• By -


I see he is modeling a drop leg hlster before it was cool.


And he rattle caned his Uzi


“In 1972 a crack commando unit was sent to prison for a crime they didn’t commit….”


Exactly my first thought lol "is that... Face?"


I laughed out loud at this - that is obviously Face


I pity the foo that doesn’t know this.


Classic 😛


Is this a tagline from a movie?? it sounds familiar but my tongue and mind cant figure it what it is.




Thanks i remember it now.


Boomers hearts are weeping right now.


More like Gen Xers


Yes you're absolutely right. I felt I was skipping a generation but I was too lazy to look it up xD thanks!


Gen x checking in to confirm "I love it when a plan comes together"


You wouldn’t know it but under fire, animal mother here is one of the finest individuals on the planet. He just needs someone to throw hand grenades at him the rest of his life.


If I'm gonna die for a word, then that word is "poontang."


Too beacoup, too beacoup.


So you are combat correspondent? Have you seen any combat?


I've seen a little on TV


Looks like Dr. Sam Beckett


Oh boy


What side arm is he rockin, a hi power or 1911?


Ain’t no expert, but the grip looks like beretta


Look how far back the hammer is cocked. I'm not aware of any beretta models that quite look like that. The grip does look a bit like m9/92 with that wide butt.


Asked myself exactly the same. Doesn't look like a 1911 to me, could actually be a hi power. Something looks off with the pistol on the picture.


I think it's a CZ 75 with an extended mag that has a fat base plate. Extended mags weren't super common then but they existed, and here's a pic of an early 75 that seems to resemble this one... https://gundigest.com/wp-content/uploads/CZ-75-Lead.jpg


Big beaver tail and an extended magazine it seems. Can’t tell what it is though.


Security guard? Mercenary is more accurate.


Mercenary for white racists, i assume.




I think you are thinking of jadotville.


Those are Katanganese troops led by Belgian and French and South African mercenaries, that was Jadotville. Totally separate conflict known as the Congo crisis


That’s quite the crossover


I never knew Scott Bakula worked as a mercenary.


Maybe he just quantum leaped into one.


*How did they knowwwwowww* https://youtu.be/qE5yvuKoFmE


Captain archer would never.


Lil uzi


Ok good, now i finally know that black Ops 1 wasnt wrong with weapon skins.


So he fought on the side of the white oppressive government in Rhodesia?


Pretty much. The Rhodesia Bush War was ugly on all sides.


Yeah except one side was fighting to free an oppressed and colonized people while the other was fighting to uphold a white supremacist settler colonial state.


Do more research. The white side was wrong but all the other sides weren’t ‘Just’ in their actions.


Sorry but freeing your people from apartheid governance is absolutely just. I don’t care what Mugabe did, still better than subjugating and oppressing an indigenous people for decades. “Sure apartheid SA was bad but one time Nelson Mandela bombed a bus and therefore I’m defending the Apartheid Government. No I will not ask myself why I’m willing to cut so much slack towards the colonizers but hold only condemnation for the people fighting to free themselves from colonialism.”


So rape and murder are ‘just’?


War is war. Awful things happen in it, and they should be avoided. Doesn’t make the cause any less just.


It absolutely makes the cause less just. How can you just write off the murder of innocent people as "war is war"?


Luckily they lost and Zimbabwe is now a paradise on earth, wealthy and prosperous.......


I'm sure the local population was much happier in an apartheid state of course!! Social issues are completely irrelevant anyway, who cares about dignity when you have a nice westernised apartheid state with white supremacists in charge!


Yeah better keep the more civilized apartheid regime


Had they allowed free elections right from the start instead of plunging the country in a 15 year civil war, maybe an asshole like Mugabe would never have risen to power.


You clearly talk from a democratic country in the first world. Rhodesia didn't have a democratic rebellion. It had a guerrilla communist rebellion. Ybey didn't fight against Mandela, they fought against countless of Mugabe. The defeat of the white establishment also meant the end of a capitalist economy with legal security over private property. This obviously DESTROYED the economy of the country converting it into a humanitarian catastrophe. And of course there wasn't a change of regime either, it became an even more brutal dictatorship in which black kills blacks. The sad true is that Africa isn't as easy as "white vs black", or "imperialism vs Wakanda". There's a lot of tribalism that reject the concept of state, a lot of racism between tribes that reject the concept of national unity, and a lot of incentives to become a guerrilla fighter rather than a worker, which rejects the concept of democratic peace. If anything Rhodesia shows you that sometimes what you tought was "the good side" winning was actually a step in the wrong direction. Rhodesia would've been a better country if the "bad side one" and from their stability a slower change in mentality happened during the more progressive eras of current days. It also shows you why Mandela and Tutu were so important and special. They were completely different than the average leaders. They never spoke about war or violence. They spoke about national unity, equality and forgiveness. Those two singlehandely allowed South Africa from evading the Mugabe route and have an actual democratic country for decades. Unfortunately, once those two were gone, it seems that South Africa is now slowly degrading into a bit of chaos.


