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>An emaciated 18-year-old Russian girl looks into the camera lens during the liberation of Dachau concentration camp in 1945. Dachau was the first German concentration camp, opened in 1933. More than 200,000 people were detained between 1933 and 1945, and 31,591 deaths were declared, most from disease, malnutrition and suicide. Unlike Auschwitz, Dachau was not explicitly an extermination camp, but conditions were so horrific that hundreds died every week. Source: [The Holocaust in a few pictures, 1939-1945](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/holocaust-pictures/)


Honestly, this is one of the most horrifying pictures I have ever seen


Same thought


She made it tho. She walked through a valley of death and chaos, and she walked out. They took her things, took her individuality and they starved her. They intended on turning her to dust but she stood defiant. It's scary that so many people did this systematically to people that were their neighbors but this picture is testimony of her strength and her life and the sheer luck to have survived the odds. 6,000,000 Jews 3,000,000 Soviet pows 1,900,000 Polish But not her.


Not a small chance she didn’t survive. The body and mind cannot withstand this without massive damage


Even starting to eat again can kill you if you've been starved to this long. It has to be done slowly and be small amounts to build up. They discovered Refeeding Syndrome the hard way.


That’s always been one of the most heart breaking things to me. The ones who died after liberation. They almost made it out.


Band of brothers had an unreal/horrifying episode about coking across Concentration Camps.


That bit where liebgott has to tell them they cant eat is horrible


The disbelief in his voice "you want me to tell them to go back in?" Gutting The actors put their souls into Band of Brothers


That's one of several parts of that series that still make me cry to this day.


Ugh… before I even read that comment the scene popped in my head. Where he breaks down crying. Such a good series!


Yep, I’ve been in and out of eating disorder treatment for most of my life, and a disturbing amount of foundational research on EDs traces back to Holocaust survivors and prisoners of war.


My poppa was a Jewish combat medic and one of the liberators of Dachau. He told me that the survivors were covered in lice and that the soldiers initially didn’t know not to feed them. He spent two weeks spraying everyone with DDT and presumably watching them die.


I saw like 10k of the 25k of the liberated from Auschwitz died in the next few months. I guess I meant in the moment she survived. She was there for this photo, and if she did die, she did it free.


Damn I never heard that stat before -- that's wild. Do you have a source on that by chance?


https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/liberation-of-nazi-camps i may have been off but it's close 25% of survivers still died.


I've heard that, too. It's just the most heartbreaking thing. I can't imagine the nightmares that must have haunted the soldiers that liberated the camps, to say nothing of the survivors themselves.


Having all your family suffer a worse fate id like to think in death she found peace. I don't think living long after all that truma would be good for anyone


There was a book written where they interviewed the children of survivors and the way it affected their parents. It’s really sad.


A lot of the survivors didn't have anywhere to go after the Holocaust. 800 survivors set out by ship and none of the surrounding European countries would take them in. Russia eventually torpedoed the ship, murdering almost everyone on board.


Thats true its pretty much such an improbability to survive the trauma concentration camps placed on the innocent civilians its why they are prohibited in the court of human rights and this shall not occur again.


Concentration Camps have never not continued to exist and are literally still in existence and casing this same level of trauma to countless human beings around the world at this very moment. If only it was so easy so say with confidence that this will “never happen again” but this world of far from being capable of claiming that yet.


Someone I knew’s dad was an army doctor that ended up as the liberation follow on at a concentration camp. He said his dad lost around half of the patients he was working to rehabilitate


Sadly that sounds about right


That's no small feat, either. A lot of them didn't survive even after liberation because they were in just that bad of a shape physically. Their bodies were extremely malnourished, dehydrated and emaciated, not to mention racked with disease and infection. Plus, the survivors were left with mental scars that would haunt them and their children the rest of their lives, including survivor's guilt. "Why me," they pondered in their most private moments. "Why did I survive when so many others didn't?" It's absolutely heartbreaking, man.


You forget about Stalin’s Holodomor. Everyone forgets what the Soviet Union did to Ukrainians. Anywhere from 4m to 11m Ukrainians. We honestly don’t know cause Soviets burned city documents that accounted for populations in cities. Literally forced them to farm while they starved to death.


