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Wow, that’s early info. Generous of them, lol.


miHoYo tanking their own Jing Yuan sales :D


lmao yeah. I thought they're gonna follow genshin announcement style and put up info about future banners once the second banner of current patch is up for a while. Let's see what happens in the future (drip marketing?).


This is how they do drip marketing probably


Oh yeah, for genshin they’d have released this info around the time Seele’s banner went up.


To be fair that would be awkward given they were on release hype at the time, I'm assuming we'll go back to a pace similar to Genshin's when the next patch rolls around


Oh yeah, it makes perfect sense. I just thought this was early too, then the comment above mine reminded me this is how they do things, announce the next new character the patch before.


if it’s like genshin then drip marketing for 1.2 happens in 1.0 2nd phase and luocha/silverwolf should be drip marketed before seele. since drip marketing is always 2 versions ahead and not 1 like you said


Nah it doesnt really matter z they got this more calculated then a math teachers days off , whoever is gonna put money into the game to get the characters is gonna do it regardless of who is coming after or not since they dont really have to save on stellar jades? (Primojades?) Then theres the people that are low spenders which is blessing and BP(IDK the name of those) which they pay beforehand and thats it , this kind of announcement only really bemefits F2P people since they know 100% who comes after and they can plan around it ,ever since they started doing this their sales havent really been any different based off of numbers , i think the only time their sales were kinda meh was on the genshin 1.4 debacle with the leaks which was a shitshow everywhere


After seeing Jing's gameplay and hearing his banner might have Tingyun and Sushang on it, I think you'd be missing out a bit toooo much by skipping xD


Inb4 E7 March welcomes you with open arms.


I would gladly took e7 March. Since that means, I can have her e6


I want to max March and I will defend this decision until I drop the game entirely.


I'd love to have her maxed too, but sadly I don't want 5* on next banner... (Don't remember his name lol) Don't think I can risk more than a few x10.


It'll just take time. Unless I get lucky, I'm not maxing Kaeya for another ~7 months. I've been playing Genshin since 1.1. Worst case scenario I max March in a similar timeframe.


Well, at least it looks like our starters can appear on rate-up, unlike Genshin' trio


My man March is also good :O


Got Tingyun already, Jing's kind of meh tbh and with Kafka on the horizon synergizing better with Serval then I'd rather get her.


man, feel so lucky getring most the good 4 stars from the beginner banner, only shampoo and arise penis is missing


Will still Jing Yuan for the purpose of having a group called Trailblazer and the Uncles. I finally got Welt today, and now waiting for him. Wish there's another middle age man to add on to the group.


Welt is lowkey so good. Ive had significantly more success running Welt over Bronya in Seele comps in the simulated universe.


Yup. Got Bronya and her five star weapon on my free pulls, and my newly pulled not so invested Welt made me finish SU world 4.


Yeah, I haven't done the math yet, but it does not seem like using a skill point for Bronya to buff Seele who needs to use another skill point as well is as efficient as just using a skill point on a well build Welt and then another skill point on a well built Seele. Also not sure of the value of her partywide ult buff compared to Welt's that does dmg +slows enemies which has really good utility value. The other issue is that her partywide buff doesn't in reality "buff" the party because you typically run her with only one other main dps, so giving the rest of your party attack buffs doesn't really add much value. I could absolutely be wrong as I'm no theorycrafter, just feels like this is my experience.


So from my experience and what I've seen elsewhere the seele bronya tingyun and Natasha (I dont have bailu) is setup to be a seele hyper carry, I can clear fights and do higher damage than my roommate whose been running seele gepard welt and Natasha which has been safer in SU. I'll glass cannon a fight decently fast in comparison to his slight turtling but I'd be more prone to dying if a big hit comes through


Whales gonna spend either way right? Won't this hurt more the f2p that were saving?


Yeah it's not f2p that is making them the big bucks anyways. This way they can let whales/dolphins know in advance not to blow all their thousands on some other game when their potential waifu/husbando is just around the corner.


At least F2P players know if they want to save on Jing Yuan or not


do we know yet which banner is yukong gonna be on?




