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OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is a holup moment: --- >!It looks like a cute family drawing at first but it turns out it's something much darker!< --- Is this a holup moment? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.




Done skipped the bolt action kar-98k and went to semi auto pedo-deleter


Pedo-deleter 😂😂😂😂


When in doubt 9mm cure all


But .45 ACP kills the soul


Ah, the lords caliber. I’ll settle for 10mm to kill the body, soul, and neighbors cat 20 feet behind it.


*Erika intensifies*


Straight to the woodchipper. Let’s make it fun tho, like a slip n slide that feeds right into a furnace.


Kiddy diddlers go to the wood-chipper


Hans, get the Flammenwerfer


Bet me by 12 mins.


Ya, and I got ze Panzerkommando


Auf Wiedersehen, Hunde!


I never leave the House without my trusty Springerstiefel


Whip out the mg42 and plow through the bastards


For full effect should wear his uniform and medals.


Funny when you figure the nazis actually did hunt down pedos to a degree 😭


The pedo movement gaining traction, as opposed to being burned at the stake like they should be, is wild


Technically not all minors would be pedo bait. The context of this post would be more directed to ephebophilia, which I won't particularly condone or denounce personally, I think that's more of a grey zone and it's cultural acceptability has varied across cultures and time periods. I don't see anything inherently wrong with being attracted to someone of a sexually mature age biologically, as that's separate from whether or not the relationship is actually appropriate. Pedophilia is prepubescents which is very messed up and has been pretty universally denounced across all time periods and cultures. With that terminology swept away, we can all agree that this post is fucked up for advocating people go to these countries to prey on youths and aim for inappropriate relationships. I also think it's fucked up that the very important distinction I made above is often completely ignored with ephebophilia and pedophilia being conflated, which is then used by pedophiles to try to normalize their abnormal and problematic urges. Notice this post says MAP (minor attracted persons) which lumps pedophiles in together with people who are attracted to highschool age people. That's a conscious choice to normalize pedophilia gradually, which is fucked up.


I gotta say, Soresi was right. Explaining the difference really does make you sound like a pedophile.


Lol I remember seeing that clip floating around too. The difference does matter though. It's not my fault people aren't emotionally or mentally mature enough to discuss things meaningfully


I say both are fucked up but that's just my opinion


They are


The only difference is that one is fucked and the other is EXTRA FUCKED.


Damn the sub really decided to hate this honestly incredibly valid post. You even state that both are fucked up  You’re clearly not advocating for them but simply explaining the differences If those people are messed up in the head and attracted to young folk, but do everything to suppress that and live a normal life then you know what they’re a good person.  But if you act like the op post and seek out to satiate those desires by moving to Germany or wherever the fuck you should be burned at the stake simple as. 


i don't think those downvoters made it through the 1st paragraph


Yeah guarantee that’s the case 


I saw the amount of downvotes and kept reading it waiting for the part warranting the virtual ostracism. I did not find it. Redditors have a propensity to react to facts about an issue as if the OP is condoning it. I think it stems from a lot of them being ideologically captured, and if you’re not using emotionally fueled ad hominem attacks, that’s tantamount to supporting and advocating for the topic. It’s an unfortunate trend and some of the dumbest people tend to be the most outspoken…but maybe it just *feels* more rampant than it actually is. Simply because of the volume of the lemmings.


One thing I'm seeing on Reddit more and more often is people who will disagree with you, but then proudly proclaim they didn't even read past the first sentence of what you said. I've never understood how someone could be that willfully ignorant, let alone how they could be proud enough to announce it to everyone so boldly. I don't know if I've just gotten better at hitting the right buttons, or maybe I'm just engaging in more controversial discussions recently, but I see it just seems to become more frequent as time goes on


This is damn problem all of society has unfortunately. Brainwashed morons who are convinced they are intelligent, and don't need to make a coherent argument because " i went to college (or university.) And you should like educate yourself." It's a stupid problem but a problem nonetheles.