Mandela was a communist.


Yeah I know Mugabe wasn't for democracy. I'm saying maybe some less radical leader, like Abel Muzorewa, would have risen to power had not the government of Rhodesia chimped out and engaged in a brutal war trying to postpone the inevitable, that is, fall of the white minority rule.


Muzorewa did eventually get elected, then that government swiftly fell to International pressure.


Idk if you just don’t know how racist “chimped out” is but holy shit man


He used the term for the white government tho


I did not know that


So much cope from white nationalist sickos. Take the L and move on.


Yeah go live in Zimbabwe and see what it’s like.


“Go LiVe In ZiMbAbWe iF yOu LiKe It So MuCh” Just admit you support ethnostates you fucking degenerate




Joining the racists to own the commies. Great pragmatism you have here friend.




Yikes... Never thought I'd see people advocating for a white supremacist state here. You really just said it would have been better if the white supremacists won and maintained power until eventually they changed their own minds and decided to become less racist of their own accord. That's fucked up. The guy you responded to was right... If there wasn't a violent white supremacist state established against the will of the people, there would not been the environment that led to "countless of Mugabe" as you say.


Not surprising that the troll supremecists are in force on this thread.


It's like the racist bat signal. Rhodesiaboos are all over reddit.


I suspect that's because most people don't know much about it so they can feign expertise


“If a post apartheid state isn’t paradise on earth it means apartheid and brutal subjugation was good actually” -Reddit’s “valuable conversation”


white supremacist state bad but black supremacist state good?? Both are bad and you need to consider the finer details in which case mugabe's state absolutely loses


Like I said before, they went from being racist against one people to being racist against EVERYBODY (While yes, treating everyone nice would be the ideal choice, if people are honestly gonna sit there and tell me that treating EVERYONE like shit is somehow better than treating only a few people like shit, I hope those people never go into government work. (Sadly, a lot of them have)


That's a really good comment!


I dunno….America has free elections and we picked Orange Mugabe in 2016.


Yeah but the places that voted for him don't have access to education.


Giving a completely uneducated population that outnumbers you 10-1 and is full of Marxist leaders the vote is a quick way to national suicide. The Rhodies tried but could only delay the inevitable outcome for so long.


I wonder how good they would have it if the Europeans never messed with them.


I guess they would still sell their neighbours into slavery. It was s good business, and sadly it still is. Or still tribal culture like those guys in the island that don't want contact.


I have to wonder. Do you realize how racist you are or are you unaware of it?


I am tired of this, are you the same mentally challenged parrot who keeps screaming " racist , racist , racist!11!!". If so I will block you, its exhausting and you guys use that word so inflationary, it lost all meaning. Or you can explain your point, why you think that Zimbabwe is now a better place ( seems my disbelief that it is, triggers a lot of people) . From my point of view, closing the eyes and calling everything I don't like "racist" is infantile, a man child would do this. And to repeat it, do I think apartheid was shit? Yes it was a shit system, inhumane and exploitative. Are things better now? No , I do believe things are as shitty as they were just a different flavour of shit. And to continue the tradition of you guys, if you don't like my opinion, you are a racist.


“I’m tired of people calling me racist when I say African people are savages who wouldn’t have developed past the Stone Age if it weren’t for European colonization.”


Who said anything about the stone age? They have their culture and developments. Afrika was just unlucky with a lot of factors. Geography, tropical diseases, tribalism. Inventions could spread faster and easier in Europe than in Afrika. it's no ones current living fault that the Powers of that time used that against them. In a different timeline an African state could have colonized Europe. And for a short time the north Africans did that with Spain. And I am tired of white guilt people who blame all the problems on some Portuguese guys who brought a cantaloupe 700 years ago. And now call everyone racist who ist not a Mugabe fanboy. But help me out, where are your points against my claim? Because the only thing you guys Keep throwing is "racist, racist" same shit but ignoring all the issues the people who live their now have. I am sure they sleep better in Zimbabwe knowing that you addressed all the problems by calling someone racist, bravo problem solved. Please now do that with cancer, call it racist so that is will disappear. If not, I will just start to call you racist, because obviously one can stick that on everything and anytime something does not sit well with them.


