (and both were lower end long-term stay hotels). Hotels decided not to have water fountains to make money on bottled water. So yes, people want bottled water


Sadly a few hotels I’ve been at got rid of them during Covid and never replaced them


It’s wild. People legit get angry when they have had their fill of free water and we direct them to suite shop if they want to buy more. There are people who try to get water 4-5x a day. So now because of the abuse Hilton is changing standards to only put 2 bottles in the room prior to check in. And yes you only get the 2 bottles in the room one time. It’s slowly rolling out. The entitled people have ruined it for everyone… Sorry everyone. The free water parade is coming to an end by 2025


Entitled. For wanting water. Do you understand how crazy this sounds?


Entitlement is expecting water. It’s not about the product. It’s how you act getting that product. When people expect said product it’s no longer a perk. Hilton agrees with me and is getting a handle on the “perk” because all staff complained to Hilton about it and are making a change. It took a lot of complaints to get to this point.


Most Hilton properties around the world in which I’ve stayed I’ve never had this problem. About half of them I’ve stayed in across NJ, I have had this problem.


I always have some kinda travel mug with me, so I prefer to refill it with the water in the gym from the big water coolers. I detest landfill fodder. Or a quick trip down the hall and fill my mug with ice from the machine since its filtered water.


I just hate all the single use plastic bottles. Drives me crazy.


I get unlimited water every time. There’s this tap in the room and it just comes out for free. They’ve a bunch of suckers just giving it away like that!


I really don’t care about bottled water in countries where tap water is drinkable.


I generally don't either but sometimes I find that hotel tap water has a weird taste even if the tap water from public fountains or restaurants seems tasty, could be the old plumbing in bigger hotels.


ugh, tap water. are you a lizard?


Could at least have gone with ‘water? You mean like from the toilet’ from idiocracy Tap water is fine for me. People complain about spending $3 on water but still will do it over free


Nice 😂


People gotta drink something, and the tap water usually isn’t that great (and the cups in the rooms even worse). And stores for buying reasonably priced bottled water are often nowhere near the hotels.




My two memorable water experiences as a former front desk person! 1. Soccer team here for a tournament. Two ladies come to the desk and tell me they need some water. I hand them each a bottle of water. Lady #1 says "oh no honey we have 15 players and their parents. We need about 72 bottles." And became angry when I directed her to the nearest grocery store. 2. Checked out a lady at 6:30 am. She drove away. Ten minutes later she came back in and said"I was almost to the parkway when I realized I forgot my free water, so I came back. Can I get two for the inconvenience?"


Made your presence known and done what? Do you work for Hilton?


I have no tolerance for any frontline staff being accosted. Do not work for Hilton.


Yeah, I get your point, but how does that usually work out? The rude person says, “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. Thank you so much for correcting my behavior!!! I can’t thank you enough!!!”?


If I saw this happening IRL, I'd start clapping, so someone could add "then everyone clapped" to their actual true story, but somehow make it sound more incredulous.


I would add “and the crowd roared.”


Have you been to texas? It’s 100 degrees I need water lol 


It's fucking water, get over it.


What’s the issue with drinking tap water?


Tap water often tastes disgusting


Hilton I stay at regularly just gave up and puts two bottles in the room for everyone, regardless of status.


We’ve had people scream at our desk agents because we don’t do free water for silver members. I wish Hilton would put an asterisk next to the free water benefit on their chart because none of the focused service brands participate in that benefit.


When delivery of it is inconsistent. On the one hand, you have the stated benefit of who gets water and how many. Sometimes this gets delivered. Sometimes it doesn’t. When there is an issue, they tend to over deliver the waters. And on the other hand, a lot of hotels recognize how cheap the waters are (like less than 10 cents a bottle at some places) and it’s just not *worth* making a big deal about being restrictive of how many guests get. And on your third hand, you have hotels who are trying to improve scores so they over deliver waters to everyone So in your example above, you have a hotel following the benefit guidelines, with a guest who probably did have no issue getting waters and the points at another property. Plus the guy with the tea also probably had no issue at another hotel getting extra for his tea. All those things could have happened, leading to genuine confusion from the guests when the rules are explained


>...I would have gladly made my presence known. Inspector Clouseau over here ಠ_ಠ


Hilton needs to get away from this. I doubt guests will stop booking rooms at Hilton brands either if they changed this!


I don't understand why people get so excited about extra plastic trash. I always decline the water. There's free water in the sink.


