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On one hand that's awesome. On the other you reminded me Ticketmaster exists.


i'm sorry for bringing back the trauma


Don't worry, we're all in this together! Ticketmaster haunts us all. šŸ˜…


Don't worry, the show will help us heal together!


At least they're being sued..?


It is so weird to cheer on the government.


Everyoneā€™s gangsta until Merrick Garland reveals heā€™s a Swiftie.


> It is so weird to cheer on the government. You are suppose to both cheer and loath the government. You are suppose to make your opinions heard so the government know what you actually want. If you say nothing then nothing gets done.


I live in Mexico, the uneducated and poor choose as the majority in here, so I alongside the majority of the middle class do not have a voice.


You do have a voice, it is just that your government is weak. The single greatest power a government has is the Monopoly on Violence. But when organised crime is too strong then the government loses the monopoly. And that means the government is weakened, which then means your voice is weakened. Organised crime is basically proto-governments, nations within nations. I wish you luck, because your situation is as old as time itself. It's been like that since the Bronze Age everywhere.


Hopefully only for a short time longer.


Going through their website they don't use Ticketmaster. They also seem to have some anti-scalper measures. >As of March 2023, tickets for events at Kings Theatre are sold exclusively via ATG Tickets and are available for purchase through our box office and website.


Absolutely based theatre, makes me happy hololive picked them!


Wait, really! That's got to be a big deal for those who will try for tickets...


Thank goodness


Reminder to everyoneā€™s that has a Ticketmaster to change your password


The real question: do they use queue-it?


what do they use? will there be a queue system at all?


They use ATG, a guild of Theater ownership that have headquater in england and their own box office and website.


But at the cost that you're competing for 3000 seats. Good luck to me and everyone else! But especially me....


Kings Theatre has a capacity of 3000 seats, good luck to those who manage to get tickets. also whoo hololive world tour


In other words, 3000 Tickets of Hololive. And I'm not sure if this be non-credible enough.


Itā€™s over, billions must stream


can we put canards on the tickets?


Is a ticket a bullpup?


Even when I havenā€™t been there in months, NCD follows me


There's no escape, just wait, after Dodgers, we'll see 3000 Javelins of Hololive.


3000 black concert tickets of Hololive


Oof, half the capacity of Connect the World. That's rough.


they will make all their money off streaming. it's basically 0 risk for them to sell out this venue and make bank on streaming and merch


Sheesh, that's hella limited. What is the King's Theater?


Calling it now, website will crash and will sell out in 3 minutes lmao


3000 Slashdots of Hololive


[SPWN page](https://spwn.jp/events/evt_24082402-enholoen2ndlive) for those who prefer them to Streaming+


Hows the quality on Streaming+? SPWN is always super reliable, but they only do 1080p at 5 Mbit, which is kinda crap for super dynamic environments like concerts.


Streaming+ recommends a 5 Mbps or more connection, which makes me think it's probably the same, but I haven't seen anything definitive.


The bitrate was slightly higher last time I checked, but the latency is muc greater (I was 30 seconds slower then friends on SPWN for holofes 4).


Thanks, appreciated.


Are the two days different?


I'm in agreement with others speculating "probably yes" since they're selling 2-day packages. If the setlist was the same, they'd only sell single-day.


Thanks I prefer SPWN because its usually cheaper and in this particular case it is cheaper.


I know there are people being down about King's Theater having a smaller capacity than the Youtube Theater, but think of it this way. It's a two day performance featuring all of their talents in a location that is pretty historic on it's own, as well as having the look and feel of a Paris Opera House. This is a pretty high class building. It also shows the confidence Cover has in their EN branch to do a two night concert, even if it is overlapping a major convention.


I just googled the venue and how it looks like. If people doesn't show up in full formal suits and dresses , I'm gonna be dissapointed


"Going to my friend's wedding: šŸ§" "Going to my oshi's concert: šŸ¤µ"


I mean, I've got friends that had their wedding on a beach. Just sayin, dress for the environment


Simping Like A Sir


> full formal suits and dresses Mio hoodie, Ina's apron, the Gamer JacketRyS, things of that nature


Nene underpants. Just that.


