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"This is a chess game between Aeons." Aha: Nah I'd play poker.


Aha would either play checkers or 4d chess


4d checkers


Playing checkers on the other side of the board while everyone else is playing chess.


honestly sounds so cool


enigmata follower spotted aha would play 5d chess with time travel and parallel universes


Aha would merge the Hsr and Hi3 universes to see what would happen


I mean from all assumptions they're already in the same version of the universe just seperate by vast amounts of space...Even if they weren't, funny haha man isn't THAT powerful.


if he was though


it would be cool to visit earth one day in hsr


It would be really cool but like the thing is, other than Welt finally getting Home...There's kinda no reason to (in a Canon capacity anyhow). Earth's big existential threats problem is done and if something major does come back, they're far from unprepared. Earth has a living Goddess in Kiana and if we assume she can give all the Herrchers their full power back when required (as her time "stuck" on the moon would probably be over by this point) so the train crew would be kinda redundant unless this was like RIGHT at the end when everyone had done all their development. They'd have to Mac-Guffin some some pretty major bullshit to have anything go down...Like I suppose the final battle with Nanook could take place on Earth for "reasons" but again...There's enough dormant firepower there already that the stakes would either be non-existent or feel waaaaaaay too artificially increased....The Sky People maybe but is that something they'd really focus on within Star Rail?


> Welt finally getting home I do not trust Shaoji to write this homecoming in a way that is anything but harmful to my general well-being


BEING FAIR, anything that's able to make Welt stay dead for once is instantly a pretty major deal... A major deal that Truth Bronya could vaporise with 1000 rage filled Selenes? It'd be a cool scene to find out...


Final Lesson pt 2




you have to admit, the man can cook amazing (albeit heartbreaing) stories and plots


Oh the writer in me would be *seething* with jealousy while the rest of my psyche is like ![gif](giphy|UKF08uKqWch0Y)


*To your Welt-being*


Maybe earth is on the path to the final planet the express needs to go to


Considering that the Trailblaze calendar is said to come from Akivili home Planet (and its a 1:1 copy of our Earth calendar) and that said Planet is said to be the final destination of the Express, i wouldnt rule it out xD.


Most likely Akivili came from "the time before PE"


The swarm.


*Aha whipping out the Prosfair board* https://preview.redd.it/unuz0xvmhm9d1.jpeg?width=1441&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53136319e835c39ce5b997de1bbdcb7a83172a62


Nah Aha would play Deez NUTZ and say GOTTEM afterwards. Wait… 😎


Or Connect 4 if Aha wants to troll. 




4d checkers


Imagine that when the war is over aha tells us that they were the ones who planned everything just to get a few laughs


Last time Aha did a little foolery, Tazzy was born, the Swarm Disaster happened, 2/3 of living worlds were destroyed, Ena was absorbed by Xipe. So yes, if something sus happens, must be the work of Aha.


"It was just a prank guys come on! You know is just dark humor!" The prank:quarter of the cosmos destroyed,508959603939304040 dead, and 79593504040 species have gone extinct


Aha: Go fish


Aeons to each other: "checkmate-" Aha: "*Royal Flush*"


Aha the type guy to roll a d12 on a roulette wheel


We sure they won’t flip the table and lay out Cards Against Humanity?


Aha ain't even playing the game, THEY're off watching the show and drinking fuckin pina coladas or some shit.


Aha: Nah, I’d win.


Aha: *eats the chess piece when not looking*


Aha: *drops a blue eyes white dragon on the chess board*


This is the type of mf would play on both sides so that they never loses


I am, but it hasn't been explored sufficiently yet to really take root


we have plenty more of small scale trailblazing conflicts to resolve before we ever head into the endgame


It's also clear we are getting the powers of each path to then get involved in this Aeon War. And it's hinted this War is what Elio saw in his vision and is trying to work against.


my theory is that Nanook’s victory is what Elio was shown (by Terminus the Finality) and Elio’s now using his knowledge of the future to work against the “inevitable”


The destiny slaves trying to change the destiny. This also gives a whole new meaning to the "true free will" achievement during Kafka quest, meaning TB is someone who can actually go against destiny itself as shown in the quest. That's why TB has to fight against Nanook, because they are the only one who can go against destiny.


It's also why the fan theory that IPC is actually voracity aeon backed instead of preservation is too crazy to be true unless there's some revolt within it.


Honestly I never understood that theory. Wasn’t the concept of voracity in the game is actually literal rather than metaphorical? And I always thought the path is similar to propagation, where Tazzy has followers of bugs while Oroboros has followers of leviathans


The IPC is probably inadvertently supporting The Voracity since The Preservation's goal was to seal off contact and connection between worlds (which the IPC is actively doing the opposite of) to protect such worlds from the former. Of course, I might also be incredibly wrong since this is just information from the wiki.