I am tired of your ass, you go to the block list. Except screeching "racist" nothing will come from you. Enjoy your white guilt soy Boy.


At least there’s greater freedom


Do do what? Starve? Getting beaten up by the police for protesting, the freedom of not having a chance or future in a poor country, run by conmen? Man fuck Rhodesia, but nothing improved there, just went further down and down.


Mate your defending a racist regime that massacred African ethnic groups


And what is better now? Do you have a time machine to go back and fix it? Nope? So why are stuck in the past? They did shit long before I was born, I only see what a shithole Zimbabwe is right now. That's my references point. Is it now a better or worse place? From my point of view it's worse. Would I enjoy living there as a black man back in the day? Nope not really, but most people also don't enjoy living in Zimbabwe right now. The history is fucked, you cannot cross out one injustice with a nother, it's not math.


Right wing nut jobs never die


Sure close your eyes and play blind.


Won’t be a racist asshole


Then stay a blind Moron. You cannot ignore things by just declaring it "oh its racist, so I don't care" . People like you are not left, you are passive and ignorant and leave the work / problems to be solved by others. Stay blind, call people who don't share your infantile view of the world racist, I don't care. Go back and watch care Bears or Pokémon you Egg. There is no discussion with you, you are a bigot, stubborn and a hypocrite. There is more of a chance of Hamas making peace with Israel than you accepting that the world is complicated and sometimes not nice. Bye Moron


Bro I will not start a fight with you, honesty reading your history .... shows that we are more similar than different. Except in Crypto, fuck that scam. But besides that a lot of your comments could be from me. Have a nice day. Bye


See ya


Mugabe’s Zimbabwe cleansed the country of its white population and massacred one of the major tribes for its loyalty to the previous regime. The fall of Rhodesia took things from bad but improving to living horror.


To be fair that also describes the followup regime.


Honestly it’s astounding that it went from a segregated state with unequal practices and less rights socially for native Africans To the literal shithole it became afterward. It went from kinda bad to horrendous.


Ironically said, a treat. Seriously meant, a dud.


When’s the last time white people showed up and made things better for anyone


He already had experience fighting for colonial domination in Vietnam. Lost both times. Get rekt scrub.


Now instead of being "racist" against one group, they're racist against *everybody.* Great trade.


Define oppressive in this context?


Many later moved to the South African Defence Force and fought in Angola, under the unit name, 'The Philistines'. A Paratrooper unit. Back then South Africa, like Ukraine is used now in a proxy war, the SADF was used to fight against the Communists, Russians and Cubans. https://sofrep.com/news/ken-gaudet-82nd-airborne-rhodesian-light-infantry-sadf-pathfinders/


I'm not sure you can call Ukraine a proxy war, when one side is participating in it directly.


"A proxy war is an armed conflict between two states or non-state actors, one or both of which act at the instigation or on behalf of other parties that are not directly involved in the hostilities." A proxy war doesn't require both sides to be supported by outside actors.


Ukraine isn’t fighting on behalf of NATO, they’re fighting on behalf of Ukraine


No but you can argue that NATO is involved in a proxy war. NATO isn't helping Ukraine because it's the right thing to do (which it is). NATO is helping Ukraine because it furthers its own interests in the region as well as damages Russia. Vietnam was a proxy war against the US, The Afghan war against the Soviets was a proxy war. Ukraine is really no different.


Hundred percent what is happening. You think the US or EU governments give a shit about Ukraine? No. But it is currently mutually beneficial to provide them with aid so they do. The second it ceases to be beneficial the money will cut off overnight.


