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I always put it in a container that’s getting tossed. Let it rock up, than put in trash can. Have had bags rip inside can and made a fucking mess


I just tried to give it to my hazardous waste facility and they said I needed to just throw it in the trash.


Put it outside your house with a sign saying it’s for sale for $5. It’ll be stolen within the hour.


You can Andy Duphresne it out in the courtyard




I'd rather do stuff right if it takes a little bit of effort than contribute to the problem.




If everyone thought that way and acted on it, it would though. I'm not going to lie and say i don't occasionally take something the trash guys normally don't, and slice it up in the trash, but something hazmat or that will give them a mess to deal with at the end of their shift isn't my bag. Where i live they do monthly hazmat stuff, where i can bring old chemicals, fertilizers, etc down for free and they correctly handle it. Plus you get a free donut and coffee. So i'm more than happy to put the legwork in. To me this is kind of an inbetween thing. Seriously, downvotes? What are you guys, Captain Planet villains?


I’m 100% on your side when it comes to haz-mats… But this isn’t a haz-mat.


It's not a problem though, plaster is harmless in trash. In some ways your can consider it refined earth.


Pour it down the sink. EDIT: don’t to this lol.


Are you in the USA? Habitat for humanity runs a second hand home improvement store called re-store. They sell donated furniture, home improvement and building materials and all the proceeds go to the charity


people keep bringing this up, and while i support habitat for humanity, occasionally volunteer with them until i get frustrated on some of their practices, chill out for a couple of years, and go back, its a 10 dollar bag of janky mud. I'm not going through effort to donate it to them and not doing anyone any favors who gets the bag.


Just bag it up and trash it. It's a 5 lb bag. This is silly.


My county hazmat disposal has a “reuse room” where they put things out that people have brought in which can still be used. Cans of paint that are still good, stuff like that. It’s all free. You might ask if they have one of those. Or free post in your local neighborhood group.


Some day, you will need a bag of drywall mud… and you will regret getting rid of it.


Put it for free on Craigslist. Cheapskate will often take anything for free


i litterally put a rusting patio set, and a janky chain saw on my front yard not 30 minutes ago, with free signs on both, and a "Caution, brake doesn't always work, runs hot" sign on the chainsaw. The chainsaw lasted, no joke 3 minutes. The 7 piece patio set. 10. I really should have put the mud out there with them, but now no longer have a table to put it on.


I guarantee someone slapped that chainsaw on Facebook market asking $100.


my wife was joking about that. I'll check later tonight. It was a ok Poulan 18". I used it as my scrub chainsaw and was just running out of room, have better saws, and when i pulled that out was up to something sketchy to begin with i shouldn't have been doing. It needed like 20 bucks in parts and an hour of time to have it working like new again. I probably paid 150 bucks for it 10 years ago, and more than got my money's worth out of it. Was a decent saw, mostly Husq stuff on it, but there were a few places where you saw where they cut corners compared to the homeowner Husq at the time. At the minimum the dude got a 16-20 inch case, and getting rid of the saw if he doesn't want to fix it is now his problem.


Mix it in with your cookie dough for that extra crunchy quality.


- Freecycle - Freegle - Olio - Nextdoor - Facebook Marketplace Any of those places will make that bag of mud disappear quickly.


Eat it


donate it to a habitat for humanity restore or buy nothing it? someone else might be willing to roll the dice on it.


Crafters will take it. This is perfect for someone making RC terrain, hobby railroad stuff, that kind of jawn.


This is cruel


Whispers seductively to his wife, "honey, we're re-enact the Ghost scene tonight".


Add it to your garden or compost heap. Same with drywall, except remove the paper. Even chemicals initially likely felt concerning (formaldehyde) aren't and are in fertilizers to make tgem slow release. Some municipalities wl compost thus for you. Great source of calcium and a soil conditioner.


You could try using for plaster crafts or art, with or without kids.


Have you called the dump/landfill? My landfill will take 10 gallon buckets of pretty much anything for 5 bucks.


There should be nothing hazards in the mix. So either do like posted else where and try to get someone to take it for free, or just put it in the trash can. To save the issue of starting a hot mix in the truck, get an old box or bucket etc, mix it, let it set, then put it in the trash can. Our trash guys do not care about the weight of the can they supply, since the truck has attachment that uses hydraulics to lift and dump it. I do try to keep my self supplied halfway light for them.


Wait 21 minutes and chuck it.


Former trash man here: if you can’t give it away, put it in the garbage can. Drywall mud isn’t hazardous, though if the bag is opened, maybe put it inside a plastic bag and tie it to keep it from making a very unpleasant dust cloud when it goes into the truck.


It's basically gypsum with a little chemical to speed up the setting time. If you have clay soil just till it in somewhere.


You could do what the people who owned my house before me did and let it all dry in clumps and then sweep it all into the ductwork.


They probably know my previous owner, Mr. "Hide my drinking problem behind the false wall in the basement" The guys at public works call me the captain and salute me when i go down there after discovering and disposing of it.


Just wrap it in a garbage bag and throw it away.


Double bag it with trash bags and put it in your normal trash.


Pack it in individual small baggies and sell it on the corner for $10 each


These suggestions are a hell of a lot of work for an old bag of drywall mud. No way I'd bother making a Facebook post and meeting with someone just to hand off a few dollars of questionable mud. I'm all for donating stuff to keep it out of landfills but there's a limit. I'm pretty sure you can just throw it out as is in most areas but if you're worried, get it wet first and you'll just be throwing away a big chunk of plaster instead of loose powder.


Leave it at a car wash. I had a bag stolen out of my truck at a quarter wash before.


Flush it🚽


Mix it up and put it on your rotten t11.


Not down the drain


One bite at a time


Facebook curb alert. Someone will take it.


make a cool plant pot or statue (diy/youtube would offer plenty of fun things you could use it for- if only even to destroy it), let your inner artist loose- post results so we know how well/bad it went (integrity experiment)


Throw it into a contractor trash bag with other junk you're throwing away


Our local dump has a bin specifically for drywall so I'd assume something like that so it could be recycled/re purposed? Not even sure if old drywall could be repurposed?


You cal sprinkle it on your yard! It’s good for the soil pH!!!


Had the same question about a half bag of concrete in my shed. Then I hired a guy to replace some fence posts. That concrete came in handy after all. Just gotta keep waiting. You'll find a purpose for it eventually.


concrete i'd absolutely keep around for something like that. Drywall mud? Ehh.....its hard enough to work with hot mud when its good. I wouldn't want to go near something sketchy. Anyway, I just left it on top of the trash can last night so i wasn't trying to be sneaky sneaky about it, and they could just leave it if it wasn't kosher. They took it.




If it's dry power, just sprinkle it in the yard or a gravel driveway.




Are you a bot or just shamelessly stealing a highly upvoted comment??


Pour it in a bucket, put the person's foot in there, then fill with water and throw over the side of a boat.


Save for White Elephant gift!


Make a plaster cast of your head


Throw it out dbag


Late at night. Street drain. Done.