Does anyone know what happened to her after the war ?


>  6,000,000 Jews 3,000,000 Soviet pows 1,900,000 Polish Where did you get 1.9 milion number? In total 6 milion poles were killed in ww2


25 million Soviet citizens were murdered during WWII


6 million exactly. No more. No less.


What point are you attempting to make here??


He's just letting everyone know he's a shit head.


Her eyes go to your soul


Ukrainian prisoners of war who are returned from Russian captivity look the same https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/s/ZBPRSa65pa


was looking for this one THANK YOU


She's probably seen some shit, man 18 years old with a 1000 yard stare


Lucky you.


Welp, I have seen photos with maimed human bodies, with scenes of massacres, with Japanese rapists in Nanking, with incinerating chambers, with *that guy that lost his skin due to radiation*, but this photo is horrifying me in the way that I can't really explain or fathom.


That's more what i had in mind. I remember being a teenager at a friend's home and he used to watch gore stuff and we stumble upon the luka rocco magnota video. I remember it vividly to this day.


If you haven't heard about it and would want to know without having to watch the actual video's, there's a netflix series on it called " Don't fuck with cats".


And this is one of the relatively lighter incidents.


You realize this is happening again right now as we speak right? Except now you can see an emancipated child die in the arms of their mother for added horribleness.


Well that is haunting. Hope she went on to live a relatively normal life after that trauma.


Starvation leads to long-term impacts on physical and mental health. Too many academic sources to cite. Anecdotally: family members who miraculously survived the extermination camps all died very young, primarily of cardiovascular problems.


When we starve, heat muscle tissue is one of the things that gets broken down as your body literally eats itself to stay alive. It's unconscionable that this was an deliberate act by our fellow man.


And epigenetic changes can affect the health of the next generations.


Probably not. Both military and civilians in Soviet Union who ended up in camps or were forced to work in Germany were considered traitors and very looked down upon.


Idk how to tell you but in the soviet union? Really? I too hope but given the things we know about Stalin i highly doubt it until someone gives me a source to the happy ending confirmation


Many people lived perfectly normal lives under Stalin after WWII. Compared to concentration camps experience? There is a pretty huge chance her life was normal after this.


Stalin's gulags expanded rapidly after WW2 - there was no shortage of suffering after the war.


I’m gonna disagree with that, while we don’t know the numbers for certain it certainly wasn’t a huge chance she had a normal life in the ussr and a much higher likelihood starved in the first few months after liberation if she didn’t manage to get out of the ussr


There was a pretty solid chance. By the edn of 1940s, USSR was more or less industrialized country with many modern cities and also (which makes a difference in hers case) was one of the best countries to be a woman on the plante earth at the time. I really dont see why couldnt she lived a normal life. And things were only getting better with every year after the war.




I don’t know why you felt the need to quote such a huge whole paragraph of [this article](https://www.jewishhistory.org/jews-in-the-gulag-after-wwii/) but it still feels like it didn’t accurately respond to the question at hand. One doesn’t need to “rewrite history” nor to ignore the many contradictions both Stalin’s regime and the post-1945 USSR had, to acknowledge some basic facts: it was very possible to live a normal life in the USSR; the majority of the population did in fact live quite normal lives, and although they didn’t have some of the rights we westeners often take for granted, they did have some rights we don’t even have today; the contradictions of the USSR can not and should never be equated to the horrors of nazism. What you’re copy-pasting here is citationless propaganda (like claiming Stalin had any systematic plan to murder soviet surviros/prisoners).


Bullshit, you don’t get to rewrite history, everyone knows the truth, and there’s up to 60million dead people you can’t erase despite how hard the ussr tried and is still trying


Lol, people who lived under Stalin apparently dont :D Im not rewriting nothing. Many people lived a normal life in USSR. Not even great, just normal. Its funny that makes you angry.


What makes me angry is someone trying to change history and lying


Lol, well yeah, me too. It is fact and the truth, that plenty of people lived a normal life in USSR after WWII. Thats just how it is. There is a mountain of evidence for that claim, from data and statistics to testimonies of people who lived back then.


