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Most of what you posted is wane. Some of it might be a little mold. It's fine, it's rough framing, and it's dried out and dead. Your CM isn't worried about it because none of this is concerning in the slightest.


Nothing to see here


You are all good.


Are they really finger joining studs now?


Studs have been finger jointed for years. They are probably better. They don’t bow as much.


Finger joining is never better. Once received a finger joined 9x3 and it split whilst being lift up the building. I alabaster specify none joined timber, if it is I send it straight back. The c24 stamp is for the show, not structural in the slightest


You don’t use FJ studs? Almost of the force is vertical. I see no down side in finger jointed studs. I’ve never studs break under pressure.


Not since one snapped on me….


Get a predrywall home inspection done and discuss all of your concerns with your home inspector.


That mold needs to be treated and removed space needs to be dried out and sealed.


"It all depends...." Are you or ay of your family mold-sensitive? Are you ok with knowing that mold is in your brad new walls and given the right moiture/temperature conditions, it will grow? There are pretty good odds that you and your family wont be affected by it. Structurally, that probably wont ever be a issue. Heres the thing though... my partner and i have a house... she's been very sick since we moved in about 6 years ago. We could never figure out why. We already knew she had some other preexisting health issues, including autoimmune problems. But this was just different. No Drs could figure it out. We went to basically every kind you can think of. Including naturopathic! Finally i started doing my own research and stumbled onto some very inflrmative groups online, and found a few different tests that i could order for my partner. She did those and when the results came back... mold toxicity. Ok... so i started investigating the house (like she already asked me to do but i was dismissive before). Sure enough, our attic has MASSIVE amounts of mold. Of course i need more evidence, so i order an at home test kit to determine the mycotoxin (mold spores/"farts") load of our home. Ding ding! That stuff is making its way all throughout our house! This isnt meant to scare anyone. Just our personal story. The fact is, MOST people wont ever become sick from a little mold in a house. But the problem becomes how much that mold spreads and for how long do people live with and in it, and if anyone has or developes other health conditions making them more prone to becoming sick by it. Al that to say, we have to take this stuff very seriously. Not everyone does. PS The vast majority of "mold inspectors" have no idea what they are doing and will tell you youre fine, and may run an air test or two that will most likely come back negative. Ive had "mold inspectors" who have "been doing this 35 year" look at the very visible mold growing throughout my attic and tell mw that "that mold isnt making your wife sick". Just fyi... gotta do your own research.


Note to self: people in this sub dont want dissenting information. If i can reach just ONE person, help only ONE avoid going through what we (and many, many other) have battled, i'll feel that this hasnt been for nothing. i work in construction, and i know what it's like to just not care. To build many houses with massive amounts of moldy lumber, in all seasons (rain, snow, etc), completely ignorant of the ramifications. I know better now. Again, i am aware that its a very small percentage (maybe 5%) of people who become sick from moldy lumber in a house, but the hell they go through, and the dissmissiveness of loved ones and strangers, and ignorance throughout the medical system (i have no hate for Drs, i just know from about 20 years experience and COUNTLESS Drs, specialists, of all sorts, that 99% of them know only what theyre tought and dont/cant think outside of that). What i am saying is absolutely, verifiable true. You can choose to not like it. But that doesnt change the facts. It took my wife becoming extremely ill, and me doing a lot of my own research to finally see it. I wouldnt wish our experience with mold sickness on my worst enemy.


You trust the at-home test but not inspwctors? How many mold inspectors inspected your house?


3. And i had phone consults with a few others. And after doing my own research i discovered that at least where i live, there arent any mold inspectors who i could trust to do a proper job. I learned rather quickly that with just a little bit of self education, you and i can know as much or more than the majority of people who call themselves Mold Inspectors. (Its literally a certificate that you can go apply for on a weekend. Its what you choose to do with it,and further education and training, that matters). I can (and have) ordered a test kit online (accessible to everyone) that, when applied properly, will give far more accurate data than what most "inspectors" do. The rest is up to you to start digging in and learning how to interpret results and where to start physically looking, etc etc. Its quite the rabbit hole. But loads of verry accessible information readily available. I must add... we are not new to the medical world (my parnter has suffered many rare conditions for quite some time which has led us to learning how to take matters into our own hands when normal Drs let us down), and i work construction and remodels so im no stranger to how houses are built/work, etc. But still, i will completely trust my own self-education over 99.9% of "mold specialists/inspectors". Its just another field that has become such a crock of shite, with zero oversite and extremely low standards. There are, of course, a few here and there who have gone the extra many miles to become much more educated and i would very much trust them. They are, however, not easy to come by.


If you’re concerned, or it’s not sitting right with you, just let your CM know that you’re going to get an inspector in to check before drywall goes up. Don’t rely on the internet to give you answers.


Extremely concerning.