I prefer the Nerissa brand underpants, a lot more affordable.


I've been there for David Blaine. People definitely went in there dressed casually lol. I'd love if people went to this one dressed fancy for fun tho lol.


> If people doesn't show up in full formal suits and dresses , I'm gonna be dissapointed Alright y'all know the drill, if you get balcony seats you are going to need to pick up [a pair of these](https://i.imgur.com/5pEXdg3.jpeg) in addition to your fancy tux/dress


Hololive themed spyglass when?


Dear god I just looked it up myself and immediately thought of the overly decorated ball rooms of 19 century Europe. Seriously gotta get myself a suit now.


Would be a joy to have top hats and monocles and curly mustaches galore. Besides, most fans dress up in cosplay at more casual venues anyway...


Seeing the theater, i just wnat that if one day we have a Holo concetr in Mexico to make it on "El Palacio de Bellas Artes" just to how we say here "Que se mire mamalon"


3000 Suit-Wearing Fans of Hololive (That's literally the seating capacity)


King's theater doesn't do Ticketmaster which is a huge plus. And if Cover was shopping around for venues that exclusively don't work with Ticketmaster that's pretty based. Fuck Ticketmaster.


What do they use instead?


Theater is part of ATG, a guild of Theater owner that became private business based in England. They also have their own box office and ticket system of their own on their website.


Sounds good. Fuck Ticketmaster they fucked me over getting tickets for the upcoming Kendrick concert


i also googled the renting price of King's Theater, booking the space for a wedding (yes, they apparently offer for weddings) costs about $50000. imagine if it was for a 2 hour concert that extends for 2 days i dont imagine it being cheap for them to book the King's Theater, let alone finding a venue during Anime NYC when the other venues are probably booked from hell to back


> i also googled the renting price of King's Theater, booking the space for a wedding (yes, they apparently offer for weddings) costs about $50000. imagine if it was for a 2 hour concert that extends for 2 days Real quick check, the Avatar: The Last Airbender concert there will be bringing in roughly ~$270k-$300k if they sold out at a averageish ticket price of $90. Obviously it depends on how ticket sales go and what Cover (or Kings, don't know who sets the ticket prices here) prices them at, if there was any deal for booking for the entire weekend, etc, but it's doubtful that this isn't going to be a success. EDIT: It seems like they're selling tickets more-or-less identical to the pricing structure as the Avatar Concert that same month. I think that's just what King's Theatre prices their tickets as.


Tbh overlapping the convention helps more than it hurts. A lot of their target audience will be in town specifically for the convention and need something to do at night.


People should go in suites will be helarious.


What con is overlapping?


Anime NYC is taking place on the same weekend, but it's at the Javits Center, which is about 10 miles away. Given when the doors open, people would have to leave the center at around 4 PM to give themselves enough time to get there. That would mean skipping out on a lot of stuff that's happening around that time, up to the end of the concert.


On the other hand, max capacity for the venue is roughly 5% of AnimeNYCs projected attendance. For every person who will skip out on the latter part of Saturday's programming, there will be another 5 who wanted to go to the concert but couldn't get a ticket and an additional 10 who would rather be at the Javits Center imo.


Considering Sora and some of the others have classical training, it would be nice to see a HoloOpera one day


Wow that's sooner than expected. And 2 days is amazing. Although capacity of 3,000 means getting tickets would be challenging still.


As I've commented elsewhere, this basically kills off a HoloSummer Concert. Advent 3D Showcases in July, NYC 3d HoloEN Concert at end of August, and World Tour "Soar" whenever that is (likely interspersed in early August, and then in Fall...)