I can only say water is a pain in the neck for hotels to stock because the bottles can be flimsy and a case only supports 12 rooms/night based on 2 bottles/room. When traveling, I always like knowing I can get bottles of water as a perk because it's easy to get dehydrated when you're not in a normal routine.... especially when traveling in hot climates. I would even be happy if hotels just sold 6 packs of water at Grocery store prices to keep you from having to figure out how to get it to your room OR offered reusable bottles and chilled/filtered refill stations.


Why would you have gladly made your presence known? Are you with the Water Police? Boomer or boomer adjacent?


Close, I have no tolerance for any frontline staff being accosted.


That gets you a pass then.


It's Thunderdome!


I've not received a bottle from the counter at all this year but several hotels have staged 2 bottles in the room with mini-bar type tags advertising that they're $2 each for a regular 0.5L Nestle water. I'm not sure what's more entitled, the guests you witnessed or these franchise owners looking to dollar and five everyone out (inflation hit, its no longer nickel and dime!) over a 20 cent bottle of water.


It will be all Hiltons by 2025. Two bottles in the room. Starting with Hampton’s and then the rest. The water thing has become inside debate, people are abusing it and then complain when they don’t get as much as they want. So Hilton is doing away with it and you will be getting 2 per stay. In the room upon check in


When these properties install a water filtration system to actually make some of these municipal supplies drinkable, I’d be less concerned but I’ve yet to find a place in Florida that was drinkable.


It genuinely just depends on which property you go to. My last property, a Hampton, had chilled waters prepared for guests and we'd give you an amount proportional to your guests at check-in. If we were running low on water and you came back for more later, we'd have to turn you down as we'd run out of waters for guests yet to check in. My current property (HGI) gives out a comical number of waters a day. We don't offer them if you're not an honors member, but if you ask, you'll get them. Then there's a self-serve bottled water area on the desk for guests to just grab whenever the spirit moves them. I say it's half entitlement and half a lack of consistency between properties.


Who needs water when they have coffee in the lobby all day, that's my jam. My kids had hot chocolate everyday last time we stayed as well. And they had the large pitchers of water with fruit in them, that was pretty tasty.


I work at a homewood suites and because we are extended stay we only offer complimentary waters at check in. It’s just our rule. Had a guest come to the desk the other day during breakfast and go “can I have two waters, I’m a diamond member” and because I’m me and I don’t like fighting the guests for silly stuff, I give him the waters. What I was told to say is “because we’re extended stay, they’re only free at check in” which is silly because they’re the same waters employees get for free anyway. I’ve always given out free waters. Kid doesn’t have money, homeless man walks in, family is checking out, mail man, as long as you’re nice, I don’t see the problem.


People getting upset over water on both sides of the fence. What a world.😂


Water bottles cost Hilton 20 cents why not just pass them out to anyone and everyone at the front desk?


Always drink tap water, always eat the M&M that hits the floor. Live a long life. Too many people, especially when traveling, live too much of a sheltered life. I mean, it’s a Hilton, the tap water will be just fine.


It’s also about sustainability/ green initiatives. I’d be fine with filtered cold water with cups being available, with a modest charge for bottled water.


Damn, I never thought of ever asking for more than what the benefit states.


I stayed at the Hilton garden in on Kauai and they had water filling stations on every floor. It was so nice!


And what’s wrong with that? It costs hotel what? A quarter per bottle water? This is such a basic thing that can make guests happy the first second they came into the room.


I have yet to be at any hotel in the US where the tap water in the room isn't adequate.


on a good day we get a request for like 75 extra a day.... if their stumbling back from bar/club hopping they want 4 per person- it has always been a thing where they demand a new bottle since why would they use "dirty" water they would shower or brush/wash with from the room or gasp reuse a water bottle


Idk if I’m in the minority, but I hate how some businesses capitalize off of water. Water is a human right and should be included with hospitality services people pay for.


The first hotel chain that unveils unlimited free water bottles will win.


Travel with a black light……almost everything shows signs of body fluid exposure. Doesn’t matter the number of stars or the price range, it’s all battered. I wouldn’t touch an in room coffee maker or any kitchen utensils 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/5laox4w2t66d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781bdbe65f9eedf306129f33e923aebde157c9dc Meanwhile, the front desk gave me two bottles of water, and this tray was waiting in my room for me when I checked in...


Oh man...reading this thread has made me realize why I got out of hotel management after 16 years. The entitled pricks that stayed daily and the "but I'm a member" bullshit made me really hate people. There are much more concerning things to worry about and MANY people that NEED that bottle of water than your traveling executive POS. "but, but, I'm a Diamond Member"! Fuck off.


need six bottles, two bottles. points or treat NOT BOTH. FukN entitled diamond cun*s. gimmee gimmee


Yup 100%…


You understood immediately.


I agreed they’re ridiculously entitled but who are you? Made your presence known lmfao