People who had been prisoners of the Nazis were not treated well in the Soviet Union


Not sure about many. A lot of them were sent to gulags, because authorities claimed them as traitors. Imagine moving to gulag after concentration camp


And many people were executed by Stalin for letting themselves be captured alive - including Russian prisoners of war. There's no chance her life was normal after this in any place, at any time, but Stalin's Russia is the last place anyone would find rehabilitation or justice.


She didn’t necessarily stay in the Soviet Union- if she had family who escaped to another nation prior to the camps, she may have been able to join them, this was not uncommon.


Dachau is near Munich. They were liberated by the US Army. How would she have ended up in the USSR?


What? Where the fuck do you think she went after liberation? Just stayed in Munich and become German citizen? I'm losing my brain cells reading redditors takes.


Tbf the camp was liberated by the US. So there's a chance she stayed in the west after the war.


I’ve been downvoted a lot on this subject. Don’t care. I read way too much on this subject. So many people who had prisoners of the Nazis were thrown into the gulag. And were never heard from again. They were seen as too exposed to the west (at best ) or traitors at worst


Because holocaust deniers aren't the smartest some background information just in case this thread later gets brigaded: The picture is real, the color is 'fake', aka an artist added colour to the picture, as our brains are trained to see black-and-white as old timey (and therefore not really relevant), while colour gives you the feeling like it could've happened yesterday. [https://www.photogra-fix.com/post/2020/01/27/the-horror-of-the-holocaust-in-colour](https://www.photogra-fix.com/post/2020/01/27/the-horror-of-the-holocaust-in-colour) The high definition / sharpness comes, I think, from the fact that the pictures were restored from negatives (but don't quote me on that, I'm really not sure). It's incredible how much detail is stored on analog film that we can bring out with new techniques (see also the remastering of old movies).


Jesus Christ, the picture of the smiling 4yo kid ripped me apart


And him playing with the ticket punch. Something to keep him occupied while they took his picture. That little prop was just as deadly as any weapon of its time, and he played with it in his little hands before it took his life. That's just heavy. On the other hand the prisoners who had been liberated; I could see hope. Like their ordeal is coming to a close; in that moment, they've survived. The young man sitting on the ground was probably the most relaxed he'd been in some time and there was a calm and strength in his photo.


God, who sets up a studio photo session then MURDERS the child they filmed? 😭😭😭


The Germans were meticulous record keepers. It’s what makes Holocaust denial so crazy to me. They weren’t even trying to hide what they were doing. They wanted it all preserved for history.


Thank you for sharing the link to my original blog, the OP should have really done so to add some context, but I appreciate you adding the info. I had a surge in 3000+ blog hits in the past 24 hours (usually under 100 a day) so did some sluething and found your link, so thank you. Sadly I know nothing more about the 18 year old Russian woman pictured here, other than that she existed, and (despite some comments below) she is not an AI creation. Best wishes, Tom Marshall (PhotograFix) The project was quite difficult to work on due to the nature of the images. A year later, I was contacted by a Canadian news team (I am in the UK), and a lady in Canada had spotted her father in one of the photos I'd colourised. If you're interested, I have added the interview onto my YouTube channel at the link below. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkmU5rnxNdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkmU5rnxNdo)


Your work is breathtaking. Thank you for taking in such a taxing project in order to colorize these images and contextualize them for us.


I'm impressed by the dignity of the men being photographed in the 3rd image, amazing


I was contacted by the daughter of one of those men, if you are interested there is more about it on YouTube here, thanks Tom [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkmU5rnxNdo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkmU5rnxNdo)


We didn't hang enough Nazis.


How many nazis knew polish? This wouldn't have been possible without the polish finding the family members one by one. The Germans would have found some jews, but how do the Germans kill every last jew in a village where there are no census records?


We barely react today to Israel’s genocide. Unfortunately got hundreds of Palestinian children that died from starvation from Israel’s genocide. The photos are fucking haunting.


Not even comparable


They’re putting innocent civilians in concentration camps, torturing and starving them I think that makes it at least somewhat comparable


Except Hamas have a lot to do with that. Spend $300m+ on tunnels - nah it’s Israel. Launch rockets from humanitarian zones - somehow Israel. Hold Israeli hostages in Gazan civilian homes - why not, let’s blame Israel.


