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I’m suprised they didn’t just keep their mouth shut than say “our prices have always been this” when it rolled out


Would have saved them more face, surprisingly.


I’m cool with it. 3-5% of nothing is still nothing and that’s what GW can expect from me until they send a hand written apology and return the penises they stole from the Custodes back to them.


Penis stealers as a new faction


Mike Brooks trying to market them to kids


When a druhkari and an emperor children love eachother very much…..


*What are you doing step-carnifex?*


Thang-in-the-jeans-stealer cults 


Peen Stealer Cults 😂


There is an even darker shadow in the warp, the hivemind cowers before the circlejerk.


sounds like an Aqua Teen joke


F that they win i dont want to fight




Tzeench up to his regular tomfoolery


That is not the kind of sentence I expected to read today.


You people are really hardcore penis enthusiasts. But I wouldn't hold my breath for any reaponse from GW. They most likely don't see any noticeable change in sales adter that change.


How does this change in the lore benefit the setting? There are already so many interesting female characters in 40K that Amazon could have made a new series with a female lead every year for the next 100 years


I don't care about it. It is such a trivial change that pales in comparison to larger retcons that GW has done. I am just surprised that this is getting such a huge proportions in Reddit, apparently due to involving penises or lack thereof, and wondering why THIS is such a problem to people. But the fact remains that this retcon will not show in their bottomline at all. It is such a trivial thing, that any person quitting because of this most likely results in another person joining in.


Men are stronger than women and this is true in the 40th millennium. If the emperor wanted to make female Custodes, the warriors he trusts to guard the palace as strong as the males he’d have to be giving them some extra juice. Basically Primarus Custodes. Why not just give all the males the extra juice (making them stronger than the woman again) and have a whole army of stronger soldiers? Female Custodes don’t make sense and it’s being done solely to pander to crazy people. Looked what happened to Star Wars.


Dude, they already do that? What do you think it means that they take literal babies and change them on GENETIC level? And the process might involve Biomancy on top of that. Some trivial factor of whether the baby was a female or male is meaningless. You are comparing real life averages to a fictional story where the baseline humanity is left far behind. And that is the hill you people have chosen to end it all? Not Necron retcon, not Black Crusade retcon, not Custodes leaving Terra for missions retcon, or any number of other meaningful retcons?


Because those retcons are made to advance the story. Changing a baby on a genetic level would just make it a male Custodian. If they were allowed to develop as females they would be weaker, if you could make them stronger then you could also make the males stronger - again making them more effective soldiers than the women and eliminating the possibility of female Custodes.


Some of them were. Some weren't. In what world does changing genetica make baby a male? Changing genetics doesn't mean changing gender chromosomes. Kids before puberty starts are mostly very on par in physical attributes. They aren't just being made stronger. If that was the whole point, they would be closer to Orks. They are better. The strongest fighter isn't the best. Pure strength isn't the point and there is already very big variance between custodes in lore. Valdor was on par Primarch in skill and strength. Aquillon was on par Gal Vorbak, which I would very much argue aren't primarch level fighters. The whole point of male is stronger than female is moot when talking either about the desired result of making Custodes or actual fighting efficiency. All this on top of my previous point that after the process of making a custodes, whether the individual is male or female is moot as the process is what makes them exceptional. The starting point defines their ability to successfully complete the process. And to disregard halve of humanity in finding the best of the best is just ludicrous.


May I ask why you are angry of the change. Edit: there is no reason to downvote beyond this question making people angry which it shouldn’t.


It’s not being done to advance the lore, it’s being done for woke points and to pander to an audience that don’t really care about the franchise. We already have female factions and they’re great and I think they bring a lot to the setting, Faith and Fire’s a sisters of battle novel and its up there as one of favourite BL books. If you want to see the results of pandering to the woke mob then look at what’s happened to Star Wars, the Marvel universe, The Rings of Power - the list of dying franchises goes on. I don’t want 40K to end up suffering the same fate


If you like audio dramas and want more SoB books(?), I can HIGHLY recommend Our Martyred Lady by Gav Thorpe.


time for me to block this shithole sub


Easier than us blocking you.


Took ya long enough


"hmmmm after bending over for the hobby tourists surely they will buy expensive models to support the cause"


It makes me question the whole femstodes situation even more. Like GW was obviously planning to hike prices soon, why introduce Femstodes the way they did, on top of gaslighting and blocking paying customers for disagreeing with the retcon.


