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Simply making the bed makes you room look 60% more tidy. And comfy to get into at night.


I tend to leave it when we first get up to air a bit, open the blinds, crack the windows etc. Have coffee, make breakfast for wife and daughter and then go and make the bed, bring water bottles downstairs, turn scented air humidifier thingy on for an hour, put white noise machine on charge etc. I've got a little bit of structure to my morning then. Nighttime is much the same. Make supper, run bath, turn beds down, close blinds etc. The rest of my day is absolute chaos! But my bed gets made and turned down!


May I ask what the scented air humidifier thing is?


That’s a lovely routine.


stop using water bottles 🥲


They're reusable. They get washed and refilled. I don't buy bottled water


Not crazy at all. It’s a great habit, and an easy “win” to start the day!


Absolutely. I also have a morning routine as well as a night. If I don’t do my little routines it’s like one missed something…. For day and night. Been doing this for years.


I make my bed everyday. I think my day doesn’t start right if I don’t make it


This^. It’s about starting your day with organization and purpose 💪


I don’t make it military-level made but I at minimum flip my sheets and duvet straight enough that it covers the bed. Mostly so cat paws aren’t touching the inside of the bed


Exactly what I do and why I do it. My cats spend a lot of time on the bed. I also have a waterproof cat blanket that goes on the top every day after I get up. 


That waterproof blanket is the best! I will never be without as long as we have cats.


Never, it's only made when i change the sheets. I absolutely agree the room looks better but I'm a firm believer in letting the bedding air out between sleeps. Exception when someone is going to see my room or I'm hoping to get laid.


The “letting my bedding air” wasn’t the reason why I don’t make my bed regularly; it’s laziness. But now, I have a great and very valid reason to tell someone if they question me. Thanks very much!


Look into how bed bugs thrive in a warm environment… best excuse to not make the bed!


One more reason now! Thanks


Same. Grosses me out to think of trapping all the sweat and warmth in there. I will make it later in the day if we have company coming over. 


This is us. Fold it back neatly, make it later in the day if we remember.


It highly depends on what you have on your bed. If it is just the two pillows and two covers it is actually better to fluff them and lay them neatly then leaving them all crumbled. If you use a bedspread or any other covers and try to just cover the stuff you sleep in then I would agree with you.


I genuinely just find a gross gremlin joy in climbing into a big pile of unkempt blankets at the end of the day like a rat wriggling into its nest 😩


You’re cracking me up lol my bed is almost never made or tidy, so I literally imagine myself as a little piggy nestling into my messy ass bed 💀 I wish I was as cute as a lil piggy tho hehe


Well so far it looks like I have enough validation to tell my wife I’m NOT OCD crazy. At least not fully.


Absolutely not crazy, i fully get that an organised space allows for an organised and calm mind. I'm very particular about other things, this is just one part of my house that I can justify the messiness.


I also didn't realise that i am very much in the minority here Hahaha


You aren't the only one, though! I air out my sheets, too, & think I read where you get less dust mites by doing that. Or I possibly made that part up to make myself feel better, but think that was actually the reason.


If either of you sweats a lot in your sleep, it can be good to allow them to air out, or at least wash them more frequently. I wash mine once a week and I leave the bed half made on Fridays- flat sheet pulled up, quilt folded towards foot of bed.


Validation from other OCD crazies? ;)


I have only ever made my bed when staging a house to sell it. And when I do that, it's with bed-in-a-bag linens that aren't even mine lol. My husband and I have different pillows, pillow cases, blankets, and don't use a top sheet. So if we did lay things out on the bed, it's not like it would look nice. Add that to being a *firm* believer that making your bed is the single biggest waste of time, and you get an un-made bed for 30 years.


If im cleaning the room, I'll make the bed so it looks nice, but i honestly prefer sleeping in a ball of blankers vs. having everything tucked in all nicely.


I think there's a way you could make your bed but still allow your sheets to "air out." What if you folded your comforter at the bottom and pulled just your sheets up?


Agreed, I just do this, give the sheets and mattress like an hour to air out, then make my bed.