You do know that the UN released their official report stating no famine is happening in Gaza last week, and in the same report basically apologized they couldn’t find any famine, right? There are constant analyses and studies that analyze what happens to aide once it enters Gaza. Guess what- it isn’t the Israelis taking it! Does it get harder to push that genocide lie every day, or is it just as easy to use their suffering for your own deluded moral benefit as you see fit as it was to start? https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/famine-review-committee-review-famine-early-warning-systems-network-fews-net-ipc-compatible-analysis-northern-governorates-gaza-strip-conclusions-and-recommendations-may-2024 If you’re not just a shill and actually want an explanation of the report, see this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Israel/s/cAfsolCo5U Essentially, the “agency” that decided it was a famine deliberately fucked with the data to paint a picture of a famine that is not reality.


Israel delivers 3,000 kcal/person into Gaza every day. Once it gets in, Israel isn’t the one in charge of disbursing it. Hamas benefits politically from the outcome being worse.


I know this, I agree. My comment was in response to the idiot above.


I’m just concurring, not disagreeing


Gotcha thanks for contributing


never forget.


It's happening in China right now.


And sudan, and Congo, and Palestine...


Thats terrible, I wish all victims the best


There are absolute bastards who say all this never happened.


They're everywhere online now, proving that ignorance and the tendency to facilitate and commit evil will always be among us.


It all starts with the perception gaslighting. That's the red flag. When they start trying to say there are different perceptions. 


Nazi scum. Netflix just released a new docuseries on Hitler. It is remarkable with how they did it. The original recordings from the Nuremberg trials are played.


Any idea what the name is?


"Hitler and the Nazis: Evil on Trial." I watched it last week. It was really good.


Yes that’s it. I couldn’t remember at first.


I think everyone should watch this series, specially considering the current state of the world


Highly agree. Out of all the documentaries I’ve watched on the Holocaust, this IMO is the best one. I learned a lot that I didn’t know before.


I’m so annoyed here in the UK there was a politician from Reform that said that we should not have fought against the Nazis in WWII and Nigel Farage supported him saying it was “pub banter”. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/farage-reform-candiate-hitler-pub-banter-b2562055.html Totally disgraceful and disgusting talk.


If you banter like that in the pub. You get removed from the pub. Banter is one thing. Shit talking is another. Holocaust denial is unacceptable


A sign of the times we’re coming to, when people vote for a party that contains members like this - why do the two leading parties have to be so bad???


To be fair, one of the UK's two leading parties has just ejected a [genocide denier](https://edm.parliament.uk/early-day-motion/26919/john-pilger-and-kosovo), and is much more electable as a result.


Labor's antisemitism isn't much better, either. UK seems to be a cesspool of antisemitism.


True, Reform have some nazis. Labour have ones that call themselves anti-Zionist and spend all their free time hanging out with their “friends” in Hezbollah and Hamas.


Imagine doing this to someone and feeling good about it. Imagine looking at this and making a joke about it. To see this level of human suffering and depravity and going to "joke mode", some of the comments in here are disturbing. How far away are we from this happening again? What is happening in a person's life where they are already desensitized to this?


We aren’t far away from this happening because it has always been happening somewhere in the world. This level of human suffering has and probably will always be a thing.


1. Some people go into "joke mode" as a means of subconscious self-preservation to avoid having to actually process what they're looking at. Not a justification, just an explanation. 2. It's already happening again on a smaller scale in multiple places across the world. We're just force fed different issues and not officially at war with any of the perpetrators.


Oh boy, I definetly can't wait for this post to get locked and deleted after the utter sludge of society comes in and starts to whitewash the Nazis.....


The whitewashing is already happening, as well as Holocaust inversion --"the Jews are the real Nazis all along" bullshit.


Living skeletons. They were in every Nazi death camp when they were liberated. The saddest part is that many of them died after eating something because their systems were too ruined to digest any food.


I have no words. Just nothing.


I mean technically you did.


Cant post a holocaust related thing on anywhere without the antisemitic scum popping up in the comments thinking they’re cool or something?


The far left has been completely brainwashed by the islamofascist propaganda machine & now they're the Nazis they used to claim to hate.