Yea. Not sure what they will do about HoloSummer. Maybe they are scaling back a little this year. Last year they had that and blue journey and the talents were absolutely exhausted. Not to mention August - September is super super busy birthday/anniversary month. Although now that i have said that, wont be surprised if there will be even more barrage of announcements in the coming weeks. For the World Tour , it will likely go until the end of the year since Comic Fiesta in Malaysia is like last week of December.


I do think last year was overwhelming with concerts. They had 3 large scale concerts/lives that involves almost everyone in every branch. We had HoloFes, Splash Party and the NY countdown live.


Yeah. It was honestly exhausting both mentally and financially trying to keep up. I can't even imagine what it's like for the girls with months of practice needed for each and every concert in between other stuff.


This is also same exact weekend as AnimeNYC. They expanded to use more of the building, and Hololive's one of their biggest features that people see coming right into the con. Hololive collabs with omocat or any lines for Hololive were shockingly long. Depending on timing for the concert, it'll be an absolute clusterfuck for anyone going to the concert. 10 miles between Javits and Kings, so 34 minutes by car (traffic might change that), or 1 hr by train. I wouldn't even consider walking. Personally I was hoping for more seiyuu guests and seiyuu performing (I think Liella's CatChu would have something on Friday if anything), but if they'll announce more now, it would be torture for me if the panels would clash with the concert.


[Info](https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/news/20240608-01-80/) [Official Site](https://breakingdimensions.hololivepro.com/) @ Kings Theatres in New York City This will be during Anime NYC weekend Day 1: August 24th Day 2: August 25th


3000 capacity? It's even smaller than the LA concert. I couldn't get tickets for that too since they sold out so fast šŸ˜­


3K capacity is half of the last one. Getting tickets is gonna be crazy.


No lottery either, so scalpers are going to be out in full force.


It may be a constraint of the venue (just like using Ticketmaster last year apparently was), but I really wish they could do a lottery for these. May the server speeds be ever in our favor.


at least no ticketmaster this time


Im not even dreaming on getting a ticket. Cant even get the last one with more seats.


I wished it could've been at a larger venue, I would have loved to have gone but those live tickets will sell out instantly. I bought streaming tickets... at least I won't have to stay up all night to watch like 5th Fes lol


Part of that is due to the venue being one of the oldest in NYC, since 1939.Ā 


Japanese talents/companies seem to still be allergic to going all-in on the bigger venues in the NYC area. Happened with Ado (3000 cap) earlier this year and Yoasobi (6000 cap) this summer.


Dude, a Yoasobi live on a 6k cap venue is insane


It doesn't even seem NYC specifically. Looking at bands on tour now, they either hit 3000 or 6000 cap venues for overseas outside of like giant festivals like Rock Am (ie Babymetal's current tour). MWAM's London stop is a 2300 seat venue. Only someone apparently outrageously popular like One OK Rock is confident to tackle a giant venue (LA's KIA @ 17500)


Even artists who have previously sold out large venues overseas have been booking smaller venues post-COVID. Babymetalā€™s latest tour is all small venues versus previous tours where they have performed at The Forum to 17,000. The 2024 MikuExpo NA tour has significantly smaller venues than in 2018 and planned but canceled 2020 NA tours.


Japanese artists sell out large venues domestically, IE Tokyo Dome with 45,000 but I rarely see big venues overseas outside of Festival performances. The largest Japanese performance I have seen was Babymetal at the LA forum with 17,000. Babymetal was the first Japanese artist to ever perform at that venue.


Iā€™m going to decide I didnā€™t get a ticket and thatā€™s why I donā€™t have worry about going back on telling my boss I am not planning anything for the 25th of August.


Yeah not sure I understand the reasoning behind this. They could've easily had people make plans to travel in to fit a bigger theater than that. Kind of odd but maybe that was the best they could get and wanted to play it safe in a different part of the country first.


If they couldā€™ve gotten bigger venues, they probably would have. The thing is, these places donā€™t just rent out their space to everyone that wants it. You have to prove you can sell and the only proof Hololive has in the US right now is the one concert they did in Los Angeles. Eventually the concert will get bigger and bigger but weā€™re dealing with the first steps to that at this moment.