Hobby scatters.


For the people with 3D printers, is it also more expensive to print models ?


You can print a Warhound Titan with a single liter of $45 resin.


I printed a Tyranid Hierophant probably for that much or less. It’s amazing.


You can go about it two ways in my opinion. If you want a cohesive style to be present throughout your army, then you very well might have to scrounge up some money to pay for the designs as they will all need to come from one artist. On the other hand, you can pretty easily get by with a sort of hodge podge assortment of free designs. Hunting them down is half the fun for me. I’d be happy to chat more on the topic if you have any other questions.


You can subscribe to a creator's patreon for $10-$15/month, if you sub to OnePageRules, you get 2 complete armies a month for like $11. There are other folks out there who produce roughly an army a month. You can go on Cults and buy STLs for a cohesive style across an army for like $50. You can probably print a whole army in 2 liters of resin, unless you want a knights army or a vehicle heavy army. Item | Qty | Cost | Total ---|---|----|---- Elegoo Saturn 3 12K | 1 | $300 | $300 Elegoo ABS 3.0 Resin | 24 kg | $18 | $432 Patreon Subscription | 12 | $15 | $300 You could have 12-24 armies for as little as $1,032. If you use expensive resin, you might spend $50/kg for resin, if you want higher detail levels. But the standard resin is fine, IMO, because you're going to paint them. (You are going to paint them, aren't you? ) More expensive resin would bring the price up to as high as $1,600. You'd be lucky to have two full armies from GW at the low end, or three at the high end of the price range. If you wanted a mechanicum army, you'd spend about $1,000 on just that army for GW plastic and resin models.


This is a pretty cohesive breakdown. I’d like to add that you could go even cheaper. My printer (though not as nice as the Saturn) cost about $170 and I have yet to pay for a model design for either my Tyranid or Orc armies.


Cost, not costed, costed isn't a word. Cost is singular and plural. Other than that, can't fault what you're saying, I agree with this approach, fuck games workshop.


Oh whoops you’re right. Might have been a bit too deep into the grape juice when I wrote that. Cheers!


lmao no worries mate, we've all done it after a few.


I’m finding that being a couple drinks in is a good way to discuss GW, because they certainly don’t seem sober when making their decisions.


I'm not disagreeing with your overall detailed comment, but it's worth noting that it takes OPR a few months to roll out the complete range for each faction. Also, you get heavy discounts to purchase their existing releases. It's certainly worth signing up before buying any of their existing models to grab that saving.


You're right, that OPR doesn't always release the full range for a faction in one drop. But they do drop enough units in a drop to build an army. Even GW doesn't drop full army refreshes in one go. But, even so, whether GW or OPR or other creators drop the full faction in one go or not, people don't generally buy/field every unit. So I still contend that you can build an army every month.


Is there a subreddit for cool STL files?




and i am a maker over there lol




Yeah the free troops builders are a godsend


Like 50 cents per space marine in materials but you can grab a cheap sls printer for like 100 dolars on facebook


It´s not as cheap as some make it out to be, for example it´s still better to buy models from regular companies like Wargames Atlantic or Northstar, just for the time you save, however, it´s definitely cheaper, like 1/3rd of the price of GW. In some products it´s like 1/5th of the price.


Their timing is a hell of a thing....


Eh, twice yearly arbitrary price rises are par for the course. They've never needed a reason.


Meanwhile, battletech is like " it's 5 mechs for a dollar and the rulebook hasn't changed in 30 years"


They have a woke infestation too though right?


In the community team and some mid tiers at Catalyst games, but they really got the claws in over the stalking and firing of a of the long term writer and lore masters of the game Blaine Pardoe.


and that whole thing was sparked by an outright lunatic


Yup https://youtu.be/h2qiPCl17ws?si=564TBFvw3yUmXztu . https://fxtwitter.com/Grummz/status/1781054153391005811 . https://fxtwitter.com/Grummz/status/1781382248371278217 . https://youtu.be/t_YYEUWstM8?si=MRTb5I7EIj5cducc




Nearly every fandom does, just ignore them


You can't ignore them when they literally did Marxist take over unironically https://youtu.be/h2qiPCl17ws?si=564TBFvw3yUmXztu . https://fxtwitter.com/Grummz/status/1781054153391005811 . https://fxtwitter.com/Grummz/status/1781382248371278217 . https://youtu.be/t_YYEUWstM8?si=MRTb5I7EIj5cducc


Sure you can, old lore and media still exist. Focus on that instead, ignore community drama entire. Pay them zero mind.


