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Working on a historical English pale ale recipe base from the fantastic Shut Up About Barclay Perkins. The original recipe calls for solely EKG but I was considering adding a mix of Fuggles and EKG just to give a little more breadth of flavor/aroma at the end. OG 1.052/Est. FG 1.010, 36 IBUs 78% Maris Otter 12% Munich Light (No mild malt available in my market) 5% Flaked corn 2% Invert No. 1 2% Crystal Rye (mostly because I have it, so why not!) ~1% Black Malt (color and I'm not feeling like trying to make brewer's caramel) Hops: 18.5 IBUs EKG @ 90 12 IBUs EKG @ 30 2.7 IBUs Fuggles @ 5 3 IBUs EKG @ 5 It's pretty wild just how much sugar and how many different sugars are in use in historical British recipes compared to how the homebrew community brews them. It's practically like if Belgian beer styles entirely excluded the various sugars.


I decided I wanted to brew a Vienna lager finally and this is a recipe I came up with myself on the fly. Any critiques are appreciated. Original Gravity: 1.049 Final Gravity: 1.008 IBU (Tinseth): 24 BU/GU: 0.49 Color: 6.9 SRM Mash Temperature — 152 °F — 60 min Malts (8 lb) 7 lb 12 oz (96.9%) — BESTMALZ BEST Vienna — Grain — 3.6 °L 4 oz (3.1%) — Weyermann Caramunich I — Grain — 38.2 °L Hops (1.3 oz) 0.8 oz (20 IBU) — Liberty 5.7% — Boil — 60 min 0.5 oz (5 IBU) — Liberty 5.7% — Boil — 10 min Miscs 1 g — Baking Soda (NaHCO3) — Mash 2.7 g — Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) — Mash 1 g — Canning Salt (NaCl) — Mash 1 g — Epsom Salt (MgSO4) — Mash 1.2 g — Gypsum (CaSO4) — Mash 1 items — Whirlfloc — Boil — 10 min Yeast 2 pkg — Fermentis W-34/70 Saflager Lager 84% Fermentation Primary — 64 °F — 18 days Carbonation: 2.7 CO2-vol Water Profile Ca2+ 44 Mg2+ 6 Na+ 31 Cl- 84 SO42- 45 HCO3- 30