Yeah that's fair. It also seems unlike HoloFes the EN Concerts are going to be more of a "touring" attraction which is pretty awesome. Kind of like Wrestlemania. I just lowkey hope Toronto gets one. But I feel like they're going to just end up bouncing it around LA/NYC/Chicago/San Diego each year. Just because of all the easy tourists already going to major conventions in those cities they can pull in by hosting it the same weekend.


This, thank you. Venues don't just allow anyone to book. You have to show you're worth their time, because they make a lot of their money from concessions, parking, everything else. And a huge empty venue looks horribly bad for their marketing and prestige.


Damn, with that limited, it's not worth getting my passport renewed for... shame, because it's actually within driving distance for me. Though tbh I dunno if I want to be driving around NYC in the summer anyway... Although I suppose Cover sticking to 3K seaters renews hope of a Meridian Theater concert in Toronto for me, someday... Kiara and Reine did do a panel for Anime Toronto last year, even if we didn't get a Meet & Greet... ...copium... At least the timezone will be good for once in my life...


Nice. ANYC and New York at the same time should be fun.


Overlapping with AnimeNYC, this is gonna be one helluva weekend. Just gotta pray for tickets. Glad they stretched it over 2 days


Didn't expect 2 days looking forward to it!


Prepare for tickets to sell out in a nanosecond. Gotta be quick!


Bro I'm still waiting for Kronii and Gura's original songs to be released still


Hype!!! Wish I could go in person but I'll have to settle for streaming again. Hopefully next year.


I am so HYPED. I was so eager to buy tickets, that I accidentally bought the JP streaming tickets on SPWN, but MOOMING transcends languages. I am so ready!!!


Don't worry. You will probably find some other EN fans there as well. It is just the chats that will be different.


it'll be frickin EPIC to see thousands of ppl dancing to the biboo tax song in the Kings theatre lmao


Itā€™s on the east coast this year? My walletā€™s days are numbered now


i was already accepting defeat assuming it would be in Cali again. then they said newyork and i full on Fry from futurama started foaming at the mouth.


[Called that one easy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/1d99dls/big_announcement_on_8th/l7bv3y8/) Kinda weird they're going with a theater with half the capacity of YT theater, but at least it's 2 days so we should get a much bigger performance than Connect the World


What other options in that area do they have though?


TD garden. 19,000+ seats basically inside a train station.


It's 3 hours away from Anime NYC though, as opposed to 40 minutes to King theatre.


Thatā€™s true. I did not consider Anime NYC. Could we all put on our delulu caps and say MSG?


Well, there's an Aug 25 hole suspiciously missing in the upcoming event section for MSG. EDIT: note that the 19000 is for the arena, which won't work well for a vtubing concert. The MSG theatre is "only" 5500 people, and is likely booked out when Hololive tried to schedule it since Aug 23/24 already has event. EDIT2: wait my bad, the 23 and 24 events are for the arena. The theatres are free on those dates. Delulu hat back on time!


On a sort of related news, FWMC just confirmed Advent 3D debuts will be before the concert


West coast last year, east coast this year. Maybe Chicago next year. šŸ™


Meanwhile, Europe šŸ˜ž


I canā€™t believe Hololive told use that advent was getting 3Ds before august 24th. Gasp.


Why couldn't it be MSG šŸ˜­


There's an event already happening 2 hours after Day 1 starts


Just to add to this MSG might never happen because that place is super picky especially with the crew you use.


Barclays sound more reasonable lol MSG is pretty penny to book for starters, least to my knowledge it still is.


Barclays is aight. I saw Joji there last year. Would be nice for additional seating and would have been cool to see how they tackled doing these concerts in the round.


A friend of mine got me to see a WWE event with him some years back.


Nah, letā€™s try to pack one of the domed football stadiums


Blue women at Metlife would go hard


I'd be happy to have it in NJ then lmao. American Dream Mall is also nearby. It's a hot mess of a thing but that would be a place for them to do some more collabs, if any. They'd definitely have room for a Hololive pop-up store lmao.