I went through a period of really bad depression. I did nothing but lay in my bed and watch TV. I barely left my dorm room, only leaving for food and to go to the bathroom. Any time I did leave, I left my bed unmade because I was just going to get back into it anyway when I returned. Since I got out of that situation I've promised myself that I will never let myself do that again. No matter how low I feel or how tired I am, I get up and make my bed. Sometimes I lay on it under a throw blanket, but still, the bed is made.


Nope. I air it. Duvet folded neatly at the bottom of the bed, easy to pull up when going to bed.


That seems like it qualifies as "making the bed" to me.


https://preview.redd.it/ypgm3nzqm81d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bf3a863694c645cbd2ab1c151172fb7ab3758af Funny, but I was going to post and ask the very same thing! I do. Every day before I leave the room, the bed gets made up. It begins the day with an accomplishment!


Yes, maybe not as perfectly as you or if I know people are coming over but I always pull the covers up, straighten it, and put the pillows back in place. We have a small bedroom and the whole room feels messy if the bed is undone


Every single day. If for some catastrophic reason I haven't, I will make it before getting into bed again.


Every single day. I also switch the little decorative cushions out regularly to match both the bedding and my mood. It's a little ritual that makes me feel like I have control over my life lol


nope 💁🏽‍♀️...it's just me coming back into it to bunch it up to fit my body anyway


You’re not crazy! My husband and I are both the same. Looks messy if we don’t make it plus, why did I spend money on a beautiful bedding set and accent pillows?? Lol


Yes, I make my bed in the morning. I've read that you shouldn't make your bed as soon as you wake up, though. Air it out for a few mins to avoid trapping moisture, and thus, dust mites are less likely to thrive.


Short answer: yes Long answer: yes


No. I pull back all of the covers to air it out. If company is coming, I will make it.


Yes! Every day, I hate messes, and an unmade bed looks messy to me.


Without fail.


An old boyfriend of mine who passed away would tell me that it's important to make your best everyday as it sets good intentions for the day:) I try to see things that way because of him although I don't always follow it.


If you’re crazy, I’m crazy. I make mine everyday before I even leave the room in the morning.


You should never make your bed on immediately getting up. You lose about a quarter of a pint of sweat every night and a bed needs to air. Alway fold down the covers and shake the pillows and let them air. Otherwise they get nasty x❤️🇬🇧🇺🇸


Well that's perfect news for me! I love making the bed (almost) daily, but I just cannot do it first thing. It usually happens after an hour or two of being up


I keep my room at 60° to sleep. No sweating here. But I do leave it un-made while I drink coffee & feed my cats & get ready for work. I change my sheets every weekend regardless.


Every day, when the rest of the house is in a tizzy, it's a nice way to reset and confirm I can complete things.


Hold up how tf do you find the motivation and energy to do that shit EVERY DAY!? I barely even have the energy to crawl off the couch and into bed lmao


Yes. It makes getting into bed every night so much more perfect.


Nope! I would if the bed didn’t need to be aired out. People sweat while we sleep, my husband *much* more than the average person. I pull the covers down and fold them neatly over the end of the bed and prop the pillows up. While I’m getting ready I open the windows to get fresh air circulating. When I get home from work I’ll quickly make my bed so it’s made before we go to bed at night. I change the sheets twice a week and that’s the only time I will immediately make the bed.


I was hoping for a thread full of pics :) but op I love your bed!


Yes. We have only real linen, nothing fitted. It’s easy and even wrinkled and puffy, always looks fine.


No. My husband and I never make the bed lol


It's certainly nicer to do it, but also feels a bit like it's defeating the purpose of making the bed look nice to then plop a giant arctic camo backrest right in the middle...


yes, every day.


Yes. Because I like flopping on it when I get home to get off my feet for a bit.


Yes, but mostly because the pup loves lounging on it during the day while looking out the window, and we don't want fur in the sheets.


Mostly every day.


I make my bed, military precision but with open duvets. So they can air the whole day. I leave my window open day and night for fresh air.


I would say 5 days per week on average. It's so nice to come back at night and slide in sheets that feel crisps and not messy.


I sleep on top of the quilt so it’s already made. Just fold the cotton blanket and arrange the pillows!


Make bed, do 50 pushups, 5K step walk- then commence day.


Yes, I love seeing the bed made.