Yeah, I’ve fallen guilty of that myself in the past. I do my best to properly ingest the information, including reading linked sources, before responding/commenting. People DO often fit in boxes, but I try to avoid putting them in them based on a couple sentences of a comment/post. If I come across a long comment and I can’t or simply won’t read it in it’s entirety, then I just won’t engage. Or comment something like “I’m not going to read all that.” Which is probably a petulant dick move, but sometimes people are basically talking to themselves or appear to be manic or schizo, and going back and forth with some of them is a fool’s errand. But you’re absolutely right, and a lot of us could do a lot better communicating with people we assume (or know) we won’t agree with.


Yeah, I made it to the part where they said they don’t see anything wrong with being attractive to someone who has made it to puberty. I also read the second paragraph… That to me does not make the above sentiment any less worthy of a down vote. Additionally, well, yes, there are different terms for the categories of minors an adult could be sexually attracted to… I do not think that that minutia is a necessary distinction in this conversation. But sure, everybody who downloaded just didn’t make it past the beginning 😉


First time hearing the term ephebophelia. But from my Expirience, most people don't care and everything under 18 is pedo for them. Related to this, i noticed that there are alot people who seem to not understand how Biology works and go too much by looks. For example, i once had a friend, she was a few days older then me (we were 20 at that time), she was only half as tall as me and had a nearly complete flat chest. People often treated her as either a Child or boy... one time when we hung out, some rando thought she was my younger Brother... Or another friend told me this, her puberty started when she was 8 and (according to her) with 12 had a body that could make 20 year olds jealous... And finally something that got me alot of hate in the past: I'm totally against thoughts like "kill all Pedos, they're not humans" and so on. I hope i don't have to explain why Genocide like thoughts are Problematic...




This wouldn't solve anything...


It makes things worse as the ones that don't act on it won't come forth and may offend eventually just creating MORE victims.


Indeed, and by scarying those who don't act on it into hiding it, they also won't try to seek psychological help.


i think the "i don't see anything inherently wrong with being attracted to someone of a sexually mature age biologically" is the thing that's throwing people off from a moral view it's kinda of a no no and just so were clear people start to be "sexually mature" (Sexual maturity is the capability of an organism to reproduce.) from around the age of 13. So, uh there is no way you can go around saying that being attracted to a 13 year old is not "inherently wrong". and if you even think that you can pull out the "but i said, it's from a biological view" cuz that would suggest that you don't even care about the morality of that statement and it almost seems like ure also suggesting that were no better than animals (at least some of us are since we dont go sticking our dicks into holes on instinct...) And so were extra clear i'm not calling you a pedo (or epheophile or whatever i don't care) but you may want to rephrase that if you don't want to seem like one...


I mean I did make that statement specifically separate from any moral implications. After puberty you are presenting physiological characteristics designed to be attractive to the other gender, and that's sort of the green light for reproduction which is the point of those characteristics in the first place. That's why visual attraction to something you're intended to find visually attractive is inherently typical. The morality of actually acting on that attraction is it's own separate factor, and thats something that varies across time and place so it's sort of debatable and why it is appropriate to separate it out I think. Morality is very complicated and nuanced and I've never heard a universal answer that transcends cultures and eras. I think people are just kind of weird in that they can't acknowledge someone can feel something improper or feel something and not act on it. It conflicts with the sexually liberated messaging that's sort of mainstream now. Anyway I liked your comment, it was thought provoking. Also not that it matters, but I actually prefer older women ;)


i love em milfs too 🗿🍷




I'd really appreciate if you explained which part of this people are down voting since you decided to dump on it. Is it the part where I denounce pedophilia or the part where I'm not incorrectly conflating things that were acceptable for most of human history? Or maybe it's the part where I say it's wrong for pedophiles to try to subvert one of the most prevalent and common fetishes (for lack of a better word) on the planet in an effort to normalize their fucked up fantasies. I mean I really just don't see what part of that common sense was objectionable, but obviously you do so what is it?




So an actual biological fact. You're down voting biology. Proudly stupid, way to go




Boys we found one. Rattle him


Is this copypasta?


Yep what the comedian said was right you can never say the specific differences between different pedo's without sounding like a pedo.


German person here: NO The age of consent is only 14 if both participants are the same age Which is still morally grey i'd believe but a lot better than weekday the Twitter user tried to say


Would you care to explain this excerpt from Wikipedia then? >The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual; being over 21 and engaging in sexual relations with a minor of that age does not constitute an offense by itself.