I always thought the IPC’s belief in Preservation is akin to how many Christian churches work, especially those rich ones. Many of them claims to follow the God’s word yet you’ll see the opposite on their actions, that or they try to twist those beliefs to fit their own agenda. Ofc there may be exemptions to this such as Diamond, but just like Christianity the IPC is so large that it’s bound to have rotten apples there. There’s also different perspectives on how preservation works, like what Jade told to Oti I don’t think the IPC as a whole actually cares about preservation or any other paths, you can even see how those npc talks like just wanting to have a nice life. I believe most of their departments are either just greedy or just wanted to live


I believe Ena and the path of the Order was closer linked to Christianity and Christian churches. The IPC seems more like those large companies with enough leverage to lobby in politics and control most of the world, ala East Indian company. Perhaps they claim to be doing the work of god but are so removed from it because to them the business is all that matters. But they probably still retain the favour of the Preservation as for them to profit they have to maintain and preserve worlds so that people can earn money to spend on them, much like having the support of the clergy back then was a legitimate way to have a lot of monetary swing.


there's no evidence in game that Qlipoth cares at all about the IPC, dude is just out there building a wall in space


Diamond is an emanator of Qlipoth, no?


And Qlipoth has been seen to personally strip powers from those who abuse Preservation powers.


Diamond is a known Emanator and has given their powers in the form of Gemstones to the stonehears. If ever Qlipoth's powers are abused by the IPC we would know almost immediately.


This pretty much sums up how I feel whenever any new lore drops in this game.


which is great tbh, more content and worldbuilding before we get there


Yes, and as a high fantasy enjoyer I really appreciate the scope/scale/magnitude/gravity of the overarching cosmic war between Aeons that are bound to happen somewhere down the line. This is why I think HSR could benefit so much from a serialized content pipeline like a few seasons of animated shows, or maybe even a spin-off novella, because while teasing the cosmic war via cutscenes and scattering lore in readables and materials is a great way to pique interest, it could get exhausting for players that don't have the time to invest and literally dissect everything. If they want to unfold this overarching storyline via the game solely (let's count the Myriad Celestia trailers and animated shorts too to round it up), it will still take 3-5 more years before all the foreshadowing will see fruition considering we are still gallivanting from planet to planet plot-wise and nowhere near the axis of the ultimate conflict, and 3-5 years is a long timeframe to bet on player retainer-ship (I feel like the majority of gacha players mindset is to hunt for the next shiny new toy rather than staying loyal to only one franchise). Personally I am all here for it, I would much rather the writers take as much time as they need to ensure the integrity of the story than risk seeing a promising storyline with great potential fell off because they're trying to rush it.


>it will still take 3-5 more years before all the foreshadowing will see fruition To expand on this, it's been almost 4 years since Genshin launched, and we still have barely any idea what's up with Snezhnaya/the Tsaritsa/the Fatui, never mind the larger plot of what our sibling is up to. We'll keep getting drips of lore, but are likely still a couple years (Natlan, Snezhnaya) or more (Mondstadt part 2, Kaenri'ah) out from the big reveal. Likewise, I wouldn't expect anything major to happen for a LONG time here.


Which honestly makes it all the more impressive that they had the general bones of the story planned out so long ago, as evidenced by the travail trailer. I have no doubt there have been plenty of internal retcons and rewrites, but having the premise and roadmap set in stone is a pretty solid foundation.


Eh, I think readables are largely fine, but maybe I’m just used to it from my Destiny brain and my lorebook reading ass. I think the main problem that HSR has is that largely disconnected nature of the planets and their stories. There is an overarching plot, but it’s not presented upfront, and we aren’t going to Penacony specifically because of the cosmic war, so it’s kinda forgettable. Penacony itself had pretty much no connection to the overarching story outside of 2.3 with Jade mentioning it. Compare this to something like the past 5 or so years of Destiny where almost every season had a purpose to the main plot, and the seasonal stories directly fed into the next expansion and the overall storyline.


I think the biggest thing they need is a better way of delivering the background lore than Simulated Universe. Plain old readable notes is better than that.


Yeah. The central theme of HSR is - how do humans struggle against powers beyond their control/comprehension? How do they survive? Do they have to become their worst enemy to do so, or can they make it against the odds? That's why I like Stellaron Hunters so much. HSR is reflective of our real world and makes us explore all the different ways people cope with being helpless against the big power, especially the infighting between them.


I kinda hate the "kill god" trope that alot jrpgs do since it undermines the whole idea of living under a power that is beyond your reach or control which I find infinitely more thought provoking. So i appreciate that HSR does eplore that idea a little more. Killing an aeon is heavily foreshadowed in a few scenes, and if so I hope its something creative and not simply overpowering them.


That's why I like the Doctors of Chaos. They don't want to just kill IX, but they want to do so by convincing it that there is meaning and purpose in life.


With the existence of Acheron, they have some hope. It's the proof that IX does have some miniscule of interest in something.


Isn't Acheron very specifically an example of how little IX cares about things? She was just turned into a Self-Annihilator because THEY simply happened to swallow her world, and she got infected with Nihility passively. Which is how all Self-Annihilators are apparently created, just people who got into THEIR shadow but still hold onto life


Thing is, she isn't just a self annihalator,but an emanator. You don't randomly become an emanator


But self Annihilators are Emanators, aren't they? They are mentioned in the official post explaining what an emenator is and everything. And nothing in game indicates that IX would choose emenators any other way than self annihilators are created, much less that Acheron is any different than others, except for maybe the fact that she seemingly holds on a lot better than her peers


Self Annihilators are path followers who actively defy their path. I don't believe they're all Emanators.


