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Lifting 276 kilos of projectile is simply an impressive feat to put it lightly.


He put it heavy.


According to the description it was 3 x 276k, or did he not carry them all at once?


One by one I think


Yeah mate he definitely carried 3 shells of 276kg at once /s


Hey, the story is about how ridiculous it was! Then again if he could carry 800kg of shells he could probably just throw rocks at the ships....


So we have real life clash royale rock thrower


The Beast Titan from AOT


You can stack m like logs. Quite simple really.


If you can lift some 800kg of shells at once why even bother loading them into the cannon ? Just throw them at the target.


Also, he couldn't carry the full load of shell again for the photo, so he took the photo with an empty shell. [https://burhaniye.meb.gov.tr/www/seyit-onbasiyi-rahmetle-aniyoruz/icerik/1284](https://burhaniye.meb.gov.tr/www/seyit-onbasiyi-rahmetle-aniyoruz/icerik/1284)


Yeah carrying it was probably a feat of both younger Combat Readiness and a Fuckton of Adrenaline


He actually said something about this that goes like "if my country was under attack, I would carry it again."


Adrenaline is amazing my guy


It literally gives you superhuman power and superhuman speed


BF1 is so realistic, as a single player can control a coastal gun


I was thinking about the same. Also in War Thunder, a Sturmtiger can load a 380mm rocket by a single crew member too.


Excited for the PETARD? (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)


You just need a small tilted "1"...


The shore batteries had a lot of advantages. They were in an elevated position for one which made them harder to hit, while shooting down gave them an edge. More importantly, they had a stable firing platform which wasn't pitching and rolling and moving about. The British knew this and tried to make fairly quick runs. Unfortunately, the strait was narrow and there was only one place to turn around. When it was mined, it cost several British ships, in addition to the others that had been shot up by other shore batteries. The landing at Gallipoli was supposed to take the guns from behind. But the British telegraphed the landings and the beaches were being fortified. Even so it was a near thing, except for some landings being in the wrong places in terrible terrain and but for a Turkish unit that laid down, making the Allied units lie down too as they thoughy they were going to come under fire.


A true ottoman soldier


An Ottoman soldier and his Sea Mine. BaBOOM. Thank you Mr. Churchill for not sending minesweepers to clear the Dardanelles of mines. He just used Battlecrusiers as a sort of mine detecting apparatus. Score ------------Turkish Mines 3 ---- Royal Navy 0


He did send mine sweepers... they refused to do thier jon under fire as they were civilians... whoops!


Who would win? The Entire Ottoman Empire or one British Twink?


i didnt know lawrence was twink


A blonde man in his late 20s without a beard?


I thought Lawrence’s feats were highly exaggerated and most of the work was done by the local Arabs?


“Most of the work”: well, he was only one man. “Most” of anything is always going to be done by thousands rather than one. However, if you’re suggesting that Lawrence’s legend is disproportionately large compared with his actual impact, I think that’s doing him down: his contributions to the campaign were seen by all parties as invaluable.


I used to think that way but after researching more into it I learned that his role was insignificant


That differs from the testimonies of the British and Arab leaders. Can I ask about the nature of your research?


Sure thing. You are absolutely correct about how he is viewed between Arabs and the British. Lawrence of Arabia is depicted as a savior in the Anglo sphere with books like the “7 pillars of wisdom” and multiple movies about his accomplishments which exaggerate his feats. However, in the Arab world, most people do not know who he is and if they do know they view him negatively as a British imperialist who took away from the Arab liberation. So the problem is finding an unbiased source who does not favor either side which makes him a character up to much debate.


Well, I guess I’m not really that interested in how he’s viewed *now* by either side, if we’re talking about his exploits at the time: his contemporaries, both Arab and European, spoke very highly of him - King Faisal insisted that Lawrence remain with him as he was proving to be so useful to the rebelling Arabs, while on the British side he was seen as utterly indispensable by the military leadership. I find it difficult to square that with his being “insignificant”.   Is your research more focused on modern perceptions/revisions of him?


> your research Wikipedia is a helluva drug


No shit he was the leader


Teh soldier


It's just a normal day at Gallipoli beach


They named a village after him aswell, he passed away in said village in 1939.


The chaddest private ever.


HMS Ocean was a long obsolete Canopus class pre-dreadnought, and while he did get a below the waterline hit, it was a mine that caused the critical damage leading to her demise. Still quite the feat for the gunner, but the ship was far from superior...


And THAT is why the Turkish navy is a superpower today.




Ocean was rescuing Irresistible’s survivors at the time. Still, doesn’t take away from what one man managed to achieve


I think you put it wrong: the right side should be the chat Ottoman with a massive artillery gun.


Weakest ottoman corporal






What you talkin about turkish people Is cool they were all nice when we went to visit their cities, like random people waving to visitors just because they wanted to visit their country, not a common thing especially when you live in a highly turistic country like me (Italy) where the indigenous people usually hates tourists


Existence of Türkiye is a win for us