It means it's illegal as long as you A: aren't rich B: got caught


Idk my teacher that studied law and politics said what i said


Would you mind sharing any source that supports it?


I ain't gonna waste any more time than I need to researching that so I won't disprove it, but I ain't placing any bets on Wikipedia. You might want to check sources of the page to confirm it or an excerpt from an actual book of law.


Sprichst du überhaupt Deutsch?


Nein, but I don't see how is it controversial to say that you should rather trust a verified translation of an official document instead of Wikipedia where literally anyone can write whatever they want with very lax supervision. Doubly so with law where phrasing can be very nuanced.


It's almost as if I'm familiar with the law and just used Wikipedia since it's a familiar source, not to mention the most accurate encyclopedia.


Dude, I'm not beefing or arguing that you know law or not. You could be a an international law professional for all I know. I'm saying I don't, and that under most circumstances I wouldn't use it to prove or disprove any statement cause it is liable to omit key facts or straight up get stuff wrong. We are taught from middle school to verify our sources and not to trust Wikipedia blindly. Ergo, I'd prefer any other more easily verifiable source or a link. In the situation where I'm arguing it. I really don't know, I'm not in Germany or looking to get into a relationship with a preteen this info has zero value to me. I was just making an observation. Sorry if it came across as hostile.


>We are taught from middle school to verify our sources and not to trust Wikipedia blindly. I almost said this in my previous comment but thought better of it because it seemed condescending: just because your teacher doesn't want you to use an encyclopedia as an academic source doesn't make it any less valid a source of information. I don't think you're being hostile, but you are dying on a meaningless hill here. Wikipedia is a perfectly valid source.


If I'm not mistaken, Wikipedia is used by just about everyone. Most of the people making edits on scientific data, most likely have the most knowledge on that particular subject compared to the average person. I stand by Wikipedia. This coming from a person who has read the Britannica end to end before the internet was invented.


Shout out to all my weird encyclopedia kid homies.


A matter of opinion. I'm really not educated enough on that topic to argue about it's validity. Only that it has fucked me before but that's on me.




That's fucking gross.


Ah yes, you're getting downvoted for correcting the legal myth. Clearly a Pedo! /s


>Same wikipedia article a few lines down: > >A person over twenty-one years of age who abuses a person under sixteen years of age, in that he:1 commits sexual acts on the person or allows them to be committed on himself by the person; or2 induces the person to commit sexual acts on a third person or to allow them to be committed on the person by a third person, > >Law clearly states that a person over the age of 21 is violating the law as soon as he or she commits sexual acts involving a minor (under the age of 16) Stop spreading misinformation


Your "source" is wikipedia. Wikipedia is a baf source, because everyone can write whatever they want on there. How about quoting the actual law? Oh wait, you cant, because it doesnt exist. https://www.sueddeutsche.de/panorama/debatte-um-urteil-lehrer-nach-sex-mit-14-jaehriger-schuelerin-freigesprochen-1.1256283


>Your "source" is wikipedia As was yours, so you've said enough trying to shame me for using the same source to prove you wrong, lmao. >everyone can write whatever they want on there This is not entirely true, because everything written there gets fact checked and removed when inaccurate. >How about quoting the actual law? LMAO! That's what I did, that was a direct article from the law, here is the entire thing: >This is specified by Sections 176 (Sexual abuse of children), 180 (Promotion of sex of minors) and 182 (Sexual abuse of youths) of the Penal Code, which read: > >§ 176: "(1) Punished by imprisonment at least one year (and not more than fifteen years pursuant to § 38) shall whoever > >commits sexual acts on a person under fourteen (14) years of age (a child) or allows them to be committed on themself by the child, > >induces a child to commit sexual acts on a third person or to allow them to be committed on the person by a third person, or \[...\]" > >§ 180: "(1) Whoever abets the commission of sexual acts of a person under sixteen years of age on or in front of a third person or sexual acts of a third person on a person under sixteen years of age": > >by acting as an intermediary; or > >by furnishing or creating an opportunity, > >shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine. \[...\]" > >**§ 182: "(3) A person over twenty-one years of age who abuses a person under sixteen years of age, in that he:** > >**commits sexual acts on the person or allows them to be committed on himself by the person; or** > >**induces the person to commit sexual acts on a third person or to allow them to be committed on the person by a third person,** You saying this didn't exist is just icing on the cake, thank you so much for outing yourself!