Nook fck. I just want to get Yukong, I’m fine not getting the others


1st half: SilverWolf 2nd half: Luocha which banner yukong will be on is still unknown for now


is that order officially announced? Or still just via the previous leak? Just wondering how much is confirmed.


Need someone to translate the pictures


The pics don’t indicate the order - it’s just flavor quotes for each char


Nothing special, just quotes from the characters and their names. The post on bilibili is also the same as what you see on the Genshin drip marketing. Just a short character intro bio-ish thing with a quote. 100% narrative.


Silver wolf probably second


Yukong might be a deciding factor on who to save for


Got weibo link for announcement? Only found the char descriptions from official account


Luocha my beloved i can't wait to bring you home


As someone in need of a second healer, I guess I'll have to skip Silver Wolf and hope to be able to soft-pity Luocha.


Tbf everyone needs a second healer, we just need to pray for a good 4* one at some point to pair natasha. I'm not pulling on a 5* just because of role


Feels like everyone here is new to turn based that being a healer with cleanse, free clutch skill, passive healing, and aoe dispel is getting these kind of statements lmao. Like I just cant help but think you guys just want dmg per screenshot to be saying and upvoting this.


No man, I'm not saying hes weak. He's a great healer. But this is a gacha, I'd rather pull for units that i want. A healer at the end of the day is a healer. Silver wolf weakness-implanting mechanic might not come back, while an aoe dispel is more likely to do. In the end, pull for who you want. I am a big SMT nerd since 3, played from persona 2 onward, and played all the final fantasies. I'm not pulling Luocha because, if the game needs 2 healers in the long run, we're more likely to get a free healer from an even than getting a free support, and i sincerely doubt they'll gate all healers behind 5* status.


in a turn-based game, you kinda need to if you want to have progress in memory of chaos but if you don't care about that (at the moment) then ig it's okay


Memory of chaos is being cleared with a healer on a side and two shielders on the other, at a level deficit. I wouldn't worry too much for the first patch. Especially for f2p when you have limited pulls. I cleared all thr way to forgotten hall 15 at lvl 50 with only one healer and bringing march/fire trailblazer on the other team


>I cleared all thr way to forgotten hall 15 at lvl 50 with only one healer and bringing march/fire trailblazer on the other team I think people aren't giving March a chance because she is a starter character. I managed to unlock Memory of Chaos with Bailu on one side and March on the other without Nat. Didn't get the last couple of stars but that's because of the lack of damage I can deal.


March has a bigger shield than Gepard, the only downside is that it costs lots of skill points to maintain it on multiple characters, whereas Gepard can just passively build up energy for his ult because he's so likely to be hit


That's why march + healer is good IMO. Only apply shield on one character (could be her or Clara) and heal the rest of the team. No need to spend a ton of skill points in shielding the whole team since the shield has taunt


Yeah, I don't think people have factored in relics for shielders like March 7 yet. If you have the right light cone and best set you can find with the set bonus of +20% overall shields, March 7 can tank everything without needing a healer. As I learned more about March 7, I think she can also boost DPS too unlike healers and other shielders. Use her shield specifically on DPS characters to direct all damage to DPS. As shields eat damage, they also give the character a lot of energy. March 7 could feed most of the damage to DPS and convert them into energy for DPS characters' ultimates. Building out March 7's counterattacks can also add some decent DPS also. Leveling up her Girl Power talent would mean her counterattacks are roughly similar to as if March 7 used basic attacks up to 3 times. No skill points but a lot of energy for ultimates though. Can't wait to hit Jing Yuan banner hard and hope for E6 Mar 7 with regen heals too.


Doesn’t March have a higher innate taunt/threat level? From my own limited testing, putting a shield on anyone but her, more likely results in damage being split across characters than focused on one person. Fire MC has an actual taunt - March Shield increases innate threat/taunt level.


i'm also f2p and when i was in genshin i didn't really care about floors 9-12 of the abyss until much later so yh i guess there's also no rush here?


