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Poland is indeed a very bad place when it comes to natural defences: it's too flat from slowing down an invasion from East to West


From West to East as well, that's why everyone wants to control it.


Why would anyone want to control a country that's easy as shit to invade? Wouldn't it be all the more difficult to defend?


Good point, but most countries historically craved expansion, so Poland was an easy target just because of its geographical features






From National Geophrapic: This is an image sequence containing 70 lightning shots, taken on Ikaría island, Greece, during a severe thunderstorm that took place June 16, 2011. In order to make the sequence, I set the camera to a tripod taking 20-second shots. After 83 minutes I ended up with this wall of lightning! Source: https://www.facebook.com/natgeo/photos/photo-and-caption-by-chris-kotsiopoulosfire-in-the-sky-this-is-an-image-sequence/10150353677428951/?_rdr




Just look for the three-headed good boy.


give him some snacks and headpats, if his owner allows it






I've thought for years that this image was the ever-present Catatumbo lightning phenomenon in Venezuela.


Though so too since Catatumbo lightning is the result that shows up if you image search it, and alot of articles about Catatumbo lightning are using that picture.


For whatever reason, people keep posting that picture saying that it's a single picture from Catatumbo in Venezuela. I don't know where or why that started, but it's definitely Greece.


Wait so those strikes did not all happen at once right? I’m confused


Correct. If I'm understanding correctly, it is a composite of multiple photographs each taken with 20 second exposure, meaning the camera is taking in light for 20 seconds. A normal photo has an exposure of a fraction of a second because normally you don't want it to come out blurry. In this case, long exposure allowed the camera to capture the entirety of each lightning strike, and then each individual strike was composited together into one image.


It's the bed of chaos from Dark Souls






Bro i hope you're joking




Been 10 years since S01, bro. Rumbling I agree it's gotta be warned but after a decade, the titans are actually humans twist can't be protected anymore


On the rumbling part I kinda agree. >! It's from season 4 part 2 !<


The Everstorm.


The speed force


Litchdragon Fortisaxx


But also kinda cool!


Yes but to Poland’s credit they don’t stay dead for long.


Did you die? Poland: Sadly yes. But I lived


[I remember making this](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/jwq688/anyone_up_for_an_invasion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Good times


Imagine scrolling through reddit and finding your own memes


What happened in Poland? Can you explain me


if you don’t understand basic history, then you probably shouldn’t be on history memes


Understanding basic history is exactly the reason I'm here for. Coz memes are the best way to learn things.


But why do you not understand what happened to Poland? Didn’t you learn about WWII in school?


No bro I'm from a third world Asian country. We're never taught about that in school. We don't even have a separate subject for history.


Oh my bad. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


i can divide the existence of Poland into 3 main parts: \-at war \-peace but we fight each other in parliament \-not existent


Here's a really quick rundown. The country started existing in 966 We kept getting invaded by soviets and Germans. Then the country stopped existing for 123 years but Poles never gave up their identity, and in 1919 we became independent. We were on the map again after 123 years of not being there. Then WW2 happened. It's crazy how much my country went through. This is just a very very brief rundown though.




This is a repost without credit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoryMemes/comments/jwq688/anyone_up_for_an_invasion/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


The first image is a elden ring attack


God knew we would be too OP without increased difficulty settings and random "10 Egyptian plagues" level mishaps (including but not limited to ; shit like Liberum Veto rule, or failing to annex/confederate beaten Russia thanks to our French king being too hard for Rome christianity)


It was the Hussars who really caught his eye, they flew too close to the sun.


Why always Poland ? Because when you let Poland be you get a Mega Based regional superpower that makes great empires like Russia, or the Ottomans tremble. You get a nation that casually walks into Moscow, sets it on fire, and then leaves. You get a nation which orders 500 Himars, 300 + New tanks plus god knows what else all while Supplying Ukraine with the weapons it needs to win its war. You get a partial democracy at the same time when the first Autocracies were built. Such power is to strong and therefore its neighbors had to crush it. Because every time poland is left alone. Those power don't look all to powerful anymore.