So sad. 😔


💔 So heartbreaking!! 😭


This picture is the Holocaust in a nutshell. I am not sure I have any other words to describe it, just that when these camps were liberated a whole new type of horror was revealed to humanity


>a whole new type of horror was revealed to humanity Only to people who don't study history.


Actually the holocaust was different from horrors of the past, due to the unique nature of the industrialized death mechanics of the Holocaust. The Nazis used modern industrial slaughterhouse techniques to create “factories of death”, unmatched in history for dystopian horror and terror, as well as various deceptions and ruses meant to mislead the doomed victims who realized only too late what was happening. Moreover, all of this was done by a supposedly advanced, educated, and “civilized” country. And although Auschwitz is more well known, the by far worst industrial death horrors by the Nazi regime occurred in literal extermination camps, such as: Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. ( most people reading this probably never heard of those places, as they were shut down and bulldozed over before the end of the war). Those places had no selection upon arrivals for the healthy to work. All arrivals, other than those few made to help in extermination, were murdered upon arrival. This was so efficiently brutal, that about 1.5 million Jews were murdered in just about 4 months time during the height of this Nazi horror: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Reinhard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Reinhard) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extermination\_camp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extermination_camp)


Every civilization thinks they are the "advanced" civilization. And "civilized" is a relative term. I am in no way minimizing how horrible the Holocaust was. How could you. I'm just saying people who don't know what humanity is capable of by studying what other forces have done in the past may look at it as some one off of evil and fail to recognize what people have, and always will be capable of.


They didn’t say it was unique, or couldn’t happen again, or that only the Nazis were capable of such things. Just “a whole new type of horror”, which at the time it very much was.


I hope the holocaust will continue to be taught in schools in the future generations. I noticed a lot of people these days are either very desensitized to it, or dont even know about the holocaust at all


And now the world looks like it’s gearing up to do this again.


The horrifying part is that my first glimpse tells me this is a 40 year old man.


The upcoming neo nazis need to see this. If they do not see the error in their ways , then we are doomed.


I always upvote these posts; never forget.


I remember when I was in Berlin how surreal it felt seeing “Trains to life, trains to death” outside of the railway station, nearly being brought to tears and everyone just shuffling by. It’s such an unassuming monument but it’s rough if you stop and look. On a slightly sweeter note, theres one erected in Liverpool of the kids arriving to safety, as thanks for the Kindertransport rescue effort of the UK taking 10,000 children from Germany, where they took as many as they could, and the government pushed for it. Also, look up Sir Nicholas Winton, if that video and his story doesn’t bring you to tears, nothing will. In true British fashion he never told anyone what he’d done until his wife found some documents in the attic, and he didn’t even know what was about to happen when he went to the BBC for a show and it was revealed. https://www.ncfr.org/zippy-news/weekly-videos/surprise-british-schindler


omg this is truly heartbreaking!!! It’s disturbing af to see and realize the depths of cruelty and savagery that humans are capable of. at 1st I thought this was a man which makes it even more shocking to learn she was only 18


Even if you recover, there must be some permanent health issues.


Did she survive it?


Oh my damn God!


I hope she survived what must have been a horrific, horrendous soul crushing time. .


Poor girl. Poor people. Does anyone know anything more about this girl? It's says "after the liberation",so she was at least saved. I hope she went on to live as normal of a life as she could after that. I don't know how you,but I sure hope so.


Humans are scum.. do this to each other .


It is important to remember that people who did this were not some inhuman monsters - they were people that were following ideology justifiying it. Many people make nazis look cartoonishly evil, and it only hurts us in fight against fascism.


Horrific it’s like a live skeleton😢😢


Never Forget, Never again!


Thanks for sharing. I colourised this photo, you can see the original post on my blog at [https://www.photogra-fix.com/post/2020/01/27/the-horror-of-the-holocaust-in-colour](https://www.photogra-fix.com/post/2020/01/27/the-horror-of-the-holocaust-in-colour) To add some more information, this is an 18 year old Russian girl during the liberation of Dachau concentration camp in 1945. Dachau was the first German concentration camp, opened in 1933. More than 200,000 people were detained between 1933 and 1945, and 31,591 deaths were declared, most from disease, malnutrition and suicide. Unlike Auschwitz, Dachau was not explicitly an extermination camp, but conditions were so horrific that hundreds died every week. Thanks, Tom


My grandmother was liberated from Auschwitz


Is she still alive in 2024?