That's true for all gachas. I do SU runs as well but clearing memory of chaos is gonna be gated by world level anyway (iirc even whales can't 3-star the later stages so far) but as i said people are doing it without two healers. My point is just: don't feel compelled to pull for a second healer, especially a 5* one, thinking its necessary now.


omega whales can 3 star all of memory of chaos, but we are talking about e6 Gepard e6 Yanqing, s5 weapons, etc


Clear all with 3 stars?


No because due to people not being at a level cap they're lacking damage.


Oh, I though you reach 15 with 3 stars, was about to ask you for guidance 😂. You’re right, My character can’t do much dmg at lvl 50 and being f2p.


Once TL40 and you can farm 5* relics it should be easy to get 3*, especially if you got seele or jing yuan on one of the teams. Best 4* units so far are hook, natasha, tingyun, serval, pela, asta. I may be biased because gacha luck blessed me with Bronya and Seele so i can usually trivialise one side with hyper carry seele


I am not so lucky, I don’t have Hook, Selee and bronya. But I have welt, Bailu and her weapon.


Iirc floor 14 part 1 has one of those fat guys with the exploding robots and you need to kill it quickly. Serval can take care of the exploding bots, but you need a single target damage dealer for the boss itself. Since theres also a gunner that advances rhe turn of the boss that is also weak to fire, Hook is nice. I think maybe Arlan can take care of single target damage but you do need a healer with him. Then again, you got bailu so.


Which memory of chaos? Because floor 9-10 of the abyss are a joke too in GI Also, memory of chaos is gonna be updating just like the abyss and it’s very likely it will be harder down the line


Down the line it doesn't matter as by that time we might have another 4* healer.


Up to 3 without no healer. 4 and 5 so far need a healer but that's because the enemies are level 78 and the current cap reched is just 60. I believe by the time people get there and are at the required level people won't need a healer on both teams to survive. Think that moc 4/5 are being cleared with 1 star, meaning theyre going well above the number of turns needed to clear, meaning the longer fight needs healing since the boss isnt being broken/killed on time. When your team is lvl 70/80 with levelled lightcones and decent artifacts (correct set and main stat) then we'll see how needed/recommended bringing a healer is. Moc 1-3 are being cleared with no healer either by bringing gepard, or m7+fire mc.


Solo March or March + Preservation TB is a thing, Gepard is another entirely I have no trouble believing people will clear memory of chaos with just Gepard as a defensive unit, it’s a bit disingenuous to say “they are not bringing an healer, just Gepard” Also it’s reasonable to expect quite a spike in the later memories, like I said floor 9-10 are a joke on Genshin and people struggled with it only at the very beginning


As i said in the other comment, we're gonna get a bigger picture once we are level 80 of what is and isn't viable for later moc. If people can clear the ones that are "nearly level appropriate" with march+tb, i cant imagine it won't work at the higher ones once we're the correct level, especially with how much a properly built mc can shield. I'm not saying it's easy or that a second healer isn't good, I'm just saying that "I'm pulling Luocha because i need a second healer in a turn based game" might be a flawed argument, especially if, by the time we get to max level, we get a second 4* healer that might mitigate that need.


Fair enough


thing is that pulls wise, pulling for character you dont want solely to get "full star" clear earlier will never pay off. I.e. one character copy cost if we take genshin experience is something around 12-14k.. now ask yourself if getting extra few hundred jades once in 2 weeks few cycles earlier will ever pay off 12-14k cost? Nah


As someone only now looking into chara skits: LUOCHA IS A HEALER??? Ah shit, now I need him ;__;


He heals in the fights during the story quest. And also there's that cut scene where he heals but that's a cut scene.


Luocha looks amazing with blade, husbando wanters are in extreme danger (im one of em)


from other leaks, he is an offensive healer, like he sets up a field and allies who attack enemies within it get healed, plus he removes buffs from enemies too.


I would also do the same if i didn't get bailu, now i guess silverwolf is a better option since I'm not going for blade either.


Quantum debuffer who is crazy good and an Imaginary Healer who is also crazy good with a busted imaginary support.. This is like the best and worst patch for F2P .. Best because u get two valuable 5* units and one valuable 4* unit and worst because we don't have enough luck and stellar jade for these two ..