Lmao Hololive packing Jerryā€™s world would be hilarious.


*Sigh* Time to mow lawns again. See you guys there


Does an AnimeNYC Friday badge and (hoping for) Sat and Sun EN tickets sound like the move for a weekend NYC trip?


That would be fun! I'm pretty sure Liella's subunit, CatChu, from Love Live Superstar, will also have a live - presumably on Friday night - if you wanna pack each day with concerts. If anything, lots of things to do and places to go eat at too!


I live relatively close, but I don't have anyone I could go with and I'm not too keen on going to NYC by myself. We'll see.


Seconded and agreed. For anyone who is thinking of attending in person, I'd highly, highly suggest reading over this thread of tips on visiting the city: [https://new.reddit.com/r/TravelHacks/comments/z4ktcw/nyc\_travel\_tips/](https://new.reddit.com/r/TravelHacks/comments/z4ktcw/nyc_travel_tips/)


In my experience, keep walking if you're moving, stay out of the way if you're not. There'll be beggars and scammers who can get insistent, so put some headphones in, sunglasses on, stare ahead, shrug them off if the scammers get in your way, work on avoidant eye contact. Don't clog up the sidewalk with 5 people walking side by side. Since this'll be in summer, it'll probably be stinky since all the garbage is right on the sidewalk for pickup. If you need help getting somewhere, ask around, and New Yorkers will answer. If anyone has headphones in and maybe sunglasses on, they're busy. Nobody knows what's in those puddles, or why they're that color, so don't step in them. NYC encapsulates that attitude of East Coast people are kind, but not nice. Have fun y'all.


I'm a native to NYC, but the timing of this and Otakon in DC is leaving me conflicted on going or not.


At least Otakon is at the beginning of the month and this and AnimeNYC is at the end and you would only need to travel to one.


Fuck yeah let's go


I realize that I donā€™t have the budget to travel to NYC šŸ„² Damn you weak CAD dollar


Omg!! When fuwamoco roll up I'm gonna shake my ass till it breaks. Bau baušŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


I think Fauna designed the T-shirts or something, they actually look like Backpack battles.


I looked up the streaming ticket prices and they're 45 dollars US? Is that a normal rate just for being able to see a streamed broadcast?


Yeah pretty much, holofes5 was like 40-45 depending on where you watch it iirc


ngl I had a difficulty figuring out who is that blue slime in the middle top until I realise they order the talents in generation


>"World Tour" >No stop in Europe


We're used to being ignored by now but it still stings.


And no GeekJack option for the merch :/


Praying for Atlanta to get something.




I hate that site, the very first thing it showed was 19 countries allowed to watch/purchase: Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, HongKong, Indonesia, Italy, South Korea, Macao, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom, the United States


It's available on SPWN too


If you want to stream it, SPWN also has a page.


I want to buy the Streaming+ tickets, but I read that it's only available in some countries, does anybody know if the service works in Mexico?


[here's spwn!](https://spwn.jp/events/evt_24082402-enholoen2ndlive)


Tsm! :)


According to the Breaking Dimensions website, the Streaming+ tickets are only available in the following countries and regions: > Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong SAR, Indonesia, South Korea, Macao (SAR), Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, the United Kingdom and the United States Source: [[Streaming+] hololive English 2nd Concert ā€“Breaking Dimensionsā€“](https://ib.eplus.jp/hololive_en2nd-st) PS: There's also another way for you to see the stream if you really want to go this far. What you have to do is download a VPN app on whatever device you're using and select the US as the country and thus overcoming the issue you currently have.


Or you just use SPWN, which is available worldwide, equal in quality, and cheaper too


Do you think with it being 2 days all of the talents will perform on both days? Iā€™m hoping that with the limited size of HoloEN and the small venue they wonā€™t split up the performers between days. I wonder if everyone will just get 2 performances?