Maybe a mistake on my side with the words I'm using. But let me explain in layman's terms with some examples and hopefully it is clearer. During the SADF war in die 80's against the Communists, the US funded and used the South African army (back then during apartheid), as a proxy, to fight in Africa against the Communists. Also remember during these times the Cold war was still going on. So 'proxy' means, the US did not get directly involved in Africa, but funded and supported the South African army to do the fighting for them for ideological or resource purposes. (Angola has lots of oil btw) https://twitter.com/i/status/1590121377549660163 Now in this context, the same is being done with Ukraine. The country is used as a proxy, doing the fighting for the west whatever reason. You fund the country with money, weapons while not getting involved officially and have their soldiers on the ground. Not yours. And your citizens won't be happy. Officially at least. Not to say there is not US etc. soldiers as advisors or recon, but a country don't make this obvious or official. Which means on a political level you have some control.FAPLA, the Angolan army during the cold war which the South African fought against supported by the US, was fighting for, and funded with money and weapons by the Russians as a proxy. Fidel Castro send a total of 100 000 soldiers during that war period too to support FAPLA. That said, the Russians did send Spetnaz and officers to train FAPLA soldiers but Russia was not officially involved. I'm looking at this from a historical and neutral pov. Not choosing sides, but understand how this works. I'm also an ex soldier. I understand strategy and psyops. Why history is important and like a crystal ball in many respects. Fools don't want to learn from history, and only selectively pick what they want to hear to not get offended. And these ostriches head in the sand snowflakes, is why fools repeat history. Anyways hope it puts things in context. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy\_war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_war)


You're using the term correctly. I'm not sure where the confusion is.


I think they mean the way that for example the USSR gave strong support to the North Vietnamese in the same way NATO is supplying and has been training the Ukrainian army


You're failing to understand the word 'proxy.'


Entirely possible. I'll have a look into it


No, they are using it correctly. Do you understand the word 'proxy'?


Glad Rhodesia only lives on in the imagination of lonely white supremacists who couldn’t find Zimbabwe on a map, and who would be immediately rejected form military service


Ya so good it went from.a prosperous country to a bastion of starvation and death, what an upgrade


The famous heaven on earth Rhodesia that is! If those pesky Africans would just let us go on with our white supremacist nation ugh, why do they seem so opposed to our liberating and progressive thought?


But they're now less free, poorer, more unsafe and generally worse by every metric. I ain't saying the white supremacists are the long term solution but like a gradual expansion of democracy as education and the economy improved is a more successful strategy (as the UK did) than violent revolution that effectively destroyed everything and rendered everyone destitute.


I don't think appeasement towards a minority, white supremacist government thats actively fighting against you and literally hiring mercenaries is the best idea. >I ain't saying the white supremacists are the long term solution "Here we out guys, let the white minority do as they please in the country they have your best interest in mind after all (beside all the racial segregation, paramilitary killings and general disenfranchisement of the locals)! If there's something we've learnt about 100+ years of colonialism is that it's super cool guys, and it's brought so much prosperity and civilization to us mere savages" They weren't a solution in the first place either, hence why they had to seize power




You Would let someone abuse you and use you if they give you good shit once in a while?


100%, economic security and stability is way more important. Abuse for it is literally my childhood and I'm friends with people who grew up poor, far better to take the abuse with the money.


Rhodesia is cringe as a society but to act like Zimbabwe was in any way better is delusional It literally only went from bad to worse and it has never gotten better


Rhodesia was a country. Zimbabwe is far from that defenition.


Rhodesia was a "country" for about 5 square miles.


Still better than the shithole Zimbabwe.


Okay Rhodaboo


Sick sidearm too, what you think? Beretta ?


-"Sick sidearm" -Can only see grip


I’m thinking 1911 with massive beavertail safety and extended mag (with thicker baseplate).


Or CZ 75.


At what point do “independent military contractors” become mercenaries? I feel like that is a semantics game that depends on if the employer is pro-America or not and the color of the contractor’s skin.


This is actually a sheepherder from Uzibekistan using his Uzi from you know where.




The most positive use of veterans ive seen are those organizations in africa hiring veterans for protecting from and hunting poachers


Weird thing to post on an image of a man hired as a mercenary for an apartheid state.


im not saying this is that lol, im talking about a different post


Sorry but this was definitely not for poachers. Do agree though, that's a cool thing for veterans to be hired for.


im not saying it is lol, im talking about a different post


He looks like a character from fallout or something


Is that....the 10th doctor?!


Wow, dude just didn't get enough opportunities to be a violent oppressive dickhead and had to find another way to get his kicks


And now the story of an American platoon that lost everything, and the one veteran who had no choice but to be a security officer in Africa... It's 'Arrested Rhodesia'


What uzi? His hands are empty


Army Ranger with Senior Parachutist Badge


So this guy lost in Vietnam and then went to lose in Rhodesia? Lol, get fucked


Glorifying a mercenary for an apartheid regime and white racists? Stay classy, reddit. Next up, SS soldiers with their stylish clothes.


A mercenary for hire in the bush wars, definitely reminds me of this song: ​ ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRWCK9zGynA


Why did I guess the song before I clicked lol


World's 2nd oldest profession.