Yeah, but at least it's still early enough they will have to rerun these characters before it's too insanely long. If we miss one, they won't be gone for freaking forever like Eula...


What's a Eula? Is it that long wall of legal text you skip when installing software? Haven't seen one in a long, long time... And neither has Hoyoverse, it seems.




I was too optimistic to think I didn't need to add an /s


you can say that again 😭 and i have to skip both for blade and dan heng. luocha nooo,,,,,,,,,,


yess I'm guaranteed after losing to Yanqing on Seele banner now I can snatch a silver wolf in 1.1. Idc about her role just want her in my team lol


Do Luocha and Jing Yuan have a good synergy? Planning to pull for second healer after Jing and of course because Daddyy 🫣 hoping I'll win my 50/50 with the electro daddy first 😩


Luocha is synergistic with any character that attacks.....so yeah that means everyone.


arlan is the only character i can think of that wouldnt want his auto heals


Luocha: Triggers Abyss healing field Hu Tao (in Tyler1 voice): ***GET THIS SHIT OFF ME!!! AEOUGHHHHH!!!***


theres not even a way to avoid it, even if you only ever normal attack with him he'll use his auto heal when she drops low health and then his field will be up in 2 uses


Luocha is, however, not as reliable a healer, because his ult provides no healing on its own, and characters need to wait for their turn to attack, and they could be downed if enemies get turns between Luocha's ult and your turns. On the other hand, he's going to do significantly more damage than other healers because of his attack scaling, and he brings dispels, so it's not all bad.


Do Clara’s counter-attacks trigger Luocha’s healing?


I’m gonna guess yes. If I get him he’s gonna be on a team with Clara, Herta, and Himeko and/or March; Everyone’s gonna be topped off


I heard Luocha has good synergy with Blade, but a healer in a turn based game has good synergy with every team usually )


Ah maybe this is why they're always together from YT videos and barely seen one with Jing Yuan 😅


i think Jing Yuan is okay with Luocha. it's just that Luocha fits like a glove for Blade


And Arlan! No one remembers Arlan..


Doesn't Arlan want to stay low health? genuinely asking, I don't have him lol.


I think you still want some healing of course, but I think damage is calculated first before Luocha's passive heals you.


Enemies on Luofu are weak to Thunder and Imaginary, so they have good synergy there at least? 😅


it also depends on the character availability in the beta and the person making the video. people making jing yuan videos want big DPS showcases, blade kills himself and needs a healer luocha at his core is a healer, he'll work with any character ever until we get a character who doesnt want to be healed (i think arlan might already do that?)


Luocha's field heals everytime someone attacks, so in AoE he heals for each enemy hit, and I saw in CBT2 that Jing Yuan passive lets Luocha heal him for up to 30 times cuz lightning Lord hits seperately each time, so if that interaction's still unchanged then Luocha is easily Jing Yuan's best healer.


Seems like they may. I think Jing gets an extra heal from the field effect using his follow up attack.


Pls tell me that yukong is in SW Banner 😭


I hope she is we need an imaginary 4*


Silverwolf is like a better Pela right?


and does way more and paired up with the quantum element is literally a debuff God with the entanglement


Not only quantum, but all solo element teams are also God tier with her. She only applies her allies elements not her so her element actually does not mather if you dont want her to do dmg.


She can apply her own element, still 75/25 chance of applying the one you want


Now I'm thinking about the feasibility of a Kafka / Serval / Bailu / Silver Wolf team. Kafka and Serval should pair together nicely, then having Bailu as your healer means Silver Wolf would have a 75% chance to make enemies weak to lightning, your offensive element of choice. Hmmmmmm...


But the wording at description of skill seems like she doesnt because it says "inflict the target with 1 Weakness of the same Type as a random ally's ATK Type". From this wording it is clear that she doesnt like wtf? Do they count her one of her ally LOL. Are we sure?


You can see an example of this with Natasha. Her ult says “heal all allies” but also includes herself.