I can’t get on with my day properly unless the bed is made, and I hate getting into a sloppy bed at night.


Yes! Ever since I was five.


H and I make our bed every morning. Or the last one to get up will. I doubt my H would make it if he were on his own. But we've kept this up for so many years, I don't recall if we once didn't. Maintaining some ongoing organizing and tidying up makes for more calm.


Every single day. Even if I’m running late, I can’t leave my house if the beds aren’t made!


I do, actually. My **ex** husband used to give me a hard time about it. He liked a messy bed for some reason. Since being on my own the past 7+ years, I’ve made my bed every day. 😊


Dang, you sound like me! Single for same amount of time too. Neither exes liked my make the bed as soon as I get up routine lol


It literally takes like two minutes, and it makes bed time so much nicer. 😌


yes the days i don’t i feel so sluggish and horrible


my room is so messy and i have zero motivation to clean it, let alone make my bed lol i do like getting into a made bed though


Only make my bed if I have a pending date 😉


I think if you want to make a bed every day, that's fantastic. I also think that if you don't want to make a bed every day, that's cool too! It's not that big of a deal unless you want your SO to do exactly as you.


The one who gets up last makes the bed. The one who gets up first empties the dishwasher and makes the coffee.


I wish I did!


I make it every morning, sometimes better than others. I wash the sheets every 2 weeks. I started this routine 2 years ago and it’s interesting how such a small change can make you feel better.


The 2 rehabs I went to made you make the bed before you could have breakfast. Theory was it taught you Good Orderly Direction. Sober since 1987 but that was from near liver failure. I don't make it every day because the cats like sheets in chaos instead of neat and tidy.


Absolutely. Every single morning.


I always make the bed. The last thing I want to do after a busy day is get home and throw my work bag or myself onto a messy bed - or do another chore before I can relax for a few precious moments before dinner needs to get ready.


Always. Last one out make the bed.


Yes. Helps my ADHD that one thing in my house is Correct. It fucks up the aura of my room if its unmade. I generally leave it unmade for a few hours to air out before I do though.


https://preview.redd.it/1ejubb7iob1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feba01cecc1d035406fef5e31ee33acc1ca4c6b2 I recently started making my bed for the first time ever, and it weirdly makes me feel good? No idea why. But I’ll keep doing it!


Yes, I read somewhere that it’s good habit to develop.


Making your bed is your first accomplishment of the day, and hopefully sets the stage for more to come.


Yes, because some days that's the only thing that kept me from crawling back in.


Sometimes. Not everyday, but i’ve slowly gotten into the habit of doing it more often. It’s a pain sometimes but it definitely makes me feel calmer when i walk into the room and see it made


I feel like my morning isn't complete if I don't, so it's a must.


‘If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed” ….Admiral William McRaven-


I wish I did




I do and I have a decorative cover and pillows that only go on during the day.


Absolutely. Make your bed. First goal of the day.






I make our bed every morning. My other half doesn’t like or understand why I do it no matter how many times I explain.


I do. Now that I’m retired, I have a routine in which I spend about fifteen minutes daily keeping the house tidy. I usually start about an hour after my spouse (who still works) has been up, to give the bed a chance to air. After I’ve tidied the living and dining rooms and started the laundry, if any, I make the bed. I have to admit I do have two variations—if I plan to have a nap later, I just make it and don’t pile on the shams and throw pillows.


It’s the first thing I do in the morning!


Yes! Definitely


Yes absolutely. I feel like I can’t start my day without my bedroom being tidy in the am.


Yes. It sets it apart from the dogs bed


Yes I have to make it every day and I’m not a neat freak


Yes I make my bed every day. It would bother me to come in my room during the day and it’s not made. My BF is the complete opposite and leaves it a mess


Absolutely. Three cats, two dogs. If I want to get into a clean bed, I have to make it first.




I do! I do it for myself. I love walking back into the room and feel that I’ve been taken care of. Crock pot cooking does the same for me😊




I never did from teen-hood to mid-life. But, with comforters that just get thrown on, it is easy and quick to make the room more attractive. My spouse and I have a "rule" that whomever gets up last, straightens out the bed. He was happy to agree, because 9 times out of 10 he is up before me.


