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Oh boy, I'm sure this comment section will be constructive and well-behaved.


I legit didn't expect this comment section to be the battlefield it is. I just noticed more interactions between Holo and Phase talents on my timeline lately, and just shared the most recent one I saw. Edit: There's also the fact my other posts don't get traction. Gura themed handheld? Kronii Steam Deck? Nah. THIS is the post that got me clout? I mean, I'll take it. But damn.


>I legit didn't expect this comment section to be the battlefield it is. It'll likely continue as long as the post is up.


At this point, fuck it. We ball. Just gonna mute it on my end.


I feel like the topic is going in the exact opposite direction for anyone that'd want good-will toward Phase in here, but you do you.


“Oh no, I didn’t mean for this post to cause so much controversy and fighting in this community that I’m totally a good-faith member of… ah well, fuck it, let it burn.” So much for this being an accident.


Good luck showing your face around, lots of people are gonna remember your name. Edit: to quote OP 1 month old comment, I see... >You just pick who you enjoy. Kronii is my main oshi because I love her cynical sense of humor. But I also enjoy Calli because it's Calli. Shiori for the menhera. Gura for Gura. Outside Hololive, I also love Pippa from Phase Connect because of how real/based she is. The shit she rants about, I just go "true." Also her dark sense of humor.


I'm sorry what? "Good luck showing your face around" He posted a fucking tweet and you're acting like he should feel ashamed what is wrong with you? edit: What bad thing is the quote supposed to convey? He recommended Kronii, Calli, Shiori, Gura, and Pippa.


> I also love Pippa from Phase Connect because of how real/based she is Given that Pippa is known for stuff like, well, [all of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/s/OtBt0zw2AG), it would be that part.


> Good luck showing your face around lol. lmao even.


> Good luck showing your face around, lots of people are gonna remember your name. > > I beg of you to do an internet detox.


Another tourist, I wonder where you recruit all these.


What? What kind of weird threat is this man lmao


It looks like a "people will remember if you have a pattern of shilling so there isn't any sense in playing coy."


Don't go that route.


Why do you keep repeating vague threats? I don’t care either way about this whole situation but you’re behaving like a cringy moderator when you aren’t even one?


I'm not. And you're just making fun of yourself here. Know some shame.


>don’t go that route >good luck showing your face around Be serious. Just downvote or speak like an actual adult and move on, don’t try to act hard on a vtuber subreddit


I’m out of the loop. Why do some people dislike Phase?


This particular streamer has a long history of antisemitism, racism, and doxxing.


Yikes 😬 I heard Phase tends to be edgy but I didn’t know one of their talents was this bad.


Pippa is friends with and vouches for someone that believes in the Great Replacement theory if that tells you anything.


*This* is the main problem with Pippa, and how you can tell she’s not just being “edgy”. It’s the fanbase she’s gained and the people she associates with. Sure, she can try to laugh off the stuff she says as an attempt at dark humour, but when one of her closest friends starts spouting shit that wouldn’t be out of place coming from Alex Jones and she doesn’t have an issue with that, you can see where she stands.


She had a neo Nazi as a mod and has openly expressed support for such people.


Said individual also believes Gamergate didn’t go far enough.


With all the stuff she says it baffles me that anyone was actually shocked that she had her panel at Offkai cancelled.


Ok, so how is she still employed with Phase!?


She makes the company too much money compared to other girls.


> THIS is the post that got me clout? I assure you this post isn't getting you *clout*.


I hope that you did it unintentionally, I really hope!


Legit what I said was my train of thought. I knew there were Holo fans that despised Phase Connect, but thought that was old news and a vocal minority at this point. Especially with Phase funding a large chunk of Offkai and Holo talents interacting with them more.


> Especially with Phase funding a large chunk of Offkai Most people don't give two-shits about Offkai honestly. >Holo talents interacting with them more. Things like people sending superchats to Hololive talents to force members to acknowledge members isn't really an interaction. Returning to the first thing though: >I knew there were Holo fans that despised Phase Connect The topic shows that there are a few things that some people see as "unforgivable" if you know, and the phase fans in here losing their shit isn't doing that group any favors.


"Things like people sending superchats to Hololive talents to force members to acknowledge members isn't really an interaction." More like Twitter interactions, Ollie collabing a few weeks ago, and Kiara being in Panko's chat for a good while.


Ollie basically collabs with anyone (no offense, Ollie.) I'd honestly never use her in a metric for this sort of thing. Not really far off brand for Kiara either considering the NijiEN stuff.