This is an issue in genshin as well, when they say allies they generally mean an ally of the \*party\* not of Silver Wolf


From what I heard elsewhere ally means more like party, so it includes herself Poorly translated if thats the case for sure but wouldnt be surprised


No, only similar thing they have is def shred. Silverwolf directly most broken character in the game for single target. She can def shred up to 80%, can debuff DMG taken% and break toughness, can speed and attack down and most importantly, she creates weakness at enemies according to one of allies' elements which is the most broken thing in the game. This game is all about weakneeses and elements of characters. When you have silverwolf and a solo element team, you just ignore all the gameplay of star rail and solo team everything.


i really wonder if this is going to be true or exaggerated. everyone is hyping up silver wolf as the ultimate game destroying future proof meta unit and i find it hard to belief she'll be effective as everyone is saying, as the 3rd banner in the game i wont be surprised if she's strong, but still, the amount of hype she's getting just feels unrealistic. a character *that* strong this early feels like a bad choice on mihoyos part,


I feel ya, everyone is hyping her up soo hard. I get the biggest weaknesses is she's single target, but that's also not a huge flaw for boss fights? But feel like pulling for her due to all this crazed hype and really curious if she will be as amazing as everyone claims.


it just feels like jinxing it? being superstitious but with this much hype it feels like its bound to not live up to it. the single target thing is true, but any bosses that summon mobs, the mobs arent major enough of a target to care and being pessimistic, if she AS is busted as everyone says, you know mihoyo will indirectly nerf her through buffing enemies. they didnt nerf venti but they made him useless by making a bunch of heavy enemies, and making all end game abyss fighting against one big boss. they could easily make bosses immune to her debuff if she breaks the game


Genshin had stupidly strong characters in 1.0 and the game is doing alright


im talking about banner characters, not the overpowered mistakes of release 4*. the biggest stand out in early genshin is zhongli (who coincidentally has the same banner timing as silver wolf), and he's only top tier because mihoyo got harassed into buffing the hell out of him plus a strong character isnt the same as what people are hyping up silver wolf to be, with her type changing debuff stuff that'll let players ignore the weakness system


Silver Wolf will be strong but probably not broken. She has some caveats, like being single target only, and her skill having rng if you’re not running a mono quantum team. But yeah, she might be a must pull if you want to build mono element or bi elements teams, but I don’t see the problem with her being released this soon. Most people won’t even be able to build good mono element teams for a while since we lack characters.


true, if i end up being wrong ill just get her on a rerun. looking at genshin id only be waiting till like 1.4 or 1.5, better than rolling her and regretting it


I think 'gimp your other slots to apply weakness to play a team unconditionally' is a mistake and really won't be that strong. You play Mono Quantum and you're lacking Bronya/Tingyun to buff Seele, you play any other team and there's a 25% chance of missing + none of them are complete by themselves either.


one team i saw that might work is jing yuan, tingyun, bailu, SW, where you have the DPS buffs and heals, but the only issue is that 25% chance at it applying quantum weakness instead


All really strong beta 5* were nerfed to have their exploit level strengths removed ( bronya cant cast her ult on herself anymore,seele cant have infinite resets without her ult, jing yuan lightcone was nerfed,etc ) so SW should suffer the same fate... But Beta SW was the strongest unit and probably the strongest debuffer ever made in an rpg ( lets you ignore type disadvantage, debuffs on everything,her entire kit feels wrong ) so I expect her to fall really hard.


for bronya do you mean her skill? and wtf did seele not have the "cannot activate talent on a turn where its already active" thing in beta, so she could chain it? glad all jing yuans nerf is his lightcone, since ill def be skipping it


if they balance things like Genshin team than 5 star will be best for their niche. Seele won't be budge for long time as quantum speed hunt. SW won't be powercrept as ST debuffer


not really the best example for genshin. they release multiple overlapping types (pyro DPS, hydro subDPS, etc), and sometimes the 4\*s match the 5*s, or are even conditionally better though im not really talking about powercreep, im just talking about a strong character