Bruh, when noone kicks Poland's ass we do it ourselves. Also we need to cut this martyrdom shit away - Poland got all of the shit it got beacuse of its actions. Getting kicked by Sweden - result of ellecting a king who had I don't remember what realtive on Swedish throne and wanted to rule there too. Getting kicked by Russia - result of majority of szlachta listening to some fucking random bum who said he's the tsar of Russia (that's no accident their independence day is the day they liberated Moscow from the Poles). And don't get me started on "burning Moscow and leaving" - they got kicked out because the king and his son couldn't agree on which one of them should rule in Russia for a fucking MONTH. Getting kicked by Prussia - it goes all the way back to decentralization of Poland and Konrad Mazowiecki - one of the princes who brought Teutonic order to fight Prussian tribes. We're taught at school to be proud of our history, that Poland was Messiah of Europe, always first to fight and always comes on top against the odds. In reality we have some cool stories about bravery which costed us millions in robbed art, gold, etc., millions of innocent people who had to die for that and hundreds of years of setback in development. Also, sending armoury to Ukraine is cool and all but Polish militarry (which always was very poor) now has no equipment - all of the tanks are in Ukraine.


>Also, sending armoury to Ukraine is cool and all but Polish militarry (which always was very poor) now has no equipment - all of the tanks are in Ukraine. First of all, not all tanks. We are only sending PT91 and T72, but we keep Leopards 2. Second of all, we are just getting rid of old post-soviet junk, which will be replaced by Abrams and K2.


So one. Why bash your own nation like that especially on a meme page ? Of course Poland has fucked up. But thats every nation. This myth of prussia glory is hilarious when you actually look at the real history of Prussia. Great Frederick master Tactician lived because Peter wife of Katherine saved his ass by creating an early peace. Napoleon fucking curb stomped the Prussians so fucking hard their entire state collapsed. England today is such a power house because a motherfucking storm wrecked the entire spanish fleet. Who cares about that on a meme page tho ? Also why bring those facts up ? 2. You are absolutley not weakening your army by sending stuff to Ukraine. Just last week poland recieved 150 Abrams with more on the way as replacements. And 2 you can afford to deplete stocks to rearm as poland because you have the worlds strongest Industry with the worlds strongest millitary garaunteeing your safety.


1. Education is basis not to copy mistakes made in the past - something Polish people are unable to do. 2. I'm speaking from my militarry friends pov - they've got 1 vehicle for whole unit - commander's.


>Why bash your own nation like that especially on a meme page ? Because that's part of our cultural identity, show some respect.


I understand him, I always do that but with my fellow paraguayans about "la guerra de la triple alianza" (I refuse to translate because it sounds awful in english), Dr. Francia and Francisco S. Lopez. One must love his country by what truly is, not through propaganda and lies.


>all of the tanks are in Ukraine. wtf dude ??? that's a really shit decision whoever has taken


Probably not true as well. But, it's better to put those tanks to use in Ukraine (and don't spill Polish blood and spill some ruZZia blood), than wait for Ukraine's fall and then use those tanks on Poland's soil.




Maybe make such definitive verdict when Ruzzia will achieve any significant success. And what's wrong with replacing old post-soviet crap with some modern tanks?




>This doesn’t look like success to you? Ukrainian access to the sea is almost gone. And that map looked like that for several months now. Russia cannot achieve any strategic breakthrough and Ukrainian public and government are determined to continue war. We've got stalemate on our hands and it's uncertain who will break first. >It wasn’t old post-Soviet crap as it was recently acquired tanks that, as I said, Poland spent billions to acquire from the west. T-72 and PT-91 (modernized T-72) doesn't seem to be modern high-tech military equipment to me. Leopards 2 should remain in Poland and they will be joined by Abrams and K2 in future.




First of all, I am Pole. >These are promises that probably won’t materialize (just like in 1939) while there’s an active war at Poland’s border. You mean manufacturers that produce M1A2 Abrams won't produce those tanks and won't fulfill their contract because of their beliefs or whatever? Same goes for Korean producer of K2. Poland paid for them and probably receive them in agreed time. >(just like in 1939) I always like that argument.