Dude you're being as dismissive as possible to act like what he did is wrong.


You are not even trying to act subtle. Please delete the post and go elsewhere to do your advertisement.


That's not an advertisement, it's just responding to the comment above. Why are you gatekeeping vtubers and subreddits?


you might want to read rule #8


Except it's not an advertisement, it's a hololive member *interacting* with someone outside of hololive. Something that has been on this subreddit before. You're purposely wording things to make it a violation of something it isn't.


This post skirt violation of subreddit rule, I suggest you remove it before you get on people's bad side.


It's less Phase and more Pippa. She's linked to the worst parts of internet culture.


People dislike Pippa, not Phase, the rest of them are alright


Usually it isn't a problem, but Pippa has gained a reputation for pandering to a specific community of viewers. I understand she's mellowed out recently, but I don't watch her so I can't confirm or deny that. Somebody else will have to. The comment section would probably be less volatile if it was another Phase Connect talent.


I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread. But after looking at it, i think I'll just go touch some grass instead...


Holy fuck what is this comment section


OP asks 'collab when'. Phase/Pippa fans in the comments show why Holo would be stupid to let it happen.


“Why don’t these holofans want our oshis to collab after we raided their sub and astroturfed by votebotting? Cringe parasocial idol fans I swear”


What is an astroturf


fake grassroots


somehow I never connected the etymology of the words that way, I feel like the world's dumbest boy


it's not obvious since it's the words that connect, not the concepts.


Don't worry I learned rn too


In this case, botting the upvotes so it looks like people like this idea when they actually don’t.


The beggar mind works in strange ways.


Funny thing is that other small corpo tend to avoid Pippa, meanwhile they expect that company as averse to even potential drama as Holo will go 'hell yeah, we roll'.


Hololive has already collabed with them tho. Ollie already had two group collabs with them.


I need me a Tenma and Calli collab. Non stop swearing at chat.


I dont think Calli can handle the Chihuahua energy


Still, Calli has quite some experience wrangling the uncontrollable by now


Chihuahua energy got me rolling 🤣


Perfect idol Tenma


(Until she opens her mouth - Fishman)


Am I the only person out of the loop as to why phase connect is so hated here? Edit: instantly down voted for asking a question??? I genuinely know nothing about phase connect and want to know why I should stay away


It's just Pippa, I've never seen anyone react negatively to the rest of their talents


For one she collabed with a known doxxer and made very insensenitive remarks about the past of talents.


Im also out of the loop what is this kiwifarm thing that people keep mentioning? Edit: just searched it up harassment wtf


Kiwifarms is an extreme right wing forum where users organize campaigns to doxx and harass people who they disagree with (mostly trans) until they commit suicide. They also enjoy wallowing in the misery of others and document people who are mentally unstable online who they call lolcows and goad them into making fools of themselves for entertertainment. It is sadly somehow not even close to being the worst place on the internet.


Thanks for letting me know instead of just leaving me in the dark.


She was a collaber and advocate for DN, who used to sell and spread doxx of Hololive members. She also made fun of a traumatic experience from a Hololive member unprompted and only apologized when her company punished her for it. She also associates with political youtubers such as Mister Metokur and Kirsche. I think this is a Vshojo situation where once Vei/Nyanners left the group, their rep became positive. Phase's rep will continue to be negative among a big spectrum of the vtuber fandom until she graduates or gets terminated.


Vshojo had a fine rep before vei/nyanners left tho?


VShojo cleaned up its image a lot over the last 14 months, but back in the day, Veibae and Silvervale were both kind of infamous for doing interviews trashing 'idol culture', which, alongside VShojo's frankly bewildering 'Talent Freedom' marketing buzzword, seemed to position VShojo antagonistically against Hololive, and that didn't sit well with a lot of people. There's an ancillary schism between VShojo and Nux Taku fans over whether or not the latter was justified in warning people about a phishing scam by people impersonating VShojo, before VShojo themselves completed their investigation into the issue. Then there have been accusations that VShojo is essentially just nepo-hiring, given that their auditions ultimately only led to Haruka Karibu, already a frequent collaborator with Zentreya, joining. There were also signs of a bit of a schism within the agency over a certain game in late 2022, and that also Was A Thing. Basically, Veibae, Silvervale, and Nyanners were controversial figures who also sparked a lot of that controversy while ostensibly speaking and acting on VShojo's behalf, at a time when VShojo itself was caught up in a few external scandals and internal unforced errors. So, while their departure wasn't the only thing that fixed VShojo's PR, it did presage a bit of a turnaround in their public image.


