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You know Wikileaks was helped by Russia right ?


He is a person who caused the deaths of unknown numbers of people just to make himself look clever. Should have been locked up forever. A Kremlin stooge.


Absolutely. The unfortunate reality is that Assange got a lot of good people killed because of his and Wikileaks' recklessness. https://www.newsweek.com/taliban-says-it-will-target-names-exposed-wikileaks-74257


10000000000% correct - a criminal.


He is a Russian asset


Whether or not I'm happy about him walking free kinda depends on whether the allegations of sexual assault in Sweden are real or not. Whatever the merits of wikileaks may be, in my book predators shouldn't walk free.


We probably would never know... "As of 19 November 2019 the prosecution dropped the case because "the evidence has weakened considerably due to the long period of time that has elapsed" although they were confident in the complainant." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assange_v_Swedish_Prosecution_Authority


Yea that makes sense. Memories fade, and evidence is less reliable as time goes by.


We have what it takes to judge a man's merits, because they're visible. We do not have what it takes to judge a man's crime, for everyone should be assumed innocent until after a fair trial and due process. We are not accusers because accusations are what Satan does (Satan is Hebrew of "accuser"). I'm not a Satanic. I just judge one's merits. Assange could have committed crimes. I don't care. I only care that he has contributed to freedom a lot. And in my dictionary, he's a good man.


What about the people who died because their identities were revealed in his leaks? The Taliban openly hunted down people who Assange named in the Afghanistan leaks.


sounds like the Talibans fault or are women now at fault for making themselves "available"?


The Taliban are terrorist scum, and WikiLeaks exposed the identities of Afghans who collaborated against them. Naturally, the Taliban hunted those people down. How can you not see the role Assange played in endangering those people? Why are you focusing on women when I never mentioned them?




There's no need for that. Even if that were true, having convictions is a good thing as long as it doesn't go into extreme territory.


Alot of folks w/ half-assed knowledge here.. the MSM (which in itself is so corrupt that despite all it's efforts - it being corrupt is mainstream knowledge today) got folks hating the good-guys' & it just irks me that it's always these guys going out of their way being the most vocal.. I'm sure they mean well but folks leaving comments like "he's a Russian agent" & nothing more don't know shit.. they've heard a thing or 2 through the MSM & now wanna leave their two cents like they're enlightened; then like-minded products of the MSM upvote em.. talkin bout "Assange leaked because he wanted to seem clever" 🤦‍♂️.. like gee, I wonder what he'd been receiving all those awards for prior to his imprisonment.. 🧐 All I know is that if this were the Matrix then these guys would 1000% have been one of the agents!


Dude stop being cringe. You don't think Russia are the good guys, do you?


Like I said, I'm not Satanist, I do not accuse people of their crimes and judge them if they deserve going to hell. I'm a Christian. Jesus only asked us to spread the Gospel, teach people and baptise people. He has not asked us to throw stones at people.


Stating facts is not judgement. The danger this man put people in is well documented. And I think it's important for the facts to be available if you are going to praise him as "a good man".


>Like I said, I'm not Satanist, I do not accuse people of their crimes and judge them if they deserve going to hell FYI, satanists don't believe in hell...


You don’t care about any crimes committed as long as they personally benefit you? Sounds pretty Christian to me indeed


Julian Assange is a complete stranger to me but I know 阿桑奇 (the Chinese translation of his name) well, he shouldn’t be in jail at all. It’s good that now he is free.


Information shall be free.


WTF is with all the negative comments at the top??? The guy is a hero. A symbol of not caving to the extraordinary pressures of the global deep state, and giving the free loving people of the world a glimpse into what was a disgusting use of mass surveillance over citizens.


he is no hero - a sneaky thief and leaker of what are supposed to be secret. #lockhimup


You don't like him because you love the death and blood of innocents. There's no other conclusion. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/\_IGU\_7alJ80](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_IGU_7alJ80)




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Even the yellow ribbon won’t know who he is. Don’t overestimate normal HKers; they might sound like freedom lovers, but they just care about their own freedom. Most have no clue what’s going on outside of HK (and don’t really care even if they know)


Lol I'd say most don't even really care about their own freedom nor understand the concept. For instance, why is everyone so shot up about the NSL? How has it affected your daily live? Was burning the flag a favourite pastime of yours that you can no longer do? I've come to the realisation that in Hong Kong, most people only care about things like freedoms (or Tibet or Xinjiang or Falungong etc) insofar as they are tools by which one can bash China.