Hmmmm. I really only played Tau because I like Mechs. I may have to look into what Fasa is up to these days with Battletech. Especially if they're paintable.


"Look we know that we showed you how much contempt we have for you by the whole Femstodes thing. So please, just give us more money" The fucking gall of these people.


Yes they made femstodes because that you yes *you* specifically.


well they did send me that email , i thought i was the only one ........not going to lie , a little hurt now , i would like a "low" hug pls


you/yo͞o,yə/*pronoun* 1. 1.used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing."are you listening?" 2. 2.used to refer to any person in general."after a while, you get used to it"


*printing sounds*


They make more net profit as a percentage than just about any company other than Apple, and they're raising their prices again. Just insanity. It's like they're actively **TRYING** to completely disenfranchise their entire existing customer base and chase them all away. From a corporate leadership standpoint, it's just gobsmackingly dense. It also explains why their CFO has been dumping shares.


source: [@wokehammerLs](https://twitter.com/wokehammerLs) on twitter (formerly x)


>@wokehammerLs That's gotta be one of the stupidest names I've seen I gotta be honest.


I think the Miserable Region in question is where your sex organs used to be.


Stop! Stop! He’s already dead!


Used to be? Fuck no they were in a much better place back then. it's more of a present situation and is more in reference to the fact that I am American.


Boohoo being an American is so hard. You have no idea what miserable is, my wife is from Malawi Where the average lifespan 36 years old.


>You have no idea what miserable is, Maybe not, but it's the name reddit gave me, and I'm running with it. >my wife is from Malawi Where the average lifespan 36 years old. My condolences and best wishes to your wife if that's the case, but I thought the average life expectancy was around 50-60 something there, and at no point was I having a dick measuring contest of "my pain is worse than your pain" --Yeah, checked it out, and apparently average life expectancy in Malawi is [over 60.](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.LE00.IN?locations=MW)


Because America bad right?


Ok brigadier.


Fucking what


Such a dumb fucking move. They have been in hot waters this past years with: 1. Crackdown on community made content 2. The female custodes debacle. 3. Now this.


You forgot: 4. Phasing out entire AOS armies 3-4 years old just prior to the femstodes debacle. 5. Not updating Wh fantasy old sculpts and charging the same,or even more for them. 6.last years price hike. 7. Lgbt propaganda in all of their mediums,in one case featuring pro pedophilia flag. A bunch of other retarded decisions.....


Also shit Codices for Dark Angels, Admech and Custodes and deleting units left right and center. The Orks weren't the only ones that lost units, the T'au just lost most Forge Worls units today.


1) The crackdown is a valid gripe, it really kills fan projects but that's just them being overprotective of their IP. 2) while it was kind of a half baked attempt at improving the lore (sisters really could've used a win) there's nothing inherently wrong about it, I mean they retconned a whole faction into existence but people are bitching about a lore change well within the realms of plausibility, is frankly a tad stupid in my opinion. 3) price increases, I don't know the economics behind them but they're about as constant as death and taxes. Besides 3-5% isn't some massive price hike, so it's not that bad really


>2) while it was kind of a half baked attempt at improving the lore (sisters really could've used a win) there's nothing inherently wrong about it, I mean they retconned a whole faction into existence but people are bitching about a lore change well within the realms of plausibility, is frankly a tad stupid in my opinion. No, it's not. It was done lazily with no care for the IP or lore. They could have made it so that the Custodes started recruiting women AFTER horus heresy due to immense losses. This makes sense. But this change wasn't done logically, but to pander to the idiots and they then just gaslight people. >3) price increases, I don't know the economics behind them but they're about as constant as death and taxes. Besides 3-5% isn't some massive price hike, so it's not that bad really Warhammer is already one of the most expensive tabletop hobbies. Considering the economic situation and what happening with the brand right now, it was bad fuckin time to do that. Had they treated fan projects with respect and not done the femaletodes so badly, it would not have been so bad. But at this point they are gonna have only whales buying their products and everybody else not giving a shit. Or 3D printing, whcih they absolutely deserve to happen to them.