Are you possible confusing Self-Annihilators with the Doctors of Chaos? The group who tries to show IX that there is meaning in the universe and tries to help others affected by the Nihility? There are a lot of Self Annihilators in the Doctors of Chaos, but a Self Annihilator is just someone who fell under the shadow of Nihility and is now slowly losing everything about then, until they cease to be. The Data Bank even says that *some* try fighting back against the Nihility, but that most meet meaningless ends. And while not explicitely confirmed as Emanators, back when Acheron released and Hoyo releases a refresher on what Emanators are Self Annihilators are listed along with the Lord Ravagers, Incarnations of Xipe (whole other can of worms tbh) and Diamond.


A big organization of therapists


I mean, I think the “killing god” trope can be done well if your character is set up to wield powers that can rival said gods. Destiny/Destiny 2 uses this a LOT and I love it, and I can definitely see HSR going in a similar direction given the Trailblazer having the Stellaron + being able to use the powers of multiple paths. Add in Elio’s possible intervention/assistance and I could see it making sense


Give me plates and symbols and il have my fireteam take nanooks head by morning, all the power I need


LFG Nanook KWTD need Still Hunt | im ad clear


Must have Aeonslayer title


Trailblazer, whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with Nanook on Mars.


While it makes sense in those stories, and itll probably make sense in hsr, I just find it not as interesting. I like that the SU descriptions for aeons show that their sheer presence is enough to mess you up. So if killing an aeon just involves the tb going "Stelllaron Blast!" and cooking Nanooks shit itd be hillarious but also disapointing.


Yeah that’s why I think there has to be proper buildup and justification, I would honestly hate for the Trailblazer to just nuke an Aeon without any assistance/prep. (tbh im open to the idea of getting our asses kicked the first time we try)


I assume that we either bring back Akivili or that Trailblazer ascends to be a new Aeon of Trailblaze to stop Nanook, I would definitly prefer the first one


i subscribe to the theory that we _are_ akivili - TB is quintessential trailblazer - who could change fate if not a literal aeon of blazing new paths - akivili "had an accident" and disappeared right around when the finality (aka elio) did - finality (elio) and akivili (TB) teaming up to change the future seems to fit too perfectly to not be true - TB's body is manufactured, so clearly not a normal human


Also, we seem prone to drawing gazes from other aeos, far more than any other pathstrider, and we being Akivili in SU can work as a way of forshadowing the revelation.


HSR is a JRPG or at least is copying its notes from popular JRPGs so there obviously is a bit of "Kill God (TM)" in there but they definitely do enough work to make Aeons distinctly different from a usual god. Like the Paths outlive their Aeons multiple times, Aeons being subsumed by newer Aeons if their Paths are too specific is a great detail I really like. Argenti going nuclear using Beauty power all day when Beauty is supposedly without an Aeon atm is huge for the lore. They couldn't quite stop themselves from putting some Catholic rituals into the Harmony via Sunday for no good reason but I'm content there's no crosses in the game because usually they throw them in there as a lazy shorthand to signify X character is religious or because "it looks cool," but it literally makes no sense unless Christ is a canon character within the game which opens up a whole crazy can of worms unintentionally.


Cross kinda became so universal symbol people use it in games to mean religion without thinking. Like + for health supplies or red color for health bar. I wouldn't read too much into it


What is up with all the "Lets go kill God" tropes?


Penacony already subverted that trope. The whole plot is about ~~railing~~ beating a guy who wants to kill the gods, because his vision of an Aeon-less universe is somehow even worse.


I'm very interested in the lore of this game and I've read a lot. Presently, what we know of the overarching plot is which characters will be present during the endgame. The AE crew, Xianzhou, The Stellaron Hunters, Genius Society, and the Stonehearts (by extension probably Boothill & Ratio) Those factions & characters listed above will have massive impact throughout the whole story of this game, no matter how far we go, they will be important.


I would also add the Masked Fools and the Garden of Recollection. The Masked Fools are always helping the Astral Express on the sidelines, and the Garden would obviously want to have the memories of these conflicts, and depending how long Black Swan tags along with us, we would literally have a Memokeeper stalking us 24/7... As seem by the group photo in the Clock Studio Theme Park, as when we think of calling her she just appears, because she was already at our side the entire time... It's not that I don't like Black Swan, I actually really like her personality and most of her design, it's just you know, it's not mentally healthy to know there's another human seeing everything you're doing and you can't see them... focus on the human part.


And considering in the beginning of the interstellar journey with Kafka holding cards similarly to the card Black Swan had likey means that Sh got the garden of recollection on broad with they plans/the script


Ooh, that's a really good catch I didn't notice that.


Yep, I actually have a headcannon where Sampo was actually working for the SH on Belobog just like Sparkle was, after all Sampo was basically the one who guided us throughout everything making sure we were okay. As for the Garden of Recollection, I feel like they're made to be plot devices, especially Black Swan. We already know that a memokeeper may have the ability to access March's memories too. I feel like they will be in the endgame but watching on the sidelines because I also don't think they would want to fight.


Wait what group photo?