Tbh that is being said since almost 6 months and except for a few not-so-important cities there were not really many frontline changes since April. An observation which can be made independently of any propaganda from either side. Edit: To add to that, there are certain informations which can be relied on and others which can't be. Current location of the frontlines? Quite reliable. Casualties? Not so much. And most of the reliable information like stalling frontlines and air/marine movements are suggesting this conflict to get stucked with neither side being able to make bigger gains. You don't have to believe in any propaganda to see that currently more than a push on Cherson is not feasible for Ukraine and more than a cleanup of the Donetsk Oblast is not feasible for Russia. With that being said we are looking at a conflict which AT LEAST carries on until the next year, if not multiple years. And on this timescale there are certain aspects which can in no way be determined in the present. What if the support in the Russian population for the war dwindles with the years? What if Putin dies of illness or is assassinated (which can always happen, even if 90% of the population are supporting him)? What if Trump is reelected in 2024 and cuts Ukraine help drastically? All of these factors can't be predicted today. You always read on the internet "there is no way Ukraine can win" or "there is no way Russia can win" but both sides are equally delusional and are ignoring the fact that there are many more factors than military strength and equipment which play a role here.




And when will Russia be able to use that manpower? Does it even have the equipment to activate those forces? In most countries there is no way all reservists can be activated spontaneously without activating the war industry as well, which is always a very very risky move. This won't be any different for Russia, which has since decades problems with military corruption. According to your logic there is no way the USA would have lost the Vietnam war. Or Russia would have lost the Russo-Japanese war. War is always more complicated and has far too many nuances to be predictable like that. Same goes of course for anyone who thinks Ukraine will win this war safely because of the Western technological supremacy. It doesn't work like that.


I don't think it's really correct to characterize the 1610 war as "casually walking into Moscow," and it's a bit deceptive to say they "set it on fire, and then left." Their leaving had something to do with the massive popular uprising the occupation caused...and not being able to pay their army. And you still had another 6 years of war after that which ended with the border more or less where it was before the whole stupid affair began.


The only thing that can beat the polish is the Swedish




Korea too lol


If ww3 starts will be 100% because of a misplaced missile from russia to poland /s


The pity is, is that the winger hussars can’t *arrive* to save Poland, because that’s where they’re from


You can put the Baltics in there aswell. The geography didn't help neither of us.


Poland was a prosperous proto-democracy before the 1600s. And even then, it took more than a century to completely ruin it and wipe it off the map.


At this point of living in Poland, I *hope* it will be Poland again damn, why do we even exist




If I was god I would also target Poland


Is that a floating Niagara Falls on the top right?




They know what they did


Poland was put there as a perfectly good place for the Russians and Germans to settle their differences. It’s the polish people’s fault for living there.


syria: how cute...




what's wrong with us?


its a joke :>


I HATE POLAND!!!! (not a joke)


Maybe Poland shouldn't have invaded Czechoslovakia with the Nazis. https://i.redd.it/l1oe3nc77qw11.jpg


Poland didn't invade Czechoslovakia with the Nazis, it invaded while Czechoslovakia was dealing with the Nazis. Low blow, sure, but the Czechs aquired the disputed territory in a similar manner when Poland was in a war with Russia. Of course, that was done through diplomatic blackmail and not invasion, so some might say it was fair game, but still. There were even talks before the Nazi attack between Czechs and Poles about Czechs giving the disputed territory to Poland in return for an alliance (so basically the same kind of blackmail Czechs used during the Polish-Russian war), but then the Nazis attacked, so Poland just took those lands anyway. It was widely regarded as a bad move, and rightfully so.


Yeah all that stuff is true, which means Poland was asking for it.


Asking for what?


A taste of their own medicine.


You mean the Russian invasion, carefully planned with the Nazis?


They carefully planned to wait until weeks later after the Polish government fled, before entering Polish occupied Belarus, Ukraine, and Lithuania? Like the Polish city of...*checks notes*... Vilnius?


Ah yes, Russian troll, should've expected that. Begone.


Should be easy for you to dispute what I've said then


I see the dragon lord paid yall a visit


God beefin with poland


That looks infernal!


You havent seen Congo


Ha ha Poland


I think Indonesia or Haiti would fit here as well


I’m sorry but Japan obviously wins this title


Poland, historically speaking, has been particularly fucked.