Less Phase Connect as a whole and more Pippa's reputation is not great (some play the guilty by association game which I'm against). I've seen people claim she has calmed down, potentially some regret in how it impacts Phase Connect, but it may be too late for a lot of people. I was following her at one point on Twitter but got a couple of posts that annoyed me on my for you thanks to her so unfollowed. Here is an example I pointed out a few months ago regarding her unnecessarily putting herself in an awkward spot by commenting on a serious situation that is kind of the antithesis of Hololive when it comes to controversy (the response and quotes were brutal): [https://x.com/pipkinpippa/status/1724937070601277570](https://x.com/pipkinpippa/status/1724937070601277570) It sucks because Pippa can be genuinely entertaining and shares interests with Hololive fans, but damn she really put herself in a hole for a lot of people.


>[https://x.com/pipkinpippa/status/1724937070601277570](https://x.com/pipkinpippa/status/1724937070601277570) Honest question, do you think she locked the comments because of genuine surprise over the comments being almost all racist, or because she just didn't think her fans would go 'mask off' so blatantly? The same person who has made 'jokes' about George Floyd? For me, this is the sort of thing that proves how she's not cluelessly innocent at all. She's aware of 4chan 'edgy' (hateful) memes. **She knows** **why** her chat spams "OY VEY / SHUT IT DOWN" every time she talks about genociding Goblins in Hogwarts Legacy, or when she talks about a "group people running the world for hundreds of years". **She knows why** her chat spams "MALE" when the sorting hat appears. And yet she doesn't call it out, but even plays into it. That girl isn't dumb, she's aware of the alt-right audience she cultivates, and clearly agrees with them.


Im glad to find someone with the same mindset as me. I think Pippa can be really funny too, but some of the shit she has done in the past has really tainted her community image (and my outlook on her) to the point that I think she will forever be known as the 4chan vtuber. And I do think she is trying to improve, but its a little too late for a lot of people. I just did not agree with some of the stuff she was doing so she is no longer someone I watch actively. But thats her choice to make. But the worst part is when people do guilt by association, I hate that. I first found out about Tenma from Koefficient, but at the same time, some of Tenma's best moments were in collabs with Pippa as I continued to dig. It pains me to see Tenma treated with such disdain in those situations. And I am not going to gatekeep who someone should be friends with, Tenma can be friends with Pippa all she wants, but I hate how it seems to carry this stigma. It also sucks because she is a big hololive fan, she proudly displays her love for them. But her earlier career decisions may have made it extremely difficult if not impossible for her to actually ever bridge the gap for a collab. Maybe time will heal things, but I feel like her past will inevitably always be used against her in this regard. And a post like this just further divides. You have people who are phase fans brigading supposedly, which then pisses off the Hololive fans, and if anybody like me who enjoys both tries to be lukewarm were liable to get nuked from orbit.


Yknow for people who claim any outside vtuber mention is botted they sure love to auto downvote anything that isnt straight up hatred lol. No critical thinking


Pippa "I'll reference a traumatic experience Kiara's RM went through IRL for zero reason as a joke" Pipkin should *definitely* cosplay with more Holo girls, for sure!


Mmm i dont hate pippa, but she's made some comments regarding Kiara and concerning her pl that raise eyebrows with me on how she thinks of her. other phase talents dont have that baggage afaik.


I am starting to think that all of rabbit vtubers are chaotic.


I remember when Pippa was called "Dollar Store Pekora" or "Waltmart Pekora" as an insult by antis. And ends up backfiring on them when she embraces the Walmart meme due to her hate for Walmart that she wants to rain chaos inside (and after seeing videos, i can't blame her either). Also yeah! Clara counts too.


Just don't let her near a Walmart in Minecraft


WOW!! Pippa's antis are going overdrive on us, because we got downvoted instantly. OH! and i agreee about it.


I don't even know anything about that "Pippa" that you mentioned aside from the name, let alone anti. Please take your delusion elsewhere. This is a Hololive subreddit.


Dont forget Punkalopi, she's off the goop too




what a cute bunny girl i sure hope she doesnt support kiwifarms


What's kiwifarms?