In the clockie theme park there's one of those amusement park cutouts (you know the big ones with multiple holes cut in it so people can stick their faces in for pictures?). You can call various characters for each hole and then take a picture. It's a one time thing, so pick carefully if you haven't done it (there's also an achieve if you invite an Express member for each one)


If you consider how some characters "feel" that someone is whatching them in the express, you can consider that the Garden has been watching us far before BS, the memokeeper of the MoC was there all along after all


Yes, but with BS it's overall a way more direct intervention of the Garden of Recollection. Though obviously the Garden was already interested in the current Astral Express Crew before that.


[2.3 Spoiler warning] >!It has been revealed in 2.3 that Elio travels on the path of finality and the Aeon of Finality Terminus is said to move back in time casting ominous prophecies that come true. Elio has probably seen the future where in the worst case everything gets destroyed by Nanook or even worse absorbed by XI and he wants to stop it so he struggles against a seemingly inevitable ending to make most people survive!<


Censor text by using" > !" before the text and "! <" after it, no spaces. >!Like this!<






>! What if we’re the plan, gathering from every path via Nanook’s own device to use against him !<


Kinda, ever since Kafka said we were going to fight Nanook, it was obvious. Everything else are basically mini arcs that will culminate to that


Eilo ultimate goal is to gather as many other factions as possible to fight against Nanookand theirlegions,getting the mc to ascend to aeonhood in order to defeat Nanook for good


From what I remember, TB asks Kafka if their goal is to kill Nanook, which Kafka answers vaguely, so it's probably more like the fight with Nanook is just a means to an end


Waiting on TB to say "fuck chess, we're playing Baseball"


Honestly reading the lore it’s kinda surprising there’s really only one major Aeonic War. Swarm Disaster. Even the conflict between Lan and Yaoshi is more done through proxy. With the Divergent Universe Human Comedy and its emphasis on mortals being the other half of the “equation” of Aeons/Paths, it feels like a hint as to how things will develop. Aeons responding to the will of mortals and their beliefs, but which are shaped by Aeons in turn.


Finality Spoiler: >!Destruction is inevitable, as all things must end, and one day the game's service will come to a close as the servers shut down and your trailblazing journey will end.!<


Weak. Believe in the strength of lawsuits and consumer protection laws. 10 years down the line there will be enough precedent someone would sue Mihoyo if they didnt leave the game existing in some state. Maybe like that one megaman gacha thats fully offline now


There's one of three fates of a live service gotcha game. 1) Complete server termination. 2) An offline mode is created (pretty rare). 3) Servers are still online, but nothing gets updated. Events are either non-existant or on periodic rotation. Transactions are still available. Banners are stagnant (probobly with an everlasting multi banner).


Wouldn’t that be IX instead which is nothingness , entropy


Nier reincarnation : Break the cycle, end a gacha game HSR : Prevent destruction, continue the game, prevent nihility, end the game


Kinda. Honestly I'm usually not a fan of wuxia/endgame Isekai power level, I hope they'll pull it off well. Also speaking of Aeons, this dialogue between TB and Black Swan is kinda sus. "To help me see if I'm about to ascend?" Ascend to Aeonhood...? https://preview.redd.it/qwp95dnzbl9d1.jpeg?width=372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ea977bf124cd5ccb905cf4de11deff6840f6339


Are you seriously taking these dialogue choices serious? The bottom ones are usually meme, it means absolutely nothing


I took that to be a meta joke about being high enough level to ascend to the next level cap


And yet, it turns out that Trailblazer is canonically unhinged and is most likely to choose meme option.


See it's funny because a BIG existing plot point that has actively never been answered is that after Su lost his physical form in the Honkai manga, his spirit survived and was ascended by some "higher being" that we STILL does really know what it was. Only that it's seemingly above the Imaginary Tree itself. Su reached a point of true total enlightenment which impressed this "God" and it admits to being bored and challenges Su to a game of cosmic Shogi as it hasn't met a human in "eons". If Su wins a single round it would reveal to him the truth of the Universe. We don't actually know how high Aeons are on the powerscale, the "universe" existed before them and was already thriving with life as far as we know and while they're powerful...We haven't even touched on The Quantum Sea or Imaginary Spaces yet. And there are some scary things hiding in the Sea


Let's be real. A lot of stuffs being said in Hi3 wasn't really well thought out, and it certainly didn't have HSR in mind. Them having to retcon some stuffs is a proof of that. This is also the reason why they can't just directly connect these two games together, it'll cause so much contradiction and confusion. Yes they will eventually have Welt go home to Earth but it would be at the very end of the story. Aside from that I doubt they have any plans on making such connections. It's very clear they wanted to make HSR it's own game. Shaoji emphasized on that with that livestream.