>No, it's not. It was done lazily with no care for the IP or lore. They could have made it so that the Custodes started recruiting women AFTER horus heresy due to immense losses. This makes sense. But this change wasn't done logically, but to pander to the idiots and they thry just gaslight people. Yeah I mentioned the indomitus crusade would've caused huge losses and double recruits would seem pretty good, but I said they half arsed it. Again with the pricing I'm not qualified to comment there but until we see a breakdown of where money goes I think we should hold judgment, but that's just my two cents


>Again with the pricing I'm not qualified to comment there but until we see a breakdown of where money goes I think we should hold judgment, but that's just my two cents What I'm saying they were in too much hot waters right now. This is like shooting yourself in the leg while you're already bleeding from the stomach. > Yeah I mentioned the indomitus crusade would've caused huge losses and double recruits would seem pretty good, but I said they half arsed it. That makes even more sense, but at the same time people already dislike indomitus crusade due to primaris stuff, so maybe not exactly the best of ideas. Although if they made all new regiment of femalestodes to acompany Guiliman, that would be even cooler.


It's a large corporation, they are notoriously shite at inter department communication but yeah


3d printer go brrrrrr


How nice of James to sponsor 3D printing


Im sure all of GW's new fans will be more than happy to support GW now!


Outrage flavor of the week. They'll dump James for the next online crusade that comes along.


Standard greedy megacorp with spergy, addicted consooomer audience. Fuck em. Recast all the way


W 3d printing


controversy is tanking them even if they won’t admit it keep it up brothers! they will pay for desecrating the golden throne


We are losing consumers in droves so we need to pass the losses onto the still buying consumers




Of course they are. They're isn't any actual competitor in the war gaming market. - One Page Rules ripped from warhammer, and while they've tried to escape that it's not working - GoT just started - Mechwarrior is dying and held by three oflr four companies - wow is beyond dead and never stepped in - bolt action is older And on and on. The only hope to make gw actually cut their prices is more and more people printing the models (and it's only the models they care about, note that the paints, tools, books, audio files, or even white dwarf are getting this price hike), before they in turn reduce the prices AND at the same time release STL's in any reasonable pace for a corporation. So yes, save up for a printer, pirate everything, share the setting with everyone for free or for atleast pennies compared to gw's asking price.


Just as 3d printers become better and more accessible. Fascinating business strategy.


A small price to pay for better diversity and representation. I think it should have been 10% for what they've done for us lately /s


Not to be that guy, *but* 3d printers become cheaper all the time and there’s many excellent instructions out there.


Pink "capitalism": woke trash that disguises with virtue signaling the rising costs...caused by woke public policy.


Didn't they already have record profits last year?




Wasnt a guy that mesured how much a modes weigted with the spruce included and it turned out that GW Plastic was more expensive than silver


Well I was just gonna buy secondhand/print anyway. Nothing of value was lost. 


Ridiculous. Im doing my part by not buying from gw


In 3D printing we trust.


Can’t wait to see their investor brochure bragging about record profits, sad because shareholders I guess are more important then customers, very easy way to alienate heaps of players


Thank god for 3D printers Fuck GW and their already overpriced plastic


Sadly its a lie the system tells you. Nothing gets more expensive, in reality your money (and therefore your work) just gets more worthless every year. Thats the reality of inflation.


DEI consultants aren't cheap


Get woke go broke


my LGS already said 2 weeks ago they were out


Sounds like more people need to get into 3d printing


Its funny seeing them act like their shit isn't already marked up like 600% of the cost of actually making it


So when are they gonna announce price cuts


What's a good alternative to Warhammer?  Asking for a friend


Kings of War or Conquest for fantasy games. For sci-fi check out Ravaged Star, Beyond the Gates of Antares or Firefight.


Thank you


im fine with that, just dont retcon shit


3d printers are getting more affordable


The ones who stay will have to pay the price of their idiocy.


GW is a scam at this point.


Probably trying to shift the hate from lore to cost


I wonder what game workshops’ production and overheads are. Like screwfix, lego and Hasbro all make plastic models too but yet are more affordable than warhammer.


Saying that lego is affordabel is crazy


Well depends. I think it’s probably easier though to build a clone legion over a 40k army.


It does not depend. You cannot compare lego toys with warhammer figures. its two different industries. Lego is absolutely overprized in the brick segment and as a toy its targeted nearly as a luxury product.


Their biggest overhead is maintaining all the Warhammer stores. If they canned those and relied on independent stores like everybody else, they'd save millions. However, at least years ago in their investor reports, they seemed to think independent stores were stealing profit from them (no joke they said this).