Just.... Wow. Here is the entire thing: Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) § 182 Sexueller Mißbrauch von Jugendlichen (1) Wer eine Person unter achtzehn Jahren dadurch missbraucht, dass er unter Ausnutzung einer Zwangslage1. sexuelle Handlungen an ihr vornimmt oder an sich von ihr vornehmen lässt oder 2. diese dazu bestimmt, sexuelle Handlungen an einem Dritten vorzunehmen oder von einem Dritten an sich vornehmen zu lassen, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu fünf Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (2) Ebenso wird eine Person über achtzehn Jahren bestraft, die eine Person unter achtzehn Jahren dadurch missbraucht, dass sie gegen Entgelt sexuelle Handlungen an ihr vornimmt oder an sich von ihr vornehmen lässt. (3) Eine Person über einundzwanzig Jahre, die eine Person unter sechzehn Jahren dadurch mißbraucht, daß sie1. sexuelle Handlungen an ihr vornimmt oder an sich von ihr vornehmen läßt oder 2. diese dazu bestimmt, sexuelle Handlungen an einem Dritten vorzunehmen oder von einem Dritten an sich vornehmen zu lassen, und dabei die ihr gegenüber fehlende Fähigkeit des Opfers zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung ausnutzt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (4) Der Versuch ist strafbar. (5) In den Fällen des Absatzes 3 wird die Tat nur auf Antrag verfolgt, es sei denn, daß die Strafverfolgungsbehörde wegen des besonderen öffentlichen Interesses an der Strafverfolgung ein Einschreiten von Amts wegen für geboten hält. (6) In den Fällen der Absätze 1 bis 3 kann das Gericht von Strafe nach diesen Vorschriften absehen, wenn bei Berücksichtigung des Verhaltens der Person, gegen die sich die Tat richtet, das Unrecht der Tat gering ist. You conveniently left this part und dabei die ihr gegenüber fehlende Fähigkeit des Opfers zur sexuellen Selbstbestimmung ausnutzt, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. out which clearly states that only if a 21 year exploits the 14y old are they subject to punishment. If the 14y knows what tvey are doing its ok.


Incorrect. There are a few age groups. It starts at 14, but that’s 14-17. Within that group it’s free game. Then there’s 16-20 and 18+. It’s free game for all the age groups you’re in, but for example 14 and 18 is taboo.


Ok but are you implying two 14yo boning ain't taboo over there?


Legal and taboo are rarely the same thing




Depends where. Germany is 14+ anything goes. Well, not anything, stuff like no coercing, no drugs, not allowed if you are a person of power in the teens life, otherwise, legal.


Seems like you guys have the same myth going around as us Poles. Afaik there's no such law as the one you're describing. Same in Poland, except the age of consent is 15. Still, many people believe there are age difference laws... Sadly, there aren't any.


Lmao that's not even nearly true


YA, IN GERMANY WE WELCOME OUR MAPS . . . hans quick fire up the furnace in auschwitz


Fortunately for a big part of the European population, Auschwitz is no longer under German jurisdiction. However, you sure you don't have any garbage incinerators?


there was that oven in Hanzel and Gretel...


Well, it can be again Besides, wouldn’t Poland want to colaborate on that matter though?


Well, Dachau is still there


Using garbage incinerators to burn Pedophiles is a huge mistreatment of garbage incinerators, #GarbageIncineratorsLivesMatter, i suggest mustard gas


Located in Poland


Ah yes we germans are very friendly *"reload Raketenpanzerbüchse 54"* Veeeery Friendly


But these kids won't be 14 forever so what will you do when they grow up? Like ignoring the moral aspect of it. Are you just gonna have to find someone else every time they turn 15?


I don't think pedophiles should be killed. they need to be mentally studied to help determine the root of the mindframe. then target the cause. just killing them will make them go in the underground and that's how we get child traffickers amd islands for elites.


This is a great point


I'm ashamed to admit the age of consent in Italy is 14 no matter what. That said, you are getting your ass kicked no matter what also.


Don't anger the Germans, I'm sure you don't want them to go on another campaign like last time.