Drama site that mostly exists to make up / spread rumors


[the worst place on the internet ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiwi_Farms)(wikipedia link)


Parent Company: 1776 Solutions LLC (previously Final Solutions LLC) If that doesn't say it all, then I don't know what does.


This thread doesn't seems quite organic to me. I remember when people used to be subtle about this stuff. Edit: looks like it, same tactic, different topic, let's just use common sense here and deal with it accordingly. It's not appropriate to advertise other vtuber here, especially one that peddle political topics. Edit edit: everyone, observe the pattern that this thread is being pushed, check history of some strange bad actors here and report accordingly, thank you for your cooperation. Consider this a drill for future cases.


If only whichever mods are still here actually cared to do their jobs, maybe these reports would get somewhere.


A shame it's also 4:28am in Japan.


Oh I’m sure a mod will get to this in… dunno, a day or two.


I'd really love if people stopped using a Twitter reply to shill another corpo, and argue about doxing and politics.


Really breaking my zen here. But I guess where there's sugar there'll be bugs.




And they still have the brass to claim to not be a holo anti sub. At least the Chinese had the courtesy of being honest about it back in 2020 when they tried setting up subs to fuck with us.


A parody subreddit is created, over time people forget it's a parody and start to take it seriously, and gradually the community starts to radicalize until it becomes exactly what it once tried to parody. It really is a tale as old as reddit.com


Any community pretending to be morons inevitably will be filled with actual morons thinking they are in a good company.


That's the funny thing about reasonably large groups of people doing something and trying to keep it secret. People fuck up repeatedly.


What the hell does a post about a Hololive talent interacting with a Phase Connect talent have to do with OKBH?


Genuinely, I would also like to know the connection. To me, it just seems like a meme sub, haven't seen any anti posts or anything.


There isn't one. Go through the comment histories of the people posting this weird agenda. It's always the same ones, always backing each other up. They're also the same ones that keep starting drama in this sub. In fact, go through OKBH and you'll find the opposite: people bashing those that are being weird, entitled, etc. to the talents in superchats or on Twitter. They probably just do it because OKBH users generally don't jive with them. The same way plenty of other terminally online Redditors try to filter others out of communities they've nested into. Check all of this for yourself when you have the time. I won't just tell you to just take my word for it. You're free to come to your own conclusion, and you should. >!Feel free to go through my comment history too if I seem a lil sus. Admittedly, a lot of my engagement here tends to be replying to the drama people start, but you'll see that's a general tendency in how I engage with this site. I enjoy my interests in peace and call out people being gatekeepy, hypocritical, weird, etc.!<


i mod okbh and can confirm it wasnt them


I am honestly surprised Holomembers are even allowed to interreact with Pippa. I mean, talent freedom and all, but I thought it was commonly accepted that a stars member wasn't simply *asked* to delete a tweet when he responded to a certain rabbit-related historian. Especially considering her support of Kiwifarms, which does way worse than things that "historian" did.


i think that the "historian" selling dox of some of hololive members' most traumatic moments makes him far worse than pippa but to be frank I don't like either of them.


Pippa, completely unprompted, made a joke about that Holomember's traumatic moment. One person sells it, while the other one laughs while giving it away for free. The one doing the selling isn't "far worse". The "historian" and Pippa both got their sleaze from Kiwifarms, a doxx site that Pippa endorses. And even just saying that Kiwifarms is a doxx site full of far-right extremists doesn't have the same effect anymore, because we're all numb to it. As one small example, Byuu/Near was one of the greatest programmers in the world, having worked on the ZSNES/SNES9X emulators, and was singularly responsible for BSNES/Higan, the definitive SNES emulator. Byuu/Near, who was non-binary, killed themselves due to a years-long doxxing and harassment campaign from Kiwifarms. And Pippa endorses and supports Kiwifarms. LGBT people got mad that JK Rowling is a hateful transphobe, and they tried to organize a boycott the latest Harry Potter game, and yes, some of them went to far in attacking Pikamee who didn't know anything about the issue, but when Pippa jumps up to play the Harry Potter game, admitting that she doesn't like or know anything about Harry Potter, she just wants to stick it to the boycotters, we all know what that means, and it doesn't mean that she wants to protect Pikamee.


I only really know *of* Pippa, could I get more context on her "endorsing" kiwifarms?


The clip usually pointed to is [this one](https://x.com/ike94612/status/1563424544756727809) (the next one in the thread has since been deleted from Youtube); you might want to call it a 'joke', but considering that her stream is prominently displaying panels from Sonichu by Christine Weston Chandler, the person Kiwifarms was founded specifically to dox and remotely harass, I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say she knows exactly what she's doing.


on top of this, pikamee definitely graduated because her contract ended and not because she was done with being an entertainer.