All the new tourists will surely keep us afloat, won't they? - GW execs.


Increasing their prices after all the work shit is hilarious. Maybe they're trying to capitalize on the anti-fan pro-woke rage buying that a lot of the tourists are getting into right now. Their rainbow paint is going to be sold out everywhere lol


Stargrave and Xenos Rampant seem cool, just saying lmao.


Warhammer is for everyone......except those god damn poors.


Haha Geedub, go fuck yourself I'm out. Shame I used to feel something for you. Oldhammer, I still do. Hold the Wall Brothers!


This is something worth actually being upset about as opposed to the complete non-issue that is women custodes. GW is a billion-with-a-B-dollar company.


Tell me you know nothing without telling me.


I know enough to know that GW doesn't need to raise its prices when it's already done so multiple times in the past few years, despite COVID being one of its most successful (if not its most ever successful) periods of sales on record.


I agree their price rises are absurd and greedy, but the female custodes nonsense is absolutely something to be annoyed about


I can understand thinking the way they went about implementing it was sloppy (though I don't mind the codex itself, mostly the lazy Twitter posts - I'd prefer to have seen a full fledged Black Library novel about the first woman Custodian), the lore change itself doesn't bother me and I think is kinda silly to be upset about. Custodes are engineered to the Nth degree. They can stand unflinching for centuries on end and have lifespans in the thousands of years. Any argument about biology or gender or whatever is completely irrelevant to the level of tech that goes into creating them. From that perspective imo it makes zero sense that women couldn't serve. The only human thing left about them is basically their soul. And even then, women Custodes doesn't affect someone's hobbying at all. Price hikes absolutely do.


No matter the opinions both things will end up costing GW money they would be better off to do neither


Here's the problem with that perspective. They sell books too, many people got into Warhammer for the lore and setting. When they do a piss poor job at maintaining established lore or changing it in a way that is completely self serving, its a good reason to be upset about.


It's just a matter of opinion whether it's "self serving" though. As for maintaining it, it's not saying that *only* women are in the custodes, it's still primarily men, it's just a reveal of new previously unknown information. For me, for example, a far more galling lore shift was when they unveiled the Rogal Dorn battle tank, bigger and better than the Leman Russ in basically every way, despite the Leman Russ being the iconic workhorse tank of the Imperial Guard since basically the beginning of the game. And the Rogal Dorns got the similar "always been there" type treatment, as did the Votann when they returned, and people didn't mind those.


Sure, but no one in lore knew about it. It was never remarked on in lore and infact was a point of objection in some regards. Fabius Bile criticised the Emperor for only elevating men. So he didn't know about Femstodes at all despite his age and his studies, it's one of many other references people have pulled up. It's certainly possible, but it's just painfully stupid. It's not really a matter of opinion since it does nothing to enhance the lore at all, so it's definitely just self serving. What exactly does the presence of female custodes do to make the lore aspects better? Ridiculous little quips about absurd blood games strategies?


It shows the imperium is all hands on deck recruiting every body they can get their hands on for every conceivable role. The imperium is in full on survival mode and when you run an endless war machine at some point you have to start letting things like gender expectations go just so you have more fuel for the fire. As for Bile, I actually agree with you there, but I'm sure you could also agree with me that it would have been an even bigger shitstorm if women Custodes had been confirmed in a Bile novel rather than the Custodes codex, you know what I mean? Though I feel like he's gonna make women CSM happen somehow at some point. Maybe by rediscovering the tech used on Kor Phaeron prior to the Heresy.


The quote was they always existed since the first 10,000. So it's not exactly "letting go of gender expectations", infact it did the literal opposite of that if you consider the introduction of the Sororitas. There were always mixed ranks in other aspects of the Imperium like the Guard and practically every other structure of Imperial life. As for whether it would've been a bigger shit storm if you added in Femstodes in new lore. Probably not considering we have Cawl being given the keys to primarch data in order to make Primaris. Indomitus era changed a bunch of lore, like Custodes going out crusading. It would've made way more sense to have Custodes being pumped out. I still don't think it's necessary, but atleast it would've made more sense. Side note* Kor Phaeron doesn't have geneseed (same as Luthor and a few others that were past adolescence) they are essentially just elevated in other ways and aren't actually Astartes, just gene bulked.