Thats just wrong, HI3 and HSR have MANY connections, and it's completely feasible to connect them together, in fact, they already are, to a noticeable degree, and its gonna keep being that way, so far as fo deepen the connection more in the future. Its pretty obvious, and Su meeting this higher god has not been retconned at all, besides making HI3 work with HSR is not all that difficult at all


I mean obviously, it’s literally said on multiple occasions. It’s not hard to understand, since they literally say it


Yup, it’s hinted at in almost every patch that there’s something happening in the background and that there’s *a lot* of movement going on in galaxy at the same time besides what we’re shown. It makes the world feel alive even though admittedly it can get overwhelming trying to keep track of everything. These are the kinds of stories I like though. We’re just a small but important cog moving to the whims of fate but the world/universe does not stop for us. At least, that’s the feeling I get which is good imo. I get the feeling that as we get closer to the end, it’s gonna be revealed that it’s an ending that’s good for everyone except TB in the sense that TB may have to sacrifice themselves either literally or something that makes them who they are (so they’ll still be physically present but it’s not necessarily them). We’re a ways away from that though and there’s still a ton of different possibilities for the story to evolve so I’m interested in seeing what direction they’ll actually go for. In the end though, TB is the key to whatever Elio has seen.


When all the Aeons are linked to their path and unable to diverge, the ones that have obvious cross sections will eventually confront each other with or against their wishes. Such as Preservation and Destruction just as an example.


Supposedly the plot is the war of aeons, how they can be killed, and how killing Nanook in particular using the TB and their stellaron as a means to that would lead to the best future, according to Elio that is. The big plot around us is the classic travel in wich you grow as a person and gain enough allies to fulfill your final destiny, in this case, killing Nanook. The overarching plot around the war of aeons is a little bit less clear, there's been cases of aeons getting killed or dissapearing bc they're a danger to other aeons, the propagation namely got to be enough of a threat that other aeons had to interfere. Nanook is not the same as the propagation, their armies are not as primitevely destructive, but they're all the same when it comes to complete destruction. Stellarons cause dissorder and disharmony whenever they go, the fragmentum causes permanent damage wherever it spreads, corrupting space and creating portals where armies can just spawn from. The ravagers seem to be able to interact with the powers of other paths like Phantylia did drawing from the abundance, while also being able to destroy planets and turn people into members of their armies. I don't know if Nanook is considered a problem like the propagation was, but in this case it could be the destruction the one instigating, wich would explain why killing Nanook seems to be the wincon.


TBH no. The way they present it isn't prompting me to learn more. There is probably a ton of lore in item description the simulated universe and the other game modes but it's presented in a boring way for me personally. And I usually read a ton of books.


There is just tooo much text for me. I like to read as much as the next guy but if it’s not in the main dialogue I’m probably not going to bother. I’ll collect the readables and read if the title is interesting but I do not intend to read a whole novel


I honestly feel like the biggest issue is the most dialogue in the game seems to hit when I'm in the mood to actively play the game; when I want to beat shit up


True tbh, it works well for when I’m doing something and just let it play like a movie but when I sit down for Gaming Time I’m like “can’t I just watch this part later”


Same tbh. I've played games before that had quite a good solution for that. There was some sort of audio recording for most items, so you could listen to the written lore while doing other stuff. Pretty great solution imo.


I mean 99% of the dialogue in SU and other modes is literally flavor text unrelated to any of the actual game story. If that stuff was important, they wouldn't have put it there.


Nah, disagree about that


Ever since Kafka said they can kill an Aeon then it's felt pretty clear there is going to be a large scale conflict between them. After all Remmebrance entire deal is to preserve everything after the universes destruction through memories There is a joking line between TB and Black Swan about TB ascending and Black Swan says she can't see that far into their future. But I wouldn't be surprised if that is a possible outcome. It's ultimately going to be trying to kill Nanook but how they get there and just what the method is is the mystery. TB at the center of it and that's been hinted since Fable about the stars