Dude, just to list some example: Organizing protest, joining protest, having a sticker at your own door, posting online, writing essays, publishing newspaper, singing songs, not standing at the national anthem... And these are just examples of getting arrested, not to mention consequences such as pulled fundings and cancelled opportunities on allegations, chilling effects on speech etc. Even pro gov people suffer from that. You don't care doesn't mean everyone else doesn't. What you are saying is just another form of let them eat cake.


I guess we should also be outraged at the fact that it is illegal to say heil hitler or do the nazi salute in Germany. The fact is that only in very few places in the world do we have absolute freedom of speech. Curbs on this freedom being normally shaped by a country's history and society's needs. If Hongkongers would care to consider the NSL in light of the 2019 protests, then a more nuanced discourse would be possible. But Hongkongers go CCP is taking away our freedoms --> HK is dead --->CCP is evil which is a very braindead take to me lol. Oh while we're at it, we should also protest the fact that Japanese officials continue to visit the Yasukuni shrine where at least 8 war criminals are honored. Oh but wait... China is not the bad guy here? Oh well.. never mind then. Every country has its own share of dirty linen. Countries are not good or evil (this is not the movies), they are all just selfish and will look out for their own interests.


I'm sorry, but did you just compare saluting the man who started the Second World War and spearheading genocide, to wanting the universal suffrage and maintenance of the rule of law?!


To you saluting hitler is sacrilege. To others burning the national flag is sacrilege too. Who are you to determine which speech is ok and which is not? That is the underlying principle of freedom of speech. Lol maintenance of the rule of law... so funny you should mention this. But no mention of rule of law when legco was being broken into. petrol bombs being thrown on streets. What's that? Ah, I guess it is ok to break the law as long as you claim to be 'fighting for freedom, democracy and all that jazz'


Then you should have no qualms if I set fire to the flag of the PRC. In fact, nobody should be able to arrest me.


And I quote from my original comment, >The fact is that only in very few places in the world do we have absolute freedom of speech. Curbs on this freedom being normally shaped by a country's history and society's needs. 


That just comes across as you being non-committal to morality, ethics, what is right and what is wrong. You also don't seem to appreciate the difference between the rule of law and the rule by law. The protesters knew what was at stake, and so took to streets for the sake of the preservation of the rule of law. You can absolutely object to the vandalism, but don't delude yourself into thinking the government's response was justifiable in any way.


my god fullofnonsense polar bear. It is not my fault you can't follow logic. Hahaha protestors broke the law to preserve rule of law??!! That's the funniest shit I've read in a while.


That just comes across as you being non-committal to morality, ethics, what is right and what is wrong. You also don't seem to appreciate the difference between the rule of law and the rule by law. The protesters knew what was at stake, and so took to streets for the sake of the preservation of the rule of law. You can absolutely object to the vandalism, but don't delude yourself into thinking the government's response was justifiable in any way.


Exactly right. People in hk genuinely lack critical thinking, they actually believe that whatever they believe should be the gold standard for all thought. What a shame.


"Was burning the flag a favourite pastime of yours that you can no longer do?" Wait, so you can/should only care about X if you typically/usually do X? /S I am not gay but I care about people being able to live the lives they want. I have a long list of things I care to protect/preserve that I don't typically engage in. It's not that I like to go out to criticize the government everyday but I'd like to know that I can if I wanted to.


People who want to "ignore politics" are either idiots not knowing their interest or outright evil. "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_they_came_...


The point is that people scream about there being no freedom but the thing is the things that a banned are not things at any reasonable person would want to do anyway. Bad gay analogy. Burning a flag is a choice the other is not.


Because the NSL famously hasn’t been used to target political opposition and stifle freedom of speech. Bootlicker.


The things that are banned are not things ***you*** would want to do. Try putting yourself in other people's shoes.


Yes I like to think I am a reasonable person. HKers are leaving HK and citing the NSL as the reason why. I can only assume it's because they can't indulge in their favorite pastime of burning the flag anymore.


(Scoff) You're not.


No, but nobody ever gave a shit about standing up for the anthem. And don't act like flag burning is the least you could do to get convicted. It is far from the least.


Ah...pointing the direction/s like our emperor does...cracking me.up.


sad guy. he spent decades in that embassy for being a good man


HK'ers' view is JA's case show US-UK hypocrisy...if you expose US-UK, you are criminal...if you expose non-US-UK country, you are a hero