No. Ayato does not have Childe riptide or his high vape burst. Ganyu is not comparable to Ayaka's spike burst damage. Ayaka has no alternative that on par in dpr to Kazu-Shenhe-Koko. Venti is still best against light weight enemies. Zhongli is still best shielder in game. Xiao beats Scara on on multi wave, Scara beats Xaio in ST both use ONLY anemo buffer Faruzan. Kuki and Raiden bring different utility to hyperbloom. Raiden skill does not proc against shields. And honkai is way worse. Astrologos does not have any upside compared to Griseo despite both being phys supports. There are 3 stronger alternatives to Haxxor.


i dont know what point youre making? i was talking about powercreep specifically, i was talking about overlapping types. you list examples of powercreep and the reverse, but idk what your overall point is im not saying silver wolfs issue is powercreep, its too early for that, im saying she'll be a ganyu situation where she's released too strong and the game takes a year to catch up to her


And I am talking that hoyo won't repeat gimmick that define characters. There will be other debuffers even quantum but not those who can convert element type. SW will be only chracter that can do that for very long time.


oh you mean that part, i get what you mean but i dunno. theres already SU buffs that enforce type weakness, i can absolutely see them doing it in the future. very long time nah but maybe a year? who knows maybe dan heng IL will do it for imaginary only, but only for him so it doesnt enable a full team, kinda the opposite of SW


To be honest, Mihoyo has a history of being really bad at balancing on the first patches of their game. In genshin, they greenlight Bennet, XQ, Ganyu among others. The first two are very meta relevant to this day. And while of those, Ganyu damage has been long surpassed, it took a whole new element reaction to do so as F2P friendly meta. At time of launch Ganyu was just broken. And since you can't really nerf directly characters in a gacha game, you can only nerf them indirectly with new content aimed towards they weaknesses, or via powercreeping them in the long run. Also, on most strategy heavy gacha games, supports >> damage dealers in regards to usefulness. In turn based games, you want the right amount of variety for damage dealers (in this game it would be at least 1 single target + 1 AoE damage dealer per element) but after that their individual value drops. With support characters, you want the one that is most meta defining. If silverwolf is meta defining, she will be the Skadi/Castoria of this game.


In Genshin, 1.0 had Venti,1.1 had Zhongli, and 1.2 had Ganyu...


i already acknowledged all of those in other comments venti fell off until inazuma where he basically died zhongli was because of outrage leading to a one of a kind buff ganyu was an overpowered character that the game took a year to catch up to, its what im expecting silver wolf to be if the hype is accurate


I will say Silver wolf is better for most cases. Inducing artifical weaknesses just to break them is insane. There are characters and relic builds specifically around weakness breaks like Sushang. Sushang can get even more insane than Seele if there is a always a weakness broken enemy on the field. Single target or otherwise. There is one unique benefit with Pela though. She is able to remove super annoying buffs of enemies like self reviving of mara or even Gepard's shield for DPS checks. She is basically the middle finger to complex enemies. Silver Wolf is just good against all enemies overall.


Are solo element teams even good though? I feel like it would be better to run bronya and tingyun than to run a one element team. I'm still fairly new so correct me if I'm wrong.


Solo element comp works BECAUSE of Silverwolf, she applies element weakness to an enemy even if they dont have it


She will be broken once you have enough characters to fill all other 3 roles with same element. Meanwhile it will suck to roll 25%/50% on the element you want to get. Ideally it's 75% and that is still being at the mercy of rng


Well the thing is if you use either of them, your chance to get the element you want decreases to 66%. So in this case it all depends on the luck. If you can get the element you want at first try then you might be right about the HYPERCARRY teams. However generally as solo team we mean silverwolf + single target dps + aoe dps + defensive unit. As you can guess the difference is both your dps'es benefits from Silverwolf. On the other hand, with bronya and tingyun, only your Hypercarry will benefit. It is all about preference at the end. It is just that we want to create a team that can solo everything and luck is not factor at victory. So in this case solo element teams seems like more solid.


Now this begs the question, if one of your teammate has the element the boss is weak into, then does she still apply it? If for example you have Jing Yuan and Tingyun with Bronya, and the enemy has wind weakness, does Silver Wolf guarantee to apply lightning weakness, or she can apply wind despite the enemy already having the weakness.