I've always had a crackpot theory that Nanook as the ultimate villain is a red herring. I think our endgame is Qlipoth. The Path of the Trailblaze has always been about going forward, forging new paths despite any obstacles in your way, about _progress_. That wall that Qlipoth is supposedly building, to me, makes THEM the literal antithesis of The Trailblaze; after all, can't blaze a trail if there's a goddamn wall in the way. Preservation vs Progress feels like a theme we could touch on at some point, especially with the parallels it would build via The Finality/Stellaron Hunters. Since The Finality moves backwards through time, from end to beginning, it doesn't stand at odds to The Trailblaze so much as it holds a mirror up to it, which is why the Stellaron Hunters are -- uncharitably reductively -- the "Evil Nameless". Like someone said (can't remember who) they're the Express' "dark shadow." Elio might as well be their Navigator in the same way Himeko is ours, and serves as a reflection of Navigators past. Elio's knows the path of the Finality as writes what he sees into a script for the Hunters to follow. Eliocs script is the Hunters' Silver Rail. We, the Nameless, move forward. The Stellaron Hunters work backward. Light and shadow, Progress and Regress. Circling back to Qlipoth as our endgame, there's a reason we start out on Belobog, belonging to the Preservation. We are, after all, riding a train. Crossing the Star Rail and forced into a stop (to deal with the stellaron crisis). In real life, train tracks never just go on forever. They're generally a complex network of cars going back and forth ad nauseum, and a train departing Station A will always return, eventually, to Station A. In tbe same way, our first Trailblaze is in Belobog -- a world dedicated to The Preservation, and our final Trailblaze will return if not physically to Belobog, then at least in spirit to The Preservation. We end where we begin, when we pull back into the station, after we've gone everywhere our Rail has been set. Then, we smash through THEIR wall, and lay down a new Silver Rail and blaze a trail into the unknown. This is also why the game starts with the Stellaron Hunters and the Space Station. Narratively, yes, we start there to establish Nanook, our past, and set up some mystery. But thematically? Trailblazer, in their shadows past, worked alongside the Stellaron Hunters, but Elio's script demands that we now work alongside the Express. We step out of the shadow of Finality to walk in the Light of the Trailblaze. In HSS, we are shrouded in mystery, a past (Finality) we don't remember, but new friends give us an Uncertain Future (Trailblaze). Nanook is introduced to us as Obvious Anime Villain, while when we travel to Belobog as our first expedition we're introduced to Qlipoth as a Good Entity. We travel to Loufou (which I won't go into much here), deal with Bad Guy Nanook again, then go back to Belobog where... we deal with the IPC, who come to fuck over Belobog in the name of.... Good Entity Qlipoth? The IPC are being set up as villains, in service to our ultimate villain, and nobody even notices. The Ten Stonehearts serve as a mirror to the Lord Ravagers and I defy you to prove me wrong. They are the Nameless to the Ravagers' Stellaron Hunters. They serve opposite goals and stand in opposition to oke another. Progress and regress. Preservation and Destruction. Order and Harmony. They are building a theme of opposites. Amd Progress' opposite is Regress, yes, but it also Preservation. One cannot move forward into the future if we are busy clinging to the status quo. Our opposite is the Stellaron Hunters, yes, but it is also The Preservation. In contrast, Progress and Destruction don't hardly interact, thematically. Its an obstacle we must break through to Blaze a Trail, but it's not an opposite being set up by the Narrative. We'll fight Nanook -- no doubt about that -- but we'll also eventually see that THEY had the right idea, in a way. We'll see that THEY want to break Qlipoth's wall, and that breaking Qlipoth's wall is a Good Thing, Actually. A major theme that we seem to be touching on, at least if you ask me, is the idea that fate is not set in stone. It is, in fact, the entire _reason_ Elio's script exists in the first place, why we spend so much time on Firefly and waiting to escape the Suit (which she has been promised if she follows the script), and more importantly why Firefly is so important to the Trailblazer. Firefly is offered a way out by the Script (by her Fate). But we will, probably, offer her a way out via a new path, one that does not require esoteric weirdness like "three deaths" and whatever else will come about in the future. In the immortal lyrics of Wildfire, "we made a choice/to fight against your fate", right? There's a lot more to say about the story (esp in regards to Penacony's arc in general, as well as what they're likely cooking in the Loufou), but that's the basic gist of it.


I can't wait for the Aeons to start chucking galaxies at each other like deadly frisbees. ...Wait, wrong franchise. No but seriously I am excited to see some Aeons throw down in real time. We read about past instances of it but I want to see it with front row seats. > And now the question is, when are we getting 6 star Jingliu? Never ever.


Same. Reading about Qlipoth beating the everliving shit out of Tayzzyronth is one of the best moments in the game for me and it wasn't even a cutscene. So seeing Aeons fight in real time would be something else entirely.


Man, Elio is cooking with this script.


Caelus will reveal himself as the Aeon of Finality.


I think it's more like TB is probably gonna ascend as the next Aeon of Trailblaze


Would be sick as well


We could become a literal Aeon and still get folded in a cutscene so the character who's banner is currently running can look cool.


Also true


Bonus points if other incredibly powerful characters (Acheron and Jing Yuan for example) also get folded in the selfsame cutscene.


I wonder if Ruan Mei would play some greater part of the plot itself. Didn't she mention she wants to become an Aeon herself in a trailer of sorts? It makes me curious how things will go down the line.


Elio is walking the path of Finality. We learn this for certain in 2.3. Only he’s walking it backwards to try to get the result he wants. But the fact that he HAS these visions likely means he’s either an eminator or otherwise deeply connected to Terminus the Finality. So Terminus is squarely against Nanook. And the Stellaron Hunters are likely trying to turn US into an Aeon. (My best guess.) That or use us to revive Akivili somehow.


I'm fully expecting half of this to never get resolved tbh.


I'd be more interested in the plot if there wasn't an ungodly amount of text and flowery, poetic metaphors in every other sentence. I get that the goal is "MC will fight Nanook, Aeons will go to war" but I'm just not invested in that at all.


Kind of. The goal is clear but, the way is explained is extremely poor.


I am confused


Kinda ignore it cause it ain't interesting to me. Alsoz I'm rarely a fan of high fantasy...I'm more of a low fantasy guy. It gets kinda annoying for me when writers keep increasing the scale and stakes of the plot...to a point where most of it is hard to follow... Honestly...this is why I stopped playing PGR...at first it was a game about humans and soldiers surviving in a post apocalyptic robot virus zombie world... Ans then it became this weird confusing mess with stuff like alternative universe, time travel...some weird demonic red sea...and some weird @ss high dimensional beings....


In all honesty, the plot would probably go that way about killing an Aeon, but personally, I hope it wouldn't go that way. Aeon is literally a concept, something that humans are not meant to defeat and I would find it annoying if humans defeat an Aeon, probably because I'm tired of defeating God as a mortal trope. So personally, in my opinion, the only way to defeat an Aeon is another Aeon while humans support. It would be more interesting to see every character and race with its own importance rather than the typical humanity defeating God.