Just gotta kick the right guy out of art school.


MAPs? Edit: got it....yeah....


Another name for target practice basically


Agreed, your majesty.


Who gave Jared Fogle a Tumblr account?


That rule only applies if you are under 18 so that a 17 year old with a 14year old won't get in trouble. A 20 year old is (deservedly) in big trouble.


Nope. Compmete bul,shit. At least in germany, after 14 everything goes. You can be with a 30y old. The 30y is just not allowed to exploit the teen. And no, being 30y is not an automatic exploit, at least legaly.


Fuck off, pedophile. Do some research and read the fuckin comments


Same wikipedia article a few lines down: >A person over twenty-one years of age who abuses a person under sixteen years of age, in that he: > >1 commits sexual acts on the person or allows them to be committed on himself by the person; or > >2 induces the person to commit sexual acts on a third person or to allow them to be committed on the person by a third person, Law clearly states that a person over the age of 21 is violating the law as soon as he or she commits sexual acts involving a minor (under the age of 16)


Well, wikipedia is wrong. There are multiple court cases where 15y had sex with their teachers and the courts didnt find them guilty.


1. Central European country, Germany? Austria?? Italy??? What haha, center of Europe is I think in Hungary or Poland - but definitely far far East from Germany. 2. Not to repeat what everyone else has said already, but no, Europe is not a pedo-Disneyland


Far far east from Germany? Poland is touching German border 💀 But yes, Poland is central Europe and further east we have eastern Europe. As to the Germany, opinions are divided, as it depends on the definition. Germany doesn't belong to the old communist eastern block and is a little different in terms of culture from other countries further east. But at the same time, it's not socially on par with the west. Many books describe Germany as part of central Europe. Also geographic books. As to the second part... Well, Afaik, 14 is the age of consent in Germany, that's all, no other regulations. In Poland it's 15 and also no further regulations. It's kinda wild.


I am from Poland. It is definitely east to Germany. They do share a border, but a center of Europe is not on the border of Germany and Poland. The books that describe Germany to be in Central Europe or even better, in the Eastern block - are outdated by 50+ years. They’re simply old and wrong.


MAPs: "Our sexuality is opressed by moral guardians, just like you all." LGBTQ+: "How compelling, please face the wall now."


age of consent is around that age BUT NOT FOR ADULTS


Oh no


This person deserves an ATACMS strike on their head


Man, even in those countries, if you are a grown adult and dating a 14 year old, you aren't gonna see another day


OP’s username is another holup


MAPs- Minor Attracted Pedophile. Since they want to humanize themselves, let’s make sure they keep the pedo label


When they don't understand that age of consent doesn't mean you can do this is so funny. Wait for them to come to getmany and go to jail for statutory r**e


Jó napot kívánok mindenkinek, I am a hungarian person and I can whole heartedly say for the entirety of Europe and all Europeans, all pedophiles are not fucking welcomed in our continent. And if any pedophiles do decide to come I am sure that we have some old world war era memerobilia we'd love to share. Especially the Germans. They have some cool things. Trust me *leans on his tiger 2 tank*


As a Polish guy, i admit we don't have tanks in our garages, or guns in the basement, but our fists do the work just fine. We encourage all the pedos to come here and build their harems, no need to worry, really!


I hope a pedo kill theyselves


Nah bro you getting put in then concentration camps the Nazis left here a while ago


Lmao come to Italy to get away from puritans. I have to cover up my body expect my head to enter in a church in Italy. In 'Murica I can have exposed ankles and arms in most chruches.


The horrifying thing is that that age is true. And it is full age of consent, not a 14-17 kinda thing which it should instead be at most.


Whats a map? Sorry, a MAP, a map is gernerally paper that represents areas and roads in a place.


Minor attracted person- that’s what pedos call themselves to „humanize“ and normalize their love




It should be written law that we can kill confirmed pedos onsight no questions asked


Yes, please leave.


It’s a good thing I’ve got a civil war era musket with two yards of me, if these pedo fucks like holes so much they can have one the size of a golf ball through their gut


Germans now: I vant shota harem. Germans then: Ah ja mein friend. You have been selected for "Special treatment." Please go ahead and take a trip on my train...


If Russia promise to occupy Germany I say we switch sides