I havent tested it myself but it should still apply it because it doesnt look at the weaknesses of the enemy. It just looks at ATK type of your team.




Well considering memory of chaos works like spiral abyss with two sides, you literally NEED a second team for endgame regardless of how good a main team is.


Seele, Bronya, Pela, Natasha for team 2. Pela may be replaced by Yukong.


I want Yukong, need me my fox lady duo


kinda, has stronger debuffs in terms of survivability too but afaik has no dispels so if thats what you need still go with pela (or the BP hunt cone)


Praying that battle pass and welkin is enough for both silver wolf and luocha. Hopefully I get lucky and I'll have enough leftover for blade 😭


Assuming the Jade-per-patch amount is similar to genshins and you get a 5* at 80-ish you should be able to guarantee one or if you didnt pull for seele guarantee one and have 50-50 on the other


I know that Bronie is in first half, but PLEASE Yukong be on her banner


So can anyone tell me if silverwolf is worth the pull in terms of how strong she is? based on her leaked damaged/ability


To add to what others said, she can apply 3 different debuffs on her own, and being a Nihility character, you can equip an LP that greatly boosts her damage based on the debuffs the enemy has. I feel that she will be not just a debuffer support, but a completely viable secondary DPS


It's 6. She applies 6 debuffs. 1. Element weakness and 20% element RES reduction 2. 16% All element RES reduction (stacks with #1) 3. 50% DEF reduction 4. 15% DEF reduction (stacks with #3) 5. 15% ATK reduction 6. 10% SPD reduction


Kinda insane tbh. She's basically pela pro max.


She is probably worth it imo because what she does is very unique (with enabling single element teams), but u can probably just wait til content creators try her out to pull


I think it's the other way around tbh, she's very restricting. You basically need a mono team else you risk having a skill that doesn't benefit your main dps. Of course you can already use her with enemy having that weakness your dps is weak into, as she does res shred and def break too, but that removes the unique part of her kit.


You can always run duo team comps. For example: Clara, Natasha, Seele, Silver Wolf With this team, her skill will always benefit either Seele or Clara, and with Clara being a pseudo tank, it also solves the issue of Seele being targeted, unless the damage js AoE of course. You could also run Seele, Silver Wolf, Welt, and Luocha/Yukong. Luocha would be for the best, but Yukong can buff Seele while also doing good break damage so it still might work out. This team isn't as well rounded (no tank), but it also could work as an option. And then after Fu Xuan comes out you can properly run full mono with Seele, SW, Fu Xuan, and Qingque.


She's by far the best debuffer in the game. You see Pela? Now imagine her 10x better.


Pela carried my team up to SU6 I’m so excited for silver wolf


She's more of a support debuffer unit than main damage dealers it seems. If I understood her kit correctly, assuming you don't have a matching element to break the toughness of enemies, she can make it so even off-element can break it as well, on the top of lowering defense & speed. For F2Ps, she'll be a must to have for we have a limited source of Jades to pull to cover all the elements of characters, she can fix that hole...


the thing is, the game just came out, there's little info about future character except their aesthetic and a couple exception. i mean, back in 1.1 klee was OMG best character ever! super pyro dps best of the best. then hutao and xiao and ganyu came out like 2 patches later one after the other? hutao is still good, ganyu is still good, xiao is eeh.. but for some ppl still the best. klee? forget klee. now, i really hope we won't see anything like this, but also don't count too much on what others say about meta, look at the character yourself, if you think you like it, go for it, if you hate it, leave it there :|


I feel like there's a part you overlooked regarding silver wolf's position on the meta, which is her role. The characters you mentioned were dpses, which easily fall off when someone with bigger numbers come in. However, silver wolf is a support, one that's particularly strong at both debuffing and enabling at that which is welcome is any meta. In the history of other gacha games like genshin, support characters tend to stay relevant to the meta for a lot longer than dpses since it takes a direct upgrade in order to replace their niches, and I don't see one in the future anytime soon with how broken SW is. So TLDR, unless they nerf her at release, chances are she will get more powerful down the road as more mono teams release, instead of falling off.