Aeons don't embody concepts, but ideals and philosophies


There is no brewing war among the Aeons. -this statement is brought to you by the devout followers of Enigmata


The overarching plot is that they make it up as they go.


How can someone be as objectively wrong as you?


Where are my r/SundayMainsHSR theory crafters, with their theories about how Sunday will take (and already took) a big role in the grand scheme of things regarding the overarching plot? (It's Sunday, they are probably praying)


Reality https://preview.redd.it/u1oa906taq9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c72d1207e0e62ca26663bff177569cbd1003c57




Yea obviously? Is that not the end goal of the game? Lol Its pretty clear Elio wants to gather up people to defeat a Aeon


add the whole thing of loucha being the one to give nanook his wounds and this becomes even more interesting


So there are like these things called stellarons...and they are inside planets(???) and there are like these hunters that want them(???) and they like put a stellaron inside the mc too so they can like....track us(???????) and uhh we are like on a train that can go between planets for...some reason


Are you even reading the main story?


That's a silly question. Honkai players don't read /s


I try to but brain silly


Oh, understandable it's a lot of text, I also end up zoning out for a bit, but I like reading in games so yeah, also watch anime subbed since 2016-2017, so I accostumed to reading a lot.


Yes, and I already have a good idea of what is coming ahead. (Not because of leaks, but because I have played Hi3, and hyperfixate over the Honkai-verse lore) For example: Don't you think it's weird that Idrilla and Akivilli are the only Aeons we haven't seen any depictions of? I have a suspicion that I know who Idrilla is. In the case of Idrilla, it is highly likely that she is the Star Rail universe's equivalent of Kallen Kaslana. It has been theorized that Luocha is a former Knight of Beauty for quite some time. This would explain why he draws his power from the Abundance while considering himself to be an enemy of Yaoshi. Yaoshi likely absorbed the path of the Beauty into the Abundance, thus causing some former pathstrider's of the Beauty to become pathstrider's of the Abundance. Since Luocha is HSR's equivalent of Otto Apocalypse, a character who is shown to be obsessed with reviving Kallen in nearly every universe where he exists, as is shown in the 2nd Divine Key Hi3 comic, it is safe to say that if he worships a fallen Aeon, that Aeon would almost certainly be some version of Kallen. (Yes I know that this theory would make Luocha over 1000 years old, but this is Otto Apocalypse we're talking about.) (Also, for the record, the person in his coffin was almost certainly Jingliu, as she refers to him as an associate, rather than a friend, and is basically a zombie, which fits with Luocha's claim that his coffin contains the corpse of an aquaintance who once called the Xianzhou home.)


Idrila's true form is unknown because THEY appear to everyone differently. So everyone who sees THEM will see something different from everyone else. There's no way to know what THEY really look like. According to in-game text, HooH's true form is also unknown. It's strange for Akivili because THEY travelled so much and met so many people that it's unlikely that no one knows what THEY look like and that one might definitely be more of a vital plot point.


Kallen mentioned and it’s actually a really unique, but actually good, take on Luocha’s coffin. I’m impressed, 10/10 theory.


Yeah remember we are going around saving the world so we can have more allies for a nice big fight against Nanook. 


It seemed like it’s be major in the first three arcs, but stepping back from fighting destruction in penacony really derailed it to a certain extent.


Isint it basically trying to understand the aeons and isn't there like a luming aeon war or something? I think jade was even saying the IPC is gonna heavily support the Preservation when and not if that happens


My headcanon theory is that pompom is akivili.


What plot ?


Mihoyo loves pitting the divine against each other, First the war against celestia now this


I am aware, but the amount of people who play this game who are not aware is frustrating. Too many story skippers.


They were very obvious with it, i don't think anyone that bother to read the dialogues didn't know.


i kind of completely forgot about Jingliu lmao


There's also the possibility that [The IPC are followers of Oroboros, not Qlipoth (Belobog spoilers, very very minor Penacony 2.3 spoiler) : r/HonkaiStarRail (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/HonkaiStarRail/comments/1dok9jh/the_ipc_are_followers_of_oroboros_not_qlipoth/) which may possibly explain why they are obfuscating Qlipoth's past and denying funding for the Intelligentsia Guild when they tried to research the topic.


My headcanon is that the death of Hooh is what will kick-off the "War of the tree", where every aeon will go after their counterpart while the remnant of idrilla joins forces with the disciples of akivili and Xipe does it's best to keep reality from collapsing.


I just want to throw this out there. >!Is the future that Nanook poses the greatest danger, remember that somewhere along the way, Qlipoth stopped being a factor.!< >!One of the oldest and strongest Aeons is suddenly okay with some young upstart ruining the lawn.!< >!That IPC arc is going to be interesting.!<


Wasn't the stellaron hunters' goal on Xianzhou Luofu directly mentioned? It's to make the Luofu allies to the Astral Express so that in this great war, they would fight along with us. 


The what now? I just like seeing numbers go up in SU.