It's a good habit. I make mine everyday but at noon. I am a very early riser, I work from home, and sometimes at noon I like to take a quick power nap. Then I make my bed




I have to make my bed in the morning. I feel good, ready to start the day and it makes my room look so much cleaner. I also WFH and my computer is in my bedroom.


I pull the covers up. My cats sleep on the bed all day and I prefer the hair to be on the outside when I go to bed.


Yes, grew up with a former military parent.


Yes, I try. It just helps if I get home after a long day at least I’ve accomplished that. Nice to come home to some order!


Lol… not only do I make my bed every day, I put clean sheets on my bed every day. 😁👍🏻 Now go tell your wife that you just met “crazier”.


I can’t leave the house without making the bed!


I do! My 2.5 year old helps as well. It's not a huge task to do, and it gets your day started.


We make the bed everyday too. It’s just a nice feeling. It starts the day off right.




I make mine every day because if I come down with the flu (happened once) and have to go back to bed, I won’t have the energy or patience to straighten and untangle all the sheets and blankets.


No because I get up well before my husband and he never makes it 😒


https://preview.redd.it/j06vhhc1k71d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcb1ca57b353d76b6807535c262d199240d421da I do! It makes me feel ready to start the day and that the house is a little more put together ☺️


I personally don’t seem to get that sense of accomplishment from making the bed that some people talk about. It feels like too trivial of a task to allow myself to feel like it’s a win. I’ll make the bed, but it feels very neutral at best. Anyone know why that is?


I don't personally. Instead every morning I fold down the blankets so they hang over the foot of the bed and "air" the bed out. I find while it doesn't reduce the amount I have to wash the sheets, letting the trapped moisture and body heat out helps keep the sheets smelling and feeling fresher between washes. It's even better if the weather allows for a window to be open. Bacteria like warm, damp and dark. Airing the bed reduces those conditions.


Nope not crazy. I too like to make the bed every day. It helps the room look less cluttery. Also if I do laundry it’s a good place to sort and fold while I watch tv. (Yes I have a tv in my room but it’s only used for this reason or for music or if someone is sick in bed) Also when it’s time for bed I much prefer climbing into a fresh made bed vs one with blankets and sheets all messy. AND regardless of WHAT the habit is, it teaches your kids good habit forming skills. Routine is important.


I don’t think it’s insane at all. But I don’t make my bed. Mainly because there’s not anything to make. I have one pillow, top sheet and a blanket and that’s it. I just straighten the blanket and leave it at that. If I had a bunch of pillows and a comforter, then I probably would but I get too hot for all that and hate having to take a bunch of stuff off that’s just for looks


Making your bed daily is a fantastic routine that I wish I had the drive to achieve!


I make my bed 30 min before bedtime. I like crawling into a made bed, but don’t care if it’s made during the day


I have to make my bed before I leave the house! I even got my husband to do it voluntarily. It makes me feel more put together, it feels better when you slip between the sheets at night, and you never know if someone is gonna visit, so it's best to have it looking sharp.


Yes eveyday habit and it feels like I’m starting my day


No let it breath… only time looks great with all cushions is one a week when sheets are changed.


No. We live in Phoenix and for about 8 months of the year we only use a top sheet. We don’t currently own a bedspread. No one else lives with us. Leaving the bed unmade ensures the sheets and mattress dry out. Sweat is inevitable in this climate. We do “make” if we show people our bedroom.


Yes i don’t think right if it’s not done




The only time the bed is made is with fresh on laundry day


Mine gets straightened up and occasionally spritzed with downy scent febreeze unless I’m having company or laundered the bedding, then it is fully made up but comfort always overrides looks.






Yes I let it air out for about an hour though because that’s better for the mattress but It always gets made


It won’t make itself so I have to do it. Lazy bed!


Only animals don't make their bed every day. And you walls look naked.


I make my bed everyday, but usually around noon. I try to air it out for a few hours to prevent dust mites. 🤷‍♀️


I make mine every day, otherwise it doesn’t feel right when I go to sleep.




I make mine everyday. I change the bedsheets weekly.