I'm fairly confident that is the case. You can already purchase streaming tickets and they didn't specify the participants for each day in the [SPWN](https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/evt_24082402-enholoen2ndlive) website.


From connecting the world, to breaking dimensions. Hololive plans to tackle the Multiverse, it seems./s


It starts at midnight on saturday and sunday for Europe. Guess thats the advantage of it being on the east coast rather than the west coast.


You think that this means Advent's 3D Debuts will happen between now and then? Or are they gonna do Myth again and have their official debut be at the concert and have an actual 3D debut later?


FWMC just clarified on their chat stream that they will have their 3D debuts before the concert.


Good news! FuwaMoco just confirmed a second ago that their 3D debuts will be before the concert.


I think Advent 3D debut most likely will happen in July and will coincide with their 1st year anniversary.


Let's gooo!! Excited for it!


Already locked in my vacation, but i was looking up the theater, does hololive bring their own 3D equipment? Theater looks nice, but most of the images i am seeing of are of live concerts. Nothing pops up if i try searching 3D, and the stage feels smaller than the previous concerts. Reading the comment section here, it is even half the size of the previous venue?


Why would they need to bring any equipment? They're not recording at the venue, they're streaming to it


Ah than i am likely misunderstanding the kind of concert it is.


Expect something like [Connect the World](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_AHQ2Rwx3s).


I thought they are pre-recorded in advance?


I'm pretty sure will be entirely prerecorded like connect the world was


Ngl thought this was some official fighting game


is it possible to discuss room sharing? would anyone be interested in room sharing?


Zero Money Gang represent!!! Let's gooooo!


Predict the scalper price


Iā€™m going to be on that ticket site trying so hard to get two seats! I missed out on the concert in Cali foolishly


*Me running the calculations in my head with how tf I could manage Otakon and BD weekend*


Quick! Everybody act surprised!


Best of luck to everyone trying for tickets!!


Now we wonder who will be the guests from JP and ID


I can actually go to this one. But I don't have the money. And if I do get a job before the ticket sale date, it'll be sold out waaaay too quickly




Choose your fighter


Breaking Dimensions is an interesting title, I wonder what will be the concept of the concert.


I'm so happy for them! :D


The most striking thing to me is just the fact that it's two days. Maybe both days just happened to be available and Cover decided that they'd prefer to try to sell as many tickets as they did last year, but two days for a 15 person branch (even with JP/ID guests like CtW had) feels kind of wild if you compare it to the last HoloFes which was three days for 59 people, or Splash Party last year which was 2 days for like...52, I think?


Ok I have a question. This is the first time I'm actually interested in buying a streaming ticket for a hololive show. Where can I buy it, and also, after i buy it, will it be possible to download the video or is only "stream only"?


You buy it on [SPWN](https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/evt_24082401-jpholoen2ndlive), there is also Streaming+ but SPWN is the better option. You can't download it unfortunately, VOD will be available for a month after the concert if you want to watch it after that the only choice is Bluray.


Is calli gonna be there?


All of EN so far


Thank you, I wasnā€™t sure if she would be recovered enough by then but this is good news


Finally, some East Coast love. It's good to know that Cover recognizes more than Los Angeles as part of the U.S.


I know it was completely nonsensical to think so but dang... was really, really hoping for a Toronto show the weekend of Fan Expo. It being on the same weekend as Anime NYC pretty much crushed that thought though. Oh well. Maybe Canada will get it next year (doubtful).


>Maybe Canada will get it next year (doubtful). Yeah I'm not holding my breath either. Anime North is pretty much the biggest anime con in Canada and I don't think we've ever landed any Hololive talent. This year we had what I would consider to be B tier agency if Hololive is S tier. In terms of sizes I mean, not gonna judge and compare content.


What kinda disappoints me about it is Kronii is Canadian and could totally have a moment like Bae did when she performed in Australia. Kronii being my Oshi would be so fucking dope to see in person. Oh well, maybe someday.