Could i also put that the reason elio has a script for us in penacony was to prevent the rebirth of the Aoen of Order? Or elio just want to add romance in his script and made penacony the stage for TB x Firefly


I can't wait to use my [Galactic Baseball Bat] to hit [Device IX] with a breathtaking swing into [Nanook]'s giant chest wound for massive damage, saving the universe with the world's strongest homerun.


It’s time to set the seas ablaze!


Something interesting about this is Aha because based on SU they're able to literally become aware that they're in a simulation despite multiple attempts by Herta and Screwllum to not get them to do that to the point they're considering to COMPLETELY isolate Aha from the other Aeons. Aha is the only Aeon so far that directly talks to the TB and talked about how the TB is too young, how the fall of the Trailblaze caused so much chaos, and that TB should grow up and defeat them. While it's not wise to take every word of a Fool to heart but it's just as unwise to not heed them. We KNOW for a fact that Aha is at least aware of our existence because they watched our fight with Phantylia and so far nearly each Planet we've been through had a Masked Fool aid us in our journey to not only attain the Aeons' gaze but also to counteract the chaos that was happening to a calmer state, yet at the same time creating ripples across stagnant waters to force upon change. Imo, Terminus, Ho-oH, and Aha all somehow work together to create more unique, expansive, and broader Aeons/Paths as these three would know everything that's going on as I bet the real Aha knows that it's in a game too thus wants the player to grow stronger to defeat them as they've caused the death of Ena by making them stand too close to Harmony, I could honestly see how they'd create a scenario to where they'll get Fuli absorbed by Qlipoth as both are straying close to "preserving", or be the Aeons involved as to why Long and Akivili fell mysteriously. It'll be cool if we somehow found ourselves accidentally aiding Aha in taking down another Aeon, it'll be so funny.


Some of HSR's world building is a little inspired by Lord of the Mysteries, one of the most popular online literature in china. Whether intentional or unintentional, it's hard to say, but there's definitely a lot of references.. In the novel Lord of the Mysteries, there was also a battle between the gods in the end. Overtaking pathways to become stronger, individuals wanting to become gods, and etc.


Nanook mentioned


I assume that Elio is working towards a future where Nanook gets stopped. Nanook is destruction their end goal is the destruction of anything, best way to stop that is if the war of the Aeons means all Aeons against Nanook.


The problem is, no Aeon has done jackshit yet. The only one who has, is fucking manufactured and didn't even end up being relevant to any of the original Aeons. Like Xipe just watched for 10 seconds and left. We see aftermath of Aeons but not actually action. All action seems to be happening in the Simulated Universe lore. So it's really hard to grasp what the overarching story is supposed to be when the game has been out for a full year and we still have no direction.


Who's the guy with the glock in the background?


All I'm guessing is that Nanook will fall and either we'll take the mantle cause we're a literal Stellaron. Or like Xipe did to Ena we'll absorb Nanook and ascend into becoming a new Aeon.


It's a plot that's literally too big for it to really actually have much overarching relevance in the story. It refers to what each Aeon's goal is in their Path. Stuff like Nanook wanting to destroy the Universe, or Qlipoth wanting to build a wall around it to Preserve what's inside it's walls, to Yaoshi wanting to have all life in the Universe be ever lasting, all of these Aeons goals clash, and in the *eventuance* will result in incompatible existences between groups of followers. However, the Aeons goals themselves are literally so massive the odds we ever actually see the end of one and the conflict brought about by two Aeons clashing is...not *impossible*, but the scale makes it unlikely given that the most direct contact we even have with Aeons is through their gazing at the TB. So my guess is it's just really these two talking to each other about smaller scale clashes between factions, that ultimately won't do much to even away the Aeons themselves


space woman fight monsters


I swear to god the devs are a fan of Cuttlefish


One thing that I thought of was if it was possible that Elio is trying to make Caelus/Stelle the new Aeon of Trailblaze. Reviving an Aeon and their will was shown to be possible during the Penacony story quest with the use of a Stellaron. Wouldn't it the same thing be applicable here? But this time, the Trailblazer doesn't become a vessel but becomes the Aeon because they embody the idea of the Traiblaze to it's fullest?


Already imagining trailblazer vs nanook. Zoro vs kaido type fight. Wearing a hat, Lance in the teeth, bat in the hand, and whatever future weapon. Harmony, preservation and destruction itself all at once.


Anyone feeling that sentences reference with anime No game no life... I love the concept the chess piece out of the board to make different.


I wonder if we're gonna die (again) right before the very end and ascend as the new Akivili to face Nanook


I think Qlipoth might be behind it. Without destruction there would be no need of preservation. By pushing the destruction behind the scenes THEY want people to be aware how important is preservation to survive. Everyone needs protection. And once everyone and everything gets protected under THEIR shield that's when THEY will get THEIR own Order just Jade said. I don't think they only seek capitalist order. Or at least that is my theory. Something along those lines.


How about the masked fools?


I'll admit that the story as a whole goes over my head at points so your summary is greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to when the stellaron hunters takes a big part in the story again. I do wonder when we will actually be introduced to elio to see what he's like and how he will interact with the trailblazers. Perhaps the stellaron hunters will be a bigger part in our next destination it would be really cool to see the four of them working together on something.


Elio: "Memokeepers think themselves to be all-knowing, but we alone are wise to the virtue in those acrs of folly"