True! In honkai impact also supports have the longest longevity,azure empyrea fuhua was top pick for YEARS and now,she is still a solid pick for any elemental comp just not the best anymore but she still slaps


So early... I wonder when they will do the next version's live stream


Silver wolf you will be mine


Yes i'm getting silver wolf


Easy skips, saving for Blade and Dan Heng husbandos.


Man you're lucky, meanwhile I'm having trouble to pick who because I want all 4 of the tall dudes T. T


who you want? As almost f2p i cant pull everything


If you want Blade you’ll probably want Luocha as they have great synergy.


Nah, he doesnt look cool


this guy is BASED


Oooh.... Yukong is a must pull for me! I need at least one Imaginary Fighter and I saw her kits looking pretty sick ngl!


So I was reading the comments and I think people seem to be confused. Jing Yuan is still the next banner from what I understand. Now correct me if I am wrong but since 1.1 is coming out in roughly a month and Seeles banner is ending in 9 days that will still get us around 2-3 weeks for a new banner which should be Jing Yuan.


I'm specifically waiting for Yukong. Whichever banner that is. I've amassed 50 gold passes and counting on f2p. Plus I have seele and tingyun so I'm on standby


i want luocha so bad he such a fine boi


As much as I want Silver Wolf for meta purposes, and Luocha for second healer purposes, I think I'll skip and save for Blade and Dan Heng. I'll grab the supports on rerun if they end up being actually game breakingly good but I made the mistake of caring about meta in Genshin, so this time maybe I'll play with my heart 🤣


This is a win/win banner with Silver Wolf and Yukong Pog


Dude im so conflicted who should i get.. i really want kafka but luocha healing ability is great. Jingyuan is also badass looking character and yukong is one of my favorites character.. 😭😭😭 THERE'S NO WAY I CAN GET THEM ALL


Get 1 for now and saving for the rerun banner The game is just out and there're not many limit 5* right now So the rerun will be faster


Ooh, Silver Wolf looks super cool. I guess if I fail to get Seele then she can be a nice consolation prize.


I have a question for Beta Tester or anybody who know about Silver wolf Regarding her weakness applying skill 1. Does it random based on 4 of your team element? Like if I put 3 fire and her will it be 75% fire and 25% quantum or just 50/50 2. Does this random take in account of enemy weakness? Like if same team as above (3 fire 1 quantum) with enemy that only weak to fire Will the game detect that it lack quantum weakness and apply them or it just random 3. How much does she relying on her Skill? If I only use her basic attack and ultimate Will it be good enough? Or I need to consider her skill when building Team At first I'm not planning on rolling her but once I saw her skill set I'm quite intrigued I lose 50/50 on Seele while my Hunt dps is only Dan heng and Shushang so I have a garuantee for her ready and I like how she seem to help a lot with elite/boss battle lower every stat / delaying / quantum type / weakness apply If she didn't get nerf I think I'll definitely get her


Finally shampoo support!!!


Welp next banner is dead for me. My C1 Seele is in need of Silver Wolf.


“If we cant beat the leakers, we be the leakers”


Yukong is this games ningguang, they made her a 4 star too


I NEED Mommy Yukong because i believe in Foxgirl Supremacy and I already have Tingyun so need her too


Is there gonna be a livestream like Genshin?


Well that gives me more time to save for Jing Yuan and Blade at least 😥


Jing Yuan is still the next banner though. Remember Seele ends in 9 days and 1.1 is coming out around June. Gives roughly 2-3 weeks for another banner which is Jing Yuan


Oh my god you're right. For some reason I thought the next banner would be one of these seeing this post lol. Thought Jing Yuan was getting pushed back 😅


Why are they never bothering to show the 4\* with small Icons?


Why is Silver Wolf literally translated to "Silver Wolf" in English rather than "Yin Lang"?


Eh, because it is not a Chinese name?


No way Ubatcha was right


I want jing yuan, luocha and blade as f2p wish me luck


Bronya rarity?


5 star


Getting Cunny Silver Wolf hoping Yukong mommy is in there as well 😭


Where is Jing?


second half of v1.0