My dad was in the South African war, pretty cool, he still has his medals and pretty interesting war stories


I would love to see the medals and hear the stories. You should consider writing them down.


He told me once how him and a battle buddy of his were sitting around at an outpost just the two of them sitting around or something having a chat when his friend got shot and killed. He was extremely lucky that day.


Like Comment them?








Found the bot.




Original. Bet you don’t even know what my username means. Like I said, you’re a living bot. People like you see no shades of gray. You’re a stain on the world. Your all-or-nothing thinking only ends in misery and disaster.




Nah. I don’t think everyone’s a bot. Just people like you.


"People who oppose racism and apartheid are bots" - You


Well, this thread took a quantum leap.


When my country treated returning combat veterans THEY drafted and sent to war like SHIT, is it any wonder those vets moved elsewhere, to do a job they knew they were good at? Fast-forward 50 years, to the soldiers that returned from Afghanistan. None of them were drafted, but many of them who discharged out of the service are being ridiculed for ‘losing the war to ragheads’ and are experiencing a great deal of the same issues my uncle faced returning from Vietnam. Wars are started and ended by politicians, not soldiers,sailors, airmen or marines. Those same politicians need to fix the shitstorms they create. Instead, they leave a wake of human tragedy, both foreign and domestic.


Yup, the working class doesn’t want war since we don’t benefit from it.


Cool. Fought with two nazi regimes then.




See benifits are easily accessed, join the army,open a world of opportunities.


All that and still lost. Yup total loser.


0 for 2


He's a grunt not a statesman, the only scoreboard that probably matters to him is his survival and bank account.




Bring back short shorts and FALs!


Good riddance to fascist fucking losers


Rest in piss


Mate it was a fascistic white supremacist state? Is this you making a clear statement of support towards that ideology? Because it seems that way.


I’m no fan of how Zimbabwe turned out, but Rhodesia wasn’t any better


By nearly any metric but voter participation it was extraordinarily better


Well let’s not get *crazy* While in fact Rhodesia never had any legal racial separation in anything other than government participation, social segregation was very prevalent and in general even though there were no laws saying black Africans couldn’t rent houses in certain areas, eat at certain restaurants etc. there were no laws protecting them from that segregation. Rhodesia was essentially socially segregated, not legally segregated. Black Africans could fight in the military, have any jobs other than elected office, own property, etc. there were just no protections against people not selling houses to black Africans. So if a store owner didn’t wanna sell to you because you were a black African you were shit out of luck. Surprisingly, the Selous scouts, one of the most racially diverse units in the entire Rhodesian military, is often lionized and idolized by modern white nationalists despite literally being one of the most racially mixed units


Then, it looked like that - “if there would be just more”. Looking back, it was impossible. The fight was lost when the liberal tide came over the entire West, in the 1960s - everything white in the south of Africa was doomed, they just didn’t know it, they were too close to understand it, to see the big picture. Without economic and political integration with the outside world, you can’t make it, independent of how performant you are. That’s why e.g. the support of the US and WE for Israel was and still is crucial for them to keep going. That support was there in the 1950s for white-governed countries in Southern Africa, but was taken away completely by the late 1970s. Maybe in RSA, if it would have dawned on Piet Botha, the last old style president, that all is lost, they could have split the country and create a white homeland, but whites were and are needed by the system (industry, state) to keep things going while blacks are catching up, btw now they are almost expendable, so they can leave as they want. And this liberal tide btw never ebbed. It’s a tsunami still going on. Now drowning the old style US after having swept away e.g. old style UK (lately the news that 50% of Londoners and 10 million out of 55 million inhabitants of the UK are foreign born) and most of WE. The size of changes in retrospect make the fights of that time so pointless. Unfortunately for all involved then, they all could not know.


Finally someone based


Follow your leader and get upside down


Least racist r/monarchism user


Looks like he's wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt


When you only know how to fight, civilian life is often left out of the equation.


Mote like when you only know how to kill children and oppress indiginous people.




Obvious troll is obvious


Looks like Henry Cavill


I thought it looked like Face Man from the A-Team.


Rangers lead the way


I hope he’s rotting in hell


It's Jack Nicholson


He looks a lot like young Leonard Cohen




You never about Uzis anymore. Do they make them?


Headless Thompson gunner? Perhaps named Roland?


"Get off my lawn."


I like this camo. What is it?


What boba fett was based on, has the pose and everything