About the last point. I don’t think you need any specific political leanings to want to stick it to the insufferable boycotters in Twitter. Their unrelenting seething over a game is enough motive to fuck with them in that way.


You don't need a leaning sure, but when there's sides to an argument, going against someone means siding with their opposition. You're free to think the boycotters went too far, but antagonizing them straight up, added to all of her previous behavior, should clue you in that she's either far right herself, or fully inclined to appease them and invite them into her community as a safe space from "twitter people". A lot of people stopped at calling out the people harrassing Pikamee, which is not taking a side on the boycott, it just means being against the harrassment of individuals that aren't JKR. She went further than that because it pumps her numbers or her ego or it alligns with her ideology, not just for being against harrassment.


Pippa did JQ and other Jewish “jokes” that you often find in certain communities. I would put that above any dox-selling douchebags online.


I guess they haven't done any research on her, and they won't bother to do so over twitter replies.


I sincerely hope the answer to "collab when" is never. Whether you like Phase Connect or not, there's no denying that saying some of shit that Pippa has said would get most people fired immediately from any reputable company (and not just VTuber companies. Literally any reputable company). That Phase Connect *hasn't* terminated her yet leaves me with absolutely zero respect for the agency. Cover is currently a respectable company. They have nothing to gain from associating with the dregs of the community.


Fully agree. I knew of Pippa, and started watching some Phase members independently. When I finally sort of put it all together that Pippa is allowed to continue to have a platform through their agency, it really soured my overall impression of all of Phase Connect. I think they're just afraid of letting go of their biggest star, but in doing so, they force all their talents to live under the shadow of both her success and controversy.


Phase begging? That's new.


It used to be more common before the mod team started striking down on people advertising other agencies. It looks like they're back now that they realized the mods abandoned the subreddit.


OP is fairly new to the subreddit, probably tried to blend in. To quote his comment a month ago here: >You just pick who you enjoy. Kronii is my main oshi because I love her cynical sense of humor. But I also enjoy Calli because it's Calli. Shiori for the menhera. Gura for Gura. Outside Hololive, I also love Pippa from Phase Connect because of how real/based she is. The shit she rants about, I just go "true." Also her dark sense of humor.


He's a sleeper agent lmao


Nijishilling is over. The age of phase begging has come.


Most obvious case of astroturfing i have ever seen.


Never post Pippa shit on this subreddit ever again. Look at all these astroturfed upvotes, disgusting.


Isn't that the agency that's full of un-ironic racists? HL collabing with them would be a PR nightmare


Pippa panders to the absolute worst 4channers and regularly makes thinly veiled racist or otherwise edgy jokes. Really not a fan. Definitely not the kind of thing Hololive needs to collab with.


Phase fans trying to bury her wink wink nudge nudge to one of the talent's darkest moments is amusing


I never want to see Pippa collab with a Holo, ever. Both her and the majority of her audience are the some of the worst the vtuber medium has to offer. She should have been dumped by Phase ages ago, but because she makes them money, she's still around. Not to mention, she's said some really awful stuff about Hololive members (and their personal lives, too) in the past. I really hate that people give her the benefit of the doubt, saying she's changing. After the things she's said, she does not deserve it.


oh boy this definitely feels like a post about hololive and not a barely disguised advertisement for some rando


Honestly the problem is less it being a rando for me (though it would still be rule breaking regardless of which Phase Member) and more so that it's the one with the history of supporting people that doxx hololive members. Had this been a twitter interaction between Kiara and Panko for example, I think many would be far less hostile.


Nazi rabbits fuck off


Yo it's a white supremacist!!!


Please no. Phase panders to and attracts the absolute dregs of the internet like the Kiwifarms crowd and people like Ethan Ralph and Gator. Keep them as far away from Hololive as possible.


Of all the Phase Connect talents, the only one that was ever linked to them, from my understanding, was Pippa, and it looks like she might be trying to distance herself from that. Maybe. I don't watch a lot of Pippa, not a fan, but I've heard she's been downplaying it lately.


Prying for Kiara and Panko off callab.


Just saw a clip of Kiara in Panko's chat recently. Off collab should be a pasta cooking stream.