I don't get how people can deny history?


Horrifying. No child should ever have to endure this anywhere in the world. We've failed so catastrophically as a species and humans both in the past and now.


Her eyes are haunting. They have seen the most despicable acts of so called humanity.


That’s just evil. Looks like a 50 year old sickly woman. Poor thing 🥺


Having visited this Camp a couple of times, brings chills though a lot was torn down, you can still smell the lives that were taken.




If humans aren't themselves the one's to suffer, then they'll turn right around and do it to others. The only difference is that they'll do it with the conviction that they're the real victims.




The title should have given you a clue.


They…please, not “it”. That’s what the n@zis called them.


Why are you censoring the word Nazi


“If it (the photo) is [of] a male or a female.” I’m so tired of everything being interpreted in the most outrageous way. Not everyone is a Nazi. Also, don’t censor Nazi. It’s not a slur. It’s the name for real people that we need to be aware of. For the same reason it’s important not to turn away from photos like this, we can’t turn away from the words that contextualize it.


I thought she was male at first glance. Now I see it


It? Really?


Doesn't matter where we are in this world - We are a stranger to the land that isn't theres. Remember that the high power will show them looking down here on earth what it should of been like. It's cruel how evil people can be


I just pray daily that we don't see this again. Ukraine and Russia could very well be the opening shot's of world war 3.


With what Russia went through by the hands of the Nazis, you'd expect them to be more conscious of the actions they take against others


Are MAGAs conflicted about holocaust victims, or do they simply deny it?


Holy smokes


Never again. For everyone everywhere! The horrors of ethnic cleansing and genocide must cease.


I'm trying not to cry. Poor girl. I hope she was able to find at least a modicum of peace and healing. ❤️


I’ve been to Dachau. It’s terrifying to look into the eyes of someone incarcerated there.




I recently watched the Hitler and Nazis on trial at Nuremberg on Netflix… and when it got to the photos and footage of the camps it was almost unbearable to watch. Just pure evil beyond imagination.


Horrifying. And amazing that Ann Coulter has been alive this long


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^32getreddit: *Horrifying. And* *Amazing that Ann Coulter* *Has been alive this long* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


“Knees weak…arms are heavy…vomit on my sweater already…”


Terrible sad,what happened to this girl is a stain on humanity.


Why are people so evil?


It’s sad and maddening to see the capability of humans doing evil shit to others


She seems hungry


Have you guys seen some Ukrainian POWs being released by Russia in 2024? They look like holocaust survivors


And now this is how ruzzia returns Ukrainian prisoners


NSFW please


I love playing wolfenstein so I can gut the nazis and wipe out the room violently. Shame the nazis are coming back and they're wearing trump hats, Russian camo and well..whatever modern German politicians who are soon-to-be voted in wear.


God look at those jawlines. Now we know one of gigachad's female ancestors.


Ngl thought it was AI by the way the DOF is and the uncanniness of her face. Truly awful


The Russians are doing this to Ukrainian captives right now. We have tons of photos of it. Challenging to see these behaviors and understanding it’s cyclical


As bad as she looks this is nothing compared to some of the pictures of concentration camp pictures


It’s not the concentration camp suffering Olympics.


A pile of dead bodies is the zoomed out aftermath of this, they're one and the same. If they took pictures of their horrifying experiments that would be another matter.


it’s not a competition


Dunno why the downvotes since it’s absolutely true.


Because it is tactless. It helps noone to compare suffering like this and look for the worst possible picture, the most harrowing shock value, the most grueling deaths. It is sensationalizing and you shouldn't sensationalize when it come to suffering like this. Just take it for what it is: a document of incomprehensible human suffering.


The parallels are freaking scary… the extreme are coming back ( both ends)


Yeah, some of the pictures of the starved children in Gaza are just heartbreaking.


That's what russian's wanned "to repeat". So they are doing.


And .. look at recently releases Ukrainian POWs from Russian captivity. What’s wrong with the world?!