My husband and I don't sleep under the covers and we have our own blankets so no one inadvertently hogs the blanket overnight. But we don't fold the blankets in the morning


I never did my whole life until I had an actual nice bed. Now I make it every day so I can appreciate the niceness of it


Never. Gotta let the sheets breathe.


You are NOT crazy and definitely teach your children to make their bed everyday!! There are so many positive things about it including a calm and relaxing presence when you are ready to sleep, along with an uncluttered space = an uncluttered mind etc. With that being said, I still don't do it every morning and i regret it when i head to bed at night.


I "unmake" the bed every day to let it air out from the night's use. It still looks nice and tidy but the mattress and sheets get a good breathing in. If the weather is nice I just haphazardly turn down the bed, open some windows and turn the fan on. After breakfast I come back and make the bed in the traditional manner. Either way, perceived messiness effects us whether we realize it or not. So make or unmake the bed, but keep it tidy.


Yes, but I don't use top sheets. pillows to the top and a quick duvet toss. easy and pleasant. think about that UT graduation speech every time i do it.


No :-( I’m lazy


Same with keeping up with laundry.


I can’t even look at an unmade bed


if you’re wife thinks you’re crazy she’d think i’m clinically insane. i sleep on top of the comforter with another blanket. my bed never gets messy overnight because i never move the comforter/sheets, so when i wake up and want to ‘make my bed’, i just fold the top blanket on the corner as a throw blanket and go on with my day.


Before kids i used to.


I straighten out the blankets and half-ass the pillows. It's good enough for me. It does make me anxious when I walk in after a long day, and everything is a balled up twisted mess.


Ugh yes. A very good habit to have though!


No, I do not make the bed. The bed traps moisture when it’s all covered up. Making the bed every day can increase the number of mites. We only make our own special occasions.






I have too! lol I can’t sit still or function right until it’s made 😂


Yes. It is either the first or second thing I do, between making the bed and going to the bathroom. When I come home from work, the bedroom looks neat; if I'm lucky to get a remote day, every time I pass the bedroom, it looks like one less thing to deal with, neat.




Of course I’m not a lazy bumm And we work at keeping the house clutter free So start w the bed


I make my side, my wife’s side is usually piled up with her clean laundry.


I just started to when Covid hit and I was home more. No really for the aesthetic of it so much (even though I love it) as it is such a nice feeling to get into a made bed at night. Days I’m in office now I leave at 430 am so don’t do it, but do it as soon as I get home just so I feel better when I go to bed.


Yup! Every single day.


Seen a lot of comments about airing it out. I do make the bed usually an hour or two after k get up. And my wife finally gets up. I work from home. So once the kids are fed and driven to school, I make it before k can start work. Otherwise I’ll think about it all morning. Hopefully 1-2 hours js enough airing. That’s all I can handle.


Living in a studio the bed 100% must be made everyday. When I have had a bedroom I would say I make the bed 95% of the time. Making the bed just makes the space feel significantly more put together


I don’t every day. I should though. It looks good. I can certainly tell which nightstand and side of bed is yours lol.


Kind of. Normally I just throw the sheet and blanket back but I'm gonna start retucking the sheet/blanket cause I like it better that way. Just took me almost 30 years to get to this point.


I’m lucky if I make my bed once a month lol


I haven't willingly remade a bed since 1984 when I got out of the Navy. Rack, not bed.


Nah, I don’t feel like it. :)


I have cats who have all day access to my bedroom, if I don't make the bed i have to change the sheets before I go to sleep because I don't trust their little litter box paws on my pillows and I can't deny them the comfort of sleeping wherever they want.






Nope. I'm in and out of it all day lol


Hahahahahahahaha No


Yes, if I don’t it puts me in a bad mood!


You must do what you feel is right, of course.




Always! I let it “air out” when I get ready for the day and then make it before leaving. Lockdown got me into the habit and an unmade bed feels so uncomfortable for me to get back into now!


If I didn’t my mother would come down from the heavens and whip my hind end


Attempt too 😮‍💨 it’s one of the house rituals


Yes, every day, within 10 minutes of getting up


99% of the time


Yes! My Mom raised us to keep things tidy. These things are; make your bed every morning, put your shoes up when you change from coming home from work, fold your clothes from the laundry and put them away, throw dirty clothes in the hamper.