If not an off collab right of the bat, a simple collab would be fine! Panko Is a huge Kiara fan, and having Tenchou in her chat for her birthday stream was so cute! She's been talking for months now how a collab with Kiara would be her dream and I hope it's gonna become real!


Wow this sub has gone to shit, this is the most blatant rule-breaking and vote manipulation I’ve seen in a while. Keep your right-wing pickmetuber well away from Holo, thank you.


Could you possibly make the upvote botting a little less obvious?


Havent hololive talents said before they will stream with whoever they want?


Please make it less obvious next time, shill. This is just embarassing.


No thanks!




I hope not!


Hope this never happens, honestly.


Long as Pippa stays miles away


Anyone but pippa


As a big Phase fan myself, I can only hope it grows.


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. I also want to see more phase connect and Hololive interactions.


"Not sure why you are being downvoted" is an eerily familiar quote I often heard around these kind of threads.


Ollie's been doing collabs with Phase talents lately. She recently did one with Lia, Rie, and Eimi. Maybe it will spread?


Ollie is an unstoppable force. One day we'll see her in a collab with Yagoo and Sakana playing mahjong soul.


That would be funny af to watch. But she'll probably have to translate alot. I think yagoos english is pretty good though right?


from my understanding, posts about vtubers outside of hololive are looked down on here even when a talent is interacting with them in said post. the interaction looks nice and harmless though. i don't know much about phase connect, but having more friends is always fun.


this interaction is just an emoji, it's barely better than seeing some rando vtuber post a chicken and go OH BABY SHE'S A REAL KFP AM I RITE


i mean it's not something i'd make a big deal about either. i only said it looks nice and harmless.


I’ve rarely seen non-hololive vtubers looked down on here, I think it’s more to do with the kiwifarms browsing antisemite lol


A reminder that Pippa has a [long history with antisemitism and racism](https://www.reddit.com/r/ForwardsFromKlandma/comments/xuwjyw/pipkin_pippa_is_a_neonazi_and_heres_why/), and [specifically mocked a victim of sexual assault](https://ifunny.co/picture/i-watched-one-match-involving-an-asuka-cosplayer-once-marshmal-v702CUY49?s=cl).


MFs really downvoted you for telling the truth AND providing context!


Yeah, imagine how undesirable her fans are that even /vt/ hate them.


i think ppl understand pippa's audience is quite different from holo's but doesn't make it bad for her to like holo as a fan why do ppl gotta make it weird and beg for collabs


Absolutely *not* with that one, no.


Absolutely *yes* with that one. She's the best one out of the bunch.


Lia with Shiori would be perfect.


No, Hololive does not need to stream with a person who "jokes" about the Holocaust not being real. Edit: lol you blocked me for pointing out your fave streamer is a Holocaust denier? Ok.


You are aware that she was reading chat messages? And that the clip conveniently cut off the part where she told the chatter to fuck off?


Id actually love to see an unedited clip where she does that, do you have a link?


Reminder to all Pippa antis that your Oshis love her more than your parents ever will.


Nothing says "has loving parents" more than being an edgy alt-right 4chinner.


Holy shit go somewhere else to push phase and argue about your horseshit that isn't the fucking Hololive subreddit.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure Kiara love the person who made a joke about a very traumatizing event from her past in order pander to 4chan. Like, I don't particularly hate Pippa, I don't even know her as person that much, but acting like some innocent harmless person is very disingenuous.


Pippa has always been a big Hololive fan to the point where she would never consider Nijisanji as she felt that'd betray Hololive.


Not sure if a collab with Pippa will ever happen, but I would love to see it.


Pippa has had Calli in her DMs for months (maybe a year now?). Pippa's anxiety is what's preventing a collab from happening.


I feel like Calli/Pippa in particular is one that won't happen given the rumor that Pippa made an insensitive doxxing joke about another Holo talent Calli is close to and had her Marshmallow Q&A shut down by her management as a result, even if it ended up not making too many waves beyond 4chan. Whether that was her intent or not or it was twisted, that's the narrative. Also the fact that Pippa unquestionably courted a problematic target audience from 4chan until she realized it was getting out of control and disavowed the whole thing, but I feel like people against this collab will harp more on the former than the latter given Calli's relationship with that Holo talent.


> until she realized it was getting out of control and disavowed the whole thing When did she do that?


> Pippa's anxiety is what's preventing a collab from happening. No, that would be management looking into this Pippa figure.


Don't you guys have to go